Advantage Magazine | January 2023

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January 2023
Rochester Area
| Advantage Magazine 2 January 2023 January 2023 Feature Meet the Member Newsreel 2023 LEGISLATIVE PREVIEW EA THERAPEUTIC HEALTH What’s Inside Advertising Information: Brent Ackerman Advantage Information and Questions: Sophia van Oss 4 10 26 Chamber News Community News 14 24

Chamber President

Ryan Parsons 507-288-1122

Membership Development Director Brent Ackerman 507-424-5666

Membership Director Kali Aldrich 507-424-5665

Communications & Design Director Sophia van Oss 507-424-5661

Director of Operations Cheryl Krage


Public Affairs & Leadership Development Director

Jonathon Krull 507-424-5677

Membership Director Tim Shea 507-424-5663

Events & Program Director Ally Sheehan 507-424-5687

Administrative Assistant Cherie Thurlow 507-288-1122


Chair of the Board Treasurer John Eckerman RSP Architects

Vice Chair Scott Eggert Broadway Plaza

At Large Steve Dunn Taco JED


Jessica Eidem IBM Corporation

Secretary Dr. Christine Beech Copiavia

Santhi Arunachalam

Chad Behnken

Dr. Jeffrey Boyd

Dr. Lori Carrell

Heather Donovan

Abel Garcia

Doug Holtan

Jarett Jones


Rochester Community & Tech. College

Marge Kelley

Omar Nur

Sylwia Bujak Oliver

David Pederson

Sterling State Bank

Xylo Technologies Inc. Hamilton Real Estate University of Minnesota - Rochester Remodeling D.L, LLC

Mayo Clinic Merchants Bank

The Chamber promotes business success which supports a thriving community.

Jack Priggen

Dunlap & Seeger, P.A. 125 Live Somali American Social Service Assoc.

Gillette Pepsi of Rochester Cardinal of MN, LTD.

Nikki Rabehl Olmsted Medical Center

Gwen Stevens People’s Energy Cooperative


Chamber Advantage USPS 446-900 is published monthly by the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce at 220 S Broadway Ste 100 | Rochester, MN 55904 | Phone: 507-288-1122

Periodical Postage paid at Rochester, Minnesota | Annual Subscription: $20 (free to Chamber members) | John Eckerman, Chair of the Board | Editor: Sophia van Oss Postmaster: Send address changes to: Chamber Advantage, 220 S Broadway Ste 100, Rochester, MN 55904 or email:

Advantage Magazine | 3 January 2023
Rochester-area businesses are empowered to succeed in a diverse and collaborative climate.


Hear from local legislators on what key issues in session they see impacting businesses, expectations of the 2023 session, and trends.

What do you foresee as a key issue that will impact the Rochester area business community in the 2023 legislative session?

One key issue affecting the Rochester business community that I plan to continue working on is childcare. The lack of quality affordable childcare is a barrier to meeting the workforce needs in our community. We must build a childcare and early learning system that is affordable and accessible to everyone, currently that just isn’t the case and many people, often women, are having to leave the workforce because of it. Investments in early care and learning bring value not only to the families affected, but the entire community, for generations to come and if we’re serious about solving workforce issues, we need to solve childcare issues.

What are your expectations for the 2023 legislative session? Are there trends the business community should be aware of?

My expectations for the 2023 legislative session are high because I believe the expectations the people of Minnesota place upon us are high, as they should be. I expect we’ll get to work swiftly to meet the needs of workers, families, children, seniors - all Minnesotans. As a state, we have the resources to do this, we are fortunate to be in a position to determine the best way to allocate the resources we have and there’s a great deal of work to do, especially in systems that have been underfunded for years. The legislative session will be fast and we’ll need to be able to do many things at once to meet the responsibility and opportunity before us. I look forward to that work.

| Advantage Magazine 4 January 2023
Sen. Liz Boldon
Feature F

What do you foresee as a key issue that will impact the Rochester area business community in the 2023 legislative session?

I believe that the workforce shortage will be a key issue this session. Rochester, like much of Minnesota, is struggling to find workers which is affecting local businesses and the economy.

What are your expectations for the 2023 legislative session? Are there trends the business community should be aware of?

I believe that this session will be focused on supporting workers and families by focusing on lowering healthcare costs, ensuring people have the time and support they need to care for themselves and their families, and working to improve workforce shortages.

What do you foresee as a key issue that will impact the Rochester area business community in the 2023 legislative session?

As a small-business owner and Chamber member, my aim is to continue to give aid to small-businesses who are still recovering from the Pandemic. There will be legislation (such as Paid Family-Medical Leave) that will be huge for working families, but the legislature ought to be careful to protect small businesses in MN.

What are your expectations for the 2023 legislative session? Are there trends the business community should be aware of?

I think the 2023 legislative session will be defined by legislation aimed at making day-to-day life better for working families. I think the Rochester business community should look forward to these benefits helping bring more people to MN and a larger portion of people coming to Rochester to stay long term, and thus help with our developing labor shortages.

Advantage Magazine | 5 January 2023
Rep. Andy Smith DISTRICT 25B Rep. Kim Hicks
Feature F

What do you foresee as a key issue that will impact the Rochester area business community in the 2023 legislative session?

One of the highest priorities of the legislature will be creating a program to provide paid family and medical leave for all employees, so workers who need time off to care for a newborn, deal with a family illness, or recover from their own illness, can do so without losing their jobs or all their income. This will help smaller businesses compete for employees by providing an important benefit that larger employers already offer, but without all the administrative burden. I believe this will also greatly improve the health and well-being of Minnesota families, which benefits everyone in our state.

What are your expectations for the 2023 legislative session? Are there trends the business community should be aware of?

This will be an extremely fast-paced and productive legislative session. The large budget surplus will allow the legislature and governor to address many immediate needs while also putting Minnesotans in a better position for the future.

Even with a DFL “trifecta,” there are still many competing interests within the legislature and within our state, so hard work and compromise will be required from everyone involved in the legislative process.

I believe that the Rochester area is well positioned for a successful session. Our strong local delegation will work hard to get funding for local capital investment priorities and other needs, including tax policies that help local governments provide services while reducing pressure on property taxes.


At the time of publication, a response was not available from Rep. Duane Quam (District 24A).

| Advantage Magazine 6 January 2023
Rep. Tina Liebling
Feature F

What do you foresee as a key issue that will impact the Rochester area business community in the 2023 legislative session?

The development of the FY24-25 budget impacts all Minnesotans. Providing meaningful tax relief will empower Minnesotans and drive economic growth. As a high tax state, this is always a concern but even more so during this time of high inflation. The $18 Billion budget surplus should make tax relief a sure thing. However, the DFL controlled House and Governor have supported a new payroll tax. It remains to be seen if the new DFL controlled Senate will follow suit. Providing property tax relief across the board would also be extremely helpful but is uncertain.

The growth of P-Tech (Pathways in Technology and Early College High) can help address local workforce shortages and drive equity. Rochester has Minnesota’s first P-Tech school with business partners IBM and Mayo Clinic providing career pathways in technology and healthcare.

Another key issue will be action on a capitol infrastructure bill, aka bonding bill. Our area has several critical projects: A full interchange at Highway 14 and County 44, the Materials Recovery Facility, Graham Park, Willow Creek Trail extension as well as taking care of other state assets and capital investment projects to promote innovative and collaborative partnerships between public and private entities.

What are your expectations for the 2023 legislative session? Are there trends the business community should be aware of?

The 2023 session will be notable for its large surplus, full agenda, and many newcomers.

It will be a robust session packed with developing a two-year budget, a major infrastructure bill, and managing a historic surplus. It will be notable for the large number of freshmen. Nearly 1 in 3 of legislators will be firsttermers. Needless to say, it will be a fast-paced session. While we do have an historic surplus there is still an appetite for increased revenues and regulation of business in Minnesota. I will be vigilant and fight against increasing the cost of doing business in Minnesota and urge you to join me in reducing the cost of being an entrepreneur in MN. Watch out for the tendency to spend one-time money on ongoing expenses. This would drive deficits or need for increasing revenues. Also, be on the alert for government growth into the private business sector.

While a divided government is hard work, it tends to eliminate the extremes. The new trifecta of full DFL control means that it is more important than ever for Minnesotans to pay attention to legislative proposals and engage with their elected officials. The Chamber can provide a great service by helping vet legislative proposals and gathering input from its members.

Advantage Magazine | 7 January 2023
Feature F
Sen. Carla Nelson DISTRICT 24

What do you foresee as a key issue that will impact the Rochester area business community in the 2023 legislative session?

In addition to the decision about whether the budget surplus will be resolved with tax cuts for over-taxed Minnesotans or redistribution of their money to people who didn’t earn it, there will be another major issue that business owners will want to tune into. Minnesota’s socialist Democrat party is about to deal another major blow to the free market. A government-run and mandated paid family and medical leave program will be pushed hard and likely signed into law by the coming legislative majority. With a socialist Democrat governor also elected to another term, the chances for it to be signed into law are good. The proposal that we have seen in the past includes a multi-billion dollar new payroll tax that will be levied against you. While I have always fought vehemently against these affronts to our freedoms, the new political landscape allows the newly-elected redistributionists to handle even more of business owners’ money. If you voted Democrat this past election, you can thank yourself for this new Marxist entitlement.

What are your expectations for the 2023 legislative session? Are there trends the business community should be aware of?

An unprecedented attack on your freedoms is about to commence at the Minnesota Capitol. Expect the growth in government programs to be massive. The 17.6 billion projected over-taxation by state government will provide the necessary substrate for the socialist Democrats to build and expand dozens of government programs in all areas. This will include piling even more of those resources upon the failing Minnesota education system, with virtually no contemplation of reforms to slow the development of the destructive ideologically-focused leftist movement that has overtaken the direction of many of Minnesota’s schools. While the trend in our schools has been to spend more and more money with less and less results for a diminishing population of students, expect the Democrats’ payback to the teachers unions this time to be huge. They want to increase the size of their retirement and they want taxpayers to pay the bill. Spending in government-paid healthcare programs will follow suit as well. Expect environmental regulations and permitting to become more and more complex, less responsive, and even more expensive for Minnesota businesses. I am sorry to report them, but the facts remain: Minnesotans are about to get the government for which they voted.

| Advantage Magazine 8 January 2023
Sen. Steve Drazkowski
Feature F

What do you foresee as a key issue that will impact the Rochester area business community in the 2023 legislative session?

As a newly elected member of the Republican minority in the Minnesota House of Representatives, my concerns lie with runaway government spending. Most people are aware that Minnesota is going into the 2023 legislative session with a 11-billion-dollar overcollection of tax dollars. Since democrats control the House, the Senate and the Governor’s office, there will be very little to stand in the way of wasteful spending. This could negatively affect Rochester area businesses because it is likely democrats will incorporate the budget surplus into the next budget, thereby driving state budgets higher in the future. Rochester area businesses need tax relief and I will work hard to give it to them, however I am concerned for the direction things could actually go.

What are your expectations for the 2023 legislative session? Are there trends the business community should be aware of?

The 2023 legislative session will be an uphill battle for both the business community and the taxpayer. We will need cooperation from the democrat majority to bring any meaningful tax relief to our area businesses. I am currently finishing my tenth year as a Winona County Commissioner where I have been serving in a minority for the last eight years. I will use that experience to find common ground and deliver tax relief for area businesses. Another aspect that we will need to work around is the extensive use of omnibus bills in St. Paul. There can be negative aspects to business in some parts of the bill while at the same time there are pieces that are very beneficial to business in a different part of the bill. I intend to work to separate these pieces so they can be voted individually.


The opinions expressed in the Legislative Preview are the sole views of the legislator. They do not reflect the opinions or views of the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce or its members. The publication of the legislator’s statements therein do not imply the expression of any endorsement whatsoever by the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce or its members.

Advantage Magazine | 9 January 2023
Rep. Steve Jacob
Feature F


EA Therapeutic Health is a nonprofit organization that strives to ensure those with physical disabilities have access to programs and services without financial barriers.

For those seeking services for physical, occupational, and speech therapy with financial constraints, EA Therapeutic Health steps in. This nonprofit organization aim is to provide access to all so others can make their health improvement goals.

CEO, Founder, and Doctor of Physical Therapy, Melanie Brennan, provided us with more information about this nonprofit therapeutic health improvement and rehabilitation organization.

| Advantage Magazine 10 January 2023
Meet the Member M

Q: Tell us about EA Therapeutic Health. What does your company offer to the Rochester region?

A: EA Therapeutic Health, formerly known as ExercisAbilities, is a physical rehabilitation and adaptive health and wellness program located in Rochester, MN with a mission to provide the best rehabilitation and adaptive health and fitness solutions to children and adults in our community! They bring physical, occupational, and speech therapy along with specialized adaptive fitness and health coaching services to everyone in need of ongoing care in and beyond the traditional health care model. They believe everyone should have the best resources available to meet their unique health improvement goals including community access to highly skilled support personnel, innovative rehabilitation equipment otherwise only available in medical institutions, and the best in accessible facility design.

EA Therapeutic Health is a nonprofit, 501c3 organization that strives to ensure that all children, teens, adults, and seniors living with physical disability have access to our programs and services without financial barriers to achieve healthy, happy, and independent.

Q: How did it start for EA Therapeutic Health?

A: In 2008, Melanie Brennan, PT, conceptualized ExercisAbilities as her final Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy Program project. After years of working in the acute rehabilitation inpatient and outpatient neurologic programs at Mayo Clinic Rochester, she saw a constant cycle of deterioration in her patients once they were dismissed often forcefully from insurance-based therapy programs.

She dreamed of having a place in Rochester where her patients could go to continue their therapy safely and effectively. A place where the staff understood neurologic recovery and adaptive fitness and wellness interventions. And above all, a place that they could easily access all interventions, feel welcome, and afford to attend lifelong as needed to achieve recommended levels of exercise and adequate amounts of interventions to maintain the independence, health, and quality of life they deserve.

In 2011, she decided to no longer wait for someone else to build this place she dreamed of. She left her job at Mayo Clinic and founded ExercisAbilities, initially mobile from her car, and later from the Rochester YMCA. In 2013 she began to hire staff and opened her first 2500 sq foot facility. In 2015, she converted EA to a Nonprofit 501c3 organization to match her mission of affordable and equitable care for all. In 2017 EA moved to our current location at 2530 Broadway Ave N. And in 2018, we added the pediatric rehabilitation program, EA Pediatrics. In 2021, we began to build a robust Volunteer Program to meet the needs of the underinsured.

Today, in 2022, Dr. Brennan and her staff of 28 provide therapeutic health improvement and rehabilitation programming to nearly 1000 unique individuals per year in 20,000 visits. A rebranding initiative reimagined therapy and fitness, to come to our new name, EA Therapeutic Health. Our goals are big, our great work still under recognized in our community. By 2026, we hope to grow our breadth to serve more than 6000 people each year!

Advantage Magazine | 11 January 2023
Meet the Member M

Q: EA Therapeutic Health became a member of the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce in 2012. What do you find valuable in your membership to the organization?

A: As CEO and Founder of a nonprofit, relationships, partnerships, and networking are essential to strengthen our work in our community and to spread the good news of our work. I have participated from the beginning in events and programming to grow as a leader and to evolve my company to meet the demands of our community. From Women in Business Roundtable, to nonprofit networking groups, to education opportunities and even the annual celebration, I learn something new about our amazing business community in and around Rochester each time I attend!


A: If you have not had a or experience a loved one going through a physically disabling injury, illness, or condition, you likely think that your health insurance will stick with you to cover needed services to return

you or your loved one to as close to your previous abilities as is possible. Unfortunately, this is just not true.

EA Therapeutic Health provides an extremely unique and innovative program by working beyond health insurance reimbursed physical therapy to provide skilled trainers to help children to adults and seniors continue their road to recovery and independence goal achievement after insurance ends. This program is so unique, that most people are unaware of how important it is or how all should take advantage of this.

Another unique fact is that indeed we are a nonprofit. We are here to serve ALL people, those that can pay for services and those facing financial barriers to pay. Children to adults and seniors needing physical, occupational, or speech therapy in additional to our specialized personal training and health coaching are here for our entire community to access at EA. Our therapists and health and fitness staff are the best in the business!

| Advantage Magazine 12 January 2023
What is a unique fact people should know about EA Therapeutic Health?
Meet the Member M
The EA Therapeutic Health team of 28 provides therapeutic health improvement and rehabilitation programming to nearly 1000 unique individuals per year.

A: Unfortunately, the outlook for health care business is not good. Health care businesses have a challenging income situation that is dependent on the government and commercial insurances willingness to pay us. It is unlike any other business model in the US. We are no longer able to negotiate reimbursement and we must take what they will pay us if we want to continue to contract to provide care to their members. We are challenged by continuous reductions to our pay.

In fact, congress just passed another cut of more than 3% to all rehabilitation providers in the US to our reimbursement rate without asking us what it costs to deliver care. And this is not isolated to Medicare or Medicaid. As your commercial premiums increase, our pay decreases from commercial insurers as well since they follow Medicare’s lead. The increased rates are not being passed to providers. Since 2020, EA has seen a $12 dollar reduction in our per hour reimbursement. This was preceded by several years of cuts as well. As the founder and CEO, I have seen a $30 drop in the amount per hour that we are reimbursed since opening our doors in 2011.

Despite this reduction, the financial demand on our company to keep up with growing salary expectations, increasing administrative requirements, and growing expenses including the need to pay for more digital apps to manage the day to day operations. As a nonprofit, we are able to provide some offset of the impact and continue to pay our staff competitively while provided equitable care to all, no matter how they are paying for services. However, if these cuts continue, you will see private practice and small business healthcare become a thing of the past. Groups

will have no choice but to consolidate with larger providers, turn nonprofit, or close their doors.

Fortunately, we collectively have the potential to change this trajectory through advocacy. I am a strong supporter of advocacy work through our chamber and professional associations. However, I heard yesterday that representatives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services stated that health care providers reimbursement for services will continue to drop until constituents start to complain. Your help to spread the word at the grass roots level is needed. It cannot just come from health care providers. It must come from the public. Have you asked your insurance what they paid the provider for your last medical care. You will be shocked how little it is for rehabilitation or other health improvement service.

To learn more about EA Therapeutic Health, visit them online at

Advantage Magazine | 13 January 2023 Meet the Member M
Q: What is the outlook for your business and industry?
EA Therapeutic Health serves children to adults and seniors needing physical, occupational, or speech therapy.


Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We Have a Dream Celebration is an annual community event held on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to commemorate the life and work of Dr. King. With hundreds in attendance, this event is an excellent opportunity to promote a welcoming and inclusive community.

Date: Monday, January 16, 2023

Time: Breakfast served at 8:30am, Program from 9:00am-10:30am Location: Mayo Civic Center, 30 Civic Center Dr SE, Rochester Admission: Free, open to the public, quantities are limited

Event location and format subject to change. Additional event details, including agenda, will be provided soon.

Additional community-wide activities hosted by the Rochester Branch of the NAACP:

• 10:30am – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom March Rally (First Floor of the Mayo Civic Center)

• 11:30 a.m. – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom March

• 12:00 p.m. – Community Peoples Program (Rochester Civic Theater)

• 1:00pm - Commemorative Celebration and Birthday Party (Rochester Civic Theater)

Learn more here:


Presenting Sponsors:

Celebration Sponsors:

Community Sponsors:

Charter Communications

Compcare Urgent Care Family Service Rochester, Inc. ISG

People’s Food Co-op

| Advantage Magazine 14 January 2023
Chamber News C


Agenda: Featured Keynote Speaker:

• Bernard Baumohl, Chief Global Economist at The Economic Outlook Group

Small Business and Entrepreneur Panel Discussion: Moderator – Ryan Parsons, President, Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce

• Shawn Fagan, Owner and CEO, Fagan Studios and Café Aquí

Economic Summit provides a current snapshot and forecast of the year ahead for the local, regional, and national economy, including insight into the economic trends impacting businesses in the Rochester region. Join us for this premier event on Thursday, January 31, 2023 to learn from industry leaders and our keynote speaker.

Date: Thursday, January 31, 2023 Time: 7:30am-11:00am (doors will open at 7:00am, program begins at 7:30am)

Location: Rochester International Event Center 7333 Airport View Dr. SW, Rochester Admission: $45 for members, $55 for non members, Registration is required

Register here:

• Daniel Johnson, Owner and CEO, Levels Apparel Additional panelists to be announced.

Industry Panel Discussion: Moderator – Ryan Parsons, President, Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce

• Mike Paradise, President/CEO, Bigelow Homes

• Jim Rogers, Chief Business Development Officer, Dept. of Business Development, Mayo Clinic Additional panelists to be announced.

Business Outlook Survey Results Presentation:

• Jennifer Hawkins, Extension Educator, Community Economics, University of Minnesota Extension

• Brigid Tuck, Senior Economic Impact Analyst, University of Minnesota Extension


Bernard Baumohl

Bernard Baumohl is chief global economist at The Economic Outlook Group. He is well known for being ahead of the curve in assessing the direction of the U.S. and world economy. In 2019, the Wall Street Journal ranked him as the most accurate economic forecaster. Mr. Baumohl was also an award-winning economics reporter with TIME magazine and covered the White House, Federal Reserve and Wall Street. In addition to his current role as chief global economist, Mr. Baumohl has taught at NYU, Duke University and Florida Gulf Coast University, and was as a regular commentator on TV’s Nightly Business Report.

Advantage Magazine | 15 January 2023
Chamber News C EVENT SPONSORS Gold Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors: Minnesota Energy Resources People’s Energy Cooperative Table Sponsors: Altra Federal Credit Union | Benike Construction Hawkins Ash CPAs | Home Federal Savings Bank | ISG MBT Bank | Premier Bank Minnesota | Rochester Public Utilities RSP Architects | Think Bank | Wells Fargo Bank Media Sponsor:

The Chamber was happy to partner with over 65 area businesses for the Winter Business Showcase at the Mayo Civic Center on Tuesday, December 6.

It was an evening of food, fun and networking. Over 35 prizes were given away!

Thank you to all who attended and sponsored this professional networking event.

| Advantage Magazine 18 January 2023 Chamber News C
EVENT SPONSORS Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: Booth Sponsors: 125 Live | American Waterworks | Benedictine Living Community Broadway Plaza | Catholic Charities | Chip Shots | Christina Litt - eXp Realty CLA | Compeer Financial | Coordinated Business Systems Cottagewood Senior Communities | Data Smart David Jorgenson - State Farm | DEED | Empire Event Center | EVEN Hotels Ever After Entertainment | Eyemart Express Express Employment Professionals | Family Services Rochester | FastSigns Fernbrook Family Center | Heartland Gun Club & Range Hiller Commercial Floors | Hometown Haulers, LLC | J. Minette - Prudential La Crosse Sign Group | Lanesboro Area Chamber of Commerce License Bureau | Maria Serbus, LLC Marine Credit Union Med City Marathon | MetroNet | MN Energy Resources NorthStar Financial Partners | Olmsted Medical Center | ONB Bank Orangetheory Fitness | PossAbilities | Reagan Outdoor Advertising Regency Multifamily | Rochelle Markov - eXp Realty | Rochester Area Builders Rochester City Lines | Rochester Clinic | Rochester Women’s Magazine Salt & Pepper Photography | Schmidt Goodman | SCORE Service Restoration | Sound and Media Solutions | Spectrum Sports Headquarters | The Workshop | Think Bank Winona State University | Workforce Development


Join us for the 2023 Annual Celebration!


ou are cordially invited to join the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 for our Annual Celebration! This gala will celebrate the success and growth of the business community in the Greater Rochester Area. Join us for an evening of celebration, networking and entertainment!

Our members are the reason we exist! Thank you for joining us at this annual event to celebrate and prepare for the future of our region - together.

Date: Thursday, March 2, 2023 Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm

Location: Mayo Civic Center, 30 Civic Center Dr SE, Rochester Admission: $70 for members, $90 for general, Registration is required

Thank you to the event sponsors!

View full list of sponsors on page 16.

Register here:


• 5:30pm-6:00pm: Networking and Introduction

• 6:15pm: Program and Entertainment - Dueling Pianos by Fun Pianos!

• 7:45pm: Networking

About the Entertainment:

The Fun Pianos! show by 176 Keys Dueling Pianos will join the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce on stage at this years Annual Celebration! We are excited to bring this interactive show to you. Get ready to sing at the top of your lungs, laugh and dance the night away.

Advantage Magazine | 19 January 2023 Chamber News C

AM Espresso is a monthly Networking PLUS event brought to you by the Chamber. Come join fellow Chamber and community members to expand your network, promote your business, and enjoy delicious breakfast refreshments. We believe there is value for all in building a supportive business community. As the local economy shifts towards recovery, it is more important than ever to interact with each other to share ideas and best practices.

Reagan Outdoor Advertising is a proud, family-owned business that operates true to their values and integrity. They provide a powerful, unavoidable medium through which their clients build their business and their brand.

Date: Friday, January 6, 2023

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: Reagan Outdoor Advertising 3185 41st St. NW, Rochester

Admission: Free, registration requested

Register here:

Join us for Business after Hours (BAH), a monthly networking function which brings professionals together to network and build valuable business relationships. Enjoy delicious food and drinks while connecting with a variety of businesses and organizations operating in the greater Rochester area. This event is a great opportunity to increase your organization’s visibility and generate productive business leads.

Macken Funeral Home has been serving the Rochester community since 1909. Their dedicated service to their customers will continue into the future with the same family-driven values passed down four generations from founder, Dan Macken.

Date: Thursday, January 19, 2023

Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Location: 1105 12th St. SE, Rochester

Admission: Free, registration requested

Register here:

| Advantage Magazine 20 January 2023
hosted by
Chamber News C
hosted by

AM Espresso is a monthly Networking PLUS event brought to you by the Chamber. Come join fellow Chamber and community members to expand your network, promote your business, and enjoy delicious breakfast refreshments. We believe there is value for all in building a supportive business community. As the local economy shifts towards recovery, it is more important than ever to interact with each other to share ideas and best practices.

Benedictine Living Community offers two senior living communities in Rochester, MN: Benedictine Madonna Towers and Benedictine Madonna Meadows. Both not-for-profit communities provide friendly, engaging lifestyles and are committed to delivering compassionate senior care that’s rooted in our core values of Hospitality, Stewardship, Respect and Justice. We also honor the diversity of our residents, including people of all faiths, ideas and experiences.

Date: Friday, February 3, 2023

Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: Benedictine Madonna Towers, 4001 19th Ave NW, Rochester

Admission: Free, registration requested

Register here:

Join us for Business after Hours (BAH), a monthly networking function which brings professionals together to network and build valuable business relationships. Enjoy delicious food and drinks while connecting with a variety of businesses and organizations operating in the greater Rochester area. This event is a great opportunity to increase your organization’s visibility and generate productive business leads.

Empire Event Center has modern meeting space, exceptional service, and delectable cuisine. They are here to make your vision a reality! They are conveniently attached to Best Western Rochester and are here to serve you.

Minnesota 97.5 Rochester’s Greatest Hits! Locally owned and community focused. 100,000 watt station location in the heart of Rochester, MN.

Date: Thursday, February 16 , 2023

Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm

Location: 1517 16th St SW, Rochester

Admission: Free, registration requested

Register here:

Advantage Magazine | 21 January 2023 Chamber News C
hosted by hosted by



06 AM Espresso - Reagan Outdoor Advertising

Date: Friday, January 6 Time: 7:30am-9:00am Location: Reagan Outdoor Advertising

FREE - Registration requested

16 We Have a Dream Celebration

Date: Monday, January 16 Time: 8:30am-10:30am Location: Mayo Civic Center FREE - Registration required

19 WE Forum - Workshop

Date: Thursday, January 19 Time: 11:30am-1:00pm Location: Saint Mary’s University Rochester - Cascade Meadow FREE - Registration required

19 Business After HoursMacken Funeral Home Date: Thursday, January 19 Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm Location: Macken Funeral Home FREE - Registration requested

20 Women’s Roundtable

Date: Friday, January 20 Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce Conference Room FREE - Registration required

31 Economic Summit

Date: Tuesday, January 31 Time: 7:30am-11:00am Location: Rochester International Event Center $45 for members, $55 for nonmembers - Registration required


03 AM Espresso - Benedictine Living Community

Date: Friday, February 3 Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: Benedictine Living Community

FREE - Registration requested

16 Business After HoursEmpire Event Center & MN 97.5

Date: Thursday, February 16 Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm Location: Empire Event Center FREE - Registration requested

16 WE Forum - Social Connect

Date: Thursday, February 16 Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm Location: Sorellina’s Restaurant FREE - Registration required

17 Women’s Roundtable

Date: Friday, February 17 Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce Conference Room FREE - Registration required

23 Hospitality 1st Roundtable

Date: Thursday, February 23 Time: 9:30am-11:00am

Location: Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce Conference Room

FREE - Registration required


02 Annual Celebration

Date: Thursday, March 2 Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm Location: Mayo Civic Center $90 for general, $70 for members Registration required

03 AM Espresso - American


Date: Friday, March 3 Time: 7:30am-9:00am Location: American Waterworks FREE - Registration requested

16 WE Forum - Panel Discussion

Date: Thursday, March 16 Time: 8:00am-9:00am

Location: Saint Mary’s University Rochester - Cascade Meadow FREE - Registration required

16 Business After HoursBolton & Menk

Date: Thursday, March 16 Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm Location: Bolton & Menk FREE - Registration requested

17 Women’s Roundtable

Date: Friday, March 17 Time: 7:30am-9:00am

Location: Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce Conference Room FREE - Registration required

| Advantage Magazine 22 January 2023 Chamber News C


The Minnesota 500 lists the most powerful business leaders in Minnesota in over 60 industries. The Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce President, Ryan Parsons was featured as an influential leader in the nonprofit and goverment industry. Congratulations, Ryan!

Excerpt from profile in the Minnesota 500

By bringing aspects of great design into both an urban and natural environment, our team is able to provide a multipurpose space for communities to enjoy for years to come.

Advantage Magazine | 23 January 2023 Chamber News C
...Parsons is excited about Rochester’s bright future and looks forward to encouraging collaboration within the community, looking for opportunities to innovate, and providing value to members...


This program reassigns the cost of sidewalk repairs and replacement

to a distribution among a greater portion of the community.

The City of Rochester adopted the Sidewalk Improvement District (SID) program at the City Council meeting on Monday, November 14, 2022. Adoption of this program reassigns the cost of sidewalk repairs and replacement from the adjacent property owner to a distribution among a greater portion of the community, as sidewalks are a benefit to, and are available for use, by all. In 2020 under the previous program, property owners paid an average of $854 for sidewalk repairs and it was not uncommon for properties to incur fees ranging from $3,000 to $5,000. The average anticipated residential rate under the new program is $57 annually.

The benefits of the SID program include:

• A more understandable, predictable, convenient and affordable program for property owners.

• Cost of walkable community is distributed among all residents.

• A more efficient program to administer.

Deputy City Administrator Cindy Steinhauser shares, “With the adoption of the SID program we are aligning with City’s strategic priorities of affordable living and quality services for quality living by eliminating the expensive surprise sidewalk fees

that property owners experienced under the past program while continuing to improve connectivity in our community. Instead, property owners across the City will share the cost of keeping Rochester a livable, walkable community.”

Under the authority provided in Minnesota Statute 435.44, the Public Works Department developed the Sidewalk Improvement District (SID) Program with designated districts where the costs of repairing pedestrian facilities are spread across all parcels based on real estate classification. City Council also voted to accelerate progress toward the goals in Rochester’s Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Transition Plan by approving a combination of additional tax levy and SID charges. The property owner share of these costs are included in the anticipated residential rate mentioned above.

City teammates will soon begin education and awareness efforts to help ensure all residents are aware of the new SID and how it will work. More information can be found at sidewalks.

| Advantage Magazine 24 January 2023
Community News C
from the adjacent property owner


Destination Medical Center (DMC) Economic Development Agency is pleased to announce the beginning of the second phase of grant funding from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Main Street Economic Revitalization Program. In partnership with Rochester Area Economic Development, Inc. (RAEDI), this round of grants will be for two business districts outside of the DMC district – Southeast Crossroads to Bear Creek Park area, and the Northwest Design District & Northgate Area.

“The Main Street Economic Revitalization Program funding remains critical to Minnesota’s recovery from COVID-19,” said Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Deputy Commissioner Kevin McKinnon. “These funds – put into the community through local partners like the Destination Medical Center Economic Development Agency – help create opportunity and energize economic revitalization across Minnesota.”

“These grant dollars are crucial for the businesses affected in these districts in Rochester. We are happy to partner with DMC in administering this grant and serving small businesses who are vital to our economy,” said RAEDI President John Wade. While downtown Rochester has been severely disrupted by the pandemic, businesses in the surrounding neighborhoods have also experienced significant economic disruption. These neighborhoods tend to be more diverse, include strong BIPOC business ownership, and are highly dependent upon existing commercial establishments in areas that are typically food and service deserts.

DMC EDA and RAEDI seek to strengthen the position of Rochester’s neighborhood-based business centers. Catering to diverse populations, these areas provide unique commercial opportunities to the communities they serve. Walkable and served by transit, these business hubs are key destinations where residents shop, dine, and receive professional services. The typical

business building in the two commercial corridors defined in this grant application was built in 1959, highlighting the potential need for capital improvements in these districts.

“The success of the Main Street program in Rochester is a testament to the resiliency of our business community; their desire to thrive and succeed,” said Patrick Seeb, DMC’s executive director. “We will continue to look for other strategic partnerships and opportunities to improve and strengthen Rochester’s economy.”

The Main Street Grant program kicked off in May 2022. Thus far, the DMC EDA board and the community review team have recommended over $2 million to be distributed to 35 businesses in the downtown core.

All grant awards are subject to final approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

About the Main Street Grant Program

The Main Street Grant program provides grants for capital improvement projects that result in improvements to any permanent structure or other asset added to a property that adds to its value. The grant awards can cover up to 30% of the project costs with applicants securing other sources of funding to match any funds granted by this program. Funding comes from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’s Main Street Economic Revitalization Program.

For more information on the Main Street Grant program and to apply, visit

Advantage Magazine | 25 January 2023 Community News C


New Manager of Finance & Administration

Jason Stini, CPA, has joined the Rochester International Airport (RST) as manager of finance and administration. In his new role, Stini is responsible for business operations and financial activities for RST, including overseeing accounting, budgetary, payroll/ benefit and capital improvement programs.

2022 Rising Young Professional Awards

Congratulations to Knutson Construction’s VDC Manager, Aalayha Robb and Project Manager, Collin Bennett on their 2022 Finance & Commerce Rising Young Professionals awards. This award recognizes professionals who have demonstrated leadership, contributed to their community and achieved positive outcomes.

2022 R.A.V.E. Warrior of the Year Award

Congratulations to Dr. Christine Beech! She received the 2022 R.A.V.E. (Recognizing Awarding Valuing Entrepreneurs) Warrior of the Year. This award recognizes those who work tirelessly to advocate on behalf of our area entrepreneurs.

Join us in celebrating 50 years of making a difference. As the Rochester Area continues to grow, we look forward to serving as your trusted architecture, engineering, environmental, and planning partner. Cheers to the next 50 years!

H3 Plaza + 30 3rd Street Southeast + Suite 600 Rochester, MN 55904 |

| Advantage Magazine 26 January 2023
Updates from the Chamber member community.
Newsreel N


Townies Grill’d Philly Subs and More celebrated their new Chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on November 2nd. Owner, Cody Livingood cut the ribbon.

244 E Soldier Field Dr SW, Rochester

Weis Builders, Inc. celebrated their new building with a ribbon cutting on November 9th. Vice President, Scott Fenske cut the ribbon.

3701 40th Ave NW, Ste 200, Rochester

Bloom Acai Cafe celebrated their opening and new Chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on November 11th. Owner, Sarah Pacchetti cut the ribbon.

2483 Commerce Drive NW, Rochester

Forte Living celebrated their new Chamber membership and grand opening with a ribbon cutting on November 10th. Operations Director, Danielle Harless cut the ribbon.

3955 Superior Dr NW, Rochester

Premier Banks celebrated Premier Bank Rochester and Premier Bank Minnesota merging with a ribbon cutting on November 11th. Director, Patrick O. Regan cut the ribbon.

3145 Wellner Dr NE, Rochester

Shurson Group LLC celebrated their new Chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on November 2nd. Owner, Kayla Shurson cut the ribbon.

2222 18th Ave. NW, Suite 100, Rochester

Advantage Magazine | 27 January 2023
Ribbon Cuttings R


Next Level Concrete Lifting, LLC

Matt Krowiorz (507) 718-0953

Hometown Haulers, LLC

Jody Kyes (507) 633-6000 9 3rd Ave. SW, Dodge Center

National Community Resource Center

Wendell Amstutz (507) 254-1265 1027 7th Street NW, Rochester

You and Eye Family Eye Care

Kristy Bhend (507) 322-0044 2650 South Broadway Ave, Suite 400, Rochester

Family Tree Landscape Nursery Inc

Megan Magee (507) 289-0557 2580 75th St. NE, Rochester

Klampe Law Firm

Andrea Niesen (507) 288-2447 975 34th Ave NW, Suite 400, Rochester

eXp Realty - Christina Litt

Christina Litt (507) 351-0861

Fenstra Insurance - Cassidy Ties

Cassidy Ties (507) 398-4770

Partners Title

Sommer Voyna (507) 993-7087 2766 Commerce Dr. NW, Suite A, Rochester


Jim Backus (651) 644-7200 2685 Long Lake Rd, St. Paul

CrossFit Credence

David Timm (507) 261-7696 3020 North Broadway Ave., Rochester

Digital Revenue Systems

Taylor Watkins (302) 584-8709

Glynner’s Pub

Andy Henden (507) 252-8800 1643 N Broadway, Rochester

Saints on 2nd Grill & Bar

Michael Rupkey (507) 536-0040 161 13th Ave. SW, Rochester

Courtyard by Marriott Mayo Clinic Area/ St. Marys

Michael Rupkey (507) 536-0040 161 13th Ave. SW, Rochester

| Advantage Magazine 28 January 2023
Do you know of a business that has recently opened in Rochester? Are you connected to a business-owner looking to expand their network? Then a Chamber membership is right for them! Please contact with any referrals. Welcome W

220 South Broadway, Suite 100 Rochester, MN 55904 507-288-1122



Rochester, MN

Advantage Magazine | 29 January 2023 Periodical Postage

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