Revitalise Legacies Information Pack

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It’s not just a gift;

it’s a lifeline.

As you read this, a disabled person will be experiencing the joy of a fun-filled holiday at one of Revitalise’s unique holiday centres. A carer will also be receiving urgently needed respite from round the clock caring responsibilities.

Much of the joy and relief Revitalise is able to offer is made possible by the gifts kindly given by our supporters in their wills. Supporters whose values live on through the freedom, fun and care that Revitalise offers for disabled people and those who care for them.

None of us know exactly what the future holds, but as Revitalise enters its seventh decade of providing high-quality respite holidays, we do know the breaks we offer remain invaluable to thousands of disabled people and those who care for them. We also know legacy gifts will continue to play a critical role in

helping Revitalise achieve its vision of a society in which every disabled person and every carer is able to take the break or holiday they want.

I therefore thank you for considering including Revitalise’s vital work in your will. Whether your gift enables more disabled people and carers take the break they urgently need or funds improvements to our holiday centres, a gift, in your will, of any size, can make a real difference to the lives of the disabled people and carers we are proud to serve.

Thank you for your support.

Call 0303 303 0145 | Email | Visit

Shaun and Hilary

Following an accident when he was a teenager, Shaun has needed round the clock care from his mum Hilary, and the breaks he has taken at Revitalise have been invaluable for both Shaun and Hilary.

Hilary wouldn’t call herself a carer, it’s something she does as his mum. She admits, however, that the last 15 years haven’t been easy.

“Shaun is my life and since his accident I’ve dedicated myself to him, and that’s how it should be, I’m his mum. However, everyone needs a break, especially when some

Jerry WardRAFformerpilot

Jerry flew the Lancaster Bomber over Buckingham Palace for the 50th anniversary of VE day, dropping a million poppies over the veterans and royal family. At the age of just 48, before he was set to retire, he was asked to pilot one last flight to Mexico. Whilst there he went for a brief swim in the ocean but getting out, he was hit by a sudden wave that knocked him down, breaking his neck and nearly drowning him.

days can be such a struggle. I took my other son Josh on the holiday in the Lakes and we had such an amazing time, it couldn’t have been better, even the weather was beautiful! But my time away meant so much more than a simple holiday from home, I could feel the effect for weeks after. I felt that my mood had been lifted, like there was a ray of sunshine and a ray of hope. It’s not often I feel so positive, in fact, I feel better than I have in the last 15 years.”

57% OF DISABLED people CAN’T go on holidays due to access requirements*

4in 10

That night, his family flew to Mexico from the UK. He was paralysed from the neck down, but he was still able to talk and breathe. However, his condition quickly deteriorated. Jerry soon lost his ability to speak and needed a feeding tube and ventilator to breathe.

Since his accident, Jerry found Revitalise, where he takes frequent breaks; he feels right at home.

“For me, having a place where I don’t need to worry about my disability is important and means I can enjoy my breaks. It’s hard to go through life with a broken neck and be in a wheelchair, but Revitalise makes sure it’s an all-inclusive environment. When I miraculously recovered from a life-threatening pneumonia, I knew a stay at Revitalise was just what I needed to relax and enjoy myself, while still receiving the high-level of care I needed. When I’m at Revitalise, it also allows my wife and family a break from caring. It’s as much of a break for my wife as it is for me. My family also come to visit me and we enjoy going out to pubs and restaurants together. They don’t need to worry about my medical care, so we get to spend time together as a family.”

UNPAID CARERS have not had a break in over a year**

@RevitaliseNow /RevitaliseCharity @RevitaliseCharity 2
- Carers
Disability Survey Research Report, June 2021
of Caring 2021 report
Revitalise’s holiday centres provides THOUSANDS of respite breaks offered every single year

to disabled people

Leaving a gift in your Will will help ensure every single person can access the break they deserve. Your gift could help to:

 provide hardship funding so financial barriers do not get in the way of those needing urgent respite

 expand the services we provide so that many more disabled people and carers can take vital breaks

 support and grow our army of volunteers - the magic ingredient that make our breaks truly special

 pay for dedicated staff and nurses who make sure our guests receive the excellent care they need

Choosing the right type of gift for you

There are several different ways you can choose to support a charity’s work through your will. These include:

Giving a share of your estate’s value

Your solicitor may refer to this kind of gift as a ‘residuary gift’. This is because these gifts are taken from whatever is left of your estate, after any specific gifts to friends, family or charities have been distributed. This type of gift can therefore help you avoid making a commitment that could have an impact on any specific gifts or legacies you’d like to give.

Giving a share of your estate can also be a helpful option if you don’t know exactly what your estate will be worth in the future. This is because the percentage you choose to give to the charity will remain the same, regardless of the actual value of your estate. This also makes this type of gift inflation proof. What’s more, if you give 10% or more of your estate’s value to charity, any inheritance tax that arises from your estate may also be paid at a lower rate.

 Giving a specific financial gift

Your solicitor may refer to this kind of gift as a ‘pecuniary gift’. These gifts are distributed before the value of any residuary gifts are calculated and, if you know exactly how much you want to donate and are

not worried about the impact of inflation on the gift’s future value, this option can provide helpful certainty.

 Giving a reversionary gift

Allows you to leave specific assets, such as a property, for the benefit of a loved one, for as long as they live, after which time the asset is given to another beneficiary, which could be a charity.

 Giving a specific gift

Is a way of donating a particular item, such as a piece of art, a vehicle or shares to a named individual or a charity.

Including Revitalise in your will

To leave any type of gift in your will to Revitalise, you need to include the name of our charity (Revitalise Respite Holidays), our address (240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR) and our registered charity number (295072). You also need to indicate the nature of your gift: For example, ‘I give Revitalise £5,000’, if you wish to give a specific gift or ‘I leave Revitalise 10% of my residual estate’ if you’d like to give a share of your estate.

In all cases, we strongly recommend you seek professional advice when drafting your will. This will help ensure you make the most appropriate choice for your personal circumstances and intentions.

With your support we are completely dedicated to restoring hope, happiness and freedom
0303 303 0145

FAQS I have already written my Will.

Can I update it? Yes, and you may be able to use a codicil form to update your Will without needing to rewrite it from scratch. Your solicitor will be able to help you with this. If the costs of updating or rewriting your will are a concern, Revitalise’s partnership with the Free Will Network may be of interest to you.

What if I change my mind?

You can update or re-write your will as many times as you like but we recommend you seek professional advice whenever you make or amend your Will.

Can my gift go towards a specific area of work?

We will try to honour your wishes as best we can, but some aspects of our work may change in the future. It is therefore helpful if your will does not include references to specific elements of our work.

Do I need to tell you if I leave you a gift in my Will?

You’re under no obligation to inform us of the details of your will. However, if you have chosen to include Revitalise’s work in your will, we’d love to know, so we can thank you for your kindness and ensure we share the most relevant information or offers with you in the future.

Free Will writing offer for Revitalise’s supporters and guests

To help our supporters take care of everything that is important to them, Revitalise has teamed up with the National Free Will Network, whose dedicated network of solicitors can write or update your Will for free. Using the National Free Wills Network to write your will does not oblige you to include a gift to Revitalise, or any other charity in your will, but we are always very grateful to anyone who kindly chooses to support Revitalise through their Will.

You can express your interest in this special offer by contacting our fundraising team via or by calling the team on 0303 303 0145

We will honour your wishes with sensitivity and we will ensure any gift you give through your will has the greatest possible impact on Revitalise’s ability to offer as many disabled people and carers as possible the benefits of a respite holiday.

Thank you!

Once again, thank you for your support. Your gift will ensure that financial barriers do not get in the way of people accessing vital respite breaks today, tomorrow and long into the future.

Call 0303 303 0145 | Email | Visit Revitalise Respite Holidays 240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR Registered charity number: 295072. Company number: 2044219. @RevitaliseNow /RevitaliseCharity @RevitaliseCharity
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