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Visual Arts Department


The recipient of the tenth-grade Love of Art Award has the distinction of being the first student to attempt an oil painting in the Studio Art class. We can certainly consider it a success: it graced the cover of our Spring Concert and Art Exhibition program. Her dedication to the discipline of art extends beyond the classroom. She has been studying at the Huntington School of Fine Arts and has applied to a summer arts program at Brown University. The Visual Arts Department is pleased to recognize Georgia Dorrian with the Love of Art Award.

Tenth-GradeExcellenceinArt MADISONCOHEN

The recipient of the tenth-grade Excellence in Art Award is truly one of the most outstanding artists Mr. Greene has had the pleasure to watch grow and mature as both an artist and a person. She continues to gain confidence in her abilities with each new piece of artwork she creates. Next year will be both challenging and rewarding as she takes on the I.B. Art program. The Visual Arts Department is pleased to recognize Maddy Cohen with the Excellence in Art Award.