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Science Department

Eleventh-GradeScienceLoveofLearning ALEENAABDELHADY

This student takes a deep dive into every intellectual challenge placed before her. She contemplates details, and takes advantage of conference time to work through theory and data analysis. Her questions inspire her classmates. She visited a local university to perform an experiment that is typical of college seniors majoring in Engineering. This year's eleventh-grade Love of Learning Award in Science goes to Aleena Abdelhady.

Eleventh-GradeScienceAcademicExcellence ANNABLOCH

This student consistently works at an advanced level, and yet remains humble and always willing to help her classmates without fanfare. She made substantial contributions to our nascent Science Olympiad team, and performed independent experiments in ecology, presenting a sophisticated poster at the Science Symposium. Her grasp of the most subtle and interesting issues in science are an inspiration to her peers and teachers alike. This year's eleventh-grade Academic Excellence Award in Science goes to Anna Bloch.