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Mathematics Department

Twelfth-GradeMathematicsLoveofLearning DEMETRIPASSELIS

The award for love of learning goes to a student who consistently sought to make connections with applied math lessons and the real world. He would enthusiastically share personal experiences about hearing new vocabulary on the radio or filling out tax forms when applying for a job. Whether he was budgeting for a vacation to Greece, trading in and buying a new car, or tracking Amazon’s stock price, this recipient completed each project with intention and effort. The energy and passion this student brought to the classroom each day made him a joy to teach, and we are excited to see him use the skills he learned to grow his DJ business in the future. The Mathematics Department is pleased to recognize Demetri Passellis.

Twelfth-GradeMathematicsAcademicExcellence FEIFAN(ERIC)CAO

The Academic Excellence Award in Mathematics goes to a dedicated student who truly sees the value of his accomplishments. This individual worked diligently to master both the conceptual and procedural aspects of the material. His devotion drove him to produce work that was always of the highest quality, especially in the multivariable calculus class. The Mathematics Department is pleased to recognize Feifan (Eric) Cao.