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Educational Technology & Computer Science

Eleventh-Grade Educational Technology & Computer Science Love of Learning


This student explored a new area of study by taking both the Introduction to Coding and Website Design courses this year. This student applied themself in class, and when they didn’t understand a new topic or concept, always scheduled meetings during conference times. This dedication to growing their understanding showed a commitment to their learning. At the end of these sessions, they not only had a better grasp of the concept, but made connections to previously covered course material. The Love of Learning Award in eleventh-grade Technology Education & Computer Science goes to Anthony Stennett.

Twelfth-Grade Educational Technology & Computer Science Academic Excellence


Quietly working through assignments and tasks, this year’s recipient of the Educational Technology & Computer Science Department’s Academic Excellence Award in Twelfth grade goes to a student in Computer Science Principles who achieved academic success in all areas of the course! Each class day, this student was ready to participate in discussions and classwork. Not only was their diligence reflected on all of their assignments, but they also earned outstanding scores on all of the assessments. End of Unit Projects were always completed to a high standard and stood out not only for the end product itself, but the efficient and cleanly written code. The award for Academic Excellence in twelfth grade goes to Ella Stacconi.