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Educational Technology & Computer Science

Tenth-Grade Educational Technology & Computer Science Love of Learning


This student displayed a high degree of focus on the class material in Robotics and during the single-semester course, Website Design. Their dedication to understanding the material in both courses is commendable. In Robotics, the student would come to weekend build sessions when they could to contribute to the development of their team’s competition robot. For Website Design, this student would often attend conference time when they needed to continue to grow their understanding of a concept. When challenged to incorporate a new element, not covered in the course, into the final project for Website Design, they researched CSS Grid Layout and proficiently built it into their code. The Love of Learning Award in tenth-grade Technology Education & Computer Science goes to Josh Levy.

Tenth-Grade Educational Technology & Computer Science Academic Excellence

Constantine Zografos

This student dedicated themself to their studies in Robotics and the single semester course, Introduction to Coding. They attended weekend build sessions for Robotics and also participated in the Roslyn Code Overload event with fellow students to partake in a oneday coding project challenge. Throughout this academic year, this student would consistently discuss assignments to make sure they were completing them to a high standard. They also attended almost every Robotics Team Build Session this season. The Academic Excellence Award in tenth-grade Technology Education & Computer Science goes to Costa Zografos.