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History Department

Jenningsprize Annabloch

Prescott Jennings, the longtime Chairman of the History Department, particularly enjoyed working with students on the combination of historical analysis and written prose. Every year, several essays are submitted to the History Department for evaluation and the finest is selected through a secret ballot. This year, for her work on ``The Impact of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg`s Espionage on Cold War America,`` we are proud to present the Jennings Award to Anna Bloch.

Barbaramilesaward Ajaykhandelwal

Barbara Miles served as the Head Librarian at Portledge School for 20 years. She consistently encouraged students to delve into the process of scholarly research. She was instrumental in developing the annual tenth grade history research project. Every year, the History Department selects the paper or papers that represent the finest qualities of research that come from the class research project. This year, one paper has been selected for recognition for the Barbara Miles Award. The paper is titled The Effect of European Imperialism on the Structure of South Africa Today and the author is Ajay Khandelwal.