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History Department

Eleventh-Grade History Love of Learning

Gabriel Capps

During this year's study of AP United States History, one student has set himself apart from all others. His performance on various types of assessments has been exceptional and his ability to discuss American history in a clear, concise, and analytical way is truly amazing. It is with deep gratitude for his commitment to learning and his overall academic achievement that the History Department presents this award for love of learning to Gabriel Capps.

Eleventh-Grade History Academic Excellence


This year’s award in academic excellence is deeded to Carina Caviezel. In history class, Carina is an excellent writer who consistently goes above and beyond in her consummate execution of excellent historical analysis. She consistently contributes insightful analysis and thoughtprovoking questions in class. It is for these reasons and Carina`s high academic marks that she receives this award for academic excellence.