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Triple C Award

Ramsey Cammerer

The first award is going to a student who completed the most hours and showed tremendous consistency and dedication to her partnership. Ramsey chose HorseAbility, a charity which strives to improve and enrich the lives of individuals with special needs through interactions with horses. She completed over 100 hours there, more than ten times the required amount, showing her true passion and commitment to this important and incredible charity. Additionally, she attended one of the Middle School Town Hall meetings to share her experiences, ultimately inspiring the students to get involved.

Nicolette Wu

The reasons Nicolette is receiving this award are threefold: firstly she had enormous variety within her services, ranging from beach clean ups, to caring for both children and seniors; secondly she was the first student to finish the minimum required hours; and thirdly she was one of the founders and leaders of the Portledge School Green Team Club. Niki wonderfully continued her community partnership well beyond the expectation, specifically through Portledge by creating this club. She also promoted environmental opportunities to our community to enable other students to engage with this cause.