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Senior Project Award


Beautifying the Lower School Butterfly and Rock Gardens

This last project of distinction is one that focuses on art, appreciation for the environment, and love for the Portledge community. Alexa D’Amato-Orloff wanted to find a way to incorporate her amazing artistic ability into something that would be shared with lower-school students in a meaningful way. The result? A healing rock garden in our Lower School. This project provided a safe space for the Lower School community to learn, to be mindful, and to understand the importance of being kind. Alexa met with students from kindergarten to fifth grade and painted rocks and signs with inspiring messages that promote positivity, kindness, and hope. The students even created a conflict resolution corner! Alexa left the students with the message that even though her senior project is completed, they can continue to work on the garden and make it even more special. Congratulations, Alexa!