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Portledge Bowl

This distinction is awarded by the Board of Trustees upon the vote of the faculty to that senior who best exemplifies the character and values Portledge holds in the highest esteem, and is widely regarded as the most distinguished recognition awarded at Portledge School.

Grace Wilson

Grace Wilson exemplifies the character and values Portledge holds in highest esteem… not an easy task to say the least. However, this year’s Portledge Bowl recipient does exactly that; she represents to the highest level the Portledge Pillars of Kindness, Purpose, Honor, and Respect. After coming over from Westbury Friends, her first-grade teacher said, “she has blossomed into a very productive student - she can be counted on to do her work, and not get involved where she does not belong.” In fourth grade, Mrs. Cavrell said, “I am so impressed with (her) and admire how important it is to her, to always do her best.” In sixth grade, Mr. Schwartz was amazed at her ability to “express great joy for each piece.” In the Upper School, her teachers remarked that she consistently demonstrated collaborative effort, and kindness in and out of the classroom.

A charter member of the Black Student Union, and an ambassador to ALL, her “This I Believe” speech in Town Meeting a few weeks ago was moving and inspiring to students and teachers alike, as were her performances all year long at showcases, coffeehouses, musicals, and my personal favorite as Mrs. Peacock in the Upper School rendition of Clue. Mr. Dula points out that “the excitement of committing fully to each new production, role and show family comes with the knowledge that it will all come to an end someday. That is a hard lesson for any theatre person to reckon with gracefully. Maybe it’s in the name, because Grace epitomizes this by giving over her whole self, knowing that there will be a potential sadness when it ends. That is a truly magical quality that will lead her into a truly magical life.”

At Portledge, we teach the pillars of Kindness, Purpose, Honor, and Respect, but Mrs. White recently noted that “GRACE is the one who walks through the hallways reteaching and reminding us” of those values by her behavior . . . “always . . . it’s her superpower." On Thursday evening, she received the Senior Class Award. Voted upon by the senior class, the award is presented to that member of the graduating class who demonstrates a high degree of kindness and generosity toward friends, faculty, and the Portledge community. Well, the faculty clearly couldn’t agree more with their choice, and so it is our pleasure to recognize Grace Wilson with the Portledge Bowl!