Dubbo Photo News 07.03.2019

Page 59


Dubbo Photo Newss March 7-13,, 2019

Bob Be Bo errrr y B Blla asste errss: Bac ack ck, k, Rhy h sB Beeau aucch hamp, am mp p,, Gra an ntt Mallouf, ouf,, Jas ou ason son n Rya yan, yan, n, Wes es Gid iddi ding di ngs, gs,, Tom om Peeac a occk, Tom m Atl tleeee, fr fron ont, ont, on t, Sam m Bas ass, s, Pre s, r st s on on Beauc eauccha ea h mp mp, Ti T m Ho owa art r t h h, , M ar a r ty t y J effe eff ff e ry, ry y , Ch C hriis Mo M orton r ton rt n, An Anth t o th on ny At Atle leee Ben Patterson bowling; Jason Ryan batting

Mat Skinner attempting to run out Grant Malouf. Might need third umpire on this one!

Lee Price and Ben Patterson celebrate another wicket

Dan French hoping to have caught Tom Atlee short of the crease

Mat Skinner ducking a beamer; Jason Ryan keeping

Mat Skinner batting; Jason Ryan keeping Dan Holland

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