Produce Show Daily at UF • June 12, 2019

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Oser Communications Group

Chicago Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Triangle & JDD Introduce Rotary Pouch Machine

Mucci Farms Highlights Simple Snack Series at Show

Four Steps to Prepare for Summer Produce Surges

For produce packagers and others looking for an automated filling and sealing solution for pre-made pouches, Triangle Package Machinery Company, together with JDD Packaging Ltd., is introducing the Triangle/JDD Rotary Pouch Machine. Designed to fill 3-sided seal, flat pouches and stand-up pouches (SUP) at speeds up to 50 pouches per minute (ppm), the Rotary Pouch Machine is available in two models: Model JRPM-8812 and JRPM81215. Depending on the type of product being filled, the Triangle/JDD Rotary Pouch Machine is paired with a Triangle InLine Combination Weigher or other scale or auger to fill product into pouches. The system includes a series of stations to pick, open, fill and seal the pre-made

Mucci Farms is a vertically integrated greenhouse grower, packer, shipper and marketer of fresh fruits and vegetables. Located in Kingsville, Ontario, the company owns and operates more than 250 acres of tomato, pepper, cucumber, lettuce and strawberry greenhouses, with a global network of over 1,500 acres. In addition to a warehouse and distribution facility in San Antonio, Texas, its U.S. headquarters are in Huron, Ohio, which currently has a 24 acre greenhouse with 50 additional acres to be built in two remaining phases. Committed to automation and technology, Mucci Farms has a significant amount of acreage under grow lights with an aggressive expansion plan. “The standard

Everyone has a favorite summer event/fresh produce pairing, like corn on the cob for a cookout or berries for a picnic. That’s for good reason: from Memorial Day through Labor Day, many fruits and vegetables in the U.S. enter peak season, meaning increased consumer demand and stressed fresh supply chains. While summer can be a season of fresh produce logistics hurdles – like timing deliveries to match summer holiday promotions – there are a few steps you can take to help ensure you don’t miss out on sales. Here’s a closer look at planning a summer surge fresh supply chain program, using watermelon as an example:

BOOTH #16015

BOOTH #9024

BOOTH #12010

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How to Upscale Basic Design Containers By Sharon McGukin, SmithersOasis North America Design Director, AIFD, AAF, PFCI

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ClO2 Fumigant Receives EPA & FDA Registrations

Connect with the Customer Today’s customers want an emotional connection to the

Food Defend, the makers of FruitGard®, recently announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved FruitGard dry fumigant for use in tomato, cantaloupe and potato storage and transportation. According to Thomas Young, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Market Development for Food Defend, “FruitGard is the only product of this kind registered by both the EPA and the FDA. Having both makes FruitGard an easy choice for grower/shippers and processors looking for an simple, additional layer to their food protection strategy.” USDA trials demonstrated FruitGard’s good control of decay organisms such as erwinia, phytophthora, alternaria and geotrichum. What’s more, decay problems associated with stem scars and wounds are well

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What simple addition costs little, but adds big value to your design containers? Pretty accents! How can you routinely deliver high-end looks without upper-end costs? Adding floral accents like wraps, ribbons and wires to basic in-stock containers. Upscaling average containers with artsy accessories showcases a fresh look that’s simple and low cost, but delivers big visual impact for your floral business.

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Take Order Pick-Up from Awkward to Awesome

With digital dining predicted to be a $300 billion opportunity by 2025, foodservice operators are scrambling to meet the demand and make the experience fast, fun and efficient for their operations. So far, results have been mixed. While digital ordering is usually fast and simple, all bets are off when the customer comes in to pick up that order. Often, it’s an awkward dance in the entrance as they make their way past dine-in customers, bump into employees rushing to take to-go orders to a pick-up shelf or counter, and maneuver past customer lines at the registers. Meanwhile, restaurant staff are juggling orders for eat-in customers while keeping an eye on all those takeout orders, making sure the right order goes to the right Continued on Page 9


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Matrix Demonstrates Bag and Pouch Machines Matrix Packaging Machinery is featuring two flexible packaging solutions at this year’s United Fresh Tec Expo. Packers, co-packers in the fresh produce industry and those interested in IQF packaging are able to visit the Matrix booth and get a demonstration of trouble-free packaging and rapid return on their investment when dealing with packaging machinery. Matrix is in booth #16024. The Morpheus servo-driven continuous box motion bagger form fill and seal machine is rated at up to 180 bags per minute and features automatic setup (AutoPro) capabilities that reduce changeover time and lead to higher productivity. The Morpheus offers high performance and a completely configurable solution for small and large bags. The high-speed jaw system allows for maximum dwell time on sealing and allows for faster speeds and accuracy, making these units ideal for applications such as fresh cut and individually quick frozen (IQF) foods. The option of either a Beckhoff or AB control system offers a

friendly, highly intuitive system and allows the user to quickly adjust for the perfect seal. With high performance vacuum film pull belts and the continuous box-motion jaw, customers can run a variety of bag film types and bag sizes. The Matrix AutoPro™ seeks to reduce change-over time by using servo mechanisms to make critical adjustments, freeing up the operator to do the other needed tasks for change-over. The positions of the various adjustments are saved in the product recipe. All an operator needs to do is replace the forming tube with the new one and load the correct film. Each critical mechanical adjustment is then automatically returned to the position from the last time that job was saved. This system allows for a much faster change-over with greatly reduced film waste as compared to other continuous motion VFFS machines. The AutoPro system is an integrated part of the operating system on the Morpheus continuous motion machine. These setting are accessed from the HMI

Sweet Knowledge: Four Consumer-Aligned Strategies to Increase Melon Sales Across demographics, consumers are buying melons – especially households with children. It’s no surprise: melons are not only delicious and nutritious on their own, but also can jazz up salads, smoothies and drinks. Robinson Fresh® conducted a U.S. consumer survey to gain insight into who is buying melons and what impacts purchasing behaviors. Using the responses, the company discovered several opportunities for retailers to increase melon sales. Only 14 percent of consumers buy melons weekly, and 87 percent of all consumers who purchase melons buy them one at a time. To encourage consumers to purchase more melons more frequently, retailers can do four things: 1. Create a strong display in a high-traffic area. How retailers display watermelons largely influences impulse purchases. To con-

sumers, a clean, full display means there are plenty of high-quality melons to choose from – not just those picked over. Showcasing cut fruit is another way to make an impact, giving consumers a sneak peek at the fruit’s interior color and texture. When they see the interior of at least one melon, they will likely assume that all melons in the display are of similar quality.

2. Offer special promotions whenever supply is abundant. To drive incremental sales, encourage consumers to purchase multiple melons at one time. Nearly two-thirds of consumers said that two melons for a set price (e.g., 2/$6 offer) would entice them to purchase an additional melon. Allowing consumers to mix and match varieties can offer additional appeal to drive impulse sales. However, 80 percent of consumers who purchase watermelon do so for a

Why Choose DelFrescoPure? DelFrescoPure® is an innovator and leader in the premium greenhouse produce industry that grows and markets greenhouse tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, eggplant and strawberries. DelFrescoPure now introduces LivingCube™, which offers living lettuce, living basil and microgreens. It is family-owned and has been operating for over 60 years in Kingsville, Ontario, Canada. DelFrescoPure prides itself on the quality of its produce, unsurpassed flavor and personalized customer service. President and Chief Executive Officer Carl Mastronardi has been growing hydroponically for over 35 years. Growing in a greenhouse is very different from conventional farming.

DelFrescoPure is still made up of farmers, but much like the rest of the world today, it uses advanced technology to improve its techniques. Its specialty is hydroponic farming; hydroponic farming is an innovative form of agriculture that involves using a soilless medium to produce its crops. DelFrescoPure uses rock wool, which is the most widely used medium in hydroponic farming. Rock wool is an inert stone wool substance that is free from diseases or any other harmful contaminants. Growing hydroponically within a greenhouse means more control over crops, and growing indoors allows DelFrescoPure to grow for a much longer period of time, allowing the production

Produce Show Daily along with all the other machine setproviding tings, seamless set-up. The Toyo Jidoki TT-8D-N pre-made pouch fill and seal machine is designed for standup, flat bottom and fifth-panel style bags. The TT-8D-N premade pouch filler sealer is rated at up to 55 flat, standup and press-to-close pouches per minute. This machine is widely flexible and can produce various pouch formats and product types; it is easy to clean with its wash-down design for sanitary operation. The touchscreen controls are user-friendly for quick and efficient operation and maintenance. The TT-8D-N produces a precise and dependable seal. Options and accessories include: date printer, air squeeze device, nitrogen gas flush, liquid filling systems, zip open/close device, ultrasonic sealing option and more.

Stop by the Matrix booth #16024 for a demo during the show, or email for more information on packaging solutions.

specific holiday or occasion, like the Fourth of July or a picnic. Here, most consumers aren’t price shopping: 85 percent said they buy watermelon at their regular store.

3. Tout peak watermelon seasons all year long. Although 70 percent of annual watermelon volume ships May through August, 44 percent of consumers purchase melons in all seasons. Younger demographics increasingly view watermelons as an all seasons fruit; it is, as melons are grown worldwide. Staggered, complementary growing seasons make it possible to source a continuous supply of fresh melons, so you can excite consumers by highlighting “peak seasons” and year-round ideas for using melons in recipes and meals.

4. Educate consumers about melon quality. Only half of melon purchasers expressed confidence in choosing a ripe fruit. of higher yields compared to traditional farming methods. Outdoor farming uses more water, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, while hydroponic growing allows for a stronger and more controlled environment. It can regulate the temperature, humidity and much more in greenhouses to better optimize the crops’ ability to grow. It is able to mimic the natural elements used outdoors inside greenhouses; for example, bumblebees in greenhouses are used to pollinate plants. By growing in greenhouses, DelFrescoPure is able to grow produce at exponentially higher yields compared to traditional farming – this method of growing allows DelFrescoPure to grow in safe and economic conditions to supply quality produce to a large population.

AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH UNITED FRESH Kimberly Oser Publisher Jules Denton-Card Senior Associate Publisher Lorrie Baumann Editorial Director Anthony Socci Associate Publisher JoEllen Lowry • Jeanie Catron • Karrie Welborn Associate Editors Yasmine Brown Art Director Jonathan Schieffer Graphic Designer Caitlyn McGrath • Susan Stein Customer Service Managers Marcos Morhaim Senior Account Manager Tara Neal Director of Operations Jay Watson • Hannah Stefanovich Show Logistics & Distribution Enrico Cecchi European Sales Produce Show Daily is published by Oser Communications Group ©2019 All rights reserved. Executive and editorial offices at: 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300/Fax: 520.721.6300 European offices located at Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 11, 50125 Florence, Italy

Lee M. Oser Founder

Interestingly, consumers are much less likely to impulsively buy melons if they aren’t comfortable selecting a “good” melon – one that is ripe, juicy, flavorful or has the right texture. To help build confidence, educate consumers on selecting melons. For example, a heavier melon is likelier to be juicy. A watermelon with a creamy-yellow splotch is at peak ripeness. The spot is where the melon sat as it ripened; if the spot is white or pale green, it may have been picked too soon. A deep understanding of purchasing behaviors, preferences and motivations can help retailers develop consumer-centric strategies and help grow their businesses. For more information, visit www.robinson or stop by booth #12010.

DelFrescoPure is a true believer that you must truly love what you do in order to succeed in any environment. For Carl, growing has always been his passion. Being pioneers of the greenhouse industry, Carl and his family’s commitment to freshness, taste and quality keeps DelFrescoPure invested in the latest and most innovative technology in the industry. DelFrescoPure brands include: LivingCube, YES!Berries Your Everyday Snack!™, Sweetreats®, Mini Crunchers Cucumbers®, Euro Bean The Gourmet Slicing Bean®, Mini Mixers®, Delights™ and Romatalia®. Partners include local and national retailers. To learn more, visit booth #12027.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Produce Show Daily

How Black Floral Foam Changes Design Possibilities By Sharon McGukin, Smithers-Oasis North America Design Director, AIFD, AAF, PFCI

With one simple yet brilliant why-didn’tsomeone-think-of-this-before change, your floral design possibilities expanded. How? Black floral foam. Oasis Floral Foam Midnight is similar to other foams, but with a new look. When dry, Midnight foam looks dark gray; it deepens to jet black when saturated with water. Midnight offers maximum visual impact as an element of your design, often requiring less flower coverage. Does black foam really offer new design possibilities? 2015 World Cup winner Alex Choi of South Korea thinks so. Alex designed a flower wall backdrop for his 2018 AIFD Symposium stage presentation. The AIFD letters and

background were formed from Midnight floral foam and surrounded in fresh garden roses. Alex was surprised to discover the wall required fewer flowers than usual. Allowing the black foam to show through the flowers added depth, created visual interest and left Alex with lots of excess roses. Black goes with everything. Black is a popular color choice because it is versatile, stylish and elegant. “Designers are always looking for new products,” says Floral Educator Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD, AAF, PFCI of Tucson, Arizona. “Midnight foam allows for more creative opportunities.” Not So Basic Black Basic black is often considered the ultimate in good taste. Midnight is the “new”

Four Steps (Cont’d. from p. 1)

1. Work with a network of growers. For consistent supply, it’s a good idea to work with geographically diverse growers. Watermelon is a nomadic crop with harvest times varying by location. Typically, the first U.S. watermelons of the season come in April from Florida and Texas. As the season progresses, the harvest moves in waves toward northern climates. Working with multiple growers gives you a larger supply and reduces the chances of a region creating problems. Keep in mind how summer weather issues can impact supply. For example, if you work with only a single grower in Take Order Pick-Up (Cont’d. from p. 1)

customer. All this inefficiency means orders take too long to pick up, and a convenient option becomes an inconvenient hassle. That’s the kind of aggravation and anxiety that can drive away customers who don’t have the time or patience to deal with it. It’s this less-than-perfect scenario that inspired the development of 2019’s Kitchen Innovations Award recipient, the

Why Choose Midnight? “The convenience, speed of design and trendy new look appeals to a younger crowd,” adds Smithers-Oasis Design Director Neville MacKay. A previous color foam product, Rainbow Foam, was dense and didn’t hold water well. Smithers-Oasis Product Manager Cameron O’Neill confirms, “Midnight foam holds water the same as the other Oasis floral foam prod-

helping them solve new challenges. Triangle’s new product stager is one such innovation. The product stager is a new technology now available on all Triangle X-Series VFFS bagging machines, including heat seal or ultrasonic baggers. The challenge? How to eliminate or reduce product in the skirt (the top or bottom seal area of a bag), which was an issue faced by packagers of products like leafy greens or hash browns. Depending on the orientation of the product as it is discharged from scale to bagger, it may fall flat or on edge into a bag and through the bagger’s sealing jaws. Mounted above the sealing jaws, the product stager closes on the film before the sealing jaws to catch product which would otherwise be stuck in

the cross seal. This reduces leakers by reducing the occurrence of product in the seal. Triangle’s product stager can be installed with heat seal or ultrasonic seal jaws. With ultrasonic sealing technology – a cold seal technology – the sealing jaws seal right through product, which eliminates product in the seal (PIS) by pushing it completely out of the seal area. In some cases, however, this can lead to product in the skirt. The stager allows users to close off the stream of product and catch any stragglers before the jaws close. In heat seal applications, the stager has helped customers improve production by increasing bagging speeds 20-50 percent. One produce customer, for instance, saw bagging speeds increase from 50 to 75 bags per minute. Similar successes have been achieved with ultra-

2. Make plans, but plan to be flexible. During summer surges, it’s probable something will go wrong with your fresh supply chain. But since you can’t know exactly what (or when), you need to have proactive backup solutions ready. When, for example, a severe storm hits your main distribution center, an alreadyestablished multipronged supply chain

3. Prepare your fresh supply chain for success. Watermelons are a challenging item to move through the supply chain – they are bulky and can be awkward to transport, with harvest times all over the map (literally!) from April to September. That’s why it’s important to work with a grower-shipper that emphasizes accurate lead times and stays in constant communication with you about crops, fill rates and correct product availability. They should also monitor the weather and keep you

AXCESS 2000.H Pick-Up Station from Apex Supply Chain Technologies®. The industry’s first heated, self-serve order pick-up station was specifically designed to make the “last inch” handoff of digital orders more convenient for customers – and more efficient for employees. The lockers feature a smart, twosided design, meant to be strategically located so that employees can load orders from the back, while customers pick up in front. More importantly, it’s a fast,

self-serve experience for busy people who don’t have time to wait in line. The real genius of the order pick-up station is that it continues the fast, efficient experience that begins with the digital order process. Once an employee places the order in the compartment for pick-up, the customer receives a text or email with a unique code. Then they can skip the line and go straight to the pickup station, where they scan or enter their code. The secure compartment holding

New Product Stager from Triangle Improves Produce Bagging Speeds, Efficiency With thousands of machine installations throughout North America and the world, Triangle Package Machinery Company has a reputation for applying state-of-theart innovation to help its customers become more competitive. Founded in 1923 by Louis Muskat, who introduced a packaging machine that more than doubled typical production of the day, today the family’s third generation continues a tradition of innovation in packaging machinery. Triangle’s packaging solutions for the produce industry include vertical form fill seal (VFFS) baggers, combination weighers and a rotary depositor/tray loading system. Many of Triangle’s innovations have come from listening to its customers and

black when it comes to dressing up your flowers for black tie affairs: it can be used in any style of design. It recedes visually inside a glass vase allowing flowers to catch the eye. There is no need to cover it with foliage; the black base becomes an element of the on-trend design, and it’s a sophisticated look for party, wedding and sympathy designs. John Kittinger AIFD of Lexington, Kentucky suggests, “Midnight is a great new element for contemporary designs.”

Florida and a hurricane wipes out their crop, you need a backup option. Having a network of growers is essential. Robinson Fresh offers consistent global supply with produce grown in over 40 countries with the strongest growing seasons.

could mean the difference between uninterrupted watermelon orders and a threeday out of stock situation.


ucts. Each one-third block of foam holds one liter of water just as regular floral foam does. Each full block of foam holds three liters of water.” “Midnight is a perfect mechanic for a black vase as the foam blends in with container,” says the Smithers-Oasis Design Director Loann Burke AIFD, AAF, PFCI. “The black colored floral foam becomes an invisible part of the structure.”

Why Buy Midnight Floral Foam? The versatile floral foam can be used to support flower stems as a water source or cut into interesting shapes to add artistic flair to your designs. Midnight was developed in Europe as the black tie of floral mechanics and has received an overwhelmingly positive response from U.S. consumers. For more information,



sonic sealing applications.

About Triangle Package Machinery Company Triangle Package Machinery is a U.S. manufacturer of vertical form fill seal (VFFS) bag machines, combination weighers, horizontal cartoning/bag-in-box systems, and tray loading/depositing systems. Founded in 1923, Triangle is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and offers a 120,000 square foot facility that houses its entire manufacturing process from raw material fabrication through complete machine testing and checkout. Triangle also provides superior after sales support, training, documentation and online troubleshooting, as well as spare parts service.

For more information, call 800.621.4170, stop by booth #16015 or go to

updated if melons from particular regions will arrive from the field earlier or later than anticipated.

4. Analyze now for a better tomorrow. Use this year’s summer surge as an opportunity to improve your fresh supply chains for the future. Completing a quality supply chain analysis can go a long way toward making next year’s summer surge planning even better. After the season wraps up, take the time to analyze what worked well and what didn’t; then, implement changes as necessary. For more information, visit www.robinson or stop by booth #12010.

their order opens, they grab their order and are on their way in seconds. Just as importantly, the AXCESS 2000.H also makes order pickup less disruptive and more efficient for restaurant operations. The flow-through design makes it easy for associates to load orders from the back, and they don’t get in the way of customers picking up at the front.

For more information, go to www.apex

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Produce Show Daily

Painted Pumpkins for Everyone Bay Baby Produce Inc., a North American grower and leader in painted pumpkins, long stem ornamentals and winter organic squash, offers a vast array of painted pumpkin styles to fit every personality and decorating style. Bay Baby Produce began with just 30 acres of soil, and a vision of creating a family-owned farm around the whimsical notion of giving pumpkins a personTriangle (Cont’d. from p. 1)

pouch. Other stations include a horizontal infeed belt and a pouch outfeed conveyor. Standard features also include a pouch shaker to help settle product, as well as a Markem date coder. Key features and benefits include no fill – no seal. If a bag does not open, product will not be dispensed. Bags not filled will pass through the sealing station without sealing, saving product and wasted bags. It has a clean, open design for ease of sanitation and maintenance, stainless steel frame (painted cast frame enclosed), ease of operation and superior Design Containers (Cont’d. from p. 1)

items they buy. Personalized products answer that need. Product differentiation is a valuable sales tool any time of year. It’s especially important for inspiring impulse buys during the holidays when customers are seeking customized gifts. Upscale your look with color, pattern and texture in easy-to-apply finishes. Customized designs help differentiate your business and boosts your competitive edge.

Attention to Detail When it comes to eye-catching designs, attention to detail can wrap up a sale. You don’t need to stock specialty containers or expensive hand-decorated items to fill that void. Increase the perceived value of your Mucci Farms (Cont’d. from p. 1)

growing season for greenhouse growers in cold climate regions is typically in the 8-9 month range yearly. Grow lights allow us to extend that season to 12 months,” says Joe Spano, Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “We continue to expand our grow light acreage and encourage our grower partners to do the same. Our goal is to have all of our hightech glass facilities ‘under lights’ in the near future.” Food Defend (Cont’d. from p. 1)

controlled because FruitGard has a high affinity for these zones and penetrates into boxes and bins. The February 2019 EPA registration further strengthened the case for FruitGard by certifying its environmental and human safety qualities. FruitGard is a dry, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) fumigant that Food Defend has been developing for over 15 years. First introduced in the potato storage industry in 2015, it quickly became the industry standard due to its proven superiority as an antimicrobial agent against fungal and

ality. The original Pumpkin Patch Pals characters were designed and developed as fun characters and ambassadors to kids and young kids at heart for healthy eating and exercise. Bay Baby Produce now offers a vast line of painted pumpkins from fun personalities to many other unique and trendy home decor styles. Stop by booth #9015 to check out the painted pumpkin bestsellers: silhouettes,

service and support. “As pouches continue to gain popularity in the flexible packaging market, we see a definite need for automated solutions that will enable small- to mediumsized companies in a wide range of markets to keep up with demand,” says Ralph Hernandez, Vice President – Sales & Marketing, Triangle Package Machinery Company. “Triangle has a long history of working with JDD in the Canadian marketplace, and we saw a great opportunity to bring this technology to customers in the United States and Mexico. With the strength of Triangle’s service and parts support, we are confident that customers

utility containers or glass vases bought in bulk. Add dressmaking detail with decorative lace, fabric and beads; incorporate bands of feathers, felt, faux fur or natural wraps; adhere fresh foliage, like lambs ear, to container exteriors with adhsive; and enhance with felt wraps with adhesive backs or other self-sticking materials.

The Secret to Attaching Decorative Accents Two of the best ways to attach decorative accents are UGLU and double-faced tape. Which adhesive works best depends on its use in each project. UGLU is clear and doesn’t show through on glass vases. Double-faced tape is white and more easily seen, but holds better in cold or humid temperatures. Rub glass surfaces first with alcohol to remove any oils, allowing adhesives to bond well.

This year at the United Fresh Expo and Conference, Mucci Farms is highlighting its response to the ongoing market demand to reduce plastic with its brand new Simple Snack Series. Part of its sustainability initiative known as GreenERhouse, SIMPLE is an acronym for: Sustainable Innovation Made Purposely for our Living Environment. “Simple Snack, Simple Pack,” says Emily Murracas, Director of Marketing. “It’s a cardboard container with 100 percent recyclable lidding film. Not only is

bacterial rot organisms. FruitGard’s rate of release can be varied with the use of an activator. The wipeout activator causes a steady release over eight hours for optimum post-harvest control of the fungal and bacterial microorganism that cause decay and spoilage. On the other hand, FruitGard in air filtration drums needs no activator. This slower-release method conditions and cleans the air in large storage rooms, ripening rooms and similar operating environments. This product can also keep refrigeration coils and air ducts clean,

fun faces, pets, skulls and more! Whatever your personality or decorating style, Bay Baby Produce has the perfect painted pumpkin just for you.

About Bay Baby Produce Inc. Bay Baby Produce, a woman-owned business for over 30 years, is located in the Skagit Valley, Burlington, Washington. This area is one of the most

are not only getting a quality machine, but above and beyond service and support.” With simple tool-less changeover and the ability to store up to 48 recipes, the system can easily run multiple products or bag sizes. Pouch sizes range from 4 inches wide to 12 inches wide, depending on model, while pouch heights range from 4 inches to 15 inches. The rotary pouch filler is suitable for a variety of markets, including granola, snacks, confectionery, dried fruit and nuts, as well as powders such as spices, sugars, baking mixes and more. The Triangle/JDD Rotary Pouch Machine is an ideal entry-level solution

Added Décor Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive A simple add-on can update the look without a big investment. Originality and uniqueness trump expense when it comes to decorative touches. When using decorative materials, remember to save the leftover bits and pieces. Gluing leftover pieces of wire, ribbon or wraps puts pennies into your pocket instead of the garbage. This trash will soon become cash when used efficiently. Save the leftover odds-and-ends of mixed materials in small plastic bins; one color per bin. Use these remnants to create bout art or wristlets for prom, floral jewelry, corsages for weddings and accessorizing wraps for vases, wine bottles or gift packaging. Keep an eye on incoming trends. Stay

the package sustainable, we have lots of real estate for branding and product info, including a QR code that leads people to our website where they can learn more about our sustainability program.” In addition to sustainable packaging, the company is also placing an importance on consumer education. “With so much information and a multitude of opinions particularly online, there’s a lot of inaccurate information in the public domain regarding packaging, so another focus for us will be to leverage our media

reducing energy use, extending shelf life and improving the quality of products stored or produced in these environments. Food Defend has established treatment SOPs and safety protocols for tomato, potato and cantaloupe grower/shippers and processors. FruitGard is non-corrosive to metals and building materials; it will not harm cooling coils, insulation, motors or other parts of storage facilities. FruitGard is not a restricted use pesticide and no special certifications are needed for applicators. Storage and han-


fertile growing regions in North America. Bay Baby Produce’s mission is to be a consistently reliable source for high quality painted pumpkins, long stem ornamentals, organic squash and value-added products grown on its farm.

For more information, email sales@ or stop by booth #9015.

for businesses looking for the next step in packaging automation.

About Triangle Package Machinery Company Founded in 1923 and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Triangle Package Machinery Company is a U.S. manufacturer of vertical form fill seal (VFFS) bag machines, combination weighers, horizontal cartoning/bag-in-box systems and tray loading/depositing systems.

For more information, call 800.621.4170, stop by booth #16015 or go to

ahead of the curve by finding new ways to mix on-trend colors and materials.

Differentiation Is a Continual Process Customers continuously look for fresh ideas. Differentiating your product helps to grow sales but it’s a continual process. Popular new trends quickly become commonplace. Keep one step ahead by embracing newer trends while incorporating materials you have on-hand. How can you mix old and new products to upscale your design containers and differentiate your business?

For more free flower tips, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and the Oasis IDEA weekly blog at Learn more at

channels to get the right information out there,” says Fernanda Albuquerque, New Product Development Manager. Currently in the soft launch stage, the Simple Snack series will have an initial product offering of current popular Mucci Farms snacking items, including Sun Drops™ Grape Tomatoes, Blended Flavours™ snacking tomatoes and Sweet to the Point™ Pointed Mini Peppers. Stop by booth #9024 to talk with the Mucci Farms team.

dling require no special conditions or practices. Spent FruitGard can be disposed of in a landfill. Contact Food Defend for more information about this breakthrough, proprietary chemistry. It will conduct a complimentary sanitation process assessment and provide recommendations on whether an additional layer of protection makes sense for your food protection strategy. For more information, email dpaulshock, call 833.888.3381 or go to

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