The story of lifetime legacy singer, Queen of Soul - Aretha Franklin

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Oasis Montagé Vice President


Meeting Mrs. Carolyn Jones was one of the most extraordinary moments for me; she’s such a lovely, free hearted spirit. I never imagined that from that first meeting that we would have become not just sisters in Christ, but true loving friends. Being one of the lead actresses in her true-life story, “Real Men Wait While Women Shoptalk” brought so much life to me being able to live through her life story. Nothing like the love that each of us shared through this journey that we all became family. With the respect and trust that Mrs. Jones had for me, I was employed with Mrs. Jones and Oasis Montage Ministries as their “Legal Beagle”; VP of Oasis Montage Magazine and Assistant Director of Stage Plays. I’m very humbled to be such a great representative for Mrs. Jones and Oasis Montage Ministries in each aspect. I’ve been awarded the opportunity to meet and work with some phenomenal people. Actors; Actresses; Singers, and Radio/Talk Shows in and out of Atlanta, GA. You know I never thought I’d enjoy acting as much as I do, but you know the most exciting about it is after the cameras are not running and you get to speak with the men and women after shows, gives you such a genuine love for what you do. I’ve been in law for over 25 years and truly love my practice. Knowing that I’m making a difference in someone’s life is so meaningful to me.

I had the opportunity to work for a woman that is extraordinary to our state, Ms. Stacey Abrams. Unfortunately, due to conflicts with my schedule, I was unable to continue after the interview stage. Just knowing what she stands for is enough. I’d like to say that she has my full support in her journey to create great change. She has such power in her words of motivation; such strength and courage that would make you feel you can conquer the world. I’m a true believer in honesty and peace and I feel that is what Ms. Stacey Abrams brings. Family is everything! Praying for continued blessings for you all; Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family; Oasis Montage Ministries and Shoptalk Family. Lisa M. Battise, VP and Legal Beagle Oasis Montagé Lisa Battise, Legal Oasis Montage Ministries (470) 315-3372 OASIS/Montage January • February 2019 7

Oasis Montage Jan 2019 FINAL.indd 7

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