2 minute read

Bill Cosby: Down the Rabbit Hole


Down the Rabbit Hole By Synita Floyd • Photos: Getty Images


TThe hush of the r oom was pal pabl e. The only sounds that were audible were the nondescript coughs of agitation within the court room. The defendant stood and the judge spoke. Sentencing had begun. Three to ten to serve, must register as a sex offender. The gavel came down to a rest. As one side of the court room fell into silent despair, the other side showed joyous rancour for receiving the outcome they had longed for. Bill Cosby had gone from being the cool dad that everyone wanted, the I spy of the 60’s and Fat Albert of our youth, to the predator of things never imagined. A virtual antipathy seeped like sweat from some who once loved this man.


The decision of the court left many of us wondering how did this happen. I can not condone the behavior and actions of Mr. Cosby; neither can I with all honesty say he alone is guilty in all instances. To me, and you may well have a different opinion, in some instances, others are just as complicit in the grand scheme of things.

The America of now, and most definitely of the 60’s was not pro black male when it came to forcing a woman into any behavior she was against. A call to the authorities would have had him in jail before he drew his next breath. Then to go back, as some did, after such a tumultuous incident blows my mind. Why would one do such a thing? I just can’t wrap my mind around it. If you touch a hot stove, you don’t touch it again. In other words fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. The entire situation is unfortunate. Mr. Cosby has to be held accountable for his choices, his actions but, there is still the mendacity that hangs heavy within the nostrils of Lady Justice. The mendacity of which I speak is simply that Mr. Cosby engaged in what has been called unwanton sexual behavior. Now let us consider the means to an end behavior and desiredend result of the other parties.

I believe it was an eyes wide shut situation on all parts. Mr. Cosby had in his mind elevated himself to an entirely different mental plane of blackness. He was a “good black man” accepted in all circles. To himself, and at the expense of his wife, he was; he thought above it all. The women, some were in awe of the black male mystique of of the 60’s and others trying to achieve fame and fortune wanted to climb that superstar ladder. For most that climb never amounted to their aspirations. There is blame to be shared by all. Hindsight is 20/20, and foresight is a blessing, but one must remember that as life takes one on this journey of fortune and mishap, once you jump down the rabbit hole be careful it’s a different world from where you come from.