January—March 2021

Page 46

Mobility Way By Mike Savicki — Afterburner Communications NMEDA CONSULTANT

The Move to a Minivan

Behind the wheel, Steve Killilea has covered the miles in a variety of vehicles...


his story begins back in the

only solution for passengers or drivers.

days of car-toppers and bench

In February 1977, at age 9, Steve Killilea came with plenty of room to transfer and, yes, he equipped it with a carcontracted Encephalitis, a blood

seats. Remember those? Long

before lowered-floor minivans and ramp-equipped SUVs became the norm—actually, long before minivans and SUVs were even invented—these were a few of the things disabled drivers considered when looking at vehicles to get them on the road. Sure, full-sized, lift-equipped vans with overstuffed captain’s chairs were around but even back then, in the 1970s and 1980s, vans weren’t the

plasma virus that came with flu-like

everyday wheelchair.

more than his left, he was diagnosed

Then it was a black Oldsmobile

a quadriplegic, and he finished third

Cutlass, another hand-me-down from

grade rehabbing in a Boston hospital.

his Dad, and this car had both bench

Steve doesn’t remember much about

seats and a car topper. Steve figured

family vehicles from when he was

out systems to transfer in and out,

young because, as a passenger even

load and unload his everyday chair,

into high school, cars didn’t much

and also to transport his wheelchair

matter, it was about school, friends,

rugby chair to and from weekly

family, and being active.

practices. Steve was one of the

changed when, after graduating high school and enrolling at the University of Massachusetts Boston, the family

NMEDA Circuit Breaker

topper to secure and stow his folding

symptoms. His right side was affected

But his attitude


Thunderbird. The two-door coupe

original members of the USQRA’s NEPVA (Boston) Pitbulls and it was there, by watching and learning from teammates, he learned that instead of using a car topper, he could transfer in and out and handle his chair by himself. Soon his car transfers became

realized he needed

faster and more efficient.

a car to get back

“The rugby guys knew all the ins

and forth to school.

and outs of chairs and vehicles so I

Enter his first vehicle,

followed,” Steve, now 52, recalls with a

a hand-me-down-

laugh. I’d see them do it, say to myself

from-Dad, “top of

‘oh, that looks easy’ and learn a new

the line” 1982 Ford


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