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Canada President’s Message

A New Happy Year

By David Parton — Mobility in Motion



Another year goes into the books, going out in silence with barely a toast and everybody staying inside of their family bubble. This province is under a four-week lock down with only essential services permitted or expected to work, that is, except construction is not to stop, repair shops and automotive dealerships are open by appointment only. Truth is, about the only places closed down and locked is every eatery you may wish to have lunch at. Small retailers are closed unless they can offer curb-side or on-line sales.

Even politicians don’t seem to have taken the lock down seriously as we hear a steady drone of provincial politicians getting caught returning from beach front destinations.

I am not questioning, and I respect the power of this virus, and my heart breaks for the many, especially the residents of retirement facilities, who have had their lives put on hold and a significant number continue to populate the rolls of those who have died from the virus.

I asked my family to look forward to what is to come, and to find happiness, purpose, and satisfaction, despite what seems to be one situation after another that saps our energy and makes us maintain a distance from each other. Oh, for a nice hug, and a voice saying everything will be alright. We have year after year said we have high hopes for this next year as the last one let us down.

I am reminded that happiness is a decision, and a way of living, not a destination. My favourite music group once wrote, “Life is but a candle, and the dream, must give it flame.”

The latest election has just ended for NMEDA and here in Canada, we had a good list of candidates volunteer to either stay on or join the board.

Volunteerism is alive and well within the ranks of NMEDA Canada. We will go into this next year stronger and more diversified. New board members, welcome aboard. NMEDA is the gold standard on so many levels. Our education and certification mechanisms for technicians has been propelled forward light years by the partnership with the University of Pittsburgh and Amy Lane as our new Director of Education & Training.

We are all volunteers on the US and Canadian Boards of Directors. We give of our time and we seek to look at and address the many issues which our industry has. Our client base is vulnerable often, and at the very least they are struggling and looking for answers.

NMEDA is the gold standard on so many levels. Our education and certification mechanisms for technicians has been propelled forward light years by the partnership with the University of Pittsburgh and Amy Lane as our new Director of Education & Training.

QAP has been revitalized and streamlined to the benefit of all. QAPx will be rolled out this coming year, it has taken a long time and a lot of cooperation to bring this about, prepare to be impressed.

My message is, that even as we have been sequestered and inside of our bubbles, much work has continued and progress is being made. We have a number of vendors who are not part of our association. It is our intention over the next year to reach out and encourage many to join us. We have more in common and as our Canadian Association continues to make progress and collaborate with many other professional associations, our standards and the protection it offers to end users, will make the need to join, a logical one. We do not and need not cajole anybody.

We do need to play straight and adhere to the policies and procedures we profess to hold. What we do matters, we need to show leadership. Our message is timely and compelling. Others will join us, or simply benefit while riding on the coattails of our association.

We are the line of defense that those who need the products we sell should be able to rely upon. We are the ones that the funding agencies can look to and trust. We need to lead by example and tell our story. We are a good news story when we play our role effectively and with integrity. Our association and the guidelines we have, and follow, is what differentiates us from the also rans. We need to be known for the work we do, and the pride we take in our work.

2021 will be a better year, because we will take control and go forward with a vision, together as an association we will establish ourselves, we will say Happy New Years to all our friends. And welcome to those who are not with our association today.

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