January—March 2021

Page 36




hile most people want

While we hope to return to on-site

a list of all non-member conversion

to forget 2020 ever

auditing in 2021, one thing is for sure,

companies and any of their WAVs that

happened, myself

remote auditing is here to stay.

have been verified.

New QAP Rule for Vehicle Conversions and New Vehicle Safety Review Posting Page

Complete Overhaul of the QAP Rules

For years dealers complained about

a thorough review of the QAP Rules

the array of WAV conversions on the

document looking for ways to

marketplace that lacked available

streamline. The effort took the good

crash test data. There was no good

part of the year to complete. Staff met

system in place for conversions made

at least once a month to go over every

by non-NMEDA members to identify

single section—every single word—in

what ones were crash-tested and

the QAP Rules and recommended

what ones were not. Even scarier

changes to clarify the rule to be in

was that nothing prevented dealers

concert with how the rule is applied

included, I don’t want to lose sight of some really amazing things that happened this past year for our association and specifically QAP. It might sound odd, but with the staff working from home for the most part, it allowed us to focus on some really important items that I am happy to say were a great success. For this article, I would like to wrap up this past year and go over some of the key improvements to the QAP and a little about what’s coming in 2021. In no specific order, here we go!

New QAP Audit Program Completes its First Cycle In 2020 we completed our first cycle with the new audit program. I can tell from the feedback I have been receiving from our dealers that the new process has been a success. Dealers are telling me that they are learning more from these audits than

from selling potentially non-FMVSS

we are on the right track. The audit

compliant conversions to customers.

should be a learning experience for

That all changed when the Regulatory

the dealer. In 2020, about 85% of all

Compliance requirement for the QAP

audits were performed remotely, and

Rules was put in force on July 1, 2020

while remote auditing was required

and the NMEDA website was updated

to be put in place due to the COVID

with the new posting page. After

concerns, most dealers found that

that time, all new conversions sold by

it was highly effective. Many dealers

dealers had to be posted by NMEDA.

were surprised at how much could

The new posting page shows all WAVs

actually be accomplished remotely.

from NMEDA members, as well as

NMEDA Circuit Breaker

in real life. Trust me when I say this

Staff met at least once a month to go over every single section, every single word in the QAP Rules and recommended changes to clarify the rule to be in concert with how the rule is applied in real life.”

they have in the past and that means


By the end of 2020 staff completed

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