Holistic Bliss Magazine

Page 18


The purpose of relationship is to Words DEB BELL


nurture the flowering of the soul

oin and I met in 2006 at a retreat all about forgiveness. The Universe clearly wanted us to be together from the start. There were chance meetings ‘bumping into’ at the market in Ubud; friends made sure we sat together at gatherings, and even a taxi driver stopping in the main thoroughfare of Ubud, jumping out of his taxi and rushing up to me saying, “Miss Deb, Eoin is here, Eoin is here, you must go see him, you must go see him now!”. What we discovered was, the growth we experienced together was 10 times more than if we were working on our own personal growth. We spent four days together, and then five months later, another two weeks. During this time together, the growth in each other was significant. We supported and held each other, and loved one another through the challenges. At the end of this time together, we decided that there was something significant for each of us in the relationship and would continue.

The decision was obvious – we moved in together, and the Gold Coast became our new home. Since then, we have immersed ourselves into everything relationship – from Shamanic teachings, to NLP, to becoming Advanced Liquid Crystal practitioners. The growth we have experienced from being together in a conscious relationship has been huge. Now, we work with couples and families, helping them identify the patterns not working, and transforming relationships from co-dependent to coempowered. Instead of couples growing apart when they have challenges, we teach them how to support each other, and how to shift old patterns. We help you identify your role within the family, within the relationship, and how to make changes that really work. When you can start working with each other, instead of bickering and growing apart, you become each other’s best team mate. You work together, you support the flowering of soul. The patterns are the key. Identifying

them and seeing how they play out together is the secret. It means to become the observers of the relationship, instead of being ‘in’ the relationship. One of the key things to remember is being open and honest with each other. For example, if your partner does something that you are triggered by, instead of ‘reacting’, you can have an agreement to say, “when you did that, I felt this”. This then opens the conversation about how both of your dynamics are ‘playing’ together. We all have triggers and patterns. When we bring consciousness to these patterns, then the dynamics can shift. A new appreciation of the other can be found, and the relationship shifts again to the next level. Be committed to yourself, be committed to your relationship. Learn to keep loving each other. Nurture the flowering of soul… /inspiringfreedom.global

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| AUGUST 2020 | Holistic Bliss


Articles inside

Evolution of an identity

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Make the best of your life

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From puppy love to true friendship

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To evolve or devolve - that is the question!

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3 simple steps to transform your mind, body and life

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Principles for evolution

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Mercury in Retrograde – is it a source of radiation?

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There is no such thing as pure water!

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Turning lead into gold

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For the love of...

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Vulnerability: How it can catapult your evolution

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A sacred spa journey to self

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Evolving your energies to enhance your wellbeing

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Let go, trust and evolve naturally

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What blocks you from your next level of purpose, income and impact?

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Getting through cold and flu season more easily!

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How to evolve into greater confidence

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People power the eco friendly way

page 22

Evolving into the Future

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Heal and evolve through awakening your spiritual gifts

page 19

The purpose of relationship is to nurture the flowering of the soul

page 18

Is your body evolving and are you even aware of it?

page 17

Broadcasting our own frequency

page 16

Insights from a spiritual teacher

page 15

Emotional evolution – change, growth and transformation

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Make love an evolution

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What would it be like to not worry about money?

page 12

Vegetable Bangalore Phall Curry

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I've started a cleanse – why do I feel so bad?

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Vegan Lasagna

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Unfolding abundance

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