2 minute read

Emotional evolution – change, growth and transformation


Your emotional body is your strength. When you know how to use emotions as a tool, you begin to understand who you authentically are.


The life you are living and experiencing is generated from your inner unconscious world. Your emotions decode and untangle the energy from this world into a language you can understand. The energy from your emotions can access the voice of your heart and download empowering insights from your higher self. The awareness you receive first heals what is needed, and then an awesome evolutionary process begins, transforms and grows. This process has a positive impact on your whole family and all the generations that follow. Very cool!

But that’s not all. Regularly practising the steps below, builds internal strength and creates conscious clarity. Your inner being defaults to optimism and possibility, rather than expectation and conclusion. Life becomes a synchronistic adventure in which both the ups and downs become interesting insights and clues. You begin to value growth, expand your consciousness and express yourself in many ways that leave you feeling whole, enough and curious about who you are.

Everyone can do this by following a few simple steps. The idea is to do all four steps, knowing Step 1 is the most challenging.

Step 1. Take full responsibility for your emotions. Simply put, it is not anyone or anything on the outside that is emotionally wobbling you. It’s not your partner, mum, dad, family member, boss or anyone else at work. It’s not the housework or your job. The emotion is telling you that your thoughts, beliefs or actions are not in alignment with your heart and higher self. The idea is to turn inwards and connect by asking your heart and higher self for their message.

Step 2. Imagine the emotion is a source of power and healing energy – the power to connect and become aware of what your heart and higher self are saying. The healing energy to change, grow and transform anything you desire.

Step 3. Listen. Really listen. Close your eyes, breathe through your heart and listen. Come from a place of knowing nothing but having access to everything! Turn inwards and be still for 5-10 minutes. Be patient, wait and embrace your inner quiet. Your intuition will kick in, along with the entire universe, eager to assist you in the direction of your light. Clarity will drop in.

Step 4. The more you do this, the better you get at it. In the beginning, and throughout intense emotional times in your life, you may need another set of eyes to help unpack and unfold your inner awareness. Either a professional set of eyes or the eyes from a conscious, like-minded friend or family member. After a while, the emotional evolution feels empowering, enchanting and wondrous.

For more amazing information on your emotions and their language, purchase the book Emotionally Happy Homes – visit: www.julesoneill.com