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Evolving your energies to enhance your wellbeing


Empower | Evolve | Thrive! is the core message I share through Sage Life sessions and classes as it is critical to your health and wellbeing.


Your energies are the template for your physical body and while your body is magnificently designed to heal itself, the world in which we live today does not provide the optimal environment for our bodies to come back into flow, balance and harmony to support our inner healer. When you also understand that your energies are in a constant state of flux – in response to other people, your environment and even the thoughts and beliefs you hold – it becomes important to understand how to support and evolve our energies daily.

Human evolution takes millions of years, and our environment, food, lifestyle and technology is vastly different to the world even just 50 years ago. Our bodies simply did not evolve to know whether it is a sabre-toothed tiger we are facing, or just the stress from living in the fast-paced, often stressful, technologically advanced world. We cannot wait for our bodies to evolve, but we can evolve our energies with simple, easy-to-learn, yet powerfully potent techniques from the Eden Method.

It is estimated that 75-90% of all doctors’ visits are stress-related. Stress plays a major role in many serious illnesses today. Evolving our energies is a key factor in building resilience to stress triggers and improving our health, vitality and wellbeing. My mission is to EMPOWER people, especially women, through education about their body’s energy systems, and EVOLVE their energies with targeted, daily self-care – not to just survive in today’s challenging world, but so they can THRIVE!

Try this simple exercise the next time you feel yourself going into stress. Gently place one or two hands over your forehead (affectionately known as the ‘OMG’ points) and hold them there for three to five minutes. This will start to bring blood, cerebrospinal fluid and oxygen back to the advanced thinking part of the brain and help calm your nervous system. By doing this when you feel yourself going into stress, you will start to retrain your stress response and build resilience to stress triggers in daily life. This is just one of the many simple, yet powerfully potent ways you will learn to EVOLVE your energies with Eden Method sessions and classes.

Contact Elizabeth Caruana at info.sagelife@gmail.com or visit: www.sagelife.com.au for information about classes, sessions and the 2021/22 year-long Level 1: Fundamentals programs on offer in Qld. Empower | Evolve | Thrive!