La Porte City Neighborhood Revitalization Plan

Jasmine Gaston, Mayor
Brett Hakeman
Kristi Harrill
Phillip Medina
Jan Pint
Jordan Schmitz
Jane Whittlesley, City Clerk
Rose Phillips
Chris Janson, AICP
Emily Huston
Shannon Gapp, AICP
Jenna Gilliam
Andrew Inhelder, PE
Palen Stream, EIT
Special thanks to Iowa Economic Development Authority and the Community Development Block Grant from the Neighborhood Revitalization Grant program that funded these planning efforts.

The City of La Porte City sought assistance for a neighborhood revitalization initiative funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) from the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). This plan evaluates the current neighborhood conditions and proposes several enhancements in the Target Area, including:
• Road reconstruction on 4th Street from Commercial Street to Bishop Avenue.
• Storm-water and drainage (storm sewer) improvements on 4th Street from Commercial Street to Bishop Avenue.
• Installation of new sidewalks and replacement of deteriorated existing sidewalks to establish safe walking routes to the City Park.
• City Park improvements, including establishment of inclusive play area and roof replacement for the park restroom.
• Sanitary sewer repair or replacement on 3rd St. and 4th St. from Commercial St. to Bishop Ave.
The selection of the neighborhood was based on its central location within La Porte City and the significance of the park located within its boundary. Located a block from Main Street, the residents value the ease and walkability of its sidewalks for residents and park users alike.
The 4th Street road conditions are crucial considering the large truck traffic from the Co-op located along 4th Street. Good drainage and road conditions are essential for vehicle safety, while providing ADA-compliant sidewalks and ramps contributes to the safety and well-being of pedestrians along this route.
City Park is a well-loved and used space of the Target Area, by both residents and visitors to the community. Its central location and accessibility make it a preferred location for local events. The City aims to enhance access and the overall condition of City Park using the grant funds.
MSA anticipates the following estimated project schedule:
Request for Qualifications/Proposals
City Issues RFQ/RFP for Planning, Design and Construction Related Services for CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization grants
Planning Grant Application
• Phase I: Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Grant submitted to IEDA on behalf of La Porte City by INRCOG
Existing Conditions & Projects
Complete Inventory of Existing Conditions and Assets
• Complete Descriptions and Scope of Proposed Neighborhood Projects
Kickoff Phase I: Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Process
• Project Initiation Meeting
• Finalize Scope and Contract for Phase I
• Stakeholder Conversations
• Begin Existing Conditions Analysis
Consultant Selection & Potential Award
• City receives, evaluates and selects consultant for planning, design, and construction related services (pending award)
Project Visioning
• Create Placemaking Vision for Neighborhood
• Development of Plan/Project Framework
• IEDA Awards La Porte City CDBG funds for Phase I: Neighborhood Revitalization Planning Grant
Complete Draft Plan
• Complete Draft Plan
• Complete Outline of Proposed and Planned Projects
• Present Draft Plan to Community and Council
Design, Bidding, Construction
• Complete Design of Applicable Proposed Improvements from Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
• Facilitate Bidding of Proposed Improvements
• Provide Construction Related Services for Proposed Improvements
• Assist INRCOG with Grant Administration, Monitoring and Close-Out
MAY 2024 –APRIL 2025
Phase II: Submit Neighborhood Revitalization Construction Grant
• Assist INRCOG and La Porte City with Grant Application for Phase II
• INRCOG Submits Phase II Grant Application
The Target Area historically has been predominantly residential, with the north-eastern most corner being industrial due to the location of the Farmers Co-op. The Co-op was incorporated in 1946 after a group of La Porte City-area farmers came together to purchase a pre-existing facility. The original establishment was purchased for $25,000, and included a small, wooden elevator; feed building; office building; and an elevator to load onto the WCF&N (Waterloo, Cedar Falls, and Northern) Railroad. The Co-op was expanded in 2014 and merged with Mid-Iowa Cooperatives in 2019.

The neighborhood has been located west of the railways since the beginning of the 20th century. La Porte City was connected to the electric interurban system commonly called “The Cedar Valley Road,” which ran from Waverly to Cedar Falls in 1911.The route ran west alongside the neighborhood and on Commercial Street to eventually reach the Depot on Main Street. The railway was in operation from 1896 to 1958.

La Porte City Map, 1948
La Porte Co-op
La Porte City, 1930


The neighborhood is located within a flood hazard area of La Porte City. While flooding did not come up often when talking with residents, it is a concern for the future. The current on-street drainage is limited and needs updating, especially with the risk of flooding in this area.

MSA attended La Porte City’s annual Festival of Trails. This pop-up event provided MSA staff with the opportunity to present the community with outreach materials they were able to respond to. Four boards were shown at the event: project priorities, sidewalk conditions, neighborhood plan boundary and website link, and City Park existing conditions. Those that stopped by shared their comments on which projects they believed to be most important to the neighborhood and marked areas where sidewalk and road conditions needed improvement.

The board below was presented to those that attended Festival of Trails and provided the opportunity for residents and visitors to share their opinions on how City Park could be improved.
Based on feedback received both through the on-line survey and the in-person pop-up event, these were the improvements that residents of La Porte City would like to see made for City Park.
• New roof on bathroom facility
• Pickleball Court
• Dog features/amenities (water bowls, bags, etc.)
• Accessible features
• Stop signs or 4 way stop by park

Are there any facilities/features you would like to see added to City Park?

A walking assessment was done in the project neighborhood to analyze the condition of the existing sidewalks. This analysis discovered multiple areas where sidewalks were in poor condition or non-existent. ADA curb ramps were also taken into consideration at the corners of each block and many were found to need repair or were not present on all corners.

Existing Sidewalk is in Poor Condition
Existing Sidewalk is in Good Condition

Existing ADA Curb Ramp is in Poor Condition
Existing ADA Curb Ramp is in Good Condition

Three separate on-line surveys were conducted through Survey123 for the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan in order to gain a better understanding of the demographics of those living in the project area, as well as understanding what projects and improvements residents found to be a priority.

1. Project Priorities Survey - Residents were asked to rank proposed Target Area improvements (see p. 1) from highest to lowest priority.
2. 2023 CDBG Low and Moderate Income Survey - Residents were asked if they support the proposed project, and whether their household incomes fall above or below the applicable limit for their household size. The LMI Survey is still in progress and will be completed by the end of 2023.
3. Park Improvements Survey - Residents were asked what changes they would like to see made to the park, if any. Residents were also asked about other recreational facilities and equipment that they would be interested in seeing.
LMI surveys, flyers, and post cards explaining the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan were sent in the mail to residents within the Target Area multiple times in order to help inform them of the process and importance of receiving feedback, and encourage participation.

The following City Park improvement recommendations were made after receiving feedback from the community as well as MSA staff. In-person analysis was done to identify the current conditions and future needs of City Park.

Dog Bowl Water Fountain
Dog Bag Station
Pickleball Court
Bathroom Facility Roof and Facade Update
Following the completion of public engagement, the City Park improvements and estimates were devised to analyze and integrate community feedback, ensuring alignment with the desires of La Porte City residents. Given its significance as the sole park within the city, enhancing City Park is crucial. Continuous maintenance and expansion of facilities are essential to meet the community’s needs. The table below displays the recommended upgrades to City Park and cost estimates to implement them.
The sidewalk estimates encompass the sidewalks in the neighborhood, excluding those on 4th Street which have been totaled with the 4th Street reconstruction (p. 18 - 19). A majority of the sidewalks in the neighborhood boundary are in need of replacement, along with the ramps. The map below shows the findings of the sidewalk analysis that was conducted by walking the neighborhood and noting the conditions of the existing sidewalk in terms of walkability and identifying segments where no sidewalk was present.

The table below is the same table that can be found on page 19 of this document. The highlighted column shows the cost estimates for all neighborhood sidewalks, including 3rd Street, but does not include those for 4th Street as they are included in their own section (p. 18 - 19).

La Porte City Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
Sidewalk Replacement and 4th St. Road Reconstruction from HWY 218 to Cedar St. La Porte City, IA
The following conceptual estimates include pavement removal, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, sidewalk, seeding, and mobilization for 4th Street. The total estimates located on the next page are broken down into three categories: Base, Portland Cement Concrete (PCC), and Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA). To find the total estimated cost of reconstruction of 4th street, including pavement, add the Base cost to one of the other two options, depending on preference of roadway.

The table below shows the estimates for the reconstruction of 4th Street from Commercial Street to Cedar Street. This includes sidewalks along both sides of 4th and is critical as certain blocks do not currently have them.

The following conceptual estimates include sanitary sewer and road reconstruction for 3rd Street. The total estimates located on the next page are broken down into three categories: Base, PCC, and HMA. 3rd Street is not in critical need of road reconstruction like the current sanitary sewer, but those estimates were included in-case the City wished to moved forward with that approach instead. Sidewalk bid-items and estimates for 3rd Street can be found on pages 16 - 17 of this document, as they are grouped in with the non 4th Street sidewalks.

The following table shows the breakdown of sanitary sewer and road reconstruction on 3rd Street. The estimates for the road are again broken down into Base, PCC, and HMA depending on the preferred pavement.

This plan will be used by the City of La Porte City as a guide toward implementing the following projects. These projects were identified as being essential to improving both vehicular and pedestrian mobility and safety, park quality and ease of use, and everyday quality of life within La Porte City.
City Park
Dog Bowl Water Fountain
Dog Bag Station
Pickleball Court
Bathroom Facility Roof and Facade Update
Accessible Playground
Playground Resurfacing
4 Way Stop
Walking Path to Facilities
4th Street
$5,000 IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
$21,000 IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
$25,000 IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA,CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds,SRF CW Loans
IEDA, CDBG Water/Sewer, SRF CW Loans, Neighborhood Revitalization Funds
IEDA/CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds/SRF CW Loans
3rd Street Sanitary Sewer
IEDA, CDBG Water/Sewer, SRF CW Loans Sidewalks
IEDA/CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Funds/SRF CW Loans

In order to maintain confidentiality of residents that participated in the LMI Survey, the following shows only the questions that were asked and not the results that were received. The survey is still in progress and will be complete by the end of 2023.