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college~ and schools for the education cd" the children of l\Iasons ::;ome of these have been but latuly ()t'ganizcd, yet :t1'8 tb( y :lH in

a prosperous condition.

In :Eul'upe,\\'hcre tho ord(~r lws been

longer in operation, the lueans of bestowing aid upon destitute arc still III ore perfeet "':\Ulollg these, the U ItoyalFreemztSODS' 8ello01 for Felnale Children," in J.JO nrJ 'In , is \~'ortll'y of an corumendation. It was instituted in 17~t)~ and fhe IH'cscuf building erected, at an expense flf lJl0r(~ than 拢,3UOU, in tLJ" year 17H8 The object of the charity is to路 nUliutain, clothe, and educate an unliulited nurnher of fi:::Juale children and orpbunR of reduced :F'reeluasons. It ~no,\' exten(L~ its bounty to sixty-five children, who are received into the school between the ages of eight and e1e\"eo, and are wholly supported until they attain their

fifteenth year. The ",A.syhun for worthy and decayed. l~'reeUlnSOl1S," in the s[une eity, is another institution reflecting high honour on the society \vhich gave it birth. It 'was founded in 1835, and its praiseworthy objeets are sufficiently designated by its title . In GerlnaDy, \ve find "1\. lI()spital" f()}' the ,vives of indigent Freeulasons, established at Sehleswig; an all11shouse and orphan-house at Prague ,; a public school at J3erlin; an institute for the blind at .Anist<卤rdaul; and a. Inultitude of librtu'ies, schools and Lospitals" scattered tJll'ouglH)ut the (terluun cities. Tn Sw'eden there is nn orphan-htJuse, established in 17f)3, at Stoekhohn, l::y the private eontribntions ()f the S,,"'ed.ish lodges Ir(~lund ttl:? also an orphan-house. I~ut (H1C of' the 1l'10st philantr.. l'~. pi: in~"'i:,utions of our order, is the "Society for 11atrouizing ~OOI路 c}uldrdn, " estahlished at, :Lsorls~ in l~'rnllce. Its object i~ t.~ dirnir.lsh ';~l(~ prilnary causes of pnuperisnL l~()r Hlis purpose, i'~ C)IlllnenCel' ,vith the child at birth; it selects for hiln a patron frcr:,~ ,t;~ :r:elubers, whos(: fluty it: is to advise vdth and assist the r~},::~r..t~ ;''': t::,c gOYCrnnlcnt and education of the child. lIe trat ~ chill] i8 well fed, eornfortahly elothed, and properly edu tate.:... V. hen. ready for trudp, he directs hitn in its seit1ctiou. and bin .is hhn 1ll'3 an apprentice. .A.utI wlH"n th(~ period of ap pr~nticP'fhi? h.c~1expircd, he fUfnisheshinl 'with hi~ "Hltf;t in nfc


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