Missouri Freemason Magazine - v65n03 - 2020 Spring

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THE FREEMASON® Vol. 65 No. 3 Spring 2020 Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M. The Freemason® (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published quarterly. ©

OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B Columbia, MO 65202-6535 (571) 474-8561 Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications. Periodicals postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and Marceline, Missouri.

POSTMASTER: Please send address forms 3579 to Grand Secretary 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B Columbia, MO 65202-6535 Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M. The editor reserves the rights to accept, reject, subedit, and rearrange materials submitted for publication. The Freemason® does not accept forms or clippings for publication. It is the policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to not publish pictures or personal information about children under the age of 21, without written permission from the child’s parent, guardian or sponsoring group. David W. Haywood PGM, Editor

Inside this issue… Page 3 Grand Lodge

• Grand Master’s Message • Utilizing District Resources – Working Together

Page 5 MWB Glen E. Means 50 Year Pin Page 7 MLOR – Albert Pickett Morehouse Page 8 Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation Page 9 Masonic Scholarships Page 10 Grand Historian’s Corner Page 11 How to Insult a Ritualist Page 13 Masonic Home of Missouri Page 21 Divided by War Page 24 Truman Lecture Series Page 25 Masonic Youth

• Missouri DeMolay • Missouri Job’s Daughters • Missouri Rainbow for Girls

Page 28 Foreign Brother Page 29 Installations, Dedications and Special Events Page 32 Calendar of Events “TO AUTHORS:” The editor would like to remind you that photograph submissions should include 40-50 words telling who, what, when, where and why. Pictures should be high resolution jpg from a camera (at least 300 dpi). Phone pictures are unacceptable unless your camera app is set to high resolution.

COMMITTEE ON MASONIC PUBLICATIONS: Stanton T. Brown, II Grand Master Barry V. Cundiff Deputy Grand Master Ty G. Treutelaar Senior Grand Warden Richard W. Kaeser Junior Grand Warden Jeffrey S. Pennington Grand Secretary

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Articles to be considered for publication should be emailed to editor@momason.org. The Freemason is published quarterly. The submission deadlines are as follows: Summer Issue: July 1, 2020 Fall Issue: October 1, 2020 On the cover: Grand Master Stanton T. Brown, II receiving a raccoon cap at the district meeting at Jewel Lodge 480. See the article on page 4.

A Message from MWB Stanton T. Brown, II Grand Master It is difficult to believe that I am more than halfway through my year. It has not gone as I had originally intended. These are indeed trying times with no clear end in sight and it could be a while before we can again meet upon the square. While there is reason for concern, there is also great reason to be optimistic. Our great Fraternity has existed in our State for nearly two hundred years as a Grand Lodge and even longer in our territory because several individual lodges were chartered much earlier than that. Our current situation is but temporary. However, we do not know how long it will last. At the time I write this article, my current edict expires on April 24, 2020. As you know, many municipalities and the State of Missouri have already issued extensions of the “stay at home” and physical and social distancing orders. Be assured that I, as Grand Master, am in contact with state officials and the Grand Lodge line in assessing the situation and will advise you of any changes to the current order when appropriate. I feel confident that there will be an adjustment to the current dates. I believe it is beneficial to take a step back and look at the events over the last several centuries that could have easily decimated and destroyed our fraternity. While those events may have hurt our numbers, they did not destroy us; the infamous Morgan affair, the Civil War, the riff between the Ancients and the Moderns, World War I, the Spanish Influenza, the Great Depression, and World War II, just to name a few. As we learned when we were received under the letter G, “Although the lapse of time…yet, Freemasonry still survives.” WE SHALL SURVIVE. How, you may ask? It is through demonstrating to our brothers, wives, widows, families, and the communities in which we live the obligations which we so ardently teach and hold dear, displaying the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth, by applying the cardinal virtues of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice when interacting with the world.

I call on each of our members to be mindful of the suffering of our brothers and their families first. On this basis, we form our friendships and establish our connections. Then look at how we can help others around us in need of both physical and emotional support. I was re-reading the presentation I made last September when you elected me as your Grand Master. I believe the things I said then are even more necessary now, in this time of pandemic. We need to spend time in the Volume of Sacred Law, familiarizing ourselves again with our ceremonies and ritual, searching for a clearer way to be able to demonstrate our beliefs to the world at large. As noted elsewhere in the Freemason Magazine, reach out to members who you have not seen or talked to in a while. Call on your widows and elderly members to make sure that their needs are met. Volunteer to take them to doctors or pick up groceries for them. Do not rely just on emails, but give them a personal telephone call. Let them know they matter. So, my question to you is, “What have you done today?”

Stanton T. Brown II Grand Master 2019-2020


Grand Lodge of Missouri

Utilizing District Resources Working Together By Stanton T. Brown II Grand Master Over the last year, I have seen a spreading of the “district meeting” concept, to combine resources and to increase the number of participants in various lodgebased and community-based activities. While there are a number of districts that have held “district meetings” for years, they have been confined to holding a dinner once a year and not really holding regular meetings for event- and activities-planning or sharing events going on in individual lodges. In order to increase the fellowship between lodges within a district and even between districts, they could form district meetings under the direction of the DDGM. Imagine if your lodge was having special event, such as degree work, a 50-year pin presentation or your reception of the DDGM and DDGL, and you had 30, 40 or more in attendance. As we get support from other lodges for our degrees and recognition programs, we are more willing to travel and support others. Strengthening the communication and bonds that tie us together philosophically can and will improve our participation numbers. This participation between lodges is vital if smaller lodges are to survive. Visiting other lodges is where the term “Traveling Man” came from, and if you are out-of-town traveling or for work or on vacation, you would make friends where you are visiting. Here is a quick synopsis of some of the districts in the Grand Lodge of Missouri that currently have regular meetings or have them scheduled: 1. In the photo on the cover, I attended the “Raccoon Dinner” in Jewel Lodge 480 on January 25, where the Grand Master received a Raccoon Skin Hat and was able to eat (or, at least, taste) raccoon meat. This event is actually a district-wide meeting of the 20th Masonic District, and has been going on since 1957. 2. The Ransom Brewer Association, in the 24th Page 4

Masonic District, is another example of a district-wide meeting. The meeting rotates monthly between lodges in the district, and the December meeting is the “Ladies Night” meeting and a potluck dinner is served, with the Grand Master and Worthy Grand Matron in attendance. 3. The lodges in the 22nd Masonic District hold a district-wide meeting during the month of March with a dinner, Masonic announcements and discussion. 4. The 27th and 47th Masonic Districts, encompassing the St. Louis area, held their first district-wide meetings in 2019. They used them as officer training sessions. 5. On Wednesday, February 19, RWB Gary Asher held the first 37th District meeting. All seven lodges in the District were represented, with a total of 17 officers of these lodges present. 6. RWB Ron Snyder of the 16th District has floating meetings on the months that have 5 Thursdays in them. 7. RWB’s Corey Hunsucker, DDGM of the 18th District and Dave Witte from the 19th District will be holding a lodge management series at district meetings in late spring and early summer. 8. District 15 held a District School of Instruction on the 1st degree, with a meal following, at Lexington Lodge 149. 9. The 30th Masonic District Ritual Club meets on the 3rd Thursday of each Month, and rotates between the 8 different lodges in the district each month. So, holding district meetings is a way for you and your lodge to get to know members of other lodges in your area and work together in ritual, fellowship, and fun. Benjamin Franklin said it best, “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning” The Freemason

Grand Lodge of Missouri


MWB Glenn E. Means to Receive His 50 Year Pin

April 16, 2020 at Blue Springs Lodge was scheduled as a day of celebration. It will be a celebration delayed; delayed, but not unacknowledged. MW Brother Glenn Means has reached the milestone of fifty years within the Masonic Fraternity. His fifty years have been filled with service in multiple organizations across the entirety of his career. Glenn Means graduated from Raytown High School and the University of Missouri-Columbia. He was commissioned an officer in the Adjutants General Corps, U.S. Army. He served in Germany, various posts in the United States and at the Secretary of the Army’s Office. After resigning his commission in 1968 at the rank of Captain, he returned to the Kansas City area and began his career in the Federal Government. He and Mary Jane married in 1962 and have three children and are grandparents of four. In addition to all his Masonic activities, Glenn was active with Scouting, Plymouth Club, boating, and various school activities. Glenn and Mary Jane relocated to Texas for several years to be closer to the younger grandchildren, but fortunately for all their Missouri friends, they are now back in Missouri. MWB Glenn E Means began his Masonic journey in Raytown Lodge 391 when, on January 20, 1970, he was initiated an Entered Apprentice. He was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 4, 1970 and was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 14, 1970. Following his Third Degree, MWB Glenn became a member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Kansas City. That same year, he affiliated with Blue Springs Lodge 337 and held the office of Lodge Chaplain. Between 1971 and 1978, WMB Means served as Secretary of Blue Springs Lodge and was Worshipful Master in 1983. During that same year, Glenn received the York Rite Degrees in Independence, Missouri. RWB Means served as District Deputy Grand Master of the 59th Masonic District in 1988 and is especially proud of helping Spring 2020

the Western Unit of the Masonic Home implement the Adopt-A-Resident program. He was elected in 1990 as a member of the Masonic Home Board. In 2005, Glenn was Coroneted a 33rd Degree Inspector General Honorary. He holds membership in the Order of the Eastern Star, Ararat Shrine, York Rite College, Red Cross of Constantine, National Sojourners, and Heroes of ‘76. In 2001-2002, MWB Means served as Grand Master, having been appointed to the advancing Grand Lodge Line by MWB Gordon E. Hopkins in 1994. Missouri participates in the Conference of Grand Masters in North America and Glenn’s trip as Missouri’s voting delegate in 2002 proved unique. The Conference had lost its Executive Secretary, and Glenn was elected to fill that post. Little did either Glenn or Mary Jane (who became his right hand, untitled associate) expect to remain for the next seventeen years. The “Means Team” shared Missouri hospitality with Masons from all across the world for the following eighteen years, seventeen as Executive Secretary and one more as mentor and guide for the year following his retirement. When Glenn agreed to the job as Executive Secretary, he started from scratch as the » Page 5



Conference had lost its Executive Secretary without warning. Running the conference requires blending Masons from sixty four member jurisdictions and foreign jurisdictions, both recognized and those seeking formal recognition. Glenn used his military precision to get things structured and prepared with Mary Jane working alongside. The Executive Secretary juggles four years of Conferences at one time, working with four host jurisdictions. While planning events, breakout sessions and meals for the current conference year, the two following host jurisdictions are checking in with their plans for welcome events, transportation and activities for the ladies attending with their Masons. Trips must be made to the site four years out to preview hotels, negotiate and sign contracts and meet with the host committee for the first time. In addition, the Executive Secretary solicits bids from jurisdictions to become the next host. During Glenn’s tenure Missouri and Kansas served as co-hosts in 2012 with Kansas City, Missouri serving as the site and MWB David Ramsey, Missouri’s Grand Master, as Co-host. There is no doubt that MWB Means time as Executive Secretary was an immense effort for both he and Mary Jane. Despite the fact that Glenn and Mary Jane served, all of Missouri Masonry benefitted. As Glenn traveled and served the Conference, he and Mary Jane lived the tenets

Grand Lodge of Missouri

of the Order in action and deed with hoteliers and members and foreign guests. Missouri Masons can be justifiably proud of the fifty years MWB Means has shared with us thus far. When we can all meet again together in our Lodge halls, we will be celebrating as one the Masonic career of a fine example of a Good Man. Congratulations, MWB Glenn Means. Soon… we shall rejoice and commemorate your career together.

Glenn E. Means, Worshipful Master, 1983.

Worshipful Brother Means and his corps of officers.

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The Freemason

Missouri Lodge of Research


Governor Albert Pickett Morehouse By RWB Lloyd G. Lyon Missouri Lodge of Research On July 11, 1835, a future Missouri governor was born in Delaware County, Ohio. In 1853, at the age of 18, Morehouse began teaching school until 1856, when he moved to Nodaway County in northwest Missouri. He came to Missouri with his father, Stephen Morehouse, and family. His father was elected county judge. While teaching school, he also studied law, which led him to being admitted to the Iowa Bar in 1860. He began practicing law in Montgomery County, Iowa, 70 miles north of Nodaway County. When the Civil War broke out, Morehouse took a teaching job in the Graham School District in Nodaway County and he moved back to Maryville, Missouri. In November, 1861, he enlisted in the Union Army and was elected 1st Lieutenant of Company E of the “Six-Month Militia” made up of Nodaway County men. The “Six-Month Militia” disbanded after their 6 months of duty. Morehouse joined the Thirty-Sixth Missouri Militia and, in 1862, was promoted to Assistant Provost Marshal and then to Quartermaster Sergeant. While on active duty and traveling through Lafayette County Missouri, Morehouse met and married Mattie McFadden in 1865 in Lexington, Missouri. While enrolled in the militia, Morehouse continued to live in Maryville where he went into law. He joined Maryville Lodge 165, but the date is unknown. Grand Lodge Annual Communication Proceedings reflect Morehouse served as Worshipful Master of Maryville Lodge in 1869. Morehouse would expand his business ventures and by 1871 owned a full-fledged real estate business and, in 1872 he founded the Nodaway Democrat, later to be known as the Maryville Daily Forum. Morehouse would also delve into politics, and in 1872 and 1876, Spring 2020

he was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Baltimore and St. Louis, respectively. Around 1865, Morehouse discontinued practicing law, but he continued in the real estate business, as well as adding a farm loan business. In 1875, civil engineer Nathaniel Sisson and Hart C. Fisher, President of Farmers Bank, would partner with Morehouse in his real estate and loan business. In 1876, Morehouse ran for the state legislature and won. During the 1877 session, he stated the “legislative mill grinds slow and Jefferson City was dull and gloomy.” He would serve in the General Assembly from 1877-78 and again in 1883-1884. While serving in the General Assembly, Morehouse was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the establishment of the Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, later known as Northwest Missouri State College. In 1884, Morehead would run as Lieutenant Governor on the Democratic Ticket with John S. Marmaduke, and won handily. He would preside over the State Senate in 1885. Governor Marmaduke died in office in December 1887, and Morehouse became the governor of Missouri on January 3, 1888, serving out the remainder of the term. He was known as a wise and excellent chief executive, winning the applause of the citizens. In 1888, Morehouse did not win the nomination for governor, left Jefferson City, and returned to Maryville, where he again entered the real estate business. On September 21, 1891, Morehouse was driving cattle from near Ravenwood to his Barnard farm and became overheated and suffered a ruptured blood vessel on the brain. Over the next two days he was ill, delirious and fearing he was going insane. While watching Morehouse, his daughter, Nannie, left her father alone for a brief moment, when he pulled out a pocketknife and cut his own throat. He was 56 years old. Page 7

crown jewels

Masonic Children’s Foundation

Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation

Misssouri Child Identification and Protection Program By RWB Michell S. Penn MOCHIP State Coordinator It’s that time of year again when we start planning for summer activities and back to school events. Our MOCHIP team, as a whole, is excited about the possibility of coming to your communities this year. All of our events start with a simple visit to our website, mochip.org. At the bottom of the page you will find a tab to “request an event.” And in just a few minutes, you have initiated the process. There have been a lot of calls lately about requesting an event. Most of the trouble has been due to the required information not being complete on the request form. Let me start by saying that there is no such thing as too much information in this instance. Hopefully, your event is in conjunction with a community event, and you should type the name of that event in the appropriate field of the form. Things such as time and date are the most probable cause of a problem when submitting a request. They also happen to be of the utmost importance. It seems to help if the dropdown boxes are used, as opposed to typing in the information. There is an interactive map feature to our site that requires the address of the event to be spot on. So, be sure to include all aspects of your event venue’s address such as Rd., St., Blvd., etc., and certainly the correct zip code.

Another piece that is crucial for your event to succeed is contact information. If you are the person requesting the event, then your contact should be included, as well as contact information for anyone who is involved in the planning and execution of the event. Use the comments box for this if you have several people involved and need more room. Also in the comments, tell me about your event. What you are planning, what other things will be going on to draw families to your venue. This information is what I use to determine whether or not the request will be approved, as quite often we have several requests for the same date. Convince me that this is the place to be. You should use this same convincing approach when marketing your event after it is approved and put on the calendar. Get that information out to the community. Ask area schools to help you with the fliers and to possibly provide a few teenagers to volunteer. Reach out to your Masonic district for co-sponsoring lodges. Contact your chamber of commerce when selecting the date and location. And above all, remember why we do this. To be a proactive part of safeguarding our communities and the families that live there. Our program is made up of Missouri Freemasons, their families, and other civic minded individuals. It is who we are, as well as who we serve. We are looking forward to visiting your town, and working with you to increase awareness of the reality of missing or abducted children. And also to give peace of mind, and a measure of preparedness in the unlikely case that this happens in your community.


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The Freemason

Masonic Scholarships


Masonic Scholarship Foundation By RWB Rick Kaeser Chairman, Selection Committee By virtue of the trust bestowed upon me by the delegates at the Grand Lodge Session in September, in electing me as Junior Grand Warden, I have the privilege of chairing the Masonic Scholarship Selection Committee this year. I have served on this committee for the last several years, so I knew it would be a daunting task. We typically receive 800-1000 applications from very worthy high school seniors all across the state, and this committee has to select from that group, all of whom are extremely worthy of recognition, less than 2 dozen to receive one of our scholarships. The number and value of the scholarships we present varies from year to year, and is based on the income the funds generate each year. The Masonic Scholarship Fund was created by resolution of the Grand Lodge in 1985, and is funded by annual donations from the membership of every lodge in Missouri. Income from the Fund is used to award Masonic Merit Scholarships. This year, we will be presenting 15 Masonic Merit scholarships in the amount of $1,000 a year for up to four years. Ruth Lutes Bachman was a member of Tuscan Chapter 69, Order of the Eastern Star, in St. Louis, MO for over 40 years, when she passed away in 1975. She was so moved by the children living in the

Masonic Home on Delmar in St. Louis, that, when she passed, she left a provision in her will providing funds to allow any of those children who wanted to become a nurse or a teacher. Once the last child felt the home in 1981, the courts decided that it would be in the spirit of Sister Bachman’s intention for the Masonic Scholarship Fund to award scholarships from that fund for students in nursing or teaching programs. This year, we will be awarding 2 of these scholarships in the amount of $1,000 a year for up to four years. The Samuel Smith Stewart scholarship is funded by a bequest from Dr. Samuel Smith Stewart, as a memorial to his parents, Alphonso Chase Stewart and Elizabeth Smith Stewart. Alphonso C. Stewart was the Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Missouri from 1905 until his death in 1916, and his son, Dr. Stewart, felt it was only proper to leave funds to the Grand Lodge for them to administer for the benefit of charitable and/or educational purposes. Because of the diligent stewardship of the Samuel Smith Stewart committee over the years, the number and value of these scholarships has grown over the years and this year, we are going to be presenting 5 scholarships in the amount of $13,000 a year for up to four years. This year’s decision process has been especially difficult. At the time of writing this article, the committee is not able to physically meet, but we are working on evaluating applications online, and, by the time this issue is published, we will have awarded over $250,000 worth of scholarships, thanks to you, the Masons of the State of Missouri.

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Grand Lodge of Missouri

Grand Historian’s Corner Lost Masonic Words Vol. 3

By John W. Hess PGM Grand Historian

Music; prayer by Grand Chaplin. The cornerstone was then raised while the band played “Columbia.” The Grand Treasurer deposited the box containing the proceedings of the last Communication of the Grand The Masonic Constellation June 1892. Lodge, Book of Constitutions, daily papers, and roster Masonic Hall at Rose Hill of members of Rose Hill Lodge No. 550, list of the The Rose Hill hall will be three stories high, have three stockholders, officers and directors of Maple Building stores on first floor, flats and entertainment hall on the Company, coins of the day, a 25 cent coin of 1857 worn second floor, with an armory for Bernard de Tremalay as a charm by the deceased father of Bro. E.S. Pike, who Commandery. The third floor will contain a Lodge hall, at the time of his death was a Master Mason of Senate 85x60 feet, 16 feet high; also banquet hall, 25x40 feet, Lodge of New York, a photograph of M.W. Bro. G.H. besides the necessary anterooms for Lodge, Chapter Walker, who was Grand Master when Rose Hill Lodge and Commandery. The total cost of the building will was instituted; and a photograph of M.W. Bro. Joh. D. be $50,000 exclusive of the furniture, it will be heated Vincil, Grand Secretary. by steam throughout. The hall will be dedicated on the anniversary of their constitution, under Charter, Music by the band during the lowering of the stone. The October 27th. stone was then laid with ceremonies prescribed by the Cornerstone Laid – May 29, 1892

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge was called to labor at 2:30 p.m. by R.W. Brother John R. Parson, Deputy Grand Master as acting Grand Master. The acting Grand Master announced the object of this Special Communication of the M.W. Grand Lodge. The Grand Secretary read the authority of convening the same. The procession was then formed as follows: No. 49 K.T., Em. Sir S.C. Bunn, E.C. with thirty-five Sir Knights in line; Missouri Lodge No.1 AF&AM with ninety-six Master Masons marching under the banner; Grand Officers. The line of march was from the Hall to Maple Avenue, east to Bell Avenue, south to Cananne Place, west to Maple and Hamilton Avenue, the site of the new Hall, where a large Masonic flag and Stars and Stripes were floating. Besides the Grand Lodge there was upon the platform our venerable Brother Fred. L. Billon who was raised in Missouri Lodge in 1823 and has been a continuous member since. The program was as follows: Page 10

Grand Lodge. It was expected the Bro. Vincil would deliver an address, but having been confined to his bed with a threatened attack of pneumonia, he could only, as he said, make a few remarks. He mounted the stone, and made one of the best takes ever heard from hm. Some of the brethren remarked it was better than they heard when he was well. The procession was then re-formed and returned to the Hall where the Grand Lodge was closed. This ends the first year’s history of Rose Hill Lodge, with a record that she may be proud of because no other Lodge in the State has ever equaled it. May the blessings of Heaven rest upon her and all Masons. There were about 800 people, besides the members present. The stone is of a beautiful white marble and bears the following inscription: THIS CORNERSTONE WAS LAID BY THE GRAND LODGE OF MISSOURI A.F. & A.M. MAY 26TH A.D. 1892 A.L. 5892 The Freemason


How Do You Insult a Ritualist? By WB Terry Coppotelli Hope Lodge 251 Have I caught your attention? Let me start off by saying I am just like you. I can’t memorize either. Well, let me restate this: I can’t memorize any better than you. But I still present a lot of ritual from memory. Everyone is capable of this. What I am trying to do in this article is to show you how to learn your ritual, retain your ritual, and deliver your ritual. TYPES OF LEARNING Before we discuss how to learn ritual, let’s look at how we learn. For our purposes, there are basically 4 types of learning: · Auditory · Visual · Kinetic · Read/Write Auditory The learner prefers listening to what is being presented. He may respond better to voices in a group discussion. Schools have primarily used this method for centuries. Freemasonry adopted this early in our history with the recited ritual and lectures used in our degrees. Visual The learner absorbs and retains information when it is presented in picture or diagram. We can all relate to this through the use of illustrations and diagrams during the Masonic lectures. Whether it was chalk drawings on the lodge floor, or the “Magic lantern” slide shows, our early brethren recognized the significance of presenting material through several different mediums. Kinetic The individual prefers a physical experience, such as a “hands on approach.” I believe it is possible to learn how to fly an airplane by reading about it. But your chances of success are slim. If, however, an instructor puts you in the pilot’s seat and lets you work the controls, it is much easier. If you examine our degrees, we have words spoken, visual or “Light” presented, and finally the floorwork and activity. All these help to make a lasting impression. Spring 2020

Read/Write Finally, we have reading and writing. This is the most convenient method for most Freemasons, and came into use by way of the cypher books approved by the Grand Lodge (I will let someone else explain “King Solomon’s Aid to Memory”). The take away here is each person has their own particular way of learning. What works for me, may not for you and vice versa. You may also need to blend these. How many times have we struggled to learn floor movements out of a cypher? But then once we get a chance to see them, the book immediately makes sense and it is locked in our memory forever. TYPES OF MEMORY There are three types of memory: short term, intermediate, and long term. Short term memory is something we retain from a few seconds to a few minutes. An example is a sign on a highway that says “Gas Exit 251.” We retain that until we actually turn off the highway. Then we immediately discard it, and there is a good bet that by the time you pull up to the pump, you have forgotten what exit number you are at. Intermediate memories stay with us longer. For instance, when we go away on vacation, we are given our hotel room number on a written piece of paper we keep in our pocket. But after a day or so, it becomes ingrained, and we no longer need a written reference. Through repetition and time, this stays with us. But once the vacation is over, we leave that memory there never to be recovered. Long term memory is what the ritualist strives for: something that can be recalled easily and well. The point to remember is to get to this long-term state, we have to go through the previous two, short term and intermediate. So, let’s discuss how this is done. MEMORIZATION Does the word memorization scare you? It shouldn’t.


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» Think of the Pledge of Allegiance. Is there anyone reading this that does not know it? Yet as a first grader, we were scared and frustrated beyond imagination trying to internalize these 31 words. So how do we evolve from that initial state to where we want to be? Here are some recommendations. Understand what you are saying. It seems simple, but often we rush into internalizing, without understanding the story we are trying to convey. You need to read the story until you can tell it to someone else, like you would describe a movie you saw to a friend. Ask a brother for help in parts you don’t understand. Use a dictionary. I struggled with a part in the 3rd section of the third degree. I could never get it right. Then one day, I decided to look up the word Seraph in a dictionary. Suddenly the passage made complete sense and the problem was gone. Repetition (Yes, there is no short cut). I carry the ritual I am learning with me. I will read and say the sentence over and over, and then try to say it without the book. I am working on progressing beyond the “short term” environment. If I stop reciting the ritual piece the first time I get it right, it will quickly fade. So, I repeat it a few more times. And I repeat it all through the day, but as the day goes on, I gradually make the time spaces between the repetitions longer and longer. By the end of day, I am almost completely out of the book and into the “intermediate” zone. As the days go by, the material I learned first gradually becomes part of the “long term” memory. It no longer needs to be reviewed daily. You may ask when do I find time? In elevators, walking into work, while exercising, waiting in line, TV commercials, red lights. There is so much “wasted” time you can fill perfecting your craft.

Use your own mnemonics. Mnemonics is a coding method we use for easy retrieval of information. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. One method is by taking words or letters from the string of words you are trying to memorize, and forming a word or sentence that makes sense to you. Let me sleep on it. This old saying has stuck around because it is true. How often have we had a problem to solve, and after all day of mulling it over with no solution in sight, we go to sleep and the next morning “Eureka.” The reason this happens is because the brain, like the computer, does not shut down when you walk away. It processes, files and organizes information subconsciously while we are sleeping. After a day of working on your memorized part, go over your ritual in your head as you doze off. When you awake the next morning, try saying it again. It is amazing how much better and easier it recites the next morning. SO HOW DO YOU INSULT A RITUALIST?

Everyone knows him. It’s the ritualist who is always asked to do the big part, the brother who drives all over the state at a moment’s notice, or the brother for whom the words just roll off the tongue, with no effort whatsoever. And what do some people say, which in my opinion, is the biggest insult in the world? “Oh, it’s easy for him, he has a photographic memory.” There is no such thing as a photographic memory when it comes to ritual. That is a myth. If the ritualist had a photographic memory, he would have impressed you long ago by reciting the whole obligation backwards. The ritualist has spent hours perfecting the craft. Possibly with someone holding a book on him, but usually by himself, staring in a mirror, or sitting in a garage, working on presentation delivery. And when he Chunk it. How do you eat an elephant? One bite a time. is finished, he will give the candidate the ideal degree experience, an experience that makes the candidate say It is the same way with ritual. You can NOT learn a 20 minute lecture by memorizing a 20 minute lecture. Try to “was all that stuff memorized, or was he just talking? learn one sentence a day, then build upon it. Add another Whatever it was, it was GOOD.” sentence the next day. At the end of the day, as you start What makes it easier for you, as the ritualist, is to have internalized that second PASSION for your work. Passion is what allows the sentence, go back to the beginning of the first sentence, average man to memorize the Bible or other holy recite it and flow into the second sentence. It then writings. It’s what allows the stage actor to play his starts to become natural. You can also use breaks in the part and the mechanic to break down an engine. If you ritual like chapters in a book, dividing lecture, charges, enjoy what you are doing, it comes easy. Just try it, you and obligations into their own individual blocks, then will see. delivering them in a series. Page 12

The Freemason

Masonic Home of Missouri


of Missouri

MASONIC HOME Masonic Home of Missouri The Masonic Home of Missouri offers a wide range of programs to assist fraternity members, their family members, and their communities. If you have questions about any of the Masonic Home of Missouri programs or would like to apply for assistance, email outreach@mohome.org.

Program Overview

Financial Assistance Programs Financial assistance provided through the Long-Term Financial Assistance Program, Short-Term Financial Assistance Program, and the Children’s Outreach Program is available to eligible Missouri Masons, their wives, honored widows, female members of the Order of the Eastern Star, and their dependent children. To receive assistance, clients must qualify through their Masonic Membership and demonstrated financial need.

Long-Term Financial Assistance & Short Term Financial Assistance The Long-Term Financial Assistance Program assists eligible senior adults who do not have income and assets available to pay the entire cost of their care needs and living expenses. The Short-Term Financial Assistance Program assists eligible adults who are experiencing an unexpected and temporary period of financial hardship, oftentimes Spring 2020

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caused by a recent job loss or serious illness. Financial assistance is provided with the anticipation that financial hardship can be resolved fairly quickly and is typically provided for a period of one to six months. Financial assistance requests for both programs are presented to the Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors on an anonymous, case-by-case basis. Monthly and one-time payment assistance may be considered. Examples of monthly assistance include, but are not limited to: x Monthly assistance with the cost of assisted and independent living x Monthly assistance with quality of life items in a skilled facility (beauty shop, telephone, incontinence supplies, etc.) x Monthly assistance to help pay essential household bills and expenses (food, utilities, etc. One-time payment assistance can be requested for expenses that do not occur on a monthly basis such as: x Hearing Aids x Eye Glasses x Medical Bills x Dental Bills x Insurance Payments

The Children’s Outreach Program provides financial assistance to the legal dependents of Missouri Master Masons or Missouri female members of the Order of the Eastern Star. Legal dependents must be 21 years of age or younger or over the age of 21 with a physical or mental disability. Assistance provided through this program may help with medical care and services such as dental, hearing, vision, therapy and equipment. The parents or legal guardians of the child must demonstrate a financial need and complete the financial application on the child’s behalf. Age and Length of Membership requirements are different for this program, as the parent or legal guardian only needs two years of Missouri Masonic membership prior to application to qualify.

Partnership Programs The Masonic Home’s Partnership Programs help the Missouri Masonic community strengthen connections with its members in need. These programs include Masonic Family Cares, Creating-A-Partnership, and Partnering to Honor.

Masonic Family Cares

There are Age and Length of Membership requirements, per the Masonic Home’s By-Laws, which are the same for both programs: Applicant Age when Raised as Master Mason or Initiated as an OES member

Continuous Good Standing Requirements prior to application

Prior to the age of 40 40–49 years 50–59 years 60+ years

5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years

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Children’s Outreach Program

The Masonic Family Cares Program helps facilitate connections between Lodges and Chapters and the Masonic brothers and sisters in their communities. Sometimes, the Masonic Home receives requests from Masons or Order of the Eastern Star members, but the assistance needed is a helping hand or a visit from the local Lodge or Chapter. The Masonic Home can act as a liaison between the member and the Lodge or Chapter, connecting the two. A Lodge or Chapter may find that a Missouri Mason, his wife or widow, or a female member of the Order of the Eastern Star has a need that the Lodge or Chapter can assist with, but there is a financial component. For example, a Brother might need a ramp for wheelchair access to his home. The lodge Brothers would like to build the ramp, but the Brother cannot afford the cost of materials.

The Freemason

Masonic Home of Missouri

The Lodge or Chapter can complete an application with the cost for materials along with how volunteer hours will be used in conjunction with the funds requested from the Masonic Home. The Masonic Home may grant funds up to $10,000 per Lodge or Chapter each fiscal year, July 1st to June 30th.

The Creating-A-Partnership (CAP) Program CAP is a matching funds program that creates a partnership between the Masonic Home and Lodges/ Chapters to help children in need within their communities. There are two ways to work this program: Individual Child – Lodges and Chapters can work within their community to identify a child or children in need through schools or other local community organizations. Funds can be used to provide school supplies, coats, shoes, hygiene items, eye glasses, etc. Project-Based – Lodges and Chapters can identify projects within their communities through schools or through other charitable organizations. Recipients of the CAP Project-Based funds must be a 501(c) (3) as defined by the IRS or a public entity, such as a school. An example of a project that may qualify is the backpack food program found in communities statewide, which provides food over the weekend for schoolchildren in need. The matching funds must go toward the purchase of specific items for children,

Spring 2020


such as food or backpacks. The Masonic Home will not match funds for general operating expenses.

The Partnering to Honor (PTH) Program The Partnering to Honor (PTH) Program is a matching funds program that provides an opportunity for the Masonic Home and Lodges or Chapters to join together to help fund Honor Flights for veterans and care packages to active duty military personnel. Honor Flights – Honor Flights (honorflight.org) started in 2005 to help veterans visit their war memorial in Washington D.C. The Masonic Home is not affiliated with the Honor Flight Program, nor is the Masonic Home responsible for any aspect of the Honor Flight Program. The Masonic Home works with Lodges and Chapters to help fund this program, so our deserving veterans can make the trip. If you are a veteran interested in the Honor Flight, please contact the Honor Flight Program in your area directly. Care Packages – Lodges and Chapters can create the care packages themselves or work with other organizations putting together care packages to send to active duty members serving overseas or in the United States. If a Lodge or Chapter wants to make a monetary donation to an organization for care packages,

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such as the VFW or American Legion, the matching funds must go toward specific items for the care package and cannot go toward general operating expenses.

Recognition & Resource Programs The Masonic Home offers more than financial assistance programs. Some of the programs are about recognizing and honoring special groups, while others help provide assistance through non-monetary means. Everyone in the Masonic Family who contacts the Masonic Home in need of assistance can receive Social Services and Financial Education. These programs have no Age and Length of Membership requirements, nor do they require a financial need. They are designed to help provide information and education.

Widows Program The Widows Program helps the Masonic Home stay connected to our honored Masonic Widows. When the Masonic Home learns of a Masonic widow, we send her a special lapel pin and a widows card listing her late husband’s Masonic record should she ever need assistance from the Masonic Home. In addition, the Masonic Home maintains contact throughout the year with cards and the Masonic Outreach magazine.

Veterans Program The Veterans Program is a way for the Masonic Home to recognize and thank our Masonic veterans. A special ceremony has been created to recognize and thank our Masonic veterans in lodge in front of their families and friends. As part of that ceremony, each veteran receives a Grand Lodge of Missouri flag flown at the Masonic Complex, a Masonic veterans pin and a certificate. The ceremony is conducted by the Masonic Home Ambassadors. Throughout the year, the Masonic Home will send special mailings to those veterans to honor and thank them for their services.

Social Services Program The Social Services Program offers free phone consultation to Missouri’s fraternal members. This program provides guidance and education to members who require assistance locating needed community

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resources. Often times, members find value in problem solving issues they may be experiencing regarding financial hardships, care issues, and long-term care planning. Adult children of Missouri fraternal members are also welcome to use the Social Services Program to obtain assistance for their parents.

Financial Education Program The Financial Education Program offers free financial education and counseling services to Missouri Masons, Eastern Star members, and their family members through individual consultations and group presentations. Unlike the Financial Assistance Programs, the Financial Education Program does not require participants to meet Age & Length of Membership guidelines to take part in the program. The majority of the clients in the Financial Education Program receive one-on-one counseling with the Home’s Accredited Financial Counselor through regular consultations. Topics addressed are specific to financial needs of each client and focus on areas in which they require the most support. These include budgeting, prioritizing expenses, debt management, adjusting to change in income or expenses, and setting short-term financial goals. Participants are often referred from the Financial Assistance Programs to address financial concerns or crisis. However, many clients are self-referred to avoid financial distress or to prepare for expected expenses or transition.

Masonic Museum The Masonic Home of Missouri built the Masonic Museum, a permanent five themed gallery museum, to weave together the historical significance of the fraternity, the history of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and the history of the Masonic Home of Missouri, while providing an opportunity to share the historically significant Masonic items from individuals, lodges and chapters throughout the state of Missouri. The Masonic Museum was dedicated on Feb. 23, 2008. Since its opening, the Masonic Museum has continued to update displays with the most significant renovation occurring in 2017.

The Freemason

Masonic Home of Missouri


Caring for your Masonic family during the time of COVID-19

We are experiencing a global pandemic for the first time in all of our lifetimes. Even the oldest group of living Missouri Masons, like Clifford and Alice Mathis, both centenarians and Masonic Home of Missouri clients featured in the Winter 2019 edition of Masonic Outreach, were just infants at the close of the last global pandemic, the Spanish Flu. It’s no wonder we are all struggling to know what to do. Simple needs like nourishing our bodies and maintaining spiritual practices have taken on entirely new shapes in our lives. The same can be said for connecting with and supporting the people we hold dear, but those connections and support are more important than ever. In fact, the World Health Organization says that helping others in a time of need can be equally helpful to the person receiving the help as it is to the person reaching out. It strengthens a sense of community, which is good for mental health.

Spring 2020

The Masonic Home of Missouri is here to help you maintain those connections and support within your Masonic family. While the physical offices of the Masonic Home of Missouri are closed due to statewide and local stay-athome orders, our staff continue to work from home to provide vital financial assistance to the Masonic community. This includes our Short-Term and Long-Term Financial Assistance programs, which we anticipate will be especially important in helping some Masonic families get through this crisis. Job loss and illness are two consequences many families may face as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, and both are situations that often trigger families to need the help provided through the Short-Term Financial Assistance Program. This program can provide financial assistance during financial hardships

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expected to last one to six months. This could include non-essential workers who are unable to earn a paycheck due to stay-at-home orders or social distancing practices but anticipate having a job to return to when it is safe to return to business-as-usual or a Mason working in an essential role who is unable to work for an extended period of time due to infection or exposure to COVID-19. Long-Term Financial Assistance is also available to eligible senior adults who experience a hardship that is anticipated to last longer than six months. If you or a Missouri Mason, Missouri Masonic widow, or female member of the Order of the Eastern Star you know are in need of financial assistance during this time, our Outreach caseworks may be reached by emailing outreach@mohome.org. If you do not have access to email, you may also call our offices at 800434-9804 and leave a message at extension 217. Many Masons and their families may be lucky enough to have a continued income during this crisis, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worried about their financial futures as the pandemic continues. If you need help making financial plans, the Masonic Home of Missouri provides free financial counseling by an accredited financial counselor to all Missouri Masons and Eastern Star members. While we are here for you and your family, don’t forget to reach out to your Masonic brothers and sisters. A phone call with a caring, human voice may go a long way to raise someone’s spirits, and this gives you an opportunity to make sure they are not lacking in resources.


Masonic Home of Missouri

While it is best to reach out to all of your Masonic community, some people may need more care than others during this time. This includes, widows and widowers, high-risk individuals, non-essential workers, healthcare workers, and people who live alone. The elderly, people with chronic respiratory issues, and individuals with compromised immune systems may not feel comfortable going shopping to stock up on essentials, or may have run out of a basic need. You can offer to make a porch drop-off or find a store offering shopping hours dedicated to those at high risk to help. Non-essential workers are particularly vulnerable to wage loss. When calling to check in on them, you may find they are experiencing financial hardships. You can refer them to the Masonic Home at outreach@mohome.org to apply for assistance to help with the cost of housing, groceries, medications, and other basic necessities. If they are not comfortable reaching out themselves, you may also make a referral via email. Heathcare workers are also facing additional stress during this time as they worry about becoming infected or infecting their families. Lending a listening ear can help. So can offers of sewing masks or other PPE that are in shortages. Living alone can always present obstacles to remaining socially connected, but in today’s world, this is increasingly true. These individuals may benefit from more frequent check-ins, or even organizing social events via Zoom.

If you need financial assistance or help with financial planning due to job loss or illness, email outreach@mohome.org

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Masonic Home of Missouri


Last Year the Masonic Home of Missouri ...

26,543 total lives touched $1.3 million


in total assistance provided

Helped veterans participate in Honor Flights

16,740 children helped


Lodges and Chapters participated in Creating-A-Partnership

$355,874 in direct assistance to

children in need through Creating-A-Partnership


care packages sent through Masonic Family Cares

Spring 2020

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Masonic Home of Missouri


Due to circumstances, the tournament will be held on a Friday this year instead of a Monday as in previous years. The new date is October 9, 2020.

Masonic Home of Missouri

18th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Oct. 9


Columbia Country Club Columbia, MO Special sponsorship opportunities available for lodges and chapters.

All proceeds benefit the Masonic Home of Missouri Partnership Programs. Almost 27,000 lives were impacted during FY2019 through these programs.

Call Julie Kirchhoff at 800-434-9804

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Divided by War Until United in Brotherhood – Johnson Lodge 158 A.F. & A.M. By WB David N. Bollinger Greenville Lodge 107 As a historian, certain things will catch my attention that may not come to the minds of others. One such thing for me personally has been the organization of the first Masonic Lodge in Wayne County, Missouri. It was Johnson Lodge 158 AF & AM, and at its foundation are interesting facts that are historically significant and should be brought to light. Surprisingly, Wayne County existed over 48 years before efforts were made to establish a local Masonic lodge. As Masonry was such a vital part of the founding of our United States of America, and with many of the founding fathers as members of the fraternity, it is unknown just how many local founders brought the fraternity with them from the eastern states. The first documented Freemasons on Wayne County soil were Rev. Ezekiel C. Rubottom (1770-1856), a Baptist minister and blacksmith, and Elijah Bettis II (1784-1836), a local farmer and early pioneer. Both men were natives of North Carolina and two of the first five commissioners that established Greenville as the county seat of Wayne County in January of 1819. Rubottom and Bettis remain two of the few local links to the fraternity prior to the Civil War. Historians may never completely know how Greenville looked at the close of the great Civil War. From the memoirs of Confederate General Sterling Price, who marched through Greenville on September 22, 1864, and found the town deserted except for only two families dwelling there. This was the same day that General Joseph O. Shelby attacked Fort Benton at Patterson. Probably by the end of the war in May, 1865, the county seat of Wayne County very well could have looked like a complete ghost town. After county government was reestablished, many former residents of Greenville returned home and a great migration of hopeful new businessmen, with a Spring 2020

Brother George J. Tetley (1834-1868), a native of England, was one of the many businessmen to establish themselves in Greenville after the reconstruction of the horrific Civil War.

vision of great success were arriving. A little over a year after the Civil War had ended the process of establishing a Masonic lodge was put into motion. In a letter to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, dated August 25, 1866, we read; “Seven Master Masons are anxious to form a Lodge in Greenville, Wayne Co, MO. We wish to get our recommendation from Star of The West Lodge No. 133 at Ironton, MO.”. It was signed “Fraternally D.D. Emmons”. The group of men worked under dispensation from October 10, 1866 to October 10, 1867, when the Grand Lodge officially issued the group (by now ten Master Masons) a charter. The Lodge was named “Johnson” Lodge and the Grand Lodge of Missouri issued it the number 158. The unique fact surrounding the name “Johnson Lodge”, is that it was named after the then sitting seventeenth President of the United States, Andrew Johnson. President Johnson was a member of the fraternity. He was made a Freemason in 1851 at Greenville Lodge 119 in Greenville, Tennessee. This was a distinctive idea on the part of someone; » unfortunately, his name seems to be lost to time. Page 21

Masonic Education

» The most common referral we often hear about the

great American Civil War is “brother against brother”. When looking at the roll of names of Johnson Lodge, just two years after the War, one is led to believe all battles, scars, and disagreements are seemingly put in the past with the organization of this lodge. The list of the ten charter members is the most diversified group you will ever see for the time period. 1. Dr. Daniel Deroy Emmons (1829-1878). A Union Captain in the MO 6th Calvary Volunteers, and served as a surgeon during the War. A native of New York, he was in Missouri by 1861 when he was captured and taken prisoner by the Confederacy in Texas County, MO. He served as the first Worshipful Master of Johnson Lodge and is buried in the Masonic Cemetery at Ironton. 2. Rev. Charles W. Miller (b.1832). A native of Tennessee, he was the Methodist Pastor in Greenville in 1870. He was the postmaster at Greenville from September 18, 1866 to January 23, 1867. Like many other ministers, there seems to be no known Civil War connection with Rev. Miller. He served as the first Senior Warden to the lodge. The 1870 census is the last local record of the man. 3. George W. Creath (1828-1907). He was born in Cape Girardeau County, MO. His father migrated to Greenville by 1829 and the Creath name was synonymous there in the mercantile business for much of the 19th century. G.W. Creath was a long time Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Deeds of Wayne County. While not a soldier, G.W. Creath was one of the wealthiest slaveholders in Greenville. He served as the first Junior Warden to the lodge. When the railroad chose to go through Piedmont and not Greenville, Creath uprooted and moved to Piedmont. He established the Commercial Hotel at Piedmont. The establishment must have contained a dram shop and he was expelled from the Masonic fraternity for this issue in 1872. 4. Dr. Lee M. Pettit (1836-1905). A second-generation physician, he became one of the most prominent citizens of Wayne County during the 19th century. A slave owner, he served as an assistant surgeon in the 3rd Regiment of the Missouri State Guard, Confederate States of America. He served as the first Page 22

Treasurer to the lodge. He represented Wayne County as State Representative to the seventeenth and eighteenth sessions of the Missouri General Assembly from 1873 to 1877. He is buried in the Masonic Cemetery at Ironton. 5. George J. Tetley (1834-1868). A native of Derbyshire, England, he migrated to St. Louis in his early manhood. He mastered the craft of a watchmaker and jeweler. He served the Union as 1st Lieutenant in CO H of the 47th MO Infantry and was wounded at the battle of Pilot Knob. He served as the first Secretary of the lodge. In the summer of 1868, Tetley journeyed to Brazos County, Texas to investigate a business venture and a possible relocation. He contracted yellow fever and died there on September 10. 6. Iverson B. Huggins (1816-1869). A native of Henry County, Tennessee, and most likely the most unpolished name on the list of members. He is the only non-Missouri Master Mason listed as charter member. His transferring Lodge was Mt. Pelia Lodge 177 near Paris, Tennessee. Not a political office holder of any kind, he was a farmer and member of New Prospect Baptist Church on nearby Bounds Creek. No apparent affiliation to the Union or the Confederacy seems to exist when examining Huggins. He was the first Senior Deacon of the lodge. He is buried in the Huggins-Tibbs Cemetery at Burbank and his homemade sandstone marker still exists with only the chiseled letter “I” memorializing him. 7. James A. Atkins (1805-1875). A native of Virginia, he was one of the largest slave owners in Wayne County. He was elected a Justice of the Peace of the St. Francois Township on August 25, 1840. Atkins was a long-time merchant at Greenville. In addition, he owned a large farm west of Greenville that later in the 20th century, became known as the “Johnson Farm”, owned by Oscar Johnson, Jr., who was the coowner of the Johnson-Rand Shoe Company of St. Louis. Atkins was appointed Postmaster of Greenville three different times (1838, 1865 and 1871). He was the first Junior Deacon of the lodge. He is buried in an unmarked grave in the Union Cemetery along the St. Francis River at Old Greenville. 8. James T. Sutton (1821-1869). A Tennessee native farmer who was commissioned


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2nd Lieutenant under Captain J.S. McMurtry in Union CO H of the 31st MO Infantry. He was appointed Wayne County Clerk right after the Civil War. He later served as a Presiding Judge of the Wayne County Court. He was the first Tyler of the lodge. He is buried in the Dixon-Sutton Cemetery at Coldwater. 9. Zenas Smith (1794-1867). A New York native who would become one of the most prominent figures in Wayne County during the first half of the 19th century. Smith was made a Freemason in April 1821, at Missouri Lodge 12 in St. Louis. By 1840, he was one of the largest landowners and slaveholders near Greenville. Smith was a merchant and subscription schoolteacher. He was twice elected Wayne County surveyor and appointed Greenville Postmaster three times (1847, 1859 and 1866). He is buried in the Union Cemetery at Old Greenville. 10. Lewis H. Linville (1828-1897). A Tennessee native who settled at Coldwater. He served the Union as a Private in CO K Enrolled Missouri Militia. Linville was the first elected Wayne County Sherriff and Collector after the Civil War. He served from 1865 to 1868. He is buried in the cemetery that bears his surname, the Linville-Barrett Cemetery at Coldwater. This group of men had apparently dropped all aspects of political disagreements and united into brotherhood to the great advantage of their community. The Lodge members erected what would become known as the “Union House”, a large two storied building along the banks of the St. Francis River. The top portion would serve as their Lodge Hall and the bottom portion for many years housed the denominations of the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian faiths. In addition, it was the meeting Hall for the Greenville community. The land appears to have been a gift from member Zenas Smith. The community cemetery adjacent to the property would become incorporated into the watch care of the Masonic lodge. G.W. Creath, L.M. Pettit and Rush Bryne would become the first Lodge appointed Trustees. During the first year of the existence of the Lodge, there were twenty-five initiations into the fraternity. The list included both Union and Confederate veterans, and other leading men within the community; they are: Spring 2020

Brother Zenas Smith (1794-1867) was one of the wealthiest men in Wayne County during the 19th century. His service to Wayne County included county official, Greenville postmaster and educator.

Americus T. Shepard, Rush Bryne, Richard E. Buehler, James A. Park, Lafayette Rubottom, John Pipkin, Thomas P. Rubuttom, Benjamin C. Hughes, Andrew A. Duncan, Andrew Carter, Rev. Thomas G. Atchison, Clayton A. Bennett, Pinckney L. Powers, Dr. John P. McFarland, Oliver D. Dalton, Philip S. Moss, William Creasy, Benj. F. Montgomery, William Chilton, Benjamin Holmes, Dewitt C. Bugg, William C. Moss, Patrick Harmon, William W. Bunyard and Selethiel A. Harris. Of these twenty-five men, the two standing out with the most glaring historical significance are Union Captain P.L. Powers and Confederate Lt. Col. Ben Holmes. These two men were the local Military leaders of the Union and Confederacy. Their comradeship only two years after the Civil War is inspiring. Imagine if Grant and Lee had done this on a National level. The magnanimity of the first Masonic lodge in Wayne County is a historical wonderment. In our minds, we picture years of fighting, bickering and squabbling among our ancestors and community leaders after the Civil War. 154 years later is a testimony that Johnson Lodge 158 bears witness to the opposite. These men left a great example to us today on how we should conduct ourselves for the betterment of our community and for the common good of our fellow man. May their efforts to humanity always be remembered. Page 23


Missouri Lodge of Research

Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad “Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad” The presentation provides an inside point of view as to how Freemasonry played a significant role in the Underground Railroad movement. This era in American history is a very poignant time with many sides to the institution of slavery.

OUR FIRST ONLINE VIRTUAL SPEAKER to bring you Masonic Education during the COVID-19 Restrictions Missouri Lodge of Research Truman Speaker Series Open To All Masons and non Masons on Saturday May 16, 2020 at Noon About Our Speaker R.W. Moises I. Gomez from Atlas Pythagoras Lodge No. 10, located in Westfield, New Jersey. Was raised in 2008, WM in 2012, and was appointed Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey in 2015, 2018, 2019, and has presided over eight different Masonic bodies and has membership in over 40 Masonic organizations, research groups and societies, and honorary memberships. These are some of the groups he has membership in SRICF, AASR, NMJ & SMJ, Allied Masonic Degrees of USA, Knight Mason, Acon, Operatives, HRAKTP, York Rite, Red Cross of Constantine, Athelstan, and National Sojourners Hero’s of 76. • Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey and Chairman for the Allied Masonic Degrees Annual Masonic Week in VA. • Honorary Senior Grand Warden of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Aberdeen City. • Honorary Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees USA • Honorary member of Supreme Council Scottish Rite, NMJ 33rd degree MSA, KSA. • Honorary member of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota • Honorary member of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow • Received the Order of the Scarlet Mantle for Athelstan. • Daniel Coxe and Meritorious Service Medal recipient for the GL of NJ • A Fellow of The Masonic Society. He has worked for The Port Authority of NY & NJ for 30 years as a member of the Emergency Services Unit stationed at the George Washington Bridge. He responded to both terrorist attacks on our nation’s soil in 1993 and 2001.

“Freemasonry and the Underground Railroad” Once again, many Freemasons stepped in and gave of themselves with considerable risk and exposure for the sake of doing what was right. Not only did the Freemason stand up for those who could not stand up or defend themselves. Slavery has been and did play a significant part in American history, which led to the Civil War, turning brother against brother. Of course, it did not stop there but was a sounding board for what was to come leading to the end of slavery, voting rights, civil rights and the end of segregation in America. This is a powerful lecture which deals in Toleration, Equality, Justice, Truth, Sacrifice, Acceptance and Respect for others. Regardless of one's faith, someone believes in; the color of their skin, where they come from or from what culture or custom they were raised in, we stand for all and we are all one, we may not agree with each other or even like each other but we must respect each other. The greatest core value our fraternity has to offer and the most important one we have is that all men are created equal, that we all meet on the level and deserve to be treated as such. Because who we were is who we are, Freemasonry now and Freemasonry for everyone. “The Time is Right to Always do What is Right” -MLK Join us for this event on Saturday May 16, 2020 at Noon for a Virtual Speaker Event online to gain access to the event go to Eventbrite Browse to https://http://molor.org/springͲ2020ͲtrumanͲlecture/ Click Tickets and select “Missouri Lodge of Research Lecture Spring”

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Missouri DeMolay

youth organizations

Missouri DeMolay Today’s Leaders, Tomorrow’s Future


In March, DeMolay Month, Missouri DeMolay launched our Virtual Brotherhood Conferences where we host certain games to interact with our members. This fellowship is needed in light of the circumstances of social distancing. After our pilot of the Virtual Brotherhood Conference we took our educational resources online to offer Councilors of our Chapters opportunities to become better leaders and learn where to strengthen their Chapters. We are also inspiring our members through our 15 Day Self Care Challenge that we ran through April to continue encouraging our DeMolays and supporters to practice our seven cardinal virtues and bring DeMolay into their lives every day. When the time comes where we are allowed to host events and put all of the DeMolay experience into practice, Missouri DeMolay’s Chapters will be ahead of the game due to these learning opportunities through fun and fellowship.

Since the last time we talked, Missouri DeMolay has made strides in improving how we communicate with our members and supporters. We have made refinements in our weekly email, The Missouri DeMolay Bulletin, in ways of highlighting our Chapters accomplishments and providing fresh information on life skills. In addition, we have increased our communication through the Executive Officer - State Master Councilor Conference Webinar, Missouri DeMolay’s Virtual Brotherhood Conferences, and The Councilor, which is an online conference. We are using the circumstances we are currently in to take our Chapters and members back to the basics. These developments in refining and improving what and how we communicate with our members have helped to better connect with and improve DeMolay across the state. If you would like to Sincerely and Fraternally, sign up for the Missouri Bulletin make sure to check out http://bit.ly/MOBull to see what our Chapters are Richard J. Ables doing across the state! State Master Councilor Spring 2020

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Missouri Job’s Daughters

Missouri Job’s Daughters Today’s Leaders, Tomorrow’s Future

Hello Missouri Masons! It completely baffles me that this will be the last time that I write an article for the Freemason magazine. The next time you hear from your Missouri Job’s Daughters, it will be from our new Grand Bethel Honored Queen, Olivia Van Tine! Since my last article, so much has happened both exciting and troubling. On the good side of things, the holidays treated everyone well and we rang in the New Year. We have held many initiations and are pushing the thirty new member mark for this term! What does this mean? This means that myself and our two adult leaders will be getting slimed with purple goo at least that many times at our upcoming Grand Session! If you come to formal opening, be sure to stick around to see that adventure unfold. Missouri Job’s Daughters was also able to participate in the Moolah Shrine Parade and Circus kickoff where we sang our hearts out on our infamous Jobie float. Though a bit chilly, everyone had a great time. Finally, and probably most exciting, we held a super successful trivia fundraiser that raised over 2,000 dollars for our general fund! This will start us off so well for the coming term and give our members so many new opportunities. Now the troubling news. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 protocol our events until further notice have been canceled. While this is upsetting for many, especially myself, I keep thinking that it’s not about me or the events. It’s about the girls, our wonderful support systems, and making sure that our spirit stays alive. That being said, I will make it my mission that with the short time I have left, I will make it as normal as possible for them! We will be having virtual meetings and events, Facebook live streams, and games. We will stay together as one united front until we can all be together again.

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I will close by saying thank you to all of you for your gracious hospitality this past year! I am so grateful for the opportunity to have met, talked to, and gotten to know more of you throughout my term as Grand Bethel Honored Queen and I hope my serving this year has made a positive impact on how you view your Missouri Job’s Daughters. As I have every article this year, I will leave you with a Dr. Seuss quote, “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut”. While the next few months will be scary, I ask that all of us keep our eyes open because the bonds we have made and will continue to make within our Masonic orders are worth every scary minute that we choose not to close them. Thank you with all my heart and so much more! Patsy Neiswander Grand Bethel Honored Queen

The Freemason

Missouri Rainbow for Girls

youth organizations

Missouri Rainbow Girls “Faith, Hope and Charity”

Aren’t all those ladies above just beautiful? On Saturday, March 7, Rainbow Girls from throughout Missouri gathered at St. Charles Lodge to initiate four girls into our Order. Our Grand Floor Officers were asked to do their parts (as a practice before Grand Assembly) and, with very few exceptions, that worked for their schedules. As always, we appreciate substitutes who “stepped up” for the few who were missing. At 11:30am, we began with a Taco Bar in the dining room. Hugging and visiting were plentiful as people arrived. A bit before 1pm, we saw the two rows of stationary chairs were full and brought in folding chairs. At 1pm, the Grand Drill Leader escorted the first Mother Advisor into the Assembly Room. Three of our Past Grand Worthy Advisors did the Worthy Advisor parts and the Mother Advisor position was also alternated. The Grand Officers (and substitutes) performed their parts well. After the closing work

Spring 2020

was done, the pictures you see were taken. Missouri Rainbow is very appreciative of all adults who, time after time, make certain our ladies get to events. They post reminders on Facebook, make and take phone calls, make and receive texts and do whatever it takes so members won’t miss out on a meeting or event. (Maybe you’ll recognize some of the folks in the picture below!) After changing into “street” clothes, there were fun activities and some treats before going home. As we write this, our events have now been cancelled or postponed until, maybe, May. We miss seeing our Rainbow Girls as well as our Adult sponsors. We continue to connect, though, by way of Facebook, video conferencing and texting. We send our thoughts and our prayers that everyone in our Masonic family are taking care and being safe. Until we meet again!

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A Foreign Brother Knocking at the Door By Louis Vetz, PM King Solomon Lodge 95 The travels started with a request through social media on August 31, 2019 from LG Rezende, to King Solomon Lodge 95. The Veneravel Mestre (Worshipful Master) of Fraternidade Academica Liberade de Pensar 3280 of The Grand Orient of Brazil was coming to St. Louis, MO for an observership under Dr. Susan Mackinnon at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University from September 8 to September 30. WB Luis asked if he could visit during his time in the United States on September 8. At first, I was guarded, not knowing who got on our web page. After doing a little investigating, I replied back that we meet on September 11th and 25th and have open Installation on the 15th. We had a practice on the 9th for the Installation and I told RWB Tom Kuhn, RWB Jessie Thompson, and RWB Norman Coleman what I was going to surprise the Lodge on my last night in the East for my year. They all asked does the Grand Lodge of Missouri recognize the Grand Orient of Brazil and WB Luis’s lodge? The next morning, I called the Grand Lodge Office, and, after consulting with the Grand Secretary, RWB Jeff Pennington, Jeanne Turner said we do and all is good to accept WB Luis in King Solomon Lodge. At our meeting on September 11, WB Luis came to Lodge; we examined him, checked his credentials, and he was invited in. WB Luis brought his regalia and asked if he could wear it in Lodge. What a great learning experience to have his apron, gauntlets and collar, with his Master’s jewel for all of us to see. In the “For the Good of the Order” part of the meeting, I asked WB Luis to be escorted to the west side of the altar where I, to his and our lodge’s surprise, presented a Grand Lodge of Missouri 1987 Coin, and saying “From the Grand Lodge of Missouri, King Solomon Lodge 95 and myself, I feel there is no better fitting a time to present this coin that I had from the first time I was WM at Pyramid Lodge 180 to share with a Freemason who will take it to another Country.” At that time, WB Luis was given the Page 28

floor to talk about his visit here, about Brazil and about his lodge. After the meeting, our brothers and visiting brothers offered their lodge nights to him so he could visit and share in his experience with other lodges while here in St. Louis. WB Luis did visit other Lodges while here in St. Louis and was presented with other Masonic coins to take back with him to show and share with his Brothers. WB Luis was not able to make our Installation but did came back on September 25th and at this meeting, WB James Hossenlopp also had WB Luis presented at the West of the altar and presented him with the ForgetMe-Not Missouri Masonic lapel pin. We also had some additional pins for him to distribute to Brethren in Brazil. WB Luis will be reporting back to Grand Master of Brazil, MWB Mucio Guimaraes Bonifacio, on his Travels to lodges and his experiences. My suggestion to WB Luis was that he present the Grand Master with one of the lapel pins. On October 5th, WB Luis was at the Masonic Congress of Sao Paulo where they have 35 Lodges and 206 Brothers of Division 6 of the State of Sao Paulo and was growing. WB Luis sent a picture of Grand Master Brother Mucio Guimaraes Bonifacio receiving the Masonic Home Forget-Me-Not Missouri Masonic pin. Since then, WB Luis and I communicate regularly, not only as Brothers but also as friends. Freemasonry from St. Louis, Missouri to Sao Paulo, Brazil, from Brother Luis to Brother Louis. Freemasonry is Alive in the World. The Freemason


Installations, Dedications & Special Events Payne 50 Year Pin

Brenneman Library

WB Lewis Payne received his 50-year Masonic Membership Jewel at Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO. on the evening of February 27, 2020. The presentation was made by RWB Rick Thompson, DDGM of the 35th Masonic District of Missouri. WB Payne was pinned by WB Bill Frazier while many other brethren were in attendance at his ceremony.

Strafford-Hazelwood Donation Laclede Lodge 83 is proud to have a library full of Masonic literature and history dedicated to RWB William Brenneman. Brother Brenneman has given countless hours to the fraternity and even built the bookcases and many other display cases for the lodge. We are proud to have the opportunity to name the library in his honor.

Kimbrough 50 Year Pin

On the evening of February 27, Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, Mo. partnered with Hazelwood Lodge 459 in Seymour, MO in donating $400.00 to the Veteran’s Partnering to Honor program to send a deserving Veteran on an Honor Flight to our nation’s capital to visit the monuments erected to the Wars they fought for this nation. These funds will be matched by the Masonic Home of Missouri and donated to Honor Flight of the Ozarks in Springfield, MO. The check was presented by WB Rick Anderson to WB Craig Dunn for delivery to Hazelwood Masonic Lodge 459.

Bethany Lodge 50 Year Pins

On March 22, 2020, Bethany Lodge 97 Worshipful Master Lincoln Jones (right) presented two members with pins and certificates recognizing 50 years of membership. Recipients were Brother Charles Crabtree (left), and Brother Richard Gilpatrick (middle).

Spring 2020

On Monday March 9, members of Zalma Lodge 545 went to Advance Nursing Center and had the honor of presenting Brother Charles (Sonny) Kimbrough with his 50 year pin. Pictured are Brother Kimbrough, WB Bill Schanks, WB Jerry Gowen, WB Dale Yount, and RWB Ted Marlow who performed the ceremony. Congratulations Brother Kimbrough on achieving this milestone.

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Installations, Dedications & Special Events Stark 50 Year Pin

On March 2, 2020, Most Worshipful Grand Master Stanton T. Brown II presented a 50-year Certificate and pin to RWB Rex Stark, Sr. of McDonald Lodge 324 of Independence, MO. The Lodge Hall was practically full to capacity for the presentation. The Grand Master did an excellent job with the presentation touching on RWB Starks many accomplishments and titles he has held over the years. The event was attended by his family who are all Master Masons; Sons, Brothers and Grandson.

Samaritan Installation

WB Scott Smith was installed as Worshipful Master of Samaritan Lodge 424 in Bonne Terre for 2019-2020 on June 19, 2019 by RWB Dale Newcomer.

Installation Senior Grand Steward

Martin’s Trip To Paris

On March 12, 2020, RWB David B. Brown, SGM, RWB William G. Snyder, GP, and MWB Stanton T. Brown, II, GM, traveled to Brotherhood Lodge 269 in St. Joseph for a lodge dinner for their members and Masonic widows. While there, MWB Brown installed RWB Emmett Bryson as Senior Grand Steward.

MWB William A. Martin, PGM of the Grand Lodge of Oregon and member of Osage Lodge 303 in Nevada, MO, attended St Georges Lodge 3 in Paris, France the evening of February 21, 2020. Pictured is (L to R) WB Marcus Moore, Worshipful Master and MWB Martin. There were Freemasons from all over the world in attendance that night. The Lodge conferred an Entered Apprentice Degree.

Payne 50 Year Pin

Davidson’s 60 Year Pin

Worshipful Brother Walter Payne received his 50-year pin at a regular meeting of Zalma Lodge 545 on March 3rd. WB Payne was raised in Zalma Lodge on January 17th 1970. The pin ceremony was officiated by RWB Ted Marlow. Congratulations Brother Payne on achieving this milestone.

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On Saturday, March 7, 2020 WB Wilber Davidson was presented with his 60-year pin by RWB Barry Jenkins at Table Rock Lodge 680.

The Freemason


Installations, Dedications & Special Events Strickland 50 Year Pin

Table Rock Veterans Flags and Pins

On Thursday, March 5, 2020, Laclede Lodge 83 held a 50-Year pin presentation for Brother Donald Strickland. RWB Kenneth O’Dell, DDGM of the 30th Masonic District, conducted the ceremony and presented the Brother with his certificate. Brother Strickland’s wife presented his pin.

20 Masonic Veterans received Veterans Flags, Pins and Certificates at a Veterans Ceremony on Saturday March 7, 2020 at Table Rock Lodge 680. Flags, Pins, and certificates were presented by RWB Barry Jenkins, Masonic Home Ambassador, assisted by WB Glen Rosenburg and WB Fred Ybarra.

Burns Ritual Award

RWB Ervin “Royce” Wheeler, of Robert Burns Lodge 496 won the Ritual Award for Region G last year. RWB Randy Jennings traveled to Robert Burns Lodge on Tuesday, Oct 29, 2019 and presented RWB Wheeler with his plaque!

Strafford Endowed Membership

Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO, presented an Endowed Membership to Brother Jack L. Thompson on the evening of January 23, 2020. The ceremony was performed by his father, RWB Rick Thompson.

Charlie’s Angels Raises 2 MM at Chamois 185

Saturday, February 29, 2020 was an incredible day of Masonic ritual and fellowship for Chamois Lodge 185. 14 members of the Charlie’s Angels Degree Team conferred two Third Degrees, welcoming as Master Masons our brothers William Reinhold and Scott Northway. In total, we had 10 members of Chamois Lodge 185 and 21 visiting brethren present—in addition to Charlie’s Angels, there were visitors from California Lodge 183, Mokane Lodge 612, and Versailles Lodge 320. The degree work was most impressive and most educational. We enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship. Thanks to Worshipful Brother Dan Howard and Brother Matt Thomas for taking the photos.

Spring 2020

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Grand Master’s Calendar of Events All events are subject to possible restrictions. May 2020 May 2 Mary Conclave Red Cross meeting May 2 St. Joseph parade May 3 20th District picnic, Harrisonville MO May 5 Buckner Lodge meeting May 13 18th-19th District Leadership meeting May 14 Christian Lodge pin presentations May 15-16 MHM Board meeting May 19 Buckner lodge meeting May 26 50 year pin, Washington Lodge, Greenfield MO May 28 Chair of Remembrance, Swope Park Lodge May 30 YRSC/KM meeting

June 2020 June 2 June 3-7 June 10-13 June 19-20

Buckner Lodge meeting UGIC Red Cross, Pittsburgh PA MO Grand York Rite MHM Board meeting

June 2020 cont’d June 23 June 25 June 28 June 29

Buckner lodge meeting Jobs Daughters annual meeting Rainbow Girls Annual meeting AMD meeting

July 2020 July 4 Shrine Parade Kansas City July 5-9 Imperial Shrine, Kansas City July 8 MW Prince Hall Annual Communication July 10-14 Maggie Valley York Rite Summer Assembly, NC July 17-18 MHM Board meeting July 18 KYCH annual meeting, Jefferson City July 23-26 Masonic meeting in Atlanta, GA July 30 SRKC Honormans dinner

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