Missouri Freemason Magazine - v66n01 - 2020 Fall

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Inside this issue… THE FREEMASON® Vol. 66 No. 1 Fall 2020

Page 3 Grand Lodge

Grand Lodge of Missouri A.F. & A.M. The Freemason® (USPS 573-920) is the official publication of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri, and is published quarterly.

Page 5 RWB Keith M. Bail Senior Grand Marshal Appointment


OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS: Grand Lodge of Missouri 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B Columbia, MO 65202-6535 (573) 474-8561 Published and copyrighted under the direction of the Committee on Masonic Publications. Periodicals postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and Marceline, Missouri.

POSTMASTER: Please send address forms 3579 to Grand Secretary 6033 Masonic Drive, Suite B Columbia, MO 65202-6535 Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A.F. & A.M. The editor reserves the rights to accept, reject, subedit, and rearrange materials submitted for publication. The Freemason® does not accept forms or clippings for publication. It is the policy of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to not publish pictures or personal information about children under the age of 21, without written permission from the child’s parent, guardian or sponsoring group. David W. Haywood, PGM Editor

COMMITTEE ON MASONIC PUBLICATIONS: Barry V. Cundiff Grand Master Ty G. Treutelaar Deputy Grand Master Richard W. Kaeser Senior Grand Warden Charles F. Wiegert Junior Grand Warden Jon B. Broyles, PGM Grand Secretary

• Grand Master’s Message • Grand Master’s History

Page 6 199th Grand Lodge Communication Page 8 RWB Ronald E. Wood Truman Award Recipient Page 9 Job’s Daughters First 100 Years Page 12 The Bicentennials Page 13 Masonic Home of Missouri Page 21 Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation (MOCHIP) Page 22 Masonic Scholarship Page 23 Masonic Youth

• Rainbow for Girls • DeMolay

Page 25 Scottish Rite Page 26 Installations, Dedications, and Special Events Page 31 The Color Blue Page 32 Calendar of Events “TO AUTHORS:” The editor would like to remind you that photograph submissions should include 40-50 words telling who, what, when, where and why. Pictures should be high resolution jpg from a camera (at least 300 dpi). Phone pictures are unacceptable unless your camera app is set to high resolution.

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Articles to be considered for publication should be emailed to editor@momason.org. The Freemason is published quarterly. The submission deadlines are as follows: Winter Issue: December 24, 2020 Spring Issue: March 26, 2021 On the cover: Overhead view of the 2020 Grand Lodge Communication prior to opening. See page 6.

A Message from the Grand Master

As we begin a new Masonic year I am impressed with the dedication and resilience of the craft. Lodges and Brothers all over the state are eager to resume work, but many are already finding ways to remain active in their lodges. I would also like to acknowledge the leadership and wisdom of Most Worshipful Brother Stanton T. Brown, II. He dealt with a very difficult year and did it very well. We owe him our thanks for the actions he has taken. I know he would like to have been out and around the state, but he did what he had to do, and we are better for it. My theme this year is that we must remember that we are an ancient and honorable fraternity, and we must act accordingly. It is because of our predecessors’ wisdom and dedication that we are the fraternity we are today, and we must show our own wisdom and dedication to assure the continued prosperity of our ancient craft. As I said before, I know lodges are eager to return to ritual and have candidates waiting for the degrees. I have instructed the Ritual Committee to meet and come up with a plan to resume our work. This is underway. When that plan is accepted, I will amend the standing edicts so that we may move forward safely. We must always remember that the safety of our brothers and our communities is of primary concern. As the year progresses and areas open up, I will be announcing area meetings and Bicentennial events at locations around the state. One Bicentennial project is already beginning. The first of our Bicentennial Lecture was on October 25, 2020 and will be on the subject of Missouri Freemasonry and the Civil War. I encourage you to enjoy this virtual event. This year will look like none that have preceded it. We started with an unusually small Grand Lodge session, The Freemason

but we did hold Grand Lodge. We have started official Grand Lodge functions with the installation of officers and a rededication at Fellowship Lodge 345 in Joplin and the dedication of a lodge hall for Friend Lodge 352 in Ozark. We took steps to protect the craft as these ceremonies were performed. As circumstances permit, we will travel the state and do the work of the craft. As soon as a plan can be made for its safe resumption, I will issue a new edict authorizing ritual. I ask the craft to be patient and let us find ways to open the state. I am eager to travel and visit my brothers around the state. I know the rest of the Grand Lodge line are eager too. I look forward to all of the Bicentennial events and programs and the safe resumption of work. Most of all I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and doing the work of the fraternity. Remember who we are and let it show in your works.

Barry V. Cundiff Grand Master 2020-2021 Page 3


Grand Lodge of Missouri

Most Worshipful Brother Barry V. Cundiff Most Worshipful Brother Cundiff was born in Kirksville, Missouri in 1961. He attended Truman State University graduating in 1983 with degrees in history and economics. He subsequently attended law school at the University of Missouri in Columbia graduating in 1986. He has been engaged in the practice of law since his graduation and in Kirksville since 1993. MWB Cundiff married his wife Audrey in Jefferson City in 1992. They have one son, Brody, who was born in 2008. MWB Cundiff ’s father and both grandfathers were members of Adair Lodge 366. His father and paternal grandfather were both Masters of the lodge. He was initiated, passed and raised in 1983 and served as Worshipful Master in 1998 and again in 2001. MWB Cundiff is a member of the several Kirksville York Right bodies and has served as High Priest of Caldwell Chapter #53, Royal Arch Masons; Illustrious Master of Kirksville Council #42, Cryptic Masons; and Eminent Commander of Ely Commandery of Knights Templar #22, . He is also a member of Heart of Missouri #188, York Rite Sovereign College; Tipperary Council #62, Knight Masons; Lafayette Council Allied Masonic Degrees; and St. Chrysostom Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine. He is a 32 degree, KCCH, member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Valley of Columbia.

MWB Cundiff served as District Deputy Grand Master of the 3rd Masonic District from 2003 through 2007. He has served on and chaired the Appeals and Grievances and Jurisprudence Committees of the Grand Lodge and on its Long Range Planning Committee. He served on the Masonic Home Board from 2009 to 2013.

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Grand Lodge of Missouri


RWB Keith M. Bail Appointed Senior Grand Marshal After his election, Grand Master-elect Barry Cundiff announced that the 200th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri would be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri on September 27th and 28th, 2021, beginning at 9:00 AM. He then announced that RWB Keith M. Bail, a 37-year member of Wallace Lodge 456 in Bunceton, MO would be his appointment at Senior Grand Marshal. He was Worshipful Master there in 1987 and 2012. He is a 32° KCCH member of the Scottish Rite - Valley of Columbia, 34-year member of Ararat Shrine Temple, Truman Club and Missouri Lodge of Research member. He was on the Board of Directors of the Masonic Home of Missouri from 2013 to 2017, where he was Board Secretary for two years and Chairman of the Administrative Committee. He is current Chairman of the Grand Lodge Appeals & Grievances committee from 2015 to 2020 and was Junior Grand Marshal from 2019 to 2020 and Grand Chaplain from 2016 to 2017. RWB Bail lives in Boonville, MO and has been married to his wife, Cathy for 24 years. Cathy is a claims adjuster for Shelter Insurance in Columbia, MO. They have 2 sons, Landon and Carson. Landon has been a Master Mason since March 2017 and is a member of the Army Reserves and a Senior at the University of Missouri - Columbia. Carson is a 2020 graduate of Boonville High School and is starting a career in construction and works part time at Midway USA. Keith is a member of St. John’s United Church of Christ in Billingsville, MO, Boonville Rotary Club, Friends of Historic Boonville and Boonslick Habitat

RWB Keith M. Bail

for Humanity. Keith’s hobbies are working on the family farm, biking and exercising at the local YMCA, He is a graduate of Boonville High School, receiving a State Farmer FFA degree; 1984, graduate of University of Missouri - Columbia receiving a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics. After briefly working in finance, he graduated from University of Missouri - Columbia School of Law. A member of the Missouri Bar, he clerked for the late Honorable Robert W. Berrey, Missouri Court of Appeals Western District, Kansas City MO. He has worked as an Attorney, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and since 2007, is currently Associate Circuit Judge in Cooper County, MO.

7 Fall 2020

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Grand Lodge of Missouri

199th Grand Lodge Communication The 199th annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri was held on September 21, 2020 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri following all of the Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services guidelines as to face masks and social distancing. MWB Stanton T. Brown, II opened the Grand Lodge at 10:00 AM with 218 members present representing 159 lodges; 76 Worshipful Masters, 27 Grand Lodge Officers and 9 Past Grand Masters. The morning started off with the nomination and election of Keith P. Hensen from Lathrop 506 and Joshua A. Thompson from Compass Lodge 120/Kansas City 220 for Masonic Home Directors. The Grand Master then presented his Grand Master’s address and received a standing ovation, after which MWB David R. Ramsey read the Necrology Report and there was a moment of silence. RWB Jonce Chidister, Chairman of the Jurisprudence committee, reviewed each of the 7 proposals.

1. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many lodges to not meet, the Constitutional Amendment did not have enough responses and will be resubmitted to each of the lodges again next year. 2. The proposal to 10.045 to make the support to youth groups permanent was passed. 3. The proposal to 2.018 to make “Brother” the proper form of address was deemed not in due form. 4. The proposal to 17.150 concerning suspension of multiple members passed. 5. The proposal to 18.040 allowing lodges to charge a late fee of up $10 delinquent fee was passed. 6. The proposal to 10.050 and 19.010 changing the date that the annual report is due to April 30th; that dues are delinquent on March 1st, if unpaid, members will be suspended on April 1st passed. 7. The proposal to 5.160 concerning modifying Masonic Education was withdrawn. Following the legislation, an explanation of the safe dismissal of the members for lunch was given by RWB Ty Treutelaar, SGW. The Grand Lodge Officers election was held at 12:05 PM, after which all were released for lunch. At 1:30 PM the Grand Lodge reconvened and RWB Mitch Weinstein announced that there had been

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Grand Lodge of Missouri

» an election. The officers were advanced by a vote

of 198 of the 208 ballots cast. Grand Master elect Barry Cundiff announced that the 200th Grand Lodge would be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri on September 27th and 28th, 2021, beginning at 9:00 AM. He then announced that RWB Keith Bail from Wallace Lodge 456 in Bunceton, MO would be his appointment as Senior Grand Marshal. MWB Stanton T. Brown, II read the names of the award winners for his year and announced that the awards would be given at upcoming area meetings. They were: 1. District of the Year were Districts 18 and 19 for working together 2. DDGM of the Year was RWB Ashley W. Young from District 3 3. Great Communicator of the Year was RWB Jacob W. Thompson from Silex 75/Troy 34 4. Public Relations Award went to Grand River Lodge 276 5. Masonic Service Award went to Troy Lodge 34

Fall 2020

news 6. MOChip Coordinator of the Year is RWB Rodney Klein from Algabil-Freedom 636 7. Secretary of the Year was RWB Bobbie E. White from Barry Daylight 17/Platte City 504/Rising Sun 13. 8. The Regional Ritual Award winners were: Region A, Franklin Lukenbill from Acacia-Twilight 114; Region B, William “Ed” Kapelski from Weston 53; Region C, Michael A. Todd from Cass 147; Region D, Timothy S Southard; from Laclede 83; Region E, Curtis M. Fulbright, Crestwood- Anchor #443; Region F, Walter T. Hargett from Central Crossing 674; and Region G. Michael L. Hill from Wayne 526. 9. Truman Medal went to RWB Ronald E. Wood The Grand Master made his final remarks and closed the Grand Lodge in due form at 2:20 PM. The Installation of Grand Lodge Officers for the 200th year followed and MWB Barry V. Cundiff was installed as our 2020-2021 Grand Master.

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Grand Lodge of Missouri

Ronald E. Wood, Jr. Chosen for Truman Medal At the 199th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, MWB Stanton T. Brown, II announced that RWB Ronald E. Wood, Jr. would receive the Truman Medal. RWB Wood was born in Rolla, MO and grew up in Sweetwater, TN before returning to Missouri. He graduated from Flat River Junior College, then from Southeast Missouri State University with a degree in Secondary Education, then from Eden Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity. He has served as a Minister the Methodist Church for over 50 years. He has traveled extensively in Europe behind the Iron Curtain to Hungary and Yugoslavia and New Zealand and Australia. He visited Israel taking four courses from Dr. Jim Fleming, preeminent scholar of Biblical archeology, studying Israel from Matula in the north to Mt. Sinai and receiving graduate credit from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. RWB Wood married his wife, Marie, in 1951 and they had four children, nine grandchildren, twenty greatgrandchildren and one great-great-granddaughter. His wife passed in 2010 and he has since married his second wife, Betty. He has coached his boys and girls and several hundred others in AAU Track and Field. He has received the Honorary Legion of Honor from DeMolay International in 1969 and has worked with Bethel 60 Job’s Daughters International in Jackson, MO and Clinton DeMolay Chapter. He served as President of the Rotary Club in Neosho, on the Board of Downtown Rotary 32 in St. Joseph, and the Clinton Rotary Club has made him a Paul Harris Fellow. His Masonic career is extensive, being raised in Ionic

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Lodge 154 in Desloge, MO in 1956; been a WM of Mystic Tie 221, Clinton 548, Charity 331 and is currently a member of Charity-Zeredatha 189 in St. Joseph. He is a 33° Scottish Rite Mason in St. Louis where he was Master of Kadosh. His memberships include: Ararat Shrine; Harry S. Truman/Edwin C. Carpenter York Rite Colleges; Clinton 73/Cosby 145 Order of the Eastern Star Chapters; Liberty 3/ DeMolay 26, Chapter Royal Arch Mason Chapters; Liberty 50/Warrensburg 57, Cryptic Councils; Liberty 6/Mary 19, Commandries Knights Templar; Red Cross of Constantine, St. Joseph; Allied Masonic Degrees, Buckner ; Knight York Cross of Honor, Hannibal; Missouri Lodge of Research, Great Chief Council 0, Knight Masons and St. Joseph High 12 Club. In many of these organizations he has held the highest office locally and on the state level.


The Freemason

Missouri Job’s Daughters

youth organizations

Missouri Job’s Daughters Today’s Leaders, Tomorrow’s Future

Celebrating 100 Years! By Olivia Van Tine, Grand Bethel Honored Queen, Paula Howard, Grand Guardian Jerry Arruda, Associate Grand Guardian In 1920, a woman named Ethel Theresa Wead Mick had an idea of creating an organization for young women where they could vote on their own matters and have a voice. Her family often learned about the Book of Job, and Mick’s personal motto was the 15th verse of the 42nd Chapter: “In all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job, and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.” She used this passage as the founding passage for her organization. On October 20th, 1920, and with the sponsorship of Most Worshipful Grand Master of Nebraska, J.B. Fradenburg; the Worthy Grand Matron of Nebraska, Anna J. Davis; and the Worthy Grand Patron of Nebraska, James E. Bednar; the Order of Job’s Daughters was created and Bethel #1 of Omaha, Nebraska was chartered on December 31st, 1921. One hundred years later, we are now officially known

Fall 2020

as Job’s Daughters International and can be found in thirty of the fifty United States, Canada, Australia, Philippines, and Brazil. We have over eight thousand active members across the globe who are working to be “true Daughters of Job.” The Order has helped countless young women with their public speaking skills, leadership abilities, self-confidence, and love of charitable work. This year we are also celebrating thirty-five years of our philanthropic charity, The Hearing Improvement Kids Endowment (HIKE) Fund, Inc. The purpose of the Fund is to provide hearing devices for children with hearing losses between the ages of newborn and twenty years whose parents are unable to meet this special need financially. An estimated 100 children are provided with hearing devices each year and over »

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youth organizations

Missouri Job’s Daughters


$6,000,000 has been raised by our members to date. While COVID-19 unfortunately prevented our annual International Session and Centennial Celebration, it has not hampered the love and sisterhood experienced! We held our first ever Virtual Supreme Session in August, and there were staggering numbers of members, from all five countries, who participated in the ritual competitions. Missouri, which will celebrate 100 years of Job’s Daughters in 2023, has felt the impact of COVID-19 as well. From March to September, all in-person activities were suspended including our annual Grand Session in June. As this suspension was just recently lifted and compliance with local regulations is still required, many Bethels have been slowly getting back into their groove with with projects and activities across the state so we can several initiations of new members already happening continue to grow and promote! and several more happening soon! One of Job’s Daughters’ primary teachings is to be Through thick and thin, Missouri Job’s Daughters patient and faithful, no matter what adversities are would not be anywhere without the consistent thrown our way. While this year may feel like one long support of the “Freemasons who give us our heritage”. adversity, we remain faithful that both Missouri Job’s Thank you so very much to our Missouri Freemasons Daughters and Missouri Freemasons will come out for making the Youth Assessment permanent. This stronger than ever. Be steadfast, and we hope to see money you contribute helps our members directly you soon.

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The Freemason

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Grand Lodge of Missouri

The Bicentennials By MWB John Hess Grand Historian The Grand Lodge of Missouri was formed on April 21, 1821 by three Masonic Lodges who received their charters from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. Many of these Freemasons were also active in creating the State of Missouri, which occurred approximately four months after the creation of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, on August 10, 1821. Fall 2020 marks the beginning of the Bicentennial of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. As we embark on a journey to celebrate our Fraternity and our State, let us take time to enjoy Masonic comradery, listen and tell stories, attend Bicentennial events and watch, read and learn something new from our past that we have not known before. Your Bicentennial Committee will be helping in that regard. Plans are being made, first by the Grand Master to hold area meetings and banquets throughout the year in various parts of the State. The committee has caused a Bicentennial Jewel to be created that will be available for any

Brother who attends a Bicentennial event. The Grand Lodge Public Relations Committee has produced a travel guide to both Masonic and non-Masonic Historical sites in Missouri, the Grand Lodge Masonic Education Committee will be hosting twelve Zoom lectures on aspects of Missouri History as listed below, and the Grand Lodge has produced a Bicentennial dues card to Commemorate the event as well as a two volume book set of the Masonic History of Missouri which are available for purchase from the Grand Lodge. To assist in the study of our joint history, the Grand Lodge Bicentennial Committee has asked and received donations from 200 Brothers to build the Bicentennial History Collection which is located in the Missouri Masonic Research Library at the Masonic Complex in Columbia. This collection will be available for study and plans are being made to allow books from this collection to be used for study. All dates and times are subject to change, go to the Grand Lodge Portal for further information and to sign up for individual seminars.

The Bicentennial Virtual Lecture Series: Sunday, November 29, 2020,

7:00 PM

Sunday, May 30, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, December 27, 2020,

7:00 PM

Sunday, June 27, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, January 29, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, July 25, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, February 28, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, August 29, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, March 28, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, September 26, 2021,

7:00 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2021,

7:00 PM

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Masonic Home of Missouri


of Missouri


Missouri Masonic Research Library

When the Masonic Complex was being designed and built in Columbia, Missouri, it was done with the intent to be the new home of the Masonic Library and Museum. The Masonic Home of Missouri built the Masonic Museum, which opened in 2008. The Missouri Lodge of Research came to the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Board of Directors in 2012 indicating their desire to help establish the library.

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Masonic Home of Missouri

The Missouri Lodge of Research would spend countless volunteer hours over the years in the library. This past summer, the Missouri Lodge of Research Foundation’s Board of Directors in partnership with the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Board of Directors facilitated the transition of the library to the operations of the Masonic Home. While there are so many people to thank for their hard work over the years, we would like to take a moment to thank MWB Gail Turner, Secretary and Treasurer for the Missouri Lodge of Research and the Missouri Lodge of Research Foundation. The Masonic Home had the privilege of MWB Turner’s leadership and guidance through his years of dedicated service on the Masonic Home Board of Directors. He is now giving his considerable talents and knowledge to the Missouri Lodge of Research. MWB Turner graciously helped facilitate the communication necessary to assist the smooth transition of the library operations from the Missouri Lodge of Research to the Masonic Home of Missouri. Once again, both entities find themselves in a debt of gratitude for his leadership. As the Masonic Home assumes operations of the library, the library will need to be closed. The Masonic Home of Missouri’s Board of Directors will be working through various management issues and looks forward to the day it will be once again open to visitors. The Masonic Home of Missouri would again like to acknowledge and thank the Missouri Lodge of Research for all of the work they have done to bring the library to fruition.

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Masonic Home of Missouri


Masks that Care Masonic Family Cares is all about Masons, Masonic widows, and Eastern Star ladies connecting to each other and resources to help one another through the hard times, and what harder times have we collectively experienced than the global pandemic we are currently immersed?

Associate Grand Conductress Agnes Maxon, of Warrensburg Chapter No. 3, did just that with a caring and generous handmade donation. Maxon created 50 masks beautifully embroidered with the logos of the Grand Lodge of Missouri and Grand Chapter of Missouri for the Masonic Home of Missouri’s LongTerm Assistance clients. Many of these clients are living in assisted living facilities and other congregant living situations where masks are crucial. Masonic Family Cares connects Lodges and Chapters with Masonic brothers and sisters in need of a help-

Fall 2020

ing hand. The Masonic Home of Missouri can act as a liaison between the member and the Lodge or Chapter, connecting the two. The Masonic Home may also be able to assist if there is a financial component. For example, if a brother needs a ramp for wheelchair access to his home, his lodge may obtain grant funds from the Masonic Home of Missouri for materials if they can provide the labor to build the ramp. Up to $10,000 per year per Lodge or Chapter is available each fiscal year. If you know a Masonic brother or sister in need but need this kind of financial assistance to help them or you wish to help them make connections, contact Masonic Home of Missouri outreach staff at outreach@mohome.org.

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Lodge gives to

Masonic Home of Missouri

Regional Child Advocacy Center through CAP

Children in an emergency shelter after experiencing abuse in their homes will soon have improved playground equipment thanks to Acacia-Twilight Lodge and the Masonic Home of Missouri. Together, using the Masonic Home’s Creating-A-Partnership (CAP) program, the organizations made a $1,000 donation to Rainbow House, one of Missouri’s Child Advocacy Centers. These centers serve many functions for children who have experienced suspected abuse, one of which is as an emergency shelter. Children placed in Rainbow House’s emergency shelter may need a safe place to stay until foster care can be arranged or they may be in the Division of Family Services’ Crisis Care program in which DFS is working with the child’s parents to stabilize their home and environment so the child can return.

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During the pandemic shutdown, Rainbow House also offered free, all-day and overnight childcare to essential workers like law enforcement, paramedics, and nurses. CAP provides matching funds for Lodges and Chapters to help children in need within their communities. In Fiscal Year 2020, the Masonic Home of Missouri and participating Lodges and Chapters provided $291,194 in assistance to help 14,834 children statewide. Lodges and Chapters may receive up to $10,000 in matching funds per fiscal year through CAP. If your Lodge or Chapter would like to help a Child Advocacy Center in your area or would like to use CAP to assist children in your community, contact Partnership Programs Coordinator Tisha Woodard at twoodard@mohome.org.

The Freemason

Masonic Home of Missouri


15 Years or More Participation in a Partnership Program

Daisy Chapter #86

Lathrop Lodge #506

Farmington Lodge #132

O’Sullivan Lodge #7 Robert Burns Lodge #496 Summit Lodge #263 10 Years or More Participation in a Partnership Program Bee Hive Lodge #393 Billings Lodge #379 Clay Lodge #207 Decatur Lodge #400 Elvins-Ionic Lodge #154 Fraternal Lodge #363 Greenville Lodge #107 Leadwood Lodge #598 Montgomery Lodge #246 Mountain View Lodge #637 Osage Lodge #303 Owensville Lodge #624 Poplar Bluff Lodge #209 Samaritan Lodge #424 Sampson Lodge #298 Strafford Lodge #608 Sullivan Lodge #69 Willard Lodge #620 5 Years or More Participation in a Partnership Program Bernie Lodge #573 Branson Lodge #587 Brotherhood Lodge #269 Clinton Lodge #548

Fairfax Lodge #483 Fellowship Lodge #345 Galena Lodge #515 Gate of Temple Lodge #422 Gower Lodge #397 Grand River Lodge #276 Greenville Chapter #337 Hallsville Lodge #336 Hazelwood Lodge #459 Henderson Lodge #477 Hermitage Lodge #288 Hopewell Lodge #239 Laclede Lodge #83 Lamar Lodge #292 Lebanon Lodge #77 Mansfield Lodge #543 Marceline Lodge #481 Mt. Hope Chapter #74 Mt. Hope Lodge #476 Noble Lodge #684 Pauldingville Lodge #11 Platte City Lodge #504 Richland Lodge #385 Richmond Lodge #57 Rising Sun Lodge #13 Sullivan Chapter #105 Table Rock Lodge #680 University Lodge #683 Wayne Lodge #526 Webster Lodge #98

Fewer than 5 Years Participation in a Partnership Program Acacia Chapter #42 Adelphi Lodge #355 Algabil-Freedom Lodge #636 Barry Chapter #369 Barry Daylight Lodge #17 Blue Springs Lodge #337 Bolivar Lodge #195 Boone Chapter #290 Cairo Lodge #486 Christian Lodge #392 Circle Lodge #342 Clinton Chapter #73 Composite Lodge #369 Easter Lodge #575 Excelsior Lodge #441 Gray Summit #173 Herculaneum Chapter #325 Holden Lodge #262 Ivanhoe Lodge #446 Jefferson Lodge #43 Meridian Lodge #2 Monroe Lodge #64 Mt. Washington Lodge #614 Naomi Chapter #296 Naylor Lodge #568 Neosho Lodge #247 Richmond Chapter #255 Shawnee Lodge #653 Solomon Lodge #271 Tuscan Lodge #360

Weston Lodge #53

Tyro Lodge #12

Western Star Chapter #197

Webb City Lodge #512 Wentzville Lodge #46 Windsor Lodge #29

Fall 2020

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Masonic Home of Missouri

Virtual T ruman Club Event Sponsored by Central Trust and Central Bank of Boone County

The first ever Truman Club Virtual Event was held Saturday, September 12, 2020. Although we were not able to meet in person due to the pandemic, we looked forward to gathering together to spend a fun and relaxing evening honoring those individuals who have joined or leveled up within The Truman Club. Guest speaker Carolyn Paris provided a presentation to help our Truman Club members live richer, calmer and more fulfilling lives. A guest bartender showed us how to make “The Truman Twist,� the signature drink for the event. Members who joined or leveled up were recognized with a slideshow presentation. We held a Best Dressed Contest for those who wanted to participate. Congrats to Dave and Friday Ramsey for the win! And thank you to Dan and Anita Philbrick for their great outfits and performance during the contest! Although some experienced difficulties during the event, we hope that you were able to find some enjoyment in attending. We thank you for your patience through the difficulties and look forward to seeing you at The Truman Club Dinner in person next year. Thank you to all who supported this event. Congratulations to those listed below who were honored that evening. We hope to see you next year for more formal recognition.

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Masonic Home of Missouri


Lewis & Clark Society $1,000 - $2,499

Gerald D. White

Darvin L. Weston

Bruce G. Bax

Troy G. Whitton

Jimmie L. Wharton

Thomas Yunick

Cary & Jacque White

Donald & Delores Cannon

Laura Ingalls Wilder Society $2,500 - $4,999

Thomas Hart Benton Society $5,000 - $9,999

Dennis J. Carroll

Harry & Mary Lee Albert

Roy & Janice Cary

James H. Coogan

Robert S. Alexander

Jean P. Haberichter

Clay & Sandra Copeland

JoAnne Bryan

John & Carol Hendrickson

Thomas Corum

William & Cynthia Carboneau

Donald J. Newman, Jr.

Harold & Marietta Davis

Larry & Donna Cook

Pete & Mary Papasifakis

Kenneth & Wylene Dunlap

Barry & Audrey Cundiff

David & Lois Powell

Woodrow W. Fitzgerald

Warren & Karen Dixon

Doug Reece & Gayle Behr

Marcus A. Foreman

Jimmie Durkee

Tim & Kathryn Thomas

Karen Gaertner

David A. Emring

Reverend Ron & Betty Wood

William & Joan Halliburton

Michael & Janet Ford

Kenneth Hampton

Leonard Landsbaum

John L. Hoeykens

Lee & Rebecca McCollum

William & Velma Howard

Darby P. Meehan

Bob & Marguerite Jenkins

Chris & Tonya Nickle

Scott & Shalene Link

Dr. Roger W. Owens

Ray McDowell

Ron & Nichole Phillips

Dan & Anita Philbrick

Joseph S. Russell

Jonathan & Michelle Phillippe

Michael & Jennifer Singer

Dennis & Cathy Spears

Donald & Lola Stanley

Charles G. Steltzer

Phillip P. Stringfield

Michael & Laurel Sundhausen

Robert & Pam Trewatha

Lonnie & Zoe Tucker

Robert & Dora Warder

Paul & Patsy Werner

Mitch & Beth Weinsting

Marion & Michelle Briggs Spencer & Lilli Burnham

Fall 2020

Samuel Clemens Society $10,000 - $24,999 John W. Carter, Jr. Bobby L. Grisham

Charles A. Lindbergh Society $25,000 - $49,999 Roy F. & Bernie Wilde

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Masonic Home of Missouri

The Vincil Society

Congratulations to the following for joining or attaining a new level within The Vincil Society.

Thank you for your continued support of the Masonic Home of Missouri. Gold Level $10,000 - $24,999

Bronze Level $500 - $2,499

Columbia Marketing Group

Arena Liquor Arlington Lodge No. 346 Barnesville Lodge No. 353 Central Missouri Auto Body Centralia Lodge No. 59 Clintonville Lodge No. 482 Composite Lodge No. 369 Cuba Lodge No. 312 Hope Lodge No. 251 New Hope Lodge No. 199 Saxton Lodge No. 508 St. Francisville Lodge No. 588 St. Joseph Valley Foundation Willard Chapter #551, O.E.S.

Silver Level $5,000 - $9,999 Noble Lodge No. 684 Richland Lodge No. 385

Nickel Level $2,500 - $4,999 Corinthian Lodge No. 265 Leadwood Lodge No. 598 Meridian Lodge No. 2 Mt. Olive Lodge No. 439

If your lodge or chapter is not yet a member of The Vincil Socity or you would like to know where your lodge or chapter stands, feel free to contact Julie Kirchhoff, Annual Giving Officer, at 800-434-9804.

Masonic Home Charity Golf Tournament 2020 event is cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you to those who planned to support the 2020 Golf Tournament Thank you to Commerce Bank for their continued support. We are working to secure a date for the 2021 Golf Tournament, More information to come in the spring.

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Masonic Children’s Foundation

crown jewels

Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation

Misssouri Child Identification and Protection Program By RWB Mitchell Penn MOChip State Coordinator Freemasonry is a Beautiful System of Morals. We’ve all heard this, at least once during our Masonic journey. This message came very soon after we each made a decision to improve our own lives, the communities in which we live, and by proxy the entire world. Each man must choose his own path, and our fraternity offers a multitude of ways in which we can make a difference. The Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation is just one of those. Its principal focus, as most of you know, is the MOCHIP program. There are so many ways to get involved, some of which are often overlooked. Every Freemason has an opportunity to be out in his community, working to provide peace of mind while equipping the families of Missouri with a tool to use in the unlikely case of a missing or abducted child. Giving up a Saturday to volunteer at an event is a small price to pay for such a worthy cause. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, our ability to get out and do events has been limited, to say the least. I recently had the honor of working with men and women from an area of our state known as the bootheel. Wardell Lodge 157 and Bernie Lodge 573 joined forces to hold an event in Caruthersville, MO. We didn’t set any records, as far as numbers go, but we were able to process 16 children. I have to say that despite the goal being the identification of kids, the day was spent in fellowship among like minded individuals,

all working toward a common goal. Isn’t that what Freemasonry is all about? The conversations on ritual, membership decline, and fraternal relations left me feeling enlightened. We laughed in agreement that we are truly in this together - a Saturday well spent. Another such Saturday was recently spent at the Joplin Scottish Rite Temple. This is the hometown of one of our MCF Board members, RWB Chris Nickle. He gave us the nickel tour, no pun intended, of one of most beautiful pieces of Masonic architecture that I have yet to witness. Our entire Board of Directors was on hand to help with the day’s event, as well as RWB Chad Wagoner, DDGM of the 45th Masonic District. This was the first event since Covid-19 restrictions began, and it was used to refine some of our processes. You see RWB Chad is a physician and gave some keen insight on how to reduce risks. It is so easy to overlook what seem to be minor details, only to get an outside view of what has the potential to be a giant problem. Thank you, Chad, and the entire MCF Board, for your guidance. Two heads are truly better than one. I speak for the entire MOCHIP family when I say that we are ready to get back to operations. We are ready to come to your town, to your safety fair, to your back to school event, and work with you to improve our world, one Saturday at a time. Thank you all for your continued support.

Fall 2020

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Masonic Scholarships

You Help Make A Difference By RWB Charlie Wiegert, JGW I have had the pleasure the last few years to serve on the selection committee for the Missouri Masonic Scholarship Foundation, and this year as Junior Grand Warden, it is my privilege to serve as Chairman. It is one of those jobs that the harder it is, the better it is. That’s because the job of selecting the Missouri high school students that will be awarded one of our scholarships is difficult with the high number of qualified applications we receive.



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So, I’m asking you to make my and the committee’s job as hard as possible this year. Contact the counselors at your local high schools and encourage them to have the best and the brightest high school students at their school submit an application. The rewards could be great for them. One of their students could be awarded one of our scholarships, one of their students could be given the opportunity to attend a college or university that they might not have been able to attend. It could be a life changing experience! Last year we awarded 22 scholarships. Because of you my brothers, because of your contributions, 22 of the brightest Missouri’s high school seniors from last year are attending colleges and universities this year. We have made the difference in the lives of these 22 young people, giving them the opportunity to do something worthwhile with their lives. As Freemasons, our hope to better the world and humanity can come from these 22 young adults. Thank you for your previous and future donations. While we do not know yet the number of scholarships we will be able to award to the class of 2021 graduating high school seniors, we do know we will be awarding scholarships. The task of reaching out to counselors at high schools is something every Page 22

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(Signature of Applicant)

(Date Submitted)

You may include one letter of recommendation.


Missouri Mason can do. This year we have made some minor changes to the application form, so it is important to get the new application form to the councilors. The new form is available at www. momason.org under the programs tab. You can download, print and take a few copies to your area high school counselors! A copy will also be sent to all Missouri lodges in their November packet. Scholarships are available to any Missouri high school senior who meets the criteria on the scholarship application and the deadline for applications is March 15, 2021. A high school transcript that includes test scores, grade point average, class rank, etc., is required, along with a list of school activities, awards, offices held and honors received. The applicant must also include a list of community and volunteer activities, and a short essay about why they are applying and their future goals. The Freemason

Missouri Rainbow for Girls

youth organizations

Missouri Rainbow Girls “Faith, Hope and Charity”

It is no mistake that 2020 has been a crazy year and it is no different for Missouri Rainbow. These past few months we have found a stride with having our events while being safe. Recently we have been having our Grand Worthy Advisor Visits. Our last visit was hosted by District 5 and held in Rolla. I wanted one of my visits to be heavily focused around service, and District 5’s plan for the day blew me away. We ended up going to a beautiful park where we decided to pick up the trash and make bags for homeless teens. It was really amazing to see all the girls working together to help other in need. It really brings out the hero in all of them. As for the rest of the incoming year, our next few months we get a break however coming up in December we have our annual Christmas Party held at Columbia Lodge on December 5th. I am very much looking forward to this event as it usually has a great turnout and we all have a great time. This year we are planning to do things like making gingerbread houses, brining ornaments to exchange, and just overall Fall 2020

spreading joy to others. After the Christmas party we will continue our Grand Worthy Advisor visits hosted by our Districts. The visits I have been to so far were all amazing and I cannot wait to see what is in store later on in the year. Overall, I am very excited for what is in store for the next few months. I cannot wait to see all of you at events cheering our girls on! Thank you all so much for your support, I cannot express the gratitude and joy I have in my heart. Your support of Missouri Rainbow is appreciated, and we are so thankful for all you do. Thank you for all your support, we cannot wait to see you again.

Fraternally, Madi Dodson Grand Worthy Advisor Page 23

youth organizations

Missouri DeMolay

Missouri DeMolay Today’s Leaders, Tomorrow’s Future

Greetings! Since March, we have all felt or seen the effect COVID-19 has had on our family, friends, and community. However, COVID has not stopped Missouri DeMolay. Since the beginning of the year, Missouri DeMolay has had the third-largest membership increase in the world. On June 15th we had the change of our Jurisdictional Officer team. Many chapters during this time have done their own meetings or activities on their own, however, September saw a boom in Installations and chapter activities with members from other chapters participating. The team of Jurisdictional Officers has been working all summer and through the fall up until now to the best of our ability. We did not want to rest while we had the extra time to sit around. Instead, we decided to use the time we had and work on various programs to help improve Missouri DeMolay as well as travel. While under lockdown, Missouri DeMolay has hosted a number of Virtual Brotherhood events where DeMolays from across Missouri and the globe joined us to play various video games. We had brothers from the following Jurisdictions join us: Arkansas, Indiana, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Southern California. Missouri DeMolay also had a Virtual Speaker Event where 8x Olympic Medalist Apolo Anton Ohno talked about his struggles growing up as an athlete and in his professional athletic career and what he did to overcome those obstacles. During the Jurisdictional Officer’s travels since June, we have gone to the Grand Assembly for the

Missouri Rainbow for Girls, Arkansas DeMolay’s Conclave, Allegiance Chapter’s Fishing Trip, and the following chapters have had degree work or installations where the Jurisdictional Officer team have helped them out: Waynesville Chapter, Rolla Chapter, Allegiance Squires Manor, Allegiance Chapter, Daniel Boone Chapter, George L. Walters Chapter. And that’s just the start! The field is constantly surprising the state leaders with what they can do. And because of that, the team of Jurisdictional Officers is turning our attention to focus more with each individual chapter to help them to go from being a good chapter to being a great chapter. Their success is our priority and we want nothing more than for them to be the best that they can be. I can’t wait to work more with the young men and advisors now more than ever. Fraternally, Conner Westermayer State Master Councilor


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The Freemason

Missouri Scottish Rite Presents




Register today for this historic virtual event WWW. SCOTTISHRITE.LIVE

The Freemason

Page 25

LOdge & district news

Grand Lodge of Missouri

Installations, Dedications & Special Events Fenton Hawaiian Shirt Night

Chamois Memorial Day

Fenton Lodge 281 continued the tradition of Hawaiian Shirt Night on June 26, 2020 for the last meeting of the Masonic Year. This is the 20th year for this event, started by the Secretary, RWB Jeff Howard, when he was WM in 2000.

Osage Installation On Saturday, May 23, 2020, members of Chamois Lodge 185, Chamois American Legion Post 506, family members, and friends placed flags on Veterans’ graves at 13 cemeteries in Chamois, Morrison, Gasconade, St. Aubert, and Deer Creek.

Samaritan Scholarship

Osage Lodge 303 Officers for the year 2020-2021 were installed on September 8, 2020. Pictured are: Bottom row (L to R): Carl Brewer (Tiler), Frank Caliguire (JW), Michael Fields (WM), WB Courtney Black (SW), WB Eddie Deming (JS), and WB Eric Tabor (Mar). Middle row: RWB Bill Martin (Chap), RWB Chris McLemore (Treas), Charles Wackerly (JD), Matthew West (SD), and WB David Grubb (Sec). Top row is DDGM Randy Marti.

Fraternal Installation

Samaritan Lodge 424 awarded two graduating seniors from North County High School with the annual Linda Wheatley Scholarships of $500 each. The recipients were Jillian Wruck and Les Copeland. The money is raised from the Lodge’s annual golf tournament at the Terre Du Lac Country Club. This is our eighth year of giving and we look forward to next year’s event.

The Installation of Officers of Fraternal Lodge 363 took place on September 1, 2020. RWB Russell Humphrey (top left), was installed as Worshipful Master for the 4th time at Fraternal [1983, 1995, 2011, 2020].

Comstock 50 Year Pin

Conway Installation

On the evening of August 31, 2020, Brother Tom Comstock received his 50-year Jewel at Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO. The presentation was made by RWB Rick Thompson, DDGM of the 35th Masonic District of Missouri. Brother Comstock was pinned by his wife, Becky.

In an open installation held on August 15, 2020, the 2020 - 2021 Officers of Conway Lodge 528, located in Lebanon, Missouri, were installed. WB Jeff Stokes is the new Worshipful Master.

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The Freemason

Grand Lodge of Missouri

LOdge & district news

Installations, Dedications & Special Events Dodd 50 Year Pin

Burke 60 Year Pin

Smallwood 60 Year Pin

On July 6, 2020, Brother Marvin Dodd of Joplin Lodge 335 was awarded his 50-year member pin. RWB Steve Allgood presided over the ceremony.

On August 6, 2020, St. Francisville Lodge 588 in Wayland, MO presented WB East Burke with his 60-year pin. WB Burke has held every office in the lodge. His cousin Glee Duckworth placed the pin on Brother Burke.

On September 3, 2020, a 60-year pin was presented to RWB James Smallwood at St. James Lodge 230 by RWB James Brand, DDGM of the 29th Masonic District. RWB Smallwood is a Past Master of the Lodge and a Past DDGM of the 29th District.

Mount Washington Installation

Mount Washington Lodge 614 in Independence, MO held their Installation of Officers on October 10, 2020. WB Christopher Organ was installed as WM.

Fenton Installation

Fenton Lodge 281 held their installation on August 15, 2020. MWB Stanton Brown was Installing WM with RWB Richard Kaeser as Installing Marshal and RWB Ty Treutelaar as Installing Chaplain. WB Wayne Jones was installed as WM with WB John Brand as SW and Nathaniel Brand as JW.

Spirit of St. Louis Installation

Fair Haven’s Children’s Home CAP

On September 19, 2020, Spirit of St. Louis Lodge 27 held their Installation of Officers at Gardenville Temple in St. Louis. Installed were: RWB Darrel Curtis (WM), WB Steve Paglusch (SW), Brother Ian Koster (JW), RWB Floyd Ward (Chap), Brother Fred Helvey (Mar), Brother Ben Gokenbach (SD), and WB Gilbert Watson (Tiler).

On August 4, 2020, WM Dave Bagdonas of Strafford Lodge 608, in conjunction with the Cruisers Unit of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple, University Lodge 683, Hazelwood Lodge 459, Plato Lodge 469, Mount Olive Lodge 439, Missouri Ridge Runner Scottish Rite Club, and the Masonic Home of Missouri, presented checks totaling $4,000.00 to Mr. Barney Crawford, Executive Director of the Fair Haven Children’s Home.

Fall 2020

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LOdge & district news

Grand Lodge of Missouri

Installations, Dedications & Special Events Watts 50 Year Pin

On July 13, 2020, Kirkwood Lodge 488 presented a 50-year pin to WB Richard Watts. RWB Miguel White made the presentation.

McFall 50 Year Pin

McClane 60 Year Pin

On August 20, 2019, Brother Richard McFall and his wife Juanita drove from Branson to St. Louis in order to receive his 50-year pin from his friend of many years, MWB Richard Smith.

On July 16, 2020, Greenville Lodge 107 honored Greenville resident, Carrol Lee “Pix” McLane on 60-years of Masonic service to their lodge. There were over fifty people present to help McLane celebrate the evening. After a potluck dinner, RWB Ted Marlow made the pin presentation to Brother McLane,

St. James Installation

St. James Lodge 230 held their Installation of Officers on September 5, 2020 with the following officers: Ronald Lee Townley Jr. (WM), David Scott Coleman (SW), Carl E. Swanson (JW), David W. Watkins Sr. (Treas), Donald H. Vandegriffe (Sec), Wayne B. Fryer (Chap), Isaiah Wills (SD), Troy Ryan Gaddy (JD), James Edward Ashby (SS), Gregory P. Campbell (JS), Gary Wade Wells (Mar), and Gregory Everett Edwards (Tiler).

Table Rock Installation

Table Rock Lodge 680’s Installation of Officers was held on September 8, 2020. The officers are as follows: Loren Oden (WM), Terry Bible (SW) Greg Yoder (JW) Glen Rosenberg (Treas), Barry Jenkins (Sec), Robert Brown (SD), Aaron Riley (JD), Fred Ybarra (Chap) and Charles Avery (SS).

Sparta Installation

Joplin Installation

The Installation of Officers of Sparta Lodge 296 was held on August 23, 2020. Pictured are: Front Row (L–R): WB Dave Collignon (Sec), WB Roy Meadows (Treas), WB Chuck Oheim (JD), WB J. Neal May (Inst Mar), RWB Dale Roller (WM), WB Troy Steinert (Mar), B Zach Hartgraves (SS), Brother Kevin Brittain (JW), WB Leister Bowling (Tiler). Second Row (L-R): Brother Joe Pierce, Brother Rob Guinther (Chap), RWB Randall J. Jones (Inst Master), Brother Eric Gann (JS). Third Row (L-R): Brother Dan Dove (SD), WB D. Craig Dunn (Inst Chap).

On August 3, 2020, Brother Craig Ramsay was elected and installed as Worshipful Master for 2020-2021 at Joplin Lodge 335. RWB Steve Allgood presided at the Installation.

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The Freemason

Grand Lodge of Missouri

LOdge & district news

Installations, Dedications & Special Events Goldsmith 60 Year Pin

Sullivan Installation

WB John E. Goldsmith received his 60-year pin at Texas Lodge 177 in Houston, MO on the evening of August 19, 2020. The acknowledgment of his service to the Masonic Fraternity for 60 years was made by RWB Rick Thompson, DDGM of the 35th Masonic District of Missouri.

The Annual Installation of Officers at Sullivan Lodge 69 was held on September 4, 2020. Pictured are (L to R): Back Row, Installing officers: WB Mike Romanoskie, RWB Warren Dixon, RWB Steve Lynn; Middle Rows, Officers: James Stanley Bell III, RWB Ray Wise, Daniel Caleb King, WB Tom Holland, Stanley Bell, Jeff Watson, Tom Carmen, RWB Bob Martin, Charles George Peters; Front Row, Officers: WB Vernon Graven, WM Jerry Rose holding gavel, RWB Larry Loomis.

Naphtali and Wentzville Installations

Naphtali Lodge 25 and Wentzville Lodge 46 held their open installations together on Saturday, August 1, 2020 at the Wentzville Masonic Temple. The newly installed Worshipful Masters were: for Wentzville 46, WB Joe Stewart, and for Naphtali, WB Mike Smith.

Laclede Installation

Bee Hive Installation

In an open installation held on August 15, 2020, the 2020 - 2021 Officers of Laclede Lodge 83 in Lebanon, MO were installed with WB Tim Southard as the Worshipful Master.

On August 9, 2020, the officers for 2020-2021 of Bee Hive Lodge 393 in Lawson, MO were installed by RWB Art Gentry. WB James E. Adams was installed as Worshipful Master.

Strafford Lodge Awards

WB Rick Anderson was presented a plaque as the outgoing Treasurer, WB David Bagdonas was presented with a Past Master Certificate and WB Elmer Scott received his 50-year Masonic Membership Jewel at Strafford Lodge 608 in Strafford, MO by WM Rick Headlee on the evening of September 24, 2020. WB Anderson’s performance during his 8-year period as Treasurer was truly outstanding. WB Bagdonas’s leadership allowed the lodge to move forward during COVID 19. The presentation was made by RWB Rick Thompson, DDGM of the 35th Masonic District of Missouri.

Fall 2020

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LOdge & district news

Grand Lodge of Missouri

Installations, Dedications & Special Events Lynch 50 Year Pin

Elvins Ionic Lodge 154 in Desloge, MO presented Brother James Lynch his 50-year pin. He was pinned by his wife, Connie Lynch.

Castles 50 Year Pin

Gazaway 50 Year Pin

Adair Lodge 366 was honored to present a 50year service award to WB William “Bill” Castles on August 11, 2020.

Clintonville Lodge 482 of El Dorado Springs presented a 50-year award to Brother Galen Gazaway, who is a 50-year Mason with the Grand Lodge of Illinois, currently residing at Community Springs Healthcare in El Dorado Springs, MO.

Henderson 447 CAP/PTA Shoe Drive

Four years ago, Henderson Lodge 447 started a project with the local PTA in Rogersville, MO. The PTA manages the LR Wildcat Closet for the school district to allow those in need to acquire shirts, pants, coats, shoes, etc. when needed. They indicated that their real need was shoes. This year, after a couple months of fundraising with churches, local businesses, and individuals, we raised over $2500 and with help of matching from the Masonic Home of Missouri’s Create-a-Partnership program, we managed to double the fundraiser to purchase $5000 worth of shoes.

Fraternal Lodge Backpack Program

On September 24 2020, WM Russell Humphrey of Fraternal Lodge 363 in Robertsville, MO presented a $3000 check to the Gray Summit Methodist Church Secretary, Teresa Pich, for the Backpack Program that serves Robertsville and other elementary schools in Franklin County. Funds from Fraternal 363 were matched by the Creating a Partnership Program of the Masonic Home of Missouri.

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Excelsior Installation

The annual Installation of Officers for Excelsior Lodge 441 was held on September 20, 2020 at the Masonic Temple in Jackson, MO. Officers installed were: Dan Koch (WM), Mike Massey (SW), RWB Wayne Godwin (JW), W. Darryl Spurlock (Sec), Aric Johnson (Chap), Brad Patterson (Mar), Les Tainter (SD), Justin Conklin (JD), Billy Thorne (SS), and Jeff Lucas (JS). Other officers are: W Bill Tucker (Treas), and Bobby Thorne (Tiler). Installing team was: RWB Johnny Schlenker, Master; RWB Dave Ramsey, Chaplin; and RWB Wayne Landis, Marshal.

The Freemason

Grand Lodge of Missouri

masonic education

The Blue Lodge (why “blue”?) By RWB Curt Fullbright Crestwood-Anchor Lodge 443 A brother recently asked me “Why do we call our lodges Blue Lodges?” What is the significance of the color blue? Why not purple, red, green, etc? I told him I would do some research and attempt to find out. According to Wikipedia, blue is the traditional color of regalia in lodges derived of English or Irish Freemasonry. The term was originally frowned upon but has gained widespread usage in America in recent times. Moving on from Wiki info, I found many other miscellaneous sources. Some authorities believe that blue has been, since ancient times, associated with truth, Deity, wisdom, and hope. Per our own ritualistic lectures, our ancient brethren met on high hills and low vales, over which the blue vault of Heaven was the ceiling. Also, as Jacob, in his vision, saw the ladder ascending from Earth to Heaven, the covering of a lodge is a clouded canopy or star-decked heaven. These allusions seem to reinforce that blue, the color of the sky, is emblematic of all celestial attributes to which Masons aspire. Blue is also the color of the oceans, of mountain streams, of lakes of pure drinking water --- so, to some, it is equally natural to follow that blue is emblematic of purity. Now of course other “authorities” have even more to say about the color blue. As per Coils Masonic Encyclopedia, since ancient Fall 2020

time, the color blue has been associated with immortality, eternity, and fidelity. References to the color blue in the Bible emphasize the special place blue has as a color symbolizing goodness and immortality. The Druids honored the color, and the Egyptians and Babylonians associated the color blue with their Gods. In medieval times the Christians saw blue as the symbol of perfection and hope, as well as immortality and fidelity. The color blue has long been associated with the Deity, even in ancient times when man worshiped the sun. The sun rose up into a blue sky and sank into a blue sky at the end of the day ---- so the color blue was associated with the sun as the Deity and therefore the color blue was associated with the virtues of a Deity. Regardless of what authority you wish to believe, what I found was that the color blue is usually felt to represent water, the sky, or virtues related to a God or Gods. Numerous historians believe that the color blue was initially used in Craft Masonry to represent the sky. My research has shown to me that there is not one definitive answer to the question of “Why Masonic Blue?”. Everything I found was one person’s opinion, or interpretation, of why the color blue is used so extensively in Freemasonry. It is not as if everybody got together a few years back and just picked a color. For me, today, blue for Masons symbolizes virtues such as brotherhood, loyalty, truth, and fidelity ----or perhaps to remind Masons that they should seek out virtues as extensive as the sky.

Page 31

Grand Master’s Calendar of Events All events are subject to possible restrictions. November 2020

January 2021

November 7

Red Cross of Constantine Jefferson City

January 16

Masonic Home Board of Directors Meeting

November 29

Bicentennial Lecture Series

January 29

Bicentennial Lecture Series

December 2020 December 12

Area Meetings TBA

December 19

Masonic Home Board of Directors Meeting

December 27

Bicentennial Lecture Series

February 2021 February 20-24 Conference of Grand Masters Seattle WA February 28

Bicentennial Lecture Series

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