MIX Copenhagen 2021

Page 107

Lili Award


Our awards for Best Feature, Best

Documentary and Best Short Film are

Best Feature Film:

named after Danish transgender artist Lili

→ A Distant Place (p.22)

Elbe, who was the first person to undergo

→ Forgotten Roads (p.33)

gender-affirming surgery in 1930. These films are nominated by MIX COPENHAGEN’s programmers and selected by our international jury panel. The Lili Award is granted to remarkable films in their category that challenge existing norms of sexuality and gender. [DA]

Vores pris for Bedste Film, Bedste Doku-

→ Neubau (p.49) → Nico (p.46) Best Documentary: → Miguel's War (p.55) → Passion (p.27)

mentarfilm og Bedste Kortfilm er navngivet

→ Rebel Dykes (p.48)

efter den transkønnede danske kunstner,

→ Sediments (p.82)

Lili Elbe, som i 1930 var den første i verden, der fik foretaget en kønsbekræftende operation. Filmene i konkurrencen nomineres

Best Short Film:

af MIX COPENHAGENs programlæggere,

→ Heaven Reaches Down

hvorefter den internationale jury i fælles-

to Earth (p.92)

skab finder en vinder. Lili-prisen uddeles til

→ Kapaemahu (p.93)

ekstraordinære film, der udfordrer eksisterende køns- og seksualitetsnormer.

→ Katastrofer (p.31) → The Night Train (p.65)


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