Metropol - 28 May 2020

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28 MAY - 10 JUNE 2020










22 Years as Canterbury’s No.1 Lifestyle Magazine


1998 Metropol 28 May, 2020 1



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22 Years as Canterbury’s No.1 Lifestyle Magazine



28 MAY - 10 JUNE 2020






A fancy overseas trip may just not be on the bridal cards, we’ve put together our own how-to guide for solidifying a magical marriage on the home turf – pg. 48













INTERNAL COVER Our bridal issue is one of our favourite renditions of our fortnightly showcase of the very best of what Canterbury has to offer – pg. 35


28 MAY 2020 VOL 23 ISSUE 07


Smile Creator… Richard Greenlees


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Metropol 28 May, 2020 3


hile medical experts have been encouraging physical distancing for the past three months, mental health experts have been encouraging us to stay more connected than ever before. Social connection is understood to be a fundamental human need; as crucial for mental development as it is for physical development. The subject of human connection is even more poignant for the Metropol team, as we compile our annual bridal issue. It hasn’t been without its challenges, as we put together what is one of our favourite renditions of our fortnightly pilgrimage to showcase the very best of what Canterbury has to offer, as our team operates remotely, around our bubble families, both young and old. It’s also a poignant reminder of the weddings that have been postponed and the plans that have changed. We think also of those for whom border control measures will prevent from sharing those special times with us physically and especially those of us we have lost, but who will be with us in both mind and spirit. We are reminded too at this time of the sweet sentiment that ‘absence makes the ABC AUDITED heart grow fonder’ and such is how we feel as we count down to all the big days that are in the works both now and in the future as life slowly, but surely, gets back to some degree of normalcy. Soon we will once again be able to share those special moments with our loved ones, mentally, spiritually and physically, and these special times we’re sure will be that much sweeter after the AUDITED wait. From our bubble to yours, we bring you all the inspiration for your special day.

Publisher: Metros Publishing Group (NZ) Ltd Murray Dempsey General Manager: Tracey Prince Advertising: Ph: (03) 343 3669 Editor: Melinda Collins Creative Director: Tristen Nash Distribution Queries: Production & Design: Writers: Ben Selby, Céline Gibson, Cheryl Colley, Clementine Page, Jess Murray (Assistant Editor), Megan Gnad, Nicholas Henare, Rhonda Mitchell, Tracey Edwardes

Metropol Circulation



Melinda Collins

National Multi-Award Winners 2013 - 2018

Address: Physical: 15a Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, ChCh 8011 Postal: P.O. Box 9362, Tower Junction ChCh 8149, NZ Ph: (03) 343 3669

Metropol is published every fortnight and Metropol Build is published every month. Both are delivered to the best addresses in the Christchurch and Canterbury region. They are also available from many selected stores, malls, stands, waiting rooms and offices. Metropol and Metropol Build are PRINTER AUDITED subject to copyright in their entirety. Reproduction in whole or �dd��������r���������e���ered in part without permission will result in legal action. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained within the magazines, however Metros Publishing Group (NZ) Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information. The information and views expressed anywhere in these magazines are not necessarily the views or opinion of Metros Publishing Group (NZ) Ltd, its editorial contributors, freelancers, associates or information providers.

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Supporting tourism and hospitality By Melinda Collins

Peter Morrison is known as a guru of hospitality, or more formally as the President of Hospitality New Zealand - Canterbury, and senior member of the New Zealand Board. He is also World President of SKAL International, representing New Zealand’s tourism and hospitality sectors on the world stage and connecting tourism globally. Metropol caught up with Peter about how we can support our tourism and hospitality sectors moving forward.

How has lockdown been treating you Peter? Yes, like everyone else it is very challenging in these such unprecedented times. What are you most excited about post-lockdown? To get my beloved hospitality and tourism industry back to being the number one export earner for New Zealand. World tourism has taken a real beating and our Skal members world-wide are struggling. Realistically this will take some time as we have been hurt the worst with social distancing, border closures

and many more major issues putting big obstacles in our way. You’ve long talked about the importance of community support for hospitality, what are some of the best ways we can look to support our tourism and hospitality businesses? For hospitality venues – hotels, motels, backpackers, bars, restaurants and cafés – to survive, we are really going to need our local residents and domestic travellers to ‘come to the party’ and give us all the support they can possibly give. This will apply to all retail shopping as well, not online!

What would you like to see coming through from Government level? We are very appreciative of the Wage Subsidy that has been given; it is imperative that this is extended. We are talking with Government to also give our industry priority. We have been the worst industry affected and really been under siege. In Australia the wage subsidy is for six months and small to medium businesses (SMBs) have been given between $20,000 and $100,000 to help with all the costs and overheads that still must be paid while businesses have been shut. What advice would you give to businesses that are being hard hit during these challenges? While we are aware how unprecedented this crisis is, we are together in sharing the immense challenge, change, sadness and uncertainty. COVID-19 has been able to grip the world in a way we’ve not experienced before, but because of our connectedness, the tourism and hospitality industry’s strong ties are what will ensure that we will build our industry again – doing business amongst friends!

Metropol 28 May, 2020 5


out & about

By Melinda Collins

LISA TAMATI HAS LIVED HER LIFE BEATING THE ODDS, NEVER LETTING ANYTHING STAND IN HER WAY. So when an aneurysm and stroke left Lisa’s mum Isobel with severe brain damage at the age of 74, the ultramarathon runner approached rehabilitation in the same way she approached some of the world’s most gruelling races. She tells Melinda Collins about the unrelentless love for her mum which saw her beat the odds once again.


isa Tamati never pegged herself as a runner. An asthmatic her whole life, she simply didn’t have the lung capacity. But she came from a sporty family and wanted to make her dad proud, so she trained instead, as a gymnast. “I failed at that miserably,” she laughs. “I wanted to do something epic, I just didn’t have the build for gymnastics – I was too tall and too muscular.” But that would all change when a young Austrian athlete was hit by an avalanche and Lisa’s mum Isobel did what many Kiwi mums would do… she invited him home. “I followed him around the world and we had lots of adventures,” Lisa says. Those adventures involved running, walking, biking and paddling their way across thousands of miles of Europe, Scandinavia and Africa before taking on the ultimate challenge—an unassisted 250km crossing of the Libyan Desert, Lisa carrying 35kg of her own food, equipment and water. When the relationship ended after becoming abusive, Lisa had lost her confidence and self-esteem. “I was lost, I didn’t know what I wanted… I wanted to keep having adventures, but I didn’t have anyone to have them with.” So when she heard about the Marathon des

6 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Sables, a seven-day, 240km ultramarathon across the Sahara Desert described as the toughest foot race on earth, it was just the challenge she wanted to sink her teeth into. “I came out in the top 10 and I was like, holy crap I’m not bad at the really long stuff! That started the ball rolling and I just wanted more and more of that,” she says. And more of that she got, conquering some of the most gruelling challenges on earth. She learnt about pushing past barriers, overcoming obstacles, fighting back after injury and breaking goals into bite-sized pieces. “You learn resilience, that not everything goes your way and if you get knocked down, you have to get back up. “You learn about persisting through the uncomfortable times.” They were life lessons that were invaluable for Lisa when one Saturday morning, her mum had an aneurysm completely out of the blue. Isobel was in and out of a coma for three weeks. When she awoke, she had severe brain damage; she couldn’t communicate and had no memory of who she was. According to doctors, there was no hope. “She was in a little bit better than a vegetative state,. It was like the computer was on, but there was no software installed.”

Soon after changing hospitals, Isobel’s condition started to deteriorate. She was going downhill and she was heading there fast. That’s when the cogs started turning over for Lisa. “I started to think hang on, she was on oxygen, now she’s not and she’s getting worse.” Having done a lot of endurance work at altitude, Lisa understood the ramifications of a lack of oxygen. She pointed out her mum’s symptoms to the doctors and her concerns were pushed aside. When she suggested a sleep apnoea test, they said no. But Lisa was familiar with hurdles. “I went over the top of their heads with a private consultation! The test came back as severe sleep apnoea.” Her mum’s brain wasn’t getting the oxygen it needed to heal. For athletes like Lisa, specialised oxygen tents help them adjust to lowoxygen conditions; Lisa came across the concept of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT); same concept, different application. Used most famously for divers recovering from ‘the bends’, HBOT involves breathing concentrated oxygen in a pressurised chamber. The treatment has been known to dramatically and permanently improve symptoms of chronic traumatic brain injury (TBI) months or even years after the original head injury, among other ailments it is used for. There are more than 60 years of clinical studies supporting its use and hundreds of hospitals

out & about

THE ODDS around the world utilising it. In New Zealand, HBOT is used in Auckland and Christchurch, but only for gangrene, diabetic ulcers, burns and compression injuries, but not for brain injuries. Lisa was determined to get her mum on this treatment. After three months in hospital, she finally won the battle to take Isobel home. Miraculously, she secured the use of a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and immediately started 1.5-hour sessions a day, five days a week. “After 33 sessions she started to wake up, respond and try to communicate!” And just as soon as they started seeing results, the chamber was required for a contract and they lost access. But then Lisa never was one to give up! She mortgaged the house, got her own chamber and had it installed, and Isobel continued to improve, slowly, but surely. Throughout the journey, Lisa studied like mad, everything from functional neurology and Nootropics, to epigenetics and functional genomics. She changed her mum’s diet to essentially a keto diet, with high good fats and green veges, and put in place an eighthour a day programme of training which changed constantly to work around neural fatigue. Isobel had to learn everything she had once known from scratch; from how to chew food properly, to how to read and write. After four years, Isobel is completely healed. Other than a slight limp, there is no sign of the brain damage she suffered. From not being expected to live out the month, Isobel has her full drivers’ license back! “At the time she couldn’t even driver her own wheelchair,” Lisa laughs. “My brothers thought I was insane!” Lisa has written about the journey. Relentless is the story about how Lisa refused to accept the words of the medical fraternity and instead decided that she was going to get her mother back or die trying. It covers the physical – the therapies, protocols and doctors she used – but also the mental – the attitude and mindset that is required to take on a fight this big. It’s available on the website below or in bookstores now. “It will resonate with athletes, to those with medical challenges, to anyone who wants to understand high performance and how to get the best out of themselves,” she says. “I want other people to learn that when everything looks bleak, sometimes there is hope, if you’re willing to put in the work.”

Metropol 28 May, 2020 7

out & about

Silver linings By Jess Murray

There’s been a lot of darkness in the world recently and sometimes it can be hard to find the good in things. No-one one saw COVID-19 coming, but we have learned to adapt and live with it. This is the perfect time to remember every cloud has a silver lining. A MUCH-NEEDED BREAK: While many of us were isolated at home and unable to travel, Mother Nature got a well deserved holiday. Air pollution levels in China are down, the canals in Venice are cleaner than ever and some wildlife have made a welcome return!

WFH NOW A THING! Working from home – or WFH as it’s now being called – has had a massive push in the right direction and employers and workplaces have been forced to adapt. Here’s to more flexible workplaces in the future!

FROM OUR BUBBLE TO YOURS: Ironically with everyone in their own bubbles and separated from each other, there’s never been more of a sense of closeness. It’s been a time of connections – old friends, new ones or even a new community.

CLEANLINESS MADE COOL: One of the best ways to preventing the virus is by washing your hands. There’s definitely nothing wrong with having a little bit more of that around.

YOU KNOW HOW TO WHAT? A month in isolation can drive some up the wall and drive some to try something totally out of the ordinary! Learnt a new language, how to juggle or perhaps you’ve tried your hand at ventriloquy? We’re looking forward to hearing about everyone’s creative new talents!

HOLLY LEA VILLAGE New Apartments Now Under Construction

STYLISH DESIGN, CONTEMPORARY RETIREMENT LIVING Holly Lea Village is nestled in the heart of Fendalton within beautifully tailored grounds. The village has recently undergone a major refurbishment and has just released the first stage of new apartments. The Morven apartments, comprising of eight spacious two bedroom apartments, are architecturally designed with comfort and safety in mind and offer the latest in contemporary retirement living. I 03 351 7764 123 Fendalton Road, Christchurch For enquiries contact Juliane Brand

8 28 May, 2020 Metropol

RUV0088 Russley Metropol Update 190x135.indd 2

24/03/20 12:21 PM

The forefront forefront of education education

The Cathedral Grammar Girls’Girls’ School celebrates 25 years25 years The Cathedral Grammar School celebrates


ne of the distinguishing ne of the distinguishing threads of The Cathedral threads of The Cathedral Grammar School story is how Grammar School story is how it has honoured the legacy it has honoured the legacy

and contributions of past and contributions of past generations whilst confidently generations whilst confidently being at the forefront of being at the forefront of educational innovation and educational innovation and

change. change. They are fortunate to have They are fortunate to have had the opportunity to nurture, had the opportunity to nurture, know and grow the dreams know and grow the dreams

Let learning adventure Let thethe learning adventure begin! begin Metropol 28 May, 2020 9

out out&&about about

and aspirations of many young and aspirations of many young women throughout the past 25 women throughout the past 25 years. The school is proud to years. The school is proud to meet this anniversary milestone meet this anniversary milestone and walk confidently towards and walk confidently towards the successors of the future. the successors of the future. The school believes “that The school believes “that excellence is about so much excellence is about so much more than just academic more than just academic success. It is about enabling success. It is about enabling your daughter to create, your daughter to create, explore, develop passions and explore, develop passions and confidently move towards a confidently move towards a bright and successful future.” bright and successful future.” As their girls continue to As their girls continue to write the Cathedral Grammar write the Cathedral Grammar story, they blend the best story, they blend the best of their past with the latest of their past with the latest innovations to give each innovations to give each new generation of girls the new generation of girls the opportunity to be more than opportunity to be more than they ever imagined. they ever imagined. The 25th anniversary this The 25th anniversary this year was shared with the year was shared with the Watoto Children’s Choir Watoto Children’s Choir visiting from Uganda. The visiting from Uganda. The Watoto children and Cathedral Watoto children and Cathedral Grammar students worked Grammar students worked collaboratively over the collaboratively over the day, sharing experiences day, sharing experiences and participating in choral and participating in choral workshops. Coming together workshops. Coming together to provide a wonderful evening to provide a wonderful evening concert at the Christ Church concert at the Christ Church Cathedral for family and Cathedral for family and friends. This enriching cultural friends. This enriching cultural experience provided the experience provided the students with a unique insight students with a unique insight into a different and vibrant culture. culture. The girls’ school is proud The girls’ school is proud of its 25 years of supporting of its 25 years of supporting and educating Christchurch and educating Christchurch girls and welcomes you to girls and welcomes you to experience how they will experience how they will nurture, know and grow your nurture, know and grow your daughter, each and every day. daughter, each and every day. For more information on For more information on The Cathedral Grammar Girls’ The Cathedral Grammar Girls’ School visit the website below. School visit the website below.

out & about

Making Moves By Jess Murray

So you spent lockdown hibernating, that’s ok! Maybe it’s time you pulled the activewear out of the bottom drawer and get a wriggle on! Getting back into it isn’t as overwhelming as you may think. We’ve pulled together some of our top tips to make a move and introduce more exercise into your day to day life.



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Beauty and a beat:

And by ‘hike’ we mean the stairs! Say goodbye to the elevator and go that extra step, or two, or three to taking the stairs. You don’t have to climb twelve flights (especially if you’re in a rush for a meeting), even one set is a great start. Besides, confined elevators are probably not the best spaces to be in at the moment.

It’s undeniable that the right song on the dancefloor can get anyone grooving, it’s the same when trying to motivate yourself to run. Running isn’t for everyone, but it’s made a lot easier with a tune that will put a spring in your step. If you’re feeling like you need extra motivation download Zombies, Run! free from the app store. It’s an ultraimmersive running game that assigns you the role of the protagonist, where every run becomes a mission. Again, it’s not for everyone but it might just be the cool new form of running that will get you to enjoy it.

3. 4.

A block…and a bit: A good way to introduce more movement into your life, is through limiting how much you drive your car. If it’s within walking distance – walk, if it’s a nice day outside and you have some time to spare – walk. It’s better for both you and the environment. Or take it in small steps by parking a block away from your workplace or meeting… then a bit more next time. There’s nothing better than already feeling a sense of accomplishment when you walk in those office doors in the morning.

You vs you: If month long or weeks-worth of challenges aren’t for you then take on ‘mini exercise’ challenges instead. When hanging out the washing, pick up every item individually and properly complete a squat each time. Do a few sets of sit ups, crunches, lunges (or any exercise of your choice) while you’re binging your favourite Netflix show. Increase the complexity by completing a set every episode (for extreme bingers only). The only person who can hold you acceptable to those challenges is yourself.

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Metropol 28 May, 2020 11

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Take a hike:

out & about

Resilience in action By Melinda Collins

Resilience and wellbeing have recently gone from fuzzy buzzwords, to being recognised as extremely important concepts that we need to not only respect, but master, as our health and safety has been threatened.


o we caught up with one of the country’s leading academics specialising in the area, adjunct fellow at the University of Canterbury, Dr Lucy Hone who, along with

Dr Denise Quinlan, heads the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience (NZIWR), about practical strategies for coping in the face of uncertainty and threat.

Enjoy a warmer, cosier winter in a brand new Living Well Apartment at Park Lane. For a private apartment viewing or more information about retirement living at Park Lane call Tara on 021 489 784 or 03 338 4495 or email 35 Whiteleigh Ave, Christchurch. 12 28 May, 2020 Metropol

We’re out of lockdown now, but how long should we be hyper-aware of our mental health? We need to always be aware of what’s working for our mental health and what’s dragging us down. There is so much you can do yourself to promote and protect your own wellbeing. In our work we teach people to catch unbridled pessimism and negativity, and establish whether the way they’re thinking is a) an accurate reading of the situation and b) if it’s helping or harming their quest to achieve what they’re trying to achieve. What we have seen during the Covid pandemic is that the people who

are operating from no reserves of wellbeing or who are really rigid in their ways of thinking and acting don’t do so well when their everyday environment is changed. Mental agility is really important for resilience and it’s going to be absolutely critical as we move forward. Some people are going to be going through some really tough times and I absolutely empathise with that, but the people who do best are the people who appraise their situations accurately, are realistic in sizing up the threat and somehow manage to accept what has changed and find a new path that will work for them. I’ll grant you, saying that is much easier than doing it, but the research is clear: those who are flexible in their thinking and attitude do better during times of crisis and change. What are some practical strategies for coping with challenging times? I would suggest people look at their media intake over a 24-hour period and ask themselves if taking it all in is helping or harming the way they’re feeling and functioning. Give your brain a break from Coronavirus; reading about it, talking about it, it’s exhausting. Give your poor, overthinking brain a break from time to time. One good way to do that is by taking part in something that really absorbs you. Also, be really deliberate in seeking out the people, the places

and the things to do that make you happy. We’re all concerned or worried, that’s totally normal, but studies show that positive emotions also have an important role to play during times of crisis. One showed that the more positive emotions people felt in the period post 9/11, the more likely they were to be resilient. I’m not devaluing negative emotions or saying we should shy away from them, but given the research it makes sense to also keep topping up on the things that make you laugh, feel calm, proud, inspired, awestruck etc. Positive emotions are fleeting and tend to bounce off us; negative emotions are sticky like Velcro and really good at hanging around. The trick is to know all those things that bring pride or amusement or inspiration and think ‘where can I get these from right now?’ because they’re important. Be kind to other people but also remember to be kind to yourself too. Research shows 76 percent of us are kinder to others than ourselves. During lockdown, we came across a lot of people who were really beating themselves up on how unproductive they were being, how weak they felt and how exhausted too. That is totally normal when there’s such huge stuff going on in the world, so we’ve been running webinars about lowering the bar, being kind to yourself and being realistic; it’s ok to not be okay right now. Don’t beat yourself up, believe me, you are not alone!

The New Zealand Resilience Institute is now running the NZ Diploma in Positive Psychology and Wellbeing here in Christchurch over one week from 23 September. For more information, email NZIWR’s webinars and other resources are available on the website.

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Metropol 28 May, 2020 13

out & about

What is wellbeing and why is it critical to promote it? I did my PhD looking at different ways wellbeing is defined and measured. On the back of that research we define wellbeing as ‘feeling good and functioning well’. Because it’s not just about happiness – the feeling good bit – but also all the ways of thinking and behaving that enable us to get through, show up in our daily lives and perform to the best of our ability; I’m talking about experiencing strong, supportive relationships; having a sense of meaning, purpose and direction in daily life; being able to know what your strengths are and play to those strengths to leverage your best performance and weather life’s crappy times. Strong supportive relationships, whether friends, family, at work or through school, hobbies, cultural or religious groups also have a huge impact on our resilience - either promoting or reducing it too. We don’t live in a vacuum but are very much part of our environments.

going places Quest for Queenstown With travel overseas being postponed or cancelled, it’s important to remember what we have in our own backyard. Just a few short hours away, Queenstown has always been an international tourism hub for New Zealand, but it might be high time we put on our tourist hats and explore what this southern spot has to offer. We’ve pulled together some yearround attractions that are worth checking out.

1. 3.

TAKE A HIKE! Queenstown offers a range of walking tracks and trails for all levels of fitness. Whether you prefer a short local, day long or even a multi-day walking adventure, a guided hike or an independent walking trip, there is a Queenstown walking or hiking option for you.

ALL THE EATS: With more than 150 bars and restaurants, the food scene is always buzzing in Queenstown. Whether it be new craft beer bars, cafes or restaurants popping up, food tours, or inventive new dishes, there’s always something new, creative and exciting to try.

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2. 4.

DON’T BE A LUGER: The benefits of Queenstown being a tourist-centric location is that you’ll often find more than one attraction together. The Skyline Queenstown luge is conveniently placed at the top of the gondola. So, you can get gondola and luge packages!

ICE, ICE BABY: Something that was worth highlighting was the fact that Queenstown has not one, but two ice bars. Yes.. that is bars entirely made from ice – from the seats right down to the glasses.

Welcome to Queenstown House, where every guest is treated as a friend and feels every bit at home!

Located just 200 metres from the centre of Queenstown, with a collection of individual rooms and self-catering apartments. Featuring lake and mountain views, a delicious House cooked breakfast and hosted daily canapé hour. 69 HALLENSTEIN STREET, QUEENSTOWN. PHONE 03 442 9043

6. 7.

GET ON YOUR BIKE: Cycling tours and mountain biking trails in Queenstown are a great way to explore and discover remote parts of this beautiful region! The Queenstown Trail has more than 130kms of off-road trails taking you from Queenstown to Gibbston via historic Arrowtown. Crosscountry, trail riding, heli, downhill… whatever your cycling or mountain biking style, Queenstown’s got the terrain, rental and guides to suit everyone’s kind of ride. GET UP THE GONDOLA: Providing panoramic views of Queenstown, there’s only one way to really see the infamous resort town – from above!


At Manata Lodge, guests can enjoy staying in our large house and apartments amongst beautiful estate gardens & stunning mountain views. Perfect for groups celebrating an occasion. Enjoy our swimming pool, spa and access to bike trails.

going places


BOTTOMS UP! Queenstown is brimming with craft beer bars and breweries. Why not jump on a local craft beer tour? If wine is your thing, the wineries in Queenstown and nearby Gibbston, the ‘Valley of Vines’, have a reputation for producing some of the world’s best pinot noir and you can find your favourite vintage taking in local cellar doors and restaurants. Even cocktail lovers can get their fill, with inventive and unique cocktails available at most restaurants and bars.

A Queenstown getaway Whether you are looking for an action-packed adventure or a more leisurely holiday, Highview Apartments is a fantastic base for your Queenstown holiday.


arning its name from its unrivalled views looking out high from Thompson Street, it’s a striking location. Imagine waking to views of rugged snow-capped mountains rimming the pristine waters of Lake Wakatipu and seeing the Earnslaw steam her way past, listening to bird song while you enjoy your morning coffee on your own private balcony. Situated close to restaurants and bars you can sample the night life or bring local produce

and regional wine back to your self-contained apartment to enjoy. For active relaxers there is a fitness room, outdoor spa and BBQ area, along with a complimentary sports locker for golf clubs, bikes or ski gear to suit the year-round activities that this alpine playground has to offer. Whether it is a studio or lake view apartment (one or two bedrooms available), there’s an exceptional option for everyone.

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Standout in the Remarkables Desirably nestled between Lake Wakatipu and the Remarkable Ranges, the latest showhome from Christchurch based RNP Homes Ltd is a standout.


ocated in the picturesque Hanley’s Farm Subdivision in Queenstown, this inspirational display home was officially opened on 7 March 2020 in conjunction with the Hanley’s Farm Community

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Display Home 46 Jack Hanley Dr Queenstown 027 304 6423 Metropol 28 May, 2020 17

going places

three bathrooms and easy indooroutdoor flow into the large, private courtyard. A second-level suite offers stunning views, maximises the incredible scenery and acts as a perfect zone for teenagers, or as luxury guest accommodation. Clever use of ample Velux skylights throughout the kitchen, entrance hall and bedrooms offer up natural light and ambiance to complement this outstanding family home or holiday lodging. This distinguished display dwelling from RNP Homes is definitely deserving of its title ‘Remarkable Range’ and with plans to enter into the Master Builders House of Year, this is certainly a home to covet. Director of RNP Homes, Richard Preston says, “We strive for nothing other than perfection”, and this ethos is wonderfully presented in this home as well as all past projects. Multi-award winners and recognised as a trusted builder of high quality homes, RNP Homes offers comprehensive and personalised services to guide you on your home building journey. Talk to RNP Homes today on 0800 RNP HOMES or get inspiration from the website.

Six standalone stunners

Queenstown’s Alpine Projects is the name behind the six eye-catching and very desirable stand-alone villas at Jacks Point.


lpine Projects Director Mark Dewsbury oversaw the project from concept to reality. “I loved the flow

of working on six homes simultaneously,” Mark says. “It’s a passion of mine to bring rhythm and system to a project,

keep progressing, easing through any hold-ups, making up time in other areas. It is a real point of difference for us

nt to make sure you’re happy with your ad. You can make one set of changes only, ase make sure the information you supply is accurate.

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– our ability to keep sizeable quality projects flowing from one stage to the next.” The villas went through a full subdivision process whereby six sections were created from the original three. Four different owners living in four different parts of the world brought different languages and abilities to the table. Mark was thrilled to have architect Artur Szewczyk of Artektus by his side throughout the project. “It was helpful to have a great architect on the project. Artur worked with the criteria specific to Jacks Point and designed very precisely for the rental market. Villas had to fit on small sections, be the ultimate in easy care ‘lock and leave’, and Artur’s close work with the landscape designer ensured the gardens also met the brief.” Mark is happy for clients to bring completed plans, but really loves working alongside them, expertly bringing dreams to fruition. “We pride ourselves on finishing on time and on budget; we never take on more than we can handle, so we keep our promise to every client.”

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18 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Out of the ordinary If you’re inspired by ‘out of the ordinary’ in both design and quality of home, you can’t go better than a building partnership with Cammell Projects of Queenstown. Focused on high-end architectural residential construction, this bespoke team of carpenters are passionate about their craft, and they all are trade qualified or are working towards their qualifications.


tefan Cammell is Co-Director of Cammell Projects with wife Andrea. A dream team, Stefan is a carpenter of 20 years standing and has worked in Australia and the UK, before

establishing Cammell Projects 10 years ago, while Andrea has a background in project management, along with a Bachelor of Design Degree and a Diploma in Interior Design.

“I love the building trade because there is something different every day,” Stefan says. “Anything exceptional, challenging in design or difficult sites, that’s what we thrive on

and it’s become a real speciality.” In fact, there are two gorgeous builds in progress at the moment. “Rammed earth, cork insulation and cross laminated timber prefabricated panels make up the bones of these eco-inspired homes,” Stefan says. With a website full of enthusiastic feedback from clients, Cammell Projects’ emphasis on quality is clear: Stefan has created a 280-point checklist covering stages of the project to ensure exceptional quality at every step of your build; now that really is out of the ordinary.


Rammed Earth Construction

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Beauty Report



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For current clients and the newly brow needy, is it time for a top up or a new set required? Semi permanent makeup/ cosmetic tattoo means no more penciling or filling in. Soft and natural or strong and shaped. Ph. Nicky at Bespoke Cosmetic 021 249 1499



We’re all about the solid beauty bars right now and this is a fave! Ahhh’s new Raspberry & Vanilla Solid Moisturiser, Available from 20 28 May, 2020 Metropol

fashion Power of the prep Yes we know, you’re going for an au-naturale looking finish here, but prep is still critical. For a boost of radiance, hunt out a primer designed to give your skin the glow-factor. However, if you tend to err on the side of oily, stick with a mattifying product. Ready, set! Even though it’s light cover we’re after, you still want it to last as long as possible, right? So finish off your makeup with a few squirts of setting spray, which will help prevent your makeup from slipping right back off. Sheer delight When it comes to application of sheer or light coverage products, you need to apply this in a thin, even layer over your entire complexion and down your neck. A damp beauty blender (or makeup sponge) will help to create a natural finish. The added bonus of sheer foundations is that the product won’t settle into fine lines or wrinkles, so it is great for mature skin, providing just enough coverage to give you a beautiful, even skin tone. You glow girl!

Sheer genius By Melinda Collins

Cool weather woes got you craving a minimal, no-fuss beauty regime? Well we’ve got you covered – both figuratively and literally! Because innovative new products mean you can get the coverage without layering up the foundation. We check out some top tips to get sheer coverage before winter really lays in.




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Metropol 28 May, 2020 21

Levi’s new fit, the Balloon Jean

Denim delights By Clementine Page

Denim may be the mainstay of the fashionable field, but the latest new season designs offer some classic styles – with a twist that make them feel brand new. Polished pleats Pleated jeans – say what? Well, this defining detail is taking a variety of standard styles to the next level in 2020. Set to replace the high-waisted mom jeans that have dominated the denim world for the last few years, these waist-cinching pants are climbing the ranks, championed by big brands and celebs alike. Channel your inner 80’s fashionista by teaming this trend with an oversized blazer and chunky boots.

All about the overalls Calling all 90’s fashion fans – denim dungarees are back (did they ever really leave?) and 2020’s take on the trend sees these casual silhouettes get an oversized makeover, making them perfect for lounging around at home. Layer over tees, turtlenecks or tank tops – whatever the weather, dungarees have you covered.

Wide-leg moment Move aside skinny jeans, it’s time for the wide-leg style to return to the spotlight. From the subtle boot-cut to the full-on flare, high-rise wide-leg jeans in all kinds of shades are getting the tick of approval from celebs like Margot Robbie, Selena Gomez and Bella Hadid. Pair them with chic heels, sneakers or your trusty pair of ankle boots.

Shop Online 181 High Street, Christchurch Central. Ph. 03-365 7393

To promote

Fashion health & beauty 177 HIGH ST, CHRISTCHURCH

22 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Contact: Lorraine Terris Phone: 03 343 3669

We are proud to be one of the few centres in the South Island offering Mohs’ micrographic surgery. This technique used for basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers, achieves the highest cure rates and leaves the smallest possible scar. It is considered the Gold Standard for treatment of these cancers by the Skin Cancer Foundation.

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Mohs is covered by most health insurance companies. Please contact us for more information. - mole mapping with Fotofinder digital dermoscopy - lesion diagnosis - acne consults - Aquagold.

Ph 03-356-0214, Encore Health, 248 Papanui Road, Merivale.

Post lockdown treats you deserve it! The Skin Rejuvenation Clinic is a small business run by two local Christchurch women that has been going for more than 15 years.


r Brigid Lee and Denise Prosser have worked tirelessly to provide Cantabrians with the safest, cutting edge anti-aging treatments available worldwide. It is their passion for

helping their clients to get the best results possible that has set them up as the destination for skin rejuvenation procedures in Christchurch. Unlike other beauty businesses

that have seen their clients attempting to ‘give it a go’ at home during lockdown, that isn’t possible with the medical level of treatments done at the Skin Rejuvenation Clinic!


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Metropol 28 May, 2020 23


What are clients desperately waiting for? Cooltech – a treatment that targets unwanted bulges by using cryolipolysis (using cold to kill fat cells). Great for mummy tummies, back fat, inner and outer thigh bulges – helpful with wobbly bits that have turned up during lockdown. Ulthera – this treatment uses the power of microfocused ultrasound to tighten the lower face and neck areas, also great around the eyes. FDA approved as a non-surgical facelift. Injectables – Botulinum Toxin (Botox® or Dysport®) is used to relax facial muscles, thereby reducing wrinkles on the face. Dermal fillers are a nonpermanent, naturally occurring substance, that can lift and fill where there is volume loss on the face (such as sagging cheeks, lips and under eye areas). “Now that we are in Level 2, hopefully life is returning to normality. Stay safe and support local!” from Dr Brigid and Denise.


Widely celebrated as the wonder drug of the cosmetic medicine world for its effectiveness in preventing and erasing lines and wrinkles, and improving appearance, Botulinum Toxin (or Botox®/ Dysport® as we know it) has many other uses in medicine. Dr Philip Frost discusses some of those non-wrinkle related


Excessive sweating: Also known as hyperhidrosis, this condition can occur even without the usual triggers of heat, stress or exercise and can cause embarrassment and anxiety and impact on clothing choice. Even the strongest roll-ons, powders and various other topical products often have little or no effect on severe sweating. Botulinum injected into the skin using a tiny needle can significantly reduce sweating of the underarms, palms ‘and face by temporarily disabling the sweat glands in the treated area. This substantially reduces perspiration for around nine to twelve months. Many of our clients describe this treatment as “life changing”.

uses commonly carried out by him and the team at Face Value.

2 3 4

Teeth grinding: By injecting small doses of Botulinum Toxin directly into the masseter muscle (the large muscle that moves the jaw), the muscle is weakened enough to stop involuntary grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw. This significantly relaxes the muscle and reduces the wear and tear on the teeth due to grinding. Damage to the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and headaches can be reduced or eliminated as well. Voluntary movements, such as chewing and facial expressions are not affected.

Migraine headaches: Many different medications are used to treat migraines, however often regular treatments with Botulinum injections can help prevent and reduce the severity of migraine headaches. Clients are delighted to have fewer headaches as well as fewer wrinkles! Blepharospasm: Clients who suffer from eye muscle twitching or spasm can also benefit from having regular Botulinum injections. Injections into the muscles around the eye can lessen their ability to contract voluntarily. For more information on any of these treatments call the team at Face Value for a free consultation, 03 363 8810.

Everyone will notice, no one will know!

145 Innes Rd, Merivale Ph (03) 363-8810

24 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Power Pink


By Melinda Collins

With cooler temperatures welcoming a cooler colour palette, one hot new trend is breaking all the season’s sartorial rules. With both street cred and practical appeal, pink is the colour the fashion world is falling for in 2020.


rom caps to coats, there’s something for everyone in this pretty palette, but not as you’ve ever seen it before. This year pink has emerged with an intriguing new edge.



The 2020 season is putting its own sartorial spin on this bubble-gum classic – gone is the girly-girl look. Now it’s taking over as fashion’s new power player.





Metropol 28 May, 2020 25

editor’s picks 1.

It’s our annual pilgrimage to the big day (and, just quietly, our favourite!), so we’ve pulled together some of our fave pieces no matter what role you’re playing in the special event.



Winter wedding on the cards? Look sensational in this natural, handcrafted statement jacket. H BRAND ELLE JACKET,


Whether you’re the belle of the ball or the mother of the bride. EOS HALI IN MULBERRY EMBOSS,



THE FITTING ROOM Luxury lingerie for a special occasion. PRIMA DONNA ‘FIRST NIGHT’ 10-16 D-G, Shop in-store or online,


A match made in white gold heaven! HELIA PAVÉ RING BY SELIN KENT, NEW YORK,



Look dapper in this modern interpretation of a classic tailored check. HEATON BLAZER,

26 28 May, 2020 Metropol



Look luxe on the special night in pure silk. SCARLETT SHORT WRAP GOWN IN IVORY,


Tuck away the bare essentials on the big day in a cute clutch. LILY FOLDOVER CLUTCH DUSTY ROSE,

KATHRYN WILSON Step out in style in your ‘something blue’. BLUSHING BRIDE POWDER BLUE,

Cool new

colours of the season

Warm browns, caramel hues and copper tones are the hair colours of the season as we move into the cooler months.


f you’re considering a new style, or want to incorporate some of the latest autumn and winter trends into your look, Sirocco Hair Studio is the best place to start. The Christchurch salon, located at 4/2 Soleares Avenue, specialises in cuts, colours and treatments. Owner and senior stylist Rosie Marks oversees a talented team, made up of senior stylist Emma, intermediate stylist Olivia and second-year apprentice, Anita. “There’s no real stand out

hairstyle for women this year,” explains Rosie. “We are adapting current styles like the bob or lob, doing more layered textured looks and fringes, but the more natural look, styled with soft waves, is a great option. Blondes are still popular, no matter what the season, and we are noticing a move toward more natural, softer-looking blonde tones.” They also have a range of fabulous retail products, which complement the service they provide in the salon, to help you

recreate your fabulous new hair at home. Sirocco Hair Studio is open six days a week, from Monday to Saturday, with late nights on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Off street parking makes popping


in to relax and have your hair styled even easier. To make an appointment, phone 03 384 1743, or check out the Sirocco Hair Studio Facebook page @siroccohairstudio.

Recommend us to a friend and receive a $20 Sirocco voucher

New Clients Welcome! we now have

Open Monday to Saturday I Phone 384 1743 4/2 Soleares Ave, Mt Pleasant

DON’T GRAB THE COTTON BUDS! Or hair clips, pipe cleaners, or paperclips! We have heard many horror stories over the years of attempts to remove annoying ear wax. Delving in your ear with anything can be very dangerous and painful, with the risk of causing infections or lasting damage. Hear Again can remove excessive earwax easily and painlessly using gentle microsuction. Unblock your ears the easy way.


03 974 1658

Full service Denture Clinic and Laboratory No Obligation - Free Consultation Caldent Denture Cleaner Phone 385 5517 396 Innes Road, St Albans Metropol 28 May, 2020 27

Fake it till you make it By Jess Murray

Did you know dressing well or even wearing a certain colour can be an instant mood-lifter? Yes, it turns out confidence may just be a power outfit away! Research shows that fashion is one of the simplest ways we can transform our emotions and overall confidence. So let us help you dress for success!

1 2 3

SLEEPY HEAD: If you wake up in the morning and the coffee just isn’t quite cutting it, your next best bet is to dress in red. The colour is said to evoke strong feelings of energy and excitement. Add a red lip to your outfit to really make that confidence level soar. NEVER MELLOW IN YELLOW: If you’re feeling blue, we have the solution for you. Much like the bright summer sun, the colour yellow makes most people happy. Probably because memories of sitting on the beach or soaking up the rays are linked to the warm colour. Add accents of yellow to your outfits to bring out all of those positive feelings and lift your mood. COOL, CALM AND COLLECTED: They say when you’re feeling anxious that blue hues are calming. Bring a sense of serenity to your outfits by showcasing any shade of blue. And if we haven’t already reminded you enough, the Pantone colour of the year is Classic Blue – so what better reason do you need to incorporate the shade?

NEW ARRIVALS step out in style

Online at HAIR DESIGN Phone: 03 308 7620 E: 28 28 May, 2020 Metropol

177 Burnett Street, Ashburton

Ph. 03 308 9320 l 217 Burnett St, Ashburton I

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Phone 365 4502 30 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Peter E. Laws MB ChB FRCSI

Taking care of you In the wake of this pandemic, it’s smart to seek out information from trusted health professionals. It can be easy to fall into the trap of listening to all of the media reports as they are coming to light, rather than waiting for all of the information to become available.


he team at Christchurch Immigration Health is offering Immigration medicals. So, if this applies to you, the office is conveniently located in St George’s Hospital with excellent facilities and parking close to Merivale coffee shops and mall. The team can cater to individuals, families and businesses, with the capacity to schedule your medical examination quickly, with the results ready and emailed to you, usually within 48 hours. Christchurch Immigration Health General Practitioner Lisa Amin explains how to move forward in these uncertain times. “Although we are hoping to run our clinics as per normal, please

inform us if you have been symptomatic (fever, cough, shortness of breath) or may have come into contact with a COVID-19 case. This will enable us to decide on when would be a suitable time for your appointment. “Our top priority is to keep everyone safe, so please bear with us. We are looking forward to seeing our clients again.” If you are unsure about whether you’re at risk or how to proceed, please phone Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number, 0800 358 545 or visit nz for the latest guidelines. Find Christchurch Immigration Health at 249 Papanui Road, phone 021 334 110.

What are some trending treatments that you’re offering? “We utilise skin needling, LED, cryotherapy and infusion technology to create bespoke treatment plans for our clients. LED Light Therapy (Light Emitting Diodes) is one that we absolutely love. Originally the technology was developed for NASA. Scientists are learning more all the time about this amazing technology which uses specific light energy to stimulate different responses in the cells. For the beauty industry we use it for anti-ageing, reducing pigmentation, inflammation, healing the skin and effectively treating acne. I think that this technology will become a lot more widely used and utilised in the coming years for entire body anti-aging!”

Beauty is back in business… We know a lot of you have been missing your beauty services, so we caught up with Teresa Sime from Lovoir Skin Body & Beauty, which recently celebrated its first birthday, to give you your much needed beauty world updates. How did you spend your lockdown period? What were some of your beauty routines? “Our staff have been upskilling during this period with online training; it’s been the perfect time for this with everyone having ample time on their

hands. It has not all been work though. All this extra time made way for the usual house reorganising, family time, exercise and food! “I incorporated soaking rituals from our organic skincare range into my normal highly

active cosmeceuticals regime. I have absolutely loved it, not only for my skin but also my mind. I think now more than ever we could all do with some mindfulness and self-love included in our normal daily routines.”

Do the levels effect how your customers can come and see you? “Now that we can open again we are doing everything that we can to keep Lovoir’s atmosphere the warm and inviting place that our clients love. We have sourced an amazing antimicrobial surface protectant, skin sanitiser and laundry treatment to ensure that every angle has been covered, whilst maintaining our pampering experience!”


Experts in all aspects of skin & body therapy Facials and advanced skin treatments Eye enhancements Hair removal Manicure & pedicure Spa packages 45-47 Merrin Street, Avonhead P. 358 8410 W.

Metropol 28 May, 2020 31


Did you see or hear of any crazy quarantine beauty trends? “I saw plenty of waxing fails with interesting results – they mostly looked painful and full of regret! We have also had plenty of messages from clients who could not resist having a go at their eyebrows. It is fair to say there’s a lot of fix up jobs to be tended to!”

WE’RE OPEN AND HERE FOR YOU! If you’ve been putting a health or fertility concern to one side during the COVID-19 response, now is the time to seek advice and treatment.

We are so excited to welcome our clients back into our clinics! At level 2 we offer hands-on therapy in our clinics as well as remote telehealth sessions. As always, safety is our first priority, so we are modifying the way we operate to ensure that we are keeping both our patients and team safe and healthy.

If you have pain, bleeding, or other symptoms from a women’s health issue, speak to your General Practitioner about visiting Oxford Women’s Health or call (03) 379 0555 to make an appointment with us.

South Island women’s health and fertility experts just a phone call away. Level 1, Forté Health, 132 Peterborough Street, Christchurch

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Eligibility criteria apply for Southern Cross members 32 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Level 1


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The fine balance of working during IVF The IVF journey can be an emotional and almost all-consuming experience for people trying to conceive. Balancing working life amidst it all isn’t easy but the team from Genea Oxford Fertility have a few tips to share. Talk it through It can be a difficult decision to let others know you’re about to undergo fertility treatment, but if you have a good relationship with your boss, an honest conversation could be beneficial for you both. For example, a general understanding about you attending appointments and avoiding work travel will eliminate the need to invent excuses or explain mysterious absences. Generally, we hear people have a way of surprising you and will be far more supportive than you imagine.

Work can be beneficial Your first reaction when starting treatment may be to take leave from your job but you might find work is a welcome distraction. Rather than worrying about the ‘what-ifs’, keeping busy with a purpose and focus outside of the IVF process might make the emotional load a little lighter. Sitting at home worrying can sometimes be just as stressful as going to your regular job. Work can also give you a sense of achievement at a time when it seems like no matter how hard you try, your fertility is not something you can problem solve. If you decide to work throughout your fertility treatment, see if you can lighten your load and investigate delegating some of your work to make life easier.

Put yourself first To give yourself the best chance of IVF success, eating and sleeping well, exercising, relaxation techniques, and enjoying time with family and friends are all important. Where you can, cut back on additional demands and try a little pampering to help you through this emotional time. There’s no perfect formula when you’re going through IVF, but it is important is to look after yourself and create some plans to help you succeed in all areas of your life.

At Genea Oxford Fertility, their nurses are always there to support you and provide advice along the way. Metropol 28 May, 2020 33

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Great food is essential to make your wedding memorable. French Style rustic weddings are our specialty. Whatever your budget is,we can provide flavoursome, fresh and healthy food exactly to your taste.

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34 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Lather up By Jess Murray

It’s always cool to keep clean and soap is soaring in popularity again, as a low-packaging, plasticfree option. We’ve pulled together our top tips for getting sudsy. I’m melting! Don’t let your soap follow in the footsteps of the Wicked Witch of the West and melt away from a splash of water! A slatted soap dish is a handy way to allow the soap to dry. High = dry: When it comes to soap, the higher the dryer. Keep the soap bar up high and away from the direct shower stream.

Piece by piece: cut your bar of soap into pieces, a smaller surface area means less soap touches the water. Therefore there’ll be less waste. Love the loafer: Your hands aren’t the best option to create lather, so you’ll be rubbing it for longer to get those soapy suds. A washcloth or loafer will get you nice and soapy much more efficiently.

Windmill Centre, 188 Clarence Street Windmill Centre, 188 Clarence Street Riccarton, Christchurch Riccarton, PhoneChristchurch 021 686 929 Phone 021 686 929

WEDDING Inspirations Metropol 28 May, 2020 35


white wedding

A not so

By Clementine Page

Calling all brides-to-be! Your wedding is just around the corner and we know there’s a million and one decisions to make – with colour palette top of the list. While traditional white will forever remain the staple shade of the big day, it’s time for these unconventional colour themes to have their turn in the spotlight. TERRACOTTA, CREAM AND GREENERY Having an autumn wedding? This pretty palette is just the ticket. Rich and earthy, terracotta captures the magic of autumn, especially when paired with the elegant neutrality of cream and the simplicity of green foliage. If you’re tying the knot in winter, experts suggest swapping terracotta for a burgundy shade for more warmth and depth. Bridesmaids dresses in terracotta offset the bride’s traditional ivory wedding dress wonderfully well, while a gentle backdrop of greenery ties the whole look together in a rustic but sophisticated fashion. These dreamy shades offer endless opportunities for stunning floral bouquets, garlands and table centrepieces of blush and cream roses and sage-coloured foliage like eucalyptus. Consider complementing this palette with gold accents and the soft glow of candles or fairy lights.

TOP TIP: 36 28 May, 2020 Metropol

PINK AND GREY Pink and grey have long been heralded as a perfectly balanced colour combination – and it’s not hard to see why. Pretty pink hues, particularly the dusky shades of blush and mauve, paired with tones of grey offer a contemporary, stylish colour palette that’s 100 percent wedding albumworthy. Dressing groomsmen in grey and bridesmaids in pink reserves the complementary colours of white and black for the special couple – the groom with a grey tie perhaps and the bride with pretty pink jewels. Adorn tables with metal embellishments and floral arrangements featuring soft pink roses and grey foliage. Carefully chosen lighting completes the look effortlessly – and voila! Tying the knot never looked better.

WHITE AND CLASSIC BLUE The 2020 Pantone Colour of the Year was bound to make its appearance – and we’re not complaining. The timeless and enduring hue is striking on its own, let alone balanced by the crisp classiness of white. If your heart’s set on a traditional white wedding, consider adding a dash of this regal shade for interest. Accessorise your reception with blue lighting, bunting and table accents such as napkins and placeholders. Or why not forget the classic white tablecloth and wow your guests with a classic blue one instead?

If it’s a cohesive yet mismatched look you’re after, share swatches with your bridal party and let them pick the style of dress that they like best.



An unforgettable setting

A beautiful wedding could not be simpler at Amuri Estate, Hanmer where the supreme views take the effort out of creating an unforgettable setting. The venue seats up to 200 guests and there is a luscious variety of spaces on the property.

he ceremony lawn looks across the valley to the mountains: lawn seating, or grandstand-style seating rising up the bank are options. The paved canapé and drinks terrace is large enough for dining, and inside options include the large reception hall and the drawing room. “It’s ideal for an intimate winter reception,” Manager and Wedding Planner Vanessa Orr says. Working with three catering companies, Amuri Estate can offer you the cuisine and drinks of your choice in buffet, plated, and shared styles from the fully-equipped kitchen and bar. Accommodation is available on site, with a lodge sleeping six within three king rooms with ensuite, and a kitchen/living area. The Wallace Peak Cottage sleeps two in a king room and has kitchen, living and log fire. A qualified Event Manager, Vanessa is your wedding co-ordinator on the day, or throughout the planning process, if you wish.

Organising meetings, the run sheet, event plan, rehearsal, Vanessa liaises with the M.C., photographer and caterer on the day. Table settings are available to hire, make your own selection or simply leave it all to Vanessa on the day if you prefer. “I love seeing couples’ days come together; our stunning views ensure a picture-perfect start to married life.” Bethany Howarth Photography

Romantic Weddings in Spectacular Scenery Luxury accommodation, wedding and events venue, overlooking the beautiful high alpine basin of Hanmer Springs and the Southern Alps. Amuri Estate is located just eight minutes’ drive from Hanmer Springs village and 90 minutes’ from Christchurch. Our newly built event venue can hold up to 200 people with different indoor and outdoor spaces to suit your needs. 128 Medway Road Hanmer Springs P 0275544056 or 033155351 Photography: Bethany Howarth

E Metropol 28 May, 2020 37


Step into wed Whether you’re the bride, bridesmaid or a guest, it’s the heels that will give you your Cinderella moment. Metropol caught up with leading shoe designer Kathryn Wilson about the latest season of heels we can expect to see stepping into wedding season.

Why did you want to make the move into wedding footwear? We have a lot of brides and bridal parties requesting bridal footwear and purchasing our beautiful shoes for their wedding day…we decided it would be great to offer our bestselling shapes and styles in a colour palette suited to weddings. We named the capsule collection ‘Happily Ever After’ and named each shoe with a wedding theme.

Can you tell us a bit about the colour palette you’ve selected for the collection? We have offered most styles in an off white, soft pink and blue and metallic leathers, pewter, gold and silver, which are great neutrals for bridal parties. Each pair has a blue glitter sole for their ‘something blue’ on their special day. Do you have any favourites or are they all your ‘babies’? Haha yes definitely love them all but my favourite style would be the Challis Heel in white powder blue which has a beautiful gold metal wrap detail on the heel and a front platform so you can dance the night away with a reduced pitch on the heel.

When it comes to wedding shoes, are we heavily influenced by ‘trends’ or is it just about beautiful, well-structured traditional styles? It depends on each bride and their own style… we offer our ‘classic hit’ styles in a bridal palette which are very timeless designs with the intention that you can wear them on your wedding day but also with jeans and a shirt to work or a long lunch with girlfriends… I think they should be a versatile style that gets use after your big day. What are some of the most important features of wedding shoes? Comfort, for sure! So you can stay in them all day and dance the night away… but also be feminine and flattering on the foot as a finishing touch to the wedding dress. Several styles in our bridal collection have a stacked heel which will suit garden weddings on grass, as a lot of New Zealand summer weddings are outdoors, which make fine stiletto heels tricky to wear.

A. B.

38 28 May, 2020 Metropol

dding season


By Melinda Collins



D. F.

E A. Happily Ever After Rose B. Happily Ever After White C. Blushing Bride Powder Blue D. Blushing Bride White E. Going to the Chapel Lace F. Happily Ever After Powder Blue G. Wedded Bliss White Pebble

What was your own choice for your special day? Funnily enough I couldn’t decide until on the day! I took a few options with me from our collection and then decided on a closed toe style with a high ankle detail… these are being added to our ‘Happily Ever After’ collection this summer.

What are some of the main trends – colours, features etc – we can expect to see coming through over the next year across all shoe styles? We have a lot of beautiful colour showing in our current and next summer collections… the winter styles which are currently available are offered in classic rich palettes of

chocolate, tan etc but bright accents of hot pink croc, pink, blue and orange metallics… the Summer ’20 collections are super pretty soft pastels with apple green and lilac being key tones. We cannot resist a beautiful, colourful, comfortable shoe to brighten our day and make us feel like you can take on the world! Metropol 28 May, 2020 39


Social vs. Structured

When it comes to the big day, or any big ‘do’ in that case, do you plan a grazing table or a sit down meal? We check out the pros and cons of each.

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Grazing tables

Sit-down meals

Grazing tables are undoubtedly eye-catching edible works-of-art. Here are a few tips to consider to prevent a potential disaster.

Thinking of going down the traditional route of a plated three-course dinner? Here are some things to keep in mind.

The first question is, can you really cater to an entire all-day wedding with just a grazing table? The answer is yes, but you must do so with a lot of planning and preparation, if not with the help of a professional team. You’ll want to consider how much food you will need based on the number of guests invited. How is the table going to look after a hundred or so people have started picking at it? It’s not only important to ensure the table will be replenished as the day goes on, but also that the food continues to be styled so that it still looks appetising. If your catering team is just going to set up the platter, someone needs to be made responsible for maintaining it. Dietary preferences and requirements: are you catering to vegans, vegetarians, coeliacs, or even pregnant women? If so, how will the foods be separated to reduce the risk of cross-contamination, and how will you inform your guests of gluten-free, dairy-free or nutfree options? It’s likely your guests won’t be the only ones gathering to graze; how will you prevent flies, ants and other creepy-crawlies from snacking on the feast? Offering plates, cutlery and napkins, as well as suitable seating nearby, is a must for grazing tables to ensure they’re not over-crowded and you don’t leave your guests with sticky fingers.

40 28 May, 2020 Metropol


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Begin by choosing your preferred options for each course. Your caterer will then be able to give you a cost per person for your menu, so you can easily see how much of your wedding budget you’ll need to set aside according to your guest numbers. Because portion sizes have been allocated for each guest, this option also means minimal wastage! In today’s world of increasing dietary restrictions, you’ll need to offer options. It’s recommended that you find out your guests’ food requirements early on, so you can organize a menu that caters to them, too. A traditional three-course sit-down meal requires a team of caterers, meaning it’s typically the more expensive choice. However, you can save a lot on the quantity of food required (compared to a buffet-style), so you may be able to afford much better quality. Allow time. Each guest will have to be individually served, and the clean-up and turnaround for each course might have implications on the time you have allocated for speeches and dancing.


Labour of love Takes the cake By Melinda Collins

It’s long been said you can’t have your cake and eat it too, but with our roundup of the latest cake trends for the Romeos and Juliets of 2020, you might just be able to! These are some of the sweetest staples of the big day. CROCHET CAKE: You’ll find crochet and macramé winding its way around three, four or even five tier cakes this year, its intricate delicacy creating an elaborate lace-like feature. I THINK OF YOU FRONDLY: With the modern wedding leaning towards a natural and clean colour palette, many brides and grooms are swapping their bright, colourful blooms for crisp, elegant ferns to decorate their cake.

It has been a two-year labour of love to design and merchandise the new website for Polished Diamonds – Jewellery Design, now live at


he attention to detail this plush, parlour-esque haven on New Regent Street is renowned for is evident in the care and attention that has gone into the website, where you have the ability to configure your engagement ring online. There are more than 400 ring designs, diamond studs, pendants, luxurious bracelets and 10,000 plus certified diamonds. You can mix and match to create the perfect partnership between budget and style. The website is as beautiful

FESTIVAL OF FLAVOUR: We’re quickly swapping out the traditional flavours of vanilla or fruit cake for those that are a little more exciting and unexpected, like pistachio, pink champagne and even lime. SAY CHEESE! Well that was unexpected, right? Yes cakes made out of stacked cheese wheels are actually a thing! So too are stacked doughnuts, macaron towers and tiered cookie cakes, as today’s matrimonial matches are thinking outside the box for alternative ways to take the cake.

as it is interesting and easy to navigate, with extensive blog articles about diamond cutting, diamond colour, diamond fashions, and live chat for personal service. Locally made custom jewellery from awardwinning Polished Diamonds, shop online or visit the stunning showroom at 30 New Regent Street, phone 0800 233 299.


Shop Online 400 Ring Designs | 10,000 Diamonds


Ph: 0800 233 299

Metropol 28 May, 2020 41


Fare for the seasoned palate The best quality real ethnic Indian food is synonymous with one restaurant in Canterbury, Corianders Indian Restaurant.


hether it’s the creamy butter chicken or a spicy vindaloo, there is fare for the most seasoned palate. Being

the biggest doesn’t mean that the smallest details don’t get attention. That’s what’s great about Corianders; quality,

quality, quality. That quality comes with free delivery straight to your door with online and phone ordering,

contactless, delicious and safe. You can have the food we have all come to love delivered safely to your home, for free, if you are within five kilometres of your favourite Corianders. It is the right choice when picking a place to bring your family or workmates too. There are free nibbles Monday to Saturday 5pm to 7pm and, at St Asaph Street, you can pop down and enjoy the al fresco dining and beverages on their wonderful deck area. Corianders has been bringing Christchurch the taste of northern India since 2006 and almost everyone has a great story of a night out there. Stimulate your senses with authentic Indian flavours with real value for money meals. You can order your function platters for the team or family by emailing contact@corianders. or phone 03 365 5557. Follow them on Facebook for fun competitions and the latest news on their vibrant and exciting specials. With free delivery for orders over $50, order now and bring the taste of India to your house soon.

Incoming styles for the Spring/Summer wedding season’ You never have to worry about somebody wearing the same dress as you to a wedding with our exclusive Danish pieces available only at Kjole Style.


NOW! I Hanmer Springs I Ph. 027 591 1832

EDDIE SIMON MUSIC Weddings, Corporate, Private, All Occasions Singer, Musician & Entertainer Photography, Video Production both Studio & Location, Marketing & Promotion Ph Eddie +64 21974444 Mobile email: 42 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Weddings Baby Gifts Funerals/Sympathy Gift baskets Potted plants

Fresh seasonal flowers for every occasion Ph.(03) 302-8832







W W W. C O R I A N D E R S . C O . N Z

W W W. C O R I A N D E R S . C O . N Z







W W W. C O R I A N D E R S . C O . N Z

W W W. C O R I A N D E R S . C O . N Z

E D G E WA R E HANMER CITY S P R I N G S BYO + BYO + BYO + BYO + BYO + BYO + Fully Licensed Fully Licensed FREE DELIVERY WITHIN Fully Licensed Fully Licensed Fully Licensed Fully Licensed Fully Licensed E D G E WA RE Y U S O N Delivery Available Delivery N E ..C O .. N E S W W W. W.C CO OR REII A AG NED DWA ER RRS SE CC OO N Z R EV VIIE EW W U U SHO O N W W W. RZ IB AUNSD R C O .ORDERS N ZRRolleston REE VCIIETAvailable W AN NM RRoad O L L E SR TDrive O N HE5KM ICentre NS N .FOR D C I TW YW Conical Hill Bush Inn Delivery Available Delivery Available OVER $50 76 Edgeware Road 222 St Asaph St S P R I N G S BYO + BYO + Hanmer Springs Rolleston Square Riccarton Road 76 Edgeware Road 222 BYO St Asaph St BYO + BYO + BYO + + Fully Fully P. 03Licensed 366 7223 P.7616 03Licensed 365 5557 Fully Fully Fully Fully Fully P. 03Licensed 315 P. 03Licensed 347 2315 P. 03 Licensed 420 0019 P. 03Licensed 366 7223 P. 03Licensed 365 5557 Delivery Available Delivery Available Conical Hill Road Rolleston Drive Bush Inn Centre Delivery Available Delivery Available E R T C IIN E R HLA A N MT EO RN RBO OULLSLLHE ES S TO ON N BU US S H NRN N ED DG G WA RE E C II T TY Y HANMER R OH LN EM S IN N CE IETWA Y R EB D G EH WA E 76 Edgeware Road 222 St Asaph St Hanmer Springs Rolleston Square Riccarton Road 76 Edgeware Road 222 St Asaph St S SP PR RIIN N+G GS S SPRINGS BYO BYO BYO BYO BYO++ + BYO++ + BYO++ + BYO + + BYO BYO BYO BYO P. 03 366 7223 03 365 5557 P. 03 315P.7616 P. 03 347 Fully 2315 P. 03 420 0019 P. 03 366 7223 P. 03 365 5557 Fully Licensed Fully Licensed Fully Fully Licensed Fully Licensed FullyLicensed Licensed FullyLicensed Licensed FullyLicensed Licensed FullyLicensed Licensed Fully Licensed Licensed Fully Licensed Fully Fully Fully Delivery Available Rolleston Drive Delivery Bush Centre Conical Hill Road Conical Hill Road Rolleston Drive Bush Inn Inn Centre DeliveryAvailable Available Delivery Available Available Conical Hill Road Rolleston Drive Bush Inn Centre Delivery Delivery Available 76 Edgeware Rolleston 222 Hanmer Hanmer Springs Springs Rolleston Square Riccarton Road 76 Edgeware Road 222 St St Asaph Asaph St St Hanmer Springs Rolleston Square Riccarton Square Road 222 St AsaphRoad St 76Riccarton EdgewareRoad Road CITY


P. P. 03 03 365 365 5557 5557

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P. 03 420 0019 P. 03 03 366 4207223 0019 P.

03 347 2315 P.03 03420 3470019 2315 P.P.

P. 03 315 7616 P.03 03347 315 2315 7616 P.

P. 03 315 7616

Metropol 28 May, 2020 43


Man in the mirror By Jess Murray

Believe it or not, the wedding isn’t just about the bride to be! We want you to look back at the man in the mirror, before and during the big day, and be happy with what you see. We check out all the latest trends to have you looking dapper on your big day.

LOAFERS FOR LIFE: We’re aware that we seem to be always recommending loafers, that’s because they’re such a cool statement shoe. They’re the ‘great shoes’ that we are referring to in our last point. Cutler & Co has grey or tan options with a 100 percent leather upper; high quality shoes for a high-quality day.

COLOURBLOCK COOLNESS: You and your partner don’t have to be the only perfect pairing of the day. Matching your tie to your shirt is a great way to create a modern finish to your wedding suit. Try a white tie on a white shirt, black on black, make it a match.

CUSTOM MADE: Tailor your suit to your needs. We can’t stress this enough; your partner has most likely thought out every detail of what they’re wearing, you should do the same. You don’t want to look back on wedding day photos and regret not wearing that bright colour, patterned handkerchief or trendy shoes that you wanted to. It is, after all, your big day too, so make it perfect.

44 28 May, 2020 Metropol

OH HONEY! The only thing you want breaking out on your wedding day… are your killer dance moves. Clear skin is not a bad thing to have on a day where you’ll be in the limelight with friends, family and not to mention the cameras. The Melora Double-Action personal care range offers a great selection of products that are naturally derived from New Zealand’s own manuka honey; a perfect option that not only supports local but is fuss-free as well. BALL AND CHAIN: As the idiom goes, the ankles are reserved for the old ball and chain, in other words your soon-to-be partner. Don’t be afraid to flash the wedding party some bare ankle. This is a diversive trend that isn’t for everybody, but the only thing you need to wear for this are slim fitting pants (cropped just above the ankle), no socks, great shoes and a bit of confidence. We know that the weather and seasons change year-round, so we would only recommend this tip for the warmer months (we don’t want your toes turning blue in the middle of the ceremony).


The perfect venue T

he iconic Kiwi brand that has retained its roots on the original family farm at the foot of the Southern Alps in Geraldine, marked its rich 50-year history by opening the beautiful Barker’s Foodstore & Eatery. The picturesque setting on the banks of the Waihi river, the impressive glass frame and a spacious interior unites the space with forest fauna and the nearby flowing stream. The perfect venue to host your next after-hours function. A beautiful artisan menu that features seasonal local produce and showcases the incredibly wide Barker’s range will delight and impress. The friendly team are available to discuss any requirements you may have to make your function special. For more information or to book phone 03 693 9727 or visit the website.

Creating something exquisite Canterbury Jewellers has earned a reputation for fine craftsmanship and honesty, in a trade where the client relies on information that is true and the quality of workmanship is high.

BOOK YOUR NEXT FUNCTION Looking for a picturesque location with an excellent artisan menu showcasing local food? We are now taking enquires and bookings for private functions.* Book a private function for 2020 and receive a complementary non-alcoholic beverage package (worth over $80). Simply quote the word ‘beverage’ when you make your booking. Enquire on our website or by emailing us at



* Covid-19 restrictions will restrict booking size to 90pax in level two. When all restrictions are lifted bookings available to 160pax.


roviding these two key attributes has allowed Canterbury Jewellers to be one of Christchurch’s leading repair, alteration and handcrafted jewellery manufacturers, since the company was established 35 years ago. Responding to an increasing desire from clients for a more personalised look, Canterbury Jewellers is fully equipped to create something incredibly unique.

It may be traditional with lots of fine detail, or bold and modern. With their experienced and fully qualified team of on-site artisans, clients are invited to contribute to the creative process as little or as much as they like and are encouraged to visit at various stages of manufacture. Phone Canterbury Jewellers on 03 366 7737 or email with any enquires.

Metropol 28 May, 2020 45


Love is in the air

Helicopters and romance are the perfect pairing – whisking away lovebirds to dream locations, capturing memories to share around the world.


CH Aviation, or as locals fondly know as Garden City Helicopters, has been safely flying couples and wedding

parties for decades, to secluded and spectacular locations. “We have to think differently about weddings now, with our

new normal,” Group Marketing Manager Caroline Blanchfield says. “All sorts of things can be made possible with a helicopter.

We live in a stunningly beautiful region, and we know where all the gems are.” Loved ones might not be there in person but can share the experience through beautiful videos and photographs. GCH Aviation has created the scene of many ‘I dos’ from hilltop weddings and civil unions to renewing of vows and plenty of proposals! On the menu of enchanted locations is the rugged alpine beauty of secluded Chest Peak near Arthurs Pass overlooking the Southern Alps and Christchurch. A romantic backdrop is Leibig Dome with breathtaking views to Aoraki Mt Cook, Mt Tasman and Murchison Valley. “If it’s a place a couple has a special connection to that maybe on DOC or farmland, we can apply for access. And there are plenty of hidden little bays around Banks Peninsula with no road access that we can get to.” For weddings on the ground, experienced pilots can fly the bridal party to another world – there and back in an hour. Love will always be in the air at GCH Aviation.

Mickey Raes

Craft and Wedding Supplies

Craft kits &Wedding Extras

21 Luxury Motel Units in the Heart of Lincoln Perfect Wedding accommodation especially venues located in the Halswell Prebbleton, Lincoln & Tai Tapu areas

Formal head wear & accessories

Wedding & Craft Supplies

Shop 5, 8 Chisholm Crescent (in Boulder Point Precinct) Hanmer Springs I Ph.03 3155383

Intimate Small Weddings Do you want to get married without the stress? Let the experts take over!


Our packages are put together at an affordable price with a point of difference. From 10-30 guests and all under $6000. P. 021 426 111 46 28 May, 2020 Metropol

6 Maurice St Lincoln 03 974 1620


ly away, and take your special day to new heights.

0800 359 424

0800 455 4354 Metropol 28 May, 2020 47


Honeymoon Staycation By Clementine Page

1 3 5 7

Honeymoons may be thought of as an opportunity to head off to a far-flung corner of the world, but sometimes a fancy overseas trip may just not be on the bridal cards. We’ve put together our own how-to guide for solidifying a magical marriage on the home turf. BOOK A LOCAL ROMANTIC HOTEL OR AIRBNB While your honeymoon accommodation doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy, you do deserve to indulge in some relaxing amenities like a mini bar and a jacuzzi to ease the post-wedding tension. Cosy up at a lakeside log cabin, treat yourself to some well-deserved R&R at your local spa resort or get that foreign-city feel by booking an apartment in a skyrise hotel.

SPLURGE ON THE FOOD There’s never been a better excuse for getting fancy with the food. Why not order in room service or snag a reservation at that fancy new restaurant you’ve had your eye on? Oh – and don’t forget the bottle of bubbly. You’re celebrating, remember?

GET OUT AND EXPLORE Creating an informal itinerary certainly cultivates the getaway feel. Perhaps your city has a food or wine tour you could take advantage of? Hit up your local theatre, hike a mountain and enjoy breathtaking vistas, enjoy a lakeside picnic or take a cooking class – the options are endless!

BUST OUT YOUR BEST ATTIRE Just because you’re not holidaying abroad doesn’t mean you can’t dress to your very best! Now’s the time to don that nice dress and heels to dinner or splash out on a new bikini or lingerie.

48 28 May, 2020 Metropol



TURN OFF YOUR PHONES If there’s ever a time to switch off and disconnect from the outside world, it’s for your honeymoon. This is a time to revel in your newly-wed life, so take a break from social media and dedicate your time to enjoying each other’s company.

PAMPER EACH OTHER Whether you take a trip to your nearby day spa or conjure up your own spa paradise at home, what better way to decompress the post-wedding stress than with a pamper package? After all, it wouldn’t be a honeymoon without a couple’s massage!


CAPTURE THE MOMENT Just like you would if you were honeymooning in Hawaii or Mexico, take pictures – and share them on social media later when you emerge from the honeymoon cocoon. Bring your camera or buy a disposable one so you’re not tempted to use your phone.


RELAX AND HAVE FUN! This is the most important step! Forget about work, family, friends and post-wedding responsibilities. Break out the boardgames, binge-watch your favourite TV series or curl up on the couch with a good book. This time is yours – so enjoy it.

Exclusively exceptional IB Fashion & Bridal extends a warm welcome to try on the exclusive wedding attire by multi awardwinning designer, Ingrid Brook.


ecent additions to her exquisite wedding dress collection, housed in shop 54 of The Tannery’s heritage grounds, are Helen Fontaine International and Pollardi European. For all beautiful brides to be, and mothers of brides and grooms who cannot find the perfect outfit, book an essential consultation


Buy now, decide later

This would not be a bridal issue without paying tribute to one of our favourite bespoke creation specialists; Via Sollertia Jewellers.

with Ingrid for her exclusive custom-making service for bridal-wear or any special occasion. Complete the special outfit with an exclusive range of boutique veils, hair accessories and jewellery. For all enquiries, or to make a booking to try on any of the dresses, phone 021 330 600. View the latest collections on the website.


he team at Via Sollertia are skilled professionals who offer amazing services to all of their customers, from finding the perfect diamond or gem for you, to custom creation and maintenance services. While investing in the idea of a long future together with your partner is a big decision, so is the piece of jewellery that will cement that union. The Nu Proposal is a great

way to take off a little bit of that pressure. Via Sollertia explains that “’Nu’ translates to nude in French. By proposing with the perfect diamond or gemstone you get a stripped back, stress free moment”. Buy the diamond now and decide on the technicalities later. For more information phone 03 366 8001 or check out their website. Metropol 28 May, 2020 49


Time for a revival

Weddings on a budget


hen it comes to the big day, you don’t need a big budget… that is if you head to Halswell Bakery! From simple, rustic style cakes, to beautiful fresh

sandwich platters, the bakery offers a bespoke service so you can get exactly what you want for your engagement celebration, hen/stag do, the wedding day, or the ‘day after’ barbeque. Individually packaged and personalised cookies make great wedding favours, while ‘message’ cupcakes are great for popping the question to your bridesmaids. What about some freshly baked bread for your dinner table, croissants for a champagne breakfast, or a selection of sweet treats for a dessert table? The possibilities are endless. Open seven days, you can discuss the options with the friendly team by popping into the store at 346 Halswell Road, phone 03 322 4600, or email shop@halswellbakery. “Let us help you celebrate this special occasion without breaking the bank.”


rban Revival’s mission has always been to use food to create community and to have a good time. During these times of uncertainty, they are excited to be able to welcome guests again to provide both! Hankering for a taste of good quality food prepared by someone else? Then visit Urban Revival for some post-quarantine indulgence and support local while satisfying your cravings for yummy baking, Switch coffee and hearty meals. Fully licensed serving local beverages, this loveable light-

filled eatery is a crowd favourite with its repurposed furniture and log fire ambiance. Events such as wine tastings and quiz nights have been held pre-lock down which the team is eager to have more of once it is safe to do so. They are also open for private events. Like Urban Revival on Facebook to be advised of upcoming events. Do yourself and your taste buds a favour – take the Northern Motorway’s Ohoka Road turn-off to Silverstream and you are virtually there. Go ahead – revive yourself.

Enjoy our haven for your wedding get together

Come & enjoy all of our restaurant facilities

Deliciously Simple Custom Wedding Cakes, Cupcakes, Biscuit & Sandwich Platters at competitive prices. All handmade with love & individually crafted to reflect your very own wedding theme. All the delicious delights you could possibly want, personalised just for you. 346 Halswell Rd Ph. 322-4600

Food to revive your body and mind...... catering gluten free popular bacon and egg nests, vegan broccoli donuts, creamy mushrooms on chef’s hash.

Open 7 days

50 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Delicious food and décor to set the tone for your big day

42 Silverstream Boulevard, Silverstream, Kaiapoi 03-421 7787


An exquisite selection For more than 50 years, family-owned Westende Jewellers has been providing an exquisite selection for the bride and groom.


he spacious Sydenham store showcases an extensive array of New Zealand-made engagement and wedding rings – plus both new and antique jewellery. “We offer many different styles, sizes and

combinations of finishes, stones and metals, including a huge range for men,” owner Andrew Kelso says. “We go above and beyond for our customers; we love to see their joy and excitement when they find the

perfect piece.” To help facilitate this, Westende Jewellers has the largest range of new and vintage wedding rings in the South Island, so the bride and groom can try on different styles,

widths and colours to confidently select the perfect symbol of their love. As all their new wedding rings are made locally using precious metals from a New Zealand refinery, the benefits are three-fold: a beautiful specially-made piece, supporting local businesses and fast turnaround – most rings are ready within 10 working days. A custom service is also available for those wanting to create a one-off item. From engagement rings to bridalwear, earrings, watches or special gifts, the expert team can help find the perfect item for any occasion, including Karen Walker, Kagi and Stow Jewellery. Truly a family affair, Westende Jewellers was established by Andrew’s parents in 1967, and his daughter recently joined the talented team. In line with government guidelines, Westende Jewellers has instigated physical distancing and enhanced hygiene practices, ensuring the wellbeing of staff and customers. Find them at 421 Colombo Street, Sydenham, phone 03 366 5475 or on Facebook.

Be Different, Be Unique

421 Colombo Street Christchurch 8023 P. 03 366-5475 Metropol 28 May, 2020 51


All scream for ice cream

A lot of us have happy memories associated with ice cream – summer nights, walks along the beach, a first date or a 60th anniversary. This tasty treat is a crowd pleaser that brings joy with just one lick. Ice Cream Charlie is home of the Vanilla Ice and, as such, Kiwi hearts are the home of Ice Cream Charlie.


he ice cream connoisseurs have been serving New Zealanders, specifically Cantabrians, for more than 100 years, with the first ‘Ice Cream Charlie’ (Sali Mahomet) serving from his cart in Cathedral Square in 1903. Since then there have been seven owners but they each share the same philosophy of having a product that is 100 percent natural, using only the best New Zealand ingredients. Their Vanilla Ice is not too creamy and not too icy and their raspberry sauce or fruit toppings make for a great pairing. This is why they are the perfect people to cater for your next event, be it a work party, birthday or even your wedding. Bring those happy memories to your next event – this delicious delicacy is good enough to make anyone giddy with excitement. For more information on how you can hire this awesome team see below.

Ice Cream Charlie’s famous Vanilla Ice has been loved by New Zealanders for over 100 Years! Engage Ice Cream Charlie to provide their famous desserts prior, during or after your reception. Contact us now for a catalogue and start designing a tailored package to best suit your needs for your special day.

027 536 6994 | | 52 28 May, 2020 Metropol


Canterbury’s favourite winery wedding venue

A travelling feast



ave kit will travel’ is the mantra of Twentyfour Catering. Weddings all over the South Island are a speciality, and owner and chef Chantelle Quinn can conjure the feast of your dreams anywhere, often with just two ovens and a barbeque. “We are very versatile and we have said yes to every location so far.” Chantelle works closely with couples to ensure the logistics work and menus are personalised to each wedding. Chantelle remembers

a groom who asked for his grandmother’s adored salted caramel and pistachio cheesecake, so she created it in minis for his guests. The food is classic French with Kiwi flavours, rustic, often with a lot of protein. Six different meats could feature throughout the reception, which goes down extremely well with more rural weddings. “I love seeing a wedding guest in an exquisite dress and fascinator tucking into a lamb cutlet and going back for more!”

Canterbury’s go-to caterers for a real point of difference

Uniquely personalized menu plan for each couple – which offers the opportunity for incorporating a family favourite or a special touch so the couple get to see a little bit of themselves in the menu. Twentyfour Catering Co provides their unique services in the Canterbury area and beyond. No destination is too hard to manage. “We absolutely appreciate what a privilege it is to be invited into a special family event like a wedding.”

magine a place architecturally designed for weddings that was tailored to make your big day everything you wanted and more. Think of an all-weather outdoor wedding chapel and entertaining space that comes complete with lighting and heating. Well… lucky for you, you do not have to imagine. Melton Estate is a boutique winery located just 15 minutes west of Christchurch International airport in West Melton. This little piece of heaven on earth has been hosting weddings for 18 years. Melton Estate is

your beacon of hope in ensuring you have an unforgettable day offering a full-service wedding experience. It is the only Canterbury winery wedding venue with a Qualmark Four Star Plus rating (Venues) and has earned a Silver Sustainable Tourism Business Award. Quality, sustainability and customer service are a daily focus. Tracy Caunter from Melton Estate warmly invites you to “come out, see it, enjoy it and have a beautiful day in amongst the vines”.

The Home of


Escape the city and let us host your wedding in style at Melton Estate – Canterbury’s favourite winery wedding venue. We make it easy – with your own dedicated wedding specialist, plenty of space inside and outside amongst the vines and of course award winning boutique wine. PRIVATE FUNCTIONS



Weedons Ross Road, West Melton, Christchurch Ph. 03 347 4968 Metropol 28 May, 2020 53


A place to celebrate!


lanning a wedding or family celebration is stressful at the best of times but in recent weeks, planning has become near impossible. Enter Rossendale Vineyard! With more than 20 years’ experience, this beautiful and unique venue offers the ultimate setting for any celebration, big or small. With in-house catering, experienced and friendly professional staff and beautiful gardens as a backdrop for

ceremonies and photography, Rossendale is available year-round with each season offering its own opportunities. A wealth of information is available on their website with an amazing 360 degree visual tour and drone-shot video that shows just how beautiful the setting and venue is. For an on-site visit please call venue managers, Graham or Liz to arrange a day and time for them to show you around and discuss your plans.

Perfect Platters T

he team at Four Square Hanmer Springs has a passion for creating beautiful, bespoke grazing platters. They are available for everything from large corporate events and weddings, right through to delicious platters for two and children’s birthday parties. Renowned for being generous, the platters contain a variety of seasonal ingredients, beautiful specialty cheeses and cured meats, along with fresh fruits, beautiful chutneys, hummus and pâté. Vegetarian and vegan platters are available, as are hot grazing options. They look as good as they taste! Contact the team today on 03 315 7190 to discuss how they can assist you for your special occasion, family moment away, birthday party or easy evening in. Find Four Square Hanmer Springs at 12 Conical Hill Road. For more photos visit the Facebook page.

Metropol wedding 135 x 92 v1 24032020.pdf

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Grazing platters in Hanmer. Four Square Hanmer Springs offers Grazing Platters for every occasion. Individually tailored to each customer’s taste, budget and occasion. Gluten Free, Vegetarian and Vegan Platters available. Wine Barrel Platters start from $120.00. Smaller platters also available. Ph. 03 315 7190

Hanmer Four Square foursquarehanmersprings Four Square Hanmer Springs Vegetarian and Vegan Platters offers Grazing Platters for every available. Wine Barrel Platters occasion. Individually tailored to start from $120.00. Smaller each customer’s taste, budget platters also available. and occasion. Gluten Free, Ph. 03 315 7190 foursquarehanmersprings

54 28 May, 2020 Metropol


Building a bridal bouquet By Clementine Page

If you want to add your own personal flair to your big day, why not DIY your own beautiful wedding bouquet? An increasing number of brides-to-be are getting hands-on with the flowers with their bridesmaids ahead of the wedding. So grab the girls and make a party out of it! Check out our top tips and tricks for DIY-ing your own beautiful bouquets. Calculate how many flowers you’ll need by considering the venue, your bridesmaids/ groomsmen, the number of tables etc. Download a free wedding flower worksheet to help you figure out if you’re going to under or over-order flowers.

As soon as you have the flowers, cut the stems at a 45-degree angle and put them in water (you might need a few buckets for this!). This allows them to absorb more water and keeps them super fresh.

Start by picking your first flower, then add a complementary flower. Keep incorporating flowers until you’ve got the bulk of your bouquet ready, then add smaller filler flowers or greenery between them.

The last thing you want is your bouquet coming apart mid-way down the aisle. If you don’t have floral tape, bind your bunches with a few clear hair elastics, then conceal them with fabric or ribbon.

Trim the stems so they are all the same length – but make sure there is room to hold it comfortably. Top tip: measure two hand lengths from the base of the flowers, then add a few centimetres of wiggle room.

Pre-purchase the supplies you need. You’ll probably want floral scissors, floral tape, pins, floral wire and ribbon. If you’re using roses, we recommend investing in a stem stripper to remove thorns and leaves without damaging the stem. You can find these online or at most specialist flower/garden stores.

Order your flowers well in advance and have them arrive the day before the wedding to ensure they’re still fresh. Utilise the help of the florist if you’re not quite sure on the blooms you want. Traditionally, most flowers in a bridal bouquet stick to the colours of white with delicate greenery like eucalyptus. Splashes of pink or other pastel colours are commonly incorporated – think peonies, lilies, pink statice and of course, roses. Got your own unique colour scheme? Pick beautiful blooms to match

Loose petals or excess flowers? Save them for eco-friendly confetti! Keep the shavings in a vase for guests to toss at the newly-weds. You could also get creative with floral ice-cubes – just press petals into an ice tray filled with water and freeze. Metropol 28 May, 2020 55


Stunning bridal bouquets


hen Leanne Lovell of Victoria Florist began her floristry career 35 years ago, dried flowers were all the rage and now they’re back, mixing it up with fresh flowers and looking lovelier than ever! “The differing textures and

fabulous colour variations add another dimension of quality to the bouquet that’s simply stunning,” Leanne says. Popular with brides are hydrangea, statice, nigella, gypsophila and limonium, while dried grasses, like bunny tails, wheat and yarrow, contrast beautifully with roses, freesias and proteas. Leanne recommends going onto the new Victoria Florist website to check out the dried flowers and foliage available, or call and chat with the experienced and lovely team about any bridal bouquet requirements. Thrilled to be back in action again, Leanne has this to say to her supportive, loyal clientele: “A mighty big thank you, everyone!” Find Victoria Florist on the corner of Wairakei and Idris Roads. Phone 03 351 7444.

Honeymoon in Hanmer


he honeymoon is arguably the best time of any wedding. The stress is gone, the planning is over and it’s finally time to relax with your new life partner. Make your lovers’ sanctuary Clear Ridge Apartments in the hotspot, Hanmer Springs. The sought-after accommodation sports some of the most refined and luxurious self-contained apartments for you and your significant other to enjoy. Each apartment comes with a

42-inch plasma TV, free WIFI, a fully equipped kitchen and almost all of them feature a double deluxe spa bath where you can enjoy a bubbles in some bubbles. For those special intimate moments, you can relax in Clear Ridge’s outdoor spa or swimming pool, or even take a quick saunter to nearby restaurants and cafés. Keen to know more? Contact hosts Steve and Rosie McFarlane now on 03 315 5144.

We are very excited to present the

“DRIED FLOWER DEN” at Victoria florist.

Pop in & have a look

Mon-Fri 8.30am till 5.30pm & Sat 9am till 1pm

Shop online or visit us at 107 Idris Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. Ph. 03 3517444

56 28 May, 2020 Metropol

A magical venue for your wedding and amazing accommodation for your guests Ph. 03 315 5144 or 0800 555 596 28, Jacks Pass Road Hanmer Springs 7334

Let your guests be wowed with our beautiful setting for them to enjoy! Our apartments are well suited for a small intimate Wedding with event space for up to 20 people in a theatre style layout. Perfect venue and accommodation for families to come together Small event packages available (enquiries welcome)


Foodie favourites

Bangers ‘n’ Bacon was born organically when Pete Nolan decided to create additive-free meat products for his children, whose food allergies meant sausages and bacon were banned in their household.


ot wanting to face a life without some of his favourite foods, Pete began producing different recipes, with the challenge of not using any gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, corn, egg, tomatoes, artificial preservatives, nitrates, colourings or flavourings. The end result – after four years of trialling and testing – was a delicious range of low allergy products the whole family could enjoy. Minimally processed and created using only top quality,

locally sourced meat, herbs and special homemade seasoning blends, the low carb products are also a popular choice for those on keto or similar diets. Pete’s family and friends were also very impressed with the products, with some commenting that the sausages ‘taste so good you don’t need sauce’ – which became the business’s tagline. “If any product we create doesn’t meet this one simple criteria, then it won’t make the cut,” say Pete and his wife Angela,

who opened for business in December last year. Sausage products to choose from include Original Pork, Peppered Pork, English breakfast, Italian Pork and Beef (in mild or hot ‘n’ spicy), and Chipotle Pork and Beef. The nitrate-free bacon products, available in streaky and loin cuts, are cured using just salt and raw sugar (one percent), then beautifully smoked on a charcoal barbecue with a blend of apple and hickory woods. With an array of additional

products and more in the pipeline, Pete says they are always open to feedback. “We constantly have the customer in mind, with everything we do.” Deemed an essential business, Bangers ‘n’ Bacon continued operating throughout the lockdown. Produced from a factory in Ferrymead, customers can order online, pick up, or find them at a range of markets. For more information, check out the website, email orders@ and follow on Facebook.


This month, Charing Cross Sheep Dairy won a gold medal for their Marinated Labneh balls at the outstanding NZ Food Producers Award & Whitestone and Barry’s Bay won categories & medals at the NZ Cheese Awards.

Become a locavore. Buy local & support the South Island’s superb boutique cheese making businesses.

11 Sandyford Street, Sydenham

Open 7 days at the Riverside Market, Oxford Terrace, Christchurch Central. Phone 027 312 9447 Metropol 28 May, 2020 57


Pie-maker extraordinaire “Cut my pie into four pieces, I don’t think I could eat eight,” said baseball catcher Yogi Berra, but however big your appetite and whatever you crave, there is a stunning homemade pie for you at Mrs Dentons takeaway café and deli on Kendal Avenue.


wner and pie maker extraordinaire, Delwyn Lanauze spent years in the

Chatham Islands which brought out her resourcefulness and stimulated the creativity that

she brings to her homemade goods. “I love the freedom to create; I am constantly coming

up with new ideas,” Delwyn says. While you will always find specialty Chatham Island blue cod pies in the range, the sky is the limit beyond that. The season might inspire a delight such as turkey cranberry and brie, while the following month a mussel, red curry and coriander pie is simply a work of genius. There will be 55 gourmet pies including scallop pies at $5 each while stocks last (limit of three each and only homemade beauties, not the Fairlie Pies). Delwyn’s sweet treats are legendary: her favourites are cinnamon scrolls, while date scones and cheese scones are fresh and hot every morning, but you’ll need to be quick. There are also take home heat and eat meals – check Facebook for the weekly offering, plus a selection of homemade chutneys which change with the seasons. Open Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm, Saturday 9am to 2pm.

Try it Like it Take it home! NEW

range of delicious CRAFT BEER from The Pedal Pusher Rolleston

55 Faringdon Blvd, Rolleston Ph. 03-260 0866 Open 7 Days 9am-Late



of all things


When you reach a fork in the road, we’re here to make the decision simple. Choose - Cross Hares Fork in the Road Pinot Noir or Ahuriri Run Pinot Gris.

W E A R E O PE N ! B o o k o nl i ne f o r a f r e s h t a s t e o f C a nt e r b ur y, o r t r e a t y o u r s e l f t o a n i nd u l g e nt a f t e r noon .

There……decision made.

CROSS HARES 6 plus bottles metro CHCH, Selwyn and Akaroa- delivery included. 58 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Tai Tapu, Canterbury

christchurch.cro wnepl az m Terms & conditions apply. Bookings essential. High Tea bookings must be made at least 48 hours in advance. Open 7 days.

FLORA CAFE Health Precinct, Central City Fabulous food in the heart of Christchurch’s Health Precinct. Unknown Chapter Coffee Muffins + Scones Homemade Slices Breakfast and Lunch

276 Antigua Street, Manawa Building Across from Christchurch Hospital Outpatients

NUMBER FIVE Templeton Number Five is back after the lockdown and so grateful for all the support of our community and our regular customers. If you haven’t tried our food and coffee please pop down and say ‘Hi’ the girls would love to see you!

5 Kirk Road, Templeton Located in the Templeton Medical Centre Ph 021 177 5507

DRAGON HOUSE RESTAURANT Upper Riccarton Real Chinese style BBQ and meals, amazing seafood combination choices. Journey across the diverse culinary regions of China, with a menu that focuses on Sichuanstyle hotpot and street food. Our kitchen uses artisan ingredients from Sichuan, alongside premium New Zealand meats, fresh seafood and seasonal vegetables. Tame you fiercest dragon now. 6 Brake Street, Upper Riccaton Open 7 Days 5.30pm-12am Ph 03 946 6688 Find us on:

Shop Local




An Indian gastronomic gem for dine in-or takeaway lunch & Dinner.

Ye-Chon is a new Korean BBQ spot serving up a generous range of traditional Korean Cuisine in a contemporary setting. The family thrives to serve genuine Korean food but also share their culture with Christchurch. Ye-Chon specialises in “Korean Barbeque”, a dining format rooted around communal values. Their in-house wetaged cuts grilled over charcoals and generous hospitality is sure to keep you craving!

Eat - Drink - Play New Restaurant Functions Quiz Nights Meetings!

Autumn has arrived! Pop into Pepper Bridge to make your spring season delicious. Autumn Happy Hour offer: Curry, Naan, Basmati Rice & Kingfisher premium beer $22 for one person. 300 Lincoln Road, Shop 9, Addington Mall. Open Tues-Sat 11.30am-9pm, Sun 5pm-9pm Ph 03 595 0442

95 Riccarton Road, Windmill Shopping Centre Open 6 Days: Mon-Sat 11.30am-8.30pm Ph 03 341 3314

Superb food, great prices. Ample free parking! Your new local! 1 Normans Road, Strowan, Christchurch Open 7 Days 10am-11pm Ph 03 355 5345

Metropol 28 May, 2020 59

Thank you! from us all at

THE LONG KNIGHT Halswell/Longhurst Come try our new winter menu, enjoy our warm hospitality, or try one of our amazing platters while watching the Super Rugby & NRL. Head over to our Facebook page to see our weekly 7 days deals! Don’t miss our Fun Quiz nights – Tuesday 7pm – Free entry - Bookings recommended Cnr Hamill Rd & Caulfield Ave, Halswell Open Every Day 11am til Late Ph 03 322 1862

FORMOSA Ashburton Formosa is ready for takeaway and delivery. Check out the menu from our website and feel free to contact us for enquiries. We are looking forward to serving you soon! WE ARE ONE - let us help one another and rise again together. 173 West Street, Ashburton Open Mon-Sat Ph 03 308 7874

RIS’TRETTO CAFÉ St Albans A big thank you from all of us at Ris’tretto cafe for your continuous support. Award winning fair trade coffee roasters. St Albans most loved community café, offering it’s award winning No. 1 fair trade organic coffee, specializing in homemade sweets and savouries incl gluten free/ dairy free wares, all day brunch menu and featuring indoor/outdoor dining area. Opening hours under level 2: Mon-Fri 8.30-3pm Sat & Sun 9am-3pm 670 Barbados Street, St Albans Open 7 Days Ph (03) 385 8670




Japanz Bakery is happy to start making delicious pies, cakes, and buns again for you after such a challenging time! Please keep an eye on our Facebook page to see our latest news! We look forward to you visiting our bakery once again!

True deals. Great Taste. Daily Specials inside! Receive 10% Off your first online order Limited time only! Open: Tues-Sat Lunch 11am-2pm Dinner 5pm-9pm Sun-Dinner 5pm-9pm

South City Mall, Colombo Street Open 7 Days Ph 03 943 4066

9 Coppell Place, Hoon Hay Christchurch Ph 03 339 0320

Come in to The Eatery for our world famous breakfast board ‘The Birdwood’ and locally made kombucha. Linger for our house roasted coffee and warm service. Open daily 8am-4pm. Great wine list and Three Boys on tap. The Pizzeria is your go to place for artisan, hand-stretched, sourdough pizza. Open Mon-Thurs 4pm-10pm, Sat-Sun 3pm-10pm Craft Beer on tap and a stunning wine list.

60 28 May, 2020 Metropol

76 Malcolm Ave, Beckenham Ph 03 332 3256 www.the





Got fussy eaters? We’ve got something for everyone. From house-made pies, desserts to an extensive cafe menu. Le Bakermen Cafe and Bakery has a big passion for providing quality coffee - with Havana Coffee Works supplied beans, we also provide single origin soft brew coffee.

Possibly the most extensive Chinese menu in Christchurch. All day menu available including Peking Duck, beef, roast duck, pork buns (gluten - free options available). Brand new modern décor with extensive lighting features and seating for 200 people. Open for lunch including Yum Cha. Also open for dinner. A truly special function venue which comfortably seats 200 people. Fully Licensed.

Delicious Meals, Refreshing Beverages, Relaxing Atmosphere.

187 Wigram Road, Wigram Open 7 Days Ph 03 421 5496

1/187 Wigram Road, Wigram Open 6 Days, Tues-Sun Ph 03 322 7898

Book your pre-show dinner or drinks and enjoy our warm atmosphere and friendly service. Open: 7 days 11am till late 284 Lincoln Road, Addington Ph 03 335 0095 pedalpusheraddington







BOMB BUCHA X BURGER BURGER - A PERFECT PAIRING At the start of March, Bomb Bucha introduced their latest flavour, Raspberry & Lime, to a bunch of their best supporters. They collaborated with Burger Burger Christchurch to host an awesome event that featured killer burger + bucha deals, giveaways, live music and great company. The startup business was formed by four University of Canterbury students (Ashley, Olivia, Finn and Jack) who created an alcoholic kombucha that was good for the environment and your body. 1. Brad Hopcroft, Blake Kayser and Ashley Phibbs 2. James Hay and Shannon Williams 3. Finn Ross, Jack Kendall and Olivia Manaton 4. Courtney Maynard, Julia Curnow and Kate Stokes 5. Phoebe Mcintosh and Willow Banbrook 6. George Manaton, Ben Gentry and David Evans Photos by Connor Hayes - for copies email Check Metropol’s Facebook for more from this event. Metropol 28 May, 2020 61

THE BROTHERS GREEN Canterbury The Brothers Green have been updating their website with simple, flavourful recipes to inspire you in the kitchen. Incorporating hemp into your diet has so many benefits, you can’t even imagine. Learn more by checking out Can be found at The Office Waikuku Riverside Market Chch, Portershed Addington and online

LITTLE RIVER CAFE & STORE Little River We are famous around Canterbury as specialists in rustic home-cooked savoury and sweet foods. We have heaps of great gift ideas in our store, championing all that is local and you will not find a better wine or craft beer selection anywhere on the Peninsula.

Main Road, Little River Open 7 Days Ph 03 325 1933

62 28 May, 2020 Metropol

CRAFT ROOM CAFE Heathcote Locally owned cafe. For lovers of homemade fresh food and locally-roasted, fairtrade coffee. We have good eats, locally sourced crafts and art, and a beaut’ spot for coffee in the afternoon sun on our terrace.

1/66 Port Hills Road, Heathcote. Old Maltworks site not far from the Gondola Open Mon-Fri 7.30am-4pm Sat -Sun 8am-4pm


Now lets claim back our beautiful way of life

Corner of Armagh & New Regent St’s (168 Armagh Street) Central Christchurch Open 7 Days, Weekdays 7.00am-4pm, Weekends 8.30am-4.30pm Ph 027 346 0140

BOO RADLEY’S FOOD & LIQUOR City Centre We are an award winning Southern-USA styled bar & restaurant with a distinctly New Zealand twist. We offer a great sharing plate selection, complimented with exceptional cocktails, a large range of craft beers, a hand-picked wine list and one of the largest selections of Bourbon Whiskey in New Zealand. Level 1/98 Victoria Street, Christchurch Central Open 7 Days Ph. 03 366 9906

INDIAN ZAIKA Merivale Authentic Indian Cuisine Customers rave about how our curries and naans are simply the best they have tasted. Devoted locals bringing you an authentic taste from overseas. Our food is cooked on our premises for you to enjoy in the Restaurant or as a takeaway meal. Open: Monday 4:30pm-10pm, Tuesday to Sunday 11am-2pm & 4:30pm-10pm. 178a Papanui Road, Merivale (opposite Office Road) Ph 03 925 9904


THE DISH City Centre

Level One is HQ to our Craft Beer & Coffee Bar, Argo Beach Co-working Space and Level One Events. Our ongoing mission continues to be the operation of a business model that is empowered by its citizens and community. We’re sustainability and purpose matter as much as profits. A haunt that not only feeds the soul but the belly as well

We invite you to visit ‘The Dish’ and try our delicious post Lockdown menu. With Tender Beef Cheek Massamum Curry. Fabulously aromatic curry with healthy grains blended with “melt in your mouth” beef cheek. Our delicious Grilled Market Fish in a coconut creamy sauce. Just a couple of our fantastic Asian fusion dishes to enjoy with family and friends. Takeaways available.

Level 1/217 Marine Parade Ph 03 423 3170 Follow us on facebook & instagram for updates

Opening hours (Temporarily) Lunch Mon-Fri 11.30am-2.30pm Dinner Mon- Sun 5.00pm - 9.00pm 376 Montreal Street, City Centre. Ph 03 925 9787




We are a local and friendly café in Fendalton. Serving fresh homemade food (GF, VG, DF, KETO) and barista-made coffee. We can cater for up to 60 people in our upstairs area that offers privacy and comfortable seating. Our customers tell us we are the best choice for their brunch/lunch meeting!

Serving a range of fine cuisines that can truly be described as international to suit any occasion. Situated on site at the Quality Hotel Elms in Papanui and open daily for breakfast and dinner, they pride themselves on their mouth-watering food - including a range of gluten-free and vegetarian options and their comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. Coffee from 6am, all day bar menu. Dinner from 5pm

Gold Card Lunches Mon-Fri Mon/Tue Wood-fired pizzas $20 Tues Quiz night - free entry & prizes Wed $15 Burgers Thur / Fri $20 Steak Night Sun $10 Waffles Function Room - fundraisers/private functions Takeaways available

205 Fendalton Road, Fendalton (corner Clyde and Fendalton Road) Open 7 Days Ph 03 351 1488

456 Papanui Road, Christchurch Ph 03 352 4903

Weedons Ross Road, Wst Melton Village Open 7 Days: Sun 9am-late, Mon-Sat 11.30-late Ph 03 421 6481 Metropol 28 May, 2020 63

In your kitchen

ATAAHUA WINES ATAAHUA WINES are open for business! Match your home cooked culinary masterpieces with fine Waipara wine. Order your delicious locally grown wines today contactless delivery to your door. ataahuawinesnz Ataahua Wines

THE COTTAGE PANTRY & GALLERY Fantastic selection of dry food ingredients for your pantry. Gluten free & Organic • Nuts, Seeds & Dried Fruit • Pulses & Grains Flours & Bread Mixes • Herbs & Spices 24 Wilson Street, Geraldine 7930



Available for private hire. Serving scooped ice cream from a traditional vintage styled tricycle. We do weddings, birthdays, corporate events. Providing you with not only ice cream but an experience.

A Bakery treasure trove at the bottom of the hill. An easy location for you to pop in and stock up on our bakery products. Delicious hand made cakes, Danish pastries, pies, sausage rolls and Underground Coffee. Catering also available. 73 Centaurus Rd, Huntsbury Ph. 337 8214



Our pies are full of tender, slow cooked beef, rich, flavoursome gravy, encased in soft flaky pastry. 346 Halswell Rd Open 7 days Ph. 322-4600

Heart Warming Bread Made fresh on our premises. Tempting range of pies, filled rolls slices & creamed buns Open: Mon-Fri 6am-5pm, Sat 6am-4pm Sun 8am-4pm 8 Colombo Street, Cashmere. Ph. 03 337 0403

64 28 May, 2020 Metropol

GURUJI INDIAN FOODS An authentic indian supermarket with very low prices on quality dry fruits and nuts. almonds, hazel, cashew, sunflower, raisins, sultanas to name a few. 12 Bath Street, Christchurch

MRS DENTONS Come and treat yourself to a scrumptious scallop pie or maybe an Italian eggplant pie! Fairlie Bakehouse pies in store too. Fine. Food. Fast. Takeaway Cafe and Delicatessen. Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm Ph. 03 357 4516 027 469 0206 168a Kendal Ave, Burnside


Make a booking! “Oooh, It’s lovely to be in a real bookshop,” customers often say as they wander around The Clocks Bookshop. “No toys, games and stationery, just wonderful books.”


he Clocks Bookshop, Christchurch’s newest bookstore, opened in December 2019. The Clocks specialises in children’s books, cookbooks and crime and mystery books, but has a terrific range of fiction and non-fiction too. “It’s so good to see different books on the shelves instead of the same ones you see everywhere,” locals say. And it’s true. Crime and

mystery aficionados will find more than 60 Agatha Christie titles and hundreds of crime and mystery classics from legends such as Dorothy L. Sayers, Reginald Hill, Raymond Chandler, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Elmore Leonard and Dashiell Hammett, alongside contemporary crime authors like Donna Leon and Christchurch’s very own, Paul Cleave. Children’s books begin with

touch-and-feel, lift-the-flaps and board books, through to an extensive selection of beautiful picture and story books. Older children and adults will find a carefully selected range of classic and contemporary titles, including books specifically designed and written for the dyslexic reader. Julia Childs said of cooking, “Always start out with a larger pot than what you think you

need”. The Clocks has applied that maxim to its cookbook selection, with more than 700 food and drink titles. From Nigel Slater, Nigella, Diana Henry and the fabulous Ottolenghi, through to vegetarian, vegan and cuisines of the world, The Clocks has it covered. Find The Clocks Bookshop at 12 Normans Road, phone 03 355 0995.

Commercial & Domestic Joinery Wardrobes Kitchens & Laundries Storage Solutions Custom Made Furniture Commercial & Retail Fitouts

P. 03 377 5982 W. Metropol 28 May, 2020 65


Find your focal point Rooms decked out in dramatic shades from top to bottom are everywhere right now. But while you might be in love with the look of these schemes, implementing them can be intimidating for many.


f you’d like to dabble in a bold or moody look, bathrooms and ensuites are the ideal place to try out dark or vibrant Resene paint colours or Resene wallpapers. If you’re investing the time, money and effort to do a bathroom renovation, why not make it one to remember? Try something courageous and it’ll surely be the talk of every guest you host. To start building the look, find a focal point that you are drawn to when you walk into the room – that’s the best place to create a feature with interesting materials, textures or colour that give some real oomph to the space. This master ensuite is inspired by Resene Wallpaper Collection E384534.

Contrary to the popular belief that they make spaces feel smaller, fully saturated shades can work well in bathrooms. This deep blue tongueand-groove panelling in Resene Bunting makes the glossy white bathroom fixtures pop. The rest of the colours in the space coordinate perfectly with the wallpaper – from the bright coral Resene Apple Blossom on the towel ladder and stool, the dusty rose Resene Coral Tree on the soap and lotion dispensers, and the soap dish in Resene Coriander, to the side wall in Resene Pewter and the rich Resene Coconut Cream floor. Finish the look with a large statement mirror to help reflect more light around the room, add in layers of soft towels and no-care plants.

Background in Resene Merino with A4 drawdown paint swatches (from top) in Resene Apple Blossom, Resene Coral Tree, Resene Bunting, Resene Coriander and Resene Coconut Cream and a strip of Resene Wallpaper Collection E384534. The soap dispenser is painted Resene Coral Tree and the dish is painted Resene Coriander.

Get inspired at your local Resene ColorShop, 66 28 May, 2020 Metropol

Armstrong Interiors - Looking ahead Metropol catches up with award-winning interior designer Angelique Armstrong about supporting local and plans for Armstrong Interiors moving forward.

he vibe in the studio is buoyant and positive. “I get so much joy from being surrounded by our inspiring Work Room environment; the colours and textures, my staff and wonderful clients,” Angelique says. The team at Armstrong Interiors are looking ahead with enthusiasm. Although working from home had its challenges during lockdown, it gave them an even stronger desire to get back to work, because that is what they love doing – being together, and creating beautiful spaces. Angelique has long been a supporter of ‘buy local’ and loves the phrase ‘back your backyard’. “Going forward I have no hesitation on continuing to support our local manufacturers and fabricators. We have beautiful New Zealand designed products in all aspects of design and manufacturing. I encourage you to think twice and make a conscious decision when shopping. When you buy New Zealand products, you not only buy quality, you are supporting a local business. “Armstrong Interiors is boutique in size, which allows us to really get to know each and every client. Working closely to my clients’ briefs; I present mood boards, floor plans, product boards, and source furniture, art, rugs, wallpaper, lighting and accessories options. Our in-house CAD designer creates 3D images of kitchens, bathrooms and joinery. She creates plans for you to review throughout the design process, which will then allow you to see the end result.” Armstrong Interiors proudly offers a bespoke design service. This means you can select the size, material and colour of your choice, to best reflect your style and space. Angelique’s passion for design and a love of all elements related to interior design, art, furniture design, product design and textile design enables her to create exclusive items. “I love to create beautiful unique pieces in collaboration with our clients.” A monthly newsletter has recently been launched, featuring the latest news, designs, and interesting updates on what is happening in the Interior Design world. Email or phone the office to be added to the mailing list. To find out how the team at Armstrong Interiors can help you with your next interior project, and make a time to discuss the options available. Phone 03 356 2636 phone, email or armstronginteriorsltd on Instagram.

YOU DREAM IT WE’LL BUILD IT Metropol 28 May, 2020 67





Time for a change We’ve all had more than enough time on our hands to nit-pick things around the home. You might have noticed things that you want to throw out, change or improve. Adrian Kay from Dream Doors Kitchens knows the feeling all too well, agreeing that, “People have been staring at their kitchens during lockdown and will be wanting to make a few changes”.


he team has been working to help you make those changes with ease and even from the safety of your own home. “During lockdown we

were quoting our customers via photos, videos and video conferences” Adrian says. “But now that lockdown is lifted, we have been inundated

with requests to visit people’s homes to help them modernise or update their kitchens.” Dream Doors provides a complete package for both a

facelift or a bespoke kitchen design service. “We guide the customer through each stage of the process from concept to installation. We can take care of everything from arranging the electrician and plumber, to splashbacks and appliances.” Dream Doors can also help with other important rooms in the house such as laundries, garage and study/office joinery. For more information have a browse of their website, Facebook Dreamdoorschristchurch/ or phone 03 338 1081.

“A pool can mean a lifetime of enjoyment, its our job to make sure it is.” Follow us on Facebook@DreamDoorsChristchurch for design inspiration

Amazing Kitchen Facelifts For custom built pools, spas & lagoons Ph. 028 410 5752 I I

1,500 Books for Children & Young Adults in-store NZ Franchisee of the Year for 2019 7 h year in 7t a row

• Replacement doors, drawers, panels and benchtops • Or a complete brand new kitchen, all made to measure

Phone 03 338 1081

68 28 May, 2020 Metropol

12 Normans Road, Strowan Phone 355 0995

Burst of blue By Jess Murray

If there was one defining design trend of the 2010s, it was the all-white kitchen. But in 2020, designers predict there’ll be a shift toward spaces that go beyond just white. For a kitchen with a pop of colour, why not go for a burst of blue? It is after all, Pantone’s colour of the year!

1. 2. 3.

CABINET: Kitchen cabinets are a great way to add a pop of colour without it feeling like overkill. Make sure it’s a shade of blue that you love, after all the kitchen is the heart of the home!

WALL: Despite Classic Blue being crowned as Pantone’s colour of the year, it’s navy blue that will steal the show on large wall spaces; it’s not too over powering but still makes a serious statement.

BACKSPLASH: If you really want the blue to take centre stage in the kitchen, then the backsplash is for you. Not only is it very functional, preventing water damage to the wall behind the sink, it’s very eye-catching and allows for you to play with the aesthetics of the room.

We have moved next door


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Metropol 28 May, 2020 69


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for architects’ families? Anna South, who is married to Craig South of South Architects Ltd in Christchurch, shares her perspective.


hen someone gets the chance to put their mark on the world in a unique and personal way, as architects do, it is only natural that they want to share that experience with their families. I’m not sure what other families do in their free time, but if Craig has a home being built in Christchurch, then chances are high that there will be a family outing or two to the site to check on progress. We wouldn’t have it any other way. There is something very exhilarating about being able to visit a home as it is being built and watch it through each stage. Behind the scenes, there is an awful lot of time and effort that goes into translating a client’s ideas into a considered design vision. Architectural matters inevitably seep into

our everyday lives. On a typical Sunday afternoon at home, we may be sharing a family platter while Craig sits at the dining room table sketching. We are all very well accustomed to the sketch pad coming out over the weekend! Architecture isn’t something that you can ever really take a break from. Personally, I find it fascinating to see sketches evolve, knowing they will ultimately become someone’s beautiful new home. I have also come to appreciate the importance of due diligence in every project. Architects need to be very familiar with the land they are designing for and the materials that will be used. Tapping walls and checking out claddings is all part of the fun! This passion for the job is ultimately what paves the way for our clients having a good experience too, as we want nothing but the best for them. Thanks to our amazing clients, we are lucky enough to visit some beautiful places as we check on the progress of homes. This is one of the real pleasures of the job for all of us. There’s nothing like tagging along on a lovely trip to Whangamata or

Central Otago. It is so exciting to watch well thought out designs come to life and meet clients who will eventually make happy memories in their lovely new home. Like every couple with children, we look forward to opportunities to get dressed up every now and again and enjoy a fun evening out together. Design awards provide the perfect excuse for that while celebrating the outstanding architecture currently being produced in New Zealand. Along with the highs of awards won are the lows of awards entered and not won. It can be a tough industry to be in when one’s work is constantly being scrutinised through design award entries or on social media. People sometimes forget that architects like Craig must tailor their designs to suit the wants and needs of individual families. It is always a collaborative journey. In the end, nothing beats visiting the finished home, having the client show you around with pride in their eyes and knowing that they will live well in their South Architects creation!

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Extraordinary but liveable

The team at Jennian Homes Canterbury is thrilled to present their latest show home at Ravenswood.


e are really proud of this beautiful home,” says Sue Prendergast, who is co-owner at Jennian with husband Dwayne, and Paul and Waireti Jenkins. Situated at 2 John Raven Lane in Ravenswood, Woodend, this modernist house is an architecturally designed style statement. Extraordinary yet so liveable, its stunning and strong individual features work in harmony to deliver a desirable whole. The feature exterior cladding is James Hardie Stria and Linea painted in grey and black, a colour theme that is continued into the house. The front entrance space leads on to the designer kitchen in blacks, a feature stacked block wall, open plan family dining, separate lounge and computer nook. There are three spacious bedrooms ideal for family living; the master with ensuite and walk-in wardrobe, and both the master and bedroom two displaying stylish wallpapered feature walls. The bathrooms are beautifully sized to accommodate a family. “It’s a great up and coming area, with the new Pegasus Bay school nearby,” Sue says.

The home could suit the first home buyer through to executive buyers. “This home can be varied to suit anyone’s exact desires,” Sue says. “We can make it larger or smaller; we can arrange the specifications to reflect your budget, and this is true of all the plans we offer. You bring your vision and we bring the flexibility. We also have sections available with affordable house and land packages.” The Jennian office crew have been hard at work all through the lockdown which meant the on-site teams could “hit the ground running” at Level 3 status. “We have great trades and suppliers, they were excellent at taking on board the new requirements dictated by COVID-19 and our progress back to construction was really smooth,” Sue says. “We expect to continue to meet our timeframes.” An exciting moment was being able to re-open Studio J, which creatively displays product partners, trades and services as well as demonstrating innovative design ideas at the Jennian Homes Canterbury head office at 212 Main South Road, as well as the show homes at Rolleston, Ashburton, and Timaru, all by appointment. “After time away we saw them with fresh eyes, and were reminded of how stunning they are and a tribute to the care and eye for detail of our team and trades,” Sue says. “We continued to have a lot of inquiries all the way through lockdown, so we anticipate the year continuing to be busy. A real highlight is going to be opening the Ravenswood show home. It is a favourite. It is so well thought out and will be really well received, I just can’t wait to show people.” Watch Jennian’s website for details on the new show home’s opening. Metropol 28 May, 2020 73


Highlights By Tracey Edwardes

Floor lamps are coming out from dark dusty corners as proud pieces, to create or change the theme. We’ve got all the highlights for you.


nergy efficient in design, floor lamps often have dimmer switches to transform ambient lighting to bright beams to work, read or dine by. The secret to selecting is to see floor lamps as sculptures rather than furniture. These multi-functional, practical décor additions can be a subtle or dramatic décor addition to set a mood, fill a space, add height, colour, art or quirk. Orb designs are a cool contemporary statement. These gorgeous moon-like

74 28 May, 2020 Metropol

globes timelessly nod from art deco to futuristic. Retro styles also rule, such as the resurgence of the ’60s mushroom-shape lampshade – but this time, one that balances on a technically modern structure. From stained glass Tiffany lamp renditions through to bamboo and rice paper columns, any era can be reborn. Coming in black, gold and chrome or a mishmash of metal finishes or wood, their sleek structure also provides an opportunity to

infuse a contrasting pop of colour, without going crazy. Conversely, white mutes against a white wall, for depth without drama. Arc-shaped stands add space-age curvature to a room’s straight lines. Calico shades against wood create a Scandi vibe, whereas ricepaper shades allude to the Orient. The latest tripod designs are sturdy architectural standouts. Lower statures brighten the space from below. Stands can tower two metres with

globes positioned in graduating heights, or branching out at the pinnacle with dual bulbs illuminating different areas. Many are fittingly stretchy or adjustable in height and direction, for easy multi purposing. Transferable around the house, floor lamps illuminate any area of a room, from mancaves to bedrooms. Even a lamp under $100 can look surprising expensive – a simple solution to add instant light, without the permanence or cost of an electrical renovation.

In safe hands

If we’ve learnt anything during the past two months, it’s that security is everything!


ecurity is at the very heart of locally owned and operated firm Combined Security Solutions, which started its commercial life on the very basis of protecting you, your loved ones and your hard earned assets. After 35 years in the corporate electronic security world, Directors Paul McCormick and Hoani Ngata established Combined Security Solutions in 2018 to supply and install electronic security products to look after your home or business.

Whether it is CCTV systems, automatic gates, security alarms, access control, intercom systems, entrance control notification systems or even security smart phone connectivity, the team can provide advice through to a full design build solution. “I have been passionate about security all my life,” Paul says. “A trusting, professional win/ win relationship with our clients is important to both myself and our team.” The company designs state of the art systems using

only high quality products that will provide clients with years of reliable, troublefree operation. “We focus on residential property security, along with project works for our commercial, banking and educational sectors, which are specialties,” Paul says. “Importantly, we only utilise tried and true brands that provide our clients with years

of user-friendly operation. This, along with our back-up servicing – available as and when required – ensures your security is in ‘safe hands with Combined Security Solutions’.” For an obligation-free, contactless quote, contact Paul on 0274 337 997, email paul@ and follow the team’s antics on Facebook.




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Metropol 28 May, 2020 75

Exceptionally bespoke If you are looking for beautifully crafted furniture to liven up your home, we have the perfect place for you – Gavin Cox Furniture.


he company has been producing top quality furniture for 37 years, with Tim Cridge becoming the owner in 2005. To say that Tim knows exactly what he is doing is an understatement, as he was a long-serving employee, since 1992, before he took over the business. So we have to ask, what types of pieces is he frequently asked to construct? “All of our furniture tends to be signature pieces in

the home, with a demand for feature dining table and chairs, console tables, sideboards and entertainment units,” he says. With everything that has been going on recently, it is now more important than ever to support local and Gavin Cox Furniture is just that. “We are proud to be a small locally owned and operated business here in Christchurch, where we specialise in making quality solid timber furniture,” Tim says.





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By Jess Murray

If you thought Himalayan salt lamps were a thing of the past.. you’re probably right.

Cute nurse mouse with her First Aid suitcase by Maileg, Denmark. Available at French Blue

Purse/pocket size NZ made hand sanitiser available at all Simply New Zealand stores. See ad below for store locations

Fill your home with beautiful selection of plants, pots and accessories from The Ivy

Rustic and elegant coloured concrete bathroom basins handmade in Christchurch. View online at

“Bathe” bronze sculpture by Anneke Bester. Exhibition from 18th May-13 June at Windsor Gallery


ut that’s not to say something that was wildly popular in the 1980s can’t make a comeback, in fact that’s how most trends work. While they’re technically not a ‘new thing’, 40 years later salt lamps are starting to pop-up in the contemporary home. The salt lamps are made by placing a light bulb inside a large chunk of Himalayan salt. The result is a warm glow

and a Bohemian style to your home. Advocates of salt lamps claim they can clean the air in your home, soothe allergies, boost your mood and help you sleep. While we can’t claim to know the scientific basis of such claims, we do know they look sensational and we think something that looks this good has to be good for your health, right?

The Ivy Beautiful homewares flowers inspiring gifts & creations

Monday-Friday 11am-5pm Saturday & Sunday 11am-4pm

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Contemporary Art Gallery Rhonye McIIroy Exhibition 18th May-13 June

“Sir Michael Jones” 400mm x 550mm by Rhonye McIlroy

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Metropol 28 May, 2020 77

new things

Salt of the earth

Skirt made from House of Hackney Floral Fabric. Part of a new range by Bridget Mathewson Design. Made in NZ Available from Dalethorpe House in Darfield


SIMPLE BUT ELE By Nicholas Henare


Metropol 280520 - Half Pg CX-30.pdf 1 25/05/2020 9:33:30 AM






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78 28 May, 2020 Metropol

220-volt power plug in the back which means that if you take it off-road, you can power an electric pump for air beds or a little cooker or… whatever. The 8-inch multi-functional display is adaptable for what you want to prioritise and, as always, Apple Car Play makes it easy on the iPhone user. The sensor technology is also great, with a reversing camera and three-dimensional display so you know exactly where your car is in relation to curbs and obstacles. There’s nothing worse than damaging your precious alloy wheels on curbs and this function will help you avoid this. You’ll find 135kW of power and a whopping 437 Nm of torque on this beast, so towing the boat won’t ever be a problem. Mitsubishi has a real knack for refining all the necessities into a simple but elegant package. All that even comes at a good price, currently $59,000 plus on roads. I could wax lyrical about the little details about the Pajero Sport but at the end of day, Mitsubishi really does have a version of the SUV/Utility vehicle for everyone. What do YOU need?

he Pajero Sport is no different. This seven-seater has loads of room, quite the step up from its predecessor and that extends upwards, with my son Tom and I both gasping as we drove into the second floor of the Westfield Riccarton mall carparking building, convinced we were going to scrape the roof! The Pajero Sports 20 MY’s power tail gate is always an asset and great for loading groceries, sports gear or school kit on a wet day. A cool feature is you can use a smart phone app to open it too! That same app can also be used as a vehicle locater, operation assist and vehicle information device. How many times do you forget where you’re parked at said car park? Front heated seats are good on the drive on the chilly mornings as well. The new grille design gives the front end a little bit more polish and the lines on the vehicle have changed too. It’s the wheel clearance on it that gives it such height and I’ll be honest, I took it for a little off-road test and it performed well, both in 4-wheel drive and 2-wheel drive. There’s a

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By Ben Selby


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NOW $39,995

NOW $39,995 2007 Jaguar XKR 4.2 V8 Supercharged, Flagship 420HP Supercharged XK-R model

2009 Audi RS4 4.2 V8 FSI Quattro 6-Speed Manual Convertible

Full Alloy, Only 72,000 kms and stunning in signature Jaguar Racing Green Metallic with Cream Leather, XKR Sports Seats, Bonnet Inlets and 20” R Sports Alloys, Heated/Electric/Memory Seats and Heated Steering Wheel, Push Button Start, NZ Nav/Bluetooth Phone/CD/Stereo, Full Electrics etc. Hard to find like this!

Very rare Manual Convertible RS4- only a few we believe in NZ, 4.2 V8 RS performance, Push Button Start, Electric Soft-top roof, Full Leather RS Seats, Quattro 4WD, 19” RS4 Sports Alloys, Audi MMI with CD/Stereo/Reverse Camera, RS Flat Bottom Steering Wheel etc. A smart look in Red!

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Latest Model Audi Q8 in Navarre Blue Metallic with 21” Black Sports Alloys, Red Brake Calipers, Black Styling Pack, 3.0 Litre 50TDI Diesel/ Part Hybrid engine generating 286 PS/210 KW, Virtual Cockpit, Heated/ Memory Seats, Heated Steering Wheel, Lane Assist, NZ NAV/CD/AUX/ Bluetooth Phone/Streaming etc. Ultra-modern Audi Luxury!

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Only 22,000kms and stunning in Wine Red Metallic with Black Leather, 19 inch Alloys, Electric Soft-top roof, Woodgrain interior inlays, Factory Aston Martin CD/Stereo/Bluetooth, Push Button Start etc. An amazing sound with the 6.0 V12 under the bonnet. Very hard to get with these low kms!

2020 Audi RS6 4.0 V8T Carbon Black Edition, Brand New! Added Cost option Carbon Black Package (Diffusers/Spoilers/Sills) with 22” Black Finished Antharacite Sports Alloys, RS Styling Sports Package including Alcantara Steering Wheel, HD Matrix Lighting, Black Roof Rails/ Badging, Heated/Ventilated Sports Seats, NZ NAV/CD/Bluetooth, Lane Departure, Sports Differential etc. 800NM/441 KW Quattro Rocketship!. Secure one of the very first in NZ!

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NOW $89,995



vailable from a Toyota guaranteed price of $32,990, the C-HR still retains its 1.2 litre, 85kW, turbocharged petrol engine but also becomes the eighth model in Toyota’s family to be available with a hybrid powertrain. The hybrid is a sweet set up, while the 1.2 petrol pulls well, the 1.8 petrol electric combo, also used in the Corolla Hybrid, is a peach, especially when returning fuel consumption figures of 4.3L/100km. Drive is channelled through a slick eight speed CVT gearbox. You can also have your C-HR with AWD, but you need to go the whole hog and get the range-topping Limited spec. Styling wise, it still retains its funky coupe lines, but now features revised LED head and taillights, a new front bumper design and new 17 or 18inch alloys, depending on the spec level. The new C-HR comes with a gaggle of standard kit, including Toyota’s new eight-inch touchscreen infotainment system which at last incorporates Apple Car Play and Android Auto. Safety kit includes pre-collision warning, lane departure warning, radar cruise control, hill descent control, rear cross traffic alert, reversing




camera and blind spot monitoring, to name a few. Limited spec cars get the addition of heated leather seats, 360-degree rear camera and black gloss dash finish. Rear seat passengers have average head and legroom and entry and exit are easy enough, just mind your head on the sloping roof line. Boot space is rated at 318L, not the biggest, but this is no wagon for lugging all in sundry around for days on end. On the move in the hybrid, don’t expect a rapid response after giving it a boot full. The C-HR is much more at home silently zipping along. Minor tweaks to the suspension and dampers have resulted in the C-HR petrol and

hybrid handling very well indeed. Through the bends you can corner well with little effort required on your part to keep things level. Parking is a doddle too, though rear visibility is average at best. Also worth mentioning is ride comfort, it is quite frankly peerless. After a couple of weeks with petrol and hybrid versions, one can say the little tweaks bestowed by Toyota really complement the C-HR well. The one you want, in this writer’s opinion is the base Hybrid at $34,990 TGP. With great levels of kit, silent running, comfort, refinement and the fact it can be quite fun to drive, the 2020 C-HR manages to do nearly everything very well indeed.


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Metropol 28 May, 2020 81


By Ben Selby



rom $36,490, the XV comes with a strong 2.0L four-cylinder boxer engine with 115kW/196Nm. Add this to Subaru’s asymmetrical all-wheel-drive and a seven speed CVT gearbox, and you get 7.0L/100km, with the same good looks and 17-inch alloy wheels unique to the premium spec vehicle. Inside, everything feels solid, and just very well put together when compared to others in this class. In terms of space, there is oodles of it. Boot space is commendable at 310L.

The XV comes with Appale CarPlay and Android Auto as standard, along with lane change assist, high beam assist, rear cross traffic alert, blind spot detection, electric sunroof, heated leather seats, and Subaru’s latest generation Eyesight Driver Assist System. At speed, the four-pot boxer pulls well. The CVT box is actually more responsive than first expected. With some CVT gearboxes, the feeling of performance gets lost in translation, but Subaru’s unit

is actually rather good, providing crisp changes. Ride comfort is also very good, with the XV managing to soak up the bumps nicely. Thanks to the all-wheeldrive which Subaru have honed over the years, you can get down and dirty with ease. The XV Premium still represents great buying for those after a fiveseater soft roader, thanks to great tech and refinement and it can tackle the moderate rough stuff like few others.

Metropol Motoring is a complimentary monthly section within this National Multi-Award Winning magazine publishing


Copies each fortnight

82 28 May, 2020 Metropol

For advertising contact: Barry White Phone: 03 343 3669





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Their workshop on 324 St Asaph Street in the heart of Christchurch’s CBD comes complete with all the latest auto electrical and auto diagnostic equipment. KBL also has a full complement of specialist factory tools to undertake a wide variety of services. Whether your transmission needs attention, your air con needs re-gassing, or your European pride and joy needs a good service and WOF, you can’t go wrong with KBL Automotive. European courtesy cars are also available. For more information, visit their website or phone 03 365 0531.

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Metropol 28 May, 2020 83

84 28 May, 2020 Metropol

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