HIA-LI Reporter Newspaper - November/December 2022

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LABEL HIA-LI LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT: PG 5 A letter from the HIA-LI President & CEO, Terri Alessi-Miceli HIA-LI’S HEARD AROUND THE ISLAND: PG 38-39 News, Updates, Events, and Promotions from our member companies! HIA-LI’S INDUSTRY LIST: PGS 34-35 Advertising Agencies, Marketing & PR Firms VOLUME 41 • ISSUE 11 • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 12TH ANNUAL WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE PROGRAM | P. 18-19


WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Technology for Business Committee Meeting


Membership Committee Meeting

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Business Acceleration Committee Meeting

THURSDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Human Resources Committee Meeting

FRIDAY, JANUARY 13TH, 8:00AM-10:30PM 45th Annual Meeting & Legislative Program

TUESDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM HIA-LI HYPE Committee Meeting

TUESDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 9:00AM-10:30AM Social Responsibility Committee

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Education/Workforce Development Committee Meeting

FRIDAY, JANUARY 20TH, 8:30AM-10:00AM Energy/Utility/Committee Meeting

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 3

Driving your business via video

Veteran media producer Kevin Wood provides rich media video services to small and large businesses who need to communicate their best attributes and offerings to both the public and the B to B(business to business) relationships they hold.


● YouTube has over 2.5 billion users

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● 87% of online markets use video content

● 1/3 of online activity is spent watching video

● Less than 10% of mom and pop businesses have developed quality video content for their social presence or web pages.

Our product, Binute™ is a ‘Business Minute’ - it allows any business to communicate to potential customers what they do - inside a minute length video. There is no more impactful way for a business to communicate.

Interested businesses should contact Kevin by texting 516-939-8960

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 4 PURSUE YOUR GOALS, YOUR WAY
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As Long Island settles more into normalcy, the HIA-LI continues to stand by your side to assure its fellow organizations and partners a full and successful future for all the local region.

We are your trusted allies for business achievement, and we remain even more committed to lend support in:

• Promote job creation

• Provide educational and professional development services for Long Island business and the workforce

• Promote the best in quality and safety

• Advance the highest professional standards among numerous sectors

• Organize community assistance initiatives such as through the current pandemic

Joining forces with the business community and the community at large, we’ll continue to keep working diligently to support Long Island in facing shared challenges-promote local economic development-and keep our regional economy productive.

The HIA-LI mobilizes our member companies to advocate for economic expansion. We also promote the growth of the Long Island Innovation Park at Hauppauge, the 1.400-arce business complex whose 55,000-person workforce delivers a remarkable $13 billion in annual output.

The HIA-LI is here to amplify your voice, your impact, and your market reach. And as time moves forward, it is vital for the Long Island businesses to follow suit. In both being visible and prominent-and to let the community know you’re open for business. The HIA-LI’s resources serve as an important lifeline for the Long Island business community to connect and grow

The HIA-LI has also taken this opportunity to continue to ask our fellow members and the LI Business Community what they believe is needed most. We have reinvented the organization to best fit the current and future needs of our community.

Th HIA-LI strives to continue in allowing to help champion the full on-going growth of the Long Island business sector. Through teamwork, dedication, and commitment, let’s work together to make our region stronger each day.

Happiest of Holidays to our partners in Business and the Long Island Community,

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 5
Dear Valued Long Island Business Leader:
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 6
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 7 $35 SUPPORTS A HOLIDAY MEAL FOR A FAMILY IN NEED. Scan to contribute today! For mor e inf or mation: 631-873-4775 | 516-294-8528 | ww w.isl andhar ves t .or g  Donate: A Turkey, Ham or Chicken Holiday “Trimmings”/Non-Perishable Food Personal Care Items Grocery Gift Cards
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 8
This November, Terri Alessi-Miceli, President & CEO of the HIA-LI was a guest speaker for The Association of Fundraising Professionals, Long Island Chapter’s fundraising forum to discuss the importance and value of philanthropy and networking in today’s climate. We would like to thank fellow Long Island Leaders such as John Durso, President of the Long Island Federation of Labor, Elisa DiStefano, Senior Lifestyle Host, Newsday Media Group, Beth Fetner, Senior Vice President of Development at the Sunrise Association, and Marian Conway, Ph.D., Executive Director at NY Community Bank Foundation for joining as fellow speakers. We would also like to thank Paule Pachter, President & Chief Executive Officer of Long Island Cares and fellow HIA-LI board member for joining in for this wonderful event and for the strength built within our community. The HIA-LI was happy to spend Veteran’s Day afternoon helping Long Island Cares, Inc | The Harry Chapin Food Bank in their warehouse. Thanks to LI Cares’ CEO and HIA-LI Board Member Paule Pachter and his team for showing us the amazing work they do all year round. Now, more than ever, it is important to help our neighbors in need.


December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 9
We were pleased to support one of our member companies, Pure Mammography, at the grand opening of their newest location at the Roosevelt Field Mall. We love to see businesses on Long Island continue to grow and expand. This November, we were delighted to have a tour of the revolutionary building at 410 Motor Parkway in Hauppauge. Craig Padover and Jeff Cohen of Aresco Management walked us through this contemporary, 4-story, 35,000 square foot masterpiece which essentially marks the Gateway to the LIIPH. We wish much success to this latest Aresco development and celebrate the beautiful addition to our Park.

The HIA-LI held our Annual Board Meeting Dinner and celebrated our members that have served on the Board for 20 or more years. We thank all our Board Members for their dedication, support and commitment to the HIA-LI to allow for the continuing support of both the Park and Long Island Community!

The HIA-LI was pleased to host our 28th Annual Energy & Environmental Conference where our panel of experts discussed current and future projects involving electric vehicles, heat pumps, natural gas and offshore wind, and its significance to Long Island and the region. We would like to give a special thank you to NYS Senator Mario Mattera, Carrie Meek Gallagher, Director of NYS Department of Public Service, and Patrick Halpin, Chairman of Suffolk County Water Authority for taking the time to speak to our guests. Thank you to our sponsors, special guests, and attendees for joining us as well as the Suffolk County Water Authority Education Center for hosting this event. Looking to learn more about energy initiatives on Long Island? Contact us to learn how you can join the HIA-LI’s Energy, Utility, & Infrastructure Committee.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 10 EVENT RECAP


The HIA-LI held its Annual Holiday Party to end the year off with a special seasonal celebration. We would like to give a special thank you to Marcum LLP for sponsoring as well as Patrizia’s Restaurant Group of Hauppauge for hosting our event and to all our members and guests who made this night so wonderful. See you all next year and Happy Holidays!


December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 11
held its final New & Prospective Member Information Meeting of 2022! We are thankful for all of those who came to learn more about the opportunities our organization provides and a special thank you to People’s Alliance Federal Credit Union for sponsoring. We are looking forward to what we have in store for 2023. See you all next year!

The HIA-LI hosted our most recent Industry Series “Profit Pattern: Unleashing the Profit Within Your Business” where our attendees participated in an interactive workshop led by John Mautner, Founder of Cycle of Success Institiute (COSi) and Amazon #1 best-selling author. A special thank you to Steve Tiffen, President of The Tiffen Company for hosting this program and sharing his experience and success with using John’s proven 12 step program to increase your business’ profit.

The HIA-LI was excited to exhibit at PSEG Long Island LLC Annual Energy Efficiency Conference at the Hilton Long Island. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table to chat and learn more about what we do to help support the Long Island Community.

Interested in learning more about the HIA-LI’s involvement in energy & environmental initiatives? Contact us to learn more about our Energy/Environmental/Infrastructure Committee!

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 12
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 13 160 Adams Ave 160 Adams Ave Hauppauge, NY 11788 Hauppauge, NY 11788 YOUR AD HERE To advertise in this newspaper please contact: Anthony Forgione at (631) 543-5355 or aforgione@hia-li.org

225 Wireless Blvd. Suite 101, Hauppauge, NY 11788 Tel: (631) 543-5355 · info@hia-li.org · www.hia-li.org


Programs Hosted & Moderated By:


John Miller President & CEO Guide Dog Foundation

An exclusive, invite-only forum open ONLY to CEOs/Presidents of organizations with 10 + employees - NOT just another networking group A comfortable environment for decision-makers to discuss issues only CEOs can understand - without being pressured for business Collaborate with fellow elite business leaders and directly interact with elected officials and other influencers on policy issues

Partial List of 2021 Speakers:

Kathy Hochul NYS Governor Eugene Sayan Founder & CEO of Softheon Dr. Patrick O'Shaughnessy President of Catholic Health Andrew Garbarino NYS Congressman
Campolo Managing Partner Campolo, Middleton & McCormick


CN Guidance began exactly 50 years ago to address the mental health of central Nassau County residents. Born as “East Plains Mental Health Services,” our nonprofit was built by people passionate about treating mental health crises and improving quality of life for struggling individuals, families, and communities.

We continue that work today.

Today, we serve more people; reach a wider geography; use mobile services and telehealth to find and help people previously unserved; treat mental health, addiction, and physical health together; and use more data and partnerships to improve health outcomes.

I joined CN Guidance in 2013 (after leading HIV and domestic violence services), committed to nurturing teams—and visioning new systems—to address mental health, addiction, and serviceaccess among LI’s most vulnerable people.


A turning point for me was joining CN Guidance, which opened my eyes widely to the many obstacles and opportunities to creating a better behavioral health system for all Long Islanders. I gained awareness, focus, vision, and resolve.

A turning point for the agency was in 2017 when CN Guidance was designated by state and federal authorities to become the first Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) on Long Island. As part of a 2-year, innovative demonstration pilot project available in only eight states, we began gathering and using data in new, catalytic ways, while achieving escalating standards of care, increasing same-day access to treatment, and measurably improving health outcomes.

This has since become a national model, with over 450 CCBHCs across the country.


Our philosophy at CN Guidance & Counseling Services is: We believe in the ability of every individual to recover. This shared belief is a part of each person’s (and each family’s) healing process.

We also believe that while our clinicians are experts in a wide toolkit of state-of-the-art therapy, medication, and other treatments, our clients – those who come to us for help (or who invite us into their homes) – are respected experts in their own lived experiences, obstacles, goals, dreams, and fears. Part of our work together is to help them recognize and access the many strengths they embody.

My life and leadership philosophy is: Start with a vision—you don’t need to pre-know every step of the journey to arrive at a higher state-of-being.


CN Guidance is a leader in the field of mental health and substance use services.

We are known for our innovative spirit/accomplishments and for partnering with others, including, for example, our joint Project Connect with Northwell, which meets individuals and families in emergency rooms after a drug overdose and gets them instantly connected to treatment and resources—with long-term success.

Our programs touch just under 25,000 people/yr affected by mental health or substance use disorders; we successfully reduce emergency room and inpatient usage (e.g., our clinic’s patients are 23% below the State average for high-utilization-of-hospitalservices). We outperform the state benchmark of people returning to hospitals within 30 days of being discharged (CN Guidance’s 16% re-admission rate vs. the State’s average of 20%).


In the coming decade, I see escalating opportunities for partnerships that will re-invent the behavioral healthcare experience for so many individuals and families suffering and struggling with the current system.

We’ve already started that process. For example, where several years ago, wait times to see a mental health or substance use clinician were often measured in weeks, now—with mobile services, telehealth, and more same-day appointments at our Hicksville clinic—we can often help people within hours or 1-2 days of their outreach.

To build upon this momentum, we were authorized by NY State to plan and launch an Intensive Crisis Stabilization Center (expected to open in 2023-24), which will be an exciting and effective alternative to emergency rooms for many people facing mental health or substance use crises. Open 24/7, this new model will work alongside partners (police, hospitals, etc.) and will be staffed with clinical experts.

Stay tuned!


CN Guidance & Counseling Services pivoted in response to the pandemic in numerous ways, including by increasing our capacity to provide telehealth services (e.g., via telepsychiatry—enabling prescribers to help assure that our clients receive and do not miss needed medications).

We discovered during the pandemic and aftermath, especially over this past year, that some of our early-pandemic innovations are solid advances that we should keep and/or even expand, post-pandemic.

As just one example—with our experience showing us that people are more likely to access mental health or substance use services (and have better health outcomes) when they are given choices of in-person or telehealth services—we are about to make an investment, supported by grant funding, in installing robust telehealth kiosks in five of the group homes that we oversee across Nassau and Suffolk counties. This step will offer residents more choices—and better care.


The pandemic informed our organization’s outlook and strategy in at least three ways.

First, we need to continue emphasizing the importance of connecting youth and their families to mental health services. The CDC found that in 2021, more than a third (37%) of high school students reported they experienced poor mental health during the pandemic, and 44% reported they persistently felt sad or hopeless during the past year.

Second, after finally achieving a decline in opioid deaths in 2018 and 2019, our community/state has seen a 68% increase in opioid overdoses among NY State residents between 2019 and 2021, including many who died from fentanyl contamination of other drugs that were not opioids. For us this means: the urgency of demand for our substance-use services—including training community members in overdose reversal with naloxone/Narcan—is even higher than it was pre-pandemic.

Finally, we have prioritized being nimble and adaptable.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 15
Eyes always ahead!

Let’s Solve The Affordable Housing Crisis On Long Island

Habitat for Humanity of Long Island 643 Middle Country Road Middle Island, NY 11953 (631) 422-4828 x101 lee@habitatLINY.org Linkedin.com/in/leesilberman

Business and government leaders love to tout Long Island as a great place to live and work. With world-class beaches, wineries, two airports and close proximity to New York City via the Long Island Rail Road (soon to become easier with the completion of the Third Track project), Long Island has a lot to offer. What they leave out of their messaging is that Long Island is a great place to live “for the few that can afford it.”

The HUD definition of housing affordability is generally defined as when the occupant(s) is paying more than 30 percent of gross income for housing costs, which, for homeowners, also includes real estate taxes and homeowner’s insurance. The 30% threshold has become the standard for owner-occupied housing and it remains the indicator of affordability for housing in the United States. Keeping housing costs below 30% of income is intended to ensure that households have enough money to pay for other nondiscretionary costs; therefore, policymakers consider households spending more than 30% of income on housing costs to be housing costburdened. On Long Island, 50% of all families fall into this category. An astonishing 20% — one in five — of all families on Long Island spend more than 50% of their income on housing.

Being housing cost-burdened has negative effects on

a household’s financial stability, physical and mental health and education. High housing-related costs place an economic burden on low-income families, forcing tradeoffs between food, healthcare and other basic needs. On average, families in stable and affordable housing have 18% fewer emergency room visits, 20% more primary care visits, and — for low-income families — lower Medicaid expenditures. Students living in stable home environments have higher math and reading test scores, better physical and emotional health, as well as higher attendance and graduation rates.

Financially, the benefits of homeownership are staggering. U.S. homeowners have an average net wealth 400% higher than that of renters with similar demographics and earnings. Research has shown a correlation between homeownership and increased wealth, with each year of homeownership tending to be associated with an average additional $9,500 in wealth.

Homeownership rates are also good for the community. According to a 2016 study conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, “a relatively high level of homeownership is indeed an important factor in fostering neighborhood stability, a different phenomenon — a growing number of single-family homes purchased by absentee investors — should be a source of considerable concern to those who care about the future of middle neighborhoods.” Homeowners are more likely to vote in local elections and are 1.3 times more likely to become involved in a neighborhood group or join a civic association.

Each year, Nassau and Suffolk counties seize dozens of parcels by tax default. Currently, both counties sell the great preponderance of these properties at auction to the highest bidder.

While it’s understandable that cash-strapped counties would want to quickly replenish their revenue through such auctions, I would argue that this approach –especially when it occurs with a property located in a lower-income census tract, is “penny wise and pound foolish.” Unfortunately, when the counties auction off land or property in a lower-income census tract, this property will typically be bought by an investor and will result in an absentee landlord situation at best and a drug den at worst. This does not help the local community and actually tends to accelerate deterioration of the neighborhood.

What Can Be Done

In my view, what’s needed – and what I’m lobbying the legislatures for -- is a change in the dynamics. In low and moderate income neighborhoods, all residential properties seized by tax deed should be offered to the local municipality or Community Development Association in order to be developed for affordable housing under the provisions of the New York State 72-h statute. Only those properties that the municipality – in partnership with eligible non-profit developers – do not think can or should be developed (for whatever reasons) would be allowed to go to auction.

I am happy to say that this proposal has been well received by a few legislators on both sides of the aisle. However, it will take the support and advocacy of the residents of low and moderate income neighborhoods to encourage their legislators to do what is right and to make a real commitment to addressing the affordable housing crisis, while at the same time improving neighborhoods throughout Long Island.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 16
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 17 Want to learn more? www.farrellfritz.com Year-End Is Rapidly Approaching: Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date? With more than twenty attorneys exclusively dedicated and focused in Trusts & Estates, Farrell Fritz is on the forefront of these issues helping clients navigate the road ahead. 400 RXR Plaza, Uniondale, NY 11556 I 516.227.0700 I www.f arrellfritz.com Albany I Hauppauge I New York City I Water Mill Attorney Advertising

The HIA-LI was pleased to host our 12th Annual Women’s Leadership Executive Program this November where we heard from a panel of inspirational women leaders in the Long Island business community. Thank you to all who took the time to join us including our panel, special guests, HIA-LI board of directors’, sponsors, and vendors. A special thank you to Hope Knight, President, CEO & Commissioner of Empire State Development for joining us to make opening remarks.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 18
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 19

2023 Editorial Calendar

January 2023: 2022 Long Island Forecast

Industry List: Financial Services & Insurance Companies

Ad Deadline: Friday, Jan. 6th

February 2023: The Economic Forecast for Long Island Business Industry List: Accounting, Banks & credit Unions

Ad Deadline: Friday, Feb. 3rd

March 2023: Long Island Tradable Sectors


Industry List: Manufacturing & Distribution Ad Deadline: Friday, March 3rd

April 2023: Doing Business In The Long Island

Innovation Park

Industry List: Manufacturing & Distribution Ad Deadline: Friday, April 7th

May 2023: Doing Business At The Largest B2B

Trade Show

Industry List: Law/Legal Services & Consulting Services

Ad Deadline: Friday, May 5th

June & July 2023: What to do on Long Island, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Annual Golf Outing Industry List: Educational, Institutions, Staffing, Workforce Development, Event Planning, Hospitality, Restaurants

Ad Deadline: Friday, July 7th

August 2023: Innovative Trends in Technology Industry List: Info Services & IT Services Ad Deadline: Friday, August 4th

September 2023: Honoring Long Island Business Excellence Industry List: Not-for-Profit, Health & Wellness

Ad Deadline: Friday, Sept. 1st

October 2023: The Future of Energy Industry List: Energy, Environmental & Engineering Ad Deadline: Friday, October 6th

November / December 2023: Women in Leadership on LI, HIA-LI 45th Anniversary Industry List: Advertising Agencies, Marketing & PR Firms Ad Deadline: Friday, Dec. 1st

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 20
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 21 631-773-4791 1219 Walt Whitman Rd Melville, NY, 11747 www.centraldigitalsolutions.com taquilino@centraldigitalsolutions.com Call us today to see a full demonstration in our state of the art showroom and compare the latest in Best-in-Class Technology. PRODUCTION PRINT BEST-IN-CLASS AWARD WINNING PARTNERS Central’s partnerships with the biggest names in production print ensures an unbiased and completely customizable approach in matching the best solutions to your needs. With the expertise and world-class service delivery to match, look no further than Central. Tom Aquilino 5 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10001 Since 1948





Honoring distinguished Long Island executives & business leaders

[ ]January 13

[ ]February 15

[ ]March 21

[ ]April 18

[ ]June 8

[ ]July 17

[ ]September 21

[ ]October 13

[ ]October 27

[ ]November 17

[ ]December 7

HIA-LI 45th Annual Meeting & Legislative Program -Radisson, Hauppauge

HIA-LI 29th Annual LI Economic Summit -Hamlet Golf & Country Club, Commack

HIA-LI Economic Development in the Town of Islip - LI MacArthur Airport

HIA-LI WHy Do Business in the Largest Innovation Park in the Northeast?

HIA-LI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program

HIA-LI 44th Annual Golf Outing - Nissequoge Golf Club, St James

HIA-LI 29th Annual Business Achievement Awards Gala - Crest Hollow, Woodbury Workforce Development Conference & Young Professional Scholarship Program -Farmingdale College

HIA-LI 15th Annual Energy & Environmental Update

HIA-LI 13th Annual Women's Leadership Executive Program

HIA-LI 45th Anniversary Celebration


Complimentary educational programming highlighting specific industries/executives

[ ]February 2

[ ]April 5 - Grassi Construction Survey

[ ]September 7 - Executive Insight Ft Small Business Owners

[ ]December 14


Long Island's largest B2B Trade Show - make connections & close deals at one conference! [ ] May 10 [ ] May 25 [ ] May 25

HIA-LI Pre-Trade Show Networking Event

HIA-LI 35th Annual Business Trade Show & Conference HIA-LI 35th Annual Business Trade Show: Executive Program


Get to know HIA-LI! Learn about our organization, get involved & meet other HIA-LI members!

[ ]February 10 [ ]April 21 [ ]June 9 [ ]August 17 [ ]October 20 [ ]December 9


Complimentary networking with the HIA-LI business community and highlight of new HIA-LI members [ ] January 25 Patrizia's [ ] March 15 [ ] September 13 T.O.A. Asian Fusion [ ] November 9


Programming designed by the HIA-LI Small Business Task Force to help small businesses thrive in a competitive economy . [ ] February [ ] June [ ] September 12 [ ] November 7


Connect with the business community at unique Long Island venues [ ] August 10 Networking Boat Cruse & Networking at Lala's Lounge in Bayshore


December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 22

Sasserath & Co. is a boutique firm that focuses on sophisticated and technical tax and accounting for closely-held businesses, private equity services, mergers and acquisitions, and international tax services. In addition, we offer private client services to manage high-net-worth clients’ needs, including tax, estate, and financial planning

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December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 24 We are proud and grateful that Vice President of Development Jimmy Coughlan has been included in HIA-LI’s Those Who Make a Difference Celebration HAVE FUN \ WIN \ BE NICE www.tritecre.com


HIA-LI’s Technology for Business Committee met to discuss merging business goals and technology through integration, conference tech, virtual reality and much more. Our attendees were able to get a hands-on tour of Bri-Tech’s facility and all they have to offer. A special thank you to all who ended and Bri-Tech for hosting this November’s meeting.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 25
Our Business Acceleration Committee had the pleasure of participating in an interactive workshop led by Michael Frenda of Dale Carnegie. Our committee learned effective ways to increase sales and relationship building skills. Thank you to all who attended and a special thank you to Dale Carnegie for hosting us. Interested in getting involved in our many committees? contact us at 631-543-5355 for more info!


The HIA-LI’s Manufacturing & International Trade Committee met yesterday to hear from New York State Department of Labor’s Joan Flynn on the many programs and resources they are offering to assist businesses with their hiring process and other job-related issues. A special thank you to our committee sponsor Bob Isaksen of Bank of America & HIA-LI Board Member for joining us to speak with our committee. Interested in getting involved in our committees? Contact us to learn more!

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 26
The HIA-LI’s Education/Workforce Development Committee met to learn about career opportunities in aviation. Thank you to our incredible guest speakers Professor Meron Lindenfeld, Ed.D. of Farmingdale State College Aviation Department, and Air Traffic Controller Tiffany King.


December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 27
HIA-LI’s Membership Committee Meeting met for their final meeting of the year where HIA-LI President & CEO Terri Alessi-Miceli spoke with the committee about exciting new initiatives and plans for 2023. Thank you to our committee co-chairs Mark Businski and Lisa Mitnick for coordinating and a special thank you to VOXX International Corporation for hosting! HIA-LI’s HYPE Committee met for a HYPE-sgiving celebration at Fire Island Vines in Bayshore. Thank you to all who joined us for an evening of good conversing and networking.

Kilfinane Environmental Consultants

110 Bayview Avenue Northport, NY 11768 631-748-6885

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There are still a good number of people who are unhappy--or unwilling--to go back to their workplace due to fear of Covid. Some have medical vulnerabilities. Others have their own individual reasons.

Another large group of workers are emotionally “done” with the whole pandemic and want to move on and leave it behind as a bad memory. Unfortunately, there are new variants developing that so far have been less lethal but are more transmissible, so people continue to get sick. And we have learned that vaccines prevent neither infection nor transmission with the post-Omicron variants.

What can businesses and building owners do to make their facilities safer from Covid, and to give the vulnerable and fearful some peace of mind?

Very few know that scientists now believe that over 95% of all Covid infections are transmitted through indoor air. Not through outdoor air where germs get dispersed very quickly, or from touching surfaces and then touching your face. When SARS CoV-2 was new, we “learned” a lot of things that turned out to be inaccurate. In the rush to “just do something,” we did a lot of useless and sometimes counterproductive things. Now that we know better, we need to implement what really works.

Indoor air becomes contaminated when sick people inside sneeze, cough, talk--even when they just breathe. Large droplets quickly fall out of the air due to gravity, but the latest research tells us that

tiny aerosolized droplets that carry germs can remain suspended in indoor air for 8 hours or more.

If the concentration of aerosolized droplets carrying a given pathogen is high enough to cause infection, masks and social distancing will not protect you. You still need to breathe, and these tiny droplets are so small they pass right through and around paper and cloth masks. M95 masks are better, but to be effective, they are meant to be properly fitted and changed every hour or so. This is what asbestos workers are required to do. As a practical matter, almost no one is doing this in office or school settings.

When people look to address indoor air quality, the automatically think of their HVAC system, which makes sense since these are designed to manage the temperature and humidity of your building’s air. And with proper filters they can keep much of the harmful particulate matter in the outdoor air from coming inside.

A properly functioning HVAC system dilutes the concentration of pathogens in the indoor air, but it doesn’t destroy them. And the airborne pathogens that cause Covid, colds, flu, strep, TB, and many other diseases are not coming in from outside. As mentioned earlier, they are generated by sick people inside the building. So additional filters and air treatments in the vents are irrelevant for fighting airborne diseases.

One sick person shedding Covid or other diseases can easily overwhelm the ability of an HVAC system to dilute the concentration of pathogens in a room. That’s why “bugs” have always run through offices, schools, and other buildings—since well before Covid.

So in order to be effective, a solution needs to work inside your building, in the rooms where people congregate. Just as importantly, the solution needs to be safe—and this is where things get tricky.

Recall that early in the pandemic we saw lots of ads with photos of men in full hazmat suits with gas masks on spraying down chairs, desks, curtains, and carpets with hazardous disinfection

chemicals. Thankfully we are past all that.

But another dangerous “additive” process has persisted. Independent testing tells us that charged ion technology is not effective, and it also creates new and harmful chemicals in our air, some of which are carcinogenic. “Charged ion” technology is sold under a myriad of names such as bipolar ionization, electrostatic spraying, photocatalytic oxidation, hydroxy air cleaning, plasma ionization, etc. They are all dangerous and should be avoided.

CDC, NIH, EPA, and the other federal agencies have taken a hands-off approach, simply stating that there is no evidence that charged ion technology works, so caveat emptor, do your own research. Fortunately, the NY State Department of Education and Department of Health have taken a more proactive stand. Early this year they sent a letter to every public school in the state, advising them NOT to use the charged ion technology products for safety reasons.

What we recommend is a solution that adds nothing new (or harmful) to your indoor air. It is accepted and recommended by the federal agencies as well as NY and most other state agencies. Upper room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation, or upper room UVGI, has been used to fight TB in hospitals around the world for decades, and has also been used in schools and other settings. It is both safe and effective. SHIELDED UVGI is a recent innovation that is even safer and preferable in most settings. Independent research confirms it works against Covid.

Indoor air hygiene is truly a wave of the future. Just as water hygiene improved health, increased longevity, and enriched quality of life in the last century, indoor air hygiene will do the same going forward. Fighting Covid--as well as colds, flu, strep, TB, and other airborne diseases—is the smart thing to do. It will attract people back into your building, cut down on absenteeism, and reduce healthcare costs.

If you’d like to learn more, please contact us.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 28
Indoor Air Quality Is A Wave
Attract People Back Into Your Building And Keep Them Healthy Discover The way up® at CNB.com. City National Bank Member FDIC. City National Bank is a subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada. ©2020 City National Bank. All Rights Reserved. City National® proudly supports Hauppauge Industrial Association Long Island. For more information about City National Bank’s Commercial Banking services, please contact Cristina Givelechian at (516) 370-7104 WE MAKE IT OUR BUSINESS TO BE PERSONAL. 249352-05
Of The Future
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 29 proudly sponsors and supports the HIA-LI’S 12TH ANNUAL WOMEN EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Committee Chairs
Kathleen Deegan Dickson
Mary E. Mongioi
Andrea Tsoukalas Curto
Judy L. Simoncic Partner
women’s initiative committee

The Holidays Bring Out The Best In Long Islanders

Long Island Cares, Inc.

The Harry Chapin Regional Food Bank 10 Davids Drive – Harry Chapin Way Hauppauge, New York 11788

Office: 631.582.3663 x 101 www.licares.org

Food banks, soup kitchens and emergency food pantries across the country are engaged in what has always been the busiest time of the year as we respond to the needs for Thanksgiving, and Christmas and other December holidays. This is the time of year when many individuals and businesses on Long Island are thinking about ways to help those in need, donate to their favorite charities, and are generally in a giving spirit. There are literally thousands of nonprofit charitable organizations throughout Long Island that are well deserving of your support, and I hope that as you read this column, you’ll think about supporting those causes that are near and dear to you and your family by volunteering your time, attending a special event, or even making a year-end donation. While inflation and the high cost of goods are impacting most families on Long Island, it shouldn’t stop us from giving what we can afford to help our neighbors in need.

With unemployment at its lowest levels in decades, more people are finding employment and have

improved their ability to be more self-sufficient. Though others have decided to move out of our region. What we do know is that some of our local pantries and soup kitchens continue to report an increase in the number of people coming to them for emergency food or a healthy meal, and that the number of people accessing Long Island Cares’ six community-based satellite locations have seen an increase of more than 50% of people receiving emergency food through the regional food bank’s hunger assistance and humanitarian service centers. We also see increases in the number of seniors participating in the Meals on Wheels program, and our own Mobile School Pantry program that provides weekend food for children in the Brentwood School District and the Riverhead School District. The need on Long Island is increasing and we are also seeing more frequent visits to our pantries and soup kitchens, and concern for families to share in the offerings of the holidays remains the same for those donors

willing to help.

There are too many children, seniors, Veterans, homeless, disabled, immigrants, and others living in poverty and even 200% above poverty in our region, and many of them deserve your support this holiday season and throughout the year. Long Islanders have a very rich history of giving. This was very clear in 1980 when Harry Chapin founded Long Island Cares as the first food bank in our region, and it continues today, forty-two years later when private donations to our organization account for a significant percentage of our annual budget.

So, will you help provide a holiday meal to our neighbors in need this year? Of course you will, and you can do it by visiting your local food pantry, soup kitchen, senior center, Head Start program, mental health treatment program, Veterans Services agency, LGBTQ program, drug treatment and rehabilitation program, day care center, disabilities day habilitation program, special education school, or going online to: www.unitedwayli.org, www. guidestar.org, www.charitynavigator.org, which is also where you can find more information about our local nonprofit charities, including Long Island Cares-The Harry Chapin Food Bank. Let’s make the holidays happy for our families, and another family who might be in need. The holiday spirit brings out the best in Long Islanders.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 30
The Administrative Assistant, Sales and Marketing role is an entrylevel position that will afford the employee the opportunity to gain experience in multiple aspects of sales and marketing in a B2B and B2C business environment. The role is designed to “fill gaps” as needed across multiple functions in the Sales and Marketing department. Reporting directly to the Chief Commercial Officer, this role will provide access to high-level management where strong performers will be well-positioned for growth opportunities within the company. Initial Daily Responsibilities Initial daily responsibilities will be split between eCommerce and Customer Care roles. eCommerce platform maintenance: • Add product listings • Upload product photos • Format copy • Build Fulfilled-By-Amazon (FBA) shipments and/or Fulfilled-ByMerchant (FBM) shipments • Create listing variations • Act as a liaison between the eCommerce team and warehouse staff to ensure shipments are processed accurately and in a timely manner • Ingredient sales customer care: • Purchase Order entry • Product sample preparation and shipment • Response to customer document requests and queries Qualifications
Skills • Must be open to changes in role and daily activities on short notice. • Undergraduate degree required • Major in marketing a plus • Experience with Microsoft office applications • Knowledge of Google Docs, Smartsheet • Knowledge of Amazon Seller Central is a plus. Salary & Benefits • Annual salary is $40,000 JOB OPENING: Administrative Assistant, Sales and Marketing
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 31 THERE ARE MANY FACES OF HUNGER Working people, children, seniors, and veterans. • GET HELP • GIVE BACK • GET INVOLVED www.licares.org | 631.582.FOOD (3663) They have dreams just like you. But instead of vacations and adventures, they dream of food. In 2021, with your help, we assisted over 230,000 people within the Long Island Cares® network, but the level of hunger in our community remains high. Your generosity makes all the difference.
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 32

Through a unique partnership with the Miller Business Center, HIA-LI members receive access to extensive and specialized business resources as well as personalized business research and reference assistance. For more information, please contact Anthony Forgione at aforgione@hia-li.org.

















































December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 33
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 34 DECEMBER’S INDUSTRY LIST: ADVERTISING AGENCIES, MARKETING & PR FIRMS ADVERTISING AGENCIES, MARKETING & PR FIRMS INDUSTRY LISTS ADVERTISING AGENCIES, MARKETING & PR FIRMS ADVERTISE YOUR INDUSTRY! To advertise in this section contact Anthony Forgione at aforgione@hia-li.org 71 VISUALS Craig Geiger | Principal CEO (631) 532-6146 | craig@71visuals.com A.I. DIGITAL Stephen Magli | President (516) 816-8519 | Stephen@aidigital.io ACTIVE WEB GROUP INC. Michele Gray | Chief Operating Officer (800) 978-3417 | mgray@activewebgroup.com ALL ISLAND MEDIA / PS DIGITAL Carmella Fazio | Sr. Marketing Consultant (631)-297-9011 | carmella.fazio@allislandmedia.com AUDACY Mark Businski | Director, Strategic Partnerships, Local Integrated Solutions (212) 315-7083 | Mark.Businski@entercom.com BOB GIGLIONE PHOTOGRAPHY Bob Giglione | Owner (516) 848-9600 | bobgiglionephotography@outlook.com BRAINSTORM STUDIO John McHugh | President 631-367-1000 X1001 | john@brainstormstudio.com DIDIT Todd Matises | Sales Executive (516) 629-3354 | todd.matises@didit.com EGC GROUP Ernie Canadeo | CEO and Founder 516-935-4944 | ernie@egcgroup.com ELLA INTERACTIVE Jake Sheets | (631) 250-2905 | support@ellainteractive.com GVP DIGITAL MEDIA GROUP Rick Ammirati | Vice President | rick@gvpdigitalmedia.com KSRYAN GROUP LLC Kevin Ryan | Principal & Lead Consultant (646) 801-4680 | kevin@ksryangroup.com LORRAINE GREGORY COMMUNICATIONS Gregory Demetriou | President (631) 694-1500 | greg@lgcli.com M AND M SOCIAL MEDIA LLC Suzanne Breit | Owner (631) 265-6289 | Jasonm@mnmsocialmedia.com MARK GROSSMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Mark Grossman | President (631) 786-0404 | mark@markgrossmanPR.com NATIONAL BUSINESS CAPITAL & SERVICES, INC Joseph Camberato | President & Co-Founder (877) 482-3008 | kmarino@national.biz PENNYLANE PRODUCTIONS Adam Forgione | Founder & CEO (631) 486-2881 | adam@plvisuals.com
THE FIELD MARKETING, INC. Theresa Cuttitta | Vice President, Account Services 631-961-1203 | theresac@thefieldinc.com THE HERALD COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS/RICHNER LIVE Amy Amato | 5165694000 | aamato@liherald.com THE MARKETING GIG Jean Derespina | President 631-358-4370 | jean@themarketinggig.com VERTIGO MEDIA GROUP Lisa Vertigo | President (516) 882-5030 | lisa@vertigomediagrp.com ZE CREATIVE COMMUNICATIONS David Chauvin | Executive Vice President (516) 829-8374 | dchauvin@zeccmail.com WONDER INTEGRATED GROUP Charlotte White | CEO 646 236 1571 | charlotte@wonderingroup.com
PRIMEDIA, INC. Richard Rutigliano | President/CEO (516) 222-2041 | rrutigliano@primediany.com TELESTORY PICTURES, LLC Michael Mills | Executive Producer (631) 343-6634 | info@telestorypictures.com
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 35 DECEMBER’S INDUSTRY LIST: ADVERTISING AGENCIES, MARKETING & PR FIRMS HIA-LI Committees: Join an HIA-LI Committee & Get Involved Today! HIA-LI’s pro-active committees provide the opportunity for you to share information, network, and work on projects. If you or other members of your company would like to “Make a Difference”, you are invited to join one or more of our active committees! For more information, please viisit our website www.hia-li.org or call the HIA-LI office at (631) 543-5355. Promote your products and sevices to over 8,500 HIA-LI members in digital. For more information on advertising opportunities, contact HIA-LI at 631-543-5355 » AFFORDABLE RATES & FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS » MAILED & EMAILED TO LONG ISLAND BUSINESSES ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS CARD

Maximizing The Probability Of A Safe Shipment Delivery

Schooley Mitchell


kate.lumetta@schooleymitchell.com www.schooleymitchell.com/klumetta

Anyone who has ever packaged an item for shipping has had the same thought at least once; I hope this doesn’t break before it gets there. When you’re shipping small packages to customers on a regular basis, it becomes less of a fear and more of an inevitability.

The shipping industry has thousands of moving parts and facets, and it’s impossible to guarantee the safety of items flying across the globe. No one likes to receive a call from a customer informing them that their product was smashed before it even got to them – it simply happens. However, what you can do before you send the product off can make a big difference in how often you get that phone call.

Packing, wrapping, and marking

When you’re packaging an item, you can generally split your packaging into three different categories: outer packaging, packaging material, and special markings. Fragile items should use outer packaging consisting of a rigid, good quality, corrugated cardboard box along with reinforced tape on all seams. They should be packed with bubble wrap, tissue paper or newspaper, and they should be clearly marked with the word “FRAGILE” on the tope and on one side.

All major carriers will have shipping guidelines and suggestions for how to package and wrap items on their website. While these suggestions don’t guarantee the safe delivery of your items, they’re worth following to better your chances.

You should also use “fresh” boxes whenever possible. According to UPS, the more times a box is used, the more it loses out on its “original protective qualities.” A used box might not adequately protect your product.


If you’re shipping the same type of item regularly, it’s time to conduct the drop test.

A drop test consists of packaging up your product, then dropping it to see what, if any, damage has been done to the product. The drop needs to be made from a realistic and significant heigh – at least four feet. You should also drop the box on the seams and corners as opposed to just the sides.

With thorough testing, you can ship your products with a good idea of what kind of punishment they can take. If your product is damaged in the drop test, then it has not been adequately packaged and you need to reconsider your method and materials.

A drop test is especially important if you’re shipping fragile electronics or liquids that could leak in transit. Slips, falls, shifting packages, and careless handlers are all possibilities, so it’s important to make sure your package can take some light abuse without harming the product inside.

Shipper’s responsibility

According to section 1.4 of the United States Postal Service Basic Standards For All Mailing Services, “it is the mailer’s responsibility to refrain from depositing nonmailable matter in the mail.”

In other words, if you’re shipping packages, you can’t send anything illegal and you must comply with applicable postal laws and regulations governing mailability and preparation.

These are several different categories and types of items that have their own shipping standards, such as high-density items, aerosols, perishables, and biological materials. If you’re not sure on the shipping standards for something you need to mail, it’s always worth looking up before getting yourself in trouble.

Best practices

Some things are just more likely to break than others. Liquid containers and glass are always risky to ship, but there are a few things you can do on top of proper packaging that can help make a difference:

• When shipping bottles containing liquid, ensure they’re standing upright, marked with “THIS SIDE UP,” and the inner packaging can contain any leaks.

• When shipping anything with glass panes, such as framed photos or mirrors, apply masking tape in a crisscross pattern across the surface to reduce the chance of cracking.

• Enclose an extra label with address and phone number for both the shipper and recipient inside the package before shipping it.


Expedited shipping is a technological miracle, but at the end of the day, things are still going to break. It’s the price we pay for being able to ship an item across the globe in 1-3 business days.

By ensuring you’re following packaging guidelines, testing your packaging thoroughly and taking extra precautionary steps for particularly fragile items, you can keep your packages safe and avoid that angry customer phone call.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 36 631-543-5355 or visit our website www.hia-li.org keepingcurrent


Axe Creatives, Inc.

Anthony Catanzaro

140 Adams Ave B10

Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631)-858-9210 https://axecreatives.com

AXE Creatives, Inc. is a full-service managed Information Technology company located in Hauppauge, NY.

Founded in 1988, we have been supporting our clients and helping them use technology to its fullest for many decades.

We are a direct to Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider and one of the leading providers of Microsoft Office 365, Email, and Azure Cloud Solutions.

AXE Creatives, Inc. is an authorized partner for Hewlett Packard, Dell, Lenovo, Microsoft Surface, and many other top brands and services.

Always ready to assist with any IT needs, our highly trained, in-house staff members offer personalized support at a variety of levels.

Call us today and see how we can assist you with all your technological needs.

development that has been curated throughout the company’s 20+ year operating history, characterized by sourcing deals, underwriting investment opportunities, pre-development activities, financing arrangements, construction oversight, and finally asset management. During each stage of the process, Barone implements a carefully refined strategy characterized by in-house expertise and a wide-ranging network of third-party relationships.

The Alternative Board Nassau 5 Tulip Ct. Holtsville, NY 11742 631-553-3602 https:tabli.com

Lighthouse Mission Outreach Inc 1543 Montauk Highway Bellport, NY 11713 (631) 758-7584 www.LighthouseMission.com

Lighthouse Mission is a Mobile Food Pantry & Youth Development Center that has been serving Suffolk County’s poor & underprivileged residents since 1992. From humble beginnings in one woman’s kitchen the Mission has grown to impact thousands of our neighbors in need on a weekly basis. From our North Bellport facility, the Mission’s team goes out year-round, rain or shine to bring food, clothing, and hope to the most vulnerable members of our Long Island community. Our commitment is to serve the poor at their point of need, with a special focus on individuals and families facing situations of poverty, food insecurity, or homelessness.

Rapidly changing market conditions force companies to quickly update traditional day-to-day operations. In today’s environment, you have to be fast and nimble in order to seize opportunities, rise above challenges and respond to changing times.

The Alternative Board™ helps business owners and leaders confidently see new opportunities and achieve their strategic goals. We offer busy entrepreneurs a powerful, streamlined program that includes peer advisory boards, one-on-one coaching, workshops, expert speakers, robust business tools, and invaluable TAB connections.

You don’t have to go it alone when you’re faced with important and complex decisions. Experience tight-knit relationships with other business leaders who expertly guide you, challenge you to think critically — and who genuinely care.

Barone Management

Michael Monitto

Development Associate

1044 Northern Blvd., Suite 305, Roslyn, NY 11576 (646) 476-9228 https://www.baronemanagement.com/

Barone management is a dual platform construction and development firm operating in the new york city metropolitan market.

Founded in 1999, we are a Real Estate Development & Construction Firm operating in the New York City Metro market. With separate but complimentary divisions dedicated to developing our own real estate holdings, we have found a unique niche in the highly competitive NYC marketplace, allowing for an impressive track record, with a prestigious list of partners and projects. A dedicated approach focused on acquiring premium real estate, coupled with a commitment to a value-add business plan rooted in the ability to construct our own projects, has yielded a solid portfolio of NYC assets in the hospitality, multifamily, office and industrial sectors. As of mid-year 2022, we have over 2 million square feet of projects that are completed or under development.

As its primary objective, Barone seeks to achieve high yield opportunistic rates of return for its principals and investors, as opposed to more risk-averse “core” investment opportunities. It endeavors to accomplish this by leveraging a six-stage approach to real estate

The Mission currently operates weekly Food Distribution programs that bring fresh produce and other food staples to 10 communities across the Suffolk County area, with a combined impact of 2,300 Long Islanders every week. It also hosts afterschool and weekend programming (including outdoor adventures like mountain biking and kayaking) for underprivileged & at-risk children and teens in surrounding communities. All Lighthouse Mission programs are offered free-ofcharge to local families in need.

Donations of food, clothing, and funds are always welcome, as the Mission operates entirely on support from the local community. We also welcome volunteers to help our warehouse and food distribution teams. Lighthouse Mission’s offices are open Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Donations may be made in person or online via the Mission’s website.

Total Orthodontics and Sports Medicine 115 Eileen Way Syosset NY 11791 516-795-3033 www.totalorthosportsmed.com/

Total Orthopedics and Sports Medicine are leaders in Long Island based orthopedic care. We are experts at “Getting You Back to You” no matter what your activities or source of pain. Whether you have a sports related injury such as a simple sprain, an age- related ailment such as the need for a joint replacement, or something far more complex, our award-winning orthopedic team can effectively diagnose and treat your injury. We offer several convenient locations throughout Long Island and the NY metropolitan area.

We also offer immediate orthopedic care. Total Ortho Express is a state-of-the-art orthopedic immediate care located in Syosset, Massapequa and Deer Park. It was developed out of the need for patients with orthopedic injuries to be able to access extraordinary orthopedicspecific care from highly awarded specialists and surgeons instead of waiting in an emergency room or a general urgent care. We are open 7 days a week with extended hours so that our patients have more convenient access to the care they need.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 37
COMPLIMENTARY EXPOSURE FOR YOUR COMPANY! New Member Profiles are complimentary to all new HIA-LI Members - It provides you with an opportunity to intriduce yourself to the Long Island business community and advertise your products and services! For more information or to submit a New Member Profile, contact HIA-LI at 631-543-5355.



Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP (“FDT”) announced today the launch of a Condemnation practice group. Condemnation, or eminent domain, is the taking of private property by the government for public purposes. The practice group handles proceedings on behalf of clients with any interest in the property taken. The Condemnation practice group is chaired by Jason M. Penighetti, a partner and also a member of the firm’s Tax Certiorari practice group. Mr. Penighetti is a seasoned commercial property tax and condemnation attorney, author and speaker on issues pertaining to this area of law. He has obtained millions of dollars on behalf of clients throughout New York State.

Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP (“FDT”) is pleased to announce that the firm received a regional “Best Law Firms” ranking. FDT has been ranked a Tier 1 firm on Long Island in Litigation – Labor & Employment. Firms included in the 2023 U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” list are recognized for professional excellence with impressive ratings from clients and peers. Achieving a tiered ranking indicates a unique combination of quality law practice and breadth of legal services.

Edward Gleason (resident of Garden City) joined the Real Estate Group at Certilman Balin Adler & Hyman, LLP as an Associate. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Gleason served as Authorized House Counsel for Noble Properties in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. He drafted and negotiated hundreds of new leases, amendments, and renewals with tenants ranging from mom and pops to nationally recognized companies as part of a $500 milliondollar commercial real estate portfolio.

high school students preparing to go to college. Mr. Kelley launched the East Hampton Level Playing Field Foundation (EHLPFF), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping rising juniors and seniors at East Hampton High School (EHHS) who need financial assistance for college counseling and standardized test preparation. EHLPFF also provides mentoring for students and advice for parents about the college application process and covers the costs of college visits.

Pasqualina Mirabito has joined Sasserath & Co. as Executive Assistant to Managing Partner Alan Sasserath. Pasqualina brings strong experience in office administration and as an Executive Assistant.

Christopher D. Kelley, Senior Partner, Twomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP , has formed a nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance for local

Bernard Hyman has built his career as an established authority on real estate valuation, while simultaneously managing the second largest law firm on Long Island, Certilman Balin Adler & Hyman, LLP. His dedication to his clients and his leadership has steered the firm through 34 years. Hyman serves on the Executive Committee, and will continue to do so, but now he will be stepping down as Managing Partner while he continues to concentrate on his tax certiorari clients.

Effective January, 1, 2023, Howard M. Stein, Chair of the Real Estate Group, will be the firm’s new managing partner. Stein, who has practiced at the firm his entire career and serves on the Executive Committee says, “Bunny has led our firm for over three decades. His imprint is evident on the firm’s success. I am honored that my partners feel confident in me to continue what he has created. His are big shoes to fill.”

On October 29, twenty-one teams from Long Island competed in the Tenth Annual Half Hollow Hills Invitational at Half Hollow Hills West High School in Dix Hills. The Invitational was presented by the Half Hollow Hills School District, with support from FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Long Island. This year’s winning alliance consisted of the following teams: Team #263 “Sachem Aftershock” from Sachem High School, Team #870 “Team R.I.C.E.” from Southold High School, and Team #2869 “Bethpage Regal Eagles” from Bethpage High School. The runners-up were Team #3171 “Hurricanes” from Westhampton Beach Senior High School, Team #5736 “Kingsmen” from Kings Park High School, and Team #6423 “Iron Patriots” from Ward Melville High School.

Sasserath & Co. is pleased to announce that Tracy (Rui) Gong has joined the team as a Tax Associate. She earned her MBA at Stony Brook with a concentration in Accounting and has recently passed all sections of the CPA exam. She brings strong experience to the firm, having worked in-house at NYC companies in accounting roles.

On November 5, the Village of Islandia held its annual Veterans Day ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Triangle. Mayor Allan M. Dorman, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, was joined by village board members, local war veterans and members of the Lakeland and Hauppauge Fire Departments to honor those who served and continue to serve in the armed forces.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 38
Long Island Cares, Inc. – The Harry Chapin Food Bank has received a $20,000 grant from


the Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation to feed food-insecure children when school is not in session. They are students who rely on free or reduced-price meals at their schools, but may not receive nutritious foods evenings or weekends at home. Long Island Cares’ Pack It Up for Kids program provides packages of food for six meals and two snacks. Items include juice, fruits and vegetables, shelf-stable milk, tuna, soups and small microwaveable items.

LeadingAge NY has named Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center resident Ms. Victoria Hren and Gurwin Art and Recreation Therapist Ms. Johanna Cutolo, ATR-BC, CTRS, winners in the 2022 LeadingAge New York Art Exhibit. The annual contest solicits entries throughout the state from LeadingAge New York trade association members, including residents, staff and volunteers of skilled nursing facilities, and Adult Day Health Care Council (ADHCC) members.

Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C., has announced the addition of three experienced attorneys from Levy, Stopol & Camelo, LLP. to the firm. Larry Stopol and Dianne Camelo have joined as partners in the Corporate and Securities Department while Paul Juergensen has joined as Of Counsel in the Litigation Department, as well as the Intellectual Property and Digital Media practice groups. Loretta Camelo, an experienced paralegal, has also joined the firm.

For the 16th year in a row the Art League of Long Island is pleased to offer the opportunity for High School Advanced Placement art students throughout Suffolk and Nassau counties to exhibit their work in a professional gallery setting in an exhibition entitled, “GO APE”. The exhibit will be on view in the Art League’s Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery February 4 through February 18.

Students from Mineola Middle School pose with some of the electronic devices they collected during their sixth annual eWaste Drive on October 28. They are joined by Racquel Stephenson (back row, left), Instructional Leader; Steven Benner (back row, second from left), Dean of Students; Amy Trojanowski (back row, third from left), Principal; Vincent Interrante (second from right), Robotics Club Moderator, Mineola Middle School; and Mark Santiago (back row, right), Manager, Two Brothers Scrap Metal. Two Brothers Scrap Metal donated the use of a container for Mineola Middle School’s eWaste Drive, which was held on October 28. The drive brought in 4,240 pounds of electronic waste. Residents came to the school to drop off their unwanted and unused computers, hard drives, printers, flatscreen TVs, chargers and other items.

Part One of the Art League of Long Island’s Annual Members’ Exhibition features 86 works of art created by their many talented members. Artists from all walks of life, those just beginning their journey into the visual arts and established exhibiting artists, have put their best foot forward exhibiting their artwork in mediums such as painting, drawing, collage, photography, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, fiber arts, glass art, wood, graphic art, and more.

The Art League of Long Island invites artists from Suffolk, Nassau, Brooklyn, and Queens to submit entries to the upcoming juried exhibit featuring works by artists who call the four counties of the Island home. The 61st Long Island Artists Exhibition is now a biennial exhibit and will be on view in the Art League’s spacious Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery March 4, 2023 through April 7, 2023. The deadline to submit applications is Tuesday, January 31, 2023.


Share your recent events, happenings and promotions with the Long Island business community - complimentary to all of our members. To submit content, please email them to Marketing@hia-li. org. Please make sure all press releases are a maximum of 60 words.

December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 39
December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 40 DEAL MAKERS Our Mergers and Acquisitions practice is the cornerstone of our corporate work, helping clients close billions of dollars’ worth of deals over the past 10+ years. We succeed in this area because we understand that lawyers need to be deal makers, not deal breakers. Our attorneys and in-house financial experts work to creatively keep deals moving efficiently toward closing. Westbury | Ronkonkoma | Riverhead RECOGNIZED BY FORBES AS A TOP CORPORATE LAW FIRM IN AMERICA CALL US TODAY AT 631.738.9100 OR VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.CMMLLP.COM.
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December 2022The HIA-LI Reporter Page 43
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