VOLUME 39 • ISSUE 5 • MAY 2020
Featuring Andrew Lubash, Principal of PrestigePEO
Featuring Consultants and Law Firms
News, Updates, Events, and Promotions from our member companies!
To advertise on the front cover or in this newspaper please contact: Connor Robertson at (631) 543-5355 or CRobertson@hia-li.org
President & CEO TerriPresident Alessi-Miceli Terri Alessi-Miceli (631) 543-5355
(631) 543 - 5355
Chairperson OFFICERSOf The Board Joe Campolo Chairperson of the Campolo, Middleton & Board LLP McCormick Joe738-9100 Campolo (631)
MANUFACTURING REVITILIZATION opportunities for a skilled manufacturing workforce.
Campolo, Middleton & First Vice LLP McCormick Chairperson (631) 738 - 9100 John Bauer
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Develop solutions to attract, blend and retain employees and keep youth on LI. HEALTHCARE Explore existing and emerging strategies for containing healthcare costs.
Littler Mendelson, P.C.
First Vice293-4525 Chairperson (631) John Bauer Second Vice P.C. Littler Mendelson, Chairperson (631) 293 - 4525
Carol Allen People’s Alliance Second ViceCredit Chairperson Federal Union (631) 434-3500 Carol Allen
Peopleʼs Alliance
Corporate Secretary Federal Rich Humann, P.E. Credit Union H2M Architects & (631) 434 - 3500 Engineers (631) 756-8000
INFRASTRUCTURE Identify and develop plans to address critical infrastructure needs of the Hauppauge Industrial Park that will foster the continued growth of business. ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS SUCCESS Create forums to educate and connect business growth and survival. Promote the HIA-LI Annual Trade Show and conference as a forum for important connection and discussion on economic, business, and workforce development issues. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY “GO GREEN” members. Educate and showcase environmental and energy services. VIRTUAL HIA-LI Enable our members to collaborate, connect and deliver added value by sharing knowledge with current and future members and the global world.
Corporate Secretary Treasurer Rich Humann, P.E. Anthony Manetta H2M architects + L.P. Cedar Communities, (516) 229-1168 engineers (631) 756 - 8000 DIRECTORS
Jim Treasurer Coughlan Tritec Real Estate Anthony Manetta Co., Inc. HB Solutions (631) 706-4113
(516) 762-7523
Stony Brook Univerisity Tony Borelli (631)Mutual 632-1984 Mass Financial Group Borellix396 (516)Tony 391-0300
Mass Mutual Financial Pierre Lespinasse Group Farmingdale State 391 - 0300 x396 (516) College
Linda Furey Kelly Imperial Junior Achievement of New York NYIT (516) 625-9028
(631) 348-3121
8 14 18
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 2
44-45 47
Robert Desmond Rita DiStefano AIRECO Real Estate Corp. Portnoy, Messinger, (631) 273 - 4255 Inc. Pearl & Associates, (516) 921-3400 Rita DiStefano
Portnoy, Messinger, Karen Frank Darmic Consulting Inc. Pearl, & Associates, Services Inc.- 3400 (516) 921 (516) 524-8216
Joseph Garofalo Joseph Garofalo Island Christian Church Island Church (631)Christian 822 - 3000 (631) 822-3000
Susan H. Gubing Susan H. Gubing Career Smarts Career Smarts (631) 979 - 6452 (631) 979-6452 Isaksen RichBob Isaac Bank of America Sandler Training (631) 231-3538 (631) 547 - 7450 Bob Isaksen Kent Christopher BankFarrell of America Fritz (631) 547-7450
(631) 367 - 0710
Christopher Kent David Manning Farrell Fritz, P.C. Brookhaven National (631) 367-0710
Laboratory David (631)Manning 344 - 4747
Kevin OʼConnor
Arthur Sanders Omni Funding Omni Funding (516) 697 - 3900 (516) 697-3900
Robert Quarte Robert Quarte AVZAVZ & Company P.C. & Company (631) 434-9500 (631) 434 - 9500
Ann-Marie Scheidt Ann-Marie Stony Brook Scheidt University Stony Brook University (631) 216-7605
(631) 216 - 7605
Anne ShybunkoMoore Anne Shybunko-Moore GSE Dynamics GSE Dynamics (631) 231-1044
(631) 231-1044
Chris Valsamos Castella Imports, Inc. Voltz (631)Michael 231-5500
PSEG Long Island
Michael (631) Voltz 844-3819 PSEG Long Island (631) Dr.844-3819 Elana Zolfo
Berkeley College
Dr. Elana Zolfo (631) 338-8633 Berkeley College (631) 338-8633
LIFETIME LIFETIME BOARD BOARD MEMBERS MEMBERS Jack Kulka Jack Kulka The Kulka Group Kulka Construction Corp. (631) 231-0900 (631) 231 - 0900
Brookhaven National Laboratory Maskin (631)Scott 344-4747
Allan Lippolis AllanWasher Lippolis& Superior Superior Washer & Gasket Corp. (631)Gasket 273-8282 Corp.
SUNation Solar Systems Inc. Rich Isaac (631) 750-9454
Anthony Leteri USA Waste Reduction Anthony Leteri & Recycling Co., Inc. Leteri Waste Services (631) 269-0800
SUNation Solar (631)Maskin 750 - 9454 Scott Sandler Training (631) 231- 3538
Arthur Sanders
Bridgehampton Kevin O’Connor BNBNational Bank Bank (631) 537-8826 (631) 537-8826
(631) 273 - 8282
(631) 368 - 5533
Fred Eisenbud Campolo, Middleton & Campolo, Middleton & McCormick McCormick LLPLLP ThomasJ. J. FallarinoCPA Thomas Fallarino. CPA
Richard S. Feldman, Esq. Richard S. Feldman, Rivkin Radler LLP Esq. Rivkin Radler LLP
Ernest E. Hoffman
Ernest Hoffman W & HE.Stampings W & H Stampings (Posthumously)
Howard Kipnes
CedarKipnes Knolls Inc. Howard Cedar Knolls Inc.
Nicholas M. Lacetera Nicholas M. Lacetera Peoples Alliance Federal Peoples Alliance Credit Union Federal Credit Union Ed Pruitt Ed Pruitt (Posthumously) (Posthumously) CEO CEO John Rebecchi
John Rebecchi
Disc Graphics Marci Tublisky
Norman MarciWeingart Tublisky Communications Specialist Norman Weingart
David Specialist Winchester CleanTech Rocks
David Winchester CleanTech Rocks
(934) 420-2882
Robert Jim Desmond Coughlan Industry One Tritec Real Estate Co Realty Corp (631) 706 - 4113 (631) 273-4255
Marie McCallion Stony Brook University College of Business ENERGY/UTILITIES/ (631) 632-7476 INFRASTRUCTURE
Factor Law
Alyse Delle Fave (516)LLC 659-9523 Rigano (631) 756-5900
Tom Fox Tom Fox D&B & D &Engineers B Engineers Architects and Architects (516) 364-9890
(516) 364 - 9890
Federal Credit Union (631) 434-3500
Chris Kent
HEALTH & Farrell Fritz, P.C. WELLNESS
(631) 367-0710
(631) 231-0900
Carmella Fazio
Vincent NelloMedia All Island Hamptons Carpet One (516) 297 - 9011 Floor & Home (631) 287-1070
Robert Lippolis Superior Washer & Gasket Lisa Mitnick Corp. People’s Alliance (631) 273-8282
Chris Kent (631) 231 - 0900 Farrell Fritz, P.C. (631) 367-0710
Melissa Negrin-Wiener Christine Ippolito Genser Cona Elder Law Compass Workforce (631) 390-5000
Robert Desmond ENTERTAINMENT/ Insutry One Realty Corp SPORTS (631) 273-4255
(631) 588-8102
Ron Loveland, BSE, MBA Summit Safety & MANUFACTURING/ Efficiency Solutions INTERNATIONAL TRADE (631) 642-7236 MEMBERSHIP
Len Baldassare Merrill Lynch Wealth Management HEALTHCARE (631) 944-9662
(631) 750 - 1226
Kursad Devecioglu Bimser International Corporation Aoifa OʼDonnell (646) 722-3890 National EAP, Inc.
Jack Kulka Jack Kulka The Kulka Group Kulka231-0900 Construction (516)
Kulka Construction Group Jack Kulka The Kulka (631) 231Group - 0900
HUMAN RESOURCES (631) 794-7400 Stephanie Curry
Sherwood Lumber Melissa Negrin-Wiener (631) 297-1923 Genser, Dubow, Genser & Cona LLP Aoifa O’Donnell (631) 390-5000 National EAP Inc. (631) 588-8102
Alex MacPherson Rich Isaac UBS Financial Services, SandlerInc. Training (631) 420-6421
(631) 231 - 3538
(917) 440 - 1925
Ann Morrison The MENTORING, American Foundation for Suicide NETWORKING AND Prevention COMMUNICATIONS (516) 869-4215
Michael Capaldo John Schneidawin Suffolk County Economic Development (516) 984 - 5388 and Planning (631) 853-3677
Ann Morrison The American Foundation For Suicide Prevention (516) 869 - 4215
Joy &Graceffo SALES MARKETING L.I. Essential Software andHubbard Training Miriam PBI Payroll (631) 427 - 1083 (516) 338-5454
Miriam Hubbard
Dan Simon PBI Payroll Signwave LLC (516)761-9292 338 - 5454 (631)
SECURITY SECURITY Allan Lippolis Allan Lippolis Superior SuperiorWasher Washer& & Gasket Corp. Gasket Corp. (631) 273-8282
(631) 273 - 8282
Chris Coluccio TechWorks David Pinkowitz Consulting Inc. DCP Marketing (631) 285-1527Services
Manny (631)Morales 491 - 5343 2M Technologies, Inc. (631) 231-3255 Chris Coluccio
TechWorks Consulting, Inc. H.Y.P.E. (631) 285 - 1527 Adam Holtzer Connections4Hire (631) 696-0324
Gregg Pajak PROFESSIONALS WizdomOne Betsy Jacob Group of Companies Sage Solutions (631) 652-6001
(516) 396 - 9329
Robert Dooley McGiff Halverson, LLP (631) 730 - 8686
631-543-5355 • WWW.HIA-LI.ORG The Hauppauge Reporter- The Official Newspaper of the HIA-ll - (USPS 017-655) - is published monthly by the HIA-LI 225 Wireless Blvd., Suite 101. Hauppauge, NY 11788. The Hauppauge Reporter - The Official Newspaper of the HIA-LI - (USPS 017-655) - is published Application to mail at Periodical Postage Rate is accepted at Smithtown, NY 11787. monthly by the HIA-LI - 225 Wireless Blvd., Suite 101, Hauppauge, NY 11788. Application to mail POSTMASTER: Send change of address notices to HIA-LI at the address noted above to at Periodical Postage Rate is accepted at Smithtown, NY 11787. POSTMASTER: Send change HIA-LI, Editor, Phone (631) 5.43-5355, info@hio-li.org. The HIA-ll does not endorse the of address notices to HIA-LI at the address noted above to HIA-LI, Editor, Phone: (631) 543classifieds/display advertisements or neccessarily agree with the opinions expressed 5355, marketing@hia-li.org. The HIA-LI does not endorse the classifieds/display advertisements the articles written newspaper. Totalinnumber of copies press run 3,301,Total orinnecessarily agree withfor thethis opinions expressed the articles written(net for this newspaper. Paid-In-County Subscriptions 2,163, Paid Outside County Subscriptions 638, number of copies (Net Press Run: 3,301 | Paid-In-County Subscriptions: 2,163 | Paid Outside-County Distribution638 Outside the MailOutside 200r Copies not Distributed 300, Total 3,301. Subscriptions: | Distribution the Mail: 200 | Copies Not Distributed: 300 | Total: 3,301).
MONDAY, JULY 20TH, 2020 I 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM HIA-LI’s 41st Annual Golf Outing and Dinner - Honoring Robert Doyle, Partner, Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP, and Vincent Malizia, President, A1 Roofing. Hosted at Nissequogue Golf & Country Club, 21 Golf Club Road, St. James, NY 11780. $475 Per Golfer and $1,750 Per Foursome. Network with C-Level Executives and acknowledge our Honorees during a sit-down dinner at a premier golf club. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
In light of COVID-19, HIA-LI Committee Meetings are held online using the ZOOM video conference platform. Below are the regularly scheduled committee meeting dates. Please continue to check the HIA-LI website calendar for the latest information on upcoming meetings and agendas.
FRIDAY, MAY 15TH 8:30 - 10:00 AM Membership Committee Meeting
THURSDAY, AUGUST 13TH, 2020 I 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM The Lauren Kristy Paddleboat Cruise - Celebrate summer with a luncheon and networking casino games during a boat ride on the bay. CAPACITY IS LIMITED. Members: 50 and Non-Members: $65. The event will be rain or shine.
TUESDAY, MAY 19TH 8:30 AM-10:00 AM H.Y.P.E. Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY, MAY 20TH 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Education Workforce Committee Meeting FRIDAY, MAY 22ND 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Mentoring Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY, MAY 27TH 8:30 AM– 10:00 AM Manufacturing/International Trade Committee Meeting THURSDAY, MAY 28TH 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Business Development Committee Meeting TUESDAY, JUNE 1ST 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Health & Wellness Committee Meeting WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2ND 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Technology for Business Committee Meeting
HIA-LI UPCOMING EVENTS THURSDAY, MAY 14TH, 2020 I 3:30 - 4:30 PM Sponsors, Advertisers, and Volunteers Appreciation Join the HIA-LI as we host an appreciation virtual event for our Sponsors, Advertisers, and Volunteers. Network and connect with fellow HIA-LI Members as we acknowledge and appreciate the support from HIA-LI sponsors, advertisers, and volunteers. FRIDAY MAY 15TH, 22ND, & 29TH I 3:30 - 4:30 PM HIA-LI’s Virtual Happy Hour Fridays - The HIA-LI is excited to introduce for our members Virtual Happy Hour Fridays! Especially during these difficult times, we know how important it is to keep communicating with one another. Kickoff the weekend with other HIA-LI Members. Since we can’t mix and mingle in person, we will be meeting on Fridays from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. to get social at a distance!
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH, 2020 I 8:00 - 10:00 AM Tradeable Sectors and How They Impact the Long Island Economy. Hear business leaders discuss how their industry provides a reliable and resilient path to long-term economic growth, brings new dollars into the region, and helps define Long Island’s competitive advantage. Hosted at LGBT Network - 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100, Hauppauge, NY 11788. Members: $50 and Non-Members: $65. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2020 I 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM HIA-LI’s 26th Annual Business Achievement Awards Don’t miss the Academy Awards of Long Island business where we will recognize top Long Island excellence. Hosted at the Crest Hollow Country Club – 8325 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, NY 11797. Network with esteemed Long Island companies and business leaders. Reserve your seat today.
HIA-LI UPDATES In light of COVID-19, HIA-LI Committee Meetings are held online using the ZOOM video conference platform. To view upcoming ZOOM programs, please visit the HIA-LI website or call (631) 543-5355
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 3
AN OPPORTUNITY EMERGES Professional employer organizations (PEOs) provide small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) with essential human resources support ranging from payroll and employee benefits to risk management and compliance. For PrestigePEO principals Andrew Lubash and Alan Cooperberg, the journey toward becoming one of the nation’s leading PEOs began over two decades ago. While working as partners at Financial Management Associates – a firm offering financial and healthcare benefits – Lubash and Cooperberg realized they could be doing a lot more to serve their clients, especially as market needs and the economy continued to evolve. Realizing this gap in service, they set out to learn as much as possible about the budding PEO industry through conferences and workshops hosted by the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO.)
A TURNING POINT Armed with a new understanding of how they can help their clients, Lubash and Cooperberg launched PrestigePEO in 1998, and over time, witnessed a marked shift among small and mid-size businesses in their willingness to partner with and utilize the benefits offered by PEOs. With the passage of the Small Business Efficiency Act (SBEA) in 2016, PrestigePEO became one of the first to be designated a certified provider by the IRS, a status achieved by only 7% of all PEOs today. This enabled PrestigePEO to offer expanded services around payroll, federal employment tax reporting, and payments. Prestige PEO is also ESAC accredited and CI Workers Comp-certified, further demonstrating its commitment to industry best practices and making it among <1% of PEOs with distinguished industry credentials.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 4
“We are committed to client service, and we believe the best way to accomplish that is to build strong relationships with their teams”, Lubash shares. PrestigePEO is dedicated to becoming a trusted partner to each client, learning the intricacies of each business and seamlessly aligning with their goals. The firm offers a personalized, hands-on approach to helping businesses meet complex employee needs. No matter the size of a company or the scope of its challenge, PrestigePEO experts are ready to offer direct service and comprehensive solutions. In such unpredictable times, PrestigePEO strives to offer quick and targeted resolutions so clients can concentrate on the functions that truly drive their businesses. Committed to transparency in pricing, billing, and business practices, the firm’s 95% client retention rate serves as a testament to its success.
PRESTIGEPEO TODAY PrestigePEO is excited to actively contribute to the broader PEO community as an industry leader.
“We are committed to client service, and we believe the best way to accomplish that is to build strong relationships with their teams.”
ANDREW LUBASH | PRINCIPAL OF PRESTIGEPEO Lubash currently serves as the chairman of the Board of Directors for NAPEO, a position held with honor and gratitude. PrestigePEO is proud to support NAPEO’s commitment to cultivating a legislative and regulatory environment favorable to the continued growth and success of all professional employer organizations, with several other team members serving on various committees as well.
LOOKING AHEAD Issues like payroll and workplace compliance require strict adherence to local, state, and federal regulations that can vary by location. PrestigePEO provides clients much more than healthcare benefits or HR outsourcing – it’s about taking the time to understand the complexities of each individual client situation and working through the regulatory and regional challenges at hand. Small and midsize businesses are increasingly becoming more receptive to reducing their administrative loads by enlisting professional help. PrestigePEO is excited to
explore new opportunities for growth and expansion as more businesses recognize the advantages of working with a PEO. As more businesses grapple with the reality of a rapidly changing world, PrestigePEO is ready to advise clients on a wide range of HR issues. In the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, for example, the firm is working around the clock to offer clients the support they need as they transition to remote work, sift through new legislation affecting their businesses, and adjust payroll and finances as the situation evolves. From helping clients navigate unprecedented global events to supporting them in day-to-day HR functions, PrestigePEO is at the forefront of innovation in human resources, employee relations, and workplace compliance. The PrestigePEO team of experts is always standing by ready to provide small and midsize businesses with industry-leading professional services, so they can get back to focusing on what matters most.
PEO Services for All Your HR Needs You started your business because you had a great idea. We started ours to handle the rest. Nobody goes into business to become an expert in HR, payroll, employee benefits, and compliance management – unless you’re a PEO.
Save time. Cut costs. Fewer hassles for small and mid-sized businesses.
prestigepeo.com smbiz@prestigepeo.com 516.692.8505
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 5
Providing End-to-End Technical Solutions for Business and Facility Owners Across the Tri-State Area.
keepingcurrent Tech Tips On Working More Securely In And Out Of The Office By Chris Coluccio CEO and Founder Techworks Consulting Inc. info@maketechwork.com (631) 285-1527 www.MakeTechWork.com 760 Koehler Ave, Unit #3 Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
educating employees on Zoom and other remote meeting applications so that everyone is familiar with the security features would be my recommendation. Q: What are some of the biggest struggles/ concerns you’ve seen from the businesses you work with and how can they be remedied?
Q: What type of equipment/software is needed to make sure your company is working securely? A: It is best to use company-approved equipment instead of personal laptops/devices this way, there is more control over the security set up. The equipment your employees are using should be part of a domain, have anti-virus software, password protection, and two-factor authentication where possible. The goal is to have your machines set up to keep anyone outside of the organization out (i.e. kids, spouses). Ideally, the company should be providing their staff with equipment that is already set up with those standards. Q: With all of the recent concern around “Zoom Bombing,” are there any tips you have for making video conferencing more secure? A: Most Zoom-bombing happens because people are setting up meetings without setting up the proper security on them. Zoom offers several ways to make your calls more secure, which is why it’s important that your employees are properly trained on it. Zoom gives you the option to set up a “lobby” so that callers have to wait before they can be let into the meeting and it allows you to set up passwords for meetings. Overall,
A: Training and security are two of the biggest struggles we’ve seen so far (or lack thereof). You want to make sure your employees are properly trained so that they feel comfortable enough using your tools and software outside of the office but you also want to set them up so they’re using their devices securely. Working from home presents a whole new set of security risks which a lot of people might not realize and it’s important to make your devices as safe as they would be in the office. Cloud services are a good solution when transitioning your staff to working remotely. When the Covid-19 outbreak began, about 50% of our clients were prepared to go to the cloud and the other 50% were not prepared. For those who were prepared, it was important to get those users trained on how to use products correctly and securely so they could continue their work from home, uninterrupted. For those who weren’t prepared, we needed to make sure their infrastructure was correct first. Your best bet would be cloud services or terminal servers/remote desktops, that way only one machine (instead of multiple machines) needs to be turned on in order for employees to work remotely. Q: As businesses/companies begin to re-open, what would you recommend they do tech-wise to help them return to normalcy?
A: It looks like there will be more of a “new normal” rather than a “returning to normal.” In which case, I would recommend that businesses look at this like a learning opportunity. Take the time to discuss future planning based on the experience and knowledge you’ve gained. I would also suggest holding some type of “recap” meeting. It should be with your whole company, including IT, to discuss successes, challenges, and opportunities to improve business going forward. Q: If there is one “most important” thing businesses can do from a tech standpoint what would it be? A: Getting an IT audit to set a baseline for where your business is, technologically speaking, would be my recommendation. Finding out your company’s strengths and weaknesses by a professional’s standards would be the place to start. Generally, an outside IT audit isn’t expensive or very intrusive, which makes it a good way to give companies an idea of where they stand. Also, if you don’t have one already, establish an IT budget for the year. Having a dedicated budget will give your company the flexibility to tackle technical issues as they arise, rather than having to scramble for resources at the last minute. Techworks is always here to put you on the right path and to support our fellow Long Island businesses. During this time we are offering free consulting services, if you have any questions about technology, please contact us at 631-285-1527 or info@maketechwork. com.
Enable Your Workforce to Work Remotely In this strange and difficult time, it’s more important than ever that businesses have the capabilities to set up and manage a remote workforce. Our team has been working dilligently to help local businesses achieve remote capabilities. Let us ensure your remote operations run securely while your workforce is out of office.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 6
Powerfully Enhance Your Services With:
Cloud Services
Remote Access
Access your data anytime, and from anywhere.
Allow your employees to fulfill their responsibilities securely from any device.
Shield your business’ data with encryption as it travels from point A to point B.
Make and receive calls from anywhere with Internet access.
Contact Us Today to Learn More: (631) 275-1527 | info@maketechwork.com | maketechwork.com
The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges. Martin Luther King Jr.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 7
Thank you to all the fronliners for their courage, their determination and their sacrifice in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.
Dear HIA-LI Members, The Long Island business community – many of them HIA-LI members – have rapidly mobilized to help the region fortify its battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. As a leading voice in the bi-county business community, we’d like to highlight sixteen companies that have acted rapidly to reformat their operations to address the Coronavirus crisis. This is not meant to be a complete list; we know dozens more companies have pivoted their operations to produce PPE, medical equipment, and other essential items such as hand sanitizer. They are all heroes in the fight to defeat COVID-19. Four of the companies we’d like to spotlight are: •
East/West Industries, Inc., is an engineering firm in Ronkonkoma that makes aircraft products designed to protect aircrew members. The company modified its operations to produce washable, cloth face masks suitable for use by the Suffolk County Police Department and other first responders.
Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc., a leader in the development, manufacture, and commercialization of diagnostic solutions based in Hauppauge, is developing a COVID-19 antibody blood test that was approved by the FDA.
71 Visuals, a branding, design consulting and graphic design firm, pivoted its manufacturing facility in Hauppauge, which normally produces signage, to turn out thousands of face shields daily.
Harlan Health Products, Inc., a manufacturer of healthcare products, has modified a factory that normally makes hospital curtains. It now produces washable, cloth face masks.
Our regional business sector is rising to the challenge posed by COVID-19. These companies are among the many HIA-LI members that are inspiring us all by standing up to protect the health and safety of Long Islanders.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 8
In addition to the four cited above, here are twelve additional companies that have reformatted their operations to help Long Island address COVID-19: •
American Diagnostic Corp., a medical technology manufacturer in Hauppauge.
Bevilacque Group, a division of PROforma, a packaging company based in New York City.
BridgeTech LLC, a product development firm located in Huntington Station.
Clear-Vu Medical, an LED lighting manufacturer based in Central Islip.
Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk, a not-for-profit organization located in Middle Island that is focused on housing.
Henry Schein, Inc. of Melville, an international distributor of healthcare products.
Ignite LI, a regional manufacturing consortium based in Hauppauge.
Launchpad Huntington, a co-working company in Huntington that serves start-ups.
Meglio Corp. a Brentwood-based environment development company specializing in architectural products and design.
Omni Funding Corp., a copier/printer dealer with a commercial printing division.
Restoration 1 of LI, a water damage restoration company with locations in Long Beach, Lindenhurst, and Water Mill.
U.S. Paratrooper Building Specialties, a building materials manufacturer located in Hamilton, NJ.
During the COVID-19 crisis, HIA-LI is serving as a clearinghouse for Coronavirus-related business assistance information for its members, and has partnered with numerous governmental, institutional, and private entities that focus on alleviating the pandemic’s impact on the region. Together, we’ll get through this. Sincerely,
Terri Alessi-Miceli President & CEO HIA-LI
JOIN THE GROWING TREND TO IMPROVE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND YOUR BOTTOM LINE Protect employees and visitors from secondhand smoke Reduce tobacco litter
Earn points towards LEED Certification
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 9
Save money
We are grant funded by NYS to help worksites successfully adopt and implement tobacco-free policies. Free resources are available including custom signage, technical assistance, model policy language, implementation toolkit and cessation resources.
keepingcurrent Business Banking with A Credit Union: Understanding Your Financial Needs By Thomas Perri Suffolk Federal Assistant Vice President of Commercial Lending Suffolk Federal Credit Union tperri@suffolkfcu.org 631.924.8000 x8418 3681 Horseblock Road, Medford 11763 www.suffolkfcu.org Whether you run a small business, oversee a corporation or lead an enterprise, who you choose to bank and build a financial relationship with is extremely important. Business owners have options when selecting a financial institution and it is essential to know what opportunities are available. While credits unions and banks often share the same business offerings, those basic offerings are where the similarities end. If a business owner is weighing the options between doing business with a credit union or a traditional bank, it is crucial to understand that similarities between the two exist, but so do a vast array of differences. A credit union is a not-for-profit financial institution owned by its members who have an economic interest in the financial institution. This provides several benefits including: • Flexibility and Committed Support for Local Business Credit unions have a strong commitment to support not only members but also local business, so loans and money stay within the community which, in turn, supports “Main Street” entities. Credit unions have the option to be more flexible than traditional banks and can consider certain factors which may not traditionally be used in a credit decision. • Stronger Business Banking Relationships, Personalized Support and Better Services at Lower Costs Credit unions pride themselves on loyalty, offering proactive, personalized service and putting member relationships and local
businesses front and center. They are committed to focusing on the member and making the most of individual experiences. As many would say, banking with a credit union such as Suffolk Federal, a Long Island institution for over 50 years, is like going to a familiar place where everyone knows your name. • Accessibility, Convenience and Security through High-Tech Tools, Resources and Technology Because credit unions are smaller and more community-focused compared to big banks, there is often a misconception that their concentration is not on technology and digital tools. However, because there is such a strong focus on members’ needs, credit unions do in fact offer state-of-the-art tools, resources and technology. For example, Suffolk Federal provides its 60,000 members with a comprehensive web platform with streamlined design and efficient functionality, state-of-the-art enhancements and a mobile responsive, user-friendly experience. Suffolk Federal has also seen significant growth with usage of their latest digitalbased technological mobile banking platform and electronic budget tools which enable business owners to have access to banking services and accounts 24 hours a day. • Options with Benefits Nationwide, credit union membership is at historic highs and it is easy to see why. Business owners prefer personalized service experiences with a comprehensive suite of business resources and tools which are custom tailored to specific needs. • Owned by the Community Means Support Within the Community Credit unions support local business which keeps members’ money local in communities. This strengthens and supports the financial stability and overall economic health locally. Credit unions also support local charitable organizations. For example, Suffolk Federal recently awarded scholarships to Suffolk County Community College students and later became an official partner of the college. Efforts throughout 2019 resulted in nearly $100,000
INDOOR ELECTRIC KART RACING THE ULTIMATE RACING EXPERIENCE High-Performance Electric Karts May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 10
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donated to various local nonprofits and charitable organizations throughout Suffolk County. • Local AND Global Credit unions may be local entities, but at the same time, they are global. For banking “on-the-go,” Suffolk Federal members can complete basic transactions such as check deposits or obtaining cash withdrawals through over 71,000 surcharge-free ATMs in Nassau and Suffolk available through the Allpoint® Network. This network is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. • Federal Protection and Safety Safety is a top priority and your money is in good hands at a credit union. Federally insured credit unions are backed by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), protecting up to $250,000 per account. Trends have shown that with all the benefits offered, when compared to doing business with traditional financial institutions which have become more rigid, larger and tougher to navigate, doing business with a credit union is a preferable option. In today’s present environment, focus on personalized, customer service can be an invaluable and welcome asset. About Suffolk Federal Suffolk Federal is a not-for-profit cooperative financial institution chartered in 1967 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), and is owned and operated by its members. The volunteerdirected credit union has assets in excess of $1 billion, ten branch locations and more than 60,000 members. Suffolk Federal offers all members incredible benefits like free checking, free online banking, low interest rates on home and auto loans and much more. Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships, attends school or regularly conducts business in Suffolk County, NY as well as immediate family members of current membership. To learn more, visit www.suffolkfcu.org, call 631.924.8000 or visit any Suffolk Federal branch today.
s n o i s i c e D s s e n i s u Smar t B MADE HERE... No one does more to help you succeed than the Commercial Specialists at Suffolk Federal. From local decision-making and fast turnaround to our highly individualized loan packages with no pre-payment penalties. Let Suffolk Federal show you how to take your business to the next level! Our featured products include: • Commercial Lines-of-Credit • Commercial & SBA Mortgages • Equipment Loans • Business Credit Cards • Business Overdraft Line-of-Credit • SBA 7(a) Loans & SBA 504 Mortgages • Deluxe Business Checking • Remote Check Deposit • Payroll Services • Plus so much more!
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 11
3681 Horseblock Road, Medford, NY 11763 www.suffolkfcu.org
For more information: Call 631.378.5044 or email BusinessServices@suffolkfcu.org
CHAIRMAN SPOTLIGHT Negotiating from a Distance
banter about the weather and traffic to be a waste of time you could instead be building a connection that can help you negotiate. But now… the rules have changed. People are hurting, anxious, and overwhelmed. Ask your adversary how he or she is holding up, and take the opportunity to share what’s going on in your world. Don’t cut right to the chase. By creating rapport, you create value.
By Joe Campolo, Esq. Chairman, HIA-LI Board of Directors Managing Partner Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP
Clammy handshakes, a scratched mahogany table with papers strewn about, laptops fighting for space with half empty cups of coffee, and that awful fluorescent lighting above – sounds pretty great right about now, doesn’t it? In this unprecedented time of social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic, negotiations are still happening every day (and they must, for our economy to recover) – they just look different. Critical tools in the negotiator’s toolbox involving nonverbal cues, such as body language and emotional expression, take a back seat during negotiations that take place by phone, videoconference, or even [shudder] email. Research has shown that in-person negotiations yield better results than negotiations that happen via screen, but don’t get discouraged – just reframe your thinking. Here are some tips to make the most of your virtual negotiations until we’re back in the conference room. 1. Go back to basics. You still can’t skimp on the preparation, folks. You still need to do your homework. Gathering as much information
as possible is key to identify and make sense of the issues in your negotiation. Spending the time on preparation will open more doors for you to create value. 2. Be an active listener. While leaning in or using other body language may be off the table, you can still show your interest in your adversary’s point of view by paraphrasing their phrases back to them and peppering the conversation with simple phrases such as “yes,” “I see,” and “I understand.” Actively listening encourages your opponent to continue talking – and the more that happens, the more control you have over the negotiation. 3. Build affiliation. You may be separated by screens, but if there were ever a time to bond with someone you may otherwise have nothing in common with, it’s now. In normal circumstances, I find mindless
4. Mix it up. Modern technology enables us to be connected 24/7/365, and the COVID-19 crisis has proven it. While you may not be meeting face to face, you still have a wealth of options to get in touch. If you’re negotiating with someone you don’t know well or if the negotiation has just begun, consider a videoconference as the next closest thing to an in-person meeting. As the negotiation progresses, the timing may be right to negotiate by phone. I really believe that email, which is about as impersonal as things can get, is a last resort when negotiating – but it’s still an appropriate choice, of course, to settle simple issues and share documents. To lift ourselves out of the economic fallout of COVID-19, continuing to make deals and negotiate is critical. In that way, the negotiations that take place during this period are among the most important of our lives. Keep focused and keep moving forward so we can get back to those fluorescent lights and clammy handshakes as soon as possible.
See a horse roll around ideas at your next virtual company meeting! Pal-O-Mine Equestrian Presents
HORSE-TO-MEETING May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 12
For $50 we’ll call in to your meeting for 10 minutes and video in real time a horse or donkey playing with strategies. For $100 we’ll call in to your meeting for 15 minutes and facilitate an exercise in observation and perception with our equine partners who teach us about leadership. For $150 we’ll call in to your meeting and facilitate a 20-minute virtual tour of our 13-acre farm with its horses, donkeys, chickens, sheep and goats.
For more information or to schedule your Horse-to-Meeting call Carol Ann Guerriero at 631-348-1389 x 3761 Pal-O-Mine Equestrian 829 Old Nichols Road, Islandia, New York 11749 www.pal-o-mine.org
keepingcurrent What Is A Business Management Services Firm Anyway, And Why Should You Use One? By Joe Durko Founder & Head of Client Services Integrekon Partners (516) 238-7650 joe@integrekon.com www.integrekon.com What Is It? A business management services firm, as the name implies, provides select “back office” and administrative support services to businesses large and small. Once partnered with such a firm, client companies gain access to resources and support of dependable quality on a flexible outsourced basis, which allows them to maximize benefits while minimizing costs. These firms typically focus on finance, accounting and related functions, and are often formed and operated by CPAs who wish to provide non-attest services to companies without taking on the risk or cost of a formal CPA practice. While bookkeeping and tax compliance work are generally considered core services and expected bench strengths for any such firm, additional services offered vary widely and are based on the experiences and strengths of the firm’s partners and principals. Such firms often have a particular
industry focus. Therefore, it is important to source and interview a firm in much the same way one would recruit and interview a candidate for hire. Be sure to assess “fit”, which should be both technical and cultural, as the best-in-class firms quickly become an integral part of both your day-to-day operations and core management team. How And When Does It Make Sense? Use of a business management services firm is a rather specific form of outsourcing, one particularly well-geared toward start-ups and emerging growth businesses. You should consider hiring one of these firms if you need to cover requisite accounting and finance functions as you grow your business while remaining focused on and most fully invested in core functions and activities, yet truly need a finance professional’s perspective to succeed. Many firms also offer interim or part-time staffing services, up to and including the level of CFO. Yet as already stated, the experience and credentials of the partners and principals of any given firm should be carefully considered and matched to the specific needs of your business. Relevant industry knowledge and experience should always be considered. Can You Afford It? The more compelling business management services firms price their services on a “simulated market” basis, meaning they set rates based on the market cost of a comparable internal resource at a necessary level of competence. This model avoids higher rates charged by other types of professional and part-time staffing firms who offer similar personnel-based services at rates which also include high overhead recovery factors. That said, the amount you pay should also be based on average utilization of the resource on a periodic basis (weekly or monthly). This way, you will have a variable part-time resource rather than a permanent hire, but with the same functional benefit. Also, he better firms arrange for coverage on off days so you never have to worry about continuity. Even with an exceptionally good firm engaged, it will be necessary to have other professionals and specialists
engaged for specific reasons and needs (e.g. legal matters, raising capital, etc.), and the better firms can manage these engagements on behalf of clients, ensuring efficiency and cost effectiveness. They also anticipate and properly prepare their clients for such needs. Above price and cost effectiveness, the level of attention given by the business management services firm is of paramount importance. The best firms genuinely value long term client relationships and invest in them with regular advice and counsel at little to no charge, giving a valued client access to CFO / Board of Directors level thinking. In our opinion, this is what truly discriminates the better firms – those that truly provide value to clients through their relationship beyond the scope of day-to-day services provided. How We Can Help? At Integrekon Partners, we often work with prospective clients to evaluate their resource needs given their unique direction and circumstances, at no cost or commitment. While we happily welcome new business and embrace those opportunities, immediate engagement is not the primary goal of our consultation to any prospective client, nor are we afraid to redirect them to other professionals if this serves them best. We offer business management services through our WeGotYourBooks LLC affiliate – based here on Long Island – via our Virtual Controller’s Office service model and offering. Having made Long Island home after coming to this area nearly 15 years ago to work for a local high-tech company that had soon afterward become victim to corporate consolidation, I’ve since been personally committed to supporting a healthy, technology-driven manufacturing base on the Island – and particularly in the Long Island Innovation Park at Hauppauge. Both myself and my partners at Integrekon are more than willing to help our local business community – especially our fellow HIA-LI members – in any way possible.
INTEGREKON PARTNERS 200 Broadhollow Road, Suite 207 Melville, NY 11747 +1-888-248-9650 info@integrekon.com info@wegotyourbooks.com in http://www.integrekon.com
Virtual Controller's Department
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Business Management Support Services for start-up, small and emerging growth companies, providing expert-level general accounting and fiscal management support leveraging the extensive corporate management experience of our team members. We primarily serve p consumer products, manufacturing, distribution and media & entertainment companies.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 13
hrough these unprecedented times, many Long island businesses have risen to the occasion to demonstrate their support. as part of a new initiative called “HIA-LI: Business Steps Up,” we will be showcasing the things members are doing to help their fellow businesses, to support public health, or help the community at large.
BNB Bank Works ‘Round-the-Clock’ to Save Long Island Jobs
Kevin O’Connor
President & CEO, BNB Bank, and HIA-LI Board Member
Things have been hopping at BNB Bank according to President and CEO Kevin O’Connor. BNB, the largest independent community bank on Long Island, secured $950 million in funding from the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for approximately 3,800 small businesses on Long Island and New York City. “We immediately mobilized over 100 employees, representing every part of the bank, to review, process, and manually input applications into the SBA’s loan portal. Our size gave us the advantage of being able to modify our processes in real-time as SBA guidelines evolved. It also allowed us
to focus our efforts on processing PPP loans, literally 24/7, right up until funds ran out,” stated O’Connor. “This has also been a unique opportunity for our employees to make a difference and be part of something that is helping the community.” O’Connor added that 80 percent of the loans were for $350,000 and less, an indication that most of the funds were getting into the hands of neighborhood businesses. He estimates that they’ve helped save between 40,000 – 50,000 jobs across Long Island.
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CMM Mobilizes Coronavirus Hotline and Charitable Efforts
The law firm of Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP (CMM) is leading the way through the COVID-19 pandemic with the launch of a first-ofits-kind Coronavirus Hotline. Launched in mid-March, the complimentary hotline is open to all members of the business community, regardless of whether they are CMM clients. Businesses can call (631) 738-6781 or email coronarelief@cmmllp.com with questions related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business. Calls and emails are routed to the appropriate CMM attorney, who promptly follows up with guidance, at no charge. To date, they’ve answered hundreds of questions from business owners on a variety of critical topics.
The complimentary hotline is in addition to CMM’s online Coronavirus Resource Hub at www.cmmllp.com/coronavirus. There, businesses can find up-to-the-minute resources including articles about new legislation, disaster loan relief, grant opportunities, and other guidance for businesses to move forward. In addition, their charitable foundation, CMM Cares, has mobilized the business community, partnering with Stony Brook Hospital to collect and donate comfort care items to medical professionals fighting on the front lines. On social media, they also spotlight inspirational stories about companies and nonprofits that are helping those in need during this critical time. Check out CMM Cares’ Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter channels.
Since 2008 Harvest Power has assisted Long Island clients on projects that will generate over $100,000,000 in energy and tax savings. Harvest Power has facilitated a majority of these projects at $0 dollars up front cost to the property owner.
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 15
keepingcurrent What’s In A Word (Spoiler Alert: A Lot) message is abundantly clear, and the nowubiquitous design is unique and practically universal (seriously, even if you don’t speak Chinese or Spanish, you’d recognize a stop sign in either language immediately). Wellcrafted word-driven ads function similarly. When you read it, you know what should come next. Choose your words wisely and In the age of Instagram and TikTok, image sparingly, aim for clarity, and go with a clean is everything, right? Not so fast. When it design to make the next desired steps for comes to crafting impactful ads, you can consumers abundantly clear. create content that pops without leaning on stock or custom photography. Hear us out. Avoid exclusion The right words are powerful and inclusive. According to research, the average U.S.- Imagery can be tricky if your audience is based consumer is served anywhere from broad. When you use a photo, you want one 4,000 to 10,000 ads every day. Now, factor that is relatable to your clientele. This means, in the reality that your ad has mere seconds they have to be able to see themselves in (if that) to grab someone’s attention. While that ad. Our society is a wonderful melting pot photos can help convey your messaging, with people from all corners of the Earth and depending on the medium, words can be all walks of life. Thus, using a people-centric more powerful and effective – especially image targeted to a wildly diverse audience when you’re talking about a literal blink of can be challenging. We’re not saying you should shy away from it; however, it presents an eye. another layer of considerations that worddriven ads do not. Keep it simple By Theresa Cuttitta VP – Account Services The Field Marketing 4250 Veterans Memorial Hwy Suite 304E Holbrook, NY 11741 631.961.1203 x701 www.thefieldinc.com theresac@thefieldinc.com
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There’s a reason that STOP signs, by and large, are recognizable. They’re simple, the
Stay on brand Your company has a brand identity (if it doesn’t, we got you) encompassing everything from your logo and the palette you use in company materials and touchpoints to your brand personality and voice. Worddriven creative is yet another way to harness that identity to build ads that are a natural extension of it, from typeface to tone. Choose clever, not click-bait We get it. You want eyeballs on your ad. Depending on the platform, you may want clicks, too. But, when companies lean too far into the tempting realm of clickbait, it could cheapen your overall messaging and make your brand look at best thirsty and at worst untrustworthy. Don’t dismiss clever copy in favor of click-bait language. Doing so can erode your brand’s goodwill and dilute your overall messaging. There’s an old saying: “In good times, people want to advertise. In bad times, you MUST.” As the country reopens and you look to carefully spend your marketing budget, this may be the time to try a word-focused ad. Because what’s in a word? A LOT.
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 17
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COMMITTEE CORNER HIA-LI Technology for Business Committee 2.0 By Chris Coluccio & Manny Morales Co-Chairs; Technology for Business 2.0
their businesses and how to get the most out of their technology.
A new member driven approach to the TFB Committee.
We also see this as an exciting approach to getting more members involved in the TFB committee. One of the great assets of the HIA-LI is the abundance of technical expertise among its members. We think it’s time to tap into this wonderful talent and give members a chance to participate by using their knowledge and expertise to support other members and the HIA-LI as a whole.
Welcome to Technology for Business 2.0! During this time of unforeseen change, we at the TFB committee thought it was time for us to also make a change. We are aiming to refocus our Tech Committee with a more holistic approach. In the past, we have shed light on how to survive in a crisis, the benefits of cyber security, and best tech practices for your business. We have even highlighted emerging technology like drones, big data, and AI. Our history being what it was, we have decided it is time for an overhaul. Technology has become such an important driver in all of our businesses, but we feel that technology alone is too broad of a space to just meet once a month on one small piece of the landscape. To support the HIA and help all of its members better navigate the business technology landscape, we will be taking an exciting new approach. Introducing... TFB Task Forces! Each of our Task Forces will focus on a specific area of technology. By creating these specialized Task Forces, the TFB Committee believes we will be able to provide members with a full perspective and outlook on how specific technologies will affect
We are looking to create the following TFB Taskforces: Outreach Task Force: Mission is to support specialized technology projects such as: member polling, technology needs of the HIA, its members, and the park. Provide some consulting and support to members that are struggling with technology decisions. Software/Web Task Force: Educate/support members on business applications & productivity. Topics may include; Choosing the best applications, customized software, business analytics, eCommerce, business process and digital transformation. Telecom/Mobility Task Force (communications): Educate/support members on topics including: 5G, VoIP, CPaSS, Unified Communications, Cellular/ Tablets and other communication and mobile technologies. Cloud Task Force: Educate/support members on
cloud products such as Azure, AWS, Datacenter Solutions in addition to topics such as PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, Hybrid Cloud, Public and Private Cloud. Cyber-Security Task Force: Educate/support members on all aspects of Digital Security, Dark Web, Policies, MFA, Endpoint Protection, and Compliance. Emerging Tech Task Force: Educate/support members on emerging technologies such as; A.I., 3D Printing, Smart Office, Green Technologies, IoT, VR, AR. Infrastructure Task Force: Educate/support members on Router/Switching technology, Wiring, Wi-Fi, Access Control, Servers, PC’s & Hardware, Digital Printing/Copying. We are actively seeking members of the HIA-LI technology community and encourage anyone interested in being part of one of these new groups to reach out to either Manny Morales or Chris Coluccio (Co-Chairs). We feel this is an exciting opportunity for everyone involved and believe this will breathe new life into our committee and better serve the HIA-LI and its members. Our May 6th meeting will be dedicated to discussing and architecting this new plan. We hope you can take the time to join us and be part of this transformation. We are excited for the change and look forward to hearing from you,
HIA-LI Sales Committee By Dan Simon Co Chair; Sales & Marketing
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 18
None of us have a crystal ball to predict how our community’s landscape will change as a result of the pandemic. There’s no doubt that the businesses and organizations that comprise the HIA-LI will adapt, transform and acclimate to new conditions as they emerge. Some find naught but challenges, some find opportunities. But the principles and values that drive the decisions that propel us through these times are the same as they have always been. For our April and May meetings, the Sales and Marketing Committee took a deep dive into understanding how to identify and act on some of these core business principles. For the health and safety of our membership, our meetings have transitioned to an online format, using conferencing technology that is now becoming second nature to many of us. We will keep using this meeting format until we are given the all clear that it is once again safe to meet in a room together. Just as we are, on a personal level, pausing to get a handle on what are the priorities in our lives, business owners are also taking this time to ask fundamental questions. For our April
committee meeting, we took a look at some of the core questions that organizations can use to help shape their response to change. It all comes back to developing, understanding, and documenting your company’s core values. Why are you in business? The answers to this question will drive your decisions and actions as you adapt. Equally important is to avoid “analysis paralysis.” Innovation will be the key to meeting the needs of your market and aligning your core competencies to address them, and delay is the enemy of innovation.
and other face-to-face sales and marketing techniques grows ever more impractical, your company’s digital strategy becomes ever more important. The two provided an expert assessment of strategies, tools and techniques for meeting new prospects and engaging them as customers. Tools as varied as web presence, video, social media, email marketing, print media, signage, and even virtual reality technologies can supplant some of the more traditional in-person tools and techniques in your marketing utility belt.
Pete Fasulo of Sandler Training then provided a deep dive into how to retain customers during these challenging times. At its core, it begins with the attitude that though much will be out of our immediate control, focusing on what we can control is key. Pointers were provided for maintaining a professional environment while working from home, maintaining your sales routine, taking a proactive approach, and focusing on helping (rather than selling) in your customer relationships.
When the poet T.S. Eliot wrote, “April is the cruelest month,” he certainly could not have known how prophetic these words would be. April marked the cruel incursion of pandemic into our Long Island business and personal lives, causing tremendous disruption and retrenchment. Plans were postponed, trimmed, or scrapped altogether as we focused on our health and safety. Our committee’s work, as well as that of the HIA-LI in general, is a more important resource than ever before.
For our May meeting we had the benefit of a presentation by two marketing professionals – Linda Klahr of content2engage, and Beth Granger, consultant on marketing through LinkedIn. As the notion of in-person networking
Our next committee meeting, scheduled for June 12th, will feature a talk by Henry Bramwell of Visionary Marketing on the topic Digital Marketing
FAST Fast FACTS: Facts: LONG ISLAND Business during ECONOMY COVID-19 November 2019, the Top 3In issues for small unemployment business owners right now Quality 24% was rateofonLabor Long Island Taxes 15% than the 3.3%; lower Government Regulations & statewide rate of 4.0%. Red Tape 13%
Source: New York Department of Labor Source: Statista
Long Island added In the first two weeks 115,400 jobs between of March 2020, 2009 and 2018, reaching online grocery delivery requests a record of more than increased 322%! 1.3 million jobs. Source: Sensor Tower, March 2020
Source: Office of the State Comptroller
With more than 20,000 jobs in the life sciences — the most of Etsy's stock value increased any region in New York State 75% in just 3 weeks after— biotechnology is a strong part of sellers on the platform pivoted to selling face masks. the Long Island economy. Source: Yahoo Finance, April 2020
Source: Empire State Development Compiled by the business librarians at
Through a unique partnership with the Miller Business Center, HIA-LI members receive access to extensive and specialized business resources as well as personalized business research and reference assistance. For more information, please contact Terri Jimenez at tjimenez@hia-li.org.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 19
www.millerbusinesscenter.org www.millerbusinesscenter.org
keepingcurrent How We Can Overcome Adversity By Diego Beas Performance Consultant Dale Carnegie Training of Long Island diego.beas@dalecarnegie.com (631) 258-2029 www.dalecarnegie.com/locations/ long-island/en/
Take this time to strengthen your skills and capabilities, as you’re the power that will help our community rise once again when this is all said and done. These last couple of weeks have been tremendously rough for everyone. Companies are going out of business, people are being laid off, and people’s health and financial well being are at risk. By no means is this situation something we expected when we entered the new decade, but we are going to need to accept it and try and grow from it. This is no time to give up or cave into stress and anxiety. Our nation is hurting as a whole and it is crucial to stand together to find ways to improve ourselves, so when this is all said and done, we can come out stronger and better than before. We are resilient. We are the heart and soul of what makes Long Island so great. Now is the time to throw down a challenge and prove to ourselves that we are tough enough to conquer the future that lies ahead. As a young professional and prospering consultant in developmental training, I want to give back to my
community by sharing some tips that will help you deal with these tough times. My ultimate goal is for the following advice to help both professionally and personally. Be Resilient Resilience refers to people’s ability to “bounce back” from adverse experiences and is characterized by the capacity to cope, recover, and learn from them. We are currently going through drastic adversity and dramatic changes with the way we go about our work and lives. Even though we have to be social distancing, we must not sit back and do nothing either. We must find safe ways to cope with a new norm and reinvent our skills as well. If we decide to focus on the negative, it will lead to a path of burnout, emotional exhaustion, sleep problems, low energy, limited concentration, and poor performance. If we stay positive, productive, and active with our daily tasks it will not only reduce our stress, but it will also improve our mental and physical well-being. Have trust that if we put ourselves in a resilient mindset that the outcome of this pandemic will improve. Be a Leader No matter what your current situation is right now, we all need to perceive ourselves as leaders. Whether you’re the owner of a business, an employee, or you’re currently not working, we all need to be responsible and be the best version of ourselves.
We can’t be stuck on what we can’t control, rather we need to focus on what we can control. We can defeat any situation as long as we all decide to work together and stay passionate, dedicated, and productive. Take on a Challenge To avoid any standstill with our personal and professional growth, we need to take a leap of action and throw down a challenge for ourselves. You could start to read an inspirational book, listen to a podcast, attend educational webinars, write down tasks you would like to accomplish, or even to learn a new skillset. Taking on a challenge will not only help you improve yourself, but it will also spring forth self-growth, which will help you become more resilient once we have passed these difficult times. Overall, the message I am conveying is that we hold the power of our future in the actions we take. NOW is the time to build a foundation that will spring forth new growth and will set up our community for a profitable future. Take this time to manage your productivity, organize yourself, and truly realize your ultimate potential and capabilities. Feel free to reach out to me. As we face these new challenges together, we may exchange ideas that create a greater outcome for all. We are Long Island strong and together we can win!
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The market has changed forever. It will never be the same. Yet, your business can adapt. You’ll need to be more nimble and lead out as the trusted voice in your industry. The most powerful way to do that? Use media that educates sooner and builds trust faster with your company as the solution. How do you do that? Video Marketing. Telling your story. Let us help you tell your story.
Telling your story with strategic video marketing so you stand out in good & challenging times. Offering special incentives to HIA-LI members to help rebuild Long Island’s economy. Call for more today!
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 21
Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plan your backyard BBQ or company picnic
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HIA-LI Liaison, Anthony Forgione (631) 543-5355 or aforgione@hia-li.org www.hia-li/hia-li-events/annual-food-drive/
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JUNE June 9, 2020
New & Prospect Member Information Meeting
June 12, 2020
Discover Long Island & LI MacArthur Airport: How Will Tourism and Travel Change in the "New Norm"
June 16, 2020
Young Professionals Navigate the "New Norm"
June 22, 2020
HIA-LI Member Appreciation
June 24, 2020
Long Island Innovation Park at Hauppauge Update
July 16, 2020
New & Prospect Member Information Meeting
July 20, 2020
41st Annual Golf Outing & Dinner
July 29, 2020
Transformational Leadership: View from the Top
August 6, 2020
CEO Forum Featuring Paul Wasser, Dominican Village
August 13, 2020
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 26
Lauren Kristy Boat Cruise
August 26, 2020
New & Prospect Member Information Meeting
SEPTEMBER September 14, 2020
Tradeable Sectors & How They Impact the Economy
September 17, 2020
New & Prospect Member Information Meeting
September 21, 2020
Pre-Trade Show Networking Event
September 29, 2020
26th Annual Business Achievement Awards Gala Luncheon
OCTOBER October 1, 2020
CEO Forum Featuring TBD
October 7, 2020
32nd Annual Trade Show & Conference
October 16, 2020
New & Prospect Member Information Meeting: Honoring HIA-LI Committee Co-Chairs
October 30, 2020
11th Annual Energy & Environmental Update
NOVEMBER November 5, 2020
Small Business Task Force Open Forum
November 9, 2020
HIA-LI Member Appreciation
November 13, 2020 Get in the Head of the CEO
November 17, 2020
New & Prospect Member Information Meeting
November 20, 2020
10th Annual Women Leading the Way
DECEMBER December 3, 2020
CEO Forum Featuring TBD
December 8, 2020
New & Prospect Member Information Meeting
December 10, 2020
Season of Giving Gala Luncheon
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 27
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keepingcurrent Wait A Minute... The Price Is Higher If I Pay With A Credit Card? By Victor Travaglianti Agency Owner 173 North Main Street, Suite 219 Sayville, NY 11782 631-228-3050 www.creditcardprocessingforless.com vic@creditcardprocessingforless.com
Have you ever bought lunch at a pizzeria or deli and noticed a sign that said something like “due to the increased cost of processing credit card payments, this business adds a 3% service fee on all non cash sales”? If so, it is because that business has implemented a program known as cash discounting. In this short article, I am going to go over what cash discounting is and answer the two most common questions about it. WHAT IS IT? Cash discounting is a simple way for businesses that process credit and debit card payments to pass along the processing (swipe) fees off to the consumer that does not pay them with cash (or, if applicable, check). Although it can be done as a flat percentage or as a transaction fee, the end goal is the same. There are two reasons why this is becoming more and more attractive to local business owners. The first one is obvious- it greatly reduces (or eliminates) the cost of payment processing to the business owner. Second, it allows them to have more cash. Although most banks do charge fees to process large amounts of cash, these fees are a fraction of what it would cost if the consumer paid with a credit card.
There are two burning questions that I am asked by business owners who are considering implementing this program. The first question “Is it legal?” The second question “How do customers respond?” IS IT LEGAL? Yes. Although it took a long time to shake out the details, the basic premise of New York businesses being allowed to add an additional fee to noncash (debit or credit card) consumer payments was dealt with in late 2018. There is one catch though-in order to be compliant, businesses that implement the program must have clear signage at the point of entry and at the point of sale so consumers are not blindsided. To be 100% compliant, every item is supposed to have a cash price and a credit price listed so no math needs to be done. HOW DO CUSTOMERS RESPOND TO IT? The short answer is that some people will get upset but most won’t. If you own a business and provide goods and services to the public, you know that pleasing everybody is literally an impossible task. For better or for worse, one of the facts about the payment processing industry is that every transaction is tracked. When a payment card is processed, the data specific to that sale is also tracked. Where the sale was made, the amount of the sale, the card type, etc. The payment card data in the USA over the last 12 months shows that the way consumers spend their money hasn’t really changed. On a microlevel, I can also attest to this. CCPFL has many clients that have implemented it for more than 12 months and the processing volume is almost identical to the processing volume done prior to implementing cash discounting.
So now that you know what cash discounting is, the big question is should you implement it? That is a personal decision. Regardless of your industry or customer base, there are only three options to reducing the impact of processing fees. First, you can increase your prices so that everybody pays more, you can pass along some or all of the cost to the customers who don’t pay you with cash/check, or you can absorb the entire cost and accept it as a cost of doing business. The last option is still the most popular one but the trend of implementing a cash discounting program is continuing to gain popularity, especially in businesses whose average ticket is under $30. As a business owner, you already know that your customers really don’t care about how much it costs you to run your business. They care about getting what they want at a price that they consider fair. My advice to business owners who accept credit and debit cards is this-If the amount of PROFIT (not gross sales) lost as a result of implementing this program exceeds the cost of accepting plastic, don’t do it. If it doesn’t, do it. Most companies allow the ability for the option to bypass adding the service fee on a sale by sale basis. If the company you are with tries to sell you (or worse, lease you) a new terminal, look for a new vendor. Victor Travaglianti is the owner of Credit Card Processing For Less (CCPFL), an independent payment processing agency based in Sayville. CCPFL has been in business since 2011 and works exclusively with Long Island businesses in almost every industry. For more information, please call 631-228-3050 or visit www. creditcardprocessingforless.com
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 29
Energy in the Park post COVID-19 By Scott Maskin Co-Founder & CEO SUNation Solar Systems, Inc. 171 Remington Blvd Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Office: 631-750-9454
Much like most of you my 2020 projections are a thing of the past. I struggle each day trying to keep it all together, prepare for business life post Covid, provide security and leadership to my team and try to reassure myself that I could not have been better prepared for this nightmare. Yet we really have no choice but to press on and learn lessons as a result of this pandemic. I am remarkably encouraged that the work that my team and the whole energy efficiency industry has accomplished is making more difference now than I could have ever anticipated. I think about those in the lighting industry, co-gen, energy controls fields etc., knowing that the work these people have done is helping businesses stay viable in the park through these hard times. I think of the thousands of solar panels offsetting these electric bills of park businesses that are still operational delivering savings. Equally important are those panels on buildings that are not at full operation
“Banking” those kilowatt hours for future use. Moving forward I believe there will be accelerated interest in almost anything that will generate REVENUE for a business or building owner without impacting cash flow or capital outlay. As LIPA rolls out a new Feed IN Tariff (FIT) building owners will be able to generate significant reliable revenue with zero out of pocket expense through roof leases for solar. The tax credit appetite and depreciation benefits of owning a solar system become much more complex as most business struggle with profitability projections for 2020 and beyond. Most building owners look at their roof space only as a potential expense for repairs or replacement. Now that space will be viewed as a revenue generating asset. The HIA-LI continues to support energy efficiency and especially solar adoption in the Long Island Innovation Park at Hauppauge. Our HIPP (Hauppauge Industrial Power Project) program has ambitious goals that I believe will be accelerated and building owners consider their needs for additional reliable revenue. I also think that most business owners are assessing their vulnerabilities with respect to remote business operations. I recently spoke to a CEO of a 100-person company. His company was ahead of the curve in the technology for his team to operate from home. Unfortunately, in the wind storm we had a few days ago, during a very
important video conference two integral members of his senior leadership team lost power for about an hour and were unable to present. The meeting was postponed for a few days and during that time the client became ill. The project is now on hold indefinitely. “Opportunity possibly lost” were the words the CEO used. When I questioned the CEO about back up power for the homes of these individuals, he indicated that they are now assessing the installation of back up generators at his C level and senior leadership levels homes. What good is working from home if you have no power. Unfortunately installing generators requires space, permits etc. Needless to say, Tesla Power Wall battery storage systems are emerging as a great option. As most say, this too shall pass, we will get through this together, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger etc. etc. etc. What’s more important is what we learn from this experience. How to better prepare. As the narrator in the movie Armageddon said, it has happened before, and it will happen again. Health and safety to you all. Please contact the HIA-LI Office for more information or visit the HIA-LI Hauppauge Industrial Power Project website at www. HIPSOLAR.org.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 30
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HIA-LI Annual Scholarship Awards By helping a student stay on Long Island for college, you directly help improve the Long Island workforce
n June every year, several $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to children of employees at HIA-LI
companies who will attend a college or trade school on Long Island. All children of HIA-LI members’ employees are eligible to win. Your company’s donation for this worthwhile investment in Long Island’s future is appreciated. Thank you for your consideration and anticipated generosity.
S u g g e s t ed D on at i on s : Summa Cum Laude: $1,000 (and up) Receive Complimentary Ticket to Scholarship Awards Luncheon Magna Cum Laude: $500-$999 • Cum Laude: $101-$499 • Dean’s List: $100
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 32
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 34
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 35
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keepingcurrent Food Banks And Food Pantries Are Responding To The Needs Of Our Seniors That Are Homebound Or Sheltered-In-Place During COVID-19 senior housing locations but now, due to their fears and medical histories, we are delivering food and supplies right to their front door.
By Paule T. Pachter, A.C.S.W., L.M.S.W. Chief Executive Officer Long Island Cares, Inc. The Harry Chapin Regional Food Bank 10 Davids Drive – Harry Chapin Way Hauppauge, New York 11788 Office: 631.582.3663 x 101 www.licares.org
In the past two-months since the COVID-19 pandemic tightened its grip on our nation, requiring masses of businesses to close and millions of people to shelter in place and stay at home to stop the spread of the virus, Americans have donated more than $1 billion to support local food banks. Food banks like Long Island Cares and Island Harvest have been on the frontlines of our region’s COVID-19 response, delivering emergency food to our neighbors in need either through numerous drive-through locations or, in Long Island Cares’ case, delivering food to more than 310 local food pantries and now developing nearly two-dozen temporary food bank pop-up locations in high-need communities or expanding some of our existing satellite hunger assistance centers within the Towns of Hempstead, Babylon, and Huntington. While most of the media attention is on the large food banks, we must not forget about our local pantries that are providing emergency food to record numbers of people that are turning to them for assistance as well. Then, there are other programs like Meals on Wheels that are still delivering food to our homebound seniors who are limited in their ability to visit their local pantry because in order to go to the pantry they have to
Our local pantries and hundreds of volunteers on Long Island are also doing their part to help our seniors during these difficult time. Pantries have begun to incorporate home delivery of food as part of their daily operations and volunteers in many local communities are shopping for senior neighbors at local supermarkets whose shelves continue to be half-stocked of paper goods, cleaning supplies and other essential products because of high demand and delays of 4-6 in deliveries from the supply chain.
venture outside, and too many of them are fearful of leaving their homes in the middle of a pandemic. In the past two-months, Long Island Cares has delivered emergency food to nearly 3,500 seniors through our S.O.S. (Supporting our Seniors) Mobile Delivery Services. This program was initially funded by an emergency grant from the New York State Department of Health from January-March, 2020 and is now being funded by corporate and private donations made to our COVID-19 Response Fund. In the past two-months, Long Island Cares has seen a total of 790 new seniors turn to the regional food bank for emergency food assistance directly related to COVID-19. In addition to the food we’re delivering to our seniors, we are also providing them with protective face masks and gloves generously provided by the Suffolk County Office of Emergency Management. Our S.O.S. staff has always delivered food to our seniors at their various municipal
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 36
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As we continue to adjust to our new normal, we just don’t know how New York State and Long Island will begin to reopen for business. We don’t know if COVID-19 testing and tracing will be available to our 2.8 million residents in Nassau and Suffolk, and we don’t know how many Long Islanders will ever return to work following the record numbers of our neighbors that have been furloughed or have lost their jobs permanently. What I do know is that, our local food pantries will continue to see an increase in demand and that Long Island Cares will increase our satellite locations from 8-24 by the end of May, and we will spend most of our funding to purchase food to get us through the next seven-months. As we move forward in our plans to reopen Long Island, please consider donating to your local food pantry where you live and please consider an extra donation to our Meals on Wheels programs. We will get through this and recover together. To locate a pantry, visit www.licares.org/foodlocator
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THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 on our communities will
be with us long after the need to self quarantine is no longer needed.
The loss of jobs, income, family members and friends, and our new heightened state of awareness will determine how Long Island will be able to recover. THE NEED FOR EMERGENCY FOOD WILL BE MET by the regional food bank and our network of more than 350 local food pantry members.
For Help • To Volunteer • To Donate www.licares.org | 631.582.FOOD
Paule T. Pachter CEO
Sandy Chapin Chairperson
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 37
Dave Cassaro President
keepingcurrent About Stripping And Waxing By Katherine Cortavarria Manantial Cleaning Services 1050 W Jericho Turnpike - Suite B Smithtown, NY 11787 (631) 787-4678 katherine@ manantialcleaningservices.com www.manantialcleaningservices.com/
What is Stripping and Waxing? VCT (Vinyl Composite Tile), acrylic and vinyl flooring are popular due to the beautiful aesthetic it adds to any room for a reasonable price. After installation, these types of flooring look amazing and provide your office space or building with a pleasing aesthetic that truly impresses your clientele. However, over time, these floors eventually get stained, scratched, and lose their brilliant shine due to high foot traffic. If you’re a business owner, your floors may not be something you think about often, but they can have a major impact on your customers. The truth is floors impact the impression your customers have of your place of business. Stripping and waxing is a process that completely removes the old wax coating, also removing scratches and stains, and reapplies a fresh coat of wax that revives your floors, giving it that brilliant shine once again. Stripping and waxing is a process that is specifically done only on VCT, linoleum, acrylic, vinyl and epoxy flooring and depending on your facility’s level of foot traffic, experts suggest that stripping and waxing, along
with regular spray buffing, should be performed at least bi-annually in order to maintain your floors brand new look. Stripping and waxing is a labor intensive job and requires trained professionals and the right equipment to do the job right. How Often Should I Strip and Wax? Stripping and waxing can really make a difference in the appearance of your flooring. Now, you may be wondering, how often should this professional process be done? Regular waxing does help to preserve and protect your flooring from scratches, spills, stains and nicks. The stripping and waxing procedure is aggressive because it involved professionals scrubbing and cleaning floors first to remove any dirt or dust particles that may get waxed into the floor. Once this is done, the floors are stripped of their old wax and a new coat of wax is applied restoring your floors luster. Depending on what type of business you run and how many people your business receives daily is a good gauge for how often you should perform stripping and waxing. Professionals recommend that VCT and similar flooring be stripped and waxed at least every year for low traffic areas and every 4-6 months (quarterly) for high traffic areas. Getting the Most out of Stripping and Waxing At first, professional stripping and waxing may seem like an unnecessary expense for your place of business, however, having it performed
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on a regular basis may be a very wise decision to make. No matter what type of business you run, your employees, customers, colleagues and business partners will step foot on your floors at some point. Over time, the high traffic areas create a dull appearance on your floors over time. Although many people don’t think about it, regular stripping and waxing can help you avoid missing out on potential business due to a perceived lack of concern about your facility or office appearance. Professional cleaning and janitorial companies provide the perfect solution to avoid these type of situations. Experienced cleaning technicians are trained and certified to ensure that the job is done right, leaving your floors looking like new. Quarterly stripping and waxing extends the life of your floors by protecting them from dirt, spillage, scratches, and nicks. Without this protection, your floors will suffer major damage, forcing you to waste hundreds or even thousands on new flooring. When the protective coating is worn down it can also leave your tiles vulnerable to water and debris which get in between the cracks of the tiles. Because of this the glue can become waterlogged and no longer adhere causing it to lift the individual tiles. To avoid this, Manantial Cleaning Services provides quarterly, semi-annual and annual stripping and waxing maintenance programs. Give us a call at (631)787-4678 to learn more about our services.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 38
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 39
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May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 40
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Force Majeure: What Happens When COVID-19 Prevents Parties from Performing? By Jeffrey Basso, Esq. Partner Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP (631) 738-9100 jbasso@cmmllp.com www.cmmllp.com The COVID-19 crisis and the measures implemented in response, including states of emergency, social distancing, and mandatory closures, have created extreme challenges for businesses, especially those that are unable to fulfill their contractual obligations due to shutdowns, layoffs, and delays. Whether your own business can’t perform or you’re frustrated by another party’s inability to perform, the degree of relief on the horizon depends on the force majeure language in your contract. By either excusing or deferring performance, force majeure clauses are designed to protect businesses or individuals when they are unable to perform their contractual obligations due to events beyond their control. The clause is typically triggered only if an event occurs beyond the parties’ control, such as a fire, terrorist attack, war, an “act of God,” and even governmental
action that prevents the parties from being able to perform. Under New York State Law, to be enforceable, a force majeure clause must specifically state what type of event triggers the protection. If the specific event is not listed in the clause, or there is no broad catch-all, the force majeure clause will not excuse or delay performance under the agreement. To be covered during the COVID-19 pandemic, the force majeure clause must include language about illness, plague, outbreak, and the like, or acts of government (which would apply to a nonessential business’s inability to perform due to Governor Cuomo’s Executive Orders), and/or a catch-all provision, such as “a cause beyond the control of such party for any reason.” Because the enforceability and applicability of force majeure clauses are so dependent on the language, such clauses may help a business during this time – or be useless depending on how the clause was drafted and what was expected by the parties at the time of negotiation. The shutdown brought about by the coronavirus pandemic almost seems like fiction, and was thus
likely not considered by most parties at the time they negotiated contracts calling for performance during this unprecedented time. However, even in the absence of an applicable force majeure clause, or if the clause does not list a qualifying event, the non-performing party may still be protected under New York law. New York State courts have found that if performance is impossible in certain situations, the parties may not have to perform their obligations under the contract. The Courts have also held that one party cannot keep payment received in exchange for something it is unable to perform for the second party. For example, a resort whose kitchen burned down was required to return the down payment to a patron who had reserved the resort’s kitchen facilities for an event. The Court held that the resort would be unjustly enriched if it could keep the deposit while the patron was unable to use the kitchen facilities as agreed.
If you have an agreement or contract that you or the other party is unable to perform and you have questions about what to do next, please reach out to us. We’ll review your agreement and let you know your options so you can move forward in the most productive way possible.
keepingcurrent Estate Planning Essentials for Business Owners By Keren G. Birnbaum, Esq. Senior Associate Attorney Schwartz Ettenger PLLC kb@selawny.com 631-777-2401
If you own a business, comprehensive estate planning is crucial to protecting your family, co-owners, employees, and customers. In addition, since the business itself may represent the bulk of your assets, proper estate planning helps ensure that your company does not lose value in the event of incapacity or death while your estate is being settled. Although every situation is different, there are certain essentials that should be part of your estate plan.
Disability Planning. An estate plan should address planning for while you are alive, including issues such as what happens in the event you are unable to manage your financial affairs or make medical decisions. A Health Care Proxy, Living Will and Power of Attorney are imperative to avoid having loved ones go to court to request that a guardian be appointed on your behalf. Where a business is involved, the failure
Taxes. Estate taxes are taken off the net value of the estate of a deceased person before any assets are distributed to the beneficiaries. Both New York State and the Federal Government have an estate tax. Even if your estate would not meet the threshold to be taxed, tax planning is important because you may be able take advantage of various business, income and gift tax strategies during your lifetime to maximize your wealth for the benefit of heirs. Additionally, if it has been several years since you last updated your estate plan, you may have lost some of the benefits you had previously counted on since tax laws have changed. Remember that your ownership structure may also affect your taxes. Succession Plan. As a business owner, you must plan for what will happen to your company after you are gone. Do you want or expect heirs to sell the business? Will business partners or key employees buy the business? If it is a family owned company, who will take over management and how will you apportion your estate between heirs who are active in the business and those who are not? Ideally, a succession plan should be put in place long before it is needed to allow time to take steps to protect and grow the value of the business, involve future leaders in the business, and draft appropriate legal agreements (e.g., buy/sell and employment agreements). Insurance. Business owners should purchase insurance for a variety of purposes. Disability insurance replaces lost income while an owner is disabled. Long-term care insurance pays the cost of care for you or a loved one. Life insurance provides money to beneficiaries that can be used for various
purposes, such as to help pay taxes and other costs or give money to heirs who will not get a share of the business. This is particularly important if most of your wealth is tied up in the business and little cash is available for other expenses. Also, life insurance is typically used when co-owners enter into a buy/sell agreement. The insurance money is used by the surviving owner to purchase the deceased owner’s share of the business. Special considerations. Every estate plan is unique which is why owners should speak to a knowledgeable attorney. One commonly overlooked issue is property which passes outside a Last Will and Testament. For example, if you jointly own a business or other property, those assets may pass to the joint owner regardless of what you have in your Last Will and Testament. Accounts with named beneficiaries, such as 401(k) plans, IRAs, life insurance policies and other types of bank and brokerage accounts automatically pass to the named beneficiary upon your death. Your estate plan must take into account all of your assets, so that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes. An estate planning attorney can also assist with planning for minor children, adults or children with special needs, children from a prior marriage, heirs with financial problems, and other personal circumstances. Remember that if you do not have an estate plan, New York law decides who gets your business and other assets. Furthermore, you are leaving your heirs to handle everything at a time when they are grieving. Finally, failing to specifically plan for your business may significantly reduce its value and hurt employees and customers. As a responsible business owner, you owe it to the people who rely on you to protect their interests as much as possible. Speak with an attorney regarding your plan.
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 41
Last Will and Testament. A Last Will and Testament is the foundation of your estate plan. The Last Will and Testament details matters such as how you want your assets distributed upon your death and who you want to administer your estate. In the absence of a Last Will and Testament, your assets pass according to New York’s intestacy laws, which may leave your property to different heirs than you would have wanted. Further, you lose the opportunity to provide detailed instructions regarding your business and may leave your estate and company in limbo while your heirs wait for the court to appoint an administrator.
to execute a Power of Attorney may significantly damage your company. Your disability plan must consider decisions such as who will run the business in your absence, including financial and operational decisions, as soon as you become incapacitated.
keepingcurrent Hormonal Optimization: A Natural Approach What Is It? Why Do It? How Is It Done? By Dr. Steve Giorgio Entropy Solutions 150 Broadhollow Road, Suite 306 Melville, NY 11747 631-775-8610 hello@getentropysolutions.com www.getentropysolutions.com
What Is It? Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is defined as hormonal balance achieved utilizing natural products that your body recognizes as its own. It is not a medication, it is not synthetic (non-natural or non-organic), it is not a pill or injectable with a one size fits all approach, and it does not tear up your liver. BHRT does not have the dosage fluctuations and side effects of traditional medications. It is based on your individual blood test results and as such, the all-natural dosage will meet your specific needs. Why Do It? The human body is a complicated machine and hormones are the messenger system that controls and coordinates the functions of said machine. Just imagine what could happen when this hormonal messenger system breaks down or is out of balance! These messengers are designed to interact with specific target cells and organs and provoke a change or result. If they are “out of whack or diminished” what could possibly go wrong? A lot! Hormonal optimization and balancing will lead to profound changes that will be life altering. If you are young at heart, but not quite so of body…read on. Women, what’s in it for you? (Men, you’re next) You may be living longer, but are you living better and healthier?
Let’s break this down on a hormonal level. Testosterone! It’s not just a male problem. Most women’s testosterone levels are woefully low. Women 20-40 years of age lose up to 50% of their testosterone production. Symptoms of this include, but are not limited to; brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, and lack of sex drive. You may also experience; irritability, night sweats, depression, and weight gain. Many woman do not realized that low testosterone can also increase their risk for Alzheimer’s, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and breast cancer (a more specific article on this to follow).
deficiency are well known via TV commercials. Many men feel fatigue, insomnia, decreased memory, focus, and concentration. Presenteeism is when you go to work, but your productivity is sub-par, a subtle yet costly effect due to hormonal imbalance. And then of course, there is the lack of sex drive and performance.
Progesterone: I want to limit this to post-menopausal women who have a uterus. If you are pre-menopausal, just reach out to our office regarding individual questions. Progesterone prevents estrogen from over stimulating the lining of the uterus. This hormone also improves mood swings, enhances sleep and increases protection against breast cancer.
Injectable therapy, creams and patches are not the answer. BHRT is! You can achieve the testosterone levels of your youth for 4-5 months at a time. Not just peak for 2-3 days post injection.
Estrogen: It is the last hormone to disappear as a woman reaches menopause. This hormone protects against Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, colon cancer, heart disease, incontinence, facial wrinkles, low sex drive, and many other issues. These are some of the most common complaints, but estrogen is involved in over four hundred different functions in the female body. Men, here you go. Testosterone: It is much more than the “sex hormone”. Male andropause (the male version of menopause) can begin at the age of 35. Each year after that, we can lose between 1-5% of testosterone production. This adds up quickly. The symptoms of testosterone loss and/or
Imagine having the knowledge and experience you have now with the desire and drive you had in your twenties…I know, it’s a scary thought! I have firsthand knowledge of this phenomenon.
How is this BHRT done? After a free consultation, we will send you for a specific blood panel that will address all the issues mentioned above, including your thyroid levels and other important physiological markers. Based upon your individual blood level analysis, a specific dosage will be derived. The procedure utilizes small bio-identical hormonal pellets, the size of a small seed. They are then inserted subcutaneously in the glutes or hip area. Your body will draw upon these pellets as needed using the circulatory system and your hormonal levels will be balanced and optimized for 4-5 months. This will be life altering! If you have any specific questions, please give us a call. A hormonally optimized body is a healthy and strong body. Subsequently, affording you better health, a better immune system, and a better you!
Joe Campolo
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 42
Managing Partner, Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP and HIA-LI Board Chairman
During the month of April, the HIA-LI held several educational and informative discussions to help its members and the Long Island business community through this pandemic. Several of our action-oriented committees hosted virtual ZOOM meetings, which featured presenters and panel discussion offering advice on how to navigate the virtual work environment. Some of the committee topics included working remotely during a crisis, retaining clients during this challenging time, COVID-19 impact and mitigation strategies, and mental health. To answer questions that business owners
U.S. Congressman Lee Zeldin
had about the Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) and relief stimulus packages, we held three virtual programs that featured the Small Business Association and the Stony Brook Development Center. During these programs, Robert J. Piechota, SBA Branch Manager, Long Island Office, and Bernie Ryba, SBDC Director, provided critical updates and answered questions live from our attendees. On April 28, HIA-LI hosted U.S. Congressman Lee Zeldin on a virtual ZOOM webinar, moderated by Joe Campolo, Managing Partner, Campolo, Middleton & McCormick, LLP and HIA-LI Board Chairman. During the discussion, Congressman Zeldin shared insight on the process and eligibility of
businesses seeking PPP loans, and the federal government’s plan on reopening various segments of the economy. The HIA-LI is committed to providing its members and the Long Island Business community with critical information and programming that will help you and your business through the pandemic and navigate the “new norm.” Please continue to check the HIA-LI website, www.HIA-LI.org, and our social media platforms for upcoming programs.
Telling your story with strategic video marketing so you stand out from the competition & grow your business in good & challenging times. Offering special incentives to HIA-LI members to help rebuild Long Islandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy. Call today!
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 43
www.telestorypictures.com 888.759.6096
Manny Morales | President/CEO | 631-231-3255 300 Wheeler Rd, Suite 203 | Hauppauge, NY 11788 rmorales@2mtech.com | http://www.2mtech.com
Scott Smythe | Founder & President | (631) 704-8750 H47 Lorijean Lane | East Northport, NY 11731-4118 smythescott@gmail.com |
Christopher Coluccio | CEO and Co-Founder | (631) 285-1527 4551 Sunrise Highway | Bohemia, NY 11716 chris@maketechwork.com | www.maketechwork.com
Alex Kwartiroff, PMP | President | (516) 671-0393 5A Carpenter Place | Sea Cliff, NY 11579 akwart@att.net
John Sperling | Regional Sales Manager | 516 602 9355 130 New Hyde Park | Franklin Square, NY 11010 john@texpak.com | www.texpak.com
Catherine Monteferrante | Vice President | (516) 757-4499 94 Gardiners Avenue | Levittown, NY 11756 cmonte@completebiz.solutions | https://www.completebiz.solutions
Matthew Rosenblatt | Audit Senior Manager | 212-750-4946 488 Madison Avenue | New York, NY 10022 matthew.rosenblatt@crowe.com | www.crowe.com
ENTREPRENEURIAL OPERATING SYSTEM (EOS) Mitchell York | President | (516) 314-7169 90 Tyler Ave, Suite 102 | West Sayville, NY 11796 mitchell@york.coach | www.york.coach
Sudhir Sachdev | President | (516) 286-2630 5 Pinetree Avenue | Hicksville, NY 10018 sudhir@oysterbridge.com | www.apicsnyc-li.org
Frank Doria | Vice President | 516 419 4125 333 Earle Ovington Boulevard, Suite 800 | Uniondale, NY 11553 Frank.doria@Usi.com | Http://www.usi.com
Rosanna Fuoco | Brand Evangelist | (631) 870-3946 200 Parkway Drive South, Suite 302 | Hauppauge, NY 11788 skaplan@fuoco.com | www.fuoco.com
Anele O. Nwanyanwu, Esq. | Attorney & Counselors at Law | (718) 776-0022 97-13 Springfield Boulevard, 1st Floor | Queens Village, NY 11429 aneleesq@gmail.com |
John A. Gaiso | Principal | 631-987-4391 PO Box 732 | Huntington, NY 11743 jgaiso@gci01.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-a-gaiso-0223001a/
Joe Campolo | Managing Partner | (631) 738-9100 4175 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Suite 400 | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 JCampolo@cmmllp.com | www.cmmllp.com
Janice Kennedy | Sales & Marketing Director | (516) 310-1165 140 Gary Way | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 janice@indooraircare.com | http://www.moldbusters.com
Joe Durko | Founder & Head of Client Services | (631) 393-5145 200 Broad Hollow Rd, Suite 207 | Melville, NY 11747 joe@integrekon.com | http://integrekon.com
George Likourezos | Attorney | 631-501-5700 445 Broad Hollow Road | Melville, 11747 glikourezos@carterdeluca.com | www.carterdeluca.com
Debra Scala-Giokas | Director of Marketing | (631) 979-3000 100 Motor Parkway, Suite 156 | Hauppauge, NY 11788 dscala@certilmanbalin.com | www.certilmanbalin.com
Stephanie Dunaieff | Business Consultant | (631) 403-7731 445 Broad Hollow Rd, Suite 25 | Melville, NY 11747 stephanie.dunaieff@margotcorporation.com | http://www.margotcorporation.com
Christopher Kent | Partner | (631) 367-0710 100 Motor Parkway, Suite 300 | Hauppauge, NY 11788 ckent@farrellfritz.com | www.farrellfritz.com
Jeffrey Guillot | (646) 893-4652 315 Main Street | Huntington, NY 11743 jguillot@millennialstrat.com | www.millennialstrat.com
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 44
Nannette Watts | Owner | 516-506-8224 PO Box 1051 | Seaford, NY 11783 nwatts@nwattscpa.com | https://www.nwattscpa.com
Emil Everett | 9179688211 18 Rivers Road | East Hampton, NY 11937 everett@newamsterdamllc.com | www.thinknewamsterdam.com
Lucille Mavrokefalos | President | (631) 498-4920 46 Second Place | CENTRAL ISLIP, NY 11722 lmavro@newlifeHRsolutions.com | www.newlifehrsolution.com
Elbert F. Nasis | Partner | (516) 248-1700 The Omni, 333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Suite 1010 | Uniondale, NY 11553 ENasis@ForchelliLaw.com | www.ForchelliLaw.com
Erika LoBasso | Director of Marketing | (516) 800-8000 390 N Broadway, Suite 210 | Jericho, NY 11753 erl@friedmansimon.com | https://www.friedmansimon.com/
Melissa Negrin-Weiner | Partner | (631) 390-5000 225 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 200 | Melville, NY 11747 melissa@genserlaw.com | www.genserlaw.com
Marc Wenger | 631-247-0404 58 South Service Road, Suite 410 | Melville, NY 11747 wengerm@jacksonlewis.com | www.jacksonlewis.com
Ryan C. Hild, Esq | Attorney at Law | 5167476300 155 First Street | Mineola, NY 11501 rhild@taxcert.com | www.taxcert.com
Brian Conneely | (516) 357-3000 926 Reckson Plaza | Uniondale, NY 11553 brian.conneely@rivkin.com | www.rivkinradler.com
Alyson Mathews | Attorney | 631-414-5825 534 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 210 | Melville, NY 11747 am@lambbarnosky.com | www.lambbarnosky.com
Andrew Garbarino | Of Counsel | (516) 663-6533 1425 RexCorp Plaza, East Tower, 15th Floor | Uniondale, NY 11556 agarbarino@rmfpc.com | www.rmfpc.com
Richard B. Klar | Principal | (516) 248-8800 145 Willis Avenue, Suite No. 6 | Mineola, NY 11501 richardklar@msn.com | www.nypat.com
Jennifer Pascucci | Executive Legal Assistant | 516-742-7430 114 Old Country Road, Suite 218 | Mineola, NY 11501 jpascucci@nytaxreview.com | www.nytaxreview.com
Bruce H. Kaplan, Esq. | Principal | (212) 639-9000 434 Hoffman Lane | Hauppuage, NY 11788 brucehkaplan@gmail.com |
Jeffrey Ettenger | Partner 455 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 205 | Melville, 11747 jse@selawny.com | www.selawny.com
Robert Doyle | Partner | (631)755-0101 One CA Plaza, Suite 225 | Islandia, NY 11749 rwdoyle@lewisjohs.com | www.Lewisjohs.com
Lee Schwartz | 631-777-2401 445 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 205 | Melville, NY 11747 schwartzettenger.com
John T. Bauer | Office Managing Shareholder | 631-293-4525 290 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 305E | Melville, NY 11747 JBauer@littler.com | www.littler.com
Stacey Nigro | Partner | (631) 873-4888 43 Corporate Drive | Hauppauge, NY 11788 snigro@sjdfirm.com | www.sjdfirm.com
Robert Dooley | Attorney | (631) 730-8686 96 South Ocean Avenue | Patchogue, NY 11772 dooley@mcgiffhalverson.com | www.mcgiffhalverson.com
Alison Mercado | (631) 475-4400 One Corporate Drive, Suite 102 | Bohemia, NY 11716 a.mercado@rttllp.com | http://www.tarofftaitz.com
Allan Cohen | Office Managing Partner | (516) 832-7522 50 Jericho Quadrangle, Suite 300 | Jericho, NY 11753 acohen@nixonpeabody.com | www.nixonpeabody.com
PORCO IP – LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL J. PORCO Michael Porco | Founder | (516) 628-0312 111 South Street, Suite 250 | Oyster Bay, NY 11771 mporco@porcopatent.com | www.porcopatent.com
Melissa Greenberger, Esq. | Staff attorney | 631.650.2311 C/O Touro Law Center - Public Advocacy Center 212, 225 Eastview Drive | Central Islip, NY 11722 | mgreenberger@probonopartner.org | www.probonopartner.org
Bryan Van Cott, Esq. | Partner | 631-727-2180 P.O. Box 9398, | Riverhead, NY 11901 bvancott@suffolklaw.com | www.suffolklaw.com
VAZ LAW, PLLC MEDIATION AND COLLABORATIVE DIVORCE Elizabeth Vaz | Esq. | (844) 785-2900 1393 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 212N | Hauppauge, NY 11788 e.vaz@vazlaw.com | www.vazlaw.com
Timothy Wan | Chief Executive Officer | (631) 853-0911 5036 Jericho Turnpike, suite 201 | Commack, NY 11725 tim@WanLawGroup.com | www.WanLawGroup.com
James Rigano | Associate | (631) 756-5900 538 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 301 | Melville, NY 11747 adellefave@riganollc.com | www.riganollc.com
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 45
NEW MEMBER PROFILES currently work with considers mailing you a monthly statement showing the fees you owe client service, you are missing out.
Credit Card Processing For Less (CCPFL) Victor Travaglianti Agency Owner 631-228-3050 vic@creditcardprocessingforless.com www.creditcardprocessingforless.com www.calendly.com/ccpfl Credit Card Processing For Less (CCPFL) is an independent payment processing agency based in Sayville. In business since 2011, CCPFL works exclusively with businesses based in Nassau and Suffolk County. CCPFL allows business owners to experience that rare combination of outstanding local client service combined with very fair pricing. CCPFL allows business owners to experience first class service while paying coach fares. As an independent agency, CCPFL works represents THE MERCHANT, not a specific processing company. That means no conflicts of interest and almost no limitations with industry, equipment, or technology. To minimize risk to the merchant, all clients receive free payment terminals, free terminal receipt paper and all accounts are set up with no cancellation fees. Without any doubt, the biggest competitive edge business owners experience when working with CCPFL is that their primary point of contact is the owner of the agency. Nobody has more of a financial interest in customer satisfaction than the owner. Furthermore, since all clients are in Nassau and Suffolk County, help is only a few zip codes away; not a few time zones away. Larger processing companies usually outsource the customer service and the technical support to an overseas call center. The people who answer the phones usually have little training and not much interest in resolving the client’s problem. If the company you
community driven. She also holds various positions to serve and give back to the local community. Jennifer is on the Board of Directors for the Smithtown Chamber of Commerce, PTA Board Member for Bretton Woods Elementary in Hauppauge School District, and on the Smithtown Advisory Board. Jennifer is ready to lend her expertise in business and marketing to bring support to those local families in need through awareness and community involvement for the Smithtown Children Foundation Hauppauge Chapter. We are thrilled for the opportunity to work with the HIA to help local families and give back to the community.
Smithtown Childrens Foundation Jennifer O’Brien Executive Director 6313719178 jenn@insurewithjenn.com www.smithtownchildrensfoundation.com The Smithtown Children’s Foundation- Hauppauge Chapter is a NY State non for profit, 501c3, providing financial and emotional support to families. We provide financial and emotional support to families residing in the Hauppauge community by bridging family, friends, neighbors & local business to act as ONE in times of crisis. In an effort to emulate what the Smithtown Children Foundation has done in the Smithtown community for Hauppauge, we have appointed Jennifer O’Brien as Executive Director of the Hauppauge Chapter. Jennifer and her family reside in Hauppauge and she is very active in the community as a mom and small business owner. Jennifer owns and operates a State Farm Agency located in the heart of Smithtown that she has built on the basis of being relationship oriented, family focused, and
Coretelligent Elizabeth Lederer Business Development Manager (646) 693-6104 elederer@core.tech https://coretelligent.com/ Coretelligent is a leading provider of comprehensive managed IT, cybersecurity, business resilience & cloud services, enabling organizations to seamlessly power and successfully grow their businesses. Founded in 2006 and led by world-class experts, Coretelligent’s key services are relied on by top-tier organizations in a variety of industries, including financial services organizations, insurance and commercial real-estate. Coretelligent’s team is recognized as leaders by CRN, Inc., MSP501, Inc. 5000 and more. Headquartered in Westwood, Mass., Coretelligent has offices in New York City, Stamford, Atlanta and San Francisco. For more information visit www.coretelligent.com, call us at 1-855-841-5888 or
follow us on Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn.
Connetquot Central School District of Islip 190 Seventh Street Bohemia, NY 11716 Margaret Ronai Director of Social Studies/Business (631) 244-2228 Ext. 1090 mronai@ccsdli.org http://www.ccsdli.org The Connetquot Central School District of Islip, through strong community partnerships, will develop life-long learners for a global society. Our high school Business department is teaching students about Entrepreneurship, Virtual Enterprise, Accounting, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Entertainment Marketing, Microsoft Office, Business Law I, Business Law with Civil Mock Trials, College Accounting, Wall Street, Personal Financial Literacy, Sports Marketing, Sports Management and Fashion Marketing. Our goal is to teach twenty first century skills to students to develop creative thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication and collaboration. We are empowering our students through programs and opportunities designed for all students. We are enabling our students to more actively engage with the curriculum to personalize their learning while teaching them the skills to be successful in high school and beyond. We are reshaping our physical environments to facilitate this instructional shift. We are helping students to develop their passions and interests by exposing them to challenging curriculum, the latest technology, internships, job shadowing, and opportunities to develop the professional skills they will need for life beyond high school. We know that by providing our students with these skills, they will meet success in the jobs of the future, including careers that may presently not exist.
keepingcurrent Navigating your Economic Impact Payment
By Gregg Pajak, ChFC®, RFC, CFF President and Founder WizdomOne Group LLC Office : (631) 652-6001 gpajak@wizdomone.com www.wizdomone.com
NEW YORK, April 22 (Reuters) - In a little over a year, when Americans file their 2020 tax returns, much of what is going on with coronavirus-linked stimulus payments will finally add up.
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Until then, prepare for confusion. Think you got shorted on the Economic Impact Payment deposit you received on April 15? Think you got too much? If you did not get any money, where is it? Will it come in the next round, due in a few days? Will you get the full $1,200 per adult and $500 per child under 17 or some portion thereof? Why can’t anyone answer your questions? John Dundon had an 86-year-old neighbor stop by his house in Denver, Colorado (unmasked, without regard for social distancing), claiming he had spoken to the White House and they had asked him to talk to Dundon, who had helped him prepare his taxes. Dundon was caught by surprise by both the visit and the inquiry. “I have an open door policy, but I thought, ‘Ah geez, are you kidding me?’” said Dundon, an enrolled agent tax preparer and president of Taxpayer Advocacy Services. Yet Dundon and other tax professionals have no better answers for their clients than simply calling the White House switchboard. Phyllis Jo Kubey, an enrolled agent based in New York, has been pulling the 2020 tax transcripts for clients. She is
finding garbled codes that do not offer any more information than the error message most people get when they use the status check tool provided by the IRS https://www.irs. gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment.
agent based in San Jose, California. He is dealing with a client whose husband passed away in 2019 and will be getting a stimulus payment for her spouse.
As with most tax questions, the answers are specific to your economic situation. But here are the most common issues that experts are tackling right now:
Dundon has a client who was single in 2018 and got a payment for herself and two kids. She got married in 2019 and filed a return with her new husband, who has one child. They got a payment for two adults and three children.
Divorced couples who alternate claiming their children or who split the children may have some reconciling to do.
Tax preparers are besieged with calls from clients not understanding the structure of relief payments. Tynisa Gaines even talked down her own aunt on Facebook, after she shared a meme about people having to return the money.
People who had children before the end of 2020, or whose children turn 17 in this time frame, will also have wonky math.
“This is not true. Do not share this,” advised Gaines, who is an enrolled agent based in Richmond, Virginia. The Economic Impact Payments to individuals are technically refundable tax credits on your 2020 return, which means they exist separately from whatever your tax liability will be for that year. When you file your return, there will be some kind of worksheet to input the payment you already received and it will tally up the correct amount you should have received. If you got too little, you will receive the difference. If you got too much, you get to keep it. (Yes, keep it, no strings attached.) Kubey revisited the language from the 2008 return when there was a similar stimulus payment following the financial crash. “The instructions pretty clearly said: if you got too much, you don’t have to pay it back.” ‘THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!’ “No, it doesn’t make sense,” said Alan Pinck, an enrolled
Those who made more or less in any of the years used to calculate the payments will have to work it out in 2020. “I truly do not believe that Congress realized that there are so many different scenarios for this money,” said tax accountant Morris Armstrong, based in Connecticut. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT? If you need money now, it is no solace to be told that this will all be resolved in a year, but that is the only true answer right now. “We can do the math, but we don’t know with any certainty what the IRS is actually doing,” Gaines said. “They are just an agency doing what they are told. Congress passed this law while they were basically furloughed.” (Editing by Bernadette Baum) Copyright (2020) Thomson Reuters. This article was written by Beth Pinsker from Reuters and was legally licensed by AdvisorStream through the NewsCred publisher network.
HEARD AROUND THE ISLAND APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS & HONORS Virginia A. Kawochka, Administrator at Forchelli Deegan Terrana LLP (“FDT”), is a Co-Chair of the Nassau County Bar Association’s (NCBA) newly-introduced Legal Administrators Committee. She Co-Chairs this Committee with Dede S. Unger, Firm Administrator at Barket Epstein Kearon Aldea & LoTurco, LLP. Members of the staff at Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk drove to the entrance of Stony Brook University Hospital’s Trauma Unit and were greeted by the appreciative smiles and grateful hearts of two hospital staff members. Habitat Suffolk coordinated with the hospital to deliver 200 masks and 1,750 disposable coverall suits. Long Island Cares, Inc. - The Harry Chapin Regional Food Bank and Connoisseur Media are teaming up to fight hunger during the Covid 19 pandemic. These food drives are being hosted virtually through Connoisseur Media’s five radio stations and YouGiveGoods. com, which is a virtual food drive platform. Listeners can donate to their favorite radio station from home by phone or computer, each station has been provided their own link. If you would like to help, please visit https://yougivegoods.com/liccovid2020.
With the concerns surrounding the COVID-19 virus and the lack visitor oversight, it is more important than ever for residents of longterm care facilities, and their loved ones, to know where to turn for support and advocacy. Family Service League (FSL), the premier Long Island based non-profit human service organization, manages the New York State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program in Suffolk County. FSL’s Volunteer Ombudsmen advocate for residents by addressing quality of life and quality of care issues along with concerns for resident’s Long Island Cares, rights. This service is available to anyone Inc. - The Harry residing in a nursing home, adult care facility, Chapin Regional or family-type home across the state. Food Bank has announced that they will Family Service be awarding a total of $100,000 in small League (FSL), the grants to at least fifty local food pantries that premier Long Island experienced additional expenses in responding based non-profit to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased human service need for emergency food in the Long Island organization, Region. continues to offer essential mental The members and health counseling, addiction treatment, and dedicated staff of the crisis care for children and adults. Facing Old Westbury Golf mental health or substance abuse issues and Country Club can be overwhelming, especially combined have purchased and with the additional stress and challenges our donated $50,000 in emergency food and communities are facing due to the COVID-19 much needed paper goods to Long Island virus. FSL’s DASH Crisis Care Center is a Cares, Inc. - The Harry Chapin Regional beacon of hope for Suffolk County residents Food Bank to support their efforts in who are struggling to cope. The Hotline 631responding to the impact of the COVID-19 952-3333 is available 24-hours or visit www. global pandemic that, has resulted in New fsl-li.org for additional services. York State and in particular, the Long Island Region as the two major hot spots in the United States. With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continuing to impact the world and our local communities here on Long Island, Suffolk Federal has stepped up to the plate to support healthcare workers and staff on the front lines of the pandemic as well as local businesses supporting their efforts in Port Jefferson. The credit union presented a check of $7,500 to the Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce which will benefit local “Healthcare Heroes” at both St. Charles and Mather Hospitals.
Share your recent events, happenings and promotions with the Long Island business community in HIA-LI’s Heard Around the Island section, complimentary to all of our members. To submit press releases to The Reporter, please email them to Marketing@ hia-li.org. Please make sure all press releases are a maximum of 60 words
May 2020 - The HIA-LI Reporter Page 47
As physicians, scientists and researchers worldwide struggle to understand the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the American Heart Association is developing a novel registry to aggregate data and aid research on the disease, treatment protocols and risk factors tied to adverse cardiovascular outcomes.
As the supply for personal protective equipment continues to be uncertain in our region, Habitat for Humanity of Suffolk is actively taking steps to help the medical community. Suffolk ReStore, Habitat’s donation center which carries a selection of gently used building supplies and home furnishings, donated approximately 40 yards of fabric to be used to make homemade cloth masks for healthcare workers and staff. The fabric was previously donated to ReStore by Maharam, a textile company in Yaphank.
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