Builders & Contractors Magazine, Issue #138

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The truth about supply andchainspayment Creating a safer excellenceRecognisingindustry The 2022 NZ Building Industry award winners constructionConnected How the Cloud is transforming the way Naylor Love works The concrete industry's environmental evolution DECARBONISINGCONCRETE Getting and staying organised Professional tips for tradies THINGS YOU MUST DO IN A DOWNTURN ONLINE INFRASTRUCTURE | CIVIL, COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION | CONTRACTING ISSUE NO.138WWW.BUILDERSANDCONTRACTORS.CO.NZ2022

EWP Operator Training Book Your Training! 1 0 L O C A T I O N S 1 2 0 0 M A C H I N E S N A T I O N W I D E 6 T R A I N I N G C E N T E R S 6 CENTERS NATIONWIDE Cromwell, Dunedin, Timaru, Christchurch, Blenheim, Auckland Hamilton Visit Or email

Nationwide Distribution: Mailed directly to a carefully maintained list of decision makers and subscribers for 25 years.

Builders and Contractors, a national trade newspaper targeted directly at New Zealand's building and construction industry. For some time we were aware that, although the building and related trades were generally covered individually by some trade journals, there was no amalgamated news link for trades as a whole, especially on a nationwide basis.

This void has been successfully filled by Builders & Contractors. Distribution is by way of various outlets: PlaceMakers, Mitre 10, Builders Hardware, I.T.M., Carters, Site Safe Members, Home Ideas Centre, timber companies, hire companies, together with our database direct mail drop to architects, draughting professionals, consulting engineers, building consultants, designers and local Councils. By these means we aim to reach one of the most powerful buying groups in the industry.

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holds joint event for mutual benefit 64: MBIE proposes extension of transition for insulation rules 68: The Passive House concept has been igniting building design 74: Where to landscapingfindprofessionals 78: Auckland to higher-densitywelcomehousing 84: Funding for better buildings in Wellington 88: The new Dunedin Hospital project 92: Getting and staying organised 94: Apprenticeship boost extended to late 2023 96: Tech support on building sites 98: Selecting the right fleet vehicles for you Page: 78Page: 36Page: 10 Page: 18 6: How councils endeavour to manage liability 8: Seven things you must do in a downturn 10: How the Cloud is transforming the way Naylor Love works 12: The truth about supply and payment chains 14: Creating a safer industry 16: The secret to a dynamic team 18: BESIX Watpac to build Christchurch stadium 19: Making Kiwi homes stronger The truth about supply andchainspayment Creating a safer excellenceRecognisingindustry The 2022 NZ Building Industry award winners constructionConnected How the Cloud is transforming the way Naylor Love works Getting and staying organised The concrete industry's environmental evolution DECARBONISINGCONCRETE THINGS YOU MUST DO IN A DOWNTURN Professional tips for tradies ONLINE Head Office Auckland Office 38 Lowe Phone:ChristchurchAddingtonStreet8011(03)961 5050 Email: Web:,3-13Shortland Street Auckland CBD Auckland 1010

We take a peek at initiatives making construction safer for the future, how to get the best out of conflict within your team, and take a look at the 2022 NZ Building Industry award winners.


As always, we thank all our columnists for their expertise, along with the views, opinions and predictions of all those who contributed, to help you manage the risks your face each and every day.

There’s advice on how to get organised and stay organised, seven things to do in an economic downturn, how the Cloud is transforming the way Naylor Love works, and the truth about supply and payment chains.

NZ Ltd is not responsible for the results of any actions taken on the basis of information in these articles, nor for any error or omission from these articles and that the firm is not hereby engaged in rendering advice or services. AMark Publishing NZ Ltd expressly disclaim all and any liability and responsibility to any person in respect of anything and of the consequences of anything done, or omitted to be done, by any such a person in reliance, whether wholly or partially upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. Advertising feature articles are classified as advertising content and as such, information contained in them is subject to the Advertising Standards Authority Codes of Practice. Contents Copyright 2017 by AMark Publishing NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. No article or advertisement may be reproduced without written permission. Editorial: Jonathon Taylor Phone: (03) 961 Sales Manager: Monice Kruger Phone: (03) 961 Production: Jarred Box 1879, Christchurch, 8140 20: The 2022 NZ Building Industry award winners 21: Cyber security issues are closer to home than Kiwis realise 22: Reinforcing Steel Standards changes on the way 30: Steel corrosion 35: All Steel award-winningFabrication’swork 36: Culham Engineering has been delivering for more than 60 years 40: Decarbonising concrete - the concrete industry’s environmental evolution 46: Tackling relevant concrete topics 48: Reviewing the 2022 CANZ conference 54: Equilibrium in the sector is high on the FTMA’s wish list 60: Inspiring new directions for home flooring 62:

Readers: Construction/building industry leaders and decision makers: government & trade organisations, site safe members, business owners and professionals in the industry.


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In this issue of Builders & Contractors we look at how the concrete industry is evolving, with recent achievements in emissions reductions designed to achieve net zero carbon concrete by 2050.

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basis Issue #138 - B&C | 5 OHL-KD100 OHL-102 OVL-99 OHL-45 OHL-D Scan the code to download a copy of our brochure, or contact your local branch for a hard copy Auckland Wellington Christchurch Learn all about Holyoake’s Architectural Louvers

So what can Councils do? They can’t exactly escape their responsibilities, because under section 49 of the Building Act they, must grant a building consent if they are satisfied on reasonable grounds that the provisions of the building code would be met if the building work were properly completed in accordance with the plans and specifications that accompanied the application. And under section 94, a Council must issue a code compliance certificate if it is satisfied, on reasonable grounds that the building work complies with the building consent.

By signing this you are making several promises to the Council (mainly that your work complies with the consented plans and specifications – which means it must comply with the building code), and if that promise turns out not to be true, they can sue you for whatever losses they suffer as a result (which would be the damages they have to pay out to a disgruntled property owner).

They are responsible for checking that an application for a building consent complies with the building code and that building work has been carried out in accordance with the building consent for that work. They are subject to statutory time limits for the issue of building consents and code compliance certificates.

Instead, Councils manage the risk in two ways. They conduct inspections at critical stages of the build so that they focus on the high-risk areas and minimise what can be hidden from them. And they insist on certificates from third parties known as Producer Statements so that they can pass on their liability to those third parties if they supply goods or services that are not Recently,code-compliant.thereseems to have been an increase in the number and frequency of producer statements being requested by Auckland Council, and it is likely to be a phenomenon happening throughout the country.

So, why do builders voluntarily expose themselves to the risk of liability to a third party – the Council? Only because the Council insists on producer statements as a condition of issuing the building consent or the CCC, and builders do it as part of their responsibilities to their clients the property owners.

Auckland Council has helpfully produced a Producer Statement Policy called AC2301.

How councils endeavour to manage liability

the fact that Councils struggle to attract and retain the right expertise too. Many of their overseas-sourced staff have had to return home because of tightened New Zealand immigration rules.

That says that a PS3 is generally required when Council has had limited or no involvement with the inspection, for example pile driving, water-proofing membranes, specialist coating and cladding systems, etc.

Is it essential that you be on the register? Not if a producer statement is supplied and a building inspector has conducted an inspection – in that case no assessment of the competence of the author is required. However, if an inspection has not been called and a producer statement is the sole means of establishing compliance, then it can only be accepted if the author is on the register.

What else should you do? First, read the Producer Statement to see if it differs from Auckland Council’s PS3. Then push back on anything unreasonable. If you are an LBP, don’t be coerced into adding anything into your ROW that ought to be in the PS3 instead – remember that ROWs are a personal statement from the individual LBP, not from the building company. And finally, obtain equivalent Producer Statements from any subcontractors or suppliers who provided the relevant goods or services.

In recent years, Council liability increased substantially due to the leaky building crisis. Although Councils were typically held to be 20 percent responsible on average, they frequently had to pick up the tab for everyone else who had gone AWOL or gone bust. And they are still picking up that tab to this day. After their insurance cover ran out early this century, they had to pass the cost on to their disgruntled ratepayers, so they became very risk-averse and very cautious.

Section 391 of the Building Act makes it clear that the Council can be sued for negligence it if gets it wrong. And under section 393 they are potentially liable for 10 years.

A producer statement is fundamentally different to the record of work (ROW) that an

It’s important to remember that producer statements aren’t uniform throughout the country. They all say slightly different things, depending on which Council issues them. The Auckland Council’s PS3, for example, says this: “I have sighted the above building consent and read the attached conditions of consent and confirm that I have undertaken the building work described above in accordance with the consented plans and specifications. I understand that Council will rely upon this producer statement, for the purposes of establishing compliance with the above building consent.”

It’s not as if the burden on Councils has been eased to compensate for these added pressures. Their basic responsibilities under the Building Act remain unchanged. They are the gatekeeper that ensures buildings in New Zealand do not harm anyone or damage property.

The volume of residential building activity is unprecedented. People are hell-bent on doing their renovation or their new build, seemingly oblivious to the fact that there’s a lack of available building expertise, a lack of building materials, and prices going through the Addroof.tothat

To absolutely guarantee that consented building work complies with the building code, and therefore avoid all liability, they would have to have a building inspector on every site 24/7. But the cost of that would be astronomical, so it’s not going to happen.

Building Consent Authorities and Territorial Authorities (for simplicity I’ll call them Councils) are coming under increasing pressure these days.

Auckland Council may at its discretion perform an audit, but usually sole reliance is placed on the producer statement offered. But is a PS3 mandatory? Where an applicant chooses not to provide a PS3, Council will undertake the inspection and recover the cost of this inspection from the applicant. If external expertise is required for an inspection, such expertise will be arranged by Council at the applicant’s expense.

Geoff Hardy has 47 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer and is a partner in the Auckland firm Martelli McKegg. He guarantees personal attention to new clients at competitive rates. His phone number is (09) 379 0700, fax (09) 309 4112, and e-mail This article is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice.

By Geoff Hardy, an Auckland commercial lawyer

The rest of their workforce has been decimated by COVID-19 and that must have created a massive backlog for the Councils to work through. And they are now having to operate in an era where flexible working hours and working from home has become the norm.

More recently there have been some new building consent exemptions introduced into Schedule 1 of the Building Act (eg, singlestorey detached buildings of between 10-30 sqm) which effectively pass responsibility onto Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs) and Chartered Professional Engineers, but that hasn’t eased the load much.

In 2012 the then-government responded to their concerns by introducing a concept

But builders should be rightly concerned about signing another document that might come back to bite them at some point. Even more so because the Council isn’t even the builder’s client, and the Council gives nothing back to the builder in return.

LBP has to submit to the Council. ROWs do not create any liability, whereas producer statements do. ROWs simply identify who did the relevant restricted building work, and they don’t make that person any more liable for that work than they already were. By contrast, producer statements do create liability – and it is liability to a party (the Council) that the builder wasn’t already liable to.

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known as risk-based consenting – which basically proposed to transfer more risk off the Councils and onto the builders – but those laws ended up in the too-hard basket.

If the Councils are doing that – perhaps because their building inspectors can’t cope with the current workload – then that is an unfair burden on builders because it is allowing Councils to avoid their statutory responsibilities and instead foist them on builders. Although to be fair to Councils, they don’t have many other options right now given the unprecedented volume of inspection work and the toll that covid has taken on their workforce.

Note that the Auckland Council PS3 says “I” have undertaken the building work … in accordance with the consented plans and specifications. That is a pretty clear suggestion to me that the person signing the PS3 is giving a personal undertaking and assuming personal liability. So, at the very least, you should ensure that the PS3 is stated to be given on behalf of your building company, not you personally.

Producer statements are simply a device that Councils have invented long ago. They have no statutory basis and aren’t even mentioned in the Building Act. Councils insist on producer statements from anyone who is providing some critical component of the building work. The statement is a contractual promise from the person who signs it, to the Council, that their work is code-compliant. Armed with that assurance, the Council feels more confident in issuing the code compliance certificate (CCC).


I am no economist, but I’ve been around long enough to recognise that we are heading into difficult times. Between supply shortages, rising inflation, increasing interest rates, and an unstable housing market.

So - what are you doing to prepare mentally going into this new season?

anyway. The difference is superior coaching, strategy and mindset.

Don’t rely on your backlog of work. Make sure you are doing all you can to keep the work flowing in.

So, make sure you also have a mentor (someone who understands business) to talk to regularly, and work through the issues.

It is the same in business, the business is always a reflection of the owner.

Watch the numbers closely. Look for the early signs so you’re not surprised.

So, how do you make sure you’re in the top 20

In sport, the best teams don’t always have the best players, but they consistently win

Trades will always be needed in any part of the cycle, but in a recession there will obviously be less demand. However, the top 20% will always have enough work even when it’s quiet.

5. Cut the fat

Reduce debt as much as possible. In a recession, banks tighten up lending and overdrafts. Be aware of interest rate trends and your ability to pay back current debt.

By Daniel Fitzpatrick from Next Level Tradie

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Who is your mentor you can talk with on those hard days when it seems everything is falling apart? What books are you reading? What new strategies are you working on to Theimprove?moreyou

grow the better your business will perform.

Reduce debt as much as possible. In a recession, banks tighten up lending and overdrafts. Be aware of interest rate trends and your ability to pay back current debt.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming if you have steady work, all will be okay. You must know at exactly what point the job is not worth doing.

In slow times, you can also diversify (into other types of jobs you can make money on). As well as specialising in what you are really good at. Do both! Spread your risk.

We can’t stop the recession. But we can prepare wisely.

If you already have a mentor - great. If you need one, then it’s time we had a chat.

Seven things you must do in a downturn

Let’s sum up

Have you noticed that some people always seem to get ahead no matter how big the obstacles are?

2. Those who are slow to react are the worst hit

In hard times, lots of tradies will do anything to get (or keep) the work. They are the ones that get into trouble first.

Need a plan to move your business forward with confidence? Book a free strategy chat with me here: nextstep

Now is the perfect chance for you to get better, more efficient, become leaner and more resilient. Systemise your operations. Sharpen yourself up for the next phase.

So how do you protect your business and come through this in good shape?

6. Under-pricing leads to problems later On some jobs, to keep the work, you might have to sharpen your pencil. Be very careful!

Cash is king, and you want as much of it available as you can. Reduce overheads. Work on becoming more efficient.


things you should know, and be working into your plan now, to be in that top 20 percent.

What if they changed owners? Or their project manager (that dishes out the work) decided he was going to use your competition instead? This can happen (and Especiallydoes).if

7. The strongest asset in your business is you

I often see tradies rely too much on one or two big clients. It’s risky. As a rule of thumb your biggest client ideally wouldn’t be more than 30 percent – 40 percent of your your biggest client disappeared, would you still be ok? We’ve all seen bigger companies fold and little guys get Don’thurt.let it happen to you. Make sure you aren’t carrying late payers, and have solid terms of trade.

Assess: Is your work coming from just one source currently? It’s not a good idea to rely on only one stream to feed you jobs through. What if your biggest customer had their work dry up? Or went broke, and you had to deal with the receiver who didn’t want to pay you?

3. Some of your customers will go broke Have you ever been stung by a large bad debt? Most tradies have. That’s in the good times. It’s likely to happen much more in a downturn.

Before we dive into that it’s important to get some perspective first. Recessions will crop up eventually, a boom is always followed by a bust, spring always follows winter, they are both parts of the economic cycle.

Remember, in a recession there are always opportunities. But most are too busy scrambling or freaking out to see them.

A recession will absolutely affect your business. At times you won’t have all the answers, that’s normal.

Your competitors who are doing a poor job, pricing too cheap, taking the quick buck, and burning their reputation? These types of competitors will disappear and we are now seeing early signs of this. Ultimately leaving more room for you.

Why should you market if you have more work than you can handle? In a downturn, things can change quickly.

Carving out time for strategic thinking is key. Because when the economy changes, your approach must also change.

1. Downturns weed out the crop

But how you react will have the biggest effect on the outcome. Now is the time to get prepared and get the tools to deal with whatever happens next.

I have recently taken all my clients through this. A smaller client of mine saved $17,000 from just a few tweaks. Not bad for a few hours of work.

Sure, it’s harder to get work when times are slow. However, everyone is in the same boat.

4. Never stop marketing

All the financial experts are talking about that dreaded word “recession”.

Trying to do this on your own won’t work. So, build stronger connections with your network, your staff, customers, suppliers, and bank. You are going to need them.

Listen up, because this one is important: You MUST be proactive with decision-making.

If your efforts aren’t reflecting, and you need to cut overheads and possibly staff, as painful as it is, do it early. Not after you haemorrhage a heap of cash first.

word of mouth is the only way you get leads, build a larger number of sources. There are so many different and effective ways for tradies to market their services. Then even if some dry up, you will still have other streams of work.

Know your margins. Quote too cheap and you will feel it down the line with tight cashflow and higher debt. That’s not Theresustainable.arebetter ways to win work and keep your margins strong. Even when things are quiet. Even when competitors are undercutting you.

You can’t control the environment, the economy, or that crazy client that is not happy no matter what you do.

When things bounce back, you’ll be ready to dominate, and have less competition.

I mean, this is something you should be doing at least once a year anyway.

I was talking with a seasoned tradie about this the other day. His strategy was, “Don’t waste a good recession”.

The top tradies always have work. In any industry, the best are always in demand, regardless of what the market is doing.

Identify options ahead of time. Have a Plan B for all scenarios, such as a higher overdraft facility or cash buffer in the bank. Issue #138 - B&C | 9 WE ARE DEDICATED TO THE SAFETY OF YOUR STAFF, CONTRACTORS AND THE PUBLIC. Ask your builder if they are using Securescaffold – it will save you money. “ “ With more than 50 years’ experience in the construction sector we are well aware of the needs of the industry. This means we realise how important the safety of your best asset – your staff – is to you and your company’s future. So, as a national company servicing New Zealanders in the construction industry, we are committed to the safety of your staff. And when you deal with us you’re dealing with the owner, which means you receive a superior and speedy service – every time. Our extensive construction knowledge ensures we understand local compliance issues and we realise how critical your deadlines are and we guarantee to be on time – check out our Secureguarantee. • We guarantee to beat any written quote by 10% • We guarantee to return all quotes within 48 hours otherwise you will receive the first week rental FREE of charge! * Terms and conditions apply to the Secureguarantee By using Securescaffold you can rest assured that your objectives of safety, cost and meeting deadlines are of paramount importance. All our equipment is rigorously tested to the highest of Securescaffoldstandards.covers all NEW Worksafe working height requirements providing fall protection for builders, painters, home handyman and roofers on new and existing home constructions. Secureguarantee 0800 66 00 22 Head Office - 38 Lowe Street, Addington, Christchurch 8011 Christchurch Yard - 72 Shortland Street, Wainoni, Christchurch 8061 * Terms and conditions apply to the Secureguarantee

From Siloed Systems to a Single Source of Truth

Nearly a quarter of contractors responding to a recent survey claimed to use six or more separate applications to manage their daily operations. Additionally, 48 percent of project managers said their project management software had only basic data and workflow connections to the other software systems in their company, or none at Relianceall.on

With it, the company can easily drill down into data for job cost, cash flow, progress and productivity reporting, and much more. Eventually, Naylor Love moved to cloudbased hosting with Jobpac Connect, which further connected its people, projects and processes through real-time data and workflows from preconstruction to closeout.

The company always knew that projects could be managed remotely, but with Jobpac Connect, all office-based tasks, such as regular accounting, accounts payable, billing and project reviews, seamlessly and securely continued from home offices.

As Naylor Love’s business grew, the software systems and processes it relied on began to fall

How the Cloud is transforming the way New Zealand’s Naylor Love works

“With real-time data, we can review project information, from anywhere, at any time, and ensure projects are properly managed,” Ewen says.

was using a variety of different software solutions to manage its operations, none of which integrated well with the other. This added steps to everyday processes and created inefficiencies that cost the company time and money.

Driving future growth

Contractors like Naylor Love are working smarter with intuitive tools that virtually any construction professional can use to make sense of complex data and processes and adapt and scale their business for longterm success.

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of integration caused us to look for a new solution,” says Ewen Stapley financial controller at Naylor Love.

Fortunately, advances in construction management software are making it easier for everyone involved in a project to access the information they need, when they need it.

As a result, contractors like New Zealandbased Naylor Love, are increasing productivity and optimizing work, gaining accurate insight into the financial health of their businesses, and boosting traditionally razor-thin profit margins.

The mindset of doing things the way they’ve always been done is becoming a thing of the There’ time like the present for contractors to take a closer look at their processes and operations to discover ways that connected construction can help them work more efficiently today and build a more profitable future tomorrow.

Naylor Love decided to trade its siloed systems for Trimble Viewpoint’s Jobpac Connect, an integrated construction ERP, that immediately delivered better collaboration and deeper financial and data insights across projects.

In addition to removing project delays stemming from the lack of information on hand, the company reduced IT overhead costs related to on-premise data servers, physical workstations and regular software updates and implementation.

As the world becomes more and more digital, construction companies are finding the need to change the way they operate in order to stay competitive.

Yet, many contractors continue to rely on disconnected software programs to manage projects.

different sets of data and disconnected systems leads to inefficiencies and errors, and creates delays, as data is often duplicated or lost between different programs.

“We don’t have to worry about hardware, having knowledge about backups or the upgrade path,” Ewen says. “The software is always up to date.”

When data is collected and stored in the cloud, contractors can access it securely from any mobile device and gain real-time insights, from a single source of connected data, across the organisation.

“The combination of inadequate products and systems, poor productivity and lack


By moving to the cloud and leveraging connected construction management software, contractors are replacing the inefficiencies of siloed operations with a single source of truth and access to real-time data.

When systems and applications can’t talk to each other, contractors must manually input the information in several different places, taking up valuable time and leaving a wide margin for human error.

Additionally, multiple versions of the same document across various platforms make it difficult to ensure everyone is working from the most current version.

With a connected construction environment, data is easy to share, analyze and understand, helping Naylor Love spot project variations before it’s too late.

Making constructionconnectedareality

Moving to the cloud was a critical step in Naylor Love’s connected construction journey. The accessibility of the software from any device has saved Naylor Love a significant amount of time and money.

Operating in the cloud was also instrumental in keeping the business running when the COVID-19 pandemic forced a six-week lockdown. Despite the business uncertainty and unknowns as the virus peaked, all of Naylor Love’s projects were able to continue moving forward.

The pitfalls of relying on different sets of data, siloed teams, disjointed processes and systems are becoming harder to escape as the demand grows for more streamlined efficient projects.

The construction industry has faced the same problems for decades, but the tide is turning as adoption of connected construction increases, closing the gaps between people, processes and technology. Issue #138 - B&C | 11 Surface Tiling Ltd. TILING & WATERPROOFING SERVICES SERVICES Bathroom Floors | Bathroom Walls | Showers Kitchen Splashbacks | Kitchen Floors | Entrance Ways Laundries | Courtyards | Pool Surrounds Patios And Any Area That Requires Tiling | Waterproofing We can complete jobs such as: Proud to be East Auckland’s most referred tiler | | PO Box 82264, Highland Park, Auckland, 2020Call us now! 021 935 699 We are tiling and waterproofing specialists in East Auckland. We are proud to have featured on The Block NZ and have received a score of 10/10 on Target. Affordable,, friendly and reliable supply of affordable quality materials for your next project. You have the will, we have the iron Call Us: 021 194 2737 Corrugated Iron Sheets | Large Quantity Discounts | DIY or Trade | Scratch Protection Cutting Service | Metal Roofing Screws | Regional Agents | Online Ordering Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets, Screws & Roofing Accessories

Chief operating officer Payapps

The simple, pro forma explanatory note is a two-page document that includes the processes for responding to the payment claim, and the consequences of

By Tony Simonsen, chief operation officer at Payapps

“For the payer, when you receive a payment claim you’re required to issue a valid payment schedule in response. If you fail to do that, you’re unable to make any adjustments to the claimed amount and are required legally to pay the full amount that’s being claimed, even if you don’t agree with the amount. You have to pay the sum now and argue the point later.”

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The role of Form 1 and the downside to manual processes

Recognising the number of inconsistencies and lack of compliance, in 2015 the New Zealand Government made it compulsory to include what’s known as Form 1 with every payment claim, instead of only requiring this for residential construction contracts.

It’s geared towards ensuring greater transparency and includes the most basic requirements that are commonly missing or deficient in payment claims. Without this form, the submitter can’t enforce their claimed amount.

“When it comes to productivity, New Zealand is notoriously poor.

“For instance, they will have their own spreadsheet that they created, possibly some years ago, which they keep reusing as a base.

The lack of understanding about technology available, and resistance to change, means

“What often trips people up is not having a clear policy and a consistent, methodical, systemised approach,” Nick says.

Working with construction lawyers such as Nick Gillies, Partner at the Hesketh Henry law firm, it becomes very clear that despite the fact we’ve hit a milestone with the Construction Contracts Act, there’s still a surprising lack of understanding about what the act requires, as well as the tangible benefits and potential detriment of it.

Nick concludes that, “The main benefit that I can see from technological improvements and using digital tools is the structure and systematisation it brings, where you must input the necessary detail. This should save a lot of time, a lot of grief, and improve efficiency.

Tony Simonsen

not responding to or paying a claimed or scheduled amount.

“This sets out what you think that you’re entitled to be paid for that month. If you don’t meet the specific requirements set out in the act for having a valid payment claim, then you can’t get the safeguards of the act and under your contract you may not be entitled to be paid anything for that month.

Such a recurring and easily fixable issue brings us to the downside of manual processes, and the role of software and Nicktechnology.commented, “The preparation of payment claims, and the creation of payment schedules and processes is typically very manual, and each organisation will have its own different documentation and way of doing it.

This leaves them open to errors and means they’re unable to take advantage of the Construction Contracts Act and ensure they’re getting paid correctly.

The reality of New Zealand’s lack of compliance in the face of the Construction Contracts Act

“And a good example of this is the time and energy that goes into creating manual payment claims and schedules, some of which can change month to month. So that’s where I see the main gains from technology.”

Ultimately, the act is designed to benefit the entire industry right through the supply chain and support better cash flow. It aims to stop the traditional habit of withholding payment without a valid reason, and encourage better, more transparent practices between parties.

He says, “I appreciate that we often only see the worst of it, but the regularity with which we see non-compliance with the payment regime in this industry is surprising to me.

Using software that requires even basic information such as dates, and flags incomplete information, is already a significant step forward in generating better compliance and trust between stakeholders.

As we hit the 20-year anniversary of the Construction Contracts Act in New Zealand, we’re reminded of the ongoing issues within the sector around payments and trust, which can be alleviated with simple solutions already widely available.

that organisations are continuing to use outof-date methods such as Excel or Word docs, and haven’t moved far from carbon copies.

“And it’s not specific to any particular type of business - we see tier one contractors just as much as smaller SMEs. A lot of this seems to come down to inconsistent practices within organisations, and even month to month by the same individual processing payment claims and schedules.”

How this works is that with each payment round, which is usually monthly, each party essentially has one opportunity to get it right.

He says, “How this works is that with each payment round, which is usually monthly, each party essentially has one opportunity to get it right. So, if you’re the payee, say a subcontractor looking to be paid from your head contractor, you have one opportunity that month to ensure you get a valid payment claim in on time.

Nick notes that in his work he sees noncompliance on a regular basis.

As Nick points out, it’s common for parties to have forgotten this form or have not even realised they needed to include it.

So, it’s sudden death for the payee in that respect.

Construction organisations must realise that software investments have the potential to not only enhance operations, but to ease simple processes where an error can be costly and detrimental to projects and stakeholder relationships.

It does this in a few key methods: by protecting retention money held under contracts, creating a fair and balanced payment regime process, providing adjudication for faster resolution of disputes, and providing enforcement mechanisms to recover debts due.

Nick shared with us how the act works on the ground and the phenomenon known as ‘sudden death’.

So, if you’re the payee, say a subcontractor looking to be paid from your head contractor, you have one opportunity that month to ensure you get a valid payment claim in on time.

The truth about supply and payment chains

As the NZ Construction Contracts Act celebrates 20 years, Tony Simonsen draws insights from legal expert Nick Gillies to reveal the truth about trust in supply and payment chains.

“Each organisation, and sometimes each individual, will have their own base document. Because of this, there is often a huge amount of inconsistency between organisations and within organisations, as well as individuals.

To step away from manual methods may seem daunting, but in fact is necessary if an organisation is to thrive during uncertain times. Issue #138 - B&C | 13 SPECIALISTSSAFETYRESIDENTIALNETS ezinets is a Christchurch based company specialising in safety nets for residential properties. All nets are certified in accordance with BS EN 1263 1-2. All ezinets site supervisors have been FASET trained and certified. M: 021 399 501 | E:

The use of BIM has been mandated for all government projects greater than $5 million and will be the primary way information is shared between construction stakeholders in the future.

“In order to set a benchmark and measure the industry’s progress over the next three years, we need accurate data from all stakeholders in both horizontal and vertical facilities projects in New Zealand to enable greater reach and impact across the industry.”

The project aims to change behaviour in the way risks are identified, managed, and communicated on construction sites in New BIMSafeZealand.NZisdeveloping Best Practice

The project’s aim is to accelerate use of BIM which has already doubled in the last six years, (from 34 percent to 68 percent,

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BIMSafe NZ wants to do something about this by using the collaboration and visualisation powers of Building Information Modelling (BIM), to improve health and safety outcomes in the sector.

BIMSafe NZ project lead Paul Duggan, says, “We are conducting this research to better understand how (BIM) technology is currently used in construction health and safety practices.

they happen. The model is used to plan and record safe work practices.

“By donating just 10 minutes of their time, industry members can help us reduce accidents and injuries, raise awareness of the powers of digital engineering, and help to keep New Zealander’s safe on construction sites.”

The technology aims to create safer and healthier work environments by reducing workplace harm. Users can visualise potential health and safety issues before

Guidelines for incorporating health and safety information into BIM models, and then enabling greater worker access to that information during construction and use.

The technology aims to create safer and healthier work environments by reducing workplace harm.

By being able to visualise the work to be done and see the risks involved through the 3-D model, architects, engineers, contractors and workers can identify potential health and safety risks before they happen.

The manner in which they’re trying to achieve this is via an industry-wide survey launched in July.

It also allows those who are exposed to the risks to have a say on how they are best mitigated.

Currently, construction accounts for 10 percent of the national workforce, but 15 percent of all ACC claims.

The outcome they hope to achieve during the project is to increase the awareness, capability, and use of BIM models for health and safety across the construction sector.

BIMSafe NZ is asking for the construction industry’s input to help reduce accidents and injuries on New Zealand construction sites.

What is BIM technology and the BIMSafe NZ Project?

The online industry questionnaire assesses the current state of BIM use and awareness in New Zealand and takes only ten minutes to complete.

Construction has more injuries and claims than any other sector, and to date, rates of serious injury and deaths in New Zealand are higher than our OECD equivalents.

BIM can be utilised for all components of a build project’s design process and facilitates greater collaboration between all stakeholders.

“We really want to hear from all members of the construction industry. Even if people aren’t using BIM yet, their responses are really valuable as this feedback will help us to understand where our efforts should be directed to encourage greater industry engagement,” Paul says.

We are conducting this research to better understand how (BIM) technology is currently used in construction health and safety practices.

Creating a safer industry

“Through this survey, the industry can contribute to the project and play a small but very significant part and provide valuable insights.

BIMSafe NZ is a $1.7 million three-year collaboration between the Canterbury Safety Charter and the Building Innovation Partnership (BIP) at the University of Canterbury. The project is funded by ACC’s Workplace Injury Prevention Grants and MBIE.

BIM is a three-dimensional computer model of a construction project, in a similar way that Google Maps is a digital representation of roads and places.

according to the latest BIM in New Zealand Benchmark survey). Issue #138 - B&C | 15 Delivering projects to the highest standards across the whole range of scaffolding requirements. 0508 SUMMIT (786648) AUCKLAND, WAIKATO AND NORTHLAND • Health and Safety • Commercial Scaffolding • Industrial Scaffolding • Residential Scaffolding • Propping & Shore Loading • Equipment Hire/Sales

Keep an eye on the end game

Constructive conflict can accelerate innovation. Drilling into the pros and cons of an idea or decision ensures that more perspectives and possibilities are explored.

Where there is a balance between people’s comfort zones being tested and the creation of better solutions that are thoroughly tested and debated. And getting better solutions is certainly better for business.

It’s amazing to see how far people will go to avoid conflict. How many times have you been in a meeting where the tone suddenly takes a turn for the worse?

So, the next time you or your team has conflict, ask which end of the continuum they are at, and help them work towards the middle. It will make your team culture more dynamic and effective.

• Take turns at playing devil’s advocate. Ask whoever is taking this role to express a contentious opinion in order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments. This can be especially useful for individuals to observe and reflect on how they respond, and learn how they handle conflict

Constructive conflict can accelerate innovation. Drilling into the pros and cons of an idea or decision ensures that more perspectives and possibilities are explored.

Trust determines outcome

Conflict as an accelerator of innovation

It naturally creates opportunities for a team or group to come up with new ideas; for example, how to approach customers differently, suggestions for a new service, product or improvements to a business process.

to face difficulties, to recognise and adjust when strategies are not working or are impossible to implement, to help those who are struggling, to handle the inevitable tensions and conflicts that challenging work engenders, and to maintain a positive attitude about that work, we cannot build a truly effective team, unit or organisation.” So, how can you build trust to empower your Firstly,team?people

This is a sign that they could probably do with learning how to use conflict productively as a means to improve.

But it’s not all bad, rather, it’s a ‘continuum’, where at one end you have artificial harmony and at the other, you have unhealthy conflict.

So, how can you develop and harness your team’s ability to function productively in the midst of conflict?

Giving positive feedback can also boost confidence and provide safety to have disagreement.

Useful conflict sits somewhere in the middle. It generates healthy interactions where your team can use conflict to self-improve. This is ‘constructive conflict’.

• Ask team members to ‘break an idea’ by critiquing it. Encourage them to poke holes in an idea to unearth any possible flaws.

Artificial harmony is where no conflict occurs. It is when people seem to be getting along but are not really in complete agreement.

Rob Clarke, CEO of Learing Architects

According to Bernie Mayer, Ph.D., of Queen’s University in Canada, healthy conflict is necessary.

must be given permission to disagree. Set some ground rules for what constructive conflict looks like.

Doubtless these have caused their fair share of difficult meetings and situations.

Trust is the underlying foundation for constructive conflict and the basis on which effective teams are built. The more that team members trust each other, the more they will feel safe to challenge and disagree with one another.

• Kick off a brainstorming session with a bad idea. This is a powerful technique because it ‘flips the script’, getting people to consider opposites. Get them talking about what’s wrong with an idea, any problems it would cause, and what alternatives might look like. The aim is to stimulate dialogue and ignite passion

In some ways, it’s a false economy because the impression that everything is ‘good’ is a dangerous thing; it can lead to teams settling for mediocre results, and can lead to resentment and unaddressed tension between team members.

There are many different forms of conflictdisagreement on a course of action, values differences, or misunderstandings caused by lack of clear or agreed expectations.

How to get the best out of conflict The secret to a dynamic team

“Unless we can empower people to deal with problems that arise along the way,

Constructive conflict is essential to a team’s long-term success. The resulting creativity and greater innovation helps businesses gain a competitive edge and surely everyone wants that.

Overall, when conflict arises in your team, don’t panic! Instead find ways to explore what’s behind it and then build on ideas. Remember, constructive conflict has two main Firstly,features.itisfocussed on generating better outcomes for your business, and secondly, it improves relationships.

Where people got uncomfortable and avoided ‘saying what needed to be said’. Where they left feeling unheard, misunderstood, or disrespected.

16 | B&C - Issue #138 News

The difference between useful and un-useful conflict

A great way to do this is to interrupt your team when they are disagreeing - even if it is about something minor - and remind them that what they are doing is useful, it helps find better solutions.

Conversely, unhealthy conflict is where people in teams are harsh, mean-spirited and sometimes nasty toward one another. It is essentially destructive and obviously not a good place to be!

Now that it looks like we are coming out the other side, we have a chance to consider how to help our teams improve so they are more resilient to future challenges.

The past two years have thrown us many business problems which have seen teams facing many different challenges.

Ideas and strategies for using conflict to improve results

Why conflict is important in a team Issue #138 - B&C | 17 Introducing an automated excavator solution so easy, fast and accurate. It makes everything else seem like a shovel. New Zealand’s AUTHORIZED TOPCON DEALER • 3/52 Arrenway Drive • Rosedale, Auckland • 0632 • 0800 867 266 DUST-LESSSeeitinAction Norton Clipper CM35 TILE, STONE & MASONRY SAW • Easy transportation and storage • With dust extraction port *350mm Blade sold separate NZ: 0800 74 24 24

A true, multi-use stadium, Te Kaha will be capable of facilitating world class sporting matches and international entertainment acts. It will also be one of only two stadiums in the world with a fully enclosed roof and natural grass playing field.

He says the stadium, when finished, would be able to host international acts, the All Blacks and the Crusaders matches. The Stadium will have 30,000 seats (25,000 permanent and 5,000 temporary), with a minimum of four player change rooms, food and beverage amenity for 25,000 patrons.

BESIX Watpac is working with local New Zealand construction company Southbase and has let trade packages for early works.

A team of BESIX Watpac staff are already located in Christchurch and the company intends to use local trades and suppliers where possible to manage cost in the construction schedule.

and global stadium design experts Populous and Mott MacDonald.

BESIX Watpac secures contract to build Christchurch stadium

18 | B&C - Issue #138 News • Power Steering • Servicing & WOF Repairs • Clutch & Gearbox Repairs • Cam Belts & Water Pumps • Modifications / Customising • Brakes • CV Joints • Radiators • Batteries • Turbos Tune Ups • Suspension • Head Gaskets • Mags and tyres 2 Scott Street, Whakarewarewa, Rotorua Phone: 07 348 0215 Monday - Friday | 8:00am - 5:00pm STORE HOURS STORE HOURS Excellence in WorkmanshipMechanicalinRotorua Rotorua Performance and WE NOW ACCEPT KAWAKAWA OPEN 7 GroceriesEXCELLENCEDELIVERINGDAYSEVERYDAY | Wine & Beer Delicatessen | Frozen Foods Tip Top & Ice Creams | Pet Food Greeting Cards | Quality Service 73-75 Gillies Street, Kawakawa | Ph 09 404 0383 Australian headquartered construction company, BESIX Watpac has secured the contract to build a new fully enclosed muti-use stadium for Christchurch City Council. The $683 million Te Kaha /Canterbury multi-use arena is the company’s first New Zealand project and its largest project

currently under construction in the Australia/ New Zealand market.

“To win this project is a major milestone and validation of our position as stadia experts.”

General manager for Queensland, Northern Territory and New Zealand, Barry Whewell, says some of the key features of the project included rectangular permanent stitched hybrid in-situ turf field of play, and a fully covered roof including a clear span over the entire area of the field of play and bowl.

“BESIX Watpac and our team has worked in some capacity on nearly every major stadium and venue in Australia, and internationally the BESIX Group has completed some of the world’s most iconic stadiums, but this will be our first stadium build in New Zealand.

“The stadium will also be built to withstand Christchurch’s seismic activity, not only on completion, but during construction, which by any standard is a challenging and unique task,” Barry says.

The Christchurch City Council voted to approve the BESIX Watpac design and construct lump sum contract to build the stadium after more than a year of design and BESIXconsultation.Watpacisthe lead contractor in the Kōtui consortium which was appointed in March 2021 to deliver the stadium. The team includes architects Warren and Mahoney,

BESIX Watpac CEO, Mark Baker, welcomed the announcement and says it was a landmark moment for the company.

A new multi-purpose sports and entertainment venue and site was identified for Christchurch in the 2012 Central City Recovery Plan, developed after the devastating 2010 earthquake.

Dr Balfour says it is rare for research to be adopted into practice and compliance in such a short timeframe, due to the complexities and timing in connecting research to policy and practice.

by professional engineers and territorial authorities across the country,” says Dr Liu.

“This is a great result for New Zealand, and it is our goal to continue to see natural hazard resilience embedded in all aspects of decision-making for our communities.”

BRANZ engineer Dr Angela Liu.

The results of her EQC-funded research identified the bracing issues and led to formal design guidance for specifically designed bracing systems in light timber-framed residential buildings, which was published in Through2015.

EQC’s research manager, Dr Natalie Balfour, says the work by Dr Liu and her BRANZ team is a great example of how engineering research can have a real impact on the resilience of New Zealand homes.

design of houses with specifically designed bracing systems.

Specifically designed bracing systems in light timber-framed residential buildings.

Dr Liu’s perseverance in presenting her results to peers and at conferences, the 2015 guidance gradually became the informal compliance pathway for seismic

“This is the reason why EQC invests in earthquake engineering research, as this science has a tangible impact on protecting New Zealand properties and people,” she says.

Engineering General Practitioners Group. This has further helped the industry to make use of our guidance.”

It is also likely to feature in the NZS 3604 document that is used to design our homes and sets out the compliance pathway for many of New Zealand’s timber-frames buildings, which is currently in the process of being updated.

“The 2015 EQC/BRANZ guidance has had wide impact, having been taken up

“You’d expect modern homes to be stronger, so it just didn’t add up, and EQC supported me to investigate why these houses were so badly damaged,” says Dr Liu, who examined the causes for the substantially damaged houses by using existing testing data and carrying out desktop studies.

Making Kiwi homes stronger

The Earthquake Commission (EQC) is celebrating a triumph of research that has helped New Zealand homes become much stronger, and could soon become part of many current building designs.

The engineering breakthrough stems back to the Canterbury earthquakes when BRANZ engineer Dr Angela Liu observed that new or architecturally-designed homes with mixed bracing had suffered significantly more damage than older traditionally built houses. Issue #138 - B&C | 19 News We've created an ever-expanding range of versatile, patented solutions that cater to the plumbing, electrical, refrigeration, irrigation, and hydraulic sectors. 09 213 7267 The WhenSolutionUniversalQualityMatters Clamp Solutions The products are UL Appraised (UL 2043 and UL 2239). Our shrink-wrap solutions will not only save you time and money on any project, but you can enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re in the hands of NZ’s leading shrink-wrap experts. Residential Shrink Wrapping Commercial Shrink Wrapping Marine Shrink Wrapping Recladding & Leaky Buildings SHRINK WRAP SOLUTIONS P: 09 213 7267 E: A: 134 Kittiwake Drive, Auckland WRAPID MAN Shrink-wrap Solutions

Dr Liu’s research is already having wide impact across the country, resulting in the building of stronger homes and providing greater resilience against damage from natural hazards.

This is the reason why EQC invests in earthquake engineering research, as this science has a tangible impact on protecting New Zealand properties and people

“In 2020 it was also used to develop the good practice document ‘Residential Portal Frames’ published by Engineering NZ and the

The 11-storey complex includes 80 apartments, a healthcare centre, detox facilities, educational and training facilities, meals and other support networks, including community spaces for the public.

The judges said Darren managed the project’s design and construction from many perspectives, from the philanthropic investor to the multiplicity of users, to the City Missions’ current homeless clients. Darren listened to and directed the project to meet the needs of all involved.

GIB®: Projects $4 Million -$10 Million Award

Sam Gordon, Hawkins

Matt Soppit, Naylor Love

“I would like to thank all the Judges for providing; their time, enthusiasm, and expertise in selecting the winners of this year’s awards.

“These Awards showcase and celebrate the commitment of those working right across the built environment and contribute to the Institute’s goal of raising quality across the industry.

David Featonby, Aspec Construction Limited Saint Kentigern School, Specialist Facility and Senior Boys Building, Tāmaki Makaurau/ Auckland

Thermosash Consultants Award

an emerging leader within the construction industry.

Chief Executive Pamela Bell says, “The standard and number of entries in this year’s awards was particularly impressive, and the projects they have delivered have made a significant contribution to the quality of our built environment.

About the New Zealand Building Industry Awards

Established in 1994, the Institute’s annual Awards programme is sponsored by GIB®. From the outset, the Awards have celebrated and recognised an individuals’ professional excellence in the building and construction process of a recently completed project, as opposed to recognising and awarding the project or completed structure.

Carl Charlton, C3 Construction Pacific Coast Village Lakehouse, Tauranga

Ben Tomason from Scope Total Project Partners won the Thermosash Consultants Award for his work on the Hundertwasser Art Centre and Wairau Māori Art Gallery in BenWhangārei.wasthelead engineer and project director for German architect Heinz M. Springmann with Grant Harris of HB Architecture in NZ for this project. He had to overcome a series of obstacles, including changing engineering standards and evolving

Hays CollaborationInterdisciplinaryAward

“The Institute recognises the support the finalists and winners have received from their companies, teams and families, which enabled them to deliver world-class construction projects to their clients and the wider community.”

Nicholas Botha, Kalmar

GIB® Supreme Award

The judges said that this tool enables designers to make decisions on construction materials, surface finishes, and composite construction methods to deliver the best sound requirements with a high degree of certainty. It will also save significant design time in achieving the required sound quality in buildings.

The judges said the project team rose to the challenge of picking up and completing complex projects in various stages of completion across four sites, and under considerable time pressure due to the projects being behind schedule.

The winners of the six cost-based category awards are:

XLam: Projects $10 Million - $25 Million Award

“Thatprogrammes.reflects a global uptake in technology adoption across construction, driven by the considerable investment into companies focused on improving how we design and deliver the built environment.”

Foodstuffs North Island Head Office, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland


• Any innovations developed during construction process

Management methods and technique

Project: Mercy Hospital Level 2 Ward Refurbishment, Ōtepoti/Dunedin

The complex uses an innovative Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) solution for most of the structure - a strong, lightweight, renewable and sustainable material. The building is the tallest CLT building in New Zealand and has championed the adoption of mass timber across New Zealand.

City Mission’s newly constructed $110 million multipurpose headquarters.

The GIB® Supreme Award was won by Darren Cutfield from Built Environs NZ for the Auckland City Mission HomeGround Development on Hobson Street, Tāmaki

BBD: Projects over $65 Million

The BCITO Young Achievers Award was awarded to Emma Mannion from Beca. She was recently appointed as manager – Digital Engineering Advisory (DEA). Her appointment to this newly established role reflects her contribution to the growth of digital underpinning construction projects.

Darren Cutfield, Built Environs NZ Auckland City Mission HomeGround Development, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland

The Marlborough, Makaurau/AucklandTāmaki

The tool assists users to hear how a room will sound if various physical parameters about the room are changed during the design phase of a project.

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• Degree of project complexities

The New Zealand Institute of Building (NZIOB) announced the winners of the 2022 New Zealand Building Industry Awards on Friday, 2 September at a spectacular gala evening at the Cordis Hotel, Tāmaki

BCITO Young Achievers Award

Mates in Construction: Projects $40 Million - $65 Million Award

Carters: Projects $25 Million - $40 Million Award

• Relationship with the client, architect, authorities, community and work force (employees, suppliers, subcontractors, etc.)

• Project completion on time and within budget.

The Auckland City Mission HomeGround Development on Hobson Street, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, for which Darren Cutfield won the GIB® Supreme Award.

“This year we had a really healthy number of entries in each category and once again, the calibre of the people being judged by their peers was outstanding.

The judges said Emma is leading change in the industry. She is a role model and

NZIOB Charitable Education Trust: Projects under $4 Million Award

The project involved completing seven Modular prison units across four different sites, three in Waitaha/Canterbury (Christchurch Men’s Prison, Christchurch Women’s Prison, Rolleston Prison) and one in Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington (Rimutaka Prison). The team had to implement the previous contractor’s incomplete design, as well as address quality and design issues.

Bell says, “The Institute congratulates all this year’s winners and finalists, their employers, families and supporters, and our family of sponsors.

design, leading to a construction cost overrun and delayed completion, compounded by TheCOVID-19.judges said Ben achieved over $10m in value engineering by collaboratively challenging methods, design and thinking, resulting in the successful delivery of this project.

• Delivery of quality outcome of the completed project

The awards are open to any individual or team in the Built Environment whose personal attributes have contributed to the success of a project and who demonstrate individual or team excellence in:

James Hardie Innovation Award, The James Hardie Innovation Award, recognising innovation in the industry in a project or a new product or procedure, was won by Tim Beresford and Jack Wong from Norman Disney & Young for the AiHear Acoustics Auralisation tool.

The Hays Interdisciplinary Collaboration Award, which recognises exceptional collaborative partnerships between consultants and contractors, was won by a team working on the Modular Build Programme for the Department of TheCorrections.winningteam comprised Brendon Keenan, Naylor Love Canterbury; Corde Rhodes, WSP; Joshua Joe-McIndoe, RCP; Elliot Smith, White Associates; and Jeremy Harding, Department of Corrections.

Emma is a member of the New Zealand Institute of Building, Property Council NZ and Women in Property NZ. Significant achievements include the RICS project management team of the Year award, the completion of Growing Greatness: Women in Technology in 2021, and becoming an Information Management Professional: BIM.

Recognising excellence in the industry

“We are really impressed with the entrants who have embraced new technologies and we recognise the positive impact this technology has had on construction

The New Zealand Institute of Building congratulates the winners of the 2022 NZ Building Industry Awards. Darren Cutfield wins the GIB® Supreme Award.

New Zealand is ranked 56th in the world in cyber security according to the Portulans Institute and greater effort is urgently needed as the economy rapidly becomes more digital.

“The implications of not investing in training and educating your staff is the loss of real money, with CERT NZ reporting that in the last quarter of 2021 more than $6 million was lost by Kiwis to cyber attackers,” Graeme says.

“From threats of software attacks, intellectual property theft, cloud and network hacking, as well as data and information extortion, it’s no wonder that in this ever-increasing data centric world this market is exploding in demand. Issue #138 - B&C | 21 News

To improve cyber security, all businesses should have processes in place to help staff manage and update passwords, automatically deploy software updates, back up their systems daily, and use two factor authentication when logging in.

A total of 2,333 cyber security incidents were reported in New Zealand in the first quarter of this Phishingyear.

Cyber security is fast becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the tech space.

“Backing up your information and records, having strong passwords that aren’t used on multiple accounts, making sure apps and devices have got the latest updates installed, and making sure two-factor authentication is used wherever possible are critical habits to get into.

Cyber security issues are closer to home than Kiwis realise

Ransomware incidents are increasing 107 percent year-on-year globally, research by Accenture recently found.

“A carefully considered investment that an organisation understands across all levels is incredibly worthwhile as it allows for a roadmap to deal with imminent threats from all corners of the digital world.”

“While we are optimistic that Kiwi businesses have heard the cyber security message, the last thing online businesses or people working and learning from home need right now is to suffer a cyber security attack and have to cope with the huge disruptions that follow.

requires informed leadershipKiwi businesses should re-think how they respond to ransomware attacks as they become more common.

It’s estimated that there are 3.5 million unfilled cyber security jobs currently available globally, he says.


The products and services businesses and customers rely on are increasingly digital, which means the landscape of risks for cyber-attacks will continue to grow.

“Ransomware incidents are severe in nature, staking significant consequences on victims to extort as much from them as possible. When they’re successful, we’re likely to see those numbers rise.

“These could include loss of personal information and records, income, assets, productivity or customer trust and goodwill.

CERT NZ Threat and Incident Response manager, Nadia Yousef, says cyber attackers are opportunistic and just waiting for people to let their guard down.

“Security strategies being either too vague or too granular can be costly if they miss the important broader detail of a business’ aspirations and environment it operates, guiding its steps towards mitigating adverse effects.

“As cyberattacks grow in numbers, businesses are increasingly under the gun to protect themselves from compromise.”

“Talk of Russian cyber attacks are a distraction and our focus needs to be closer to home and how to be safe online.

Their technology leaders have a role to shifting attention towards business’ goals when preparing for incidents.

“This shift in thinking of cyber-attacks from security problem to a business-led issue needs to change now if companies

“So many businesses have still not put cybersecurity risk plans in place. According to the research it takes two days on average to penetrate a company’s internal network.

New Zealand is just beginning to see the increase. Incidents reported to Cert NZ went up from 53 in 2020 to 90 in 2021, which could just be just the tip of the iceberg says Richard Harrison Accenture’s chief of cybersecurity NZ.

target of an attack, New Zealand businesses who focus solely on technological impact before potential wider outcomes could face stalled productivity or collapse in customer confidence.

are going to avoid facing impacts to their reputation, or to the communities they exist

“Being able to factor in how hindered services will affect customers means those in charge can determine the best initial steps, like who to talk to and what to get back up and running.”

“It is critical that business managers understand these risks, what the latest trends in malware and phishing attacks are, and how to develop simple systems to ensure their staff are cyber security literate.

“It’s amazing how easy it is for cybercriminals to get what they need for a ransomware attack relative to how expensive it is for a business to continuously invest in cybersecurity,” Richard says.

and credential harvesting continue to grow and be the most common forms of cyber NZTechattacks.chiefexecutive, Graeme Muller, says while the threat of cyber attacks could be a possibility, the reality is most cyber security issues faced by Kiwis stem from a lack of understanding of how to operate safely online.

“Organisations wanting to ensure they are resilient to cyber-attacks need to treat them as more than just one-off security issues, instead acknowledging the threat to their business’ goals.

“Risks continue to change and develop and we need to do a better job of educating people and businesses of how to spot them and avoid them.

“Businesses and organisations should make sure their remote access systems are as secure as they can be and pay very careful attention to emails requesting payment or personal information, particularly invoices,” Nadia Cyber-preparednesssays.

Fletcher Steel metallurgist and member of the Australia/New Zealand Reinforcing Steel Standards technical committee, Bruce Roberts, says that the performance requirements of the reinforcing aren’t changing.

Everything affecting reinforcing performance remains unaltered, steel chemistry, tensile property limits and bar geometry are unchanged.

This is generally used as confinement reinforcing where a slight reduction in minimum ductility is not critical, but will make the reinforcing slightly easier to process from coil.

Amendments to the reinforcing standard come into effect this November, at this stage they are voluntary.

Standard change takes effect in November

At the end of last year, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), issued an updated version of the Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods for New Zealand Building Code Clause B1-Structure (Amendment 20).

These amendments are aimed at improving and clarifying what is required to prove there is conformance with the Standard, and are largely in the realm of paperwork, with some tweaks to the reporting of testing during manufacturing.

The intention is to provide confidence that all the reinforcing bar supplied between the regular batch tests can be relied upon to meet the Standard requirements.

However, if a manufacturer or processor has a continuous chain of results that consistently conform to the Standard, you can be very confident that all of the reinforcing made or processed between the individual batch tests are consistently conforming.

“Everything affecting reinforcing performance remains unaltered, steel chemistry, tensile property limits, and bar geometry are Bruceunchanged.”saysthatthere is one exception and that is to R300E reinforcing.

For more information about reinforcing steel standards contact Bruce Roberts at: methodsb1-acceptable-solutions-and-verification-compliance/b-stability/b1-structure/

The minimum elongation for R300E reinforcing (plain grade 300E) is reduced from 15 percent to 12 percent.

There is a transition period of one year where both editions (2001 and 2019) are acceptable, but from November 2022 only the 2019 edition should be used.

“Except for the slight elongation reduction to R300E. The reinforcing steel in New Zealand remains the same reliable performer it has always been.”

22 | B&C - Issue #138 Reinforcing Steel Standards

To save reporting dozens to hundreds of continuous historical testing, statistics like the average and average variation are now to be reported.

The amendment references the new 2019 edition of AS/NZS 4671.

Bruce Roberts expands on this point, explaining that a single batch test result only quantifies the bar actually tested.

Replacing test reports that give batch test results, the new reports conforming to the 2019 Standard will include historical test statistics to show that the reinforcing from that manufacturer, distributor or processor consistently meets the tensile and elongation requirements.

This data is predominantly used by engineers and designers.

Fletcher Reinforcing; at the heart of New Zealand’s building environment. Visit

For all your concrete foundations and structures, large or smallchoose Fletcher Reinforcing to make the experience a success, the first time, every time. We only supply the highest quality, New Zealand made steel, from Pacific Steel, so you can be rest assured of the inner strength for your next commercial, industrial, infrastructural or residential project.

FORSTRUCTUREDSTRENGTH Issue #138 - B&C | 23 Reinforcing Steel Standards

• Consultation during the design process with designers/consultants

3D modelling allows us to tackle any type of project, from a small private residential job to a consistentdeliverourneeds,answeritstructure,highwaybuildingmultistoreyoralargebridgemakingtheperfecttooltoourclients’maximizeefficiencyandprojectswithconfidence.

Separating the supply and installation of reinforcing

A 3D BIM model will not only provide the standard information usually contained in a drawing but will also create a central internal database containing all the reinforcing information related to the project and will interface with our production teams and machinery to guarantee the final product 100% matches the 3D model, minimizing human error, and maintaining a consistent level of accuracy.

Steel & Tube have recently heavily invested in 3D modelling software. The generation of a 3D model allows the identification of any clashes and design errors and also identifies cast-in components, penetrations and services upfront.

24 | B&C - Issue #138 Reinforcing Steel Standards

We have undertaken a significant revolution on how reinforcing detailing is approached and managed internally and we are now moving towards implementing a full 3D BIM modelling process for the reinforcing detailing, which will add significant value and support to our projects from the estimation phase through to site installation. We believe 3D BIM modelling will minimize detailing mistakes and clashes at site, reduce the need for urgently ordering replacement bars (which in turn helps to avoid budget overruns), and will assist the important reinforcing trade to keep up with the construction programme.

• Less errors during fabrication of materials in the workshop

• Identification of opportunities to prefabricate materials in the workshop and at site

At Steel & Tube we have however been guided by what the market is doing and have for a while now been engaging with our clients in a “Supply Only” model, as well as offering them the option of directly engaging a trusted third-party installation partner to undertake the installation. This model gives builders the opportunity to be more discerning when choosing their steel fixers and to manage costs more effectively, which is achieved by not having to absorb additional margins from the product supplier for having to manage the installation scope.

3D Modelling

By Andre van der Merwe, North Island Reinforcing Sales Manager, Steel & Tube

Embracing the Winds of Change

Reinforcing appears to be one of the very few trades which has in recent times been treated differently than other trades in this respect. Generally, the builder would have direct control over the labour and quality for many parts of the building envelope and fit-out. However, when it comes to the reinforcing trade (which is key to the integrity of the structure and always on the critical path of the project), for some unknown reason the generally accepted practise has been to combine the installation with the supply. The market is however rapidly changing, with more and more builders preferring to bring this key trade under their own control for all the above-mentioned reasons, with some even employing their own installation crews, which get moved around to all their different project sites.

Even if operating under separate subcontract agreements when it comes to the supply and installation scope, Steel & Tube realises that it’s also important to maintain continued collaboration between these two trades to ensure the installation team is kept informed in advance of when reinforcing materials will be delivered. We therefore actively engage with the installation subcontractor when arranging our deliveries to site and maintain open lines of communication throughout the project.

3D modelling allows us to tackle any type of project, from a small private residential job to a multistorey building or a large highway bridge structure, making it the perfect tool to answer our clients’ needs, maximize our efficiency and deliver projects with consistent confidence.

As always, when it comes to change there are some who resist or choose to remain on the fence. However, most builders are realizing the cost, quality and many other benefits of being in control of the reinforcing installation, as it allows them to better plan and manage the work and also enhance the sequencing with other trades.

Unlike the rest of the world, for over two decades the preferred model in New Zealand has been a combined “Supply & Install” model, with the reinforcing supplier managing both the steel supply and installation labour at project sites across the country.

Early steel detailer involvement and digital modelling is bringing clear cost and time advantages to some of our recent projects. As reinforcing specialists, we can add real value by modelling the steel during developed design. It allows the whole team to front foot issues, improve co-ordination, buildability, and sequencing.

Collaboration Between Supply & Install Subcontractors

The generation of a 3D BIM model gives us the capacity to streamline the entire manufacturing process and adds value in many different areas, including:

• Fast and accurate generation of detail sheets and shop drawings

• Accurate forecast of final tonnage early on in the process

Due to our clients already having a presence on-site, they have a direct line of communication with the steel fixers, which ensures better productivity, having a stronger influence in the quality of the installation and much faster resolution of any unforeseen issues, which may arise during installation. This in turn allows the reinforcing supplier to solely focus on doing what they do best: ensuring an on-time and efficient supply of high quality reinforcing materials to the project site.

• Assisting the installation team at site with visualisation of the reinforcing in 3D on a tablet or other device.

Our ability to seamlessly integrate with other BIM software, to share the 3D model in various formats, and the ability to load external models from other disciplines, allow us to run inter-trade clash checks before any of the materials are manufactured resulting in significant savings in time and cost for the project on-site.

The Benefits of a 3D Model for Your Project Issue #138 - B&C | 25 Reinforcing Steel Standards

our manufactured reinforcing mesh and coil products and a range of steel plates, sections and products that are distributed and processed by Fletcher Steel.

I really have two functions here. I run a small mechanical test laboratory where we test

SA and Standards New Zealand aim to have a balance of views represented on the committee and will often approach under-

New Zealand doesn’t have a lot of heavy industry to drive much of a need for metallurgists, but there is an increased acceptance of the value that can be added by having that specific knowledge in processing, testing and distributing businesses.

Not big, but it has increased.

What does the reinforcing steel standards committee do?

What is metallurgy?

Australasian Standards are reviewed by technical committees made up of experienced individuals recommended by nominating organisations.

Standards Australia (SA). They have a process to regularly review industry standards and revise them when necessary.

How is the reinforcing steel standard committee made up?

There is an increasing focus on ensuring the conformance of reinforcing on-site by having documented processes and evidence of conformity.

I also like to think there has been a wider understanding of the importance of reinforcing steel in construction across the market. From manufacturing, design and distribution through to the end user and even consumers.

What positions have you held?

In your role at Fletcher Steel, what are your main duties?

Bruce Roberts is a New Zealand authority on reinforcing steel standards. He explains everything you didn’t know you wanted to know about reinforcing steel standards and the discipline of metallurgy.

AS/NZS 4671 is a joint Australian/New Zealand Standard that is administered by

The committee that reviewed the standard has about twenty members, five of which represent New Zealand organisations.

I studied Chemical and Materials Engineering at Auckland University for three years after a year of science at Waikato University. There are many memorable things that spring to mind, but nothing directly to do with my studies!

represented industry groups about providing a representative.

Bruce Roberts: Fletcher’s man of steel

What changes have taken place in the reinforcing steel sphere in the last 10-20 years?

It just interested me, with some good lecturers, and fortunately it still interests me.

26 | B&C - Issue #138 Reinforcing Steel Standards

Why study metallurgy and any memorable moments from those days?

How “big” is metallurgy in New Zealand as a career?

In the case of the reinforcing steel standard, Australian industry groups wanted to include higher tensile grades of reinforcing steel for use in Australia, so a revision was authorised.

Not major in New Zealand. There have been improvements in efficiencies, particularly the wide adoption of processing coils in place of straight bar to reduce waste.

I’ve worked almost exclusively in metallurgical based roles in aluminium at one time, but mostly in the steel industry in New Zealand and Australia.

It often results in metallurgy being one part of a role, which may be a good thing to have a bit more variety.

The other part of my role is providing technical support to the Fletcher Steel businesses and reviewing the product quality from our steel suppliers.

The wider committee members represent: manufacturing, processing, importing and consumption, as well as engineering, university and Standards development organisations.

Broadly it’s the technology/science of the behaviour of metals and their processing. In Australia it is also strongly identified with extraction and mining.

For more information about reinforcing steel standards, contact Bruce Roberts: Bruce. Issue #138 - B&C | 27 Reinforcing Steel Standards ACRS is a steel certification scheme for steel users, and independent of product suppliers - so you know ACRS is working for you. Our comprehensive and rigorous audits include random sampling from standard production and 3-monthly checks on production data by qualified and experienced auditors and technical sta , with independent testing conducted at selected laboratories to ensure accurate results independent of the supplier. ACRS provides EXPERT, INDEPENDENT, THIRD-PARTY steel certification to Australian and New Zealand Standardsgiving you confidence in the conformity of your steel supply. Talk to us TODAY about how ACRS Certification gives you confidence in your steel supply. ACRS - Independent, Expert Third Party Certification & Verification of Reinforcing, Prestressing and Structural Steels for Compliance with Australian and New Zealand Standards Ph: +61 2 9965 7216 | E: info@steelcertification.comABN:40096692545 NOT ALLCREATEDCERTIFICATIONSCHEMESAREEQUAL ACRS_2020_Ad05_ApplesOranges_v5_260x350+5mm_INTL_press.pdf 1 16/11/2020 8:29:37 AM

Independent Third-Party Product Certification systems continue to develop around the world to meet the needs of international and local consumers, specifiers, designers and governments. Independent third-party certification schemes such ACRS Steel Certification provide a rigorous and trusted mechanism for certificate holders to demonstrate that the products they supply consistently meet evolving requirements.

First, there is the challenge of establishing which product is actually ‘the most sustainable’ choice. This task is often made more challenging thanks to the variety of methods used to measure ‘sustainability’, and the fact that many products are either self-assessed or assessed against ISO 14001:2016 Environmental Management rather than product certification.

Recent years have seen a significant increase in demand for sustainable products and practices. But the ‘journey to a more sustainable world’ is not without its challenges – especially when it comes to selecting the most sustainable product options. This is particularly true for products such as construction steels, where there is an array of globally-produced and supplied product options to choose from.

28 | B&C - Issue #138 Reinforcing Steel Standards

Sustainable certification options

Then there is the matter of traceability: once you order the most sustainable product, can you be sure that the construction steels you ordered are what you received?

With that in mind, ACRS has partnered with leading international construction steel certification authority, CARES, to introduce its market-leading Sustainable Constructional Steels (SCS) Certification Scheme to the Australasian market. The SCS Scheme ensures that construction steel entering Australia and New Zealand from anywhere in the world meets the highest global environmental, social and ethical standards, using independent certification of ESG criteria and performance indicators.

This evolution has been driven in part by demand for sustainable steel and responsible sourcing. The need for certification of such materials has increased inline with both growing public expectations and an increased focus by governments and industry on sustainability. Indeed, with ‘as built’ sustainability ratings now playing such a critical role in the success and ‘saleability’ of most construction projects, sustainability certification is now being demanded in tandem with product certification for most construction products.

Choosing sustainable steel

ACRS Sustainable Steel & Product Certification

Helping ensure your construction steel meets your sustainability requirements

However, most available sustainability certification schemes are based wholly, or largely, on ISO 14001:2016 Environmental Management rather than product certification. Unfortunately, ISO 14001 certification focuses primarily on documented systems rather than on making a regular detailed assessment of actual activity and product output – much in the same way as ISO 9001 focuses on Quality Management Systems rather than product output.

Not surprisingly, these ‘sustainability challenges’ have resulted in a significant increase in demand for a premium, independent verification scheme in the area of steel sustainability. A verification scheme that provides surety there is no producer bias, misrepresentation or dilution of the expected certification process.

that focuses on documented processes – thereby combatting any ESG confusion through the steel supply chain.

Raw material and transport data, combined with independently-verified production and lifecycle emissions data, support the development of the products’ carbon footprint and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) – prerequisites of the scheme. This enables accurate data, for example, the Global Warming Potential per tonne of product, to be easily accessed by designers and specifiers. On-product bar markings and digital product labelling allow 100% traceability on all verified products from manufacture to site.

One stop for compliance, traceability, and sustainability

The Scheme’s supplier mapping evaluation and management systems requirements provide insights into labour conditions and human rights risks in sourcing and production. The Scheme aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals –‘The Global Goals’ – and measures and monitors a comprehensive range of criteria through the global supply chain, including ethical business practices; modern slavery, human rights and labour conditions; environmental impacts (including circular economy and climate change); fair supplier treatment; and the socioeconomic impacts of the steel value chain.

Importantly, the SCS Scheme is about much more than simply measuring the CO2 emissions associated with a piece of steel. It is a true assessment of product sustainability across all key sustainability benchmarks.

The SCS Scheme already certifies 29 producers and suppliers from 11 countries, with several suppliers to the local market already expressing interest. Products certified under the SCS Scheme are approved inputs for a range of international building and infrastructure rating systems, and are compatible with the recently-released Responsible Steel Standard. ACRS is also currently seeking recognition from the Green Building Council of Australia.

Raw material and transport data, combined with of(EPDs)ProductEnvironmentalcarbonofsupportlifecycleverifiedindependently-productionandemissionsdata,thedevelopmenttheproducts’footprintandDeclarations–prerequisitesthescheme.

Put simply, demonstrating the conformity of any product, including steel, is not simply a matter of reviewing documented management systems. It’s the same for proving a product’s sustainability credentials. What’s more, basing claims of ‘sustainability’ purely on a management system rather than on regular assessments of actual product output disadvantages both specifiers and consumers as well as better-performing suppliers by providing lesser performing suppliers with an unfair cost advantage and market access.

The UK’s Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) recognises the Scheme as a ‘responsible sourcing certification scheme’; with the US LEED building rating system and the Hong Kong CIC scheme also recognising its Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).

Australian and international steel producers are working hard to reduce their emissions. Currently, around 7% of global CO2 emissions are generated by the industry, but this is expected to drop significantly in coming years thanks to new materials, manufacturing and processing methods. The SCS Scheme will play a major role in helping steel producers and processors measure, monitor, and improve the sustainability performance of their products, further strengthening industry efforts to combat greenhouse gas emissions.

The ACRS SCS Scheme also delivers a range of significant advantages for consumers, industry and governments across Australia and New Zealand. The Scheme helps building designers, specifiers and customers make informed decisions about the materials they are buying. It enables them to confidently source highquality constructional steels produced under high standards of environmental, social and ethical management within an internationally-recognised scheme looking at the actual product, rather thana scheme

Confidence in sustainable steels

The SCS Scheme provides independent verification to steel sustainability requirements by an expert body in steel and product certification on a continuing basis to the recognised levels expected by ACRS. The independence and rigour that ACRS is renowned for in Australia and New Zealand will help achieve the desired quality, environmental and socially responsible outcomes across the construction industry.

The SCS Scheme assesses producers annually against benchmark sustainability performance, providing independent expert verification of the environmental and social performance of their product and its production processes.

What’s more, the SCS Scheme will provide the public with confidence that steel installed in their homes, high-rise commercial and residential buildings, and infrastructure projects, meets the highest global standards in terms of both quality and sustainability.

For steel specifiers and procurement teams, the SCS Scheme’s easy-to-access producer performance data and information allows them to assess and demonstrate the expected certification requirements of leading construction firms and government more easily and accurately.

Utilising a Rosette Rating System, credits are awarded to recognise and incentivise levels of performance exceeding mandatory levels. As well as providing producers with an accurate assessment of their current performance, it enables organisations to better understand and plan a ‘transition pathway’ from current performance levels to an aspirational ‘sustainable’ steel production, which is represented by a ‘4 Rosette Rating’. This ‘4 Rosette Rating’ requires zero-emission steel production, responsible sourcing, a good safety record, and sustainably produced and processed constructional steel with a digital record.

For further information please email ACRS at: or visit the website:

With the introduction of SCS certification, product conformity, traceability, and sustainability certification will all now be available through ACRS. Firms seeking both independent premium product and sustainability certification can now do so through one certification body – ACRS.

As a result, when used on their own, ISO 14001-based schemes are increasingly considered not to provide adequate verification of supplier claims of sustainable supply to consumers, due to the fact that this generic ‘quality’ approach does not verify actual output or provide an adequate mechanism for product traceability. This can open the material supply chain to the possibility of unsubstantiated or incomplete claims of environmental attainment.

More than emissions Issue #138 - B&C | 29 Reinforcing Steel Standards

and management.

30 | B&C - Issue #138 Steel Construction

• Contractor monitoring

However,corrosion.environment-related corrosion

Our asset inspection services include:

and final sign off on any work done.

group of corrosion failure mechanisms often require very specialised knowledge to assess and solve them.

Failure analysis experts can be involved at any point of a product’s life cycle including the design, manufacturing, service, and ultimately, when a part of the product fails due to corrosion.


Galvanic corrosion

life cycle planning.

The eight types of corrosion (Fontana) that commonly occur on structures and products made of different engineering materials are as follows:

Regular inspection and testing of the protection ensures the underlying material is able to maintain its integrity at least until the end of its design life.

Intergranular corrosion due to poor alloy metallurgy.

Paint contracting tender documentation and administration.

Information sourced from:

After initial inspections, we can advise on the state of the assets, and the best protection or repair methods required. We are able to work from initial advisory and project scoping, right through to specifying and writing tenders,


The correct protection methods for New Zealand structures are therefore very important.

The types of corrosion damage that are encountered in service often include general surface corrosion, galvanic corrosion, and localised

Erosion corrosion due to flowing fluids. Stress corrosion cracking (SCC).

Some 30ppm of H2S will cause severe concrete corrosion, and anecdotally this has increased to over 100ppm in some systems internationally.

• Asset

Conducting a root cause analysis to identify the exact cause of a failure of a material due to corrosion, and to determine appropriate remedies, requires a detailed and thorough analysis.


At a seminar in Auckland presented by the Australasian Corrosion Association’s New Zealand branch, corrosion experts from around New Zealand shared experiences and information on how corrosion impacts assets.

We make use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and specialised drone technology to help, but are specialised, well trained and equipped to be working at heights and tricky places where most “normal people” simply won’t go!


• Condition assessment of existing structures assets, measurement coating and corrosion failure Independentanalysis.third party inspections of coating projects.


Corrosion is the deterioration of a material through its reaction with the environment.


– dissimilar metal corrosion.

With the decrease in “hazardous” anti-fouling coatings, microbial-induced corrosion (MIC) is increasing in ports throughout the world.

BRANZ has also found that many materials display “unusual” corrosion behaviour within geothermal environments.

The best protective coating is often more expensive to apply but will also extend the “time to first maintenance” period, and appropriate maintenance after that will ensure the asset’s integrity.

Asset life cycle planning and regular inspection plans.

Protecting NZ infrastructure from corrosion

Many road and rail bridges built in the late 19th Century are still operational and expected to carry increasingly large loads.

Keeping your assets in pristine condition and protecting them for years to come.

bridges (including railway bridges), wind turbines, fuel and storage tankers and more.

Crevice corrosion – an insidious form of localised corrosion.

However, there are many less common failure mechanisms encountered as well, including high temperature corrosion; microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), hydrogen embrittlement, and corrosion

Pitting corrosion – a rapid form of localised corrosion.

Quality assurance audits Cost and time-saving UAV inspections to review asset conditions in real-time, taking high-resolution video and photos from various angles.

Our protection & repairs services include:

Ensuring you have regular, detailed inspections and a plan for maintenance saves you from potential downtime, and costly and unnecessary replacements. We have one of the largest teams of experienced AMPP senior certified coatings and corrosion inspectors in New Zealand to help get the job done.

Many participants agreed that a design life of, say, 50 years (as is the case with residential builds including apartments), or 100 years (for major infrastructure), is often expected to perform considerably beyond that.

Our team of specialised inspectors are located right across the country and help assess the condition of towers,

Dr Patricia Shaw spoke of BRANZ’s work in updating the New Zealand Corrosivity Map, which rates exposure risk to structures based on long term field testing of a range of materials.

Matthew Vercoe of Metal Spray Suppliers explained how a good specification can help contractors apply the coating correctly, as well as help owners to understand the benefits of spending a little more initially.

Selective leaching corrosion – de-alloying.

Engineer to contractor services (project management). Service provider field support. | +64 3 377 1546

problems, that can be quite dangerous to a structure or product, include stress corrosion cracking, intergranular corrosion, selective leaching corrosion, and erosion corrosion.

The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc. (ACA) is a not-for-profit membership association which disseminates information on corrosion and its prevention or control by providing training, seminars, conferences, publications and other activities.

The AustralasianAssociationCorrosionInc PO Box 112 Kerrimuir VIC 3129

It’s now also being seen in fresh water, such as in the corroding sheet pile diversion wall in Lake Rotoiti.

Purchase specification development (coatings, applicator & application options etc).

Understanding steel corrosion

Representing Seminar sponsor Carboline, Neil Adamson discussed the effects of concrete degradation and subsequent rebar corrosion, especially as demonstrated in wastewater treatment plants and chemical Sub-surfacebunds.defects in concrete finishes can affect the performance of protective coatings, he explained, and with the increase in unvented hydrogen sulphide, MIC levels are also increasing in enclosed systems, such as wastewater pipes and tanks.

Asset managers cannot vent H2S from treatment plants today because nearby residents don’t want the smell, consequently trapping more sulphides than ever and placing more demand upon protective Australasiancoatings.Corrosion Association

This wall must divert the inflow from Lake Rotorua into the Kaituna River until 2057, so options delivered to the client included structural strengthening, use of an impermeable polymeric screen, or complete removal and replacement of the wall with vinyl sheet piles.

Quality assurance audits.

assets such as transmission line

Uniform corrosion attack – this is the most common form of corrosion encountered.

including coating performance

Early indications suggest that more sites and finer measurements delivered by the current research are changing the risk profile for many geographic areas. Issue #138 - B&C | 31 Steel Construction

from industry since then has resulted in a revised version of the report being released in July 2020.

If you have any specific question related to this publication for your project, please get in touch with HERA.

‘Weathering steel’ is a high strength, low alloy, structural steel that, in suitable environments, can be used in the unpainted condition.

rust layer or ‘patina’, which significantly retards the corrosion rate of weathering steel compared with conventional structural steel, while also providing a versatile high strength structural steel.

It focuses on the required aspects of design, fabrication, construction, site suitability, inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation for the appropriate use of weathering steel for bridges in Aotearoa.

Article by HERA Structural Systems manager Kaveh Andisheh, supplied courtesy of HERA.

This steel design guide for bridges in New Zealand was prepared to provide guidance to industry on the required aspects of site suitability, design, fabrication, construction, inspection and maintenance for the appropriate use of weathering steel in bridges in New Zealand.

This design guide for bridges in New Zealand has been prepared to provide updated guidance to industry.

Weathering steel, or to use its technical title of “structural steel with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance”, is a high strength, low alloy, structural steel.

In order to achieve a durable, high strength, structural steel (weathering steel) in the unpainted condition, some requirements for designing, fabrication, construction, site climate condition, inspection and maintenance need to be taken into consideration.

In suitable environments it can be used in an unpainted condition which results in very low maintenance costs and an economic bridge solution.

While the first version of R4-97:2020 was released on 25 May 2020, feedback received

32 | B&C - Issue #138 Steel Construction No BigissteelcompositeflooringjobtooOrtoosmall. Visit our website to get our Tray-dec floor design software for a quote today! NELSON STUD WELDING 09 820 Tray-dec New Zealand Ltd 09 820 www.traydec.nzinfo@traydec.nz9133 HERA PO Box (09)Manukau761342622885

However, to realise the full capability of weathering steel in bridges requires attention to some aspects of the design, fabrication and construction of the bridge and the consideration of the climatic conditions at the Withsite.attention to these details, bridge life spans of a 100 years, or more, can be accommodated with weathering steel.

The design of weathering steel bridges should be undertaken in accordance to the relevant parts of AS/NZS 5100.6. However, there are several requirements – mostly related to detailing and suitability of environment, which relate specifically to weathering steel, are outlined in this publication.

Weathering steel

‘Weathering steel’ is a high strength, low alloy, structural steel that, in suitable environments, can be used in the unpainted Weatheringcondition.steeldevelops a tightly adherent

What does this mean for you?

• Supplier capability review in delivering on Specification requirements (Management structure, number if staff, training, equipment, etc.)

In a world of uncertainty, “trust but verify”

The only sure way for clients and builders to understand hidden complexities and to mitigate risk, is to “trust but verify” by engaging an independent ILAC (IANZ in New Zealand) accredited company to verify compliance through comprehensive

It is tempting to rely on suppliers to manage the change in their respective businesses and trust that it will not have a knock-on effect on your steel construction project. But how do these business and operational changes affect future compliance to specification, New Zealand building consents and hence Building Code requirements?

• Audit independent test reports to ensure steel are ILAC MRA accredited and that all laboratory reports are ILAC endorsed.

party checks and inspections:

• Audit QA programme and Inspection and Test Plan

It is important to maintain focus on verification, throughout the construction process and to follow on from the capability audit with independent third-

• Issue of producer statement of inspection and testing specification conformance.

• Assessing supplier task competencies in delivering on NZS and AS/NZS standards

• Materials conformance and traceability

• Verification of welder procedures and coating procedures Issue #138 - B&C | 33 Steel Construction

supplier capability audits and third party inspection and testing:

• Review of shop drawings/ structural drawings

If your supply partners are slow in adjusting their operational processes and training schemes to address inadequacies, it will have a direct adverse effect on compliance. Warranties and certificates alone are no longer sufficient proof of compliance.

• Independent inspection and testing in accordance with the Inspection and Test Plan (i.e visual inspection of welds, NDT of weld quality, surface preparation prior to coating, dry film thickness inspection of coating, etc.)

A trust but verify approach to steel compliance will serve projects well in maintaining good relationships with suppliers over this period of uncertainty. It is also the trialed and tested way to ensure that in all erected buildings the steel and applied protective coatings conform to the requirements of the Standard and assist in delivering projects on time and within budget.

The steel construction industry has not escaped the realities of the new normal. Cost escalations are forcing a revitalized approach to operational efficiencies to ensure projects are delivered on time and within budget. Getting it right the first time has never been more appropriate.

The world has changed and is filled with uncertainty, unprecedented raw material and skills shortages across many industries, cost increases and altered supply chain relationships.

• Review of supplier quality control test records

In this renewed focus on internal processes there is a danger in overlooking or ignoring the single largest threat to clients and main contractors being the unintended consequences of the post pandemic reset on historical supply relationships.

In this new reality it is imperative to recognize that historical supply partners of raw materials, fabricated steel and services to your structural steel projects are fighting wars for talent and skills due to the global phenomenon, “the big resign” and are competing for effective distribution of their products due to changes in shipping lines, etc. Business as they knew it may have changed overnight. | e. | p. 03 381 1670 Consultancy Services • Material Conformance Verification • Fabricator Third Party Audits • Coatings Compliance • Welding Compliance • NDT Level III Services Inspection Services • Structural Steel Inspection • Protective Coatings Inspection • Bolt Tension Testing • Rope Access Inspection • Remote Visual Inspection • Hull Thickness Surveys NDT Services • Radiography • Ultrasonic Testing • Magnetic Particle inspection • Liquid Penetrant Inspection • Eddy Current Testing SOUTHERN

Carboquick 200 also provides very good colour and gloss retention in UV exposure, exceeding the long term weatherability requirements of SSPC Coating Specification No. 39 Level 3A. Using this fast cure coating can eliminate the need for typical primer and/or intermediate coats saving significant time and money without sacrificing performance.

Speed up the painting process by eliminating the need for typical primers and/or intermediate coats. This can be done without sacrificing performance due to Carboquick 200's high film integrity and protective properties.

6-10 mils dry film thickness (DFT) and dry to handle in 1-2 hours (dry to touch in 30 Regardlessminutes).ofyour industry, faster throughput is very important. A fast, weatherable finish can help users from project managers to OEM fabricators — drastically speed up production time.

34 | B&C - Issue #138 Steel Construction

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History. Service. suppliers of Carboquick

Founded on the concept of helping a customer, and continues to exceed customers’ expectations with outstanding service. This proven and established brand is available through Australasian manufacturer Altex Coatings Ltd. Altex has been providing protective coatings for over 60 years.

Altex Coatings Ltd, your steel coatings experts.

A high build, one coat, quick drying polyaspartic coating that can be applied directly to metal.

Carboquick 200 anti-corrosion coating is designed to be applied in one coat at

Product details

Carboquick 200 is a fast cure high build polyaspartic coating that provides excellent corrosion protection as well as long term weatherability in just one coat. One coat applied direct to metal (DTM) at 150 - 250 microns dry film thickness (DFT) provides corrosion protection of ISO 12944-6 C3 High. This coating is typically dry to handle in 1 to 2 hours. It is easy to apply, ready to spray.

New developments in polyaspartic chemistry have resulted in highperformance, quick-curing coatings with better UV resistance. Introducing Carboquick 200 a high-build, one-coat, applied directly to metal, the game changer.

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success markers. You don’t have time for fabrication mistakes

Since 2016 when Brendan came back, All Steel Fabrication has pretty much doubled in size each year. They have around 20 full time “We’reemployees.doingalot of larger projects these days,” says Brendan. “We’ve been working with Ockham on some of the largest residential projects in Auckland.”

• Residential Services – from customer sheet metal trim to eye-catching flue caps, from precision welding to artistic sculptures, All Steel Fabrication has the skilled tradespeople to meet residential sheet metal and fabrication needs

Twenty tonnes of steel were involved in the project with an approximate value of the structural steelwork sitting at $210,000.

• Rainwater Services – metal fascia and gutter systems have to do two things: look good on your buildings and move rainwater efficiently away from the structure. Overlooked by many homeowners, rainwater has the potential to give you a headache.

“It’s all architecturally exposed steel. It has these columns which involved cutting one massive beam in half and welding it to another beam in a cross shape.”

your commercial or residential build sheet metal services: Issue #138 - B&C | 35 All Steel Fabrication

Brendan says he’s been involved with the company for quite some time.

SCNZ judges said that structural steel contributed to a striking house with few solid walls, allowing great views of the ocean.

calls for efficiency, you turn to All Steel Fabrication. Available

All Steel Fabrication have been around since 1989 and are a family owned and operated company.

All Steel Fabrication came out on top at the recent 2021 Steel Construction New Zealand Awards.

All Steel Fabrication manager, Brendan McLean, says the project was a dream home build. “It was really cool to be able to work on that Brendanproject.”saysthe awards were a really good night. “We were pretty stoked to receive the award,” he says.

Award winning steel fabrication

The project also incorporated a big candelabra hanging over the dining area. Brendan says they put in apex portals that framed the view of the Matarangi Harbour and the Coromandel Ranges.

It took the build team just three days for the entire main structure to be erected. SCNZ notes that the entire project was

• Commercial Services – whether your commercial project requires fabrication of sheet metal ducting and roof trim, bulk steel cutting or a run of decorative sheet metal, precision and turnaround are your

SCNZ says the 185km of some of the windiest roads in the country added complexity to the job. All the steel had to be transported to the site and was conveyed in one load.

“I was a welder for All Steel about 20 years ago and then went off and did my own thing for a while. I came back about seven years ago to run the place. It’s grown massively from there,” he says.

“I’d call it bespoke,” he says. “It takes a lot of skill to do these projects and a lot of bigger companies don’t have the skill to put the details into the jobs.

“You know, anything that is finished with exposed steel, you have to watch every weld. You can’t hide it.”

• Fabrication Services – All Steel Fabrication takes care of your project from start to finish, in-house. The benefit to you of their full design, engineering, fabrication and installation services is simplicity; the team makes creating with sheet metal a headache-free experience

The awards, delayed due to Covid, saw All Steel Fabrication take out the Standalone Residential section with Gawor Beach House in the Coromandel.

• Heritage Services – the greatest challenge is not building something contemporary; it’s repairing and preserving what already exists. Embarking on a heritage restoration is an act of faith

All Steel Fabrication 83 Thackeray

detailed, fabricated and welded using only solar power.

All Steel Fabrication take pride in their work, using sheet metal to provide solutions and offer Whenartistry.yourarchitectural or heritage project demands detail, when your roofing or rainwater project requires consistency, when

It’s not just big projects All Steel Fabrication work with though – Brendan says they do a lot of niche projects that require hand fabrication.

“Considerable thought was given to detailing the connections with elements such as cruciform columns to achieve the required aesthetic,” they said.

Rob Kirwan joined the company in late 1980 as a boilermaker welder apprentice progressing to general manager in 2006. In 2015 Rob brought shares in the company and became managing director.

Business is going well for Culham Engineering. They are fortunate to be associated with some great clients doing cool projects.

They have created substantial capacity across the board. Culham Engineering is one of a few companies in New Zealand that can take on almost any type of heavy fabrication.

Rob says that the company has always been passionate about training people.

that fully understands what’s “best for the project”.

“We’ve trained over 700 apprentices since our “Currently,inception.we run up to 40 apprentices per year in many areas of engineering, from heavy fabrication and mechanical fitters, blasting and coatings to riggers, crane drivers and other forms of transport.


“It has been challenging at times when there’s been a lack of work, but we have always committed to having four or five on the go in the lean times.”

• Contact Energy Tauhara project. And much, much more!

• Mt Maunganui terminal expansion project

• New Zealand international convention center rebuild (FCC)

“You can have all the equipment in the world, but at the end of the day, our business has been built around having good solutionfocused clever people.

Culham Engineering are old hands when it comes to heavy fabrication and construction –they’ve been in the business for almost 65 years.

All of these are complemented by an outstanding project management team

They have ongoing work throughout New Zealand, mainly focusing on the North Island. Some of the more significant projects currently on the go are the Sky City rebuild, the Central Interceptor project, and the decommissioning of Refinery NZ, along with quite a bit of work down the central North Island and projects in Wellington.

During his tenure, Culham Engineering has grown substantially, becoming one of the largest employers in Northland and one of the largest heavy engineering firms in New Zealand.

Founded in 1958 by David Culham, Culham Engineering specialises in heavy fabrication and Managingconstruction.director

• Waikato River Peacocke Bridge Piers

They work in infrastructure, structural steel, mechanical maintenance, piping and pressure vessels, shutdown planning, scheduling and execution, storage tanks, petrochemical, pulp and paper, geothermal, and all aspects of marine shipbuilding and repair, industrial blasting and coatings, craneage and transport.

The company does revolve around its people, as Rob explains.

• The new Whangarei Boys High School

“It’s been tough times juggling the challenges that we face on a global stage as it does affect what we do. However, we have excellent relationships, and we are grateful for that.”

At Easysteel we pride ourselves on the strength of long-standing relationships we have and delivering a range of world-class brands, products and services, to customers like Culham Engineering. 0800 EASYSTEEL (0800 327 978) or visit ESY22-917432700 Support Adverts_260x85.indd 1 19/08/22 10:19 AM

Proudly supporting EngineeringCulham

“We are fortunate to have a solid order book with more to come,” he says. “We are so grateful for our people and our clients’ support.”

• Bowen Campus redevelopment, Wellington

The company have worked on some unique and exciting projects both within the Whangarei region and nationwide, right down to Bluff.

36 | B&C - Issue #138 Culham Engineering

lot of talk about how people need to train more apprentices, but we have been doing it for the last 64 years.

“We’ve constantly invested in our people,” Rob

Planning, producing and delivering for over 60 Years

The business is all about being solution focused. They have a proven track record of being schedule-driven and giving exceptional quality, with a focus on wellbeing, health, and safety.

• Tyre derived fuel system project at Golden Bay Cement

The business is built around many aspects and is vertically integrated, not concentrating on just one area.

In 2021, he and his other business partner took complete ownership of the company.

• Whangarei Hospital maternity unit Issue #138 - B&C | 37 Culham Engineering Proud to supply Culham Engineering superior quality welding wire from Japan. Switch to KOBE Low Fume Metal Cored Wire, as used by Culham Engineering KOBE MX-A70C6-LF produces less fume, less spatter = minimal clean up, fast quality welds every time. Phone 09 634 Culham Engineering 15-17 Hewlett We are fortunate to have a solid order book with more to come. We are so grateful for our people and our clients’ support. Culham Engineering offer a wide range of services and consider themselves a one-stop-shop for your engineering needs. They offer: • Structural steel • Pressure vessel and piping systems • Industrial maintenance and Petro-chemicals • Industrial coatings • Tanks • Heavy haulage and craneage • Marine construction and repairs • Precision cutting and modeling.

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electricity from solar can generate benefits that positively impact the entire energy value chain. This reduction of congestion can also defer transmission and network investment, meaning we all save.

What can I do? How can I get solar working for me?

38 | B&C - Issue #138

For one, you need to choose a reputable partner. We can’t stress this enough, but you should always partner with a SEANZ member for your project. SEANZ carefully scrutinise solar providers and ensure that they’re up to the task of providing a reputable, reliable solution and service. Look for a company that has been established for a while.

At Infinite Energy, we’ve been wholly dedicated to solar power since 2013.

the stories of savings, ROI, avoided carbon emissions, energy independence only serve to remind us that we’re doing our small part to make the world a better place, one roof at a time.

The industry is seeing a flood of new interest, with many new entrants speculating to get a slice of the action. You really don’t want to end up with someone ‘learning solar’ on your roof.

Politically, we’re waiting and watching for two (possible) white elephants that are touted as solutions to our renewable energy shortage – the much talked about future of the aluminium smelter in Bluff, and the proposed development of Lake Onslow hydro battery project. As a country, can we afford to put too many eggs in these baskets, especially considering both may never eventuate? Where would this leave our supply of renewable energy in the future?

Our focus is on design. Design for outcomes, accuracy, aesthetics, performance, safety and compliance. Every time we approach a new project, from initial consultation, to system design, to procurement, installation, and commissioning – we get a real kick out of seeing the reactions and pride from our Subsequentlyclients.

In this time, we’ve invested heavily into developing our people, knowledge base, and our communities. Our projects in this time have focused on delivering outstanding outcomes - projects that have been truly pioneering and that have received national awards and recognition.

New Zealand is electrifying our transport fleet and industry at an alarming rate – which is great news for our carbon emissions and climate targets, but have we put the cart before the horse?

We understand the energy landscape designing and building solar and battery systems that allow our clients to maximise their returns through value stacking. This includes projects that dramatically and directly reduce energy costs, while also reducing network charges that store energy for use during periods of network congestion.

Why Infinite Energy?

In the last year, we’ve burnt more coal than ever before (and it’s all imported) to keep pace with the demands for electricity and peak demand response. This is simply not a sustainable future for our electricity supply, nor is it what is envisaged when we buy our EV’s to decarbonise transport.

At Infinite Energy, we’ve been wholly dedicated to solar power since 2013. In this time, we’ve invested heavily into developing our people, knowledge base, and our communities. Our projects in this time have focused on outstandingdeliveringoutcomes.

Picture this; every unit of electricity that is generated and consumed at any given site is a unit of electricity that doesn’t need to be generated by a hydro dam (or coal plant) - it doesn’t need to be shifted by our transmission network and it doesn’t need to be distributed by your local lines company. It doesn’t even need to be sold to you by your electricity retailer. A unit of self-generated and self-consumed

A unit of self-generated and meaningnetworkdeferofchain.thethatcanelectricityself-consumedfromsolargeneratebenefitspositivelyimpactentireenergyvalueThisreductioncongestioncanalsotransmissionandinvestment,weallsave.

Solar power - the time is now!

Are you next? We’d love to speak to you about your energy needs – and how a properly designed and installed solar power and battery system can benefit you!

Our political leaders have a target of 100% renewable electricity generation by 2030, yet here we are importing coal in 2022 to burn for electricity generation. It is simply not acceptable; in fact it is embarrassing!

No, really simply, solar power on its own is not a silver bullet solution. Solar is (and will continue to become) a valuable part of our total energy solution. What solar power does offer is a number of advantages that can benefit stakeholders from individual households, to business owners, large commercial and industrial clients, right up to our network providers and even Transpower.

The reality is, we need action now. We need to be building new, clean, reliable energy generation now – and lots of it! We’re unlikely to see major new hydro development and NIMBYISM makes large scale wind hard to consent and build –especially at the pace that we need new energy. However, solar can be built at any scale, and in almost any location (unlike hydro and wind) meaning it is less reliant on our transmission and distribution assets to move the power to where the demand exists.

Is Solar Power a Silver Bullet? Issue #138 - B&C | 39 SEANZ

You will have heard it before, but it’s worth repeating - after water, concrete is the most widely used substance on Earth.

SCMs are derived from lower embodied energy and recycled materials, and can result in environmental benefits, improved concrete performance, and long-term cost advantages.

The concrete industry is evolving with recent achievements in emissions reduction set to continue via manufacturing and delivery initiatives that will enable net zero carbon concrete by 2050.

To allow increased uptake of SCMs, Concrete NZ has completed a Building Research Levy funded project to assess classification techniques, along with the f

Mount Maunganui based cement supplier HR Cement has commissioned a new grinding mill for the processing of either slag or natural pozzolans to meet inevitable demand.

In short, the low carbon concretes enabled through cement replacements will be a ‘game changer’ in the materials space, and in turn, be hugely significant for the future built environment.

The industry has also enhanced its environmental practices by adopting synthetic vehicle fuels, including diverting/ recycling waste streams away from landfill and into usable products.

Low carbon Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) as cement replacement will be key to the concrete industry achieving its 2050 net carbon zero targets. Photo courtesy of Portland Cement Association (PCA).

uptake, resilience to extreme weather, including being local.

These are slag (from steel manufacture), fly ash (from coal combustion) or microsilica. Volcanic ash (a natural pozzolan) from the Volcanic Plateau is another type of SCM.

As a metaphor for strength, concrete offers whole-of-life benefits such as durability, thermal mass, recyclability, carbon dioxide

40 | B&C - Issue #138 Cement & Concrete  0508 88

Gearing-up supply

Committed to helping New Zealand achieve its Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 objectives, the concrete industry is halfway towards its target of at least a 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs)

resh and hardened performance of SCM concrete. Outputs will inform a review of the cement Standard.

Concrete has shaped civilizations for centuries, and today it’s indispensable in residential, commercial and infrastructure development.

Decarbonising concrete

Emissions reduction

The increasing global use of low carbon SCMs to partially replace Portland cement and therefore directly reduce embodied carbon dioxide makes ecological sense.

This reduction was achieved in part through increased use of low carbon Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs).

Industry commitment to low carbon concrete via SCMs is clear, with Holcim New Zealand constructing a new facility at the Ports of Auckland to accommodate what will be a significant increase in its use of cement replacements.

Such is our reliance on concrete that the decarbonising journey is one that builders and contractors will be very excited about.

New Zealand’s end-to-end cement manufacturer, Golden Bay Cement, will also be utlilising SCMS as part of its low carbon offerings.

Sustainability consultants - thinkstepconfirm that emissions from cement have been reduced by 15 percent between 2005 and 2018.

The RB401T-E also uses the same battery and TwinTier™ tie wire as the RB441T and RB611T handheld TwinTiers.

• Adjustable Handles – users can adjust the handles to 2 positions, to find the most comfortable fit for their height

• Triggerless Technology – an automatic contact mechanism allows the tool to instantly tie when pushed down over a rebar intersection

• Shorter Tie Height – a wire bending mechanism produces a shorter tie height. Less concrete is needed to fully cover a wire tie

All of these features work together to reduce instances of back strain and the development of injuriesmusculoskeletalforironworkers.

Like other tools in the TwinTier family, the RB401T-E’s special attributes include its faster tying speed, a reduction in wire consumption and a short wire tie.

The Battery-Powered RB401T-E Keeps You Standing Issue #138 - B&C | 41 Cement & Concrete

The TwinTier's “wire bending mechanism” feeds a precise amount of wire to match the thickness of the rebar being tied and cut down on the use of unnecessary wire. This bending mechanism consistently feeds, pulls back, twists and releases the perfect sized tie for each application.

Features of the new MAX® RB401T-E Stand Up Twintier™ Rebar Tier include:

The tool’s ergonomic construction, along with its contact mechanism, which requires no pulling of a trigger, lets workers automatically form a tie when pushing the tool down on a rebar intersection. The long nose attachment allows the tool to glide into rebar intersections with minimal effort from the operator.

• Tilt Sensor – the tilt-sensor prevents the tool from tying when angled upward

All of these features work together to reduce instances of back strain and the development of musculoskeletal injuries for ironworkers. This means the significant risk of developing back pain in the long term was reduced by 55% using the RB401T-E.

The RB401T-E can tie D10 x D10 up to D19 x D19 rebar combinations for a variety of applications including, but not limited to, road and bridge decks, industrial foundations, commercial floors, and water tanks.

Because the RB401T-E is such a unique and sophisticated tool in the marketplace, paired with the evolving TwinTier™ solution, contractors should find that their workforce is safeguarded from what has been a backbreaking industry.

For more information visit the SIFCO website -

MAX® saving workers’ backs with new stand-up battery-powered rebar tier

A low “battery power consumption” design allows the tool to produce 4000 ties per charge using a 14.4v , 4.0 Ah Li-ion battery, which recharges in just 65 minutes.

• Reduced Back Strain – the RB401T-E is an ergonomic solution for backbreaking slab work

They have introduced the NEW MAX® RB401T-E Stand-up TwinTier™, the first tool of its kind that gives ironworkers the ability to tie rebar while standing upright.

MAX® is aiming to cut down on back strain for workers tying rebar on concrete slabs with a new stand-up battery-powered tying tool.

• Enclosed Design – greater protection against debris and moisture entering the tool.

Future goals

Also worth highlighting is the United Nations’ Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has recognised concrete’s ability to permanently absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide, referred to a “carbon uptake”, which means the net embodied carbon of concrete buildings and infrastructure is much less than had previously been calculated.

To enable these goals, Concrete NZ has adopted an Environmental, Social and

Under the Concrete NZ banner, the concrete industry has developed a medium-term vision which states that by 2030 it will be recognised as a sustainable, socially responsible and profitable, and have reduced emissions from cement by at least 30 percent of 2005 levels.

Golden Bay Cement will use up to three million waste tyres each year to reduce coal consumption by 15 percent at its Northland facility.

42 | B&C - Issue #138 Cement & Concrete Low carbon concrete made easy with EcoSure® by Golden Bay. NZ’s lowest carbon GP cement*. Available from November. *To find out more visit

The New Zealand concrete industry’s 2050 Industry Roadmap for Net Zero Concrete will set out how, in collaboration with stakeholders and policymakers, it will fully decarbonise.

Part of a global strategy, the New Zealand concrete industry’s 2050 Industry Roadmap for Net Zero Concrete will set out how, in collaboration with stakeholders and policymakers, it will fully decarbonise.

Considerable reductions in energy use (and therefore carbon dioxide emissions) have been realised in New Zealand over the past decade by improving the efficiency of the cement kiln operation.

Leading Concrete NZ’s activity to increase recognition of the industry’s efforts to enhance its environmental and social impact are good information and constructive Improvedengagement.policy settings and better knowledge of concrete among specifiers, designers, contractors, and building officials will be measures of success.

Photos kindly supplied by Concrete NZ.

Final word

A large proportion of fossil fuel used at Golden Bay Cement’s facility has been substituted with wood waste (biofuel), while the use of up to three million waste tyres each year will reduce coal consumption by 15 percent, and in turn, carbon dioxide emissions by around 13,000 tonnes.

Concrete NZ Level 4 Solnet House 70 The

Alternative fuels

Beyond 2030, the New Zealand concrete industry is targeting net zero carbon by 2050.

To be launched in New Zealand during early 2023, the international Roadmap approach has been applauded by Greenpeace as a “defining moment” that illustrates the “willingness of industry to be part of the solution in global climate protection.”

Corporate Governance (ESG) approach, which concerns the impacts of a business or sector on people and the environment, and how the external world impacts on the business or sector.

A pan-industry Sustainability Report is also being developed by Concrete NZ. This will involve conducting an assessment on the industry’s impacts on people and the environment across selected United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).

Made measure

• Be kept up to date with relevant industry news via email alerts

• Participation in Concrete NZ Precast promotions such as inclusion on the website.

Expectations have increased making it more important than ever for customers to be very selective when choosing their precast supplier. Lowest cost seldom equals highest quality.

Being part of the larger organisation brings benefits to both consumers and industry.

• To participate in the development of Standards to ensure acceptable outcomes for the precast industry are achieved

ConcreteNZ – Precast Sector Group PO Box Manufacturer of a comprehensive and diverse range of Precast Concrete products. Specialising in Architectural Finishes with dedicated offsite finishing facility. Phone: 09 275 9906 | Email:

subcontractors, suppliers and workers at all

Concrete NZ Precast Sector Group represents about 30 precast concrete companies that operate nationwide.

Group is not just about supporting precasters, but also a healthy construction industry.

• Able to display Concrete NZ Precast Logo on your own correspondence, publications etc

Anyone can set up a few moulds on a bit of land and call themselves a precaster. Membership of ConcreteNZ – Precast Sector Group requires certain standards to be met.

• Added credibility as a member of the industry body and access to the “Plant Certification Program”

Its predecessor, Precast New Zealand Inc., was formed on 17 June 1999. After 20 years Precast New Zealand was wound up to become the Concrete NZ Precast Sector Group as part of a wider consolidation of concrete industry associations.

There have been a number of construction companies go bust, and some high-profile losses.


The industry has been undergoing significant change.

These damage the whole construction industry and cause harm to clients,

• Access to quarterly precast sales statistics by regions showing market trends

The objectives of the Precast Sector Group:

Standards have changed to improve performance in earthquakes which sees more reinforcing and more complicated detailing.

Members have joined to get support, recognition and status, and also for customers’ peace of mind.

• To provide a central organisation, through which Members may co-ordinate their efforts in handling problems of common concern


The vision for the Concrete NZ Precast Sector Group is to be the recognised voice of the off-site precast industry and making precast concrete the first-choice construction material.


• To support employee training to ensure that the precast industry skills and standards are maintained and are recognised by the construction industry through the quality of the products manufactured.

For consumers, one enquiry accesses all concrete related industry bodies. For industry, they each speak with a stronger voice backed by larger combined resources.

Plant Certification is another step up that ensures customers the plant’s QA schemes have been independently audited to ISO2001 or similar and they have met more stringent standards.

• Individual member’s concerns can be advocated at a national level with support available from the Concrete NZ and other kindred organisations

• To support connecting and the exchange of information with other persons and organisations within New Zealand and overseas on precast concrete

• To represent and act for the industry before Government and other organisations as required

Key benefits of being a Concrete NZ Precast Sector Group member include: Issue #138 - B&C | 43 Concrete NZ - Precast Sector Group Wilco is one of select group certified by Concrete NZ. This certification ensures: • an ongoing quality assurance system • a commitment to quality principles and procedures • an ongoing plant and management audit WILCO PRECAST LTD, 66 BOUNDARY ROAD, PAPAKURA | Ph: (09) 295 1060 now open at Horotiu Ph 07 829 9465 Add in ISO Quality and Health & Safety accreditations, ensuring total customer satisfaction, high quality precast components and a smoother, faster construction process.

Although there is a cost in complying with ISO2001 and obtaining independent auditing, those who have obtained certification have unanimously agreed the benefits outweigh the costs.

A wider range of architectural finishes is now available requiring a higher skill level.

• To promote and protect the interests of the precast concrete industry in New Zealand

We have proudly represented Putzmeister in New Zealand for nearly 20 years which has been the preferred choice for construction related concrete pumping equipment.

We provide quality after sales service and technical support and strive to keep our reputation as best in the business.

Recently we acquired the SANY agency where we are able to offer our customers an economical, globally proven range of robust concrete pumping equipment. Collectively we develop, produce, sell and serve our customers with high quality, highly reliable machines for pumping, distributing, mixing and placing concrete, mortar as well as for preparing, temporarily storing, processing, and transporting these materials. We strive to serve our customers by being close to

What sets us apart

The future Electric PutzmeisterTechnologyhasalready launched the first zero-emissions truck-mounted concrete pump.

Key supplier for Quality Concrete / Mortar Equipment

2023 will see CPENZ celebrate its 20th year in business, during that time we have delivered over 250 concrete pumping, spraying, placing and mixing machines into New Zealand’s construction industry.

44 | B&C - Issue #138

Experience paves the way…

They also feature a significantly reduced noise level, with impressive efficiency leading to greater profitability. Environmental protection has become a

In a small country like New Zealand, service, reputation, knowledge & integrity is key!

CPENZ’s continued growth is a testament to the knowledge, experience, support, and quality of the products and services we offer our customers.

commenced business as a supplier to the New Zealand & South Pacific concrete pumping industry in 2003.

Innovative technologies that are constantly updated as per the latest research and development, along with ever demanding market requirements. We have the ability to customize equipment to the exact needs of our customers and provide effective, long term and simple solutions to complex problems through our hardy and versatile machines. We effectively and actively are able to partner with clients on projects and help them deliver on their promises. We have access to a vast range of experience from our close-knit network of partners in each nook and corner of the world.

Concrete EquipmentPumpingNZLtd

CPENZ is the agent for Putzmeister Concrete and Mortar Pumps, Sany Concrete Machinery, Aliva Shotcrete / Gunite Equipment, Baron Mixers & Conveyors.

their business and this continues to be our mission looking too the future.

CPENZ currently employs 10 people bringing together a collaboration of expertise from the Concrete Pumping, Ready-mix, Automotive, Hydraulic, and Sales industries. We have a family-based business philosophy, we are all in this together & we like to think if we look after our staff they will look after our customers.

decisive factor when tendering and awarding construction contracts. In urban areas worldwide, regulations are becoming particularly strict – both for CO2 emissions and the noise level of construction machinery.

From large Concrete Boom Pumps to small grout / mortar machines, mixers and onsite conveyors CPENZ has a vast array of machinery suitable for most applications.

Joining our innovative range is the all new iONTRON PutzmeistereMixer.ispaving the way for environmentally friendly concrete transport offering low-decibel machines which are less intrusive on Residential / commercial sites.

The solution of integrating a plug-in hybrid in the hydraulic pump train is not just environmentally friendly, but also saves fuel, space and weight – and it is so innovative that Putzmeister already has a patent pending for it.

CPENZ carries at any one time an inventory of over 25,000 spare parts and places weekly shipments all over the world in order to meet urgent spare part requirements. We offer longer lasting, better performing parts and accessories, which means greater savings and less downtime.

The iONTRON eMixer is not only a win for the environment, but also a direct hit from an economic point of view due to the rising prices for fossil fuels.

The iONTRON from Putzmeister is now available for machines in the 20 to 40-metre class.

New Zealand’s leading supplier of concrete pumping equipment & spare parts

CPENZ IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED THE EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP OF SANY CONCRETE EQUIPMENT. We offer a superior level of support with experienced technicians locally & worldwide. Plus, a range of training programs tailored to our customers' needs. Issue #138 - B&C | 45

“Kayne, Allen and Taurus have great ideas and vision for the future of our industry and we hope that having them in these positions will attract more new and younger members to the association.”

Conference group discussions –regulation changes for concrete pumpers

NZCAA PO Box 302486 North

NZCCA secretary, Ed Hawkes, says it was a close contest, with the affirmative winning, mainly due to the enthusiastic conclusion delivered by life member Martin Black.

NZCAA Award Winners 2022

The NZCCA promotes and aims to develop and represent the interests of concrete contractors by working in collaboration with stakeholders through assisting in development and growth of the industry.

Carol has been the president of the NZCCA since 2019. She is the first woman to be in the role and has been a member of the since 1998 when it was known as the New Zealand Master Concrete Placers Association (NZMCPA). Carol, husband Angus and family run and operate Angus McMillan Concrete and AMC Skateparks in Hawke’s Bay.

GPR Concrete Scanning created a safe, environmentally controlled work area, meeting all the specified demands.

Scanning had to be done from a platform built underneath the wharf, the drilling rig was mounted on a suction base in order to maintain the integrity of the wharf structure, and slurry and debris control was at zero tolerance.

46 | B&C - Issue #138 NZ Concrete Contractors Association

This was a challenging three-part pour, which took place over several months from summer into autumn.

About the NCCA

Mike Eggers, Dunedin – Mike runs pumps and place and finish crews.

Kayne Laughton, Auckland – Kayne runs GPR Concrete Scanning Ltd.

Allen Hauraki, Auckland – Allen is in the sawing and drilling sector.


Ed Hawkes – Secretary/Treasurer Ed has been with the board since 2016 and does all the day-to-day stuff, keeping the board on track for meetings, training, and anything to do with organising things.

NZCCA president, Carol McMillan.

Supreme Award – GPR Concrete Scanning Ltd, Auckland

Taurus Taurima,Hawke’s Bay – Taurus runs Topline Contracting Ltd.

Ports of Auckland project. A technical and environmental challenge that involved drilling through a concrete slab to feed cables through from under the wharf to generators mounted above.

Supreme Award winner Kayne Laughton from GPR Concrete Scanning (right) and Allen Hauraki from Hauraki Concrete Cutting & Coring Ltd (left). Allen was also involved in the job, but entry was from GPR

Kelly Binning-Rangi, Levin – owns Concrete Pumping Equipment NZ (CPENZ) with her husband Justin.,calloremailEdHawkes:5319940,

A highlight of group discussions was that which took place in the pumpers group, who addressed the impact upcoming new regulations will have on them.

Tackling relevant concrete topics

Members of the New Zealand Concrete Contractors Association (NZCCA) gathered in Wellington in early September for their conference, AGM, awards ceremony and an entertaining debate on the timeliness of concrete delivery.

Decorative concrete award winner.

The new regulations being developed will see concrete boom pumps considered as high-risk plant, bringing the equipment under national scrutiny.

is an important issue for the industry with the NZCCA Sustainability and Policy director, Bernie Napp, speaking on what the journey to sustainability and decarbonisation looks like in the world of concrete, including the development of environmentally-friendly production methods.

Sticking with the theme of sustainability, Dene Cook, Divisional Technical Manager, Concrete Division Firth Industries (Fletcher Building), presented on the changes made to the Golden Bay Cement plant in Whangarei.

Sustainability was a hot topic at the conference with guest speakers providing valuable insights and food for thought for the Decarbonisationattendees.

Dave Barker, Christchurch – from Allied Concrete, representing Concrete NZ Readymix Sector.

This was to accommodate their Waste Endof-Life Tyre Project, an initiative to burn used tyres in an eco-friendly way at low pollution levels and the use of alternative fuels to reduce CO2 process emissions.

Debate teams – ‘My Concrete is Always Late’ - affirmative on the right, negative on the left (Dave Barker with the mike).

After all the serious stuff, the debate on the topic “My Concrete is Always Late” generated some humorous (and sometimes serious) rhetoric.

NZCCA oresident, Carol McMillan is pleased to welcome younger members to the board.

After the release of the draft at the end of September for public comment the NZCCA will have six weeks to make submissions.

Information on concrete pumping can be found here:

Carol McMillan – President

“His passion and intensity swayed the adjudicator their way despite the best debater being Dave Barker from the negative side.”

The Decorative Award – Concrete Unlimited, Nelson

Tim Johnstone, Christchurch – Tim runs a pumping business.

The Environmental/Sustainability Award –GPR Concrete Scanning Ltd, Auckland

The New Zealand Concrete Contractors Association (NZCCA) is about sharing ideas and innovations, addressing issues facing the industry, and providing support for its members.

Ports of Auckland project, housing the generators that will keep ‘Sparky’ Auckland’s electric tug boat fully charged and ready to go.


Scott MacLeod, Tauranga – Scott and his son Ben run a place and finish crew.

Founded in 1976 by Alan and Gloria Day, Dayle ITM Avondale started out fabricating Dayle Cottages, before moving to prenail frame and truss manufacturing. In 1997 Alan’s son Martin joined the business, and in 1998 Dayle Timber became part of the ITM Co-operative. This gave Dayle ITM the platform for expansion to supply more building products and services directly to the trade. We haven’t looked back since.

of the game. With three MiTek prenail frame and truss plants, we can speed up your project timeline. Our three plants are well-known in the industry for the highestquality products on offer.

Dayle ITM

East Tamaki: 21 Greenmount Drive, East MondayTamaki.–Friday: 7am-5pm.

Dayle ITM have been proudly familyowned and operated for over 45 years, and counting. We provide our customers with a personal, straight-forward approach to building supplies. Throughout our history, our core business objectives have remained the same: Being trusted as a one-stop-shop in the building industry, and an extension of our customers' business.


Kopu: 71 Kopu Road, Thames. Monday – Friday: 7am-5pm.


Dayle ITM Kopu is your trade building partner on the Coromandel Peninsula and Hauraki Plains. With a brand-new store and a state-of-the-art MiTek prenail frame and truss manufacturing plant, our team is perfectly suited to produce accurate and efficient prenail frame and truss requirements for your next build.

East Tamaki


Avondale: 713 Rosebank Road, Avondale. Monday – Friday: 7am-5pm.

“We take huge pride in our team and this business, we have a loyal range of amazing clients, small and large. It really does feel like one huge family.” says Managing Director, Martin Day.

With three North Island locations, we’re conveniently located to be your one-stop-shop for building supplies. With fifteen trucks on the road daily – delivering across Auckland, North Waikato and the Coromandel Peninsula, we’ll see you right!

extra mile? That’s us. We’re constantly investing and innovating in equipment to make sure we’re ahead

Already in the ITM fold first as Smith Timber, then as Tamaki ITM, our East Tamaki site joined the Dayle ITM family in May 2019. With an onsite MiTek prenail frame and truss manufacturing plant plus its central Auckland location, Dayle ITM East Tamaki is perfectly situated for projects in central, east and south Auckland, as well as northern Waikato.

No matter the size of your next build, we can help. By purchasing from one account across all three Dayle ITM locations, your job just got easier. Being part of the ITM Co-operative also means we’re connected to over 90 stores across New Zealand –so we’re always there to get you what you

Find us online at or call any of our three locations on 0800 DAYLE ITM (0800 32953 486)

Exhibitors who were new last year returned having initiated business relationships with members and keen to develop further leads.

48 | B&C - Issue #138 Crane Association of New Zealand

With 250 delegates, 34 exhibitors and thousands of tonnes of lifting capacity on display in the outdoor exhibition space, the event was a real draw card for the kiwi crane Delegatesindustry.also travelled from Australia, Germany and Japan to attend the conference and do business with our members now that confidence has returned in the status of New Zealand’s borders.

The keynotes

Tony Alexander was back by the demand of members and kept the audience captivated with his incredible ability to entertain whilst delivering his view of the NZ economy – no mean feat.

There were impromptu and planned meetings taking place both at the venue and off-site which demonstrated the benefit of being face to face.

A full schedule of speakers provided the opportunity for delegates to hear about current issues such as the Review of Vocational Education and decarbonisation and Thoughtsustainability.provoking sessions were run by Callaghan innovation on Doblin’s ten types of innovation and Transport Specifications Limited on Compliance in Health and Safety, which is a must see for anyone in the heavy machinery space.

Sir Graham Lowe (Lowie) opened the conference with an incredible keynote speech which was very well received by attendees, who listened over breakfast as the event got underway on day one.

Crane Conference 2022

Doing business

Crane Bay of Plenty Waikato. Hamilton, Taupo,

Rotorua, Kawerau, Tokoroa Call 0508 Mcleod anytime 24/7.

The Crane Association of New Zealand held its largest ever conference during the last week of July, returning to Claudelands Hamilton for the second year running.

As delegates listened to Abbas tell the story of his journey from refugee to Fullbright Scholar and best-selling author, the silence in the room was tangible as the group hung off his every word.


Hire and Hiab Transport.

The plenary


The conference was closed by Abbas Nazari. The word “inspiring” doesn’t do this man justice.

We were fortunate to have some highquality speakers join us for our technical sessions including Hans Jörg Nothacker from Liebherr Germany, Chris Hewitt from the Temporary Works Forum and Graham Perry from Flow Info.

In conclusion

the Year

2022 awards winners:

The commitment of the industry in attending and supporting this event through sponsorship increased significantly this year.


New Zealand’s leading provider of driver training and education.

Pacifica Building Tower Crane Demob of the Year

Stuart Hindley, Major Oak Safety Training

We cover all classes of driver licensing and provide training and assessing for driver licensing endorsements.

PTE Trainer of

Training Company of the Year Crane Hire


Peacockes Bridge Pier Installation –Construction and Smith Crane and Construction



Our highly regarded industry awards were held on the final evening at the gala dinner. These awards recognise the incredible work and collaboration taking place in the New Zealand Crane Industry.

It is heartening to see this support from a range of members which shows that the association has both depth of experience and fresh thinking to guide its future.

The Crane Association of New Zealand 21 Fitzherbert

also benefit as the finalists for the Project of the Year and the Lift of the Year present their entries for everyone to experience, learn from and be inspired by.

of the Year

People’s Choice Award


Project of the Year

So much is to be gained simply by entering the awards as the reflection needed on the entrant’s success and challenges is rewarding in Delegatesitself.

Turitea North Windfarm – Smith Crane and Construction

Whilst next year’s event location is still to be confirmed, enquiries are already coming through for 2023 for which planning is already underway.

PHONE Issue #138 - B&C | 49 Crane Association of New Zealand 027 776 0025


of the Year

Norm Kete, Leverage Training


Celebrating excellence

Catherine Dudson, NZ Crane

Stuart Hindley, Major Oak Safety Training

Leader of the Year

Photos kindly supplied by The Crane Association of New Zealand. 0800PASSRITE OR 09-636-0111

In the early 2000’s PassRite was the first training provider to gain approval by NZTA to develop, deliver and train students to become Driving Instructors. We have a fleet of modern trucks and truck and trailer rigs. We have added to our fleet two 2021 trucks, class 4 and class 2 with a crane. Along with a fleet of forklifts from counter balance to man-up machines.


At Solidscaff Health and Safety is paramount to ensure the safety of our staff and clients. Our staff are trained professionals in the safe erection and dismantle of scaffolding.

We support industry growth and best practice in all areas of compliance and innovation, making us an easy choice for our clients.


Solidscaff is positioned at the top end of the industry from a service point of view with very competitive pricing and dealing with Solidscaff, safety and interaction with our customers are at the forefront of our Company’s values.

• Regular review of our Health and Safety practices to ensure we stay up to date with the industry.

Our motto of "Safe, Honest and Reliable" sets us apart and our clients are supported to ensure safe working conditions are maintained for all workers.

• Weekly Inspections on all jobs – all jobs will be tagged with further information.

With super friendly and courteous employees we pride ourselves on highly professional interactions, quality service, competitive pricing underpinned by strong work ethics and values.

50 | B&C - Issue #138 PLATFORM SCAFFOLDING, EDGE PROTECTION & SAFETY NETS HIGH QUALITY, RELIABLE SCAFFOLDING IN A SAFE AND TIMELY MANNER. Safe - Honest - Reliable At Solidscaff Health and Safety is paramount to ensure the safety of our staff and clients. Our staff are trained professionals in the safe erection and dismantle of scaffolding. CALL NOW FOR A FREEQUOTE: 021 494 159 Contact us today for your next scaffolding or edge protection job E

• Worksite compliant PPE at all times Eg: steel caps, Hi-Viz clothing, hard hats and harness (when required).

vision is to deliver this in all our transactions with safety always at the forefront of our minds.

Solidscaff is positioning itself to be an award-winning Scaffolding Service Company within the construction industry.

Solidscaff provides equipment and services including:

• Hazard ID and site induction done on all sites

Our mission is around providing honesty and Solidscaff’ssafety.

Managing Director – Philip Hiku has an excellent reputation in the industry, is known for being a problem solver and is timely in his execution. With over a decade in people management, Phil also brings with knowledge of the industry having spent the last 3 years as a Scaffold manager, Phil and the team have the skills and experience to complete any job to a very high standard.

Health and Safety measures, we take on all sites:

• Follow good Practice Guidelines as set out by Site Safe NZ, when erecting and dismantling any scaffolding.

• Edge protection

• Scaffolding

• Site inspections

• Safety nets

Please contact us any time for questions you have, a FREE QUOTE, or just a chat. We love to hear from you and give you a hand.

Solidscaff is a family run business operating out of Palmerston North. As a Company, we are totally committed to delivering highly professional and timely scaffolding solutions to residential and light commercial clients within the greater Manawatu Region.

Our Values: "Accountable, Responsible, Consultative & Informative". These are the foundations for which we do everything on.

We offer high quality, reliable scaffolding in a safe and timely manner.

“The new Foundational Passport has been developed with industry input and consultation throughout and sets the standard for what the industry wants in a foundational construction course.”

Site Safe collaborates with industry experts to enhance Foundation Passport training courses


• Manual handling and more

Site Safe has recently been collaborating with industry representatives and subject matter experts to develop the updated foundational course-specific content.

Site Safe Chief Executive Brett Murray said he was pleased with the updated Foundational courses and that they reflected the health and safety standards set by the industry.

• Information on mental health has been introduced

• It now offers 20 Review of Understanding questions instead of 10 (with the same 80% pass rate), providing greater assurance of each learner’s foundation health and safety knowledge.

Kickstart yourfoundation safety knowledge

To learn more about our Foundation Passport courses or any other training courses, visit the Training section on the Site Safe website

The Foundation Passport courses convey on-site health and safety responsibilities. They introduce vital topics such as how to keep yourself safe, understanding and controlling risk, mental health and basic hazards and legal requirements.

By Jonathan Guildford - Site Safe Communications Advisor


The improved courses were trialled across the country and launched in September. It is expected staff will gain a better learning experience with a consistent, standardised course endorsed by those in the industry.

• Control risk and understand legal requirements find out more and to register go to 0800

He told Site Safe the enhanced training was a “big step up” from when he first did it.

If you’re new to the construction industry and have not completed a foundation course with us, learn how to keep yourself and others safe on-site with one of our updated Foundation Passport – Building Construction or Civil courses.

The updated training offers plenty of new material for learners. Some of the key changes are:

We create and continue to develop training such as our Foundation Passport - Building Construction and Civil training courses as part of our pledge to build safer and healthier workplaces. Issue #138 - B&C | 51

or call

• Handbook has moved to an eBook offering direct links to more helpful information

• Working at height

• We consulted with a neuro-diverse expert to ensure the look and feel of our presentation addresses the needs of staff who may have learning difficulties

Join us for a great learning experience and gain consistent standardised foundation safety training in a course endorsed by industry. Learn how to:

• Staff will be able to identify the top critical hazardous activities in Building Construction and Civil

• Keep yourself physically and mentally healthy

• Identify critical hazardous activities such as:

“It’s important they have … a basic understanding of health and safety and those fundamentals that they need when they go on-site,” Gareth said.

Additionally, Site Safe has been working alongside the Ministry of Social Development and Virtual Reality (VR) company SkillsVR to provide a VR foundation training experience for jobseekers looking to join the construction industry. Further developments on this project are expected later in the year.

Site Safe is committed to ensuring Kiwi workers return home to their whānau at the end of each day.

He said it had become better targeted to those entering the industry, particularly foreign workers or those unfamiliar with construction in New Zealand.

• Working in/digging trenches and excavations

Naylor Love Health and Safety specialist Gareth Wood is one of the subject matter experts who helped develop the Foundation courses.

“It is really important as an industry association that we work hand-in-hand with industry while developing our courses.”

• Content focuses on the basic concepts of health and safety to keep it genuinely foundational

For instance, commercial and residential scaffolding, edge protection, and mobile access towers.

• Dismantlement as the site is closed when the scaffold is dismantled and the site is cleaned.

• Safety (the number one priority is to work onsite without any incidents or injuries – the team are members of Site Safe NZ and Hazardco)

The team is always up for a challenge, so no project is ever too big or small.

• A quote outlining what will be covered and Terms & Conditions

The company provides fast and responsive friendly customer service in the country.

Let the team provide you with a ‘Safe Qualified Scaffold’ solution so you can get on with your job knowing you have the best support.

Absolute Scaffolding creates a safer working environment by providing high-quality solutions whilst having close relationships with its customers.

The company provides:

Absolute Scaffolding offers a wide range of solutions to suit everyone’s needs.

• Integrity (it’s about building a trustworthy relationship with clients by communicating well and efficiently from start to end)

Core values the team strive to do well in include:

52 | B&C - Issue #138 Absolute Scaffolding We use high quality Proscaff Scaffold and Tube and Clip Scaffold to ensure the safest working conditions for your contractors so you can get your job done safely and efficiently, on time and within your budget. 021 356 429 |

• Commercial scaffolding solutions to properties and structures internally and externally through (water treatment plants, motorways plyons, bridges, factories, cantilever, and suspended scaffolding).

• Erection as the company is under the NZ OSH and the standards of ‘The Best Practice Guidelines for Scaffolding in NZ’ handbook by Absolute Scaffolding’s SARNZ COC qualified staff

Services also include high-quality scaffold solutions with safe working products on time and within your budget.

At Absolute Sccafoling, the team hopes to satisfy the needs of construction companies, builders, painters, roofers, and homeowners throughout New Zealand.

• Residential scaffolding to suit your requirements whether it’s a new build, modification, paint job, re-roof, or repair (ranging from house extensions/alterations, multi or single storey new builds, gutter replacements/re-roofing, re-painting, skylight installations, and minor dwellings/ farm sheds).

• Rental and safety inspections with Weekly Saftey Site visits

The team of experts offers professional scaffolding solutions with high-quality systems, excellent communication, and affordable prices.

• Quality (The Tube and Clip, Proscaff System, and Mobile Tower Access Scaffold are very high-quality solutions).

Contact today for a free quote!

Contact the North Island team via 021 356 429 or 021 237 0480, or head to Sanderson Road, Warkworth, Auckland.

Contact the South Island team on 027 344 0978 or 027 637 0882, or head to 52 High Street, Parkside, Timaru.

Otherwise, or,checkthewebsite:

Absolute Scaffolding is New Zealand’s leading scaffolding company giving you the best local and edge protection services in the North and South Island.

• A detailed consultation either onsite or via a detailed plan

Scaffolding and edge protection specialists

The Health and Safety at Work Act (2015) states that all PCBUs have an obligation to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others. The act requires all PCBUs to ensure that any system that they are using is without health and safety risk so far as is reasonably practicable.

Safety Nets NZ is a preferred safety-netting specialist for supplying all your safety-netting requirements.

From large commercial and industrial sites to residential home builds, Safety Nets NZ’s fall protection systems are suitable for a range of circumstances to meet your every heightsafety Supportedconcern.bya nationwide network of installers, the company is able to offer its solutions to businesses nationwide.

It has over 600,000sqm of nets available for use in different regions, which is the equivalent to more than 4,000 house-lots of nets.

As an industry leader the company has been instrumental in developing and improving industry standards. This includes assisting in the writing the Code of Practice, and together with a team from the Massey University School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, developing a facility to test its safety nets and engineer the only fully independently certified and compliant safety net fall protection system for use on residential construction projects in New Zealand.

From large commercial and industrial sites to residential home builds, Safety Nets NZ’s fall protection systems are suitable for a range of circumstances to meet your every height-safety concern.

The best in safety nets

It is the aim of Safety Nets NZ to offer the most professional, practical and efficient safety net installation solution in the country, with delivery of the highest possible level of customer service being its main focus. Issue #138 - B&C | 53 North Island 0800 NETSNZ (638 769) • South Island 0800 NETS4U (638 748) • WWW.SAFETYNETSNZ.CO.NZ

There is a “duty to test” placed on all PCBUs to ensure and verify that they are certain that the systems, materials, and more that they use are fit for purpose, and capable of performing as expected, without risk to health and safety of the workforce.

• By using our system you have the comfort of knowing that as PCBU, you have taken all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the system you are using is fit for purpose and capable of performing as expected without risk to the health and safety of your workforce.

• Safety industry pioneer Safety Nets NZ has developed a fall through protection system that has been independently tested and certified by Massey University

• Our nationwide network of local installers are dedicated to providing exceptional, customer focussed fall arrest solutions.

The combination of safety net, debris net and plastic sheeting forms a “sandwich” that is proving very popular with clients who are looking to replace aged roofs on their properties.

continue of unaffected as their roof has been replaced.

Workplace falls are one of the most common causes of injury within the New Zealand construction industry and the easiest thing you can do to mitigate that risk is to choose a trustworthy provider of safety net equipment.

By using the systems developed by Safety Nets NZ, which have been independently tested and certified by the team at Massey University, the company’s clients can rest assured that they have discharged their duties in regards to their obligations of the Act.

The company has continued to develop the stable of services that it offers to include a bespoke protection system for use with the removal/replacement of existing roof sheeting on large warehouses.

The system has successfully been established on numerous projects throughout the country with minimal disruption to existing factory processes, meaning that our clients’ business processes have been able to

• Are you re-roofing an industrial property? If so ask us about our bespoke debris and asbestos containment, fall protection system which enables your work processes to continue uninterrupted whilst the roof is replaced.

The system has subsequently been further developed to deal with the removal of asbestos contaminated roofing materials.

Safety Nets NZ

A more gentle adjustment back to more long term consent numbers would take excess pressure out of the system and Peter says that may be a good thing in some ways.

Pencil it in your diary, the new dates are 25-27 July 2023.

54 | B&C - Issue #138

“Most of our members’ factories have been busy up to date but we see that a drop in demand is coming.”

FTMA 2023Conference

Frame and Truss

An equilibrium in the construction sector is high on the wish list of the Frame and Truss Manufacturers Association (FTMA) after a couple of years of ups and downs.

Building code changes

There are variables that cannot be predicted or controlled, and the Association’s Member Services manager, Peter Carruthers, has a close eye on frame and truss manufacturers, all too aware that things are in a state of flux in the residential building sector.

Still, there is some anxiety about how this will play out.

Keeping steady in the midst of uncertainty

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is pushing a lot of changes through the building code including the changes to the H1 Energy Efficiency clause and, more broadly, building for climate change.

How severe and sudden that drop will be is yet to be seen. Hopefully it will not be a drastic “bottom falls out of the market” type change.

The FTMA has joined OffsiteNZ being the industry association for off-site manufacturing and we share their vision about making new builds weather tight and usable in a much shorter time.

No one wants to spend a lot of capital for new equipment which does not become utilized economically because of market or demand changes.

understands that the recent changes just programmed for H1, are a first step in a series of changes in coming years.

“There are some FTMA members who are already doing full building pre-fabrication and others considering how they could extend their capabilities into a more elaborate OSM.” But there are risks.


The FTMA acknowledges that as one of the original forms of OSM, frame and truss manufacture can play a positive role.

Continued on page 58 >

New Zealand is a small and fickle market by world standards and the road to success is difficult, so for any one company it is a tricky consideration.

“To be fair, MBIE has been making a good effort to consult with industry and listen to industry concerns and we hope that this continues,” he says.

All of these consultations need to be closely reviewed, as often there are details and complexities which are not apparent or appreciated on the surface of the changes, says Peter.

MBIE has delayed the implementation for some of the changes to H1 until May 2023 to give industry longer to Issue #138 - B&C | 55 Frame and Truss A: 120 Foundry Road, Silverdale P: 0508 432 115 E: W: product range of Northpine Appraisal No.986 [2017] Radiata pine grown in Northland is the strongest and stiffest mature pine produced in NZ. Therefore it’s ideal for specialist structural uses such as beams, square posts and SG10 Northpineapplications.has proudly supplied Northbeam solid timber beams and square posts to United Civil Construction for the new Mangonui Wharf project. (centre photos) Specifiers can download our helpful SG8/SG10 Span Tables to calculate the best products for their projects. Specify Northbeam on your plans and inform your builder or merchant.

“However, we are concerned that unrealistic expectations may be created about the extent of the market that OSM can service, and the timeframe in which this can happen.

“We will need to remain vigilant to scrutinize these initiatives in due course.

There is a lot of talk and expectations about OSM being the miracle cure for New Zealand’s building cost issues.


While some of these changes are due (overdue even in some cases), FTMA with other industry organisations such as the Registered Master Builders Association (RMBA) have expressed concern with the rate of change expected.

“Similarly, with the Building for Climate Change we are concerned that the programme sets high level and aspirational objectives but a lot of detail in how this will be achieved in reality yet needs to be worked through.”

Offsite manufacture (OSM)

Also with these initiatives, so far, they all are adding to the cost of building which is already very high in New Zealand.

Looking ahead, the exploding adoption of smart automation is going to be the biggest factor driving manufacturing operations in Frame & Truss. We’re at the very cusp of tapping into real potential if vendors are more willing to support Open Standards and Streamline Integration. It only means more options are available for customers, across their industrial automation workflows. Suffice to say there are significantly fewer obstacles in open systems.

Advances in integration capabilities, the intelligence in the devices and assets themselves, plus the unification of previously competing communication protocols, would contribute to the users’ ability to optimize their assets and gain valuable information, but today in the Frame & Truss industry, can they?

Whilst devices have become far more intelligent over the last decade, during which microprocessors have penetrated deeply into the world of manufacturing and provided a wealth of diagnostic and operations information, the real value of this information only materializes once a customer is able to access and use it.

Accelerating Industrial Automation: Rob Bellian

communication, continued adoption of software defined networking, greater utilisation of advanced control techniques, and continued optimisation of sustainable and safe production methods.

Today in our industry most if not all companies are using some kind of Internet of Things technology in there manufacturing processes in some way. To remain competitive most we speak to, have or are considering further and future investment and see it as real value associated with maintaining a competitive advantage.

56 | B&C - Issue #138 Frame and Truss

Taking a look around a process plant, we can list several technological innovations that have impacted automation and plant operations. Having surveyed the underlying technologies and trends of how automation has arrived at where it is today, now it’s time to ask the technologists to pull together. Here lies 3 important questions we should be asking in our supply industry; What are the technologies that are going to propel innovation in the next few years? Do we have the skills to work with them? Most importantly, will they work with each other?

The other big transition is reduction of complexity, we call it human-centered design. It used to be if new technology came along and you could say there was some benefit, customers would say great, but what people do I need to train to operate it? It’s not an excuse any more to have technology that’s hard to use.

We know that manufacturing is rather complex and in most if not all cases, the number of modern-day systems that are utilised is increasing exponentially to support the demand for greater efficiency,

At Vekta we are working with our customers and their technology choices, providing continued development and advances in our software all the time known as “Simple”. How we interact with our integrators and customers, how to manage workflow, the continuous process improvement across an entire value stream, will be facilitated by vendors' ability to offer Open Standards and agree on more Streamlined Integration.

A result of this, the adoption of a single technology is shrinking and the integration of different technologies is required to create a complete solution. The challenge then becomes how owners and operators provide a broader set of skills moving from basic IT and hardware knowledge to more industrial communication and networking expertise. This is where the systems integration relationship with your plant and equipment supplier does help, however it is only as good as the number of ‘Open’ systems and the willingness of the competitive supplier/partners you are working with to engage each other.

Beyond the software integration questions the conversation is generally or quickly moves to who is willing to share there IP first. Perhaps the role of a Systems Integrator can help here, and its worth considering how this role and the level and type of relationship you will need in the longer term as you plan your process and design your smart manufacturing systems. It should also be noted here that the skills of systems integrators are also changing, since the complexity of technology and in particular software is being reduced, standardised and is easier to use and deploy, so is the need to have a vast array of skills.

profitability and safety. More complex systems and solutions in the production process therefore need to communicate and operate in a unified way.

In the future, we will continue to see the transformation of today’s manufacturing plants to optimise plant and supply networks through the proliferation of advanced sensing and wireless

At Vekta we are working with our customers and their technology choices, knownsoftwareandcontinuedprovidingdevelopmentadvancesinourallthetimeas“Simple”.


The most common cause of downtime for an automated saw is a lack of timber on the infeed conveyors.

Feeding a linear s aw can be a very labour-intensive process. Operators will fatigue and naturally slow down over the day and loading mistakes can cost a plant significantly in lost productivity. Vekta's Packfeeder solution addresses these issues in an extremely compact, clever manner- making it a viable option for both new and existing plants.

Packs of timber are loaded onto light-weight racks. Racks with longer timber are loaded on an upper row while those with shorter timber are loaded on a lower row. A vacuum head gantry then scans the location of each rack and the profiles of the timber in those racks When called, a piece of timber of the correct length and grade is picked up with the vacuum head and delivered to the saw. Vekta Packfeeder requires 75% less space than any other system. Issue #138 - B&C | 57 Frame and Truss �A... VEKTA

Qualifications from Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO)

Skills and training

58 | B&C - Issue #138 Frame and Truss foroftheExperienceconvenienceacordlesstoolyourself. TJEP INSYSTEMSFASTENINGNOWNEWZEALAND 0800 42 52 62 FIND OUT MORE Contact your local Fortress Fasteners branch for more details. Proudly family owned and operated for over 100 years. We produce quality structural timber products. Stone Street, Kaiapoi P: 03 3278843 | E: “100 Years of Family Owned and Business”Operated FTMA PO Box 5745 Victoria Street West

National Certificate in Frame and Truss Manufacture (Level 3)

New Zealand Certificate in Frame and Truss Detailing (Level 4)

“We certainly commend the effort and resources that the government has put into vocational training in recent years. It is not clear yet how the restructuring of the sector as Te Pukenga will work out, although we are certainly wishing that it goes well.”

All frame and truss qualifications are free until 2023. For detailed information on the qualifications

The FTMA has a very good relationship with the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO), and it wants to see those relationships continue and develop, despite the massive restructure of vocational training institutes.

We certainly commend the effort and resources that the government has put into vocational training in recent years. It is not clear yet how the restructuring of the sector as Te Pukenga will work out, although we are certainly wishing that it goes well.

For those operating the design software used for frame and truss manufacture. This qualification is being upgraded to a Level 5 qualification Diploma in Timber Structure Detailing.


A great place to start for anyone working in a fabrication plant on the production of timber wall frames and timber roof trusses. Issue #138 - B&C | 59 Frame and Truss With 9 manufacturing plants across the country, you can trust CARTERS Frame and Truss to support your build. Backed by state of the art manufacturing plants, your build is sure to stand the test of time. • All CARTERS Frames and Trusses are manufactured in accordance with the NZS3604:2011 Timber Framed Buildings and to consented plans and specifications. • FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council) accredited manufacturing plants. • Sustainable, renewable and proudly made with New Zealand Pine for New Zealanders. Let’s partner together. Talk to us today about your next job. &FRAMETRUSS 150YEARS BRANCHES50 ACCOUNT10800 CARTERS |

Before After Before After

It is important to note that while existing timber floors create warmth and may increase resale opportunities by adding three


As the ATFA awards event revealed, there are a range of coating options and gloss levels from which to choose. These include polyurethanes, oil-based coatings and hard wax

your flooring composition, your ATFA-recognised professional will take into consideration your lifestyle and use of flooring to best inform on options. A little secret is that it’s hard to bypass the trending matt finish, which remains elegant and warm, and looks fantastic all year round.

Additionally, placing dust catching mats at external doorways, adding felt pads to chair legs and other moving furniture, and sealing paved or concrete sections with abutting entrances can help extend the life of timber floors.

The Australasian Timber Flooring Association (ATFA) has conducted its annual awards, within which is the sand and finish category.

percent to the total value of the property, they do need to be maintained appropriately.

Transformative flooring awards inspire new direction in home renovations

60 | B&C - Issue #138 Timber Flooring

The winners were announced at the recent ATFA awards ceremony, where attendees were able to see photos of each entry and discuss the merits of each project with industry leaders.

The awards are also a great way for members to learn more about trends in design, finishes and installation techniques in order to be better prepared when making Timberrecommendations.flooringconstitutes one of the most cost-effective and high-impact ways to refresh your special space. Many homeowners with linoleum floors, which were popular during the 1950s and 1960s, may be unaware that linoleum often came at the expense of the beautiful timber beneath.

ATFA’s annual flooring awards provide an opportunity for members to showcase their work and to inspire home renovation projects.

ATFA’s insight to maintain beautiful timber floors, beyond a recoat every 8-10 years, include regular sweeping, prompt cleaning of spills, occasional mopping with a recommended cleaning product, avoid deep scratches, stilettos, leather-soled shoes and shoes worn outside to prevent damage accelerated by aggressive foot traffic.

This award is presented to those who have best demonstrated their ability to transform timber floors into beautiful works of art. Issue #138 - B&C | 61 669 Whangaparaoa Road | Ph 428 3168 |

Hire Excellence Awards winners

Product of the year Award – Youngman Richardson for the Vac-Ex Tracked air vacuum.

“As the first woman in the role, Amy brings an exceptional amount of experience and business acumen to steer the Association in the coming years,” says Rodney.

A huge year for the hire industry has been acknowledged and celebrated at the Hire Industry Association (HIANZ) conference and awards in August.

Party and Events Company of the Year – Festival Hire, Wairarapa.

Large Hire Company of the Year – Hirepool, Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch.

• Started a good practice guideline on portable toilets. To provide consistency of service delivery and a minimum standard

• Accreditation programme for marquee hire companies. Creating a potential pathway to exemption of building consents for large marquees, those bigger than 100m2

Benefits to HIANZ membership includes:

• Global affiliations with International Hire and Rental Organisations

Joint event for mutual benefit

The Association is in its 44th year as a peak body representing the interests of hire companies.

The conference in Christchurch was topped-off with the gala dinner and awards.


• Specialised Hire Insurance exclusive to HIANZ members only

Amy Gillies of Putaruru Hire has been elected as the new president of HIANZ.

• Expanded range of Equipment Safety Data Sheets for hired equipment. These point out risks and controls to consider when using the equipment

• Access to industry specific Health & Safety Systems, offering an exclusive HIANZ members package

HIANZ members are a diverse group, from multinational and local large hire companies like Kennards Hire, Hirepool, Porter Hire, and Royal Wolf, through to local ‘mum and dad’ owned Membersbusinesses.striveto be the best hire company of choice by providing the most up to date, safest and efficient equipment available. The support and safety resources add value to a hire HIANZchoice.businesses will have a member sticker on the door, assuring the customer of the best level of service and compliance.

Merit awards – Putaruru Hire, Contract Consultants and Silk Estate Marquee and Event Hire. PO 90744 Victoria St West Auckland 1142 (07) 575


Some of the work carried out this year:

president Ant Smit with incoming president Amy Gillies. Keep the date free The next HIANZ conference is in Wellington, 16 and 17 August 2023.

62 | B&C - Issue #138 HIANZ We sell the hardest working EWP brands like Dingli, Haulotte and MEC with over 75 different models to choose from and all new machines come with full warranty. We have an extensive selection of parts on hand and fast responding techs available for call-outs. Our qualified sales team will solve your height access requirements today! NZ sales and service agents for Dingli.Clint Norgrove: M 021 361599 E

Over 700 delegates attended the joint Civil Contractors (CCNZ) and HIANZ event held at Te Pae, Christchurch, with plant and equipment from 80 exhibitors on display.

• Partnering with the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) to provide support and improved processes on employment law for HIANZ members

• Developing improved safety standards for log splitters design and use

• HR and employment support and advice


HIANZ elects new president

Advocating for improved safety standards in the hire industry has been a major focus for the Hire Industry Association of New Zealand (HIANZ) in 2022.

She has proven her value in the Association most recently for her input in the five-year strategic plan for HIANZ.

• Created Hire company staff competency and induction training with an online learning platform

Independent Hire company of the Year – Kiwi Hire Group, Taranaki.

HIANZ membership

(Youngman Richardson are the long-time HIANZ principal sponsor).

She has previous governance experience, and a willingness to help and advocate for a safer, stronger future.

• Legal support and advice

• Working with Worksafe on the future HSWA plant and structure regulations. Getting a relevant and practical, workable position for mobile elevating work platforms in the regulations

HIANZ working hard for members

The winners are:

“Both groups being in the exhibition hall created great discussion and opportunities for exhibitors who took advantage of the unique environment,” says HIANZ CEO, Rodney the conference was an invaluable experience, focussing on the future and improving business processes.

• Industry Training Courses and Events. Not a member? Find out more here:

Supplier of the Year – Brent Smith Trailers, Feilding. Silvercard™ Trainer/Assessor of Year – Craig Moss, Accessman Ltd, Christchurch.

• Supported the NZ Forklift Industry Association in creating a Good Practice Guideline for Forklifts. This is in draft form, seeking feedback from anyone with a connection to forklift sales, lease, hire, owners, users or those who work around forklifts. See their website for more details:

HIANZ members are believed to be the owners of the biggest fleet of construction and event hire equipment, and CCNZ members are the biggest hirers of that equipment.

• Improved and expanded range of courses for the Silvercard™ Competent Operator EWP and Forklift training programmes. See Issue #138 - B&C | 63 HIANZ COMPETENT FORKLIFT AND EWP OPERATOR COURSES DELIVERED BY TRAINING PROFESSIONALS ACROSS THE COUNTRY. SilvercardTM FORKLIFT and EWP courses are specifically designed to ensure that operators of the type of machine they plan to operate, have adequate knowledge and are competent to use the equipment. Participants may complete one or several different types depending on the work they intend to under-take. Visit to find out more information and find a trainer near you FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL +61 2 49649765 Join the Gen2revolutionquietHybridsecond-generationparallel-hybridpowertrain DISCOVER OUR FULL RANGE AT ● Low weight ● Compact ● Efficient ● Economical ● Versatile

“We consider this proposed timeframe will allow the sector more time to successfully deliver what are the biggest energy efficiency changes to the Building Code in over a decade, helping to move New Zealand towards its goal of net zero carbon emissions by “Given2050.the

importance of MBIE’s climate change commitments, the extension of this timeframe has been made as short as possible to enable successful implementation of the insulation changes.”

NZCB’s newly appointed chief executive, Malcolm Fleming, says while the full suite of changes were due to take effect in November this year, the deferral of all of the changes other than those relating to window glazing, gives the industry and government time to work together to address challenges to implementing the new requirements.

New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) has welcomed the MBIE decision that most of the changes to energy efficiency ratings (H1) component of the building code, which introduce new standards for insulation, will take effect from May 2023.

MBIE first consulted on the insulation changes in early 2021 as part of its annual Building Code update and the date for the new requirements was announced on 29 November 2021.

The new regulations are aimed at reducing the energy needed for heating residential homes by up to 40 percent. They double the requirement for roof insulation, increase the performance requirements for windows, and raise requirements for underfloor insulation.

Reflecting its focus on quality, NZCB is the only building trade association that requires builders to hold a formal trade qualification to be eligible for membership, and it provides ongoing skills development for its members.

The changes double the requirement for roof insulation, increase the performance requirements for windows, and raise requirements to underfloor insulation.

The changes to insulation requirements aim to reduce the energy needed for heating residential homes by up to 40 percent.

Following the concerns around the implementation timeline being raised by the sector, MBIE held several workshops with key sector participants to gain a broader understanding of the issues raised, leading to this current proposal which is now being consulted on.

“The building industry is already experiencing significant pressure from supply chain constraints, skill shortages and price escalation for building materials, in the context of ongoing high levels of building demand.

houses will be required by six months.

Homes built to the new standards will be warmer, drier, healthier, and cheaper to heat – by up to 40 percent in colder parts of New Zealand.

“Homes built to the new standards will be warmer, drier, healthier, and cheaper to heat – by up to 40 percent in colder parts of New Zealand.

“Deferring the timeframe for the new insulation standards recognises more time is needed to enable the industry to be ready to implement them effectively,” Malcolm says.

to adapt to new methods of design and construction, which requires system-wide training,” he says.

For its part, NZCB is developing specific H1 training and support materials for its member builders, and will encourage their participation in any MBIE-led training, to ensure they are well-equipped to meet the new requirements and contribute to improved energy efficiency outcomes.

NZCB’s member builders are typically from small to medium-sized building firms that offer a full spectrum of residential and light commercial building services.

“While there is still overwhelming support in the building and construction sector for these changes, we have been told that because of the pressure the sector is under the original implementation timeframes set out are no longer feasible and an extension is needed to enable successful implementation.”

the health of the building industry and those people working in it,” John says.

“With this preparation, NZCB believes the industry will be best positioned to ensure effective implementation of an initiative that will lead to better insulated homes and commercial buildings as one key aspect of our collective response to climate change.”

64 | B&C - Issue #138 Insulation

General manager Building System

“As well as the availability of products to meet the new requirements, builders need

“We are aware that the sector is under significant pressure, and want to manage the risk that delivering on these changes in the immediate short term will further impact

Performance at MBIE, John Sneyd, says the proposal to push out the date for the new requirements has been made following concerns raised by the sector about its readiness to deliver on the changes.

Those who are able to build homes now which perform to the higher standard are encouraged to do so given the benefits that the higher standards deliver.

MBIE forextensionproposesoftransitioninsulationrules

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has bettertoconsultationopenedonaproposalextendthedateatwhichinsulationfornew

“MBIE needs to achieve dynamic change in the building and construction sector over the coming years and these changes represent not only the first step of that change, but also a meaningful contribution to carbon saving.” Issue #138 - B&C | 65 Insulation NEW NEWNETWORKINSULATIONMOSTZEALAND'STRUSTEDBUILDS.RETROFIT. LIGHT COMMERCIAL. 0800 467

The online tool is available from CEA’s website at:

“We realise that the rental market is tight and that tenants may not have much choice.’sat16LeslieHillsDr,Riccartoninduringtheirofficehoursortheironlineshop(justpaypostagehandling),Innovationandunderthe‘SupportforEnergyinCommunities’Programme.

Homes without an option to vent a dryer to the outside can become very damp. And whether a house has good curtains can make a difference to how much heat is lost through windows.

Heating Hotspot Installations have been keeping homes warm since 2015. Locally owned and operated, Hotspot travel throughout the Southland & Central Otago region, installing and servicing fireplaces. Wood & Multi Fuel Burners Pellet ServicingFlueULEBFiresCleaning&RepairsInstallations SOUTHLAND 96 Kelvin St, Invercargill P: 03 218 8802 E: CENTRAL OTAGO 1/17 Chardonnay St, Cromwell P: 03 428 3197 E:

66 | B&C - Issue #138

The CEA Charitable Trust in Christchurch has developed a free checklist for tenants looking for a new home that is warm, dry and healthy to live in.

The checklist is available as a free booklet or an online tool.

“However, we think it is still useful to have a look at the checklist so you know what you are renting. It can be cheaper to have a rental that is slightly dearer in rent but much easier to heat,” she adds.

There are many aspects that are not covered by the Healthy Homes standards but that

New tool for people who want an easy home to heat

can still be important such as the presence of Manydownlights.olderstyle downlight (the little lights that sit flush with the ceiling) cannot have insulation over or even around them which means the ceiling insulation has many holes in it, making it less effective.

CEA Charitable Trust chief executive, Caroline Shone, says “The Healthy Homes Standards go a long way to make sure rentals are warm and dry for tenants to live in. However there is a lot more to keep in mind if you want a warm and easy to heat rental. Issue #138 - B&C | 67 Te Kuiti: 07 878 5169 | Taupo: 07 378 8545 Otorohanga: 07 873 6385 ■ Over 100 years experience ■ Specialising in Dairy Shed Installation & Maintenance ■ Metalwork Processing Plants ■ Timber Processing Plants ■ Agricultural Plants & Quarries ■ New Houses/Renovations ■ Plus much more LEADERS IN QUALITY COMMERCIALINDUSTRIALDOMESTIC,&WORK 24SERVICEA7HOURS,DAYSWEEK DOMESTIC * COMMERCIAL * INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHED LEADER in fine craftsmanship of aluminium joinery for the unique New Zealand environment. BIFOLDDOORS CASEMENTWINDOWS HARDWAREWINDOW&DOOR EUROSLIDERTMDOORS

The International Passive House Association (iPHA), founded by the Passive House Institute in 2010, launched its campaign with the social media

The past decade has seen increased awareness of the need for renewable energy and reducing embodied energy.

The passive house concept has been igniting a flame in New Zealand and the fire is steadily spreading.

Using the slogan “Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy”, the #EfficiencyFirst campaign aims to inform the public on a foundational aspect of sustainable buildings that is too often overlooked: Energy efficiency.

Here in Aotearoa NZ, our electricity grid already comprises a high level of renewables and is relatively green compared to most of the world. But compelling evidence still shows that cutting emissions through efficiency is vital to achieve our climate goals.

wereSocial#ExplainPassiveHouse.competitionmediafollowersofthenetworkaskedtopostdescriptionsofhow a

IPHA is a global network uniting both Passive House experts and enthusiasts alike. Together with its 22 partner organisations all over the globe, including PHINZ, iPHA works to spread knowledge about the Passive House standard worldwide and foster a greater public understanding of its benefits and achievability.

- PHINZ CEO Amy Tankard

The International Passive House Association (iPHA) and its partner organisations have launched the global “Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy” campaign.

The passive house institute is an incorporated charitable trust that, using extensive research, is ultimately educating New Zealanders about improved health and energy efficiency within our buildings, as well as promoting the passive house standard.

IPHA is a global network uniting both Passive House experts and enthusiasts alike. Together with its 22 partner organisations all over the globe, including PHINZ, the iPHA works to spread knowledge about the Passive House standard worldwide and foster a greater public understanding of its benefits and achievability.

The network makes information available and facilitates active exchange among industry professionals, policymakers and the media and public.

The Passive House Institute of New Zealand

Te Tōpūtanga o te Whare Korou ki Aotearoa, Passive House Institute New Zealand (PHINZ) is the iPHA partner organisation in Aotearoa NZ.

Passive House building works using everyday household objects.

The campaign also demonstrates that Passive House buildings provide a comfortable, healthy and sustainable built environment. The launch includes a competition for social media followers.

Using the hashtag, #EfficiencyFirst, the campaign aims to raise awareness for the vital role energy efficiency in buildings plays in meeting our climate goals.

Sustainable building

The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights the substantial action needed to limit global Currently,warming.35percent of global energy consumption stems from the building sector alone. The operational stage is the largest contributor to carbon emissions. The majority of this stemming from heating and cooling demand.

Their website boasts a list of passive house professionals, resources and all the latest news and information surrounding this concept.

For more information go to:

68 | B&C - Issue #138 Passive House

PHINZ CEO Amy Tankard says, “Here in Aotearoa NZ, our electricity grid already comprises a high level of renewables and is relatively green compared to most of the “Butworld.compelling evidence still shows that cutting emissions through efficiency is vital to achieve our climate goals.”

• Qualified staff.

Get in touch with High Tech Automations by calling (027) 767 3667

• Door repairs, opener replacement and replacement remotes

We can provide you, our customer, with the following guarantees:

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For safety, security and style think South Waikato Garage Doors Ltd. Call us on (07) 888 8715 to get started with a new garage door.

Upon completion our experts will leave your premises as tidy, if not tidier, than how they found it. Our promise is if you should ever be dissatisfied with the quality of our workmanship, we’ll put it right.

Other information:

• Advice on broken springs and door springs in general

• Check door travel and stop adjustments

Head to the website to learn more about the company, helpful hints, repairs, and contact information:

South Waikato Garage Doors Ltd stocks a wide range of garage door parts, so we can offer you an extensive range to

you garage door won’t go, you need a local in the know” We are the only locally based garage door company in the South Waikato (07) 888 8715 • (07) 886 8412 027 496 0715 Shed 2 - 12 Short St Matamata 3400

• Inspection of wire lifting ropes

The team of experts have 10 years of experience in specialising in garage door repairs and come with a fully equipped and stocked van to take on any situation that may have happened to your garage door.

• Inspection of side bearings -these carry all the door weight and can wear out

• Just like your vehicle needs to be serviced, it’s good to get you door has serviced every two to five years to prevent any breakdowns

• Door repairs for broken, cracked, damaged, or older tilt doors

Choosing a new door is not an easy task. There are an awful lot of differing makes and brands out there in the Waikato marketplace. At South Waikato Garage Doors Ltd, we will arm you with the best knowledge and advise for your investment. We also have access to a large network of qualified tradesmen who may assist in areas that we are not qualified in or familiar with.

choose from. Our installation service is second to none, we also service and repair all makes and models of garage doors and automatic openers.

• Tilta doors

• Quality products

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Repair services and advice include:

South WeGarageWaikatoDoorsLtdaretheonlylocally

The team has a 99 percent success rate at fixing problems, whether it be big or small, all with one visit to save you time and hassle.

South Waikato Garage Doors Ltd

• Door repairs because of the cold weather, will often stop the door from working, but only when the door is in need of a service. If the door stopped working when it’s cold yet works okay usually then the door probably needs to be examined to ensure it works correctly

Product & services

• Roller doors

• Lubrication of all moving parts including hinges, springs, side bearing, and door opener

• Alignment of tracks and guides

• Replacement worn, loose, or seized rollers

• Insurance claims are accepted

• Rural

• Resetting spring tension and lifting wire ropes that have come off pulleys

• We are also able to install our complete range of garage doors and also offer repair services.

Our guarantee

“When Issue #138 - B&C | 69 FOR SERVICE & REPAIR

• Tilt door pivot bushes and door alignment.

High HighAutomationsTechTechAutomationsareyourgo-to garage door specialists who repair garage doors across the Hamilton and Waikato region.

based garage door company in the South Waikato.

• Professional service

• Tidy premises on completion

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• Commercial and industrial

• Sectional doors

At South Waikato Garage Doors Ltd we will work with you to provide you with the best quality garage doors. We guarantee that your installation will be performed to the highest standard by trained and well qualified staff, sub-contractors, and service personnel.

G13/AS2 states the following about surface water entering the foul water system:

Does your threshold drainage meet code compliance?

• Be able to be fully removed for maintenance

Legs sitting in the channel base can impact on the quality of waterproofing, and will often obstruct clear flow of water to the outlet. A complete blockage of the channel can even cause water to back up into the cladding cavity.

3.3.1: All gully traps shall be constructed to prevent the ingress of surface water and foreign bodies likely to cause a blockage, shall be located within the legal boundary of the land on which the building is erected, and shall have: a) The overflow level of the gully dish no less than either:

Several parts of the Building Code and its Acceptable Solutions relate to this situation. Compliance with both E1 Surface Water and G13 Foul Water is Buildingrequired.Code

OnePour ThresholdDrain is a bolted bracket system that used the landscaping concrete for its Cantileversupport.ThresholdDrain is ideal for tile and paved exteriors, and can be scheduled so the landscaping contractor is not interfering with the installation of the drain.

• Be supported independently of the door frame, without spacers

i) 25 mm above paved surfaces ii) or 100 mm above unpaved surfaces.

All new building work must comply with the Building Code. In this case, both Clauses E1, Surface Water, and G13, Foul Water, apply. To achieve this:

In summary

OnePour ThresholdDrain is perfect for concrete floor finishes. Both products do not require a rubber spacer or leg for structural integrity.

The Building Code Clause E1 Surface Water covers what is commonly called stormwater. There are two relevant parts: E1.3.1: Surface water, resulting from an event having a 10 percent probability of occurring annually and which is collected or concentrated by buildings or sitework, shall be disposed of in a way that avoids the likelihood of damage or nuisance to other E1.3.2:property.Surface water, resulting from an event having a 2 percent probability of occurring annually, shall not enter buildings. Performance E1.3.2 shall apply only to housing, communal residential and communal non-residential buildings.

ACO offers a free hydraulic design service and can provide product details at all stages of the Eachproject.council has different requirements, be sure to check with your ACO representative before choosing a drain to make sure it meets local requirements.

70 | B&C - Issue #138 Drainage

Each alternative solution needs to be addressed on a project-by-project basis.

If site conditions allow, a precast grated channel or slot drain can be installed against the building as a level threshold alternative solution.

G13 Acceptable Solution

• The top of the gully dish must be above the one in 10-year flood level to meet E1.3.1. In addition, the Network Utility Operator may have further requirements to avoid damage to its network (see InformationE1.3.3(e)).

Getting drainage right

Alternative solutions

The design of a level threshold drainage system is not as simple as it first seems. The E2 building code is very prescriptive in what will be allowed – is your solution code compliant? Let ACO help with choosing the correct product for your application.

Clause E1 Surface Water

• If in a flood prone area, E1/VM1 applies. Depending on circumstances, this requires the floor level to be 150mm or 500mm above the one in 50-year flood level

• 1:200 minimum fall to outlet.

• Have a continuous gap of 12mm.

• A channel that is 150mm deep, 200mm wide

Infiltration of surface water into the foul water system

To meet the letter of the E2 Building Code, a cast in-situ channel is required with a grate that does not rely on the channel base or door joinery for support.

Surface water entering the foul water system through gully dishes can cause problems for sewer network utility operators in floodprone areas.

Comment: It is imperative that the waste pipe connections to the gully trap remain watertight to prevent the ingress of ground/ surface water.

To meet consent requirements, most councils require manufacturer’s calculations to demonstrate the performance of the system.

Ask ACO today to help with your project at or 0800 448 080.

This option is often quicker and easier to install, and means outlets can be spaced up to 80m

Productcentres.selections include ACO KlassikDrain or Brickslot, and PowerDrain for heavy duty traffic applications.

E2 Building Code

ACO Limited has unrivalled experience providing threshold drainage solutions throughout the country.

• The floor level must be as given in E1/AS1, providing the location is not within a flood prone area

Clause of the E2 building code lists the requirements for an acceptable solution for level threshold drainage:

The grating that sits over the channel must:

ACO’s level threshold drainage products are designed to fully comply with the requirements of the E2 Building Code.

ACO’s Cantilever ThresholdDrain is fully supported by the cantilever arm, and ACO


If you’re a builder or subcontractor, code compliant level threshold drainage is easier to achieve than you might think.

sourced from

• Maximum channel length of 3.7m

• The grating that sits over the channel must:

• A channel that is 150mm deep, 200mm wide.

If you’re a builder or subcontractor, code compliant level threshold drainage is easier to achieve than you might think. Issue #138 - B&C | 71 Drainage


Cantilever ThresholdDrain is ideal for tile and paved exteriors, and can be scheduled so the landscaping contractor is not interfering with the installation of the drain.

Product selections include ACO KlassikDrain or Brickslot, and PowerDrain for heavy duty traffic applications.

• Be supported independently of the door frame.

• Be able to be fully removed for maintenance.

• Maximum channel length of 3.7m.

Each alternative solution needs to be addressed on a project-by-project basis. After providing detail and evidence, of an E2 alternative being fit for purpose at design stage, this will be checked by the designer and then go for coucil consent.

OnePour ThresholdDrain is perfect for concrete floor finishes. Both products do not require a rubber spacer or leg for structural integrity.

ACO Drain® ACO Self QuARTz by ACO ACO leads the way with stormwater drainage in New Zealand. Fully E2 compliant level threshold solutions and AS1 alternative solutions are available off the shelf. Ask ACO for a no-obligation discussion and quote for your next commercial, educational or residential projects. Your problem? Our solution. 0800 448 ACO OnePourTM ACO Cantilever E1 Alternative Solution

• Clause of the E2 building code lists the requirements for an acceptable solution for level threshold drainage:

To meet consent requirements, most councils require manufacturer’s calculations to demonstrate the performance of the system. ACO offers a free hydraulic design service and can provide product details at all stages of the Eachproject.council has different requirements, be sure to check with your ACO representative before choosing a drain to make sure it meets local requirements.

Does your threshold drainage meet code compliance?“ACO’sCantileverThresholdDrainisfullysupportedby the cantilever arm, and ACO OnePour ThresholdDrain is a bolted bracket system that used the landscaping concrete for its support.“

ACO’s Cantilever ThresholdDrain is fully supported by the cantilever arm, and ACO OnePour ThresholdDrain is a bolted bracket system that used the landscaping concrete for its support.

Alternative Solution (E1 compliant)

If site conditions allow, a precast grated channel or slot drain can be installed against the building as a level threshold alternative solution, complying with the E1 Building Code.

E2 Building Code

ACO’s level threshold drainage products are designed to fully comply with the requirements of the E2 Building Code.

Ask ACO today to help with your project at or 0800 448 080.

• Have a continuous gap of 12mm.

• 1:200 minimum fall to outlet.

ACO Limited has unrivalled experience providing threshold drainage solutions throughout the country.

The design of a level threshold drainage system is not as simple as it first seems.

The E2 building code is very prescriptive in what will be allowed – is your solution code compliant? Let ACO help with choosing the correct product for your application.

Legs sitting in the channel base will often obstruct clear flow of water to the outlet. A complete blockage of the channel can even cause water to back up into the cladding cavity.

This option is often quicker and easier to install, and means outlets can be spaced up to 80m centres.

They recently provided several kilometres of Drainflo® Smooth with Cirtex® Filter Sleeve to the Meridian Harapaki Wind Farm, New Zealand’s second-largest wind farm.

To help Meridian achieve that, Marley found a solution to effectively deliver the Drainflo® Smooth products to site into this remote area without plastic packaging, to help achieve their sustainability goals of minimising the carbon footprint of the project.

Marley also goes the extra mile to work with customers with specific environmental expectations.

After more than 60 years of providing successful drainage solutions, Marley Drainflo has been reinvented to provide superior drainage and crush resistance.

Drainflo® Smooth ticks all the boxes for effective drainage solutions. Contact the sales team on 0800 MARLEY (627 539) or see the website for more detail on their full range of products.

likewise is available punched or unpunched depending on the desired conditions, proximity to tree-roots or other factors.

For effective drainage, Drainflo® Smooth’s specifically designed slot pattern maximises drainage performance whilst maintaining Alternatively,strength.forinstallations in sandy

Introducing Drainflo® Smooth by Marley, a sleek and stylish drainage solution that provides for up to 50% higher flow rates –making it ideal for low gradient or highvolume applications.

Go With the Flow Marley’s new Drainflo® Smooth

ground, or areas with fine particles, all Drainflo® Smooth products can be provided with a Custom-made Cirtex® Filter Sleeve providing a proven filtration solution for protecting subsoil drains from Marleysedimentation.alsomakesit

Marley is likewise particularly proud of Drainflo® environmental credentials.

The product is made locally in both main islands of Aotearoa New Zealand, and this means that the company can participate in recycling initiatives to ensure less waste and less resources used.

Strength is a key factor in any drainage application, especially in roading or where there is vehicle impact. All Marley Drainflo® Smooth products have been tested by Marley’s IANZ accredited laboratory and independently verified by Bureau Veritas to meet SN6 and SN10 stiffness rating, with options available to meet both NZTA F/2 and F/5 specification.

For heavier duty applications, red striped, Drainflo® Smooth HD SN10 provides greater crush resistance, while still providing excellent water flow – and

Harapaki has 41 turbines generating 176 MW of renewable energy, enough to power over 70,000 average households. Meridian was looking to reduce the amount of single use plastics in packaging for materials required for construction.

easy to connect these products together, with two colour coded pipe connectors (for punched or unpunched options), or a wide range of Y-junctions, couplers and reducing couplers to make the full range or drainage options possible.

Faster-flowing water carries away more sediment, therefore there’s less retained in the pipe - which in turn means a clear, effective drain, with a longer lifespan. Drainflo® Smooth by Marley comes in a number of variations that ensure it’s up to the task for any drainage network.

Marley also uses excess PE material from other manufacturers in the manufacturing process where possible and takes back high volumes of offcuts and products that have been to site and not used for recycling. They can also take back product at end of life to be used as raw materials for the future Drainflo® product range.

72 | B&C - Issue #138 Drainage

As the name suggests Drainflo® Smooth’s refined double-walled construction and smooth inner lining are key to the high performance of the product.

It’s smoother lining means reduced friction and faster water flow, which means that the flexible pipe effectively has all the hydraulic properties of a solid wall pipe. So, water is removed from drained areas more effectively without needing to increase the gradient.

With its distinctive blue stripe, Drainflo® Smooth SN6 comes in 110mm and 160mm diameter and both punched and unpunched options. Issue #138 - B&C | 73 Drainage The Smooth Operator Introducing Drainflo® Smooth by Marley, with its refined double-walled, smooth inner lining for outstanding water flow rates. Superior drainage and crush resistance, Drainflo® Smooth is THE high performing solution. The complete Drainflo® range delivers the optimal combination of strength, durability, flow and drainage – setting the standard in sub-soil drainage. Unpunched and filtersock availableoptionsacrosstherange. SN6 SN10 SN6 SN10

Sustainable landscaping

Still, if plants are dependent on regular watering from a city’s water supply, it would suggest that the plants aren’t suitable for drought conditions in the first place.

Over the summer period, Christchurch also implemented water restrictions to ensure there was enough water for potential fire emergencies. However, restrictions were lifted by February.

Landowners can access a local landscaping professional by accessing the RML website. All accredited members of Registered Master Landscapers are able to provide professional advice and relevant services.

They are required to submit a number of projects indicative of the services they perform in their business. Independent professionals who are qualified in the specific field(s) are employed by RML to then assess these projects before additional checks and a decision can be made.

The map is available to the public so that users have access to plant guides which can be used for restoration projects and landscape design. Of course, for those outside of the city limits a landscape architect can guide you in your choice of

Members are accredited by assessment of their work and documentation can be endorsed in any combination of landscape design, landscape construction, landscape horticulture, landscape maintenance, and landscape contract management.


RegisteredLandscapersMaster PO Box Auckland55231141050844345

Choosing the right plants



Registered Master Landscapers (RML), previously known as the Landscaping Industry Association of New Zealand (LIANZ), has been officially representing the landscaping industry since 1985 with a mission to promote professionalism and quality trade practice.

from native plants can also guide property owners and landscape designers in what other plants will work in the same space, even if they’re not endemic to New Zealand.


Registered Master Landscapers celebrates and awards excellence in the landscaping industry through its biennial awards programme. The event highlights projects that members have been involved in where the quality of work has been outstanding.

Registered Master Landscapers also encourages the next generation of landscaping professionals through its annual Young Landscaper of the Year competition.

The recent change of name reflects the interest of late in the organisation’s membership and awards. As well as the consequent, noticeable industry-wide improvement of standards in relation to construction methods and associated regulation, the quality of available materials, and health and safety practices.

As a result of Auckland’s total water storage dropping below 50 percent for the first time in 25 years, Auckland introduced water restrictions on 16 May 2020.

“It is perceived that any builder can take on hard landscaping; some can and do it well,” says director of Humphreys Landscaping Ltd and RML board member, Scott Humphreys.

Restrictions have changed since then but are still in effect a year on. Auckland isn’t the only city in New Zealand to put water restrictions in place.

The various membership options offered by Registered Master Landscapers provide benefits, information and support tailored to the needs of different professionals within the industry:

Scott says this year they have had a large increase in the number of entries and the quality of work is “outstanding”. The results of 2018’s awards will be known in early July.

RML has branches across New Zealand and actively recruits members based on an assessment of their standard of work.

• Affiliate Membership.

Specialists in sourcing and supplying reclaimed hardwood railway sleepers and beams

During stage one water restrictions, Auckland residents and commercial operators are allowed to use hand-held hoses fitted with a trigger nozzle for various activities including yard maintenance.

• Allied Membership

With climate change, the summers are getting hotter and dryer, causing cities to implement water restrictions. Drought conditions are causing New Zealanders to reconsider how they use their water, especially in outdoor spaces.

• Student/Apprenticeship

Where to landscapingfindprofessionals

• General Membership

Learning about the local ecosystem can help in the creation of sustainable landscape design.

Members are bound by RML’s Constitution, Code of Conduct, Environmental Policy and Complaints Procedure, ensuring professional business practices are carried out with integrity at all times.

Ideally, the plants used in an outdoor space should suit the environment they’re planted in. The easiest way to go about this would be to turn to what naturally thrives in the environment such as native plants.

“The important thing to consider though is that most hard landscaping is designed and built to contain plants or lawns, and requires the knowledge of skilled landscapers to plan for this and allow for irrigation and drainage to ensure that it functions properly.”

The Christchurch City Council has an interactive ecosystem map which lists the area’s key characteristics such as soils, landforms and native plant species.


This is helpful in choosing drought resistant plants if you live in an area that has variable water supply and water restrictions are likely.

• Accredited Membership

With water restrictions coming and going, it’s hard not to think that this is a new way of life for some regions in New Zealand if not the whole country. Do our outdoor spaces reflect that or are they a part of the problem?

Understanding the specific ecosystem you reside in is key in successful landscaping and water preservation, especially if we are to expect water restrictions to be a more frequent and regular part of our lives.

Working at height is risky, but it should not be dangerous. There are ways of managing the risks to ensure that everyone involved goes home safely at the end of the day.

The introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) put a renewed focus on health and safety for many businesses.

This boils down to having conversations with all players involved onsite and deciding which business should take the lead in managing the identified risks.

For example, as a sparky on site, have you spoken to the gib stopper about keeping the floor clear so you can both use ladders or work platforms safely?

Essentially this is a return to the good old days when we used to talk to each other on site, but now it includes a discussion about risk.

But why wouldn’t you? Not only does a good scaffold improve worker safety – once it’s erected it can lift productivity on site, helping everyone from chippies to sparkies and painters.

Reducing risks when working at heights

hours and building a new dwelling from the foundations up.

Edge protection comes in different forms:

• A proprietary system ie a system bought “off the shelf”

• Where the hazard of working at height cannot be eliminated, edge protection should be used to isolate workers from a fall.

Of course, there are a lot of myths out there. Everyone’s heard them – you can’t use stepladders or you have to use a scaffold or a harness if you’re working a foot off the Oftenground.people

• Around the perimeters of a work area

Edge protection is the preferred control for preventing falls from roofs on single-storey buildings because it isolates multiple workers from the risk of a fall.

Of course not every project requires fullon scaffolding. Sometimes a job is short duration and low risk. That’s when it might be perfectly reasonable to use a step ladder or a safety harness instead.

Edge protection helps prevent people, tools, and materials from falling:

If this is not practicable then the use of scaffolding (more detail below), mobile elevating work platforms or temporary work platforms are more acceptable alternatives.

While industry has got behind improving the way that working from height is carried out, a fresh look at the risks is required if we are to reduce the injuries further.

• Guardrailing and/or physical barrier constructed from materials or components that form a guardrail and/or physical barrier

This also applies to openings and edges of floor height means working in a place where a person could be injured if they fell from one level to another. Rather than thinking about how high the fall will be, consider how someone could fall and what they might land on.

Installing edge protection

There’s a big difference between one worker replacing a few weatherboards in a couple of

Install edge protection as early as possible on a job so multiple groups of contractors, sub-contractors and workers can use it throughout the project (eg builders, electrical workers, and roofers).

Must be installed by a competent person.

What is edge protection?

Note:scaffold.Where a person may fall 5 m or more (ie the highest platform is 5m or more above the ground), the work must be notifed to WorkSafe.

• Where brittle material cannot safely support the weight of a person.

The duty to manage the risks onsite is not new, nor is the high rate of injury from people slipping and falling from height.

Construction and installation must take into account the forces that are likely to be applied to the edge protection as a result of the work undertaken. Do not install it from the

• Around openings Issue #138 - B&C | 75 Working at Heights

Installed by a certified scaffolder or competent person depending on height of the

will say, “WorkSafe’s new regulations” or something similar. But the truth is that there are no new hard and fast rules and regulations. In fact, HSWA was deliberately designed to be flexible. It is up to you how you manage the risk from working at height. While we recommend the use of scaffolding, there is no rule requiring you to do so.

• Scaffolding in the form of a temporary edge protection system for working at height

One of the key recommendations was that scaffolding should be used wherever possible, even on residential builds.

When is edge protection required?

Plan for when you will need edge protection, how it will be installed, and how to manage risks to safety during installation. Sourcing and erecting edge protection may take time, and the configuration will depend on a number of factors, such as how many workers will be in the work area at any one time, and the pitch of the roof.


Inspectroof.edge protection regularly, especially after a storm or other occurrence that could affect its ability to prevent falls from height.


The cultural change has been rapid. It is great to see that it is no longer acceptable for a builder to walk the top plate without safety systems in place. That sort of cowboy behaviour is seen as unprofessional.

Provide edge protection on all the exposed edges of a roof, including the perimeter of buildings, skylights or other fragile roof materials, and any openings in the roof.

Edge protection

Planning the work

The challenge for the construction industry around working from heights is translating this into sustained cultural change that results in fewer injuries and helps your bottom line.

Today it is common to see scaffolding on sites and industry has largely embraced this shift in working, with many taking advantage of the onsite efficiencies that come with using scaffolding.

As an industry the construction sector has made some real strides to reduce the number of injuries, but it is clear that we all still have work to do.

The Act also introduced the concept of overlapping duties. This puts a duty on all parties involved on a site to work together to manage health and safety.

Information sourced from: | 0800 030 040

“Effective security begins with understanding what your security risks are,” says FIRST Security CEO, Tim Covic. “Once you understand the potential threats and where your gaps are, you can then devise a plan that identifies the security control appropriate to your site.”


Last month, the New Zealand Herald reported that thieves had recently smashed into a large Canterbury construction site to steal copper worth $200 from a heating unit, while causing an estimated $250,000 of damage. According to the district's police chief Inspector, police nationally are noticing an increase in burglaries on construction sites over the last few months.

The construction industry is being targeted by thieves. Without effective security measures in place, sites can face property loss and damage – and potential project delays.

into the relationship between economic indicators and property crime, inflation is a driver of theft. By lowering the real incomes of people already struggling to make ends meet, inflation results in an increase in the demand for stolen goods, and in doing to it creates an economic environment that motivates thieves.

76 | B&C - Issue #138

“Crime rates rise as the inflation rate rises,” wrote the authors of one such study published by the journal Global Crime. “Because of the lag between price and wage adjustments, inflation lowers the real income of low-skilled labour, but rewards property criminals due to the rising demand and subsequent high profits in the illegal market.”

Assess your risks

Also last month, NewstalkZB reported that two 39-year-old men had been arrested following a spate of theft in Wainuiomata and Lower Hutt.

A good security risk assessment will detail the security controls appropriate to your site that will deter, detect and delay a security breach, and provide an immediate response.

from attempting to access your site,” Tim Covic explains. “It’s all about deterrence.”

Securing your construction site against theft

Visible security measures are the most effective deterrents, particularly overnight or when the site is otherwise not attended. Well-constructed and unclimbable perimeter fencing, securely locked access gates, well-positioned CCTV cameras, security waning signage, adequate lighting and on-site security guarding.

“There’s nothing like the deterrence value of uniformed security personnel,” Tim says. “As part of a coordinated set of security controls, well trained and experienced security officers and mobile patrols afford a next level of protection and response.”

The increase in thefts is occuring as the market for building materials is affected by rising costs and supply issues, and as New Zealand is ofdecades-highrecordinglevelsinflation.

Ultimately, whether thieves are motivated by the price they can fetch for stolen goods or by the thrill of the steal, theft on construction sites is costly and disruptive. Apart from the costs of replacing stolen or damaged materials and equipment are the additional costs of delays to construction work and the potential health and safety risks resulting from an inadequately secured site.

The increase in thefts is occuring as the market for building materials is affected by rising costs and supply issues, and as New Zealand is recording decades-high levels of

A comprehensive risk assessment will assess not only the on-site risks and controls, such as perimeter fencing, lighting, periods of non-attendance, electronic surveillance, locks and contractor and visitor access management processes, but also the outside risks, including local crime statistics, recent criminal activity and the state of the economy.

Deterrence is also important when the site is active. Strong perimeters, obvious gate security and controls to site access and egress will minimise the risk of goods and equipment disappearing in plain sight.

will list the risks the site needs to address, how severe the risk is and the best way of implementing a security measure to deter or offset the hazard.

“Target hardening is about putting simple measures in place to deter a perpetrator

Criminals conduct their own ‘risk assessment’ when selecting a site for theft or vandalism. A site with attractive items left in the open and obvious security gaps represents a soft target – low risk, high reward. A well secured site represents a hard target, and is therefore a no-go.

As the cost of materials continues to increase, construction sites will continue to pose as attractive targets. Talk to FIRST Security about how they can assist you to plan your security and keep your site protected with their professional and fully vaccinated guarding and patrol services.

Become a harder target

In recent months, the crime spotlight has been on the wave of audacious ram raids happening at jewellery stores, clothing outlets, and dairies across the country. According to media reports, risk-taking thieves are also targeting constructions sites for attractive items, and this is becoming a major problem.

A risk assessment should be carried out before work begins. A detailed assessment Issue #138 - B&C | 77 Market leaders in security FIRST Security is a market leader in security, providing services to companies and industries with varying business challenges. We have extensive coverage throughout New Zealand, and our commitment to customer service is proven. It’s the reason thousands of customers trust us to protect their people and assets every day. We can help your business with: ✓ Officers & Guards ✓ Concierge & Customer Service ✓ Mobile Patrols ✓ Event Security PEOPLE & PROPERTY VISIT PROTECTFIRSTSECURITY.CO.NZYOUR | 0800 347 787

• Tauranga

TheChristchurch.AucklandCity Council says for many Auckland property owners, the change in these rules mean you’re now allowed to build up to three homes of up to three stories on a residential site, like townhouses and terrace housing, provided you comply with all other development rules and standards before construction begins. These new standards came into effect in mid-August.

High Growth Councils According to the Ministry for the Environment (Tier 1):

New central government rules, the Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) require high growth councils to introduce new standards that will ease planning rules for what can be built without a resource consent.

Medium Density Residential Standards

• An offshore island.

• High density residential zone.

• Zones that are not residential zones listed in standard 8 (zone framework standard) of the National Planning Standards or an equivalent zone.

LEADING PLASTERBOARD FIXING AND INTERIOR SPECIALISTS AUCKLAND CALL US 021 446 Residential Fixups • Small Commercial Projects New Home Builds • Renovations • Insurance Work Plasterboard Fixing • Interior Plastering • Painting

The Auckland City Council says the plan change is proposing to change some of Auckland’s residential zones.

• Low density residential zone

• General residential zone

The new MDRS apply to most properties in residential zones that aren’t subject to a “qualifying matter” or exemption to limit building heights and density in some areas.

• Medium density residential zone

• Wellington

• Auckland

General manager Resource Consents, Ian Smallburn says, "As any development has protentional impacts on the environmental, and on other people, property owners must still comply with all other rules and standards that remain under the Resource Management Act".

Zones Excluded from the New MDRS:

78 | B&C - Issue #138 Building in Auckland

• A mainly urban area that that 2018 census recorded as having a resident population of less than 5,000 (unless a local authority intends it to become part of an urban environment

• Hamilton

The new MDRS apply to most properties in residential zones that aren’t subject to a “qualifying matter” or exemption to limit building heights and density in some areas.

to welcome

Most residential properties in Auckland’s urban areas are proposed to come under one of three zones.

Zones Included in the New MDRS:

• Settlement zones or an equivalent zone

Auckland higher-density housing thanks to new rules

Auckland will soon see more higher density housing being built across the region thanks to changes in planning rules.

• Large lot residential zones or an equivalent zone

Over the years, Zach has grown his team of arborists, now running five crews daily from the yard in Te Atatu South. With high staff retention being his top priority, he can provide his clients consistency and familiarity each time they visit.

• Minimum outdoor living space (one per unit) – Ground floor: 20m2, 3m dimension

• Maximum number of residential units per site – 3

• Minimum landscaped area – 20% of the developed site with grass or plants.

• Maximum building coverage – 50% of the net site area

The Tree Tops team are passionate about the on-going care and maintenance of trees throughout the wider Auckland region. Safety of their work site and surrounding areas is their top priority.

To find out more, make sure you visit their website or give them a call for a no-obligation site visit and quote on Ph: 09 8139 042

• Minimum windows to street – 20% glazing of the street-facing façade

• Minimum outlook space (per unit) –Principal living room: 4m depth, 4m width

Owner, Zach Fell, has over 10 years’ experience in the arboriculture industry. Everyday and every job is different, this is one of the reasons why Zach enjoys his work. Zach recently completed his training to become a registered Tree Risk-Benefit Validator. This is a common-sense approach to tree risk-benefit assessment, a great tool to assess trees in high traffic areas such as schools and businesses.

Tree Tops Issue #138 - B&C | 79 Building in Auckland

If you are looking for a cost-effective service, it is possible to keep log wood and larger branches from the job for firewood. Or, if you’re looking for the job to be ‘done and dusted’ with no log wood or branches left behind; the team can do that too!

With a fleet of excavators, high performance chippers, cherry pickers and other equipment they can get the job done safely and efficiently.

• Maximum building height – 11m + 1m for pitched roof

• Maximum height in relation to boundary –4m + 60 degrees recession plane

– Above ground floor: 8m2, 1.8 dimension

Tree Tops are an Auckland based professional tree servicing company. Their services include the safe removal of trees, land clearing, arborist monitoring, tree trimming, stump grinding and mulching.

“This means it is likely that any property owner who wants to develop using the new density rules will still need resource consent approval to subdivide a site or for earthworks before construction begins,” he says.

Tree Tops recommend an annual prune of larger trees to keep them healthy and manageable. Removing any deadwood and helping the overall form of the trees as they grow. Hedges and shrubs are recommended to be done six monthly to keep them looking smart.

Professional Tree Services Ph: 021 215 4016 | 09 813 info@nztreetops.com9042

They have expertise skills in view restoration, helping you open your home to more sunshine and maximising your views.

Mulch or wood chip can also be left on site in a tidy pile. Mulch is great for weed management and retaining moisture in the ground during the dry summer months.

Spring is the perfect time of year to get the team around to discuss your tree needs.

Property owners who intend to utilise the new MDRS will require resource consent approval to subdivide the site as well as assess the earthworks needed for construction of the new dwellings. All building plans will still be subject to a building consent process.

– All other habitable rooms: 1m depth, 1m width

Tree Tops can give you a range of options that best suit your property and your budget.

The New Medium Density Residential Standards:

• Minimum setbacks – front yard is 1.5m, side yard is 1m and rear yard is 1m (excluded on corner sites)

For more information, you can visit www. and download the MDRS fact sheet.

people to live in and more businesses and community services to be located in areas of an urban environment in which one or more of the following apply:

National policy statement on urban development

This requires the Auckland City Council to enable buildings of six storeys or more within walking distance of Auckland’s city center, 10 large metropolitan areas and around rapid transit

According to the National Policy Statement, one of the objectives is to enable more

Submissions on changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan are open until the 29th of September, 2022. The changes proposed will allow for more housing at greater building heights and density across the city.

• The area is in or near a center zone or other area with many employment opportunities

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• The area is well services by existing or planning public transport

The Auckland City Council says the proposed changes respond to the governments National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD).

For developments of four or more dwellings, the new standards to not take immediate effect. If you’re doing this, you’ll still require resource consent approval under the current operative standards of the Auckland Unitary Plan.

• There is high demand for housing or for business land in the area, relative to other areas within the urban environment.

manager for Plans and Places, John Duguid, says the council is encouraging people to make their submission and give their views on changes to the NPSUD as well as the MDRS.

GST and PAYE payments preparation and returns are done on time

Another amazing quality DNI Electrical has is the team delivers on time (all the time) and within a budget. When you work with the team, you’re guaranteed transparency from the start. They will deliver their work

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The team of experts can help clients with accounts and wages in a professional and friendly manner. What more could clients want?


• Debtor/Customer

contact details,

These qualities are the basis for the team in terms of providing excellent costeffective outcomes for you through their collaborative, practical way.


Their supplier and customer accounts are maintained provides costeffective solutions for you through their down-to-earth, customer-focused attitude. They’re supportive and willing to help you out with anything. The team asks questions, listens to your answers, makes a plan, and then makes it work!


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Maintenance of supplier and customer accounts Issue #138 - B&C | 81 Building in Auckland

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are 25 years of industry experience and expertise, a $20,000 master electricians’ workmanship guarantee, and 8,236 coffees drunk.

It’s been running for over 20 years for commercial and residential customersincluding the construction industry. This service benefits tradespeople and corporate people because it is easy to use, fast and efficient, and provides top-quality service.

Pickup and delivery services are done by staff members, which makes it easier for you. The team is experienced, committed, communicates well, and helps you whenever you need it.

Then, head to “our plans and strategies” followed by “The Auckland Unitary Plan” and finally clicked on “Auckland Unitary Plan changes, notices of requirement and material incorporated by reference”.

• Finishing

Mr Gordon’s Full Laundry Service is one of Auckland’s best full-service laundry companies based in Onehunga.

• Chemical compositions.

The company has hundreds of clients meaning you can feel rest assured knowing the team is knowledgeable, professional, and trustworthy.

Duvet inners, blankets, and rugs look good as new, as the team uses large modern machines.

weeks of submissions on the NPSUD is a very important opportunity for people to provide their views on what is proposed so that they can be considered by an Independent Hearings Panel when they make recommendations on changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan.”

The staff is always ready to cater to your needs and wants. They make sure you know what’s going on from the beginning to the end, making sure they discuss your requirements and achieve these goals to suit your specific needs.

Mr Gordon’s Full Laundry Service delivers exactly what it promises – a full service in all areas and industries.

You will always be able to rely on the team to be there when you require their services. The company is tailored to the requirements of Checkeveryone.outthe price list online to find affordable prices for services like pressing, washing, drying and folding, bedding, and dry cleaning (which is available for items that can’t be traditionally laundered) here:

• Washing

• Maintaining a tidy, clean, fresh look

The team ensures they hand-finish duvet covers or crisply press sheets and pillow slips. They also press your clothes making you feel and look pristine. via phone at (09) 636 5134, email at:, or head to the store at Unit 1, 319 Neilson Street, Penrose, Auckland.

• Transportation and sorting

Mr Gordon’s Full Laundry Service has topnotch equipment and the latest technology.

Many other positives to using Mr Gordon’s services include:

82 | B&C - Issue #138 Building in Auckland• Expertise in handling large volumes • Ensuring highest quality standards • Personalise Services at competitive rates • Relationships built on trust • On time delivery • We comply with the Australian and New Zealand Standards for Laundry Practice AS/NZS 4146:200 Contact Us Today! We have a dedicated team that understand service & results. Ph: 09 636 5134 | E: 1/319 Neilson St, Penrose, Auckland

• Drying

The Auckland Unitary Plan already enables significant capacity for housing and development however, the changes enable substantially more, creating capacity for housing that greatly exceeds the project demand in Auckland over the next 30 years.

Mr Gordon’s Full Laundry Service is very well known in Auckland and has maintained longterm relationships with clients – having many repeat clients, but also meets and greets new clients and treats them as old-time friends.

The team of experts serves a wide range of businesses, so anyone is welcome to get in Servicestouch.include but aren’t limited to:

“The changes enable taller buildings within walking distances to our largest urban centers and public transport as well as changes to the rules for how people can choose to develop their property right across the city,” John says.

• The convenience of not having to do it yourself.

Submissions opened on the 18th of August and will close on the 29th of September, 2022. Submissions can be made online through the Auckland Council website at www.aucklandcouncil.govt. nz and finding “plans, policies, bylaws, reports and projects”.

• Stain treatments

Mr Gordon’s Full Laundry Service

“These changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan will have a major influence on how our city will grow in the years ahead,” he “Thesays.six

Personalised service is guaranteed with us. We will travel to your home so we can get an idea of your tastes and style, and then get to work finding all the necessary stuff that suits you and your requirements. You will then be sent a quote and 3D design, no strings attached!

Thinking an upgrade? Think Next Edition Kitchens, call us now on 09 430 3074 or maybe email us on and we will arrange a site measure and consultation to enable us to meet your needs in that special space we all enjoy the benefits.

Our passion lies in helping to keep the Northland economy going. We have a strong focus on Whangarei and Northland kitchen design. This is reflected in our factory location at 50 Kioreroa Road. Being part of our town’s history helps our creativity to flow when it comes to creating dream kitchens, custom laundries, wardrobes, custom cabinets, renovation plans or shop fittings. Issue #138 - B&C | 83

Here at Next Edition Kitchens we have a special recipe, the one to design and build fabulous kitchens! Whether your kitchen is a chef’s dream, a stunning showpiece or simply the heart of your home, we can help you personalise this magical space to suit to your changing needs.

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Ryan and the staff are hardworking, familyorientated people. Ryan has been working in Whangarei kitchen design for more than a decade now. Ryan is an expert at creating the smallest of custom cabinets through to entirely new kitchens. He does this all within the budgets set by our clients. Whether you are building your dream home from scratch, or renovating a tiny cottage, we can help you create your ideal kitchen – the heart of any home.

Next Edition Kitchens


Here at Next Edition Kitchens, our job is to make your life easier. Let us take care of you, and the other tradespeople you will need for your kitchen, leaving you to enjoy the finished product.

Photo by Brooke Stoney

Whangarei kitchen design is what Next Edition Kitchens is all about. Locally owned and operated by Ryan Bourke, with a strong team of experienced kitchen designers and custom cabinet makers behind them, you can be assured that we’re all about kitchens!

simple, stress-free and results in you getting the kitchen of your dreams. Whether big or small, luxurious or simplistic – we can do it all.

Our team of designers is turning out some spectacular options and would love to help you turn your visions to reality uniquely functional and aesthetically pleasing fall easily into our visions!

Personalised service is guaranteed with us. We will travel to your home so we can get an idea of your tastes and style, and then get to work finding all the necessary stuff that suits you and your requirements. You will then be sent a quote and 3D design, no strings


84 | B&C - Issue #138 Building in Wellington GET THE PERFECT FINISH WITH THE MASTER PAINTERS We provide a full range of painting services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers Business Hours: 7.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday 0800 144 WWW.KAPITICOASTPAINTING.CO.NZ288 Custom timber joinery for traditional & new homes in the Wellington region Timber Windows & Doors | Custom Timber Profiles Ph: 04 564 8895 37 Burden Wainuiomata,Avenue,Lower Hutt L&P Crown Joinery

Wellington Applications for a $20 million fund from the Wellington City Council have opened. The Environmental and Accessibility Performance Fund (EAPF), has been established by the council to encourage a greater stock of environmentally sustainable and accessibly designed buildings in Wellington.


Funding better in

• Achieve minimum D1 and D2 access requirements and NZS 4121:2001

Expressions of Interest can be submitted up to six months before lodging a building consent application or up to six months after.

Commercial eligibility

Chief Planning Officer, Liam Hodgetts, says as the city continues to grow and diversify, the council recognizes that it has a role to support and incentivize design excellence.

• Achieve minimum points in Homestar across the “Reducing Construction Waste Criteria” for Minimising, Onsite Sorting and Waste Diversion categories

The Wellington City Council says commercial developments are eligible to apply for environmental sustainability performance funding only.

Bold decisions are needed to change the way we design and to focus on delivering a more liveable and socially sustainable future for everyone.

• Submit a Waste Management and Minimization Plan in accordance with the Solid Waste Management and Minimization Bylaw 2020

• No new natural gas connections

You can apply online at by creating an expression of interest.

What is the Environmental and Accessibility Performance Fund?

“It’s great to see the innovative scheme from the Wellington City Council to support lowercarbon healthier homes and buildings.”

“Structural and spatial dimensions are key criteria. Unfortunately, layouts are often made more difficult with steps that prevent level access, doorways that are too narrow, and poorly located and designed bathrooms.

• Achieve relevant accreditation from either Green Star or Living Building Challenge. Certification must be the current version when a building consent is submitted and must be valid within the last six months of final application.

“Well designed homes, as identified during Covid-19, provide a place to rest, recover, a place to work and a space to play,” Geoff says.

There is a maximum of $2 million per residential project available if you’re meeting both environmental sustainability and

accessibility performance criteria. Successful applications will need to meet all the following criteria:

• Must be a multi-unit residential development of 10 or more units

• Have no new natural gas connections

Both builders and residents will benefit from this fund making its way into Wellington.

He says that policies such as the EAPF encourage builders and developers to consider how they design and build their projects, delivering a healthier, low carbon city helping to achieve Wellington’s lower carbon goals.

“Buildings make up 20 percent of New Zealand’s emissions,” he says. “They also have impacts on our health and how much waste goes to landfill.

Open to both new builds and refurbishments/retrofit developments, EAPF offers financial support to address concerns such as the cost of certification and materials.

There is a maximum of $500,000 per commercial project available. Successful applicants need to meet all of the following criteria as stated by the city council:

• Achieve relevant accreditation from Homestar or Living Building Challenge. Certification must be the current version when a building consent is submitted and must be valid within the last six months of final application.

General manager of Lifemark, Geoff Penrose, says that better homes provided by the fun enable people to do the things they enjoy, from young people living in their first home to older people living in their forever home.

“It’s an opportunity to help bridge the gap around current regulatory minimum building standards and to encourage buildings that are more equitable and perform better for the environment,” he says.

Residential developments are eligible for either or both environmental sustainability performance and accessibility performance criteria.

Who benefits?

“Bold decisions are needed to change the way we design and to focus on delivering a more liveable and socially sustainable future for Chiefeveryone.”executive of the New Zealand Green Building Council, Andrew Eagles, welcomes the fund.

The fund supports the council’s goal be carbon zero by 2050 and to be an inclusive, people friendly place to live.

Residential eligibility

Who can apply?

EAPF is available for both the commercial and residential Developmentssector.must take place in Wellington City and only one application may be submitted per development.

• Development must be between 1000 and 5000 square meters

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The Wellington City Council says it’s intended to cover a portion of the costs associated with building improvement to support the broader council outcomes around health, environment and accessibility. Issue #138 - B&C | 85 Building in Wellington

The fund has a value of $20 to allocate until the 30th of June, 2030.

The Wellington City Council is building a new conference and exhibition center.

Meanwhile, the ground floor will include a 1,280sqm exhibition gallery that will be the largest in New Zealand.

The project began in December of 2019 and the foundation and piling work weas completed in May of 2020.

Takina Wellington Convention and Exhibition Centre is being built opposite Te Papa Tongarewa, near the waterfront.

It’s also expected to supply 372 jobs and bring in and protect business worth around $45 million a year in GDP to Wellington’s economy.

It will be the capital’s first premium events space delivering two key elements to Wellington’s economic infrastructure.

From May 2020 to September 2021, the main structure was built. By May 2022, the façade was in place and the fit out is happening between October 2021 and February 2023.

86 | B&C - Issue #138 Building in Wellington MHP Contracting Ltd. MARK FENCING • DECKING RETAINING WALLS GIB WALLS & CEILINGS • SHEDS PAVING • RENOVATIONS • LANDSCAPING T: 021 430 255 E: Donna 0274513442 | | Safety First is our Priority Tagit1st - Safety 1st Latest equipment Staff all MOJ checked &first aid trained Full detailed list & rescheduling to make it easy for you to Advancedmanagetraining in lifeguards, stage equipment etc. All Wellington Region, can be National if required Specialists in keeping all of your electrical appliances safe and compliant within your working environment. We carry out electrical safety testing - test and tag all electrical equipment. VISION INSTALLATIONS SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIALISTS RETAILRESIDENTIALINDUSTRIALCOMMERCIALWe specialise in concrete floor polishing and surface preparation We have a variety of concrete floor options to suit every budget. So if you’re looking for quality concrete finishes or surface preparation, make Vision Installations your choice.. Contact Donny Clark M: 027 440 3331 P : 04 479 2175 E :

The Wellington City Council says it will be a place to share with the top two floors delivering a premium space to host meetings and conventions with over 10,000 sqm of flexible meeting and exhibition space.

Called Takina Wellington Convention and Exhibition center, it’s set to be city’s largest built infrastructure since the Wellington Regional Stadium 20 years ago.

For more information, visit:

It’s set to attract locals and visitors to see the global entertaining and inspiring exhibitions that will be on show.

The base isolated and sustainable 5-Green Star Centre will have a huge positive flow on effect for the city’s hospitality, accommodation and retail businesses.

The Wellington City Council says it will offer a powerful combination of facilities across three floors and 18,000 sqm that draw visitors to Wellington to learn, meet and be Theinspired.centerremains on track to completed in early 2023 despite delays due to COVID-19.

New Wellington conference and exhibition centre

Galvanising by Perry Metal protection has provided a longlasting, top-quality, modern finish on the newest walkway to be constructed in West Auckland. Auckland Transport has partnered up with the Whau local board, Auckland Council and NZ Transport Agency to build a new walking and cycling route along the rail corridor between New Lynn and Avondale.

Galvanising operation in Hamilton which has the capacity to single dip up to 9.25m and double dip up to 18m.

• Reduced traffic congestion and air pollution from vehicles.

• A safer appealing route for cyclists and pedestrians Issue #138 - B&C | 87

Perry Metal Protection 0800 508 506

Perry Metal Protection have been protecting steel through hot dip galvanising since the early 1970’s. They operate in sites in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch as well as a collection depot in Tauranga. All of these sites have the capacity to galvanise a wide range of steel structures including fabricated steel, pipes, gates, trailers, stillages and beams. Perry Metal Protection have a strong team of experts to help with design, materials and fabricators. They also manufacture a range of steel grating products under the Perry Grating brand.

For more information or to contact the team, visit

The 2.9km path will cerate a continuous shared path following the railway line from New Lynn to Avondale with access to other cycle paths in the area.

Project and design brief:

According to Auckland Transport, Gordon Horsley, galvanising was preferred coating specified on the structure with HDG900 the requirement to meet the life cycle of the project. Galvanising has the benefit of not requiring ongoing maintenance versus any alternative coating systems such as the traditional blast and paint application.

Avondale- New Lynn Walkway

The specific outcomes included:

To create a modern look and for the first 300 metres of the walkway create a bolt together structure. The reasoning behind this was if the rail line was expanded and structure could be disassembled and resembled again.

A collaborative approach between the steel fabricator and Perry Metal Protection ensured all of the items could be galvanised and delivered to site within a time frame that ensure planning and construction dates could be achieved, without unnecessary delays on the project.

The project consisted of 150 tonnes of structural steel assemblies which were bolted into place and a 60 tonne of balustrade handrails and posts, which were duplex painted after galvanising.

• Easier access to public and town centres

Galvanising has the benefit of not requiring ongoing maintenance versus any alternative coating systems such as the traditional blast and paint application.

• Improved visual appearances of public spaces

In partnership with the D and H Steel Construction, the assemblies were designed to fit inside Perry Metal Protection’s largest

This modern bolt-together structure project has been delivered on time with Auckland Transport impressed with the aspects of the design and the coating systems used.

We’ve got you covered Hot Dip Galvanizing gives you the reassurance of protection both inside & out. Your complete service provider for all your Hot Dip Galvanizing, Sandblasting, and painting and Industrial Grating requirements. 14 Manchester Place, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3241 | Ph: 07 850 0120 Fx: 07 850 0129 | E: Perry Metal Protection has been strengthening steel through Hot Dip Galvanizing (HDG) in New Zealand since the early 1970’s. Perry Metal Protection can offer the most comprehensive galvanizing service in New Zealand with Galvanizing operations in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, and Christchurch. Perry Metal Protection can now also offer a comprehensive Sandblasting and Painting service with the recent purchase of Waikato Sandblasting Service Ltd. Perry Grating can provide you with a great range of Industrial Grating solutions. Hamilton Galvanizing Facility The zinc bath dimensions are 9.5m long by 1.6m wide by 2.5m deep These dimensions enable steel items up to 9.5m in length to be single dipped or up to 18m in length to be double end-dipped

“We’ll line the artefacts with the dates and look at old newspapers, genealogical records, and rates and property details – along with little details we’ve uncovered that haven’t been recorded,” says Naomi.

Recently, archeologists have been digging up parts of the site where the Outpatient Building is being constructed.

Engineering Ltd, the capsule will be buried underneath the new hospital. It contains things like an albatross feather, a Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Test, a drawing of a dream hospital, a 1737 “Need to Talk” badge and much more.

Australia New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline says the hospital is expected to be completed in April, 2028.

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New Dunedin Hospital Piki Te Ora says the outpatient building is coming first which will include ambulatory services, clinic rooms, day procedures and non-urgent radiology. This is planned to open in mid-2025.

are being photographed, measured and cataloged before being disposed of.

Hospital began on Friday,

88 | B&C - Issue #138 PH 03 471 9537 EMAIL WEBSITE Dunedin & Otago

“Covering two city blocks, the new Dunedin Hospital is one of the biggest infrastructure projects ever undertaken in New Zealand,” Health Minister Andrew Little says.

The building will meet 5 Star Green Star accreditation. New Dunedin Hospital

Set to be the largest hospital ever in New Zealand, according to Australia New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline, the hospital will comprise of two main structures.

This will be the Acute Services Building and the Ambulatory Services Centre with a link bridge joining the buildings.

Naomi Woods and Megan Lawrence have been uncovering mysteries about the people that once lived there, long before the Cadbury’s chocolate factory was built.

The $1.47 billion hospital is being built on the site of the old Cadbury chocolate factory and will have 421 beds, 16 theaters (expandable to 21 theatres), and 30 high dependency beds. It’s being built in two stages.

Piki Te Ora says this means the hospital will feature things like double glazing and low energy intelligent lighting systems that use natural daylight instead of artificial lighting wherever possible.

Construction of the New Dunedin the and was marked by a ceremony.

The construction of the new hospital will give Dunedin’s economy a massive boost, contributing an estimated $429 million GDP. The build is also expected to create the equivalent of nearly 1000 full time jobs.

The inpatient building is stage two of the project and is planned to open in mid-2028. This will include an emergency department, operating theaters and other services including a dedicated primary birthing unit.

“The site was at one time one of the most densely populated city blocks in Dunedin,” says Naomi. “A quarter acre section might have had six or eight house scrammed onto Artifactsit.”

Unfortunately, these items will never see the inside of a museum due to asbestos contaminating the soil. Instead, objects

3rd of June 2022

“Together, they’ll confirm existing narratives about the past and tell new stories.”

such as dubious health tonics, a tea cup and a shoe have been uncovered from the holes that are being dug for the Outpatient Building’s piles.

Once all the earthworks are completed, the archeologist team will put together a report for Heritage New Zealand.

During the ceremony that heralded the beginning of construction, mana whenua, Ministry of Health, Southern District Health Board and Community Health Council representatives contributed items to a time Createdcapsule.byFarra

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90 | B&C - Issue #138 Central Otago and The Lakes District

He says using a lower-spec alternative would have compromised the whole rationale for the build which is designed to serve the long term needs of local residents and the wider district.

For more information on the Luggate Memorial Center, visit: memorial-centrenz/your-council/major-projects/luggate-www.qldc.govt.

New Zealand’s first community facility to be built to Passive House standards is expected to be completed soon.

The windows are in transit from Germany but have experience longer-than-expected delays, once again, due to “well publicized global supply chain issues,” as Quintin puts it.

However, general progress is reported to be excellent and Quintin says contractors have completed all other work possible while waiting for the windows.

Lakes District Council property director, Quintin Howard, says this project is subject to the same issues facing the construction industry on a national and international basis.

Luggate Memorial Hall has been closed since 2017 after being declared earthquake prone. Queenstown Lakes District Council says physical work began on the 31st of July, May 2021.

“This Passive House build requires special, highly energy-efficient windows that we had originally sourced from New Zealand,” says “Unfortunately,Quintin. our domestic supplier went out of business during the pandemic, leaving us with no choice but to import.”

This involved deconstructing the old hall. Construction began in early July 2021 and is expected to be ready to go midSeptember supply issues have caused headaches for teams working on the Queenstownproject.

now a familiar situation to everyone in the sector,” he says.

“Most GIB stopping and interior painting is complete, new grass growing where it won’t be disturbed, outside concrete paths have been laid and the car park and Hopkins Street have been sealed,” Quintin says.

Passive House accredited community center almost complete

The Luggate Memorial Centre Whare Mahana will service the Luggate and wider Upper Clutha communities.

Quintin says this build is a true first for New Zealand in terms of its environmental credentials. The center is being touted as a test case for future community facilities in the Queenstown Lakes District.

Bookings for the new center will be able to be made from around mid-September, 2022, through the Queenstown Lakes District Council website.

For more information on Passive Houses, you can visit:

area around the hall will be landscaped and play equipment that was taken away for the build will be replaced as well as picnic tables, seating and the barbecue.

Luggate Red Bridge

“It’s always frustrating to push back the completion of any building project but this is

Queenstown Lakes District Council says that as the project get closer to finishing, the

William says the investment being made by private, iwi and public entities in the South Island property arena signals confidence to the wider market with each region offering compelling underlying fundamentals.

The commercial and industrial property market in the South Island is somewhat segmented – both geographically and agencywise – something that leading agency Bayleys has recognised and acted on.

“There’s a recognised shortage of new land coming on stream for commercial and industrial development in some core South Island regional centres – sometimes down to geographic constraints, other times reflecting a lag between market demand and Council planning frameworks.

“There are some exciting projects on the go with the $280 million Silverlight Studios film studio, and the Northbrook Wānaka Retirement Village within developer Winton’s wider Northlake mixed-use precinct, fasttracked under special COVID-19 legislation.

“My feeling is the wider Otago region is undervalued and ripe for growth – but given the scope of projects underway right around the South Island, it’s clear that there will be compelling opportunity for private investors at every juncture.”

With Bayleys having key clients in the North Island looking for opportunities and assistance in the South Island, Christchurchbased Wallace is focusing on solidifying Bayleys’ business throughout the mainland.

He says three priority growth areas for Wānaka have been identified in the council’s new spatial plan – the corridor from Wānaka town centre to Three Parks, future urban areas in Hawea and south Wānaka, and existing areas in Luggate and Hawea.

It recently appointed William Wallace to the new role of general manager South Island commercial and industrial, and strengthened its market presence with Bayleys Canterbury acquiring longstanding Christchurch-based commercial and industrial agency, M B Cook Limited.

“This puts the focus on projects already consented and underway or opens up conversations around where the next big opportunities lie.

“Further, Metlifecare recently announced it will build a $200 million premium retirement village at the Three Parks mixed-use commercial precinct.”

growth My feeling is the wider Otago region is undervalued and ripe for growth – but given the scope of projects underway right around the South Island, it’s clear that there will be compelling opportunity for private investors at every juncture. With over twenty years’ experience in residential and commercial tiling, we guarantee your job will be completed to the highest industry standards. 021 284 5377 | RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL NEW BUILD & REPAIRS WALL & FLOOR TILING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR WORKMANSHIPGUARANTEETRUSTINQUALITYYEARGUARANTEE

Identifying the wider Otago region as a potential growth node, William acknowledged that although Queenstown will face inevitable challenges as borders fully reopen, there is evidence of considerable investment in the town indicating that developers are confident in its future. Issue #138 - B&C | 91 Central Otago and The Lakes District

“When visitors return in real numbers, the rental accommodation squeeze for workers and labour shortages will be amplified,” he

Commenting in the latest edition of Bayleys Total Property, William says there’s a significant weight of capital seeking investment opportunities in the South Island.

The Wānaka property market looks set for transformation with council projecting its population would grow from 8423 permanent residents to 15,200 by 2050, an 80 percent increase.


“Several lifestyle and residential developments are being considered for fasttracked resource consent under COVID-19 Recovery frameworks, while the mixeduse Lakeview precinct on a 10ha former campground site in central Queenstown is being progressed by an Australian/New Zealand consortium.”

the plus side, there are new additions to the hotel market, the continued evolution of mixed-use precincts, and urban growth opportunities along the Southern Corridor starting at Frankton, down to Hanley’s Farm, and Jack’s Point.

Opportunities for southern

MBIE has planned for particular stages of development and changes to the system over the coming years. If you want to find out more about ‘Building for the Future’, you can read more information at:

Professional Advice for Tradies

are in high demand, especially tradesmen of high quality. In New Zealand, a trades apprenticeship can be supported through the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF). Which is also known as ‘Free Trades Training’.

Getting and staying organised

Locking doors when entering and leaving property, will also add a respectful touch and benefit your tradie reputation. Confirming these details and expectations in writing on email, means if any confusion emerges in the future, you’ll have a written agreement to refer back Tradespeopleto.

This initiative supports new tradies into the industry. Regulating and ensuring you have a qualification, is one way to establish yourself as a professional tradie, while also proving you’re capable of the skills necessary for the Overall,job.being a professional tradie means respecting your client and having solid communication skills to uphold your reputation within the industry. Having passion and knowledge about your specific trade adds value to your business, helping you remain a sought-after competitor in the tradie market.

MBIE has recognised the building industry is not growing fast enough to meet demands for new buildings across the country.

Clarifying details and measures you’ll take to protect their personal items could save you from disagreements in the long-run.

92 | B&C - Issue #138 Phone: (03) 477 1495 Web: NT Mason & Co Limited • Bookkeeping • Tax preparation • Business advisory • Software Solutions • Company Secretary • Cashflow forecasting DUNEDIN’S SUCCESS IS OUR BUSINESS

Tradies are known for their ability to ‘do it all’. From expertise in their specific fields such as building, plumbing, installing utilities and general handy-man skills, tradies can achieve it all.

Ultimately, these changes will have positive impacts on the social, economic and environmental outcomes of building in New Zealand.

They have further observed issues regarding workers not having correct skills or qualifications to complete some projects. By introducing regulatory practice checks, MBIE hopes this will encourage excellent building performance.

Building performance will be measured off the continuous improvement and expansion of residential and urban development.

Building for the future initiative

One way MBIE aims to do this is by updating the national building code.

By Michaela Pointon

Explain you may move furniture when needed, cover surfaces and wear shoe coverings if asked.

MBIE (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment New Zealand) launched a building system regulatory strategy in 2020, named ‘Building for the Future’.

MBIE is aiming for a balance between meeting minimum performance standards where necessary, and encouraging higher standards of performance in other areas. High performance standards are encouraged where the outcome is believed to positively impact New Zealanders most.

Additionally, they will provide guidance to industry workers and consumers, helping to elevate informed decisions about costs and over-all outcomes. Providing policy about the use of targeted incentives aims to encourage higher quality building within the industry.

The strategy continues to be ongoing in 2022 and is designed to roll-out over the next decade. It outlines clear and measurable goals to maintain a new highperforming building system in New Zealand. It aims to redesign perceptions of the construction industries.

When it comes to the evening, they’re typically running the business, sorting timesheets, payroll, or planning the next idea for Hereconstruction.aresomeprofessional tips for tradies, to make sure you maintain organisation, productivity and exceptional working relationships, whilst doing it all.

A good tradesperson will communicate with their client from start to finish and notify them of any changes. Your client will appreciate being ‘kept in the loop’, even if they have minimal understanding of the task you are Spendingcompleting.thetimeto educate your client briefly is another way to ensure you’re both on the same page.

If you are a tradie in the building industry, you may have already begun to see these strategies and initiatives being implemented within your workplace.

Building for the Future is a long-term initiative, with a focus on considering the industry’s sustainability a decade from today.

A tradie who has a positive attitude, arrives on time and completes the job professionally is guaranteed to make any client recommend you or give you a call back in the future.

We can supply all your needs from preparing traffic management plans for your resource consent application to implementation of traffic and car park management.

• Pilot vehicles (mobile operations). Tail, lead & shadow vehicles, load piloting

• Event management (sports, schools, clubs & film).

We also have a full range of equipment available for hire.

We can also look after your night patrol requirements with our staff. This means your site will be safe and secure with a trained staff member on site in a small truck with LED flashers, phone, RT contactable and spare equipment.

Our aim is to deliver on our specialty so that you can focus on your area of expertise, effectively minimizing your workloads and worries.

• Site monitoring / visits

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• New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA)

• WorkSafe NZ (was Department of TMSCOLabour/OSH).provides

We can provide qualified STMS and TC personnel for site set up and maintenance as well as stop/go staff or traffic management attendants for events.

NZTA, local councils and Worksafe are clear in their stance of the need for traffic management. Organized events which “alter the normal operating conditions of the roadway” will require traffic management.


TMSCO can arrange and carry out all or part of your traffic management requirements, from a basic shoulder closure on a level one road, to lane closures with manual traffic controls on state highways.

Traffic Management Services Central Otago (TMSCO) are your road safety professionals.

• Qualified personnel – traffic controllers (stop/go) & site traffic management supervisors (tc & stms)

- Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), adopted in 2001

• Tmp - traffic management plans (design, submission & obtaining approval)

• Corridor access requests (car) / road opening notices - design & submission on your behalf

Traffic Management Services Central Otago

All activities that vary the normal operating conditions of a road or footpath must have sufficient traffic management in place and are required to comply with the following:

everything from preparing traffic management plans, consulting on traffic issues and obtaining approval from local council or NZTA to setting up and implementing traffic management.

Why do you need a Traffic Management Plan?

Event Traffic Management

• Dry hire - full range signs, cones, barriers and fences/site panels, flashing beacons & vests for hire Issue #138 - B&C | 93 We can arrange and carry out all or part of your traffic management requirements, from a basic shoulder closure on a level one road, to lane closures with manual traffic controls on state highways. Road Safety Specialists Equipment Sales and Hire Taane Royce | 021 720 162

• NZTA Local Road Supplement (LRS)

The traffic management requirements for events are very different from that of normal roadworks.

“The Ministry of Social Development has established partnerships with 17 Māori entities across Aotearoa and they’re delivering unique multi-year work-focused Accordingtraining.”

“There has been a 55 percent increase in the number of apprentices since the start of the pandemic,” he says.

subsidy rate has lowered to $500 per month since the 5th of August, 2022 and the second-year subsidy rate will remain at $500 per month until the initiative ends in December 2023.

Employment Minister, Carmel Sepuloni, says the Budget 2022 will see funding for 1,600 places on the scheme over the next two “ also being extended for Māori Trades Training,” she says.

For more information regarding the Apprenticeship Boost and how to get it, you can visit: and head to the “Employers” section where “Apprenticeship Boost” can be found.

“It’s also to extend the initiative at a reasonable cost.”

Chris says this is in recognition of the significant growth in apprentices in 2020.

“It delivers a highly skilled workforce to build infrastructure, or design the technology needed to future-proof the economy while ensuring good jobs for New Zealanders.”

Apprenticeship boost extended to late 2023


Alongside this, more support is being offered for Mana in Mahi and Māori Trades Training. Mana in Mahi has supported over 4,719 young people into work and training.

“A locally trained workforce provides for greater economic security,” he says.

upgrade our infrastructure because we know they’re vital to our success and our recovery,” he Thesays.first-year

Education Minister, Chris Hipkins, says New Zealand’s economy is one of the strongest in the world at the moment, due to the investments the government has made in training and supporting New Zealanders into work.

94 | B&C - Issue #138

Carmel Sepuloni says that New Zealand is seeing a huge boom in construction and “Webuilding.haveplenty of people willing and ready to take up the opportunities it provides. However, many lack the foundational skills to realise their protentional,” she says.

to Carmel Sepuloni, the training program is bearing fruit and the extension announcement provides certainty to providers and the rangitahi who are benefiting from the scheme.

Some $230 million has been invested in apprentices across New Zealand with over 190,000 people having already benefited. This boost, as part of the 2022 Budget, is set to support a further 24,000 apprentices in response to the impact that Covid has had on the New Zealand economy.

Chris says a key message they’ve been hearting from business is they need more skilled workers.

“We have continued to invest in and train the New Zealanders who build our houses and

New Zealand is experiencing record low unemployment rates of 3.2 percent and Chris says economic activity is up on what it was, pre-Covid.

“Students like Sione become mentors for other students wishing to take the courageous step in changing their career path particularly during the difficult times we are all experiencing.

Unitec’s track record of a successful practical and industrial based teaching style means students like Sione are held in high regard. More than 96 percent of Unitec’s Construction graduates gain employment after graduation with dozens of former students now company directors, owners and associates. Issue #138 - B&C | 95 Education

Paul Jeurissen, the Head of Unitec’s School of Building Construction, says the engineering and infrastructure industry offers graduates extremely busy and rewarding opportunities.

“I’ve always wanted to go back to school but work, family and church meant there was little time to study towards a tertiary qualification, but a year ago I managed to free up some time so decided to jump in and give it a go.

“Our programmes offer flexible modes of delivery to try and meet ongoing student commitment and pressure.

More than 96 percent of ownerscompanystudentsdozensaftergainConstructionUnitec’sgraduatesemploymentgraduationwithofformernowdirectors,andassociates.

“It was scary at first, but I love the challenge and growing my knowledge. I’ve already got a whole new understanding of how construction works and even look at buildings in a different way. I do work hard but have managed to get high marks for everything I’ve submitted despite QS being a completely new field of interest for me.”

“Construction firms are always emailing Unitec looking for graduates and even current students for internships – so there are clearly lots of options once I’ve finished the diploma. But at this stage, I’m just loving learning.”

Sione studies part-time as he still works full-time at a steel shelving fabrication

plant in East Tamaki. This means the 2-year full-time diploma will take four years, but Sione isn’t worried about that. He’s says education is for life and is determined to make it work.

It doesn’t matter when you start, “education is for life”. When 49-year-old Sione Pulu signed up for Unitec’s Diploma in Construction (Quantity Surveying) he wasn’t entirely sure what Quantity Surveying (QS) was actually all about.

“It’s a real privilege to be educating and helping Sione achieve his career aspirations.”

Sione is also encouraged by the number of well-paid job opportunities on offer once he’s completed his studies.

“At Unitec we are proud of our school, staff, student graduates and the seamless connections we have established within the industry we serve.

Unitec is the only education provider in New Zealand that offers the full spectrum of architecture and building construction courses across Architecture, Construction, Civil Engineering and Trades.

A year into his studies, the Tongan-born South Aucklander couldn’t be happier with his decision to sign up for the course.

“At first it was tough going. Things have changed a lot since I was in high school, especially on the technology front, but the support I received from Unitec, the lecturers and also my fellow students got me up to speed and I’m so glad I took the plunge.”

All he knew was that it was an essential part of any construction project getting off the ground, ensuring large construction projects would run smoothly at every stage of the build. More importantly, it would suit his love of maths.

Scary but exciting – why it’s never too late to study construction

community, we are only paying what you’re earning”, which means there are no sly catches with Hnry.

He says smiling, “Just cause you’re selfemployed doesn’t mean you have to spend Sundays doing invoices”.

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The team of experts teaches you CAD and BIM to suit your specific requirements.

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By Michaela Pointon

Caduceus Systems are a team of exceptional experts keeping your IT systems working at peak performance and your staff focused with fast and efficient “technology for your business landscape.”

For more information, head to the Caduceus website for a better understanding of what each service involves, meet the team involved, and to check out the blog as well via the link:

CEO and co-founder of Hnry, James Fuller says, “We help sole-traders, and in particular tradies, to focus on their work without the hassle of having to focus on their invoicing”.

Technology is well established in our world and will only continue to develop further. Using technology to your advantage as a business, particularly in the building industry, can save you time, give you an edge of difference and add value to your projects.

This app can really do it all for you and support your small business. To find out more visit:

CEO and Co-Founder of Hnry, James Fuller. Photo supplied by Hnry.

Instagram is a free way where new clients can connect with you and see photos of your work. Using location tags in photos will elevate these connections. Particularly in the residential building industry, using social media gives your business exposure.

Caduceus helps you by considering all your technology needs with a range of software solutions. They are Autodesk partners specialising in Architecture, Engineering & Construction software implementation including the best training and support services from experts with over 20 years of experience, priority CAD and BIM support, CAD and BIM customisation, standards and management, BIM content creation and CAD detail creation services.

Hnry ensures you stay on top of all invoices, payslips, quotes and tax payments. Uploading business expenses is as simple as taking a photo of receipts and letting Hnry work out tax for you. Plus, you get instant tax return via your Hnry bank account.

The business genuinely wants your business to be successful. “Tradies using Hnry means they can spend more time with their clients”.

Connected Hardhats monitor the location, motion and temperature of your workers. These can detect if the worker is lightheaded or overheated. Another capability of the technology is an automatic emergency call if a worker has fallen.

96 | B&C - Issue #138 Technology

The team helps those involved in building design, construction, and management with technology. They work closely with architects and engineers, contractors and tradespeople, building owners, and project managers.

Another service provided is design technology where Caduceus experts also specialise in training for CAD and Building Information Modelling (BIM).

If you’re interested get in touch by calling during office hours (Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm) on (04) 802 4345 or email

James says their business is a ‘pay-as-yougo’ system. “It’s really tailored to the tradie

Tech support on building sites

Exoskeletons are wearable devices which work in tandem with the builder. This technology allows the worker to carry more than humanly possible. Using these will help reduce the risk of strain and injury to the builder’s body. Exoskeletons can also increase productivity as workers will be less fatigued.

The training which is offered includes scheduled courses, custom training, ongoing support, CAD and BIM support, distancelearning, and learning resources.

What’s offered first is strategy planning and advising leading to provision and implementation of hardware and software, servers and networks, including maintenance and ongoing support. Microsoft 365 experts as well as providers of New Zealandbased cloud solutions for email, data storage & backup.

The app ‘Hnry’ is New Zealand’s largest taxing and invoicing app for your phone which automatically pays and files taxes for soletrader Kiwis. The app is specifically designed for self-employed tradies, independent contractors and freelancers.

LiDAR laser levelling technology measures distances by illuminating the target with a laser light and measuring the reflection with a sensor. These can be mounted onto a range of site equipment. Different brands are available from your local hardware store, and can be used to ensure accuracy when MindNodemeasuring.isavisual brainstorming app to help sketch your building ideas visually on your phone. Structured brainstorming and business plans can be shared with workplace collaborators.

Alternatively, head to the office on Level 3, 154 Featherston Street in Wellington.

Caduceus Systems

Play is a smart protractor app, which is simple and multi-purposed to calculate the angle of objects from any surface. It’s handy to have in your pocket with you at all times, especially on the building site.

One of the services provided is business technology, advice, and support to ensure you have the best IT system at work.

• Visit Visa – allows people to visit countries for a holiday or recreation. They can be single entry visa, permitting just one entry to the country or they can be for multiple visits.

ASPAC Immigration Consultants are highly renowned and respected, drawing on many years of experience in the New Zealand Immigration law. Mr. Maurice Austin currently holds full NZ Immigration Advisor license as well as Australian Migration Agent License and has successfully completed Bachelor of Law, Diploma in Immigration Advise, and is currently pursuing Masters in Law from University of Canterbury. Mr. Austin has successfully helped thousands of clients gain residency in New Zealand or got them out of a difficult situation with Immigration.

Immigration Services

ASPAC Immigration Consultants Issue #138 - B&C | 97 We have a experiencewidefrom visitor visas to VISITforwardIntervention.AppealsProtectionImmigrationTribunalandMinisterialWelooktoassistingyou.VISA | STUDY VISA | WORK VISA | MIGRATE | INVEST | IPT APPEALS | MINISTERIAL INTERVENTION Contact us today for a FREE consultation.initial AUCKLAND OFFICE Suite 1, Level 1, Kingston Suites, 4 Kingston Street P: +64 9 366 3966 M: +64 21 0225 1701 E: CHRISTCHURCH OFFICE Unit 11, 35 Riccarton Road, Riccarton P: +64 3 348 9441 M: +64 21 237 6642 E: info @ We are licensed immigration advisers for both the New Zealand and Australian markets with over 10 years of experience working in all areas of immigration matters. With offices in both Auckland and Christchurch, our experienced immigration consultants and advisers can assist you. We also have a range of staff that speak a variety of languages. Plus our staff have a high level of IT experience that makes it easier for us to communicate and process online applications. ASPAC IMMIGRATION ASIA PACIFIC IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS LIMITED ASPAC Immigration Consultants excel in all areas of New Zealand Immigration Law and procedures. We offer various types of immigration services including temporary, resident, IPT or ministerial appeal, and responding to the PPI (questions) letters to address to the Immigration Department’s concerns.

Whatever your immigration needs, we can help. From advice and support to applications and assessments, our team are committed to providing clients with the best possible care. We have offices in both Auckland and Christchurch. For more information and to book a free, 15 minutes assessment, please visit

With our insight and experience with New Zealand immigration, we can formulate a unique strategy that works for you.

• Work Visa – allows people to take a job in another country. There any many different types of work visas and a generally temporary though they may be renewed.

• Invest Visa – allows people to invest in and/or own a business overseas. This is generally aimed at people who

have demonstrated a successful business background already.

With our insight and experience with New Zealand immigration, we can formulate a unique strategy that works for you. As a multi-cultural firm, we cater to all the clients from various backgrounds and language. Our dedicated support team has years of experience within the immigration industry and can speak Filipino, Hindi, Telugu and Punjabi. Our staff also have a high level of IT experience that makes it easier for us to communicate and process online applications.

Our advisors don’t just look at clients’ immediate circumstances – we look at the surrounding circumstances and discuss their long-term goals. We also offer free case reviews so if someone feels as though their current immigration case needs to be reviewed at any stage, we can assist.

As a andvariousallfirm,multi-culturalwecatertotheclientsfrombackgroundslanguage.

• Study Visa – allows people to be able to study in another country. The type of study visa permitted depends on the duration of the stays.

• Migrate/Residence Visa – allows people to live, work and study in another country. They can also travel within that country. This visa can also be attached to a partner and children of the applicant who are under 24 years old.

Setting standards of your company through your chosen vehicle could be considered customers first impressions or expectations of your specific company. Particularly if your fleet vehicle is sign written, the type of vehicle could also be considered advertising for your

Identifying specific use for the vehicle will ensure ‘wear and tear’ is decreased. Choosing the correct size of vehicle, will minimise costs of having underutilised cargo or passenger space.

Consider the rotation of vehicles to ensure all fleets are regularly maintained, meaning your business will never be out of transport.

Take into consideration common routes the vehicle will be taking, such as lengthy motorway commutes or city ‘stop-start’ specialisations. How the vehicle is used will affect the long-term impact on the car.

Considering your drivers when purchasing a fleet is important. A vehicle is a tool which your drivers use every day.

There are lots of aspects to consider when choosing a fleet from size, petrol type, vehicle use, maintenance and driver training, all which help you to narrow your search in the quest for the perfect fleet vehicle.

Consider the type of work your employees do and accommodate the vehicle to them. Truck drivers may appreciate a fleet that includes stairs, pull-outs, organisation and lighting.

Planning ahead for future costs of routine servicing, vehicle parts and labour is essential to take into consideration.

With a wide range of petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicle options on the market, it is important the correct vehicle is selected.

For future buyers of fleet vehicles, confidence from regular maintenance may be appealing. However, possible high-mileage on these vehicles may be a deterrent.

Businesses such as taxis, shuttles, tow-trucks and vehicle rental companies, are centred around fleet vehicles. Additionally, company cars are also fleet vehicles used for daily commute and sign-written advertisements. Organisations such as District Health Boards, courier companies and real estate agencies, use fleet cars for many reasons. There are a wide variety of fleet vehicles, which we see on our road every day.

When owning a fleet vehicle, maintaining it correctly is a non-negotiable. Much like personal vehicles, fleet cars require regular inspections to ensure safety for the driver and other road users is regulated. Particularly as these cars are usually company owned, a heightened awareness for their safety maintenance is important.

Avoiding extra or unnecessary costs for the company is critical, and can be expensive if the wrong vehicle is chosen.

training to ensure both the company and employee remain on the same page of behavioural expectations.

Overall, a fleet vehicle can be a strong business investment to consider.

Selecting the correct fleet vehicle for your company is an important decision.

Fuel efficiency is important with fleets, as this is where most expenses are created.

Planning ahead with a vehicle cycle strategy is one way you can maximise the use and business cost of running a fleet.

98 | B&C - Issue #138 Collision Repair The Best for Panel & Paint Shepherd & Kime Ltd 440 Selwyn Street, Addington, Christchurch Phone: 366 8256 Email: Shepherd & Kime 2008 Ltd 35 Sheffield Cres, Burnside, Christchurch Phone: 348 4448 Email: Fleet Vehicles

Take into consideration common routes the vehicle will be taking, such as lengthy motorway commutes or city ‘stopstart’ specialisations. How the vehicle is used will affect the long-term impact on the car.

However,rules.investing in driver training options, such as programmes through MITO NZ (Motor Industry Training Organisation New Zealand) are good ways to minimise the risk of Nocrashes.matter how technical a driver believes they are, there is value in offering driver

Maintenance can be a costly aspect of owning fleet vehicles. If you’re looking to buy a fleet vehicle, the cost of maintenance should be considered into your budget.

Investing in the correct vehicle at the start of your fleet journey, can make the longterm use of your vehicle (and workers) more sustainable.

For some businesses, fleet vehicles are considered the operational core of their work.

Ensuringbusiness.yourvehicle reflects your business, by keeping appearance immaculate on the exterior and interior.

Selecting the correct fleet vehicle for your company

Investing in driver training is one way you can improve safety for your drivers, as well as maintaining longevity of the cars.

We assume drivers will have a clean licence and are expected to follow the New Zealand Road Issue #138 - B&C | 99 021 416 084 Contact: Vaughan WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP!!! For all your earthwork requirements, throughout the greater Auckland Region.

An improved hydraulics system aided by a variable displacement pump also reduces operating costs and promotes overall efficiency.

According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global mini excavators’ market is expected to garner $11,873.9 million by 2027.

The most notable of these additions include an updated monitor system in the pressurised, ROPS - and TOPS-tested cab and a reversing camera, which allows the operator a clear-view of any obstacles behind the machine at all times.

• Prevent collapse – shore, bench, or batter back. Do not assume ground will stand unsupported

Automated machinery

• Prevent people and materials falling in – with barriers strong enough not to collapse if someone falls against them.

However, Cat’s 310 mini excavator reportedly yields up to 25 percent more horsepower than comparable models, and boasts a broad range of Compactapplications.bydesign,the Cat 310’s miniature size meets the demands of New Zealand’s current property market.

Courtesy work lights, a retractable seat belt and an improved protection kit, also improve the overall safety of the machine.

• Provide safe access to get in and out

So, whilst these technologies are still relatively new, they’ve certainly solidified their spot as industry frontrunners when it comes to improving and streamlining traditional systems and processes.

Indeed, with customer-value in mind, the future return on investing in new technology and equipment for your company now, will be priceless.

Many industry professionals are turning to smaller and more efficient machinery to get the job Typically,done.small excavators are restricted by their dig depth and a reduced operating capacity.

And whilst remote-controlled machines may not yet match the pace of human operators, automation provides consistency and reliability which is especially important given the industry’s current skill shortage.

Indeed, innovative technologies are pathing the way for smaller machines to yield more power.

• Check the excavation each day before starting work and after any event that may affect its stability

At the tip of this technological iceberg lies concrete-printed structures and 3D cut cladding.

By enabling industry professionals to cut corners on time, cost and resources, 3D printing may very well be the sustainable solution that helps answer the current demands of New Zealand’s construction market.

With developers closing in, small excavators make it easier to manoeuvre around tighter work-sites, which is potentially the largest gap left by the Cat 310’s full size predecessors.

Also reducing operational costs and safety hazards, smart machines are a robust addition to any worksite.

• Avoid underground services and make sure not to undermine nearby structures – use safe digging practice and dig away from them

Worksafe’s key excavation safety points:

Another up-and-coming alternative to traditional construction methods, 3-D printing is a process by which tangible objects and structures are generated based on a digital model.

Time is money and money is time. Fortunately, automated solutions used in conjunction with digital design workflows such as BIM, saves on both.

Mini-excavators hit the mark

For more information on Cat 310 Mini Excavators, visit:, or phone 0800 93 39 39.

Although a future consisting of self-driving heavy machinery may initially sound slightly threatening to some and an on-site accident waiting-to-happen to others, the autonomy of such machinery needn’t be cause for alarm.

Fitted with technology to recognise potential obstacles and prevent machinery from straying off track, automated solutions hold the potential to completely transform the landscape of construction in more ways than one.

Once challenges concerning mass production and regulation are overcome, the sky is both literally and figuratively the limit.

The Cat 310 mini excavator also enjoys a host of upgraded health and safety features.

But, if you’re still not sold, just remember; adopting new technologies will help increase levels of production and profitability significantly, which results in a larger and more affordable housing supply.

From cutting down on fuel expenditure and reducing overall emissions, Cat cleverly position the 310-mini excavator as a sustainable solution to traditional heavy machinery equipment.

100 | B&C - Issue #138 Small Excavators

This state-of-the-art technology vastly improves product control and minimises the safety risks caused by human intervention.

It’s important to note that Cat designed their newest model with sustainability in mind. This can be seen through the addition of auto-idle and auto-engine shutdown features which help to maximise fuel economy and minimise emissions. Issue #138 - B&C | 101 19C-1E MINI EXCAVATOR Introducing JCB E-TECH, a new generation of electric products with zero emissions at point of use. The new 19C-1E is the first of the electric generation and the industry’s first fully electric mini excavator. Ideally suited to construction and excavation applications within enclosed or urban job sites, or noise-and emissions-sensitive environments such as hospitals and schools. It offers the same power and more torque as comparable diesel-powered machines yet produces zero exhaust emissions and one-fifth of the noise. With 20 branches throughout the country there is bound to be one near you, check out our website for their locations or call 0800 998 916 to find out more. 100% ELECTRIC. ZERO EMISSIONS.

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