The 46-year old Alley Theatre in Downtown Houston is going through a major and complex renovation, with 75,000sf underconstruction. Muchofthe mainareas,fromthelobby tothetop floor
to the Hubbard Stage have been virtually gutted, leavingjusttheiconicarchitectural features intact. These include the lobby's box office and the grand staircase. The Hubbard Stage, a "thrust stage" that extends into the �
renovationsgettingunderway,thatinclude thelowestbasementlevelthatwasflooded by Tropical Storm Allison in 200I. The basement will be converted into dressing roomsandfacilitiesfortheperformers. Theaters involve a lot of "behind the scenes" technology and equipment essential to making live performances vibrantandexciting.Typicallyoldtheaters are torn down and rebuilt, since this is generallyaneasieroptionofbringingthem up to modern standards, so it is encouragingtoseethislandmarkstructure preserved, updated and restored. Marek Houston has teamed up with General ContractorBellowsandArchitects Studio Redtoworkontheproject-andnotforthe firsttime.Allthreeplayershaveextensive previous experience working on these highly complicated theater renovations, where the work is characterized by high elevations and wide spans, making previous experience, a track-record and safetykeytosuccess.
Marek will be responsiblefor the drywall and paint, under the careful direction of Drywall Supervisor Allan Graham and PaintSupervisorEricKrolczyk.
�:Jl\".1••\•' rtiPi. · , audience, has had all its seating removed, anc\, a new trap floor poured. The roof hasbeenremoved in order to make room for a fourstory fly loft to suspend scenery ' and other components above the stage. Behind the scenes there are extensive other
Twonewjobsarestartingup. The firstis FTI Consulting two-phase tenant build out located on the seventh floor of One Atlantic Center. Wewillbeworkingwith General Contractor Skanska USA Building.Thesecondistherenovationof the third floor of the Coca Cola USA TowerforGCBuilders2020.
JnMarch,wearescheduledtostartonthe installation of 40 automated, multibanded Mecho Shades for our new customerTheConlanCompany.
Construction is scheduled to begin in August on the interior build out ofwhat will be the new home of the Atlanta Falcons Football team. The project will include build out of club suites, concessions and concourses. We will be working with GC Holder,Hunt, Russell, MoodyJY.
Phillips 66, a spinoff company fom ConocoPhillips,is building aonemillion plus square-foot headquarters in West Houston. The new building is scheduled to be completed next year. Marek Houston iscurrently contractedtoinstall fire-resistant intumescent coating on the stairways and elevator shafts, as well as on theexposedstructuresandbridgesfor GC Gilbane Builders. Intumescent paint isdesignedtoprotectsteelfromfire.
Workwillbeginshortly onthe Paloma Ridge tiltwall construction Class A office buildings, where we will be installing core walls, drywall and acoustical ceiIings. Assigned to the construction are Supervisor Terry Lehr,alongwithMartinBonia,Juan Del Toro, Silverio Maya and Juan Sanchez
Great museums capture and revive the past.Storiesallbutforgottenoftheearly Texaspioneers,thehopes they clung to and the challenges they faced will be bought back to life at the new NAU Center for Texas Cultural Heritage. Interactive exhibit halls and galleries will give visitors a chronological journey in real time through Southeast Texas History. In the "Seize the Opportunity" gallery visitors will stand with Sam Houston at Washington-onthe-BrazosasTexasbecomesarepublic, andthenatSanJacintowhenTexaswon independence. They will feel the earth shakeandtheskiesdarkenasSpindletop erupts,anddiscoverhowthephilosophy of"Houston Gives Back" gave birth to theworld'slargestmedicalcenter. Finally, the "Get Things Done" exhibit
willhighlightsomeoftheregion'sgreat achievements, the Johnson Space Center,therailroadsystemandthe Port ofHouston.
The new museum on Capital Street between the George R. Brown Convention Center and Minute Maid Park is well placed along the historic Independence Trail of Texas. The new two-story 70,000 sf steel frame construction will include a visitors' center, theaters, galleries, a retail shop and classrooms, as well as administrativeoffices.
Marek is currently under contract to design-assist Linbeck Construction and BaileyArchitects,andwillsubsequently be installing the drywall and other construction features on this landmark tributetoTexas.