Loyalty Pawn's Three Balls Chronicle Volume 6 Issue 7

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July 2023


Letter from the President

Letter from the General Manager

Loyalty Pawn Family

Store Manager Updates

Golden 1 Center Events

Upcoming Sales

Monthly Birthstone Guide

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries and New Hires

Loyalty Pawn’s Core Goals, Values and Visions

Employee Services Corner

Team Loyalty!

Happy 4th of July to everyone, we hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th of July celebrating with friends, family, and lots of fireworks! We have added some new events that are available so be sure to check that out starting on page 11 and we have many events for you and your families to enjoy, so be sure to get your requests in. We have also added new section learning about how to prevent scams within the pawn industry, so be sure to read up on that information.And don’t forget to share our electronic newsletter with your friends and families on the Issuu App. Keep doing an amazing job Team Loyalty!!

President’s Letter

Hello Team Loyalty,

I may say this every month, but can you believe this year is HALF over? I really cannot from celebrating Fourth of July and wondering where the first half of the year went! I am incredibly grateful for our team. Thank You for all the work each of you have done. I have been doing a lot of thinking because of my mother's health and want to share with you how much I need to have and show more gratitude to the people in my life. Thank You all for being a part of mine. On a side note, my mother is not doing great, but she is doing better, and we should have more answers in the coming weeks or months.

We had another great loan growth month and again are at an all-time high, well-done Team Loyalty! These months with all this growth can become a struggle to keep up with the capital, but we are staying with. We could use your help in the sales side of our business, so let us push those instore and online sales. It will help with growing our loan balance and we all know what the number one item we sell is “MONEY.” We can do it together!

Another great conference coming up at the end of the month, the National Pawnbrokers Association’s Pawn Expo. I am certain we will come back with some valuable information, tools, and inventory. The California Pawnbrokers Association’s Southern California Conference is at the end of September this year. So, I look forward to all the essential information coming our way in the second half of 2023.



Letter from the General Manager

Greetings Everyone,

Here we are halfway through the year. We’re ready for the summer! We can all agree that the heat will keep people indoors. We want to remind everyone about tools in our tool kit that we seldom use like our call-back binders. We used these tools to attract a returning client when we searched for wanted items that our client(s) are looking for. This is still a valued tool that we often use to continue to build our client/ business relationships.

The top salesman for June was Dominic T. in the first place. The 2nd place goes to Paul M. and 3rd place goes to Mark X. Great job team! Florin remains a large target for the rest of the stores. Last month Florin sold over 72k and the 2nd place store was El Camino who. I’m pretty sure that Florin will have it’s work in for them to maintain first place for July!

An update and observation for the 2nd quarter of 2023 was we have grown our loan balance of 378k. This is both great news and a little alarming. While we are happy that this is organic growth, we’re a little concerned about the economic health that is driving this growth. We know that loan growth has a natural cycle within the business. For quarter 2, 378k is aggressive. We are continuing the loan growth and expect to do so this summer. While we grow, it remains important to focus on our sales and the layaway program. Each store is balancing less than 100k in layaways, currently. We continue to have a decent amount of inventory so don’t be afraid to advertise the layaway program.


“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.” -Henry Ford


Loyalty Pawn Family

Greetings Loyalty Pawn family,

Happy 4th of July Loyalty Family, As we get into the month of July, I am here to light the fire within each and every one of you. Our loan growth continues to climb, showing no signs of slowing down. This is a testament to our unwavering dedication and commitment to serving our clients. We have a mission this month to make our layaway programs the talk of the town. Whether it's a traditional layaway, compound layaway, or loyalty layaway, we need to push hard and make these programs a strong topic of discussion in our morning huddles. They are our secret weapon to maintaining our sales momentum and ensuring success. I challenge each store and individual team member to see who can lock in the most layaways this month. Let's rally together, support one another, and strive for greatness. Remember, our loan growth may be impressive, but sales have been soft. It is crucial that we rely heavily on locking in those layaways and, more importantly, maintaining them. Let us provide white glove customer service and guidance to our clients, ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty. This month we are going to get to know one of our newest team members at the El Camino location, Isaac Martinez. I want to remind you all of the incredible potential that lies within each of you. There is no limit to what we can accomplish. Let us push ourselves, support one another, and make July a month of triumph and exceeding expectations.

1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? My favorite way to spend a day off is to skate and exploring new skate parks.

2. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why? The next place on my travel bucket list is New York City. I want to experience the different environment /culture and skate new parks they have.

3. What was your favorite age growing up? My favorite age growing up was 17

4. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not My favorite holiday is Halloween, also because of the weather and like any horror themed holiday.

5. What was the last thing you read? The last thing I read was The Outsiders.

6. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? The last show I binged wasAfro Samurai

7. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music? I listen to a wide range of music only.

8. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better? Doing something that relaxes me.

9. What’s one goal you have for this year personally and professionally? My personal goal for this year is to reach my lean weight.

10. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday? I would ideally spend my birthday by going out either with friends or family.

11. What's your favorite board game? My favorite board game is Chess.

12. What’s the best way the company can celebrate you and your team for success? To acknowledge the team for their hard work

13. What causes are you passionate about? Besides skateboarding I would like to be successful and financially stable.

14. What’s an essential part of your daily routine? An essential part of my daily routine is Working out and eating healthy


15. Who or what inspires you in your career? My uncle inspires me.

16. What’s something an outsider wouldn’t know about your industry? Something an outsider would not know about my industry is that it is a new experience every day.

17. What’s the career highlight you’re most proud of? I do not think I've had a career highlight yet.

18. Do you believe in having a "five-year plan"? Yes, to own my own business one day

19. What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you? To stay out of trouble, and to stay true to myself and work hard.

20. What is your definition of success? My definition of success is owing my own property and designing my own home.


Security Awareness

Greetings Team Loyalty,

We are pleased to introduce a new section in our company newsletter dedicated to preventing scams and fraudulent activities within the pawn industry. Our goal is to create awareness, provide useful examples, and share preventive measures to ensure the safety of our clients and the integrity of our business. We will continue to expand this section of our newsletter, focusing on various scams, fake items, and individuals or gangs operating in areas around us. Your vigilance and awareness are crucial in protecting our clients and our business. Please print out this valuable tool and include it in everyone's call back binders for easy reference. Feel free to share any additional examples or preventive measures you come across with our team.

Scams to be Aware of:

1. Counterfeit Jewelry: Beware of sellers offering jewelry at significantly lower prices than the market average. Counterfeit jewelry may be made of low-quality materials and may not possess the claimed gemstones or precious metals.

2. Diamond Grading Scams: Some unethical sellers may misrepresent the quality of diamonds by inflating their grades or using unreliable grading certificates.Always purchase diamonds with reputable certifications, such as GIAorAGS.

3. Bait-and-Switch: This scam involves showing a desirable piece of jewelry to lure clients, only to switch it with a lower-quality or less valuable item during the sales process.Always inspect the jewelry closely before finalizing the purchase.

4. OverpricedAppraisals: Some jewelers may offer appraisals at inflated values to create a false sense of value and convince clients they are getting a great deal. Get multiple independent appraisals to ensure accuracy.

Preventive Measures:

1. Verify Sellers and Items: Thoroughly verify the legitimacy of any item brought in for pawn or sale. Check identification, conduct qualifying questions, and document all necessary information to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

2. Educate Clients: Inform our clients about the common scams in the pawn industry and how to identify and prevent them. Share our knowledge and expertise to empower them to make informed decisions.

3. Secure Online Platforms: Be cautious of online scams targeting both our business and potential clients. Encourage clients to engage only with reputable pawnshops that provide secure online platforms for transactions.


Examples of Recent Scams:

1. On June 19th, a person called claiming to be referred by Stan and requested reference numbers to be texted to a different phone number and email address. The email address used was not the real Stan's email. This is a common scamming technique, and it is essential to pay close attention to all details and verify the legitimacy of any request for personal information. Scammers are becoming increasingly smart, and it is crucial to be cautious about the information given over the phone, email, or in-person. Remember to always be vigilant and protect your valuable information. It is important to note that Stan, Wayne, and Javier will never use a third party to provide any type of information. If someone claims to be referred by them, it is best to verify their identity and communicate with them immediately. We are committed to ensuring the safety and security of our clients and will do everything in our power to address any issues that may arise. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with them immediately if you have any doubts or concerns.

2. Switching Jewelry Items: Be aware of clients who bring in a genuine jewelry item, only to switch it with a fake one during the evaluation process.Always retest and evaluate items once they have left our side of the counter.

3. 3. Suspicious "Amazon Package": Recently, a sealed package resembling an "Amazon package" addressed to Loyalty Pawn arrived with a letter claiming to be from a wholesale electronics buyer. This individual requested a trial run, directing them to scan a QR code that potentially leads to a phishing attempt.Always double-check envelopes and perform a Google search on shipping addresses to gather more information on potential scams.

Thank you for your commitment to the safety and well-being of our clients and team members. Together, we will stay ahead of scams and maintain the trust our clients have in our services. Stay safe, be careful, and remain vigilant!


Shop Talk Manager Updates

Team Loyalty,

As the heat waves continue into our summer hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated, let’s start off with June being an ok month we did not hit our goal, but we did come in 2nd place at $52,574.20 not our best but gives us a new goal and still motivated for our goal in July as of 72k. We continue to offer our best service on layaways and creative sales. When we say creative, we offer add-ons such as guitar strings, hdmi cables, movies etc. even loose newer bits we can throw in to sweeten the deal. We also have seen an uprise of buying items/merch. Which is good for our inventory but make sure we test everything people are getting creative on broken items. Another positive topic is we would like to welcome Isaac Martinez to our Loyalty Pawn family, He has been great and excelling every week with he workload. He’s motivated and very intrigued about the Pawn Shop business. Also a friendly reminder July 11th is “National Free Slupree Day”

Have a great Summer month Team



Hello Team Loyalty,

Welcome to the start of the third quarter of the year at Loyalty Pawn! As we embark on this new chapter, our focus is on boosting our layaway balance. Currently, our balance stands at $80,000, and our goal is to reach an impressive $100,000. With concerted efforts and dedication, we can make this target a reality. Additionally, we are determined to increase the number of total transactions. Last month, we recorded a remarkable total of 1,311 transactions, and out of those, 361 were buy transactions. This outstanding number of buys not only demonstrates the trust and loyalty our customers have in us but also allows us to replenish our inventory and offer new and exciting products on our shelves. Let's work together to surpass our goals, provide exceptional service, and continue building Loyalty Pawn's reputation as a reliable and customer-oriented company. Together, we can make this quarter a resounding success. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and hard work.



Hello Team,

Broadway is at it again selling and loaning and trying to get it done. We had an epic month with crazy loans coming into the store even up till the end of the month money was still pouring out the door. This coming month we have Lola leaving us to have her baby, we are sad to see her going out but looking forward to her return with the newest member of loyalty pawn. We are working on growing our layaways this month encouraging the early Christmas shopping and the 40% off sale on items to get that aged inventory out the door. Well back to work and fingers crossed for those big sales day at Broadway.

Florin Mall

Loyalty Pawn Families,

Happy Fourth of July to every and be safe out there. Wow, we are starting to see this hot summer heat so please stay hydrated. What is going on at Florin, we are still holding on to $1.8million in loan balance. Florin ended up with a total of $72.3k in sales for the month of June. Team Florin had a topic that we talked about every morning and that was to offer our compound layaway. In June we were able to get 30 traditional with about 90 compounds. We had a PlayStation 5 Daffle last month and we were able to collect 90 entries. We are going to continue to push for it compound layaway again this month. Florin is all decorated for July, and we are excited to see what this month is going to end like. Last July, we ended with $70k in sales and we are going to shoot for $80k. It’s going to be tuff, but we are going to stay optimistic. I know we can hit this goal. I am also going to have another layaway challenge this month for team florin. We are having a great sale this month 1776 Sale-A-Bration with up to 40% off any item with American Flag Sticker. Perfect opportunity to capitalize on the promotion and hit sale goal. This summer heat is going to be a scorcher, so make sure to stay cool and hydrated everyone.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep you balance, you must keep moving.”



Top Performers in June

June End of Month Balances

Sales Productivity Phys Transactions 1st Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) Dominic Tognolini (Roseville #3) 2nd Paul Molina (Florin #2) Norma Bobadilla (El Camino #1) David Palomares (Florin #2) 3rd David Palomares (Florin #2) David Palomares (Florin #2) Norma Bobadilla (El Camino #1) 4th Norma Bobadilla (El Camino #1) Paul Molina (Florin #2) Paul Molina (Florin #2) 5th Josh Bonton (Broadway #4) Danni Robinson (Roseville #3) Ah Xiong (Florin #2)
Loan Balance Purchases Layaway Balance Loyalty Pawn #1 El Camino $1,667,360.00 $27,174.00 $88,398.14 Loyalty Pawn #2 Florin $1,872,671.00 $31,418.00 $53,022.61 Loyalty Pawn #3 Roseville $1,108,477.00 $27,864.50 $80,970.57 Loyalty Pawn #4 Broadway $1,050,614.00 $28,199.00 $87,175.01

Golden 1 Center Upcoming Events

Below is the list of events that are posted as of right now and we will be adding events to this list each month as they get posted! The events in green are available and the events in red have already been spoken for. If you would like to request tickets send you ticket request forms to lauren.l@loyaltypawn.com so that I can get your requests in and if you need a request form email lauren.l@loyaltypawn.com and I can send you a copy! With the Golden 1 Center opening back up there is a limited number of tickets available, so for every event you are only allowed to request and receive 4 tickets per event!

Event Day Date Time Peso Pluma July 9th Sunday 8:00 PM Pandamonium Dude Perfect July 14th Friday 7:00 PM Marca MP July 29th Saturday 8:00 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 3rd Thursday 7:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 4th Friday 7:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 5th Saturday 3:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 5th Saturday 7:30 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 6th Sunday 1:00 PM Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo August 6th Sunday 5:00 PM Santa Fe Klan August 8th Tuesday 8:00 PM Lil Baby August 9th Wednesday 8:00 PM Monster Jam August 11th Friday 7:00 PM Monster Jam August 12th Saturday 7:00 PM Monster Jam August 13th Sunday 7:00 PM Duran Duran August 24th Thursday 8:00 PM Snoop Dogg August 25th Friday 8:00 PM Maluma August 31st Thursday 8:00 PM Phil Wickham and Brandon Lake September 1st Friday 7:30 PM Marco Antonio Solis September 3rd Sunday 8:00 PM 50 Cent September 4th Monday 8:00 PM Alejandro Fernandez September 8th Friday 8:00 PM Los Tigres Del Norte September 9th Saturday 8:00 PM Jonas Brothers September 11th Monday 7:30 PM
12 MANA September 23rd Saturday 8:00 PM Kali Uchas September 24th Sunday 8:00 PM The 1975 September 26th Tuesday 8:00 PM Arctic Monkeys September 27th Wednesday 8:00 PM Christian Nodal September 30th Saturday 8:00 PM Billy Strings October 4th Wednesday 7:30 PM RBD October 7th Saturday 8:00 PM PINK October 12th Thursday 8:00 PM Suicideboys October 14th Saturday 8:00 PM Fuerza Regida October 28th Saturday 8:00 PM Disney on Ice November 2nd Thursday TBA Disney on Ice November 3rd Friday TBA Disney on Ice November 4th Saturday TBA Disney on Ice November 5th Sunday TBA Lauren Daigle November 14th Tuesday 8:00 PM Pepe Aguilar November 19th Sunday 8:00 PM Grupo Fontera w/Luis R. Contiquez November 22nd Wednesday 8:00 PM Stevie Nicks December 12th Tuesday 7:00 PM Madonna January 13th, 2024 Saturday 8:00 PM

July Sales Flyer


Monthly Birthstone Guide

This will help educate you about some of the more popular semi and precious stones we come across and it will also help you close some more sales. The idea is to educate you on each month’s birthstone as you can arrange your cases properly and make suggestions to our clients that may be browsing or even looking for a gift. Let’s think outside the box when utilizing this information.

JANUARY – Garnet

MARCH – Aquamarine


MAY – Emerald

APRIL – Diamond

JUNE –Pearl & Alexandrite

JULY – Ruby

AUGUST – Peridot

SEPTEMBER – Sapphire

OCTOBER – Opal & Tourmaline

NOVEMBER – Citrine & Topaz

DECEMBER – Topaz & Turquoise


Anniversaries, Birthdays and New Hires

July Anniversaries

Tito Molina 7 years

July Birthdays

We do not have any July birthdays this month!

June New Hires

We would like to welcome out most recent new hire to the Loyalty Pawn family. Isaac Martinez to the El Camino team. Welcome Isaac!


Loyalty Pawn’s Goals, Values, and Visions

Company Wide Goals

• To Offer Immediate Relief with a Short-Term Loan.

• To Develop, Recruit and Inspire an Elite Work Force, Driven by Loyal Business Practices.

• To Provide the Highest Standard of Quality, Commitment and Value to Every Customer in Our Loyalty Pawn Family!

Core Values

• Loyalty

• Dedication

• Creativity

Company Vision

• Loyal People Committed to Everyday Satisfaction

“The Leader in Local Lending”

Loyalty Pawn Employee Services Corner


Oh When the scarlet cardinal tells Her dream to the dragon fly, And the lazy breeze makes a nest in the trees, And murmurs a lullaby, It is July.


• July 1 is Canada Day, a Canadian federal holiday that celebrates the creation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867.

• July 3 brings the start of the hot and sultry Dog Days of Summer! Read all about the Dog Days of Summer.

• July 4 is Independence Day (U.S.). On the fourth of July, we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Don’t forget to raise the flag!

• July 14 is Bastille Day, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille and the start of the French Revolution.

• July 18 marks Islamic New Year, which begins with the first sighting of the crescent Moon after the new Moon in the month of Muharram. This event signals the start of the Islamic lunar calendar year.

Here are some more fun things to celebrate in July:

• July 11: International Town Criers Day

• July 17: World Emoji Day

• July 22: Spooner’s Day

• July 23: National Day of the Cowboy

• July 27: Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day

July Full Moon

July’s full Moon, the Full Buck Moon, occurs on Monday, July 3. It reaches peak illumination at 7:39 A.M. (EDT), rising above the horizon after sunrise but it will still be spectacular in the night sky. Plus, it’s the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year.

July’s Moon Phases

Full Moon: July 3, 7:39 A.M. EDT

Last Quarter: July 9, 9:48 P.M. EDT

New Moon: July 17, 2:32 P.M. EDT

First Quarter: July 25, 6:07 P.M. EDT



1. Deadhead your flowers, removing faded blooms from your spring perennial flowers such as peonies, bearded iris, andAsiatic lilies.

2. Harvest daily as vegetables always taste better when young and tender.

3. Stay on top of pests with daily walks of your garden.

4. Mulch, mulch, mulch! Retain moisture and suppress weeds with mulch.

5. Look to your gardens; see that you destroy all kinds of weeds before they go to seed.


July Recipe.

Try this fun twist on a regular burger. The sweet and savory topping is made with apples and the chili base gives a nice kick of unexpected heat. What an absolutely wonderful combination of flavors!

How to Make Classic Beef Sliders…


401K Loyalty Pawn Retirement $avings Program

Are you saving for retirement? Why not start today?

If you have completed 12 months of service with Loyalty Pawn, you’re eligible to participate and start putting away those pretax (or post tax Roth) dollars into your very own 401k account.

To enroll, send me an email and I’ll help you get started. Contact Employee Services at employeeservices@loyaltypawn.com Start saving for retirement’s tomorrow, today!

When it comes to 401(k) plans, it's your money. But your boss and the government make the rules. Need more 401k investment info and advice? Contact our Investment Advisor, John Malhotra.

John S. Malhotra - Financial Services Representative CA Insurance License # 0K09207 1478 Stone Point Drive, Suite 390 Roseville, CA 95661 d (916) 607-9754 | f (844) 295-8527 e malhotra.john@principal.com w www.principal.com


Thank you for my subscription to the Old Farmer’s Almanac for inspirational quotes and the Food Network for this month’s Love People, Cook them Tasty Food content for LP’s Three Ball’s Chronicle this month.

Have a safe and sane 4th of July! U.S.A

If you need HR, Payroll, Benefits, or Family support, Loyalty Pawn’s Employee Services is only a phone call, text message, or email away, on demand, anytime!

Liz Dowd
Dmae Shannon BSHRM 916-752-2255. John Malhotra. 401k. 916607-9754

Loyalty Pawn

Corporate Office: 1708 Broadway

Sacramento, Ca 95818

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