Cultural Bridges Number 26, English Version

Page 25

Sparking Children's Interest in Chinese Culture: Strategies for Nurturing Intrinsic Motivation


BY Dr. Yanfang Su, ScD, MA; Mrs. Yanfen Su, EMBA Founders of Mandarin Playground and Parents in Issaquah School District

Understanding the importance of Chinese culture in our globalized world is essential. Engaging with Chinese culture not only broadens personal perspective but also fosters personal growth with a deeper understanding of the diverse fabric of our world. Learning about Chinese culture enhances appreciation for its rich history, traditions, and arts. This knowledge also promotes cultural sensitivity and respect, which are vital in today's interconnected environment. In professional and personal realms, an understanding of Chinese culture aids in effective communication and building meaningful relationships. Additionally, given China's significant influence in global economics, a deep understanding of its culture is invaluable for navigating international business, diplomatic, and cultural exchanges.

To instigate intrinsic motivation among children for Chinese culture, consider these strategies: Expose Children to Chinese Cultural Experiences: Since 2012, we have collaborated with community partners to offer various cultural opportunities. Immersive experiences in Chinese culture are invaluable. Examples include trying authentic cuisine, watching movies, shopping in supermarkets, attending local Chinese festivals, or participating in cultural workshops such as calligraphy or martial arts. Such experiences create a tangible connection to the culture, making it more accessible and intriguing for children. The 2023 animated movie "Chang An" wonderfully introduces the poet Li Bai to young audiences. Incorporate Interactive Learning Methods: Our experience in afterschool programs, summer camps, and free community events has involved introducing children to Chinese folktales, legendary figures, and the concept of the twenty-four solar terms. Engaging methods like storytelling, games, and multimedia resources effectively introduce Chinese culture. Such interactive approaches make learning fun and memorable, tapping into a child's innate curiosity and fondness for play. Traditional games like Go, WeiQi in Chinese, can particularly captivate their interest. Lead by Example and Show Enthusiasm: Personal enthusiasm for Chinese culture can be highly contagious. When children observe adults around them who are keenly interested in learning about a new culture, it often ignites their curiosity. Sharing what fascinates you about the culture, the language, history, or the arts can inspire a similar interest in them. The cultural ambiance of our homes, which mirrors Chinese aesthetics, often leaves guests feeling as if they've stepped into China itself. Embarking on this journey of cultural exploration is not only enriching but also a delightful experience that we hope you will thoroughly enjoy!

Children browsing B4CC book donations and participating in book co-creation activities at various community events


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