IRT3000 magazine (English edition)

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Indispensible source of information for the professionals A publication that reaches out to professionals and decision makers


Professional exhibition I Roundtable discussion TARAS Award Ceremony FORUM OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE This forum is a platform for the presentation of achievements and novelties from industry, innovations and innovative solutions from industry for industry, knowledge and experience transfer from industry to industry, use of new ideas, concepts, methods, technologies and tools in the industrial environment, actual state of industry with its needs and requirements, successful applied projects from research organizations, institutes and universities executed in industrial environments and cases of knowledge transfer from scientific environment to industry.

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TARAS Award Awarded for the most successful cooperation between the scientific research environment and the economy in the field of innovation, research & development and technologies.

Additional information: Industrial forum IRT, Motnica 7 A, 1236 Trzin, Slovenia I gsm: +386 51 322 442 e-mail: I I Event organizer: PROFIDTP, d. o. o., Gradišče VI 4, 1291 Škofljica Organizational leader of the event: Darko Švetak,


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Dear future business partner! In any business, one must be on a constant lookout for good opportunities. That is why I am sure that you never stop looking for doors to new markets. Are you interested in opening the door to innovative companies on a multi-million market of south-eastern Balkans and Slovenia? We would like to introduce to you the IRT3000 trade magazine! We have selected several professional articles from the magazine’s focus areas and translated them for you from Slovene and Croatian to English. The pages you are browsing present “the best of ” from the following areas: Toolmaking and Machine Building, Maintenance and Technical Diagnostics, Non-Metals, Manufacturing and Logistics, Advanced Technologies, and Joining, Materials and Technologies. The core professional teams overseeing the quality of our magazine are our editorial board and board of experts, which consist of renowned Slovenian and international experts, professors, researchers and journalists. This is exactly how IRT3000 became to be number one among the trade magazines in this area. We have already listed several thematic units, so let us also explain the name of the magazine: IRT3000 stands for Innovation, Research&Development and Technology, while 3000 stands for the new millennium. The IRT3000 magazine has a long tradition in this area and is a source of professional, fresh and credible information for the experts from the following industries:


• technology and mechanical engineering, • process industry,

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mechanics and cybernetics, computer science and IT, multi-disciplinary research, energy, manufacturing technology and systems, mechanical design and integrated motion control systems, • organizational science and logistics. The Slovenian edition is published in 10 issues/year (with over 200 pages) and with a circulation of 2,100. We have 1,110 subscribers for the digital edition, 790 copies of the printed edition are distributed to the addresses of the largest and most innovative Slovenian companies, and 200 copies are handed out at regional trade fairs. The IRT3000 ADRIA magazine in Croatian language is published every three months with a circulation of 3,050. More than 200 pages in each issue are delivered to the readers in four countries of south-eastern Balkans, most of them situated in Croatia and Serbia. The most important question remaining is who reads the magazine and will notice your advertisements. The IRT3000 magazine is read by experts from the enterprise sector, professional associations and educational institutions, as well as by corporate decision makers, advisers in the public offices, professors and students. Our magazine is a media partner to some renowned trade events, and the general and professional audience can visit us at all main trade exhibitions and fairs. We invite you to take a look at the IRT3000 magazine and start advertising in the number one trade magazine in south-eastern Balkans and Slovenia. Seize the opportunity!

Darko Švetak, Editor-in-Chief

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS Fast, Reliable Cleaning of Small, Extremely Sensitive Stamped Parts

Cleanliness for Maximum Precision, Reliability and Speed in Gaming Applications In order to increase cleaning capacity and meet heightened cleanliness requirements for new products, a globally leading manufacturer of computer input devices invested in a new solvent-based cleaning system. The specified surface tension of at least 44 mN/m and particulate requirements are complied with day after day in 3-shift operation with part production quantities in the 7-digit range. Walter Lorraine Cherry, whose roots can be traced back to Germany and whose family name was originally Kirsch, produced the first microswitch for the automotive industry in 1953 in a basement underneath a restaurant in Highland Park, Illinois. 10 years later, the founder of Cherry Corporation ventured to penetrate the European market. The company laid the foundation for its current success with the production of computer keyboards in 1973: in the meantime Cherry is not only the oldest, but rather one of the world’s leading manufacturers of keyboards as well. With its desktop sets including mice, keyboards, card readers and MX switches for mechanical keyboards, the company headquartered in Auerbach, Germany, sets new standards at regular intervals for office and industry applications, safety, gaming applications and components. “On the one hand our customers include end-users such as private persons, doctors, hotels, rental car agencies and insurance carriers, and on the other hand roughly 60 manufacturers of professional gaming keyboards which we don’t produce ourselves. Amongst other things, we guarantee a service life of 50 million activations per individual key for the MX switches used in these keyboards,” reports Michael Schmid, marketing manager at Cherry.

Very Strict Demands for Cleaning

» MX key switches assure highest possible precision and reliability, as well

» The stampings, which are highly susceptible to damage, are cleaned as

as extremely short reaction times, for gaming keyboards. Cleanliness of the metallic contacts plays a decisive role in this respect. | Image: Karl Roll


April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

The switch contacts play a decisive role in this regard, for which a contact resistance of less than 200 mΩ is specified. The contacts are produced as small stampings using various punching oils, and are made of a special bronze alloy with welded-on gold wire. Sheet metal thicknesses lie within a range of just 0.1 mm. The parts are thus very susceptible to damage. “The size of the parts and their resultant sensitivity, as well as the production specification, represent a significant challenge for parts cleaning. Deformation amounting to just a hundredth of a millimetre or any damage changes the way the switches and the overall keyboard function, as do extremely thin films of oil or contamination with small particulates,” explains Christopher Aurand, head of industrialisation at Cherry. Consequently, a surface tension of at least 44 mN/m and a particle-free surface were specified in the cleanliness requirements when the time came to invest in a new solvent-based cleaning

bulk material. A surface tension of at least 44 mN/m and a particle-free surface must be maintained. | Image: Cherry

MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS system in 2017 because of the need for increased capacity. Due to the fact that the company is located in a water protection area, a hydrocarbon solvent was specified for use in the system. “Beyond this, we placed great importance on environmentally compatible, energy-efficient operation, the ability to reuse our special cleaning baskets and an ergonomic system design,” adds Michael Schmid.

Convincing Consultation and Equipment A total of four manufacturers were taken into consideration in the selection process. The contract was awarded to Karl Roll GmbH for a solvent-based cleaning system with vacuum operation adapted to Cherry’s specific requirements. “On the one hand, the highly transparent quotation, good service during the project engineering phase with numerous test setups at Roll’s technology centre and candid, trustful communication were decisive with regard to supplier selection. On the other hand, we were convinced by the manufacturer’s ultrasound solution,” explains Christopher Aurand concerning Cherry’s procurement decision. Roll uses individual oscillators for this solution, which are aligned to the parts to be cleaned in the process chamber in a targeted fashion and thus generate a homogenous sonic field. Furthermore, any possible failure of just a single oscillator has a much smaller effect on cleaning results. Efficient purification of the solvent by means of distillation and filtration, including additional bypass filtration and automatic filter monitoring, also played a role.

Laid Out for Ideal Cleaning Effectiveness and High Throughput The parts are cleaned as bulk material in customer-specific baskets which are set into workpiece carriers. In order to fulfil

the increased throughput requirement, each batch consists of two workpiece carriers. Both of these are placed onto base frames and fed to the process chamber via a 2-lane roller conveyor which is laid out for batches with dimensions of 650 x 550 x 265 mm (L x W x H). The parts are first of all subjected to vapour degreasing and flood cleaning in the chamber using ultrasound and the medium from tank one. This is followed by final cleaning during which the parts are also vapour degreased and treated with ultrasound. Due to the parts’ susceptibility to damage, a relatively high frequency of 80 kHz was selected for ultrasonic cleaning. Furthermore, the batch is swivelled within a range of only plus/minus 20°.

» Cleaning is conducted with the specified hydrocarbon. The baskets are swivelled no more than ±20° during preliminary and final cleaning, including process steps for vapour degreasing and flood cleaning with ultrasound.| Image: Cherry

Drying was a challenge because the small, thin stampings store very little heat. In order to assure that they’re nevertheless completely dry when discharged from the system, it’s equipped with high-performance vacuum drying. This makes it possible to keep dwell time slightly under the very short cycle time per batch. A 10" touch panel is used for system operation and process visualisation. All process parameters are acquired, saved and documented for each and every batch.

» Ultrasonic oscillators with a frequency of 80 kHz are arranged as individual elements within the cleaning chamber. They generate a very homogenous sonic field which contributes to quick cleaning. | Image: Cherry

» The minimal size and thickness of the parts contaminated with punching oil and particles is just as great a challenge for drying as it is for cleaning. | Image: Cherry

» Ultrasonic oscillators with a frequency of 80 kHz are arranged as individual elements within the cleaning chamber. They generate a very homogenous sonic field which contributes to quick cleaning.| Image: Cherry

“We clean parts with the system every day in 3-shift operation with production quantities in the 7-digit range, and we’ve doubled our throughput as a result,” comments Christopher Aurand. Cleaning results are checked with test inks and leave nothing to be desired, as confirmed by Cherry’s head of industrialisation: “Considerably less contamination is carried over into the directly subsequent plasma cleaning step since we’ve placed the new system into operation. This means that the plasma system doesn’t have to be cleaned as often, thus increasing its availability.” This cleaning process is followed by an additional cleanliness inspection by means of gas chromatography mass spectrometry. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS Measurements, quality control and automation

Compact 2D Vision Camera with Deep Learning Onboard SICK is launching its first vision camera with a pre-installed Deep Learning app onboard to make it simple to create custom quality inspections of complex or irregular-shaped goods, packaging and assemblies, especially where they may have previously defied automation using traditional systems.

The SICK Intelligent Inspection Deep Learning App runs on SICK’s newly launched Inspector P621 2D programmable vision camera. The all-in-one package enables machine builders and end-users to set up vision classifications using artificial intelligence in a fraction of the time and cost it would take to program challenging inspections based on recognising the pre-set rules and patterns of traditional vision systems.

Neil Sandhu, SICK’s UK Product Manager for Imaging, Measurement and Ranging explains: “By embedding the Intelligent Inspection App onto SICK’s Inspector P621 deep learning camera, SICK has made it possible for users to purchase a ready-made package that uses artificial intelligence to run complex vision inspections with ease. “Users are guided through an intuitive process that teaches the system how to recognise ‘good and bad’ examples using SICK’s specially-optimised neural networks in the cloud.”

» Intelligent-Inspection-Inspector-P-Product-Shot | Image: SICK Practical and Affordable AI Classification Where it has previously been very challenging to achieve consistently robust and repeatable quality inspections, with SICK Intelligent Inspection they can now be mastered with high levels of reliability and availability. Automation is therefore now practical and affordable for complex imaging tasks such as sorting fresh fruit and vegetables, checking the orientation of timber profiles by recognising the annual ring structure, checking leather car seats for creases or flaws, or inspecting the integrity of solders in surface mount assemblies. 6

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

» Smart control in bottle filling plant using Inspector P621 camera and deep learning application. | Image: Sick

Intuitive Step-By-Step Process Using the SICK Inspector 621’s in-built image capture tool, users begin by collecting example images of their product in realistic

MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS production conditions. Guided step-by-step through the intuitive graphic interface, the system prompts them to sort the images into classes. Using SICK’s dStudio service, the pre-sorted images are uploaded to the Cloud where the image training process is completed by the neural network. The user can then apply further production images to evaluate and adjust the system. Once the user is satisfied, the custom-trained deep learning solution is downloaded to the SICK Inspector P621 camera where it can begin to take decisions automatically with no further Cloud connection necessary. Results are output to the control system as sensor values and digital I/O. The image inference is carried out directly on the device, so there is no need for an additional PC. As the system training is done in the Cloud, there is also no need for separate training hardware or software, saving on implementation time and cost. “Because it runs directly on the camera, the SICK Intelligent Inspection app does not require any additional hardware,” Sandhu continues. “So, users can automate complex vision inspections for a much lower cost of ownership. They can now consider automating quality inspections of products or goods that have just proved too difficult previously. “Even better, the system can be set up in no time at all. Many users will be able to manage this process themselves. However, if needed, SICK is also offering services to support customers through the feasibility, commissioning and neural network training process.” Users also have access to a large set of traditional machine vision

tools installed as standard on the SICK Inspector P621, so they can extend the functionality of their quality inspection further. Developers working in SICK’s AppSpace can also use SICK’s Nova software tools for further custom development and to create their own SensorApps. Starting with the Intelligent Inspection on-camera package still saves significant development time and cost.

SICK Inspector P621 The SICK Inspector P621 is a versatile all-in-one 2D CMOS vision sensor with 1.3mpix image resolution. With flexible illumination provided by powerful on-board LEDs, a high-quality lens, and an adjustable electric focus, the SICK Inspector 621 provides high-quality images out of the box to support the Deep Learning process. With a rugged IP65 housing, its compact 71mm x 43mm x 35.6mm dimensions mean it can be installed even in small machine spaces and at tight angles. Its versatility for many applications is assured through a wide range of communications interfaces and compatibility with EtherNET/IP, EtherCAT, Profibus and PROFINET fieldbuses. SICK Deep Learning is also now available as licensed option for all InspectorP600 2D vision sensors. Initially available with image classification, the SICK Intelligent Inspection App, will be extended to incorporate anomaly detection, localisation and segmentation functions later in 2021.

Doosan Robotics Wins Honoree at CES® 2022 Innovation Awards for its Camera Robot System Doosan Robotics announced it has been named as Honoree in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2022 Innovation Awards for its camera robot system, "New Inspiration. New Angle. (NINA)". The CES Innovation Awards program, organized by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), is an annual competition honoring outstanding consumer technology products. Doosan's NINA was recognized by CTA this year for its consumer-friendly software designed to empower anyone to adopt professional cinematography skills using camera robots. NINA is assisted by Doosan's proprietary software with simplified user-interface helping people without robotics experiences take easy control. The system automatically senses an object and calculates distance allowing smooth and consistent robotic-assisted filming. Users can pre-test angles by running simulations before actual filming, conserving time, and saving production costs. Alongside internal elements, NINA also comes with award-winning hardware. Doosan's robot that features NINA boasts 360-degree rotation creating uniqueness in cinematic works and is ergonomically compact in design, providing performance on par with industry robots with a payload of 25KG. The robot's safety and emergency stop functions were validated with the highest safety scores and provides collision sensitivity powered by six-torque sensors. Moreover, NINA comes with an external controller that acts as a joypad, assisting easy command. To further enhance its accessibility, Doosan plans to build an open-platform for users to exchange presets of camera movements

» Doosan Robotics won the Innovation Award CES 2022 for its camera robot system | Image: Doosan Robotics

to diversify filming results and allow beginners to incorporate difficult-to-film angles at a click of a button. "Today's recognition marks another great milestone for Doosan Robotics and the team who have worked relentlessly to develop robot solutions used in everyday workstream," said William (Junghoon) Ryu, CEO at Doosan Robotics. "We will continue advancing service robots to help people accomplish more valuable work placing safety as top priority and democratize its use by providing easier usability and wider access to all levels." The award-winning Doosan Robotics will be exhibiting at CES 2022, showcasing their innovative technology lineup between January 5 to 8, 2022. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS Smart, efficient and gentle on resources

Apatin Brewery modernizes its production shop and opts for KHS • Brewery revamps two glass lines and invests in an Innofill Can DVD can filler • Company benefits from improved hygiene and efficiency • Conversions and new investment considerably cut media consumption

Molson Coors is one of the biggest brewery groups in the world. The Serbian plant run by its subsidiary Apatinska Pivara Apatin has relied on technology engineered by KHS for over four decades. The long and trusting partnership between the two companies was recently further cemented by conversions to two of the brewery’s glass lines and the procurement of a KHS Innofill Can DVD can filler. As a result of these extensive modernization measures, Apatin Brewery has been able to greatly optimize its line efficiency and product quality. The traditional brewery also benefits from improved hygiene and savings in energy and media.

» In 2020 traditional Apatin Brewery invested in the Innofill Can DVD can filler from KHS. | Image: KHS Group

» Apatinska Pivara Apatin Brewery was established in Apatin in Serbia in 1756. The traditional company is now part of the Molson Coors Group. | Image: KHS Group

The cooperation between Apatin Brewery and the Dortmund systems supplier dates back to the 1970s and to KHS’ predecessor companies Holstein & Kappert and Seitz Enzinger Noll Maschinenbau AG (SEN), who in 1993 merged to form KHS. “We’ve always had a really reliable partner at our side in KHS. Its personnel know not only our production site and technology inside out; they’re also familiar with our requirements and all possible challenges,” smiles Tanja Popović, packaging manager at Apatin Brewery. When in 2014 the brewery decided to modernize a few of its machines – some of them almost 20 years old – it again went for sustainable systems from its long-term partner KHS. The mechanical engineering company first renewed two glass lines and in 2020 the customer then invested in the Innofill Can DVD can filler. “Our old machines could no longer meet our current demands regarding product quality, performance and sustainability,” Popović explains. 8

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

“Together with our colleagues from KHS, we devised a sophisticated concept for modernizing our lines.

Resource savings and improved economy KHS started revamping the first glass line back in 2014. The brief was to reduce media and electricity consumption on the bottle washer. By installing ECO carriers the KHS engineers considerably optimized the resource efficiency and economy of the system. “The machine now not only uses a lot less water and caustic and fewer additives; it also consumes less energy,” states Bojan Culibrk, KHS’ local service manager. Just four years later Apatin Brewery took the next step towards sustainable production by modernizing one of its glass fillers. The KHS specialists replaced the old vacuum pump with a new ECO variant that feeds process water back into the system after treatment. “On the one hand, we’ve cut media consumption, and on the other, the filler is now more economical and more efficient,” says Culibrk. The ECO vacuum pump proved so convincing that the Serbian bottler also procured this piece of equipment for its second glass filler.


» Using HMI panels makes the machine much easier to operate. All processes are now automated and many of them have been digitalized. | Image: KHS Group

Optimized product quality and less wear The traditional brewery, founded in 1756, also commissioned KHS to install a new capper turret. This is a lot easier to clean than the previous model, Culibrk explains. “It lowers the risk of product contamination and as a result, hygiene is improved.” Furthermore, KHS was also able to optimize the cap quality on the glass bottles. In addition to improved hygiene and product quality, the Serbian beverage producer also wanted to automate its plant technology. This has been achieved by using HMI panels integrated on the glass lines and new can filler. According to Popović, this makes the machine much easier for operators to use, as all sequences are automated and many of them have been digitalized. “The new programs for product changeover, sanitizing and filling speed up our processes. Using this state-of-the-art technology, we achieve a much higher level of production efficiency and avoid unplanned downtime thanks to improved safety and reliability in filling,” says Popović. The HMI system also detects wear parts in advance, meaning that replacements can be ordered in good time.

Sustainable and efficient beverage canning In 2020 the brewery then ultimately invested in an Innofill Can DVD filler. “We had to boost our capacity in this segment in order to meet the growing demand for beverages in cans,” Popović declares. “With our new filler we can process up to 25,000 0.5-liter cans an hour. We’re also more efficient and sustainable.” According to the company’s own statistics, the output runs to more than two million hectoliters per annum. On the Innofill Can

» The new filler processes up to 25,000 0.5-liter cans per hour and scores on sustainability and efficiency. | Image: KHS Group

» The brewery has a large portfolio that includes the brands Jelen, Jelen Chill, Jelen Cool, Apatinsko, Staropramen, Bavaria, Nikšićko and Nikšićko Tamno. The beverages are filled into glass bottles and cans. | Image: KHS Group

DVD it fills all of its brands into containers holding 0.33 and 0.5 liters, among them Jelen, Jelen Chill, Jelen Cool, Apatinsko, Staropramen, Bavaria, Nikšićko and Nikšićko Tamno. The brewery chiefly supplies the regional market, namely Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Northern Macedonia and Slovenia. Popović is not ruling out expansion, however. “With its high capacity and efficiency, the new filler provides ideal conditions for this.”

Optimum hygienic filling conditions Besides the high throughput, hygiene and product quality also played a key role when making the new investment. The Innofill Can DVD permits warm filling of beverages at around 20°C. This method becomes more significant particularly regarding the further processing stages as it practically eliminates the formation of condensation. This more or less rules out the risk of cartons, trays and cans in six packs growing soggy, forming mold or being contaminated by microbes. The brewery is also convinced by the new CO2 purging process that has an equally positive impact on the product quality, as Culibrk comments. “Oxygen pickup impairs the quality of the beverage. In order to prevent this, in modern production containers are purged with CO2.” The KHS purging process is so efficient that less oxygen enters the containers compared to using conventional methods – despite lower amounts of carbon dioxide being used. Moreover, the volumetric filling principle also improves the filling accuracy.

Installation despite restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic The can filler was installed during the COVID-19 pandemic and under the restrictions imposed by this. “Thanks to our local presence in Serbia and the Balkans, we were able to carry out all work quickly and efficiently. Travel restrictions and social distancing of course presented us with a challenge or two during the course of our day-to-day activities. However, together with the customer we managed to bring the project to a successful close within the given schedule,” Culibrk smiles. Popović also draws a positive conclusion. “The dedication and commitment shown by the KHS team have left a lasting impression on us. We were always able to rely on them and their expertise.” This is why KHS will continue to be first choice for Apatin Brewery when it comes to expanding production or procuring new technologies. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS Schröder Group at Blechexpo 2021

From sheet metal working machines up to an industrial bending center The Schröder Group will present a wide range of sheet metal working machines at Blechexpo from October 26 to 29, 2021. The highlight at booth 1709 in Hall 1 of the exhibition in Stuttgart is the continuation of a success story: The PowerBend Professional, one of the manufacturer's most popular folding machines, underwent a relaunch and is now even more flexible in its application possibilities. The PDC-NC motorized guillotine shear has also been improved.

» EVO Center with fully

automatic tool changer | Image: Schröder Group

The most noticeable change on the PowerBend Professional, a folding machine for up to 3 mm thick steel sheet, is more space: The clearance for handling work pieces has been increased to 500 mm clamping beam stroke - previously it was 350 mm. Several drives are now completely servo-controlled, which among other things allows faster and more accurate positioning of the center of rotation. Converter-controlled 2 × 3.0 kW drives move the folding beam. A world premiere will also take place on the PowerBend Professional at Blechexpo: Hans Schröder Maschinenbau will present the first optical bending angle measuring system for inline quality assurance during folding.

Cutting, beading, flanging

» The new edition of the PowerBend Professional will be on display at

» Motorizied shear PDC-NC with new software control Cut Control | Image:

Blechexpo. | Image: Schröder Group


April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

The Schröder PDC-NC motorized shear has been given a convenient touch display control and its most important functional extension is the incremental production queue for serial cutting with presetting of up to 99 different or repetitive gauge dimensions. The second shear to join the line is the MHSU with pneumatically controlled hold down device.

Schröder Group


» Slip bending

roll type 134/15/2 | Image: Schröder Group

Other exhibition machines at the Blechexpo booth of the Schröder Group is the industrial folding machine EVO Center (4,000 × 3.0 mm) with fully automatic tool changer. There is a special little detail to be discovered on the MAKU motorized folding machine: a two-axis back gauge for conical bending, with which, for example, it is finally possible to conveniently produce wall copings, roof edge trims and verge plates. The slip bending roll type 134 will be shown with its special rolls for the production of stainless steel formers. The flaring machine 431 and the segmented folding machine ASK 3 are further exhibition machines.

AM Solutions at the formnext exhibition,in Frankfurt

Innovative products are setting new standards for post processing and surface refinement At this year’s formnext in Frankfurt AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology is presenting not one but three trend setting machines. The new S1 Wet was specifically developed for the removal of residual powder and the surface homogenization and smoothing of metallic 3D components.

With the S2 the experts for automated post processing solutions are presenting the first shot blast machine for treating 3D printed components made from polymers in indexing, continuous flow mode. Of particular interest will be the C2 system that allows the chemical surface smoothing and application of a color dye in one single machine. The increasing utilization of additive manufacturing for volume production of standard components goes hand-in-hand with increasing demands for quality, consistency and cost efficiency of the post processing and surface refinement operations for 3D printed components. For this purpose AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, the division of Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH that specializes in automated post processing and surface finishing solutions, presents various innovative developments at this year’s formnext (hall 12, booth C 119). The new systems were specifically developed for volume production of 3D printed components made from metal and plastic.

» The new wet blast

system S1 Wet was specifically developed for the removal of residual powder and the surface homogenization and smoothing of 3D printed components made from metal. Because of the wet process the compact plug and play system requires no protective ATEX accessories. | Image: Rösler Oberflächentechnik

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



» The innovative C2 system (pending patent

application) allows the fully automatic chemical surface smoothing of 3D printed components made of common polymers and elastomers (including TPU) in series. Later on the application of a color dye on the work pieces will also be possible. For the chemical smoothing operation AM Solutions – 3D post | Image: Rösler Oberflächentechnik

Consistent de-powdering, surface homogenization and smoothing of metal components One of these developments is the wet blast machine S1 Wet that was specifically developed for post processing 3D printed components made from metal. Besides the removal of residual powder, the compact plug and play system also allows the surface homogenization and smoothing. Depending on the surface roughness of the raw components, the S1 Wet can produce low Ra values. To a certain extent, this is even possible on the surface areas of internal passages and / or cavities. The wet process prevents small metal particles removed from the work pieces, dust and shavings from creating a combustible or explosive mixture. Therefore, it does not require the installation of protective ATEX accessories. The water layer created on the part’s surface prevents from abrasive media inclusions. As an option, an integrated waste water recycling system consistently removes any contaminants from the slurry consisting of blast media and water limiting the water consumption. The S1 Wet system can be used for a variety of post processing tasks

ranging from the manual processing of single components to fully automatic batch operation.

Efficient post processing in indexing continuous flow mode Placing entire batches of plastic components, produced with powder-bed printing systems, into a machine, selecting the respective processing program, and everything else running fully automatically. With its new ATEX compliant S2 shot blast machine, AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology is fulfilling this demand for effective, time- and personnel-saving post processing with repeatable results. After being placed in the machine, the work pieces are gently passing through a special troughed belt in single-piece flow. This allows the complete removal of any residual powder. Depending on the utilized blast media, the work piece surface can also be homogenized or peened. The blast media cleaning and recycling system, integrated into the plug and play system, is a major reason for achieving absolutely clean and repeatable results. It ensures that the blast media remains at a consistently high quality. A patent application covering the machine and the process is pending.

Eco-friendly chemical surface smoothing and application of a dye in one single machine

» The new S2 allows the efficient post processing of plastic components, produced with powder-bed printing systems, in indexing, continuous flow mode. | Image: Rösler Oberflächentechnik


April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

The design of the C2, presented at formnext as a concept solution, is based on Rösler’s comprehensive knowhow in the fields of equipment building and consumables. The innovative C2 system (pending patent application) allows the fully automatic chemical surface smoothing of 3D printed components made of common polymers and elastomers (including TPU) in series. Thus, the costly single piece handling of the work pieces is completely eliminated for this post processing operation. In addition, a future, retrofittable update will also allow the application of a color dye on the work pieces. Of particular interest is that the non-hazardous processing media, developed by AM Solutions – 3D post processing technology, permits the eco-friendly chemical surface smoothing so that the spent media can be easily disposed of without any environmental restrictions. The new C2 will be available commercially in the first quarter of 2022.


Elesa standard component manufacturing goes Green with hydroelectric and other 100% renewable power Elesa are delighted that their “Elesa goes Green” program has recently advanced with the signing of a “renewable energy” contract with major supplier A2A. The “Elesa goes Green” program means that in their Monza production plant Elesa are now contracted to use only electricity from 100% renewable sources. That is to say only energy produced through the use of natural resources (water, sunlight, wind, tides, geothermal heat etc.) which therefore do not involve CO2 emissions.

This ensures significant Green benefits that are immediately passed on to Elesa customers by reduction of CO2 in their supply chain, so improving their own carbon footprint. »This supply will have a slightly higher cost but we believe that this and many other efforts must be made by everyone in the world to reduce global emissions as soon as possible and in any case bring them to zero within 2-3 decades. This is an objective and a challenge of a difficulty never encountered before by human civilization, and which can only be achieved if we all consider it an emergency and act accordingly.« dr. Andrea Bertani, Elesa Executive Director – Finance & Administration The “Elesa goes Green” program selected A2A, the primary Italian national electricity supplier, which favours hydroelectric energy produced with water from reservoirs located in the nearby Italian Alps. Water power, of course, represents one of the few storable and renewable energy sources and is among the main alternatives to fossil fuels. The A2A hydroelectric plants utilize both flowing water, directly tapping kinetic energy from the flow of a watercourse, and potential energy storage, using dams to collect the water upstream of the plants. Elesa are market leading manufacturers of standard industrial components and related measurement devices such as handwheels, clamping handles, positioning indicators and many other items for machine and equipment producers. Environmental considerations

» Elesa is the leading producer of standard industrial component and within its “Elesa goes Green” program uses energy from 100 percent renewable sources. | Image: Elesa

are therefore an important consideration in the overall production mix. Their energy partner A2A are focused on contributing to the attainment of 11 of the 17 United Nations 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals and so make an excellent supplier for companies seeking to lower their impact on the environment. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



STADLER renovates the CITR waste management facility FCC Medio Ambiente has completed the renovation of the CITR (Centro Integral de Tratamiento) waste management facility located in Las Marinas, El Campello, in the Alicante province, which it has been managing since April 2009. FCC Medio Ambiente, part of the FCC Group, has been delivering environmental services for more than 110 years. Today, it serves 66 million people in more than 5,000 municipalities around the world. It manages annually more than 23.5 million tons of waste as a resource, through a network of more than 200 environmental recovery and recycling complexes.

The CITR is a large facility that manages extreme variations in waste input. It serves 52 municipalities in Marina Alta, Marina Baja and El Campello. FCC Medio Ambiente has chosen STADLER, a world leader in MSW plants, for the renovation, based on the long-standing relationship between the two companies. "The size of the facility, the short time in which to complete the works, and the added complexity of having to carry out the refurbishment while the plant was in operation, were factors that drove our decision to choose STADLER," says Javier Cerezo, technical manager of FCC Medio Ambiente. In the words of Policarpo Caballero, STADLER's project manager: "It has been a challenge for several reasons: the project was implemented in 5 different phases, and we have had to adjust to the existing infrastructure. In a new project it is easier to fit everything in, because you start from scratch. In this case, precision has been critical in installing our equipment without damaging the existing machines." in the waste treatment sector. The Las Marinas CITR in El Campello has been operating since 2009 and was due for a refurbishment and modernization. This project arose from the need to meet the new regulations, which require greater recovery of materials, the treatment of organic waste from separate collection, and a more careful management of odor emissions. In addition, a facility such as the CITR has a key role to play in the circular economy,” says Javier Cerezo

A project completed in record time Javier Cerezo adds: "The waste treatment sector in Spain has been in constant evolution for many years now, and it will continue to do so in order to address the challenge of the European objectives. With new technologies such as STADLER’s it is possible to extract mores materials, with better quality, from the processed waste, as well as producing compost or alternative fuels." With this modernization, the CTIR has raised its performance to the level of newly built plants and will be able to provide service to the municipalities’ satisfaction for the next 15 years. Over 3 months, STADLER has replaced the technology that had become obsolete with the latest generation equipment and leading brands 14

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The plant has continued to operate normally, allowing the customer to process material during the project’s implementation. "We only had to shut down the plant for two days. We are really pleased with the excellent collaboration with FCC Environment and for not having to interrupt the plant's activity. This was possible thanks to a by-pass designed with belts that were at the plant, connecting the existing trommel to the existing cabin," explains Policarpo Caballero. Ana López, in charge of developing STADLER’s concept for the plant, says: "It is important that the plant did not stop running because it is in one of the most touristic areas of the Peninsula. It operates virtually uninterrupted, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. It has also been a challenge because it is a high-capacity waste

MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS treatment facility, with demanding requirements in engineering, technology and workmanship. We have been able to achieve this thanks to STADLER's professional assembly team and a factory design developed for rapid on-site assembly. These factors, together with the good coordination and joint effort with the customer, have led to a successful outcome." Javier Cerezo confirms: "This refurbishment had to be carried out while the plant was in operation and taking into account the seasonal nature of waste generation in the more than 50 municipalities it serves. These municipalities, located in the Marina Alta and Baja regions, cover a large part of the coast of Alicante with well-known towns such as Benidorm, Denia, Calpe and Jávea".

new compost refining and glass sorting line. The integration of a Solid Recovered Fuel production line for cement is a particularly innovative element of the refurbished plant. Javier Cerezo explains: "This line incorporates, among other processes, a low-temperature drying stage to guarantee the required humidity. The plant has been fitted with the equipment needed to produce Solid Recovery Fuel practically to demand, as it is able to control parameters such as composition, granulometry and moisture content."

Objectives achieved

A project in five phases to adapt the plant to the new requirements The five phases consisted of the installation of the new equipment in five areas of the facility: Compost, Refining, Biomethanization, MSW and selective organic collection. In order to achieve optimum recovery in optical separation, STADLER supplied and installed 2 trommels for screening closed bags and bottles of different sizes, 3 ballistic separators – 2 for each of the fractions of the trommel and one for the fractions from bulky waste, after passing through a shredder. "In the biomethanization plant, we have installed our belts among many existing belts and machinery. In the MSW plant, we have reused trommels, cabins and feeders, and we have adjusted the customer's existing belts by lengthening or shortening them according to the needs of the facility’s new design," says Policarpo Caballero.

In addition, STADLER has installed a new selective organic collection pre-treatment line in order to process this flow separately in compliance with current waste management regulations, and a

With this process, the main objectives have been achieved through a major engineering project developed by STADLER. These have been: the increase of the plant's treatment capacity and recovery ratios, the installation of a new differentiated line for selective organic collection material treatment, the installation of a new Solid Recovered Fuel line, the improvement in the compost refining process, and the reduction of rejects (waste sent to landfill). "In short, the aim was to recycle more and better, reducing the environmental impact," adds Ana López. "It was an automated plant with optical separators, but with old models that did not work properly. The plant's technology had become obsolete and had reached the end of its useful life. New equipment with the latest technology was needed to achieve the desired by-product treatment and recovery objectives," she explains.

"The truth is that everything went very well, the work was completed on time. All thanks to our excellent fitters and good coordination with FCC Medio Ambiente," concludes Policarpo Caballero. Javier Cerezo agrees: "The teams from both companies have been able to coordinate perfectly and adapt to the changes." He also expresses his satisfaction with STADLER's work: "Their experience in the design of waste treatment lines has been of enormous help in modernizing the CITR. I recommend STADLER for their seriousness, professionalism, the quality of their equipment and of the machinery installed, among other reasons. Without a doubt, STADLER has proven to be a reliable supplier of waste treatment plants." April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



» The automatica fair will

open its doors to exhibitors and visitors at the Munich Exhibition Center from 21st to 24th June this year. | Image: automatica

Automatica 2022 right on track • All industry leaders to take part again this year • New trend topic: sustainable production • Industry continues to grow

The indicators for automatica 2022, which will be held at the Munich exhibition grounds from June 21 to 24, are very positive. All industry leaders have already applied half a year before the event. Companies such as ABB, DENSO, Doosan Robotics, Epson, FANUC, Hanwha, igus, Kawasaki, KUKA, Omron, Stäubli, Universal Robots, Yamaha, and Yaskawa will represent the robotics sector. From the assembly and handling technology sector, Asys, ATS, Bosch Rexroth, DEPRAG, Festo, HAHN Group, Manz, Mikron Automation, PIA Automation, Rhein-Nadel-Automation, Schaeffler, SCHUNK, STIWA, teamtechnik Maschinen und Anlagen, Weber Schraubautomaten, Weiss, Zeltwanger, ZVB, Zimmer, and many others have submitted their application. From the machine vision sector, companies such as Asentics, Basler, Carl Zeiss, Euclid Labs, IDS, Inxpect, ISRA Vision, MVTec, Visual Components, and VMT will be exhibiting in Munich. The sectors of sensor technology, control system technology and industrial communication, 16

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software and cloud computing, safety and security technology, positioning systems, drive technology, supply engineering as well as research and technology will also be wellrepresented by exhibitors such as Balluff, Beckhoff, Cenit, DLR, EUCHNER, Fraunhofer, HIWIN, KEYENCE, LEANTECHNIK, LEONI, maxon, Nabtesco, Neugart, SICK, Siemens, SUMITOMO, UNIMOTION, and wenglor sensoric.

Newcomers also use automatica as a platform In addition to the established industry leaders mentioned above, numerous newcomers such as Agile Robots, Apera, exoIQ, Franka Emika, fruitcore robotics, incubedIT, Isochronic, Kassow, Mech-Minds, Micropsi Industries, Neura Robotics, Robotiq, Rethink, robominds, Techman Robot, Wandelbots, Yuanda Robotics, or Xitaso will also use automatica 2022 as an opportunity to present themselves.

MANUFACTURING AND LOGISTICS New trend topic For exhibitors and visitors alike, the event will have a focus on innovations and products related to the established trend topics of Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Man and Machine. This cluster has now been complemented by Sustainable Production, which is mainly motivated by the EU's goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050. This requires rapid changes in automation, which poses a major challenge for the entire industry. automatica offers the perfect platform to present the diverse approaches towards this goal.

About automatica automatica is the world's leading marketplace for automated smart production. It is the trend setting event for companies from all industry sectors, providing access to innovations, knowledge, and trends with a high degree of business relevance. automatica focuses and shapes the transformation of industrial production – from automated to autonomous facilities. Messe München GmbH and VDMA Robotics + Automation, conceptual sponsor of the trade fair, are behind the industry-driven concept of automatica.

Top-notch supporting program

Familiar halls, exciting parallel events

And then there are additional highlights for automatica participants. After its successful digital premiere in 2021, the AI and robotics platform munich_i will take place as an in-person event this year, comprising the High-Tech Summit on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, a digital Robothon, and the AI.Society special show. In addition, automatica will once again hold the well-known automatica Forum, complemented by hybrid elements. Furthermore, a Test Zone is planned where robotics and automation applications can be tried out on site. More highlights and novelties of the supporting program are also available online at

The familiar halls A4 to A6 and B4 to B6 have been allocated, but there will also be a novelty in 2022: Both analytica (the world's leading trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology) and ceramitec (leading international trade fair for the ceramics industry) will be held simultaneously with automatica 2022. Two additional industries, one great advantage: Significant overlaps enable participants to leverage synergies between the trade fairs.

Messe München Messe München is one of the leading exhibition organizers worldwide with more than 50 of its own trade shows for capital goods, consumer goods and new technologies. Every year, about 50,000 exhibitors and around 3 million visitors take part in more than 200 events at the exhibition center in Munich, at the ICM – Internationales Congress Center München, the Conference Center Nord and the MOC Veranstaltungscenter München as well as abroad. Together with its subsidiary companies, Messe München organizes trade fairs in China, India, Brazil, Russia, Africa, Turkey and Vietnam. With a network of associated companies in Europe, Asia and South America, and with around 70 representatives abroad for more than 100 countries, Messe München has a truly global presence.

Industry growth continues Generally speaking, automatica comes at the perfect point in time as the industry continues to grow. Frank Konrad, CEO of HAHN Automation GmbH, confirms: “Our industry is on the upswing: Due to the pandemic, companies have postponed investments in robotics and automation, and now have a huge backlog. At the same time, new business is boosted by the topics of climate neutrality and sustainable use of resources.” The VDMA Robotics and Automation Association, conceptual sponsor of automatica, announced in a December 2021 press release that it expects strong industry growth of ten percent for the current year. The association expects the industry turnover to reach 14.7 billion euros in 2022, precisely matching the pre-crisis level of 2019. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


NON-METALS First programme arburgXvision 2022

Making your supply chain work for you – Secure supply chains as a strategic advantage!” Last year, Arburg successfully launched a new digital format, “arburgXvision”, an interactive, live internet TV series highlighting important topics in the plastics industry in an informative, expert, and simultaneously entertaining way. The format will, of course, continue in 2022. First up: the controversial topic of supply chains, which will be illuminated and discussed by top experts from Arburg and auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

“The feedback on our new digital format ‘arburgXvision’ in 2021 has clearly proved that the combination of knowledge transfer and entertainment is very well received in the industry,” says Dr Christoph Schumacher, Director of Marketing at Arburg. He also noted that the highlight of the programmes turned out to be the discussion panel, which got to the heart of all the important aspects and included live answers to viewers’ questions.

A class of its own: Concentrated expertise on arburgXvision “As with technology, we don’t rest on our laurels when it comes to communication, but continue to develop our products with an eye to our target groups and the future,” says Dr Christoph Schumacher. For this reason, all elements of the format were put to the test, focused and the concept developed accordingly. The focus of the one-hour, German-language programmes is the discussion panel in the Arburg studio. In addition to two high-calibre company representatives, there is now always an external expert on hand to shed light on the respective topic from all sides. A link to the company offers fascinating practical insights and, as before, viewers can interactively shape the programme with their questions to the experts.

Always up to date: It all kicks off on 17 February 2022, from 2 to 3 pm, with the programme “Making your supply chain work for you – Secure supply chains as a strategic advantage!”. Presenter Guido Marschall will discuss this highly topical subject with Guido Frohnhaus, Arburg Managing Director Technology & Engineering, Werner Faulhaber, Arburg Divisional Manager Development, and Stefan Schrauf, Partner at PwC Germany and expert in supply chain management. The advantages of Arburg’s central development and production site with considerable in-house production depth and short, stable supply chains are also illustrated by the link to Lossburg. Anyone unable to watch the programmes live on can watch them later in the website’s media library. The media library also has all the programmes from 2021, highlighting important topics in the plastics industry last year.


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Range of control units H1250/… Basezone The rugged control unit range H1250/… stands out through its simplicity, intuitive operation and precise control. It is designed as a plug-and-play unit and dispenses with extended features. It only has the classic additional features such as boost and standby function as well as a switch-over option to manual mode in percent. Intuitive operation and precise control The unit is operated via a clearly arranged, self-explanatory membrane keypad, in each case directly next to the temperature display. For each zone, corresponding control displays transmit the current status and unambiguous error reports such as a sensor break or excess temperature.

Excellent cost effectiveness The one, two and four-zone devices are very compact in design and can thus be simply positioned next to the injection moulding machine. All the control units are immediately available ex stock at very attractive prices.

K 2022 from 19 to 26 October 2022 in Düsseldorf Global plastics and rubber industries get their act together for climate protection, the circular economy and digitalisation. Exhibitor database now online +++ High internationality +++ K-Talk, K-MAG and K-monthly now already provide pooled know-how. At the start of the K year it becomes evident once again that the plastics and rubber experts all agree: K in Düsseldorf is the most relevant meeting point for the entire industry worldwide. Exhibitors from throughout the world come to Düsseldorf to demonstrate the operational excellence of the industry and actively chart the course for the future together with visitors. And this course clearly leads to climate protection, circular economy and digitalisation – and these are also the three declared guiding themes of K 2022. The open exchange and dialogue on solutions-oriented innovations and sustainable developments across national borders and continents will also be in focus at this year’s K in Düsseldorf. It fulfils the ideal prerequisites for engaging in intense global networking and for jointly advancing projects. Because nowhere else is the plastics and rubber industry gathered in one place with such a high degree of internationality. Suppliers from Europe, especially from Germany, Italy, Austria, Turkey, the Netherlands, Switzerland and France will be particularly well represented again this year, but also from the USA. At the same time, K clearly reflects the changes affecting the global market: the number and presentation areas of companies from Asia have remained at a constant high for several years now. We can expect impressive appearances, especially from China, Taiwan, India, South Korea and Japan. The approximately 3,000 exhibitors from 61 countries will occupy

Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre in its entirety. The exhibitor database of K 2022 is accessible at K 2022 is already now providing pooled expert know-how with its K-Talk. Once a month this digital live talk in English features exciting panel discussions with a changing line-up of international participants dealing with different focal themes but always with a focus on the three guiding themes of K 2022. The first K-Talk, already held on 20 January under the heading “Climate Protection and Plastics – Do they Go Together?” – like all following K-Talks – is still available on-demand. The K-Talk in February will be all about plastics in medicine while the discussion in March is dedicated to mechanical engineering. Launched last April, the online magazine K-MAG targets all industries related to K and delivers facts, news, stories and trends from the international plastics and rubber industry in German and English all year round. K-monthly is the name of the new Newsletter of K in Düsseldorf. Subscribers not only receive the most interesting news and stories from the K-MAG via e-mail on a monthly basis but also current information revolving around K in Düsseldorf and the international trade fairs of the K-Global Gate family of products. Subscription is possible on the K website or the K-MAG. Make sure to save the date: the Ticketshop for K 2022 opens in April 2022. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Arburg at Chinaplas 2022: High-end wherever you look A high-tech-friendly country like China hosting one of the largest international plastics trade fairs: Chinaplas 2022 in Shanghai is set to be particularly interesting. Naturally, Arburg's appearance there has been planned accordingly. Particularly interesting target groups will be attending from the automotive industry, the highly dynamic medical technology sector, and the electronics industry. Machine technology and processes will match these, with LSR processing, high-speed medical applications, and lightweight construction with fibre direct compounding (FDC).

A total of four Allrounder exhibits – from the electric Allrounder 470 A to the large Allrounder 820 S – and two freeformers – a freeformer 200-3X and a freeformer 300-3X – will be on show. All machines will be connected 'live' to the Arburg host computer system ALS for demonstration purposes and to the arburgXworld customer portal, another focus of the trade fair display. Detailed information on the arburgGREENworld environmental and recycling program will round off Arburg's involvement in Chinaplas. Zhao Tong, Director of Arburg's organisations in China, notes the importance of the event: »Chinaplas is the most important trade fair for us in the entire region. It is important that we showcase cutting-edge technology here, because the high-end market in China is also constantly growing and gaining in importance. Arburg has chosen the focal points of its trade fair activities accordingly. With our injection moulding machines and automation systems, we offer optimal solutions for individual series production, and with the freeformers, further solutions for the production of prototypes and small series. Then there are tools like arburgXworld and the ALS host computer system for supporting service and production management, and the arburgGREENworld environmental and recycling program for greater resource conservation and production efficiency.«


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Business potential in China and Asia remains high According to Zhao Tong, the exhibits at Chinaplas 2022 are a perfect match for the current market requirements in China: »The automotive industry is becoming increasingly energised by developments and applications in the field of e-mobility. In medical technology, Arburg can make an important contribution to more stable supply chains thanks to its central production, its on-time delivery, and the high reliability of its Allrounders. More and more companies are also looking to IT solutions such as the arburgXworld customer portal and the ALS host computer system to increase their production efficiency. With our products and technologies that are 'Made in Germany', we are in the right place at the right time. Because – and this is also demonstrated by our involvement in Chinaplas – we can offer our customers regionalised services to fully support them in increasing quality, efficiency and resource conservation in their companies.«


Support package helps Italian DC motor manufacturer move into injection moulding Value takes many forms. But for one Italian company specialising in automotive and industrial DC motor production, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag is much more than a machinery supplier. The affinity, advisory support, and practical guidance that Sumitomo (SHI) Demag has consistently provided over the past two decades have proven invaluable to Electro-Parts SpA, which began its own development and design of certain components in 2002. The company produces 30 million highly demanding components annually and successfully penetrates new markets. Based in Bossolasco in northern Italy, Electro-Parts S.p.A has been building a solid reputation for twenty years as a quality manufacturer of DC motors and gears used primarily in the automotive sector. Nevertheless, dependence on one external supplier could thwart future strategic ambitions. To protect the future of the company, CEO Marco Falcone temporarily turned to the current CEO of Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in Italy to explore the feasibility of setting up his own tool shop. With the support of Sumitomo (SHI) Demag, Electro-Parts has developed a plan to manufacture its precision components at home. With a hydraulically driven machine, today the company’s fleet comprises 14 Sumitomo (SHI) Demag injection molding machines, including nine fully electric machines operating in three shifts. »The support of Sumitomo (SHI) Demag in launching this project has been invaluable. The relationship that emerged in the beginning was mutually beneficial. They have been an outstanding partner, sharing the same affinity for our business strategy and ensuring that the equipment is 100% reliable and fit for the strategy we have proposed. During the replacement, they supported us in using the experience we had already gained by purchasing parts from our suppliers. Electro-Parts has built a plant that has enabled us to maintain control over production capacity, cost and quality since day one of this new approach. The synergy between our companies was perfect. With this mutual trust, the Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Italy team helped us quickly follow our ambitions.« April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Mattress recycling BASF and foam specialist NEVEON are working together to further develop the recycling of mattresses. The aim is to establish a closed product loop for mattresses. Currently, discarded mattresses are mainly thermally recycled or disposed of in landfills. BASF and NEVEON want to change this and return mattress foams to the product life cycle. As early as this year, the two companies plan to obtain the first pilot quantities of recycled mattress foams made from collected used mattresses. The next step will then be to transfer the recycling to a larger scale in subsequent years. BASF is developing a wet chemical recycling process for used mattresses made of flexible polyurethane. Initial small-scale trials have been very promising. The original polyols can be recovered from the used mattress foams and used again to produce high-quality flexible foam blocks. The quality of these flexible foam blocks made from recycled polyurethane are equivalent to those made from conventional materials from fossil raw material sources. Thus, high-quality new mattresses can be produced from alternative polyurethane. »For the recycling of mattresses, cooperation between all stages along the value chain is crucial. Together with NEVEON, we

Arburg at a fair in France After last year's postponement, things are finally back on track in France: from 5 to 8 April 2022, France Innovation Plasturgie (FIP), the only fair of its kind in France, will once again be held in Lyon as a live event. Of course, among about 800 exhibitors from 33 countries, Arburg will present the electric Allrounder 470 A and a demo version of the digital customer portal arburgXworld in Hall 5.1, exhibition space M03 N06. This time, the French hosts offer a completely new format: three fairs in one: »FIP« covers the industrial technology and services

want to build a partner network and close the loop step by step,« explains Dr. Sven Crone, responsible for the European business for isocyanates & precursors at BASF. NEVEON CEO Oliver Bruns adds: »The future bears the name circular economy. We as an industry need to drive the transformation to a circular system where products at the end of their life cycle are not waste, but valuable raw material and feedstock for new products. I am therefore pleased to make an important contribution here together with BASF and other partners.«

sector. FIP Valorize focuses on the environmental challenges for the plastics industry, and FIP Transform is a meeting place for processors and decision-makers from all sectors. The second focus of this fair will be the environment with all its aspects, including the theme of the circular economy. Exhibitors will present the latest technologies and solutions at »FIP Valorize«. For Arburg, this theme has been an important part of the company’s philosophy for years. The company has launched the arburgGREENworld program to combine efficiency, environmental protection and circular economy measures that have been implemented for decades. A trip to FIP 2022 in Lyon should definitely be worth it.

NETSTAL expands service offering with accredited machine calibrations according to ISO 17025 Since December 2, 2021, NETSTAL Maschinen AG is an ISO/ IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration laboratory for the measurands temperature, force, pressure, clamping force, length and speed. The accreditation number of the Swiss Accreditation Service SAS is SCS 0165. The official accreditation entitles NETSTAL to perform regular calibrations of injection molding machines for its customers. »With the ISO 17025 accreditation, we have reached a significant milestone in the history of NETSTAL. It makes us the first and only manufacturer of medical injection molding machines to receive accreditation as a calibration laboratory,« emphasizes Renzo Davatz, CEO at NETSTAL and member of the Executive Committee of the KraussMaffei Group. Calibration in accordance with ISO 17025:2017 is available immediately and can be performed on-site at the customer's premises. »Our new service offering is primarily aimed at our customers 22

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in the medical technology sector. With risk-based calibration by our qualified calibration personnel and the use of metrological traceable and calibrated measuring devices, we ensure verifiable measurement accuracy of the relevant sensor signals within a defined measurement uncertainty range,« explains Daniel Wipfli, Product Manager Controls and Digital Products at NETSTAL. NETSTAL's medical technology customers gain a competitive advantage in terms of quality and accuracy. »In the course of the calibrations, our technical experts create standard-compliant documentation that our customers can use in the audit,« Daniel Wipfli emphasizes.


ENGEL at FIP 2022 in France Fully electric injection molding machines combine maximum precision with low energy consumption. At FIP ​​2022 in Lyon, France, from 5 to 8 April, injection molding machine manufacturer and system solutions provider ENGEL demonstrates how the benefits of fully electric injection molding machines can be reaped in a cost-effective way. The quality of many parts with strict requirements depends on the accuracy of injection molding and the movement of the tool mounting plates during opening and closing. All-electric injection molding machines are therefore the preferred solution in this segment of use, where cost efficiency is a decisive factor in choosing a machine. In the form of an e-mac, ENGEL has in its portfolio a fully electric injection molding machine that combines high power and energy efficiency with an extremely compact machine design for relatively small capital expenditures. In addition to precise movements, the machine ensures high process stability and optimal process settings. Intelligent assistance systems from the iQ product family, such as iQ weight control and iQ clamp, are further upgrading the issue. During the four days of the fair, the ENGEL e-mac 465/180 injection molding machine, which includes the ENGEL viper 20 robot, will demonstrate the performance offered by this series with the production of PP breakfast boxes.

ENGEL will also present solutions for connecting injection molding machines and production cells within the company. TIG authentig, MES (Manufacturing Execution System) of the subsidiary ENGEL TIG is tailored to the specific requirements of the injection molding industry. It provides transparency, for example, to make full use of the capacity of machinery or to link productivity indicators and economic objectives.

BOY starts its international trade fair presence at Chinaplas 2022 For the German injection moulding machine manufacturer BOY the trade fair year 2022 starts full of expectations with its participation in the Chinaplas in Shanghai from 25th to 28th April, 2022. At the major event in Shanghai, BOY will present two compact injection moulding machines from its comprehensive product programme on its booth 2.1G75. On a BOY 25 E the two lateral frame parts of the filter elements for a medical respiratory mask will be prefabricated. In a subsequent work step, an elastomer sealing lip is attached to the pre-moulded frame part. The frame parts injected from a Polycarbonate (Makrolon 2207) are removed from the 2-cavity mould by a gripper. Subsequently the sprue is separated and then the parts are placed on a conveyor belt. The pneumatically operated handling and the conveyor belt are positioned in a space-saving manner under the safety gate of the BOY 25 E. The long-standing success

model with 250 kN clamping force and a footprint of only 1.8 m² has a cantilevered two-platen clamping unit for easy accessibility and individual automation equipment. With seven different screw diameters, the BOY 25 E offers plasticising volumes of up to 76.5 cm³. The energy-efficient servo-motor pump drive ensures a dynamic operation at very smooth running. The German manufacturer is also presenting its BOY XS machine model with a medical technology application. The machine produces a small Osteosynthesis plate made of PP, which is used in surgery to fix bone fractures. The injection moulding machine, which is mainly used for micro injection moulding and for very small parts, has a clamping force of 100 kN. In its smallest injection moulding machine, BOY also relies on the proven reciprocating plasticizing screw, which works according to the »first in - first out« principle. With screw diameters between 8 and 18 mm, plasticising volumes of 0.06 to 15.3 cm³ are possible in continuous industrial operation. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Expansion of the HASCO PushLok system HASCO‘s innovative Push-Lok system, which guarantees fast and secure connection of heating and cooling circuits, has been supplemented by further high-quality hose variants. The new Push-Lok hoses Z859PL/… were developed specifically for even easier assembly. In the colours blue and red, they guarantee clear recognition of the inlet and outlet lines on the injection moulding tool. Perfectly coordinated manufacturing tolerances make assembly even easier. The special material blend guarantees maximum service life of the flexible, twist-free and kink-resistant hoses, which are te mperature-resistant from -40°C to +140°C. The Push-Lok system enables quick repairs to be carried out directly on the workbench, supplementary accessories, such as hose clips and crimps, are no longer necessary. This means a considerable reduction in both time and costs. An end-point marked via the identification ring guarantees reliable mounting of the hose on the coupling.

The special geometry of all the perfectly coordinated Push-Lok components ensures reliable connections during the entire injection moulding process. The system includes not only hoses but also shut-off couplings with or without a valve and in a 45° or 90° design, as well as hose extension nipples for lengthening hoses and the new multi-coupling system. The extended Push-Lok system is tailored to HASCO’s proven standard cooling range, and hence a system change can be performed both rapidly and easily. The wide range of components offers users many benefits of customised heating/cooling system configuration.

Solutions for the automation of injection mold tools With the change of name to Servomold GmbH& Co. KG, Managing Directors Bianca and Thomas Meister underline their company's focus on the development and manufacture of servo-electric systems for the realization of linear and rotary movements in injection mold tools. Former i-mold GmbH & Co. KG changed its name to Servomold GmbH & Co. KG. The managing directors Bianca and Thomas Meister thus emphasize the focus on application-specific components and integrated system solutions for the automation of injection mold tools. The large number of over 600 plug-and-play controllers sold worldwide as part of the Servomold product line for the servo-electric realisation of rotary and linear movements exemplifies the success of this sophisticated technology.

New business unit project acquisition According to management consultancy Falkensteg, the German mechanical and plant engineering sector was the industry most affected by insolvencies in the 2021 year-on-year comparison. However, government support measures continue to keep the overall number of cases low. Nevertheless, the challenges posed by supply bottlenecks, rising raw material and energy prices and industrial structural change remain constant. The pressure on sales with rising credit costs is thus becoming increasingly greater for many machinery and plant manufacturers. A development from which renowned credit insurers predict an increase in global insolvencies for 2022. However, government support measures continue to keep the overall number of cases low. Nevertheless, the challenges posed by supply bottlenecks, rising raw material and energy prices and industrial


April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

structural change remain constant. The pressure on sales with rising credit costs is thus becoming increasingly greater for many machinery and plant manufacturers. A development from which renowned credit insurers predict an increase in global insolvencies for 2022. The signs of this trend are also visible in the transactional machinery platform GINDUMAC. »We are very close to the pulse of industrial manufacturing. In recent months, more and more companies have asked us about restructuring their production in order to be able to achieve liquidity in the short term through machine sales.


Energy-saving Hermeticool cooling systems gwk hermeticool cooling systems use the differences of night and day temperatures as well as those of the seasons in order to produce cold water for production facilities in a cost-effective manner. Here the running time of the water chiller is reduced to a minimum.

gwk motor management By means of the new gwk-motor management the actual power consumption of the fans is continuously monitored and adapted to the capacity demands via speed control, so that the lowest energy consumption is always attained. These new motors with a high efficiency rate in comparison to conventional technologies can be operated with an extremely low rotational speed, so that – in combination with the optional night time temperature reduction – a major decrease of the sound level can be achieved. The individual operating parameters of each motor can be stored and in case of an eventually required motor exchange, be reintegrated in the comfortable motor control system. By means of different installation examples gwk shows, how operating costs can be reduced by up to 85 % compared with conventional cooling systems. hermeticool units can be used wherever the cooling water temperature is at least 5K above air temperature. The function of the system hermeticool is to transport heated water to the external free cooler where the heat is transferred to the ambient air by means of direct heat exchange.

Free from glycol and heat exchangers Common free coolers must be filled and operated with a water-glycol mixture in order to prevent freezing in case of a plant standstill in winter. In order to not contaminate the consumers with glycol and thus limiting heat transfer, a heat exchanger must be installed to separate the circuits. This is not necessary when using gwk hermeticool units, which are operated all year without glycol. Constructive details and an integrated safety system prevent freezing even without additional heating.

Free cooling with hermeticool hybrid gwk-freecooler are space saving and energy efficient cooling systems. The hermeticool hybrid circuit, often known as adiabatic freecooler, is a closed circuit cooling system. The position of the unit is usually on the roof of the production building. At low night temperature the hermeticool is most efficient. The integrated hybrid function also permits the reliable function at high day time temperatures. Free from glycol, no heat exchanger • New gwk motor management • Low space requirement and efficient

*gwk Gesellschaft Wärme Kältetechnik mbH, a system supplier of cooling, temperature control and water supply systems for the plastics-processing industry, is now called technotrans solutions GmbH. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Production of lightweight truck mounted toolbox SABIC, a global leader in the chemical industry, today shared that it has collaborated with Dongfeng Motors, one of the largest truck manufacturers in China, on the development of a novel plastic composite hybrid solution to produce a strong lightweight truck-mounted toolbox. The application is made with a combination of SABIC’s STAMAX™ resin, a long glass fiber polypropylene (PP), and continuous glass fiber composite laminate inserts via a single overmolding process. The finished part is lighter by up to 30 percent compared to a similarly designed part in steel, and use of the solution allows Dongfeng to benefit from resulting production efficiencies.

“This plastic composite solution is a great example of how SABIC helps automotive customers expand design options and simplify production so they can achieve their goals,” said Abdullah Al-Otaibi, general manager, ETP & Market Solutions, SABIC. “By combining two different materials, our solution improves both performance and processability. Now that this composite technology is validated and in mass production with Dongfeng, we see many other automotive applications that could benefit and we are excited to help manufacturers seize those opportunities.” In addition to truck toolboxes, automotive applications for this hybrid solution with STAMAX resin can potentially include tailgates, seating, front-end modules and battery housings for electric vehicles. Use of this plastic composite solution can enable manufacturers to not only reduce weight, but also lower carbon emissions, control costs through production efficiencies, and achieve higher performance. SABIC’s hybrid solution combines STAMAX resin with thermoformed composite inserts made of unidirectional (UD) glass fiber-reinforced PP tape from China-based Qiyi Tech, a company dedicated to the development and production of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite materials.

Triple-win situation for LSR For many years, processing liquid silicone (LSR) was limited to specialist companies. Despite the material's strong growth, it had been viewed as being difficult to work with. This is currently changing as more and more plastics processing companies are becoming interested in this versatile material. The Plastics Center (SKZ), Toolcraft and KraussMaffei are now taking advantage of a triple-win situation. To date, SKZ has been known for its expertise in the field of thermoplastic processing. Going forward, cross-linking plastics such as LSR will play a more prominent role. Prof. Martin Bastian (Head of the Institute) and Georg Schwalme (Head of Injection Molding) recently designated KraussMaffei as their technology partner for silicone processing. Because Toolcraft (a company based in Georgensgmünd near Nürnberg) wanted to start working with the technology at the same time, KraussMaffei brought all three together at one table. This resulted in a triple-win situation: SKZ and the new network 26

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partner, Toolcraft, cooperate in order to together build up the expertise necessary for perfect manufacturing (Toolcraft) and expert advice and vocational training (SKZ). It is even likely that public subsidies will be able to be used for the innovative approaches. KraussMaffei is providing the all-electric injection molding machines (PX 50 at SKZ and PX 121 for Toolcraft) as well as the technical expertise and consulting for all matters involving the challenge of processing liquid and solid silicones.


WITTMANN BATTENFELD at Plastimagen fair In March WITTMANN BATTENFELD will demonstrate ultra-modern injection molding technology with a wide range of exhibits including automation and auxiliary equipment to interested trade visitors at the Plastimagen in Mexico, in hall D, booth 614. For more than 20 years, the WITTMANN Group has been acting successfully in Mexico with its own subsidiary. Due to the positive development of this market, the Plastimagen has become an important platform for WITTMANN to present its latest technologies there in the fields of injection molding machines as well as automation and auxiliary equipment.

At this year’s Plastimagen, WITTMANN BATTENFELD’s exhibition program will focus on its competence in areas such as its electric high-speed EcoPower Xpress machines, light-weight technology, playful presentation of its automation expertise and a representative cross-section of its of auxiliary appliance range.

New medical program Kraiburg TPE Medically compatible polymers represented an irreplaceable material in the field of health services. TPE materials, which can be found in all areas of health care and rehabilitation, also play an important role now. Kraiburg TPE GmBH has developed a new series of TPEs suitable for medical and laboratory use. Due to compliance with DIN ISO medical standards and a wide range of hardnesses (from

60 VLRH to 50 ShD!), The new program represents a practical application that requires direct contact with the skin and blood. The materials are suitable for sterilization with the most common sterilization methods (autoclave, gamma radiation 2x35 kGy, ethylene oxide). At the same time, they are useful in multi-component injection molding processes with the possibility of adhesion to PP and polar polymers and PC / ABS alloys. In order to facilitate the determination of the appropriate TPE material for the product, the customer also fills in a safety and functional suitability questionnaire. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



World’s first electromagnetic flowmeter with bidirectional connectivity to power intelligent water loss management An estimated two-thirds of the world’s population will potentially face water shortages by 2025[1]. Yet every year, billion liters of water are lost before ever reaching destinations. A detailed understanding of per capita demand, growth of demand and costly leakage can be achieved by accurate and timely flow data coming into and going out water operations.

An estimated two-thirds of the world’s population will potentially face water shortages by 2025[1]. Yet every year, billion liters of water are lost before ever reaching destinations. A detailed understanding of per capita demand, growth of demand and costly leakage can be achieved by accurate and timely flow data coming into and going out water operations.

• ABB adds mobile connectivity to AquaMaster4 flowmeter, enabling 60 percent lower power consumption and identifying leaks ten times faster than the market standard in an industry where every drop counts • Mobile comms connectivity over 4G LTE and NBIOT networks enables AquaMaster4 Mobile Comms to supply near real-time data for smart and precise water management – on site and remotely

» The new ABB’s AquaMaster4 Mobile Comms flowmeter enables smart water management| Image: ABB

ABB’s AquaMaster4 Mobile Comms flowmeter is the latest wireless solution for continuous flow measurement, the logging of accurate data and communication of information that is critical for today’s water management. With its superior connectivity on 4G-LTE and NB-IoT networks, the AquaMaster4 electromagnetic flowmeter enables 60 percent lower power consumption, identifying leaks ten times faster than the market standard. As the world’s first electromagnetic flowmeter with bidirectional connectivity, AquaMaster4 Mobile Comms provides near-real time data used for intelligent water management. Operators can be hundreds of miles away and read values from the device remotely, giving them access to manage the device and their operations wherever they are located and at any time. Historical logged values of pressure, flowrate, alarms, battery life, and activity record can also be retrieved remotely. 28

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» ABB’s AquaMaster4 Mobile Comms enable superior connectivity on 4G-LTE and NB-IoT networks | Image: ABB

“AquaMaster 4 Mobile Comms allows you to stay connected to the flowmeter instead of just relying on data being communicated, providing dynamic insights into supply and demand and allowing better control and hence intelligent water management. This is a significant step forward in the digital journey in water networks, helping to save resources in an industry that is focusing so much on conservation and sustainability,” said Krishna Prashanth, Global Product Line Manager Electromagnetic Flowmeters with ABB Measurement & Analytics.


» The build-in SIM card enables the use of high-speed low-cost mobile data. | Image: ABB

The enhanced flowmeter is also unique in its ability to identify low-flow nighttime leaks that would otherwise be undetected. The superior accuracy and connectedness offers increased measurement and billing confidence. By using high speed, low-cost mobile data accessible via an internal SIM card connected to a mobile network, the new AquaMaster4 Mobile Comms provides an adaptable and agile solution for deployment from virtually any location. Costs are further reduced by the flowmeter’s high battery life, which removes the need for

cumbersome, costly cables and field visits. The flowmeter also detects battery life and can be reconfigured to a suitable power mode. The device recovers itself by re-booting in case of faults and allows for task automations. It can also be renewable-powered, further extending its cost-cutting capabilities, all while the predictive maintenance schedule and enhanced diagnostics helps saves time and money. In addition to the new connectivity of Mobile Comms, ABB’s AquaMaster4 was recently awarded a Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label for its high-tech response to the global need for water crisis mitigation and adaptation. The Solar Impulse label rewards profitable solutions that protect the environment, and AquaMaster4 has been attributed the label following an assessment based on verified standards which was performed by a panel of independent, external experts. AquaMaster4 joins the #1000solutions challenge initiative by the Solar Impulse Foundation which selects solutions that meet high standards in profitability and sustainability, presenting them to decision makers to fast-track their implementation.

Vibration tests boost NASA’s electric aircraft project To ensure NASA’s new X-57 “Maxwell” electric aircraft would be energy efficient and safe for use, NASA carried out extensive ground vibration tests, simulating the stresses it would experience during a real flight. To ensure NASA’s new X-57 “Maxwell” electric aircraft would be energy efficient and safe for use, NASA carried out extensive ground vibration tests, simulating the stresses it would experience during a real flight. With the increasing demand for electric-powered ground transportation, NASA wanted to prove that an aircraft could also be electrically powered. The result is the X-57 “Maxwell” airplane, which - instead of the usual gasoline-powered motors - has two, all-electric motors powered by traction batteries. To ensure the new design meets the criteria for energy efficiency and airworthiness, NASA’s experimental aircraft underwent multiple vibration tests and data from the accelerometers around the motor was collected on a LAN-XI data acquisition system and analyzer platform, provided by test and measurement expert, Hottinger Brüel & Kjær (HBK). Following this, NASA’s engineers used HBK’s BK Connect software to test and analyze data from 191 test runs, with 14 different test configurations. The ground vibration test results gave NASA a much better understanding of the modal characteristics of the

» Vibration tests proved as an important milestone in developing the new aircraft X-57 “Maxwell”. | Image: Hottinger Brüel & Kjær

X-57, currently in the Mod II configuration. Work on the new aircraft will continue, with the X-57 project team updating the model now they have the necessary data. . April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Modernization of steel rolling mill in Spain and deploys augmented reality for remote testing Global technology company ABB is providing a package of metals industry-specific digital-ready solutions, including drives, controller and converter infrastructure, to enable Global Steel Wire (GSW), part of CELSA Group, to modernize operations at its Santander steel mill.

GSW manufactures and brings to market a range of steel products, including wire rod, cables and ropes. Its high-quality steel cables are used extensively in the automotive industry as well as in mattress springs. The steelmaker had been exploring the use of digital technologies to optimize its rolling wire production and will now benefit from the expertise and metals industry domain knowledge of ABB. As part of the contract, ABB will provide its medium voltage drives for high power applications, MEGADRIVE-LCI, together with

» ABB will provide its medium voltage drives for high power applications,

MEGADRIVE-LCI, together with AC 800PEC controllers to Global Steel Wire (GSW), part of CELSA Group, to modernize operations at its Santander steel mill. | Image: ABB

AC 800PEC controllers. MEGADRIVE-LCI is an advanced type of converter that enables variable speed control and soft starting of large synchronous machines for many industrial applications. The technology will deliver reliability using a fuseless drive design and robust thyristor components, which enable fast and successful start-up. The demand-based medium voltage drives will result in optimized power consumption and higher process efficiency. Teams from the two companies had the chance to incorporate the use of augmented reality (AR) during the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), with representatives at the LCI factory in Switzerland collaborating with others in Spain. It encompassed audio, video, document-sharing and live annotations. This allowed progress to continue during the COVID-19 travel limitations. “The modernization and upgrades project at our Santander mill is well underway and ABB shares our vision for smart, efficient operations – this approach was demonstrated once again in the 30

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• Modernization package with digital-ready solutions will help to improve efficiency, increase reliability and boost quality at Global Steel Wire’s facility in Santander • ABB’s demand-based medium voltage drives will result in optimized power consumption and higher process efficiency • ABB carried out a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) remotely using augmented reality (AR) during this key metals industry project flexibility around the remote FAT, which we can describe as 100 percent successful,” said Iago López García, Rolling Mill Electrical Maintenance Manager, Global Steel Wire. “We look forward to the completion of this phase of activity and ongoing mill operations.” “We have a long-established relationship with GSW and CELSA Group and won this order after an in-depth study that was carried out last year,” said Enric Giner, Local Division Manager, Process Automation, ABB in Spain. “GSW selected ABB for this upgrade because of our deep knowledge of the metals industry, our approach to digital-ready solutions, and our excellent customer service, bolstered by our regional and global footprint. ABB is also providing technical support to GSW after the start-up, expanding on the existing contract.” “The pioneering project with GSW demonstrates the importance of the data travelling instead of the person, an invaluable commodity during the pandemic,” said Iván Vicente, Service Operations Manager, Process Automation, ABB in Spain. “However, we should also note that what differentiates our company is bringing people and technology closer together to produce great results.” The use of proven ABB technology will allow GSW to save energy and reduce its carbon emissions through increased efficiencies. The drives voltage scalability minimizes harmonic influence on the supply system and a converter efficiency of more than 99 percent will ensure that the system works for many years. Additionally, the AC 800PEC controller for regulation management is one of the fastest on the market. The LCI technology is digital-ready and allows all types of connection and remote optimization: software updates, readjustments when there are changes in the process, visualization and analysis of the system.


» Pfeiffer Vacuum’s Virtual

Service Management | Image: Pfeiffer Vacuum

Pfeiffer Vacuum presents a cloud-based solution for service management • Simplified planning and documentation of service activities • Easy management of all installed vacuum components (regardless of manufacturer) • Available as a mobile app (Android and iOS) Pfeiffer Vacuum’s new “Virtual Service Management” (VSM) is a free web app that makes it possible to manage vacuum equipment from different manufacturers. The app is integrated into Pfeiffer Vacuum’s new Select & Request Portal, so that interested parties who register in the portal can access the new service directly. It takes just a few clicks, for example, to create your own locations, departments and machines, to which the various vacuum components are assigned, so that you can manage the vacuum equipment more easily. The corresponding product data and operating instructions are stored and made available in the system. A clear display of organizational units and vacuum components makes planning and documentation (e.g. of service activities, maintenance and repairs) over the entire service life much easier. The dashboard on the start page can be customized. Frequently required components can be easily marked as favorites and, if desired, displayed directly on the dashboard. Customers can also store additional information, such as maintenance intervals, the average running time and the last service date. This makes it possible for the software to organize servicing and maintenance intervals worldwide and to involve the relevant Pfeiffer Vacuum service center in good time. System downtimes can be minimized by synchronizing maintenance activities. This improves

decision making and planning reliability. Creating a service request is also quick and easy since the data can be filled in automatically. Photos and additional documents can be easily attached. Each vacuum component is uniquely identified via an ID code and QR code. The tool offers the option of exporting QR codes in several formats (e.g. for a label printer). With the mobile app (Android and iOS), the QR code can be scanned by smartphones or tablets, providing an instant overview of the most important data (such as the article number, operating manual or service tickets). A “guided tour” explains the various functions in detail. The tour can be skipped or restarted at any time. This ensures quick and safe handling at all times.

» Video: Virtual

Service Management (Youtube)

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



LEVEL-UP extends the lifetime of production lines by at least 15 years and also enables significant savings The LEVEL-UP project upgrades existing production lines and extends their useful lifetime. Automation, digitalisation and rapid technological development have a common goal - greater added value and competitiveness on global markets.

TECOS Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre recognized one of these opportunities to upgrade existing production machines; together with 32 partners we joined the international LEVEL-UP consortium, which is funded by Horizon 2020 and is worth more than €17 million. With the help of installing and the correctly setting up intelligent sensors on individual industrial machines (a total of 7 pilot industrial machines from different production areas are included in the project), such as CNC machining, extrusion, pultrusion, hydraulic presses…) we will extend their efficiency and profitability.

The use of a new generation of sensors and associated systems for the needs of digitization and real-time monitoring of production in accordance with the guidelines of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) enables great savings in material and energy consumption, maintenance procedures i.e. servicing, increasing efficiency and production availability. Simultaneously, we ensure higher product quality and better control and optimization of the production process in real time. Our project partner ISOKON is a great example; the project plans to upgrade their extrusion machines or rather their entire extrusion line. They want to implement the developed solutions on younger extrusion lines; fully digitize machinery and production. However, we should highlight that the upgrade solution is not for every production process. The purchase prices of a new production machine play a decisive role in considering whether to upgrade production capacities or replace them with new ones. For machines worth more than €250,000, the investment savings can be greater. This depends mainly on reviewing the state of existing machinery (openness of the controller, the state of the sensors and 32

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actuators and other mechatronic components) and the expected solution. With lower purchase prices of new machines, it is worth considering whether upgrading an old machine is a sensible solution at all. At TECOS, we are extremely proud that the upgrade of existing production lines with the I4.0 concept is the result of home-grown knowledge and international cooperation. The TECOS team has adopted specific practical knowledge and purposed innovative solutions in previous national and international R&D projects, as well as in the framework of our own development and project cooperation. This enables us to implement innovative solutions in other production areas that are not necessarily related to processing polymeric materials. We want to share this valuable knowledge and experience with others, especially Slovenian manufacturing companies, which, given the actual needs or interest and willingness of competition to implement such targeted solutions in accordance with I4.0 guidelines.

The LEVEL-UP project is funded by Horizon 2020 and brings together 32 partners. It is worth a total of more than €17 million. The project aims to develop innovative solutions, strategies and protocols to extend the life of capital investments and large industrial equipment. After the completion of the project, certain solutions will certainly be patented, while others will be marketed in large numbers in similar areas according to the needs of interested companies. If you are thinking of upgrading and extending the life of your production line, dr. Dragan Kusić at the e-mail address dragan.


ABB steps up with new version of digital service for grinding – including mobile app • Global technology company ABB has updated ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance for grinding, moving it to a cloud-based platform enabling new features including additional trend monitoring and analytics • New Grinding Connect app allows mine operators to check gearless mill drive performance from anywhere via smartphone or tablet • ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance helps extend asset lifetime and avoid unforeseen downtime

ABB has released a new version of ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance for grinding which is a unique advanced digital service to maintain, assess and analyze gearless mill drive (GMD) systems. The upgrade means that ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance for grinding is now cloud-based instead of sited on premises and includes a brand-new mobile application that allows real-time notifications on fleet status. The Grinding Connect mobile app, available for iOS and Android, means that mine operators can monitor performance at any time and from any place. ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance for grinding provides easy access to GMD system parameters and allows visualization of performance considering past activity and real-time data and assesses future maintenance requirements. It aims to extend the lifetime of grinding assets through better use of resources and to support non-stop operation and to avoid unforeseen downtime. The new ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance facilitates greater data gathering. The data sample per mine is increased and analytics and trends are more reliably defined. The solution offers a new user experience with fully customizable dashboards, alarms and events all available on the mobile app. GMDs are the preferred grinding solution at mines characterized by higher-capacity production coupled with low ore grades. By eliminating bolt-on mechanical components such as ring-gears, pinions, couplings and gearboxes, GMDs offer ore producers unrivalled availability, efficiency and durability, while reducing OPEX. “A gearless mill drive is a major investment and its availability is essential for the process,” said Angeles Fernandez, Global Product Manager for Grinding Service in mining at ABB. “Unscheduled shutdowns and system failures can lead to significant losses in production.” “ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance for grinding is a state-of-the-art service for analyzing system data, assessing the current condition of the equipment and applying predictive methods. The new version is unique in the market and the new Grinding Connect app means you can check that your GMD is performing through your phone or tablet - it is as familiar as the many personal apps we use for monitoring our health, catching up with the news, or checking on the home or children.”

» ABB has updated ABB Ability™ Predictive Maintenance for grinding, mo-

ving it to a cloud-based platform enabling new features including additional trend monitoring and analytics. | Image: ABB

ABB draws on 130 years of experience in the mining industry and is a pioneer in the integration of electrification, automation and digitalization in mining. The world's first gearless mill drive was delivered by ABB in 1969 and is still in operation. Since then ABB has sold more than 150 units in 23 countries and currently has over 50 percent market share.

» Video presentation

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



High-Precision Testing Technology for all Five Roll Testing Methods The Höfler Cylindrical Gear Roll Testing Machine R 300 is the latest machine development from the engineering company Klingelnberg in the area of cylindrical gear technology. Designed for all five roll testing methods, this compact machine is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to combine inspection cycles and reduce disassembly costs while benefiting from a user-friendly design.

Due to the increasing outsourcing of part and component production in large-scale transmission manufacturing, some transmission and vehicle manufacturers now require a certificate of quality for all gears installed in the powertrain. A further driver of ever-higher inspection levels is e-mobility. With the elimination of the combustion engine, there is an even greater focus on the noise behavior of the transmission than before, since the electric motor has a comparatively low masking effect on gear noise. To meet this challenge, Klingelnberg is building on roll testing technology, a familiar method from the bevel gear industry that is now moving into the world of cylindrical gears. Only with a flexible test machine can the many quality control requirements for gears be met. Depending on the configuration, the R 300 provides the option of using all five roll testing methods. These include the single flank test, the structure-borne noise test and torsional acceleration test, the double-flank test, and the helix roll test. Thus the R 300 can be used at every point in the production process chain for cylindrical gears – from monitoring the soft cutting to checking the hardening distortions, to evaluating the noise behavior of the installation-ready gear.

Modular Machine Design In terms of axis traversing paths, the Höfler Cylindrical Gear Roll Testing Machine R 300 covers the same component spectrum as the tried-and-tested Höfler Cylindrical Gear Generating Grinding Machine Speed Viper. Gear components up to an outside diameter of 300 mm can be tested, for example. In conjunction with the optional counter support, shafts up to 800 mm in length can be analyzed to determine their running performance and noise behavior. With a minimal footprint of 2 m2, the machine’s compact design also saves costs since it requires very little expensive floor space. 34

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» Höfler Cylindrical Gear Roll Testing Machine R 300. | Image: Klingelnberg


» Gear noise testing by single flank, torsional acceleration and structure-borne noise testing | Image: Klingelnberg

» Testing of hardness distortions by the Helix test | Image: Klingelnberg

Convenient, User Friendly Design

to only those windows that are necessary for the specific test task at hand. This contributes significantly to the prevention of input errors and shortens the time required to train new employees. Thus the R 300 offers the optimal solution for a compact, flexible, and highly precise testing technology for 100-percent quality control of cylindrical gears. The machine will be presented for the first time at the EMO Milano trade show in Hall 02, Booth D14 from 04 to 09 October 2021.

The tried-and-tested design of the human-machine interface (HMI), familiar from the cylindrical gear and bevel gear processing machines, also ensures optimal user-friendliness in the R 300. The HMI is equipped with a 19-inch touchscreen, and important functions, such as “Clamp and release workpiece”, can be initiated via hardware switches. To make the user navigation as easy as possible, the operator is guided via a process-oriented menu structure

» Tensile-compressive

force sensor for easy and risk-free measurements | Image: HBK

Take it to the limit with HBK’s new force sensor HBK has created a robust force sensor to provide long-term stability and exceptionally precise measurement results, even in harsh applications and difficult environments where traditional load cells would struggle to function reliably – the U10F. Featuring flange connections on both sides, the sensor is easy for engineers to install without the need for any special tools. Compact dimensions and the availability of transducer electronic data sheets (TEDS) facilitate the setup of measurements even further.

The sensor’s built-in technology is protected against external influences, including dirt and moisture, thanks to the hermetically sealed stainless-steel housing. The U10F series fixed-cable version meets requirements for the IP68 degree of protection - and has been tested for shock and vibration resistance, as well as compliance with EMC international standards. U10F force sensors are available with several capacities, connection plugs or cable options so they can be adapted to the measuring task at hand. A double bridge variant is also available, making the U10F a safe choice for classical test-bench tasks, as well as production applications like press monitoring or other measurement tasks in production. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Modular digitisation platform for individually networked welding production With the C-Gate IoT platform, users can access information from their welding production in real time. All information is entered and processed centrally in an integrated information and communication tool. This allows users to monitor and control their production processes down to the smallest detail. It consists of several modules which users can activate depending on their individual digitalisation strategy. The basic module (BS) enables the networking of CLOOS robot systems and welding machines. With open interfaces (APIs) and standards such as OPC UA, the system can be easily and securely integrated into existing network and application environments (MES, ERP). In the basic module, the raw data of the networked devices are available as data points. Further modules enrich these with evaluations, statistics and analyses. The production module (PR) enables a comprehensive online monitoring of welding machines and robot systems. Here, users have access to classic operating data with target/actual comparisons including calculation and visualisation of the system effectiveness. An integrated plan data generation supports them in determining their target values without manual entries. Shift plans and component data can be transferred from upstream systems via interface.

» The single modules can be activated individually depending on the application.

an optimum support for their quality management system and the implementation of welding quality requirements. In the future, the C-Gate IoT Platform will be expanded to include a maintenance module and a program management module. The plant maintenance module (PM) makes it possible to plan, monitor and carry out maintenance on systems and welding equipment. With the program management module (PG), programs can be managed centrally on all systems.

» With the C-Gate IoT platform, users can access information from their welding production in real time.

The quality management module (QM) focuses on the individual component with its production and welding process data. It allows a detailed assessment of the weld quality already during welding. For complex and chained systems, quality statements are made for each production stage in addition. The determined data are summarised in a component protocol and can be called up via the report function or via OPC-UA or REST interface. Thus, users get 36

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» The devices can be connected either directly to the IoT Hub or to an additional IoT Connector.

JOINING AND MATERIAL TECHNOLOGIES The individual modules are provided as software on a central C-Gate IoT Hub. This ensures secure and reliable communication between the user's IT infrastructure and the connected systems and machines. Users can optionally use the new C-Gate IoT Connector. This is an edge gateway that is installed in robot systems or welding machines as a data/application buffer and firewall. Existing QIROX robot systems and QINEO welding machines can also be connected to this platform. In addition to the CLOOS products, C-Gate offers the possibility of connecting third-party devices with the help of a PLC. The PLC

transmits standardised station information to C-Gate, such as the current component, the production status or possible errors. With such stations it is possible to track and log a component over a complete production chain, including loading and unloading stations on C-Gate. Thus, C-Gate IoT Hub offers optimum conditions for the implementation of digitisation and smart factory projects.

VBN Components expands VBN Components is a world leader in the development of hard, 3D printed metals. The high carbide content and wear resistance make their alloys unique. In recent years, new customers and increased demand for products have made the company outgrow its old premises. VBN has therefore moved to three times larger premises than before and can now increase production capacity with future demand. When traditional alloys are replaced with one of VBN's Vibenite® alloys, customers see that components last longer and provide increased performance in applications. This, of course, reduces spare parts costs, transportation and energy consumption, which can be added to the plus side of the sustainability equation. “Our new premises are adapted to our continued expansion and enable a good production flow. With this, we also get increased quality and shorter delivery times ", says Johan Bäckström, CEO of VBN Components AB.

Robot, power source and controller from a single source VBN Components is a world leader in the development of hard, 3D printed metals. The high carbide content and wear resistance make their alloys unique. In recent years, new customers and increased demand for products have made the company outgrow its old premises. VBN has therefore moved to three times larger premises than before and can now increase production capacity with future demand. The focus is on the new six-axis articulated arm robot QIROX QRC-290 which is mounted in upright position on a base. The QIROX QRC-290 robot has a classic wrist where gas-cooled welding torches with a weight of up to 4 kg can be mounted. Together with the QINEO QinTron welding power source and the compact QIROX Controller QC 2 Micro, the new welding robot offers an easy entry into automated welding. As CLOOS supplies all relevant components for the new package from a single source, possible interface problems are avoided. The users benefit from the widely spread know-how and the proven

CLOOS quality. Furthermore, the package can be optionally extended by intelligent software and sensor solutions to increase the efficiency of the welding production. With this entry package, CLOOS wishes to reach new target groups for automated welding and to achieve a better market penetration in total.

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Blechexpo 2021 proved to be a success Along with the 8th Schweisstec international trade fair for joining technology, the 15th Blechexpo international trade fair for sheet metal working met with great success from the 26th through the 29th of October, 2021. “Full exhibition halls, a great mood, satisfied exhibitors. There’s no substitute for an on-site trade fair,” concludes Georg Knauer concisely, project manager of the Blechexpo/Schweisstec trade fair duo. 953 exhibitors from Germany, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Switzerland and the Benelux countries showcased top technologies in the fields of sheet metal processing and metalworking on 108,000 square metres of exhibition floor space in nine halls. All the industry’s big names were on hand at this trade fair highlight in Stuttgart. Mathias Bihler, managing director of Otto Bihler Maschinenbau, was “very pleased” and attested to the trade fair’s exceptional significance. “Blechexpo is an industry meeting place for global players in the metalworking industry. Ideas and strategies for the future are exchanged here. Blechexpo/Schweisstec is the highlight for suppliers and machine manufacturers thanks to personal contact with the customers,” continues Bihler emphatically.

Customers want to see and experience products “It feels good to be here,” said Ralf Vetter from Rehm Schweißtechnik in Uhingen, Germany. “The best part is that we’re not just presenting our products virtually – we can show them directly to our customers. They want to experience the products and handle them. At the trade fair we have the opportunity of engaging in really great discussions with customers.” Vetter expressly emphasised the advantages of combining Blechexpo and Schweisstec: “We meet up with exactly the audience we’re looking for here at the trade fair – our potential customers.” Bettina Schall, managing director of trade fair promoters P. E. Schall GmbH, extends her thanks to all expert visitors and exhi38

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bitors for their active participation. “Although Blechexpo/Schweisstec wasn’t affected by a compulsory interruption due to the fact that it’s held once every two years, we all had to accept certain restrictions in light of the current situation. All of you contributed to ensuring that the stipulated general conditions were adhered to, and that a personal exchange of information was possible at the on-site trade fair. For this I thank all of you, as well as the initiators of world-class supplementary events including “Blechexpo Award” and “Blechexpo Steel Convent”.

On-site trade fairs are indispensable Just how great the need is for a personal exchange of professional experience and information was already evident during the first hour of the first day at the trade fair. Right from the very beginning, visitors expressed strong, concrete interest and demonstrated high levels of visitor quality, which was confirmed by numerous exhibitors. All involved parties had eagerly awaited this live trade fair autumn in 2021, and displayed an intensive need for information concerning their respective tasks in sheet metal processing. Traditionally, exhibitors and expert visitors profit from the strictly practice-oriented trade fair concept and the synergy effects of the trade fair duo. Everyone is looking forward to the next trade fair: Along with the 9th Schweisstec international trade fair for joining technology, the 16th Blechexpo international trade fair for sheet metal working will take place in Stuttgart from the 7th through the 10th of October, 2023.


» ABB is a contractor for the

SMS Group and will supply, among other equipment, two EMRB electromagnetic braking systems at Tata Steel's flagship plant in Jamshedpur, India. | Source: ABB

ABB technology to improve quality and lower production costs for Tata Steel plant in India • Two ABB electromagnetic brake systems (EMBR) to be installed at Tata Steel’s flagship plant in Jamshedpur, India • ABB EMBR helps operators increase productivity, lengthen mold copper plate lifetimes, and reduce mold powder-related non-metallic inclusions • ABB EMBR is installed on 40 percent of thin slab casting strands worldwide Global technology company ABB will provide electromagnetic brake systems (EMBR) for two compact strip production (CSP) casters at Tata Steel’s flagship plant in Jamshedpur, India, working under contract from engineering and construction organization SMS Group. Jamshedpur, located in the eastern state of Jharkhand, is India’s first planned industrial city and was established following the founding of Tata Iron and Steel Company by Jamsetji Tata and his son Dorabji Tata in the 1900s. ABB's scope of supply also includes DCS800 DC drives, dry type transformers, water cooling systems, commissioning services and metallurgical performance evaluation. ABB is contracted through SMS which specializes in plant construction and mechanical engineering for the steel and nonferrous metals industry. The contract builds on ABB’s large installed base with premier steel producers globally. ABB EMBR is installed on 40 percent of thin slab casting strands worldwide and allows for higher quality and faster throughput. This well-established technology, invented by ABB in 1985, enables steelmakers to achieve steel cleanliness similar to conventional vertical bending casters, improves casting

speed and increases mold copper plate lifetime. By generating a static magnetic field, which decreases meniscus metal flow speed and turbulence, the ABB EMBR provides a whole range of metallurgical improvements including elimination of mold powder entrapments, a more even molten mold powder layer and a meniscus which is flatter, hotter and less turbulent. “The project at Tata Steel in Jamshedpur is a key order for ABB,” said Raghu Badrinathan, Area Sales Manager – ABB Metallurgy. “It builds on our large installed base with premier steel producers around the world.” “Tata Steel is a highly-valued customer for ABB and it is our continuous endeavor to provide the best-in-class technology and solutions to them,” said Vipul Gautam, Group Vice President, Global Account Executive for Tata Group, ABB. “We believe that our metallurgy solutions and particularly the ABB EMBR solution will help them to achieve superior performance of their casters in minimum time, lowering their cost of production while improving quality.” April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



greenWave: The sustainable generation of power sources »Our research centre has developed an innovative design that combines all the benefits and reliability of inverter technology with a power factor equal to or approaching unity.« Otto Schuster, Senior Vice President SBU Equipment Patented greenWave® Multiline three level technology has led to the development of truly innovative power sources. • » greenWave® technology combines all the performance of inverter power sources with protection against unstable power supplies and a power factor approaching unity. • » greenWave® technology can function with single phase mains power supplies, in which case it ensures a power factor of unity, and with three phase mains supplies, in which case power factor closely approaches unity.


Single phase, PF = 1

Three phase, PF = 0.95

Source: voestalpine Böhler Welding

The diagram compares how a conven- tional inverter power source and a green- Wave® power source draw three phase current. In the first case, current is pulsed, leading to a high level of harmonic distortion and a large reactive component. The result is a low power factor of PF ≈ 0.65. In the greenWave® power source, current is almost sinusoidal, with the result that power factor approaches unity: PF ≈ 0.95. Conventional inverter power source

I LINE = 59 A


»Why should you buy greenWave® technology?« 1. Complete protection against unstable mains supplies greenWave® guarantees complete protection for inter- nal electronic circuits and keeps the welding process independent of electrical supply conditions. This is par- ticularly important when welding operations have to rely on under-dimensioned, fluctuating mains supplies or on-site gensets. 2. Self-adaptation to input voltage (autolink) greenWave® welding power sources adapt automati- cally to three phase mains supply voltage without any manual intervention. 3. Better overall reliability A unity power factor means a far lower current draw. This in turn means less stress on circuits and com- ponents, with doubtless benefits in terms of power source durability and reliability. 4. Reduced system costs greenWave® improves the overall availability of the electrical supply. The use of welding equipment that draws less current helps avoid exceeding maxi- mum permitted load, thus avoiding costly shutdowns that eat into company profits. 5. More power sources can be installed greenWave® technology lets you either dimension your mains supply for a lower current draw, or increase the number of machines you can use for the same installed power.




Conventional invertor power source

= 59 A


-200,00 20,00

» 64 A industri40,00



greenWave® power source

100,00 I LINE = 32 A

» Comparison of conventional inverter welding source with greenWave welding source. | Source: voestalpine Böhler Welding


April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


greenWave® power source

= 32 A

al mains supply 400 A pulsed MIG/MAG welding process | Source: voestalpine Böhler Welding

JOINING AND MATERIAL TECHNOLOGIES 8. Over 50% reduction in joule Harmonic disturbance effect losses standards do not apply. Thanks to the reduction in current draw, Joule effect losses are also reduced along power lines. A conductor through which electrical current flows dissipates energy in the form of heat as a function of current inten- sity. Losses in power lines downstream from the supply LT (Low Voltage) meter are at the expenpublic grid se of the user. The use Harmonic disturbance standards do apply of greenWave® technology under the same operating conditions would reduce energy losses by half. The more welding machines are in action, and the longer the internal power distribution system, the higher the energy savings will be when using greenWave® technology. Private industrial grid

HT (High Voltage) public grid

» When used with single phase supplies, greenWave® welding power sources conform totally to the standard. When used with three phase supplies, harmonic disturbance is well below the established limits for connection to a supply of 16A or more, i.e. practically all industrial electricity supplies. | Source: voestalpine Böhler Welding

6. Conformity to the strictest standards Because of the pulsed currents, conventional inverter power sources cause harmonic disturbance. This is transmitted back to the mains and increases cur- rent draw. With the introduction of standard EN 61000- 3-12, limitations have been placed. The limits imposed by EN 61000-3-12 only apply to systems fed from the low tension, public grid. In the case of equipment pow- ered from the public grid, installers and users are required to ensure that the equipment conforms to EN 61000-3-12 standard. If it does not, users have to con- sult the electric company to ascertain whether or not the equipment can be connected to the mains. green- Wave® welding power sources are already conform to EN 61000-3-12, and do therefore not require any fur- ther verifications to be made.* 7. Reduction of between 70% and 100% in reactive energy consumption More and more countries are implementing policies to minimize reactive energy. Many have already introduced billing systems that penalize the generation of reactive energy, and more are likely to follow soon. green- Wave® welding power sources completely eliminate reactive power con- sumption with single phase power supplies, and dramatically reduce it with three phase supplies. The more greenWave® power sources are operating along the production line, the bigger this contribution is. In addition, in factories and on sites where welding equipment is the principal cause of reactive power, the introduction of greenWave® power sources virtually eliminates the need to install costly and bulky phase correction systems.

12:00 h

Reactive power greenWave® technology

» 2h use of power source 10:00 h

12:00 h

Conventional inverter power source

15 A

Green wave® power source


10 A

distribution over a 6 mm cable of 200 m length (considering resistivity of copper) 1150 W


510 W

Operating 5h/day & 230 days/year 1380 kWh


612 kWh


» Annual power savings using greenWave technology. | Image: voestalpine Böhler Welding

9. greenWave® helps reduce CO2 emissions Power lines, because of the intrinsic resistance of their conductors, are subject to energy losses through heat dissipation. Because greenWave® power sources draw less current, they make a major contribution to reducing energy losses along power lines. This in turn means lower emissions. Choosing an eco- logical greenWave® power source is therefore a way of taking collective responsibility for the environment.

Reactive Power Conventional technology

10:00 h

3 MIG/MAG welding units 200 A

in industrial company | Source: voestalpine Böhler Welding

»1000 greenWave® power sources operating at 200 A / 28 V for 1200 hours a year correspond to a reduction in CO2 emissions for about 110 tons« April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


JOINING AND MATERIAL TECHNOLOGIES High tech for the metalworking industry

The all-inclusive cutting solution Versatility is also valued and demanded in an industrial setting, to be able to meet current and future requirements. Messer Cutting Systems GmbH from Groß-Umstadt has now created a truly allinclusive package and the first cutting solution to meet this concept with their new ELEMENT platform. It shines not only in new design but, above all, with tempo, precision and productivity.

There are many suppliers of cutting systems in the market. However, only those who can present innovative concepts can succeed in winning customers. For this reason, Messer Cutting Systems GmbH, as solution supplier, continuously spotlights the market requirements in the search for ever better solutions which offer customers better value. This has resulted in the flexible machine platform ELEMENT: It combines high productivity and precision with individual configuration and updates. Thus, users are also able to take on future requirements and achieve a competitive edge. “We have developed the new ELEMENT platform to offer our customers even more possibilities and flexibility, to configure all varieties of cutting process exactly to their individual requirements”, stresses John Emholz, President & CEO of Messer Cutting Systems Group. On top of that, the newest technology is incorporated in all

components – for increased productivity, improved cut quality and shorter cycle times.

Machine control of the smart type

Today we can use a Smartphone almost in our sleep. So why not transfer what we have learnt to value in daily life onto the control of a cutting machine? This was the thinking of the developers of the new CNC control Global Connect, so they integrated up to date touch operation and a modern interface into the current Human-Machine-Interface (HMI). On this, Ingo Göller, CTO Global at Messer Cutting Systems: “Our vision was to make the complete operating procedure easier, faster, and above all, more reproducible. To achieve this, many innovations were integrated which makes the entire operation, and especially the preparation of the processing run, more intuitive, capable of automation and reliable, which means even first time users can start quickly. Naturally, we have also taken care that users of the conventional Global Control can still find their way around the new Global Connect at once.” Although the operation and preparation of the operating process are very important and decisive phases, the operating process itself is most important in a machine. It is in just this area that Messer Cutting Systems places emphasis on fully automatic cycles and minimisation of non-productive times. To achieve The flexible machine platform ELEMENT from Messer Cutting Systems combines high productivity and precision this, almost all processes were with individual configuration and Updates. This means users can face future demands and gain a competitive thoroughly examined during the advantage. | Photo: Walter Vorjohann new development, reconsidered



April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


» To make the entire operating

» The new plasma bevel

process simpler, faster and more reproduceable, the developers from Messer Cutting Systems integrated an up to date touch operation with a modern interface into the current Human-Machine-Interface (HMI) of the new CNC control Global Connect. | Photo: Walter Vorjohann

system was specially developed by Messer Cutting Systems for the ELEMENT platform. The torch scores with high flexibility and processes complex contours, holes, or bevels for weld preparations. | Photo: Walter Vorjohann

and drastically optimised. To pave the way for a further networking, the Global Connect can now directly process production orders and achieve maximum productivity, especially when working with the products of the OmniFab family. The fact that the user interface stays clear and simply structured for this helps the user to call and operate all features without any problems.

Modular platform for individual solutions A large selection of cutting and marking tools can be integrated here. “Is a solution with oxyfuel cutting and marking called for? Or rather the plasma process with a bevel head for fast cuts? With the ELEMENT our customer gets a previously non-existent flexibility to be able to configure their system exactly to their individual requirements”, says Jörg Mosser, Director Sales, Service & Marketing, Europe.

Tempo and precision perfectly united When designing the new ELEMENT the developers did not just increase the performance of the machine but also went a step further: not only did they use the extensive engineering resources and experience of Messer Cutting Systems, to profit from their many years of successful machine development but also looked forwards to incorporate the latest technologies available now and predict future trends. “The use of special components makes possible high accelerations and travel speeds in all axes. What is more, we have renewed the lifter, which speeds up the cutting process even more. With the intelligent torch sensing, processes can be optimised and unnecessary movements eliminated. This shortens cycle times and thus increases the overall productivity”, says Abraham Balendran, Product Manager at Messer Cutting Systems, Europe. And as good brakes belong to fast driving, the SureStop Sensor ensures that even at high speeds collisions are avoided. However, speed is not the only area where the new ELEMENT can score points: Whether for complex contours, holes, or bevels for weld seam preparation – the new plasma bevel head which Messer Cutting Systems have developed especially for the ELEMENT platform can be used very flexibly. The torch permits accurate bevel cuts over a significant range of angles. The rotation with high acceleration ensures an efficient utilisation of the machine. The arc voltage automatically and precisely controls the torch height during the entire cut – for perfect results. For the

new development of the bevel head the focus was also on function and low material wear. The precision helical rack and pinion drive system of the ELEMENT also ensures even, vibration free motion, which improves the cut quality even more. Installation is quite simple, too: the rails are either mounted directly onto the floor of the production hall or on steel beams. This makes it flexible and saves costs.

Well networked Alongside the high quality, robust system technology, it is also especially important that the machine can be smoothly integrated into the customer’s workflow. For this Messer offer a modular software solution which can be configured targeted on the varied requirements. “Our Software portfolio with the product families OmniWin and OmniFab model a complete digitalised production process right up to the machine and back”, states Roger Kilian-Kehr, CDO Global at Messer Cutting Systems. The close networking of ERP systems and the Messer cutting unit makes it easier for the user to increase his overall productivity through a gain in transparency. “And, thanks to data which can be evaluated, allows the overall productivity to be evaluated objectively instead of having to rely on pure gut feeling. Thus, if necessary, the correct adjustments can be made to keep production continuously at the highest level”, adds Roger Kilian-Kehr.

Celoten paket prinaša dodatno vrednost The ELEMENT cannot just do many things, but can also do them really well. “However, it is the interaction of all of our technologies, software and hardware solutions as well as our services which make the difference. With this total package our customers get the decisive added value and can establish a firm position in the fiercely contested market”, concludes John Emholz. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Operational data acquisition with myWFL In furthering the smart networking of people and production, WFL is presenting a new, interesting software solution for operational data acquisition and predictive servicing. The new software tool, myWFL, consists of the operational data acquisition software myWFL Cockpit, the multifunctional energy optimisation tool myWFL Energy and the myWFL Condition Monitoring System. Machine and program states over time, productivity and technical availability will all be displayed, either on the control system, PC or mobile device via a web browser. This means that the user can always be well-informed about their machine productivity.

myWFL Cockpit is an operational data acquisition system that displays the machine state (e.g. productive, available or malfunction), performance (productivity and availability), modes of operation and override settings over time. Operating hours, channel status, active NC program, active tool and program runtime are also displayed. The evaluation and display of machine productivity (OEE) and technical availability in a definable observation period can be easily carried out with the new solution. Data is collected and stored locally on the control system (not cloud solution) and can be viewed on the control system display. However, the dashboards are also offered via a web interface via the internal customer network and can therefore also be viewed on the workstation PC or on mobile devices (tablets, mobile phones) via a web browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, etc.). The software automatically adapts to the different window formats and resolutions. In combination with our proprietary iControl process monitoring system, the progression over time and current values of the ambient temperature and the temperature in the milling spindle housing are also recorded and displayed in myWFL Cockpit.

myWFL Energy Another new feature is the myWFL Energy energy usage measurement device integrated in the myWFL Cockpit, which displays the current power and energy consumption data as well as the energy consumption of each workpiece. Electrical characteristic values such as voltage, amperage, apparent, active and reactive power, power factor, frequency, min/max values, active and reactive energy are displayed. The energy consumption and switch-on times of various units such as the high-pressure coolant pump per workpiece or per NC program run are also recorded and displayed in myWFL Cockpit.

myWFL Condition Monitoring Another highlight of myWFL is the integrated Condition Monitoring cycle. When the cycle is running, the friction values of the 44

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

» myWFL Cockpit: The dashboard overview displays data such as machine

state, performance, operating modes and override settings over time as well as operating hours, channel status, active NC program and much more. | Vir: WFL Millturn Technologies

axes and spindles, as well as the temperature in the milling spindle housing and the vibration or the rolling bearing condition value of the front milling spindle bearing are continuously recorded and stored on the control system. Using Condition Monitoring Viewer, it is possible to select the data of the various Condition Monitoring runs on the control system, graphically overlay them and analyse them over time. This allows for the early detection of possible malfunctions and minimises unplanned downtimes.


» myWFL Condition Monitoring: The friction values of the axes and spindles, as well as the temperature in the milling spindle housing and the vibration or the rolling bearing condition value of the front milling spindle bearing are recorded and stored on the control system. | Vir: WFL Millturn Technologies

Pametni asistent With myWFL, you get a 24/7 overview and can exploit the optimisation potential of the Smart Factory. Not only does the new software offer a transparent user interface, but it also improves machine utilisation. All data from the production environment

is collected and analysed with the aim of increasing productivity. As a result, shorter production times go hand-in-hand with more effective organisation of smart factory processes.

German tool and mould making industry makes joint appearance at Fakuma 2021 From 12 to 16 October, companies from the plastics industry met in Friedrichshafen for Fakuma. Almost 1500 exhibitors presented their product ranges at the international trade fair for plastics processing. The Association of German Tool and Moldmakers (VDWF) were present with its joint stand in 2021. Like so many events, Fakuma 2020 also fell victim to the Corona virus. All the greater is the joy that the 27th Fakuma may now take place again — naturally in compliance with a hygiene concept. 31 VDWF member companies will be presenting their product and service offerings at the joint stand on an area of 340 m2. The VDWF's general meeting in September showed that collaborative exchange is possible even with a mask and some distance - and the need to finally meet like-minded people face to face again is great after the long exhibition hiatus. The focus of Fakuma is on industrial plastics processing worldwide and the associated technologies, products and systems. Represented at the VDWF's joint stand are not only tool and mould making companies, but also suppliers, design offices, software providers and service providers for measuring technology, surface finishing and eroding technology. And all of them are ready to make their know-how available to interested parties. As the traditional stand party has had to be cancelled due to

» From 12 to 16 October, companies from the plastics industry met in Friedrichshafen for Fakuma. | Image: VDWF

the corona, the VDWF invites visitors to a “late shift” tour of the Dornier Museum and to go to the cinema together (“James Bond 007: No Time to Die”). [ Author: Alexander Stark ]

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



» With its comprehensive product

portfolio and world-class technological expertise, MAPAL supports its customers' complete fluid technology processes. ©MAPAL

MAPAL Focuses on Fluid Technology In addition to drive systems and components, fluid technology is one of the most important supplier sectors for all industrial production. Going forward, MAPAL will manage this important area as an independent market segment. For many years, customers have relied on the expertise of the tool manufacturer for demanding machining operations for hydraulic parts. However, as a solution provider, the tool manufacturer also has concepts for the cost-optimised manufacturing of the whole product. Fluid technology products are used in a wide range of markets, such as mechanical and plant engineering, energy and environmental technology, automation technology, printing machines, woodworking machines, food and packaging machines, aerospace and shipbuilding. Driven by rising population figures worldwide, particularly agricultural engineering and construction machinery are absolute growth markets.

Germany is the technology leader In an industry analysis, the VDMA confirms the high level of innovation in fluid technology from Germany. In terms of world trade, Germany ranks first, ahead of the USA and China, with an export quota of 60 percent, making it the world's most important supplier in this sector. The foreign production of many German fluid technology companies also enhances market penetration. The prospect of a comparatively crisis-proof growth industry is by no means the only reason for MAPAL to focus more on fluid 46

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technology. The workpiece materials to be machined (cast iron, steel, stainless steels and non-ferrous metals) are ideally suited to the tool manufacturer's product portfolio. Over and above carrying out demanding machining steps, MAPAL can support the entire process worldwide here as a technology partner. "The customers' needs fit our MAPAL DNA," is the analysis of Jochen Schmidt, who heads up the General Machining segment. To him, being a technology partner means understanding both the customers' needs and the actual product and how it functions in the end product.

Fine work for the rough stuff One such end product might be an excavator. Sitting behind a row of levers, the excavator operator becomes a virtuoso at his workplace. He usually operates two or three levers at the same time, not just to move the boom or bucket in one direction, but to implement complex sequences. Since superimposed movements are the rule, joysticks have often found their way into the cabs instead of rows of levers.

TOOL & MOULD MAKING AND MACHINE BUILDING Irrespective of whether a lever or a joystick is being used, bringing loads weighing several tonnes to their destination with millimetre precision means that every single movement must be executed very precisely and reliably to ensure perfect interaction. Each lever is connected to a specific valve housing. The more functionalities the machine has, the more of these valves are installed in series. The number of parts that can be moved during

» A tangential boring tool with indexable inserts from MAPAL carries out

the pre-machining process reliably and significantly reduces the intervention times. ©MAPAL

Cost drivers are eliminated

» The required tolerances of the spool bore in terms of roundness (2.5 μm) and straightness (1 μm) are achieved in series production. ©MAPAL

Everything depends on the main bore For Jochen Schmidt, manufacturing them is the supreme discipline in the world of hydraulics. For many years, MAPAL's expertise has been in demand for the spool bore in the valve housings. The gap dimension with the slide depends on the accuracy of this bore, which is very narrowly defined in modern hydraulic valves, so that the hydraulic oil can only flow in the required direction. The roundness, straightness and surface finish of this bore are also crucial. The first machining step takes the varying quality of the cast blanks into account. Since the pre-cast bores are relatively imprecise, a precise pilot bore must first be created in the first ridge. This lays the foundation for creating a good cylindrical form in the subsequent machining steps. Next, a solid carbide tool or, in the case of the larger parts, a tool with indexable inserts passes through the entire bore. What the pilot drill has created for the first ridge is now produced along its entire length. To prevent ring formation in the hollow chambers due to propelled chips, MAPAL ensures a soft cut during machining by using tangential technology. This can eliminate the need for a separate washing cycle in the process. After this pre-machining, the classic fine boring tool from MAPAL is used, finishing the bore extremely precisely. It has an adjustable cutting edge and guide pads, which prevent the tool from being displaced from ridge to ridge. This produces a high degree of straightness and an exact cylindrical form. The different valve housings have different requirements. The fact that a three-stage honing process is added for some parts after the fine machining of the spool bore shows how high they can be. Since quantities in the sector are increasing and production capacities are often inadequate, honing has become an important issue. The workpiece usually has to be moved to another machine for this, which takes time, drives up costs and sometimes creates a bottleneck in the manufacturing process.

Nonetheless, the bore quality can be improved with the MAPAL fine boring tool under certain circumstances, so that only a single-stage or two-stage honing process is required, or honing can even be dispensed with altogether. In many cases, where three stages are still needed, this process is considerably faster thanks to the good pre-machining. Any time saved pays off here. Although the hydraulics sector is characterised by extremely high component variance, the quantities in series production are in the millions. MAPAL considers it important to identify and eliminate possible cost drivers. "As a technology partner, we have the product portfolio to be able to design the entire process for the complete component in line with requirements," assures Jochen Schmidt. In addition to the central spool bore, MAPAL also carries out the fine machining for the pressure balance bore and was able to completely replace honing here. With 2 µ for straightness and roundness, high accuracy is also required for this shorter bore.

High efficiency with standard tools Machining hydraulic parts requires more than just expert and custom tools; it also involves different technologies that make economical machining possible even with the available standard portfolio. One example is provided by tangential roughing tools (TSW), which provide significant savings in peak times and a significant improvement in quality when pre-machining bores in valve housings for mobile hydraulics. The parts are 500x500 mm valve blocks made of spheroidal graphite cast iron 50, with three piston bores to be machined from both sides, with a diameter allowance of up to 16 mm. MAPAL's tangential roughing tool produces short rip chips, preventing rings from being pressed into the gaps and then having to be removed at great expense. The operation time has been reduced by 15.33 minutes per part. The housings of the corresponding model were produced in a quantity of 500, which means a total time saving of 128 hours. Machining the complete parts in the future is a strategic step for MAPAL. Whereas once there was a conflict of objectives in the industry between high productivity or the best possible quality, now they can both be reconciled with each other in a reliable process. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Digitalization at 30,000 RPM Walking from booth to booth, talking to experts, touching products and seeing them in action. All of this was possible again at EMO in Milan. The leading trade show for metalworking offered the opportunity of an international industry event. SCHUNK was there presenting innovative solutions for automated, flexible, and sustainable manufacturing. The highlight of process digitalization: the even more powerful iTENDO² smart toolholder.

The requirements when it comes to tool clamping are increasing. Andreas Kühl, General Manager of the SCHUNK subsidiary in Italy, explains why: "Metal-cutting tools are becoming more and more complex. Furthermore, besides damping and vibration behavior, ease of operation, and a fast set-up process are becoming more important for the users." To meet these demands, SCHUNK offers a comprehensive portfolio of products for workpiece and tool clamping technology and is constantly developing it further. At EMO in Milan the company was showcasing its innovations. The highlight was the iTENDO2. It allows users to conveniently monitor their machining processes. The sensory toolholder monitors the process directly on the tool, detects unforeseen instabilities and documents them comprehensively. At the same time, it is more compact, more powerful and more versatile than its predecessor. Among other things, it can evaluate series activities and perform tasks in aerospace engineering with its increased maximum speed of 30,000 RPM.

» Good for users and the environment: ROTA THW3 and ROTA-M flex 2+2 lathe chucks are completely sealed. As a result, they require less frequent maintenance. Image: SCHUNK

The new products can do even more

» An important step towards digitalization in tool clamping: With the iTENDO2, users can conveniently monitor their machining processes. Image: SCHUNK


April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

The TANDEM3 modular system also opens up more possibilities for applications. The new generation of clamping force blocks replaces the TANDEM-plus modular system and expands the portfolio by a myriad of variants with additional technical features that enable automated machine loading. Durability, flexibility and sustainability are always the focus aspects for SCHUNK when it comes to further developing the products – such as the new ROTA THW3 and ROTA-M flex 2+2 lathe chucks. They can be flexibly adapted to a wide variety of clamping tasks. In addition, they are completely sealed. This is good for the user and the environment, as both benefit from longer maintenance intervals, even in case of demanding continuous use.


» With the clamping force

block KSP3, SCHUNK is opening up new fields of applications in the area of automated machine loading. It is the first product of the new TANDEM3 modular system. Image: SCHUNK

Production is not only becoming more sustainable, but increasingly autonomous and networked. With a clever combination of gripping systems, toolholding and workholding technology, SCHUNK was showcasing solution approaches for automating machine tools at EMO. At the booth, the automation expert were demonstrating how cobots assist in direct loading of a machine tools, or how clamping devices can be flexibly changed via pallet loading. Visitors also saw an initial portfolio of electrical clamping devices that can be integrated into production as a digital component in the future.

The varioSCAN II offers greater flexibility for integrators

New Z-Axis Generation for Various Laser Applications SCANLAB GmbH, a leading OEM manufacturer of laser scan solutions, is launching its new z-axis generation varioSCAN II. The innovative system design with new bearing technology now enables the incredibly compact z-axis to be integrated into a laser machine in any mounting orientation. This additional flexibility simplifies the implementation of different laser system concepts for machine builders. Precise workpiece processing in three dimensions requires highly dynamic positioning of the laser focus along the optical z-axis. With the addition of focusing units, xy scan systems can be easily transformed into 3D beam deflection systems. In this way, the laser focus can be guided along the exact contour of the workpiece being processed. The varioSCAN product line is ideal for applications requiring f-theta lenses, as well as applications for which these costly lenses are unavailable. In the second case, the focusing system provides a plane focusing surface in addition to z-adjustment of the focus. Besides the processing of three-dimensional surfaces, classic fields of application requiring z-axis manipulation include additive manufacturing (3D printing) and laser cutting. In many of these applications, there is a trend towards higher laser powers, the use of ultrashort pulse lasers and the demand for improved image quality and positioning accuracy. When developing the new varioSCAN II, the focus was on these exact requirements, with the mechanical design, in particular, being optimized for technical cleanliness. The configuration of the optics is tailored to customer requirements, for example in terms of the z-travel, laser wavelength and beam diameter. The new lens designs, as well as the use of low-absorption optics and premium coatings, open up entirely new possibilities for users to improve their individual laser processes.

» varioSCAN Z-Axis for flexible laser applications. | Image: SCANLAB GmbH Switching to the new varioSCAN II z-axis generation is simple and efficient, as all mechanical and electrical interfaces of the focusing system are designed as a drop-in replacement for the established previous model. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1 49


New high-performance coatings They are less than 0.005 mm (0.0002") thick, yet still an essential part of modern tool technology: tool coatings extend the service life of carbide tools by over 1000 percent compared to their uncoated counterparts. The high-performance coatings IG6 and SG3 are testament to Horn`s engineering expertise in tool finishing. IG6 – a copper-coloured aluminium-titanium-silicon nitride (AlTiSiN) coating – is designed for use in machining groups P and M with the S224 and S229 grooving systems.

In conjunction with the adapted carbide substrate, the coating allows for faster material removal rates and significantly extended service life in steel machining applications in the aforementioned machining groups. The standard inserts are available from stock. For special designs, Horn Greenline orders can be delivered within five working days of the customer signing off on the drawing. SG3 is designed for use with titanium and super alloys, as well as in hard turning and hard grooving applications. The coating can be applied at temperatures of up to 1,100 degrees Celsius (2012 F). The Horn coating is designed to deliver an outstanding performance when working with materials that are difficult to machine. Now that the advantages of the tool coating have been proven on selected HORN tool systems, the product is also available from stock for the type 105 Supermini system. The in-house coating ensures both high quality and fast delivery times. Horn has developed a high level of expertise in the coating of precision tools over the last 15 years – starting with five employees and one coating system and growing to over 50 employees

» SG3 is designed for use with titanium and super alloys, as well as in hard turning and hard grooving applications. | Image: Horn/Sauermann

» The high-performance coating IG6 for Horn grooving system S224 and S229 is available from stock. | Image: Horn/Sauermann


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working across fourteen coating systems and the accompanying peripheral equipment in the coating department. Engineers are also constantly researching and developing new and existing coatings – always with the aim of creating even higher-performance tool coatings. Horn is constantly investing in new, modern technologies. In 2015, the company CemeCon delivered the first of three HiPIMS systems to Horn, which happened to be the first in the world as well. High power impulse magnetron sputtering technology has several advantages and provides new opportunities when it comes to coating precision tools. It enables the formation of coatings that are very dense and compact, as well as extremely hard and tough. The coatings have a very homogeneous structure and exhibit an even coating thickness, even with complex tool geometries.


SLM Solutions Launches Free Float

Software Solution That Majorly Reduces Support Structure and Promises Even More Disruption to the Metal 3D Printing Industry Free Float technology empowers the creation of previously impossible designs and fewer costs. The state-of-the-art software massively reduce supports and, in some cases, removes them completely without increasing build time. Free Float allows for better part quality, sharper edges, and a smoother finish. SLM Solutions gives the basic subscription away at no cost. The digital event attracted more than 1,000 people globally

» The new Free Float software

from SLM Solutions enables 3D-printing without support structures, what substantially increases productivity and decreases production costs, also because of smaller material consumption | Image: SLM Solutions

SLM Solutions launched another game-changing product called Free Float. The latest addition to the company's portfolio now empowers the creation of metal components with previously impossible designs and unmatched productivity, reducing overall material usage and minimizing the end-part cost to achieve industrial-scale production. Sam O'Leary, CEO of SLM Solutions, recapped the event by saying, "With the launch of Free Float, you can design bolder, freer, and with fewer limitations. Today you can work faster and more productively. Today you can go to the place that will take you to the next level. Now that's disruption." In a surprise revelation during the after-event panel discussion, he also announced that the basic subscription would come free of charge: "We're not messing around. Free Float is a game-changer that will enable success and shouldn't be limited regarding accessibility." Support structures have puzzled the company's Chief Engineer, Dieter Schwarze, from the very conception of the SLM® technology. Since the 1990s, support structures have been an inherent part of the 3D printing process. However, often, the design of the main component was limited due to the support structures needed to build them, and support structures could be a substantial section of the overall part volume. Supports also need to be removed later during the post-processing phase and increase material usage, whi-

ch by default increases cost. These factors prompted Mr. Schwarze to wonder, "Is a support-free future viable?" Years later, that future looked possible for the first time. In 2017, a first glimpse at what would become Free Float was discovered as a by-product of a research project. After rigorous research and development, Free Float was born. Today, its unique vector technology establishes thermal management that significantly decreases net build time while simultaneously enhancing part quality, especially the case in overhang areas, which can now free float, like the branches of a tree. It's the latest and greatest in software innovation for SLM Solutions and reflects its initiative to be the best in class for its customers. At the forefront of its design was seamless useability: Its three profiles, low, medium, and high, easily give you the desired outcome. In the words of its product manager, Benjamin Haas, "You do not need a Ph.D. to use it." And, following SLM Solutions' open architecture philosophy, Free Float was designed to be retrofittable on many previously built systems, including the SLM®280 Production Series, the SLM®280 2.0, the SLM®500, the SLM®800, and the NXG Xll 600. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Beverston brings iSMART Factory to life A precision engineering firm that prides itself on investing in state-of-the-art technology has transformed its workshop with iSMART Factory™ solutions from Yamazaki Mazak, providing a digitalized Industry 4.0 network connecting all of its machines. “We’ve always been a company that have looked to adopt cutting-edge practices to increase our machining capacity and efficiency,” says Rod Wah, Owner and Managing Director of Beverston Engineering.

Based in Knowsley, Merseyside, Beverston specialise in the prototyping and manfacture of state-of-the-art engineering components. The company manufactures safety-critical parts to a wide range of industries, including aerospace, pharmaceutical and oil and gas from a 16,420 sq. ft. premises. Established in 1974, Beverston has been a Yamazaki Mazak customer since the 1980s following its move from toolmaking and workholding fixture production into CNC machining. Looking to expand into this exciting new market, Rod explored his options and was soon struck by the quality of the solutions the machine tool supplier could offer. “I took over at Beverston in 1981 and as the decade progressed it became obvious I needed to invest in CNC machines, simply because they were so much better and so much quicker than what we had used up to that point,” Rod explains. “Originally, when I started looking for models that might suit, I had certain ideas in mind – mainly centre lathes with software packages that had been converted into CNC machines. I wasn’t really aware of Mazak at the time, but when I saw the machines that they had available, they were far superior to anything else that was on the market. “I went away and considered my options, but soon concluded the Mazak systems were so good, and so suitable to a subcontracting business like ourselves, that it was an easy decision. In fact, it’s been one of the best I’ve ever made – as soon as we began installing Mazak machines, we could improve productivity and make parts more cost-effective, and things soon escalated from there.” The Beverston-Mazak relationship endures almost 40 years later with Rod’s commitment to quality machining resulting in the machine tool supplier providing 23 different machines as the business experienced continued success. Indeed, the longevity of this partnership can be seen in the company’s first purchase, a QUICK TURN 8, which remains in operation on Beverston’s factory floor to this day. However, Rod’s commitment to innovation – and keeping his business ahead of the curve – meant he was always looking for ways to make Beverston more competitive. When he was introduced to the possibilities of Industry 4.0 by a Liverpool City Region project, 52

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» Beverston Engineering transforms its production with Yamazaki Mazak’s

iSMART Factory solution that enables digitally connected machines. | Image: Mazak

LCR 4.0, and how it could make processes more efficient and reduce waste, he was understandably intrigued. As a result, a Knowledge Transfer Partnership project, funded through Innovate UK was formed in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University to drive Beverston’s innovative Industry 4.0 programme. “In the old days, improving the performance of your workshop was very easy, as our move from manual machines to those using CNC shows,” Rod explains. “However, once you’ve made the switch to CNC machining, the improvements you make after that aren’t as big, and you can often hit brick walls thinking of what to do next. “So, once I saw Industry 4.0 and looked at the benefits it could


» Smooth Monitor AX software enables the visualization of machine status monitoring and in case of malfunction immediately reacts. | Image: Mazak offer Beverston, I was immediately interested. This was the perfect next step for us. We knew we needed to get started with a new project, and as we already had Mazak tools in place, it made sense to see what they could offer us.” Mazak developed its iSMART Factory™ solution to provide its customers with a way of integrating Industry 4.0 principles into their manufacturing operations. Specifically, the iSMART Factory™ concept was created in recognition that, while the benefits of Industry 4.0 were clear, the actual on-the-ground implementation could prove a barrier. With this in mind, Mazak’s iSMART Factory™ solutions were developed to focus on data collection, utlilsation and analysis, while always safeguarding manufacturing processes with the highest levels of network security, which is provided by Mazak’s SMARTBOX™ technology. The ultimate objective is more efficient factory and machine utilisation. In Beverston’s case, iSMART Factory™ solutions have been seamlessly integrated the company’s factory and office networks, with MT Connect monitoring the machines with data exported to Smooth Monitor AX software which sits on Beverston’s server. From there the company can run data enquiries and integrate into the MRP system. “We upgraded the network and Mazak engineers came in to install the SMARTBOX™ technology and configure our machines to work with MT Connect and the software,” says Rod. “A key concern was also security, which is extremely important in the manufacture of sensitive and safety-critical parts. Of course, if you are connected to internet, you need to ensure this sensitive data remains secure. “This was key to our decision to choose the Mazak SMARTBOX™ technology, as our customers were rightly demanding the highest possible levels of security. The boxes are excellent – all data now

passes to and from the server through them, and are secure enough that any worried clients soon enjoyed peace-of-mind that we’ve met their standards.” He continues: “The Smooth Monitor AX software has also been a good visual tool. We have a large screen on the shop floor which continually monitors the status of the machines. Everybody can see when machines are down or, if there’s an alarm, the maintenance guys can instantly see what’s going on. We have screens in the office that show the managers and supervisors live information they can react to immediately.” The overall effect for Beverston has been dramatic even at an early stage of the ongoing project. By monitoring and displaying information to its office and factory team, the company has already seen a 23 per cent reduction in setting time and downtime, and a 40 per cent relative increase in machine utilisation. These early findings are why Rod believes Beverston’s future will be bright, with additional actions expected to further establish its status as an excellent example of smart manufacturing solutions in action. “We haven’t even had to make massive changes to get this level of improvement, and that’s been a real bonus,” Rod concludes. “It’s when we further analyse this data that we expect to see even more savings and optimisation of existing processes. “This is absolutely what our customers want – quality products for the lowest price they can pay. iSMART Factory™ is helping us achieve that, and will be key to our competitiveness going forward. At the end of the day, investment in new technology and new practices has been what’s kept Beverston improving since 1974 and led us to where we are now.” April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Mill-turn technology for more efficient flying Lower fuel consumption, less emissions and significantly less noise – when it comes to achieving these goals in aircraft, the main focus is on their engines. Complex geometries, highly durable materials and uninterrupted process monitoring are decisive factors for safety and progress in manufacturing. Hermle's response to the demanding challenges involved in producing rotationally symmetrical engine components such as blisks is represented by the mill-turn variants of its High-Performance machining centres.

"Rotate!" – This command is issued when an aircraft's speed gives it enough lift to start the process of getting into the air. Amongst other things, this requires a certain wing design and the right airflows around it. These, in turn, are generated by the thrust from the aircraft's engines. Since the middle of the last century, most aircraft have been equipped with turbofan engines (also referred to as bypass-type power units). As with all jet engines, the propulsive power comes from air being forced out against the direction of travel. In a turbofan engine, there is a fan in front of the smaller-diameter compressor and combustion chamber. The fan is what can be seen of the engine from the outside. This fan blows a large proportion of the intake air past the core propulsion unit, making a contribution to the engine's total thrust. The fan is driven by the core propulsion unit, so the latter only provides part of the thrust directly, while the rest is provided indirectly via the fan. Modern aircraft engines have several shafts and a gear system that allows the fan and the turbine to have different rotational speeds. The development and gradual optimization of turbofan designs has led to dramatic improvements in fuel efficiency and performance. One of the most important factors here is the bypass ratio that quantifies the amount of air flowing past the turbine compared with the amount of air flowing through it. While modern engines now have a bypass ratio in the range of 10:1, older ones still operate at around 5:1. In future, engine designs will allow for a bypass ratio of 15:1 and significantly lower fuel consumption and noise emissions.

» The future will be dominated by twin-jet aircraft on account of their extremely efficient engine technology. | Image: Hermle

Technological progress Even though the current Corona crisis has caused a massive reduction in air traffic, there is no doubt that it will remain an important means of transporting people and goods. According to the German Aviation Association, more than 248 million air passengers arrived at or left German airports in 2019, and over 4.9 million tonnes of air cargo were handled. It is difficult to say how long it will take until similar figures are reached after the crisis is over. But there is no doubt that they will increase again at some 54

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» A look inside an engine reveals the fan that is driven by the turbine to provide thrust. | Image: Hermle


» Looking into a C

42 U MT dynamic: The inner contours of an engine cowling are machined using a trochoidal turning technique. | Image: Hermle

stage. The future of the aviation industry depends on both economic as well as ecological aspects. The primary aims are to reduce fuel consumption, the emission of pollutants and noise levels. The Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE), whose members are recruited from the European Commission and aerospace industries, has formulated concrete development objectives as part of its research and innovation strategy: According to 'Flightpath 2050', CO2 emissions are to be reduced by 75% and NOx emissions by 90% per passenger kilometre by 2050. ACARE is also pushing for a 65% reduction in noise pollution.

units. Here, temperatures may exceed 2000 °C. Noise levels are being reduced by modifying the shape and number of fan blades, amongst other things.

» Complex geometries

and large workpieces like this fan module – no problem for the C 62 U MT dynamic. | Image: Hermle

Continually increasing stresses More complex geometries, higher pressures and more demanding temperatures – every advance in power unit design is coupled with higher demands on the component parts, in other words on the materials and the manufacturing processes. Maschinenfabrik Berthold Hermle AG has made a name for itself with its high-precision milling machines and machining centres. In 2010, the chipping specialist presented its first MT (mill-turn) machine to the world: the C 42 U MT. Martin Wener, Hermle's Key Account Management head, recalls: "That was the point at which we entered the aerospace sector in a big way. Before that we had not put any particular emphasis on that market, although of course our milling machines were already in use with engine manufacturers." The MT technology allowed Hermle to serve new customers, including engine developers, and now the aerospace sector accounts for over 10% of the company's total turnover.

» The C 52 U MT is Hermle's flexible multi-talent with its large working area and minimal footprint. | Image: Hermle

In order to achieve these objectives, aircraft and power unit designers are working to improve aerodynamics and aircraft weight, the engines and the fuel itself. Of these items, the engines will probably make the largest contribution towards meeting the challenge. To go into somewhat more detail: Two physical parameters are of special relevance, the thrust efficiency and the thermal efficiency. Newly developed low-pressure systems help to increase the bypass ratio, making for more thrust with lower fuel consumption. In addition to other approaches, developers are exploring the theoretical limits of thermal efficiency by exploiting higher pressures, temperatures or component efficiency ratings in innovative core power

» The C 42 U MT dynamic represented Hermle's entry into the challenging world of mill-turn machining in 2010. | Image: Hermle

For Wener, the secret of success is in the machine's dual capabilities: "While the material is being milled, it can also be swivelled. This gives us a great advantage compared with conventional turning machines." The simultaneous swivelling capability means that April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


TOOL & MOULD MAKING AND MACHINE BUILDING shorter and therefore more rigid tools can be used. On top of that, it is also possible to machine complex contours with just one tool. "So our users require fewer tools, and they can be standard tools. This enables them to make significant savings on investments," explains Wener.

especially strict in the aerospace industry. Wener explains: "Even where a project extends over several years, we are able to give our customers a guarantee that all machines that we construct and supply in a given space of time are identical – irrespective of any software updates or hardware system modifications that may have been introduced." This is where Hermle's standardization concept scores points against special machine designs.

» Difficult-to-machine materials, large diameters and narrow tolerances – Hermle manufactures a turbine housing made of titanium on a C 62 U MT dynamic. | Image: Hermle

Of equal importance are the aspects of precision, stability and long-term accuracy. An engine series can span a large period of time, up to 20 years. Manufacturers expect our machines to match this with equally long precision and reliability specifications – down to the last part to be machined," says Wener. "Considering how difficult some machining materials such as Inconel or custom-designed high-temperature resistant materials can be to mill, as well as how complex the 5-axis geometries worked on our machines sometimes are, this makes for some very demanding challenges." And although replacement part availability is important in all sectors, the requirements regarding machine uniformity are

» Reliable shaping of complex forms: A fuel line connector after a roughing operation on a C 32 U dynamic. | Image: Hermle

One machine, two techniques Hermle currently supplies three High-Performance Line machines as MT variants: the C 42 U, C 52 U and the C 62 U. These allow customers to perform simultaneous rotational machining on workpieces up to a diameter of 1200 millimetres and a height of 900 millimetres. The following maximum weights must not be exceeded: 700 kg (C 42 U MT), 1000 kg (C 52 U MT) and 1500 kg (C 62 U MT). This restriction results from the enormous rotational momentum involved. The rigid construction that is essential for rotational machining is standard on Hermle machines anyway. However, one development that has certainly been significantly influenced by the aerospace applications is the hydraulic bearing preloading for the spindle. "The spindle is the weakest link in the entire system. That is why we have developed a rigidity system that responds to the rotational speed," explains Wener. The bearing load is automatically adjusted by the control system: At lower rotational speeds, the spindle system is made significantly more rigid – i.e. when the machine has to process materials that are difficult to handle. In addition, the bearing assemblies are given extra hydraulic support at low speeds. As the speed increases, the hydraulic pressure is reduced, until the bearing preloading is determined by the spring assembly alone.

Sensors for operational safety

» Hermle implements aerosol dry lubrication for machining titanium components such as this structural element. | Image: Hermle


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When it comes to machining engine components, monitoring the process constitutes another essential factor. If the process is not done strictly according to specifications, the consequences can literally be catastrophic. Part of such monitoring includes detailed documentation of each manufacturing stage. "One example of this can be seen in coolant monitoring. This provides confirmation that


» The C 62 U MT dynamic is the high-end model

of the Hermle High-Performance Line, capable of machining components weighing up to 2500 kg efficiently and highly dynamically. | Image: Hermle

coolant was always present during drilling operations. If this is not the case, i.e. the flow of cooling liquid is interrupted at some stage, there would be a localized thermal stress that could lead to changes in the material properties. This, in turn, could lead to failure at a later operational stage," explains Wener. That is why sensors are integrated into the machines to monitor pressures and flow rates in the central cooling circuit. The data generated in the course of the process monitoring are then linked to the component itself. An example of such a component is a so-called 'blisk'. The term blisk is a portmanteau word that comes from 'blade integrated disk'. Instead of making a turbine part by mounting blades onto a disk, the whole component is manufactured as a single part. This significantly reduces assembly work as well as both costs and weight. It can take up to 20 hours to machine a blisk. The machining strategy represents a challenge in itself, for the long blades must not be allowed to start oscillating during the process. Another factor to be borne in mind concerns tool wear. As Hermle's Key

Account Management head puts it: "This is where our customers profit from our tool automation systems." Machining problematical materials involves very high wear rates. "Automated tool changing often makes for significant improvements in efficiency," says Wener. Because of the long machining times, a pallet changer is used for supplying the machining centres automatically.

» In a later production stage fan blades will be inserted into this fan disk. It has been machined on a Hermle C 62 U MT dynamic. | Image: Hermle

» Exact milling of a single piece: A titanium impeller on a Hermle C 42 U MT dynamic. | Image: Hermle

When the machining is complete, the engine manufacturer has a blisk worth 100,000 euros that is ready to be assembled – apart from one more production step to seal the surface. Positive customer feedback covers more than just the machining quality, however: "Customers often let us know that they feel very well looked after by us," adds Martin Wener. That begins with careful consideration of customers' wishes, continues with Hermle's application technology consultants working together with users to find solutions rapidly and also carrying out milling tests at short notice, and is rounded off by a level of service provision that is often seen as a benchmark for the sector. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



Component Alignment at the Touch of a Button OPEN MIND’s hyperMILL® BEST FIT is a new function that is revolutionizing planning in machining operations. Instead of having to align the unmachined part in the clamping to the NC program manually, the hyperMILL® CAM system aligns the NC program automatically to the component position. This method saves time and increases process reliability, especially with cast, forged, welded, and additively manufactured stocks with small or irregular allowances, when reworking heat-treated parts, and during machine changeovers. Each of these processes requires a delicate touch to calibrate it with the CAD model of the end product.

hyperMILL® BEST FIT takes full advantage of the options offered by the virtual machine in the CAM program and communication with a 5-axis machining center capable of 3D measurements to eliminate the uncertainty that comes with manual alignment.

Real-time alignment for reliable, plannable processes Up to now, it has been standard practice to adapt the stock and the clamping in the machine to the conditions of the NC program. The component is aligned manually, using a dial gauge, control cycles, plus a great deal of sensitivity. The actual clamping operation is adapted to conform to the virtual programming. This process was time-intensive, often needed to be repeated multiple times, and involved a number of uncertainties. One way to solve this issue

» Intelligent component alignment at the touch of a button | Image: Open Mind

» With hyperMILL® BEST FIT, the process is reliable, precise, and plannable. | Image: Open Mind 58

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TOOL & MOULD MAKING AND MACHINE BUILDING is to align the component in CAM in real time. The unaligned stock is probed on the machine by way of a 3D measurement, the measurement log is sent to the CAM system, and hyperMILL® BEST FIT adjusts the NC code to the actual position of the component. The virtual world (programming) is adapted to the real world (clamping), not the other way around! The adjusted NC code is then simulated in the virtual machine on the actual clamping setup, and automatically optimized.

» Manfred Guggemos,

Product Manager at OPEN MIND Technologies AG | Image: Open Mind

A real game changer in many application areas “Thanks to hyperMILL® BEST FIT, time-consuming and unsafe component alignment on the machine is a thing of the past. hyperMILL® detects the situation on the machine and aligns the component virtually,” explains Manfred Guggemos, Product Manager at OPEN MIND Technologies. “Component alignment at the touch of a button is a real game changer in many application areas. This could include reworking refurbished parts and imperfect forged parts, machining parts that are too heavy to be aligned by hand,

eliminating the need for high-precision equipment, and more. What makes this unique is that unlike previous solutions available on the market, hyperMILL® BEST FIT does not change the origin on the controller and generates completely collision-checked toolpaths.”

Hoffmann Group presents the 2021/2022 catalogue With the publication if its 2021/2022 catalogue, the Hoffmann Group announces with immediate effect a two-year issuing cycle. The extension of the usage duration of the printed edition, which many customers refer to as the ‘orange bible’, will reduce paper consumption by about 1000 tonnes a year, and in addition avoid the CO2 emissions arising from transport. The new 2021/2022 catalogue offers a comprehensive range of quality tools, workstations and storage and personal protective equipment, amounting to more than 86,000 articles. It comes into effect on 1st August 2021. At that time all the articles will also be available in the eShop A total of around 110,000 articles are ready for immediate ex-stock delivery. Martin Reichenecker, Sales & Marketing Director and Spokesperson for the Executive Board at Hoffmann SE, explains: “We asked our customers whether they could accept a longer usage duration for the catalogue, so that we could improve our ecological footprint. The proposal was welcomed by a clear majority. We are very pleased that our customers support our sustainability initiative. We will use the resources that are released to further develop our digital channels, so that we can offer our customers an even better service.” The 2021/2022 Hoffmann Group catalogue includes articles from 500 manufacturers’ brands, together with the GARANT and HOLEX brands. Most of the new items (39%) are in the ‘machining and clamping technology’ range. For instance the product family ‘GARANT Master’, which brings together tools for high-performance machining, has been extended to include the first solid carbide drill for micro precision machining. The new GARANT Master Steel MICRO was developed for very high precision and stability coupled with the best possible performance; it offers an impressive central high-pressure cooling capability. The range of ‘hand tools and measuring tools’ has been further extended: Bluetooth-capable tools of the Hoffmann Group Connected Tools (HCT) product family, which wirelessly transmit measured data to a PC or to the HCT app on a smartphone are a

» The new 2021/2022 catalogue from the Hoffmann Group comes into effect 1st August 2021. | Image: Hoffmann Group

particular highlight. The growing HCT family includes GARANT HCT digital calipers, HCT depth gauges and GARANT HCT electronic torque wrenches/rotational angle wrenches. Measurement tools from the Sylvac SA and the Bowers Group can also be used in conjunction with the app. Other manufacturers have already expressed interest in integrating their products into the HCT app. The section ‘personal protective equipment’ has also grown substantially. This accounts for around a third of the new items. Around 500 new items have been added to the workstations and storage section, with attractive new products here too. Whether it’s for machining, milling, drilling, turning, clamping, measuring, grinding, hand tools, workstations and storage or occupational safety equipment – in the Hoffmann Group catalogue, companies can find what they're looking for and can obtain everything from a single source – in 18 languages. April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1



All-in-one platform: GOM Suite offers four software variants for experts Quality increases customer satisfaction. Today, 3D metrology enables numerous manufacturing companies to monitor and optimize their quality processes. GOM, a company of the ZEISS Group, offers an all-in solution for quality analysis with its software. In addition to the established software solutions GOM Inspect and GOM Correlate, the Braunschweig-based company provides software packages for additional user groups with the launch of two new products: With GOM Volume Inspect as measurement and inspection software of volume data, industrial CT users are addressed. GOM Blade Inspect is designed for users in the aerospace industry and also meets the metrological requirements of the gas turbine sector.

With the new GOM Suite, users have direct access to all GOM software variants and GOM services, such as training courses or the GOM Forum. "Besides making it as easy as possible for our customers to get started with the software, we also want to give them all the supplementary offerings at hand," explains Stefan Zerbst, Manager Software Development at GOM. The continuous further development of the GOM software close to the needs of the customers and its all-in-one concept, which allows the entire workflow to be covered and used independently of the system, is what makes it so attractive to many customers.

All working steps are easily traceable, repeatable and editable. In addition, a template can be created for each process step, which is then available for future tasks at the push of a button. This simplifies and accelerates recurring measurements, which leads to a clearly demonstrable increase in efficiency, especially in series production.

GOM Inspect: Industrial standard for 3D inspection Being a professional inspection software for 3D data, GOM Inspect supports its users in simple or complex inspection tasks - from scanning the part to be inspected via mesh editing, CAD import, required GD&T analyses up to trend analysis, digital assembly or proprietary inspection. Due to its parametric concept, the software automatically stores each individual inspection step:

GOM Volume Inspect: Extensive options for CT data analysis For industrial CT technology, GOM has developed software that builds on the company’s many years of experience in metrology: GOM Volume Inspect visualizes volume data and intuitively guides the user through the inspection of internal structures. This allows users to make high-precision statements about the quality of the measuring objects and to visualize geometries, defects, structures and assembly situations very individually. As with the other software variants from GOM, numerous reporting tools are available to the user: Snapshots, videos, volume slices, tables, diagrams, texts and graphics can be easiliy integrated in the measuring report.


April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES GOM Blade Inspect: Individual and high-precision evaluations on gas turbines and in aerospace For parts from the aerospace industry or gas turbine sector, the smallest details are often crucial, as the quality of the parts has a direct impact on safety, durability or fuel consumption. With the new GOM Blade Inspect software, the company offers a targeted solution for this industry. Standardized inspection functions can be combined with application-specific evaluations. The analysis of profiles and turbine blades includes: inspection of the profile mean line, profile centroid and the profile thickness of turbine blades based on 2D sections. Radii and torsion can also be computed.

GOM Correlate: Digital image correlation and moving image analyses GOM Correlate evaluates 2D or 3D data based on digital image correlation and provides detailed information on displacement, strain and deformation of material samples and parts under load or in motion. By using videos, dynamic processes can be captured

precisely, analyzed individually and evaluated in a targeted manner, for example, for the standardized determination of material parameters. One of the application-specific features is vibration analysis that can be well used in aerospace and automotive industries. A shaker or the blow of a hammer stimulates the fan blade to vibrate, while the ARAMIS sensor captures the 3D displacements. GOM Correlate displays the displacements of all points measured full-field or point-based at the occurring vibration frequencies in all three spatial directions. These data form the basis for calculating the operational deflection shapes (ODS) and comparing them with the simulated vibration shapes. With GOM Suite and its integrated software variants GOM Inspect, GOM Volume Inspect, GOM Blade Inspect and GOM Correlate, GOM supports users of optical measurement technology as well as metrology CTs in their individual challenges and offers a central control element for all GOM services.

Bosch to invest an extra €400m in semiconductor production As the automotive industry continues to struggle through the ongoing chip crisis, parts manufacturers are doubling down on production. Bosch is one of the world's largest electronics suppliers to automotive manufacturers and, as such, the pausing of production at its European plants last year thanks to COVID-19 restrictions had a significant part to play in the semiconductor shortage. However, the supplier is now looking to double down on its road to recovery, announcing it will spend an extra €400 million (AU$615.45m) to expand its existing production facilities – aiming to get on top of the shortage and prevent it from happening again in the future. Having recently opened a new, €1 billion (AU$1.57bn) semiconductor factory in Dresden, Germany, Bosch plans to spend a majority of its investment on the new plant, targeting increased production in 2022. Roughly €50m (AU$76.93m) will be spent on the fabrication plant in Reutlingen, with up to €150m (AU$230.79m) to be invested between 2021 to 2023 on additional clean room space across all factories. On top of the investments in its German plants, Bosch also plans

to build a semiconductor test centre at its Penang facility in Malaysia – although this isn't expected to become operational until 2023. Bosch chairman Dr Volkmar Denner said the recent shortages and effects on the industry have forced the company to keep more production in-house. “Demand for chips is continuing to grow at breakneck speed," said Dr Denner. "In light of current developments, we are systematically expanding our semiconductor production so we can provide our customers with the best possible support. These planned investments demonstrate once again the strategic importance of having our own manufacturing capacity for the core technology of semiconductors." April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1


MEDIA KIT Publisher: PROFIDTP, d.o.o. Gradišče VI 4, 1291 Škofljica, Slovenia VAT No.: SI56342764 • Registry No.: 2185016 Account No.: SI56 0201 0025 5559 270

General information about the IRT3000 magazine


IRT3000 is the only professional magazine in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia to comprehensively and regularly inform its readers about innovation, R&D and technology. In addition to our printed edition, we also offer you its digital counterpart which you can access on your computer or any smart device. Our readers can also visit our homepage and subscribe to our newsletter to always stay in the loop. Numbers that speak for themselves

SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR THE ANNUAL ADVERTISERS • Free publication of professional and technical articles • Enhanced advertising in the digital version of the magazine • Free presentation article / interview at the beginning of the cooperation (prepared by our journalist) • Free sharing of event announcements and publication of news on our website • Exclusive for annual advertisers: the option of additionally purchasing logos and/ or the main advert on the magazine covers.

• more than a hundred regular advertisers and business partners • 10-member Editorial board and 20-member Board of experts • our magazine has been in publication for more than 10 years • 10 issues/year of Slovenian edition, two of them double • 4 issues/year of Adria edition • 18,700 subscribers in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, BiH, Montenegro and Kosovo in total. • a regular themed section in every issue: PULSE AT HOME • two themed sections alternating monthly A) Toolmaking and machine building, Non-metals, Advanced technologies B) Manufacturing and logistics, Joining and material technologies, Maintenance and technical diagnostics

*Annual advertisers are companies with an advertising contract that publish at least 6 ads (half a page or bigger) in a one-year period or 4 ads (half a page or bigger) in the IRT3000 Adria edition.

DO NOT MISS OUT: enhanced advertising in the digital edition of IRT3000 magazine ¼ a clickable advert that can be linked to the company’s video content, website, YouTube channel, LinkedIn / IG / FB page or PDF file ¼ a clickable logo on the cover of the magazine that leads to the advertiser’s website The links are accessible to all readers of the e-magazine by clicking on the enhanced advert or logo. The advertisers provide the advertising materials and links by sending them to the e-mail address ( by the deadline for ad delivery.

The IRT3000 magazine’s planned dates of release in year 2022 IRT3000 magazine Issue

121 122 123 124 125 126 127–128 129 130 131–132

January February March April May June July–August September October November–December

Printed edition


deadline for ad delivery

5. 1. 2022 4. 2. 2022 2. 3. 2022 1. 4. 2022 4. 5. 2022 3. 6. 2022 3. 8. 2022 2. 9. 2022 5. 10. 2022 11. 11. 2022

planned issue date

31. 1. 2022 28. 2. 2022 31. 3. 2022 29. 4. 2022 27. 5. 2022 30. 6. 2022 31. 8. 2022 30. 9. 2022 31. 10. 2022 16. 12. 2022

- Annual subscription (10 issues): € 70

* You will be invoiced for the extension of subscription (10 issues) after the expiry of your current subscription.

Digital edition

Topics Tool & mould making and machine building Non-metals Advanced technologies Pulse at home Manufacturing and logistics Joining and material technologies Maintenance and technical diagnostics Pulse at home

- Annual subscription (10 issues): € 30

* 50% discount on digital subscription (15 €) when combined with the printed subscription

Circulation: 2,100 copies. 790 subscribers to printed edition of IRT3000 magazine. 200 copies for promotion at fairs and events. 1,110 subscribers to IRT3000 e-magazine

IRT3000 ADRIA magazine Issue

58 59 60 61

March June September December

Printed edition Digital edition

deadline for ad delivery

2. 3. 2022 3. 6. 2022 2. 9. 2022 11. 11. 2022


planned issue date

31. 3. 2022 30. 6. 2022 30. 9. 2022 16. 12. 2022

Gregor Švetak GSM: +386 51 322 177 Head of editorial office:

- Annual subscription (4 issues): € 28 (216 HRK) - Annual subscription (4 issues): € 12 (90 HRK)

Circulation: 3,050 copies. 1,530 subscribers to printed edition of IRT3000 ADRIA magazine. 300 copies for promotion at fairs and events. 1,220 subscribers to IRT3000 ADRIA e-magazine 62

April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1

Simona JERAJ GSM: +386 51 322 442


Publisher: PROFIDTP, d.o.o. Publisher: PROFIDTP, d.o.o. Gradišče VI 4, 1291 Škofljica, Slovenia Gradišče VI 4, 1291 Škofljica, Slovenia VAT No.: SI56342764 • Registry No.: 2185016 VAT No.: SI56342764 • Registry No.: 2185016 Account No.: SI56 0201 0025 5559 270 Account No.: SI56 0201 0025 5559 270

Advertising space sizes and fees


excluding priceprice excluding VAT VAT IRT3000 IRT3000


Frontcover* cover* Front 210x 148 x 148 mm 210 mm

€ 970€ 970

€ 880€ 880

Inside cover Insidefront front cover 209 mm + bleed 209x 297 x 297 mm + bleed

€ 700€ 700

€ 620€ 620

Inside cover Insideback back cover 210 mm + bleed 210x 297 x 297 mm + bleed

€ 740€ 740

€ 660€ 660

Back Backcover cover 210 mm + bleed 210x 297 x 297 mm + bleed

€ 880€ 880

€ 825€ 825

€ 650 € 650

€ 550 € 550

€ 530 € 530

€ 440 € 440

€ 355 € 355

€ 330 € 330

€ 310 € 310

€ 275 € 275

€ 355 € 355

€ 330 € 330

€ 310 € 310

€ 275 € 275

€ 220 € 220

€ 165 € 165

€ 165 € 165

€ 110 € 110

Whole page Whole page 210 x 297 mm + bleed 210 x 297 mm + bleed Two thirds of a page, portrait Two thirds of a page, portrait 131,6 x 297 mm + bleed 131,6 x 297 mm + bleed Half a page, portrait Half a page, portrait 105 x 297 mm + bleed 105 x 297 mm + bleed One third of a page, portrait third page, portrait 70One x 297 mmof+ableed 70 x 297 mm + bleed Half a page, landscape Half a page, landscape 210 x 148 mm + bleed 210 x 148 mm + bleed One third of a page, landscape One thirdmm of a+page, 210 x 100 bleedlandscape 210 x 100 mm + bleed One quarter of a page, landscape 210 x 75 mm +ofbleed One quarter a page, landscape 210 x 75 + bleed One sixth ofmm a page, landscape 210 x 50 mmof+ableed One sixth page, landscape 210 x 50 mm + bleed EXCLUSIVE EDITION WITH EXTENDED COVER

EXCLUSIVEFront EDITION WITH EXTENDED COVER extended cover 198 x 297 mm + bleed Front extended cover 198 xextended 297 mmcover + bleed Inside 198 x 297 mm + bleed Inside extended cover 198 xfront 297cover mm + bleed Inside 209 x 297 mm + bleed Inside front cover 209 x 297 mm(2+pages) bleed Extended cover 198+209 x 297 mm + bleed Extended cover (2 pages) 198+209 x 297 mm + bleed





€ 740

€ 660

€ 740 € 700

€ 660 € 620

€ 700 € 700

€ 620 € 620

€ 700 € 1,330

€ 620 € 1,210

€ 1,330

€ 1,210

DIGITAL IRT3000 - ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME The readers are able to access and read the digital version of IRT3000 DIGITAL IRT3000 - ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME magazine on their mobile phones, tablets or computers. This way your The readers are able to access and read the digital version of IRT3000 adverts have even greater reach and visibility. magazine on their mobile phones, tablets or computers. This way your adverts have even greater reach and visibility. SLO

price excluding VAT price excluding VAT IRT3000 ADRIA OTHER FORMS OF ADVERTISING IRT3000 IRT3000 IRT3000 ADRIA OTHER FORMS OF ADVERTISING Logo thecover front+cover web page* Logo on theon front web + page* € 115 € 115 € 104 € 104 Promotional inserts** Promotional inserts** € 1,155 € 1,155 € 1,050 € 1,050 A4 both-sided A4 both-sided Promotional inserts** Promotional inserts** € 1,750 € 1,750 € 1,590 € 1,590 A3 both-sided A3 both-sided Company presentation Company presentation € 650 € 650 € 550 € 550 2 x A42 x A4 BannerBanner on theon website - left - left the website € 150 / month € 150 / month 160 x 160 160 px x 160 px BannerBanner on theon website right the website - right € 250 / month € 250 / month 269 x 269 269 px x 269 px Promotional mailing (4 language versions) € 350 Promotional mailing (4 language versions) € 350 Special form upon agreement Special form upon agreement Professional / technical articles can be published in agreement free of charge for annual Professional free of charge for annual with our editor. / technical articles can be published in agreement advertisers with our editor. advertisers IRT3000 PR BUNDLE IRT3000 PR BUNDLE 1 whole page press release (1,500 characters and 1-2 pictures) € 300 € 250 1 whole characters 1-2 pictures)€ 500 € 300 € 450 € 250 2 whole pages page press press releaserelease (3,000(1,500 characters and 3-4and pictures) 2 whole pages press release (3,000 characters and 3-4 pictures) Interview (made by journalist) € 355–555 € 500 € 305–455 € 450 Interview (made by journalist) € 355–555 Translation per page (from English or German) € 50 € 50 € 305–455 Translation per page (from English or German) € 50 € 50 PACKAGE INFORMATION:

PACKAGE INFORMATION: By publishing a press release in our magazine, you are entitled to the following: By publishing a press release in ourthemagazine, • Display of the company’ s logo with article; you are entitled to the following: • Company’ s contact • Display of theinformation; company’s logo with the article; • Page• designed with the colors matching the company’s logo; Company’s contact information; • Sharing of the article on ourthe website social media (LinkedIn,logo; Facebook). • Page designed with colorsand matching the company’s • Sharing of the article our website and social media (LinkedIn, Facebook). DESIGN AND TRANSLATION OF on ADVERTS minorDESIGN corrections andTRANSLATION replacements of text / photos; includes AND OF ADVERTS € 15 translation minor corrections and replacements of text / photos; includes € 15 more complex advert corrections; includes translation € 30 translation newlymore designed advert (text provided in Word document + complex advert corrections; includes translation € 30 € 50 photos); includes translation newly designed advert (text provided in Word document + € 50 photos); includes translation(upon availability). * Possible only for annual advertisers

** The final price for printed insert material will be determined together with the client based upon the * Possible only for annual advertisers (upon availability). weight of material. ** The final price for printed insert material will be determined together with the client based upon the weight of material.


Discounts for repeated publication DISCOUNTS (signing the advertisement contract) Discounts for repeated publication • seven(signing (7) or more in the magazine: the publications advertisement contract) • five (5) or six (6) publications in the magazine: seven (7) or publications the magazine: • three• (3) or four (4)more publications in theinmagazine: • five (5) or six (6) publications • two (2) publications in the magazine:in the magazine: • three (3) or four (4) publications in the magazine: • two (2) publications in the magazine:




– 30 % / – 25 % IRT3000 / IRT3000 ADRIA / – 15 % – 30 %– 20 % / – 5 % – 25 %– 10 % – 15 % – 20 % –5% – 10 %

• All texts must be converted to curves. • The ad should only have crop marks. AD3 mm PREPARATION • At least bleed area. • The ad must be in CMYK colour space. • Min. resolution of bitmap images 300 dpi. • Acceptable formats: PDF, EPS, AI, TIF, PSD. • All texts must be converted to curves. • The ad should only have crop marks. • At least 3 mm bleed area. • The ad must be in CMYK colour space. • Min. of •bitmap images 300 442 dpi.• • Acceptable formats: PDF, EPS, AI, TIF, PSD. Editorial office: PROFDITP, d.o.o., PE Trzin, Revija IRT3000 • Motnica 7 A, SI-1236 Trzin, Slovenia • Tel.: +386resolution 1 5800 884 GSM: +386 51 322 • Publisher: PROFIDTP, d.o.o. • Gradišče VI 4, SI-1291 Škofljica, Slovenia • Registry No.: 2185016 • VAT No.: SI56342764 • IBAN: SI56 0201 0025 5559 270

Editorialoffice: office: PROFDITP, d.o.o., PE Trzin, Revija IRT3000 A, SI-1236 Trzin, Slovenia +386 1 5800 88498• 409 GSM:690 +386 51 322 442 • • PROFIDTP, d.o.o., Časopis IRT3000 ADRIA • Ulica• Motnica Lavoslava7 Ružičke 1, HR-10000 Zagreb,• Tel.: Croatia • GSM: +385 • • SLO Editorial HR Publisher: d.o.o. • Ulica Ivice Sudnika 7, HR-10430 Samobor, Croatia • Registry 02244942 OIB:SI56342764 55579522185 • IBAN:SI56 HR68 2484 0081 1042270 5866 8 Publisher:PROFIDTP, PROFIDTP, d.o.o. • Gradišče VI 4, SI-1291 Škofljica, Slovenia • Registry No.: No.: 2185016 • VAT•No.: • IBAN: 0201 0025 5559



Editorial Časopis IRT3000 ADRIA, Dušana Danilovića Sad, Serbia • GSM: +381 60Croatia 140 14 •42GSM: • Editorialoffice: office: PROFIDTP, d.o.o., Časopis IRT3000 ADRIA3/112, • UlicaRS-21000 LavoslavaNovi Ružičke 1, HR-10000 Zagreb, +385 98 409 690• • • Representation for Serbia: SMV• Ulica Technologies DOO, Dušana Danilovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, SerbiaNo.: 02244942 • OIB: 55579522185 • IBAN: HR68 2484 0081 1042 5866 8 Publisher: PROFIDTP, d.o.o. Ivice Sudnika 7, HR-10430 Samobor, Croatia • Registry

Editorial office: Časopis IRT3000 ADRIA, Dušana Danilovića 3/112, RS-21000 Novi Sad, Serbia • GSM: +381 60 140 14 42 • • Representation for Serbia: SMV Technologies DOO, Dušana Danilovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia April • Promo Issue (1/2022) • Volume 1 63 Editorial office: PROFIDTP, d.o.o., PE Trzin, IRT3000 Magazine • Motnica 7 a, 1236 Trzin, Slovenia

tel: +386 1 5800 884 • gsm: +386 51 322 442 •



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