IPA Annual Report 2011-2012

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Island Pacific Academy

Annual Report


Annual Report Contents From the Headmaster


Board President’s Report


Financial Report


Making Sense of the Dollars


International Mindedness at IPA 7 Highlights of 2011–2012


IPA Expansion Update


Navigator Athletics


Commencement 2012


Alumni Notes


The Annual Fund


Golf Tournament


IPA Mardi Gras


Faculty & Staff 2011–2012


Whenever you can...Help!


Ways to Support IPA


Grade eight students revel in the moment as they sit near the top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island.

Island Pacific Academy is an International Baccalaureate World School, authorized to offer the IB Diploma Programme. The school is a member of the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) and the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), and accredited by HAIS and the Western Association of Independent Schools and Colleges. IPA and other outstanding independent schools share a commitment to encourage values such as service to one’s community and the development of high moral, ethical and personal standards in its students. The small class size permits attention to every student and their individual learning style and needs. A child-centered approach by the talented faculty provides a nurturing learning environment that promotes inquiry, creativity and critical thinking, along with the acquisition of important fundamental skills and knowledge to prepare students to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The academic curriculum offers a wide variety of subjects with an emphasis on integration of knowledge among disciplines. Fine and performing arts, along with physical education, are part of the core program. Components of the curriculum involving community service help form positive relationships between our students and the larger community. Academic achievement without a personal context is hollow knowledge, however. Integral to the school’s philosophy are such core values as: The power of human kindness Trust and respect Generosity of spirit Recognition of each individual’s value Highest level of ethical standards within the school community Students guided by such values develop strength of character and become good citizens of their communities, nation and, indeed, the world, which is another measure of success. In short, the goal of IPA is to prepare students with the confidence to assume that graduation from the school is not an end, but a key to all doors in their future which they may enter with confidence.

This Annual Report is published by the Advancement Office of Island Pacific Academy. Every effort has been made to ensure that its contents are accurate and complete for the 2011-2012 fiscal year, July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. Gifts received after June 30 will be acknowledged in the annual report for the next fiscal year. If you note errors or omissions, please accept our sincere apologies and contact us so that we can make corrections in our records. Island Pacific Academy, in accordance with state and federal laws, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, national or ethnic origin in its administration of admission or educational policies, athletics or other school sponsored extracurricular programs, financial aid program, or employment practices. Island Pacific Academy


From the Headmaster The International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile consists of ten traits that contribute to students and faculty developing a central value of the IB program – “international mindedness.” In November 2011, Judy and I had the extraordinary opportunity to visit several schools in China. In itself, the experience of being in a land which, for so much of my young life, was forbidden, even enemy territory for the people of my country, touched on several of the learner profile traits: open-mindedness, risk-takers, communicators, reflective, inquirers. If anyone ever thinks that nothing really changes in the world, they should visit China.

The following pages contain descriptions of other brilliant moments in the past year. We are proud to acknowledge our achievements in athletics – where we celebrated two state champions, in robotics – where our first-year team earned a spot in world-level competition, and in service to our community – the school received recognition for its service to the Hawaii Food Bank. Of course, I want you to know about these moments of outstanding achievement. But, I also want to convey that it is in the everyday experiences of our students, staff, and faculty that the quality of our school can be found. The IPA experience begins with parents making the decision to entrust their children’s intellectual development to the skilled and dedicated group of educators employed at our school. The importance of the collaboration between parents and teachers cannot be overstated. Engaged, loyal parents and dedicated teachers who devote their time and talent to the benefit of their students are an integral part of our school. The students themselves also play a critical role. They bring a proprietary sense to the positive culture and climate of the school, defining and and university defending the IPA way.

On the wall of a school which subsequently has become a sister school for IPA – the Suzhou Lida Middle School – was chiseled a history of education in Suzhou, beginning in about the 13th century and continuing through the establishment of the Middle School in recent years. Reading what these educators envisioned “...college as the purpose of schooling for their young people was like reading a recruiters visiting IPA...left statement of philosophy for IPA. The members of the Board of impressed by the gold standard in Prominent was the idea that educaTrustees continue to share their tion starts with values, includes the time, skill sets and resources to secondary education our students optimization of one’s capacities, and ensure the sustainability of IPA strive to attain.” the goal of taking one’s place as a into the future. They and the productive member in society. We parents active in IPA’s Parents were seeing first-hand the power Association model the idea of of international mindedness; the recognition that there are “whenever you can, help,” for their children through various supuniversally-held values which, if all peoples understood them, port roles on campus. might serve to bond us together in the common work of sustaining a peaceful world. All of us are united by an optimistic view of the value of education. The higher standards of learning held at IPA help to Any telling of the story of 2011–12 would have to include the broaden horizons for students that often remain as avocations, school’s first efforts in international education. IPA hosted a but sometimes emerge as a life’s work. student from Tamagawa Academy in Tokyo and sent one of our graduates to the same school for a summer exchange. Then The generous support of our donors enables us to look forward IPA hosted a young man for spring semester from Germany and to a bright future for our school as an asset to the community prepared to enroll students for the 2012–13 academic year from of West Oahu. This Annual Report is a public expression of four different countries. Using electronic communications to gratitude to those of you who understand that even the greatest schools and students around the world, students in several IPA institutions and ideas will fail in the absence of committed classes – including Junior Kindergarten – interacted with students supporters. on a variety of subjects. In short, as the IB program takes hold, the international opportunities for students and teachers will Mahalo, and enjoy reading about IPA’s year. begin to grow, as well. This report includes details about IPA becoming an IB World School with authorization to offer the Diploma Programme for juniors and seniors. Good progress was made toward the goal of authorization for the Primary Years Programme (grades JK-5) in 2012–13 and the Middle Years Programme (grades 6-10) to follow. I believe that college and university recruiters visiting IPA in 2011–12 left impressed by the gold standard in secondary education our students strive to attain.

Dr. Daniel E. White Headmaster


Annual Report 2011-2012

Board President’s Report In 2011–12, our family began the last leg of the journey through the IPA divisions when our son, Ian, entered ninth grade. Ever since he joined IPA in 2004 as a second grader, Yasue and I have been thrilled that Ian has the opportunity for a first-rate academic experience so close to our home in Kapolei.

The Board is responsible for the governance, policies and resources that ensure the school’s sustainability. In our monthly meetings, we often talk about how a financial, programmatic or physical facility issue connects with the school’s overall mission. Twice a year, we meet on campus and hear from the school’s professionals about various aspects of the program.

We are proud of the school’s prudent management of their limited resources, and we pledge continued diligence as trustees to ensure that the school spends every dollar wisely. I have We regularly attend IPA Varsity basketball games and Pac-Five noted before that IPA does not charge families the entire cost of Varsity football games watching education; no independent school Ian fulfill his athletic passions. does. Rather, we work to increase Ian also runs track in the spring. philanthropic support. Older Playing multiple sports in high schools benefit from a large alumni “The authorization for school was commonplace when I base who typically sustain these IPA to offer the International was growing up but it is not these philanthropic efforts. At IPA, the days. A smaller school like IPA challenge of producing a balanced Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma often provides opportunities for budget through gifts rests with Programme is an external kids like Ian to explore multiple parents and friends of the school. interests while pursuing their As trustees, we fully recognize affirmation of the quality of the academic preparation for college that our parents, including those academic instruction our students and life beyond. This is simply one of us on the Board, already pay of many reasons we are grateful tuition. So, it might seem odd that receive daily.” for IPA–the most important of we ask the same group to give to which is the school’s mission. the Annual Fund, to Mardi Gras, to the Golf Tournament, and to other That mission commits the fundraising activities. But, if parents school to developing in children “the confidence to maximize don’t support the school, who will? their intellectual, academic, physical, artistic and creative gifts in preparation for college and as life-long learners.” We continue to see that confidence building in our son and in his many school friends. Confidence is born of real challenge and accomplishment from regular interaction with IPA teachers and staff who care deeply about his intellectual development. The Scott Schumaker authorization for IPA to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) President, Board of Trustees Diploma Programme is an external affirmation of the quality of the academic instruction our students receive daily. IPA’s mission also commits the school to developing citizens, young men and women who have the background, thinking skills and interest to become leaders. This mission is built upon a firm foundation provided by strength of character, the value of human kindness and generosity of spirit. Our school’s reputation over time will rest on our graduates’ achievements, the colleges they attend, the careers they pursue, the adults they become. We are proud to now have three graduating classes.

IPA Board of Trustees Larry Caster Mary Kamoe Durrett Wendell Lee Keith Ogata Sharon Rolirad Scott Schumaker Matthew J. Viola Dan White Nancy White Lance Wilhelm Danton Wong

It has been my privilege to lead the Board of Trustees, individuals committed to sustaining the school in perpetuity. Our Board is comprised of ten members, only three of whom are IPA parents and a fourth is an alumni parent. Our other trustees serve because they believe in IPA’s mission and are willing to commit time, talent and resources to our school’s success. Island Pacific Academy


Financial Report Significantly, for the first time in eight years, we finished the 2011–12 year of operation at Island Pacific Academy with a budgeted surplus. I wrote last year of the continued challenges of running the school. Our costs continue to increase, and the school must also set aside resources for deferred maintenance and other rainy day funds that will be absolutely critical in the coming years. All of this is coupled with the on-going need to invest in our students, faculty, staff, and program.

As a father of four here at IPA, I have seen first-hand the positive impact the school has had on each of my children. It is the adults in our community who have helped shape them, who have given them words of encouragement when they needed it and challenged them to meet high standards, academically and personally. They were encouraged to take risks. My oldest decided to try swimming in seventh grade and is now a state contender. Another child decided to run for student government last spring. The other two want to try violin and audition for the middle school musical. They have all had opportunities at IPA to find their passion and as a parent that makes me very happy.

Yes, running a school is costly, but it is a challenge worth meeting. We have now graduated three classes of students. Whether in college here in Hawaii, on the mainland, or even internationally, our alumni are making an impact in their communities. Our current student body at IPA has had an impact on our local community through the many clubs and service opportunities. With IPA being one of the larger employers in Kapolei (over 100 full-time employees), our impact within the local economy is also felt. “Ours is a community

worth investing in. We are making a difference in the lives of young people.”

The 2011–2012 budget included significant investment in faculty professional development for IB and other training, including the local Schools of The Future conference. The commitment to continued collaboration with colleagues all over the world is one that will continue. We do this because we know that professional development has a direct impact on the program, our students and our people. We also saw significant investment in the technology infrastructure with new wireless access points. We now are looking to purchase additional projectors for classrooms on campus not already equipped.

Ours is a community worth investing in. We are making a difference in the lives of young people. I am asking you to place IPA at the top of your list of non-profit organizations to support in 2012–2013. Your gift is tax deductible and will be used to support the outstanding program and unbelievable people of a pretty amazing place.


IPA expanded its robotics program this past year to include all grades 6–12 last year, and what a year it was. The team, under the direction of Michelle Bradley and Melissa Handy, was among the winners at the Hawaii Regional tournament, which meant an invitation to the FIRST world competition in St. Louis. Not bad for our first year, but it meant finding additional funds to get team members to Missouri. We had a significant number of our student athletes qualify for state championships on neighbor islands; it was a great experience for the individuals and teams and one we are sure will continue this year. These are just two examples of how funds from tuition, gifts and grants to the school were used to support growing programs. There is more to do.

Stuart Hirstein Associate Headmaster, Chief Operating Officer

To all those acknowledged in this report, thank you for the critically important support you have given to IPA in the past year. You have helped when we asked, and we truly appreciate it. 5

Annual Report 2011-2012

Making Sense of the Dollars Fundraising 2011 – 2012 Capital Funds


Annual Fund (including Restricted Gifts)


Mardi Gras


Golf Tournament


Entertainment Books


Innisbrook Gift Wrap


Scholastic Book Fair (two fairs)


Box Tops for Education


Total Fundraising


Grants 2011 – 2012 Hawai’i Community Foundation, Robert Emens Black Fund — SOTF *


McInerny Foundation 5+


G. N. Wilcox Trust

Operating Budget




NASAn 5+




BAE Systems


Golden Arches Merchants Association


Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS) and Hawaii Schools Digital Media


Kokua Hawaii Foundation


Hawai’i Community Foundation, Chevron Education Fund — Robotics


Total Grants



Rebates 2011 – 2012 MBSdirect


Lands’ End


eScrip & Safeway




Grants/Interest Income/Other

3.2 %


Annual Fund/Mardi Gras/Fundraising



Auxillary Services

Shop and Score




Tuition and Fees

Target RedCard






Contracted Services/Buildings/Grounds

2.6 %





Financial Aid








Island Pacific Academy

Foodland Give Aloha


Electronic Recycling


Total Rebates


* indicates an increased gift from the previous year 5 indicates giving for five continuous years 5+ indicates giving for over five continuous years SOTF = Schools of the Future

Classroom Supplies/Support Salaries and Benefits


IPA is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School

International Mindedness Fostered at IPA

Now authorized to offer the Diploma Programme (DP) to high school students, IPA is also a candidate to offer the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Primary Years Programme (PYP) and soon will be authorized to offer the IB curriculum in all grades. Learning through inquiry, framing the right questions, using learned skills to solve real-life problems – all these characterize the IB approach, and have been fundamental to IPA’s approach from its inception. By encouraging the attributes outlined in the IB Learner Profile (see back cover), IPA teachers develop in students an excitement about learning and the skills to become independent learners.

Above: IPA Headmaster Dan White signs a document for the sister school agreement with Board of Trustees members looking on.

In addition, the broader goal of IB is to prepare children for a life in a world where a global perspective is essential for success, promoting skills and outlooks that are more and more essential in the 21st century. Promotion of international mindedness helps students understand that the big issues of our political, social and economic lives cut across national boundaries. In such a world, understanding and negotiating differences are vital skills. IPA has experienced educators directing the transition to a fully IB school: Richard Snell, PYP Coordinator; Kip Cummings, MYP Coordinator; and Dr. Benjamin Feinstein, Secondary Division Director of Studies and DP Coordinator. Over the course of the past two years, teachers have received IB training, and the school now has on staff mentor teachers authorized as IB trainers for new faculty who join the staff. Read more about IB at IPA at our website: www.ipahawaii.org/content/what-ib-means-ipa

International Exchange Students Now Part of Campus Life The 2011–12 academic year witnessed the arrival of the first international students at IPA. A young lady, Mako Nemoto, came from Tamagawa High School in Japan to join our senior class in the first semester. She then returned in May to be part of an American graduation ceremony, Hawaii style. Second semester, a young man from Germany arrived, sponsored through the International Hospitality Center in Honolulu. Both students were hosted by school families. The school will host at least three international students in the 2012–13 school year.

Left: Principal Jianhua Fei of Suzhou Lida Middle School signs their school’s agreement to form a sister school relationship with IPA.

IPA Has Sister School in Suzhou, China Headmaster Dan White, Director of Advancement Judy White and faculty member Roy Bergeson visited several middle and upper schools in four cities in China in November 2011. From those initial introductions, a formal sister school relationship with Suzhou Lida Middle School resulted. IPA is pleased to have a connection with this excellent and well-respected school in Suzhou. Both schools are excited about the future possibilities with respect to teacher and student exchanges, both real and virtual. A graduate of Lida’s ninth grade will enroll in fall 2012 as a sophomore, the first in what is hoped will be a number of students coming in future years to study and complete high school studies at IPA.

IPA’s first exchange student, Grant Johnson (‘12) spent part of his summer at Tamagawa High School before heading off to college. Right: IPA’s Grant Johnson (‘12) tries his hand at kyudou “the art of the bow” while at Tamagawa.

Above: Mako Nemoto with her IPA host family at IPA’s commencement ceremony. 7

Annual Report 2011-2012

Highlights of 2011-2012 Values — Inquiry — Service Learning — Using Technology

Elementary grades JK – 5

These four strands of IPA education were on display in 2011– 12 in the Elementary School in many ways. Students from JK through fifth grade were engaged learners, rising to new levels of thinking and action. Take the fifth grade assignment for each child to research a nonprofit organization worthy of financial support, in his or her eyes, using print and electronic sources. Once students had information, they made their case to their peers and the class then directed money collected from the school store they ran toward causes like the Heifer Project.

Discovery is tried and true as a method of learning. Service to others is a tried and true prescription for a fulfilling and success life. We are proud that these come together on a daily basis in the elementary classrooms at IPA.

Service Announcements in the Mac Lab, developing electronic advocacy for the values they learned. An equally valuable use of technology occurred for Junior Kindergarten. IPA students connected with students their ages in both California and Pennsylvania through Skype. Our kids asked questions of their own making of the mainland four year olds and their internet buddies did the same. The Pennsylvania students researched Hawaii and held a Hawaii Day where they learned hula and how to make musubi from the students at IPA. In turn, IPA students got to watch the birth of baby birds in Pennsylvania as they cracked open their eggs.

In a parallel example, the fourth grade cond u c t e d recycling efforts on campus and directed their proceeds toward

Students in fifth grade science enjoyed their own moments of discovery. From a list of possible demonstration projects provided, teams of students selected three which they then researched as to feasibility and needed materials. The measure? The project had to be doable at school with the materials at hand. Once the students had selected their project, they had to make it happen and give explanations of the scientific principles involved. That’s how a “lava lamp” was created one day in the science lab.

the rebuilding of facilities at an outdoor learning facility in Kaneohe, damaged by fire. Second graders received an author-autographed copy of “Values Tales” – stories about real people whose lives provided examples of integrity in action. The students used what they learned from their studies to fashion Public Island Pacific Academy


Highlights of 2011-2012 Learning by doing An instructional technique as old as humankind in areas ranging from arts and crafts to medical practice – applying classroom knowledge to real world issues – engages Secondary Division students at IPA in lessons focused on academic pursuits, community service and group building. Always at the heart of the activities are the core values of IPA.

Freshmen and sophomores completed projects as training for the coming Personal Project in the IB MYP program, a culminating event for those years. The now-routine Blood Bank drives on campus, which occurred three times on campus during 2011–12, are the result of just such a sophomore project which motivated the students involved to turn a one-time project into an on-going tradition; the originators have even trained their successors. The inclination to serve through active participation was epitomized by the school’s largest club, Interact, the high school manifestation of Rotary International. There were also numerous drives by clubs to support various charitable causes, including the phenomenally successful fall Food Bank drive (see story on page 26).

Students in grades six, seven and eight conducted three Make a Difference Days again this year, focusing their learning on ways to be of service in the community and then performing services that made a difference. All the while, the faculty were preparing the school successfully for authorization to offer the IB Diploma Programme to 11th and 12th graders and moving IPA along the path toward authorization for the Middle Years Programme (MYP) as well. (See story on page 7.)

Kids being kids, the Spirit Weeks organized and conducted by the two student governments (6-8) and (9-12) were memorable as well. The traditional Powder Puff football game featured fierce competition on the field between the two girls teams and equally fierce competition along the sidelines between the boys teams leading the cheers. The sense of pride in one’s class built by such events carries beyond graduation; alumni will still manifest loyalty to their colleagues from their graduating class.

IPA students continued their strong showing in the local and state Science Fair, placing first in several categories and sending 19 students on to further competitions where they won monetary a w a r d s a s well as recognition. Secondary students were  a l s o the group that prop e l l ed the robotics program to world-level participation as well.

Each activity in its own way offered the chance for IPA students to learn about themselves, each other and the world into which they would shortly be graduating. In the imagery of the old story, instead of giving students fishes, IPA was teaching them how to fish.

Students in grades six 9

Annual Report 2011-2012

Secondary grades 6 – 12

Consider the Hunger Awareness Day, sponsored by the Theory of Knowledge classes, for students in grades 9–12. Each student was given a color-coded ticket that stipulated how much food that student would receive during the day, a stark reminder of how many in the world are under-nourished each day. The students were appropriately i m p r e s s e d , especially those who drew the color for only bread and water.

through eight participated in class camps, learning outdoor skills as well as how to get along in an environment other than the classroom or playing field. Students in grades nine through twelve were involved in national honor societies in Art, Japanese and Spanish. Juniors conducted a moving Ho`okuleana Ceremony in early spring to mark their taking on the responsibilities of leadership of the student body in a few short months. Graduation, of course, was the celebration of completion for our 41 seniors who left IPA for colleges across the country and around the world.

Gym Construction Closer to Reality In 2011–12, IPA advanced the cause of constructing a gym on campus significantly. Elsewhere in this report, you will see the gifts and grants contributed to the project. The school and its contractor, Kiewit Corporation, concluded successful meetings with the Kapolei Design Review Board and the Department of Planning and Permits, and refined the plans for the exterior of the building to reflect the Review Board’s interest in creating a pedestrian-friendly environment on the Ala Kahawai Street side of the school. The permitting process with the city is now well under way. The key action regarding the gym is the application to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) for a Direct Loan. USDA already has supported IPA with favorable loan terms for the purchase of its campus. Now, the school has asked that the USDA support, with a second loan, the construction of our multi-purpose building that houses the gym. Once the USDA acts favorably, anticipated in fall 2012, the school can proceed with construction planning. From the time ground is broken, the project is expected to take six months to complete.

Under the leadership of IPA Athletic Directors Ron Tsuchiya and Colleen Carrington, the IPA Navigator Athletic program celebrated yet another year with remarkable “firsts” and continued to make a splash in the Leeward area and beyond: First State Champions in bowling and swimming and an ILH Intermediate Champion in golf; IPA’s partnership in the formation of WestPac, a cooperation among five schools; continued its role as the ILH swimming and diving coordinator, and another Coach of the Year award.

Likewise, there are ample opportunities for parents and friends of the school to become involved in raising capital for construction. Contact Headmaster Dan White:


Capital Campaign Donors to Date Leadership Gifts Atherton Family Foundation Detterman Family * Grace Pacific Corporation * James & Abigail Campbell Family Foundation Strong Foundation Individual Donors Drs. Sorbella Guillermo and Fred Brenner Shirley Ng Robert Pagdilao and Kathryn Terada Pete and Luann Sackrider * Scott and Yasue Schumaker The Sivik Ohana Aiddy Weisbecker

Prospective corner view of the Island Pacific Academy Gymnasium on the corners of Wakea and Ala Kahawai Streets.   Artist’s rendering courtesy of Media 5 Architecture. Island Pacific Academy 10


an increased gift from the previous year

IPA NAVIGATOR Athletics Some highlights of the year include: Baseball • Star Advertiser Athlete of the Week Honor Roll Basketball • Boys Team: Le Jardin Basketball Invitational Winner • Boys Team: 4th place ILH Division II • ILH Division II Boys “Player of the Year” • Star Advertiser Athlete of the Week Honor Roll (multiple players) Bowling • HHSAA State Championships: Girls Singles 1st place • ILH Varsity Championships: Girls 1st place & “Bowler of the Year” • ILH Varsity Championships: Boys Singles 2nd place • ILH Girls Coach of the Year Cheerleading • IPA student athletes on Pac-Five Competitive JV and z Intermediate teams, each places 2nd in ILH competition Cross Country • Two varsity level girl runners compete at HHSAA State Chamionships (on Maui), in ILH Championships, and are named to ILH All-Star First or Second Teams Golf • Girls: ILH Intermediate Championship 1st place • Boys: Player qualifies for HHSAA State Tournament Championships (on Kauai) • Boys: two players qualify for ILH Varsity Semi- Championships & two for ILH Intermediate Champixionships Judo • Girls: ILH JV Individual Championships 2nd place (115 wt. class) Precision Air Riflery • ILH JV Championships - two shooters in the top 20

Sporter Air Riflery • Teams: IPA JV Boys & Girls - both finish 3rd in league • Boys: ILH JV Individual Championships 1st place stand- ing position, 3rd place overall, 3rd place prone position. Girls: 3rd place standing position. Swimming • HHSAA State Championships: male swimmer 1st place 100yd Backstroke & 2nd place 200yd Individual Medley • HHSAA State Championships: 12 swimmers qualify • ILH Varsity Championships: male swimmer 1st place zi100yd Backstroke & 100yd Butterfly • ILH All-Stars First Team: male swimmer • IPA continued in its role as ILH swim- ming and diving coordinators Tennis • Girls: Intermediate team places 3rd in ILH Division II • Boys: Doubles team qualifies for HHSAA State Championships Track & Field • HHSAA State Championships (on Big Island): 3 students compete • ILH Varsity Championships: girls 2nd place 100m hurdles • ILH JV Championships: girls 3rd place 400m dash • ILH All-Stars First Team 100m xihurdles Volleyball • Intermediate Girls team places 2nd in ILH ILH=Interscholastic League of Honolulu HHSAA=Hawaii High School Athletic Association

Softball • ILH All-Stars Honorable mentions for two players

Athletics 2011–2012 FALL



Sporter Air Riflery


JV Boys & Girls

V, Int Boys; JV, Int Girls

Baseball V, JV, Int Boys


Precision Air Riflery


V Boys & Girls

JV Boys & Girls

V, Int Boys & Girls




JV, Int

Int Girls

V Boys & JV Girls

Cross Country

Swimming & Diving


V, JV, Int Boys & Girls

V, JV, Int Boys & Girls

V, Int Girls




JV Boys

Int Girls

V Boys & Girls


Track & Field

V, Int

V, JV, Int Boys & Girls



JV, Int Girls

V, Int Boys


Annual Report 2011-2012

Commencement 2012

Colleges and universities to which Island Pacific Academy graduates have been admitted

The forty-one members of the Class of 2012 officially became alumni on May 26, 2012 at Lanikuhonua in Ko Olina. After all the fanfare surrounding the “First Class” in 2010, this group of dynamic individuals made their own mark. They were quick to point out that the “Third Time’s the Charm.”

Senior Awards Kianna Billman Valedictorian Attending  American University.

Lynn Shin Salutatorian Attending New York University —London campus.

Kalei Uno Community Service

For consistent demonstration of a spirit of service and generosity toward others in the IPA community and beyond. Attending Santa Clara University.

Amirah Majied School Culture and Arts

Ciera Fleming Navigator Award

For strength of character, commitment to excellence in all endeavors, and the promise to become an involved citizen of the world. Attending Pitzer College.

Linda Wong Po’okela Award

For greatest growth as a student. Attending University of Hawaii, Manoa.

Attending the United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School.

Alyssa-Ann Chuberko Kupono Award

For outstanding effort toward perpetuating Hawaiian culture. Attending University of Hawaii, West Oahu.

Ciera Fleming Leadership Award

For fostering a positive class spirit and demonstrating initiative on student issues.

Jaymie-Rae Martin Outstanding Female Athlete Attending Lindenwood University.

Jackson Durrett and Kaila Onaga Three Varsity Sports Athletes Durrett attending Brigham Young University, Hawaii. Onaga attending Western Washington University.

Jackson Durrett Outstanding Male Athlete

IPA’s Class of 2012. See page 20 for a list of Project Grad donors. Photo courtesy of LifeTouch. Island Pacific Academy


• American University • Arizona State University • Boise State University • Brigham Young University, Hawaii • Brigham Young University, Provo • California State University, San Francisco • Case Western Reserve University • Catholic University of America • Chaminade University, Hawaii • Chapman University • Colorado Mesa University • Colorado School of Mines • Colorado State University • Cornell College • Creighton University • Dominican University • Drexel University • Florida State College, Jacksonville • Florida Atlantic University • Fordham University • Franklin and Marshall College • George Fox University • George Washington University • Gonzaga University • Goucher College • Grinnell College • Harvey Mudd College • Hawaii Pacific University • Humboldt State University • International Christian University, Japan • Iowa State University • Kansas State University • King’s College, UK • Lehigh University • Lewis and Clark University • Linfield College • Long Island University • Loris College • Louisiana State University • Loyola Marymount University • Marist College • Marymount University • Midland University • New York University • New York University – London • Northern Arizona University • Northwestern University • Notre Dame de Namur University • Occidental College • Oberlin College • Oregon State University • Otis College of Arts & Design • Pacific University • Pitzer College • Penn State University • Pomona College • Purchase College, State University of New York • Purdue University • Reed College • Saint Louis University • San Diego State University • Santa Clara University • Sarah Lawrence College • School of the Art Institute of Chicago • Seattle University – Nursing Program • Seton Hall University •  St. Bonaventure University • St. John’s College • Suffolk University • Texas A & M University • Texas Christian University • United States Air Force Academy Prep School • United States Military Academy, West Point • University of Aberdeen, UK • University of Arizona • University of California, Berkeley • University of California, Davis • University of California, Irvine • University of California, Los Angeles • University of California, San Diego • University of California, Santa Cruz • University of Chicago • University of Colorado, Colorado Springs • University of Colorado, Boulder • University of Denver • University of Edinburgh, UK • University of Hawaii, Hilo • University of Hawaii, Manoa • University of Hawaii, West Oahu • University of Houston • University of Idaho • University of Kansas • University of Kent, UK • University of Lancaster, UK • University of Louisiana, Lafayette • University of Nevada, Reno • University of Oregon • University of the Pacific • University of Portland • University of Puget Sound • University of Redlands • University of San Diego • University of San Francisco • University of Southern California • University of Texas, Austin • University of Utah • University of Virginia • University of Washington • University of Wyoming • Valley State University • Valparaiso University • Vanderbilt University • Villanova University • Washington State University • Western State College of Colorado • Western Washington University • Westmont College • Whittier College • William Penn University • Willamette University •

Alumni Notes Class of 2010

friend’s wedding this past year. Look out for “Kelsey’s Kupcakes” on a store front someday!

oooo Kyle Arzaga (‘10) has been keeping busy during his sophomore year at Dominican University, tutoring students from local high schools and serving as lead guitarist for the campus church choir, in addition to course work. He will be a Resident Advisor next year and doing an internship at Kaiser hospital. He writes, “I am enjoying my time here. I would like to thank IPA for making me well prepared for college. I miss all the faculty and staff!”

Former Students and Families Brienna Kirkpatrick (‘11) completed her first year at Western Washington University. She volunteered in the Compass 2 Campus program that sends mentors from the university to local elementary and middle schools to encourage kids to strive for higher education after high school. Last we heard from her, she was traveling the western United States with mom and dad, after brother, Cole (‘12), graduated from high school. “Missing everyone at IPA,” she writes.

Sofia Ortiz (‘15) will end up graduating from high school in Rota, Spain. The family, including brother Carlos (‘18), are leaving Colorado Springs for a new Air Force assignment for dad. Mom, Annette, who did student teaching at IPA, has been teaching at the Air Force Academy. Dad, Carlos, writes that Sofia has been doing well in ballet and will take up flamenco again when in Spain. The younger Carlos keeps busy with school, athletics and music interests. We look forward to hearing about the Ortiz family adventures in Spain.

Kayser (‘10) in her “white coat.” Each year, Muriah Kayser (‘10) is getting closer to her goal of becoming a pharmacist. Now a junior (and P1) at the University of Wyoming, she was accepted into their School of Pharmacy and earned her “white coat.”

Class of 2011

Avis (‘10) in Edinburgh No Scottish accent detectable yet, but Caprice Avis (‘10) is enjoying the experience of college at the University of Edinburgh. She will return to Scotland early for her second year of school there in order to work at the internationally known Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Having earned Dean’s List Honors for the academic year 2010-2011 at NYU, Jonathan Davis (‘10) was admitted to the Dean’s Circle in the Liberal Studies Program, which earned him a trip to London in January 2012 with other students in the Dean’s Circle University Scholars program. He has now shifted his focus slightly, to the Global Liberal Studies program. Working in Kapolei for the summer, Jonathan helped welcome a group of students visiting from IPA’s Sister School, Suzhou Lida Middle School, giving him a little warm up to spending his junior year studying in Shanghai.

Balatico (‘11) always thinks of IPA.

“I really miss the food and weather back home,” writes Sheldon Balatico (‘11), though it’s hard to know how he found time to miss home. This past academic year at University of the Pacific, he had roles in Antigone, 365 Days/365 Plays, and Where Will I Set my Foot? He still found time to choreograph the college’s musical All the World’s a Stage, pledge Theta Alpha Phi fraternity and be a starting player on the volleyball team, which placed fourth at the Western Regionals in Las Vegas. Whew! His plans for the 2012 summer include performing at the Hawaii Poetry Slam at Fresh Cafe. Can’t wait to see what the coming year holds.

Kirkpatrick’s high school graduation. Kate Winkle (‘11) worked this summer with her father, Dr. Kevin Winkle, a Pediatric Ophthalmologist, in the Dominican Republic for the Army Eye Missions Team. The group stayed for ten days and performed over 350 surgeries. Kate assisted the team in the operating room and was also the team translator. Kevin retired from the Army this fall. Kelsea Winkle (‘13) will graduate from Grace Christian School in Alaska next year.

We saw a lot of Keani Meier-Krienbaum (‘11) during summer 2012, since she was working on campus in the Summer Fun program, which she says is “a real blast.” She is looking forward to spending half of her sophomore college year at the University of Washington sailing aboard the Semester at Sea program. No doubt she will have great stories when she returns! Having been very active in the IPA Interact Club, Kelsey Uehira (‘11) has graduated to the UH Manoa Rotract Club, the Rotary International organization for college students. Her design was selected for the club’s “Hope for Japan” fundraiser. And, yes, she still bakes cupcakes in her spare time, including for a


Dr. Winkle and Winkle (‘11) in green scrubs. We heard from several former students in the class of 2012 who graduated from other schools this year, including Michaela Tyau. Ally and Jaden Skinner graduated from high school in Utah. Ally’s senior year was punctuated by being selected as Homecoming Queen. Scotty Yamashita will be joining his older brother on the golf team at UH Manoa.

Woomer (‘19) at the top of the awards podium at a recent gymnastics competition on the mainland. Katie Woomer’s (‘19) mom, Irina, reports that they are happily settled in Reno, NV, though they miss their IPA family. They are “adjusting to winter, and turning into ski bunnies,” she writes, but admits that the weather is quite pleasant most of the time. Katie continues to enjoy and do well in gymnastics. A note arrived from Conner Lentz’s (‘17) mother, Catherine, in a box of IPA uniforms which, sadly, Conner will not need now that they have moved to Arizona. “IPA spoiled us,” she writes. They miss the program and people at IPA. Conner has taken up bowling and running as sports. With mom and dad both working for the National Parks Service, he gets lots of time in the great outdoors enjoying the beauty of the Southwest.

Send us your news so that we can update your friends here at IPA. You can send news and photos by email to: jwhite@ipahawaii.org or to Judy White, Director of Advancement at the school mailing address. We’d like to hear from you! Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Fund 2011-2012 Gifts to the Annual Fund are critically needed resources to bridge the difference between tuition income and the requirements of the annual operating budget. We gratefully acknowledge here all monetary gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.

Wayfinders $10,000 + McInerny Foundation 5 Robert Emens Black Fund of the Hawai’i Community Foundation

Navigators $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous G.N. Wilcox Trust * 2012 NASA Robotics Alliance Project Dan and Judy White 5+* Pat and Jack Woods 5+

Founders’ Circle $2,500 - $4,999 Drs. Fred Brenner and Sorbella Guillermo 5+ Jonathan, Mary-Esther and Jackson Durrett 5+* Wendell and Rae Lee 5+* Bruce and Caroline McNish 5+ Scott and Yasue Schumaker 5+

Headmaster’s Circle $1,000 - $2,499

Wade and Georgina Allred * Scott and Jeanne Arakawa 5+* BAE Richard and Denise Becherer 5+* Irina and Angelo Bellizzi * John and Tam Black * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chuberko 5+* Wendy and Charles Crabb The Deiner Family * Cynthia Foster * Eddie and Sharon Fox 5+* Col. Alan P. Gehrich MD and Mrs. Barbara Gehrich 5 Golden Arches Merchants Association Alice Guild Hawaii Association of Independent Schools Hawaii Schools Digital Media Hawaii Educational Networking Consortium * Stuart and Mimi Hirstein 5+ Lester and Diane Hunkele Robert and Lisa Kayser * McMann Eye Institute * The Medtronic Foundation + Kazuhiro and Karen Otaka and Katherine Nelson Keith Ogata Island Pacific Academy

Michael and Penny Okano Olelo Community TV Dee Paz 5+* Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program 5+* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole 5+* Bill and Sayuri Reed Alice Robinson * Andrew and Tonya St. John * Gerry and Cynthia Teramae * Iris Wasa Uehisa Colonel (Ret.) Art and Jenny Wallace 5+ Nancy White 5+ Lance and Marcy Wilhelm 5* Wayne and Karen Yamamoto 5+*

Seafarers’ Club up to $999 Marc Acierto and Mina Joy Sotelo 5+* Warren Andrade Wayne and Susan Anno Anonymous Anonymous * Anonymous 5+ Michael and Donna Arakawa Robert and Susan Araki The Arde Family * Mike and Rose Armstrong The Axelrod Family 5+ Ernie and Liquin Bacal 5+* Leonardo and Charita Baclig Denise Balanay and Bronson Ferrigno Kelsey Barden Cheryl Batangan Randy and Lana Billman 5+* Blue Planet Foundation The Bradley Family * Roy and Grace Bravo 5+ Jefferson Burnett * Robert and Madelyn Cabuslay 5+ The Canali Family * The Carbonel Family Colleen Carrington 5+ Larry Caster 5+ Chevron Education Fund at the Hawai’i Community Foundation Caroline and David Coleman Ricardo, Remie, and Ryan Corpuz Pete and Luain Cruz 5+ Curtis Daehler and Angela Su * The Dean Family 5 Keith and Mapu Dilliner 5+* Mary and John Durrett Robert and Lillian Edwards Family Programs Hawaii Steven Fanciullo and Selena Somera 5+ First Hawaiian Bank Foundation 5 James and Nancy Follwell Eddie and Sharon Fox Charles and Pearlyn Fukuba

Terry and Michelle Fuller Marjory Funasaki Evelyn Galeai * Michael and Darci Garcia 5 David and Sharon Gillespie Jeffrey Gillette Joaddie Gionson Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Gonzalez Alan and Annabel Gottlieb 5+* Melissa Handy 5+* Tomi Harada * Blaire Harms Jaye and Jana Hatcher 5 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Higa * Stuart and Mimi Hirstein 5+ Yukako Hobin * Mike and Sandy Hulser Diane Hunkele Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ignacio Bryan and Cherie Ikei Wally Ingebritson Ms. Denice Iwamoto Loren and Laura Johnson 5+* Thomas and Cindy Jones Roy and Shannon Kam 5* Danny and Joyce Kamiyama and Family 5+ Kapolei Realty


A grade eight student has a chance to view sun spots while on the class trip to the Big Island.

Seafarers’ Club continued Reyd and Sarah Kapua Ohana The Kawatachi Ohana 5+* Jason Shimabuku and Sharon Kaya Meg Kennedy * Wayne and Edith Kimura 5+* Mr. Kevin Kodama and Dr. Nancy Chen 5 Kokua Hawaii Foundation, Inc. Cathy Kosaki L & S Enterprises Marine Consultants, Inc. Brad and Marlys Lee 5+ Maria and Robert Lillis * Aiea and Matt Lorin Phil and Debbie Lum * Chris Luthi Mr. and Mrs. Eric Machida 5+* Jose and Natividad Manalo Tracy and Melodee Martin The McCormick Family * The McGregor Family 5+ Emily Brown and John Merriman 5+* Megan and Charles Meyer 5 Mark and Liza Meyermann * Mid Pacific Steel Moms Club of Oahu – Leeward Ryan and Sun Morikawa Peter Moss and Carolyn Percival- Moss Bruce and Rangsima Mount 5* Donna Murakami 5+ Ben Murphy 5+*

Wendy Nakamura 5+* Roy and Cindy Nakamura 5 Grant and Linda Nakata Allen and Barbara Nakata Curtis and Ke Nakatsu Nai and Janet Navai Vince and Cami Nihipali 5+* Rick and Eileen Novak 5+* Gary and Lori Okimoto 5+ Kyle and Pam Okimoto 5+ The Oyama Family 5+ Robert Pagdilao and Kathryn Terada 5+ Merton and Nina Pang 5+ Rudy and Pam Pangelinan 5* Nita and Samir Patel Daniel and Jill Posiulai Max Power Erhardt and Melissa Preitauer William and Catherine Ramos Jeff Riewer Alex and Chloe Rista * Kenneth and Samantha Robinson Victor and Gigi Robles 5+* Sharon Rolirad Philippe Roland * The Romero Ohana 5+ Sandy Romo 5 John, Cassy and Dylan Rooney * Kenneth and Michelle Ruggles 5+* Lisa Russell * Mike and Tracie Ryan * Martin and Naomi Salazar Mr. Adrian & Dr. Cherry Schmidt Scott and Yasue Schumaker 5+ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seipp * Kori Shlachter and Keola Ford *

Three things about IPA you would tell another parent considering IPA: •The safe, positive and supportive environment. •The care and concern and connection for each student. •The emphasis on creative classes and the critical thinking classes. — parent comments 2011-2012 strategic planning survey response

Garret and Jill Shon * Phavana Silva 5+ Frederick and Elisabeth Smith Fran and Richard Snell Sony Electronics * Jerrene and Kirt Spotkaeff The Spotkaeff Ohana 5+* The Suga Family * The Sundberg Ohana 5+ Superior Concrete Services, Inc. The Swayne Family * The Taaca Family Marjorie Tocher Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tom 5* Paul and Tamara Toner Curtis and Wavalene Tong 5+ Steve and Kim Tottori Mitchell and Codell Tseu 5+ Ron and Tina Tsuchiya 5+* Venturex Noriko Vergel Stan and Kerri Vincent 5+* Judith Wagner 5+ Susan L. Weinhardt Aiddy Weisbecker David Weisberg and Lorraine Gershun 5+ Mr. and Mrs. Terry Welch 5+* Edwin J. White and Susan Shinn 5+ Doc and Kasey Wilson 5 Danton S. Wong Jessica Wong Mark and Beth Wood The Wren Family Chip and Wendy Yamaguchi The Yamamura Family 5+ Guy and Louise Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Mark York 5

Grade four students with teacher Lisa Fabro (far left) leapt at the chance to take charge of recycling in the Elementary division. 15

Grants Chevron Education Fund at the Hawai’i Community Foundation Hawaii Association of Independent Schools Hawaii Schools Digital Media Hawaii Educational Networking Consortium * Kokua Hawaii Foundation, Inc. 2012 NASA Robotics Alliance Project

Businesses and Foundations Anonymous BAE Family Programs Hawaii G.N. Wilcox Trust * Golden Arches Merchants Association McInerny Foundation 5 McMann Eye Institute * Mid Pacific Steel Robert Emens Black Fund of the Hawai’i Community Foundation Venturex

Matching Gifts First Hawaiian Bank Foundation 5 The Medtronic Foundation + Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program 5+* Sony Electronics *

Symbols: * increased gift from the previous year 5 giving for five continuous years 5+ giving for over five continuous years

Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Fund 2011-2012 The cast, crew, chorus, and orchestra of Annie Jr. included students from grades 6 –12.

Parents and Students

My child feels connected to the school...

Class of 2012 Marc Acierto and Mina Joy Sotelo 5+* Anonymous 5+ Randy and Lana Billman 5+* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chuberko 5+* Jonathan, Mary-Esther and Jackson Durrett 5+* Loren and Laura Johnson 5+* Jose and Natividad Manalo Gary and Lori Okimoto 5+ Nita and Samir Patel Robert Pagdilao and Kathryn Terada 5+ Colonel (Ret.) Art and Jenny Wallace 5+

(through) teachers, (with) friends, (and to the) school values. IPA is an investment in my child’s future — parent comment 2011-2012 strategic planning survey response

Class of 2013 James and Nancy Follwell Michael and Donna Arakawa Evelyn Galeai * Robert and Susan Araki Stuart and Mimi Hirstein 5+ Leonardo and Charita Baclig Yukako Hobin * Richard and Denise Becherer 5+* Thomas and Cindy Jones Drs. Fred Brenner and Sorbella Reyd and Sarah Kapua Ohana Guillermo 5+ The Kawatachi Ohana 5+* The Dean Family 5 Robert and Lisa Kayser * Robert and Lillian Edwards Wayne and Edith Kimura 5+* Maria and Robert Lillis * Aiea and Matt Lorin Bruce and Caroline McNish 5+ Roy and Cindy Nakamura 5 The Oyama Family 5+ Rudy and Pam Pangelinan 5* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole 5+* Mr. Adrian & Dr. Cherry Schmidt The Spotkaeff Ohana 5+* The Sundberg Ohana 5+ Gerry and Cynthia Teramae * Doc and Kasey Wilson 5

Class of 2014 Scott and Jeanne Arakawa 5+* Robert and Madelyn Cabuslay 5+ The Dean Family 5 Eddie and Sharon Fox 5+* Bryan and Cherie Ikei Stuart and Mimi Hirstein 5+

Island Pacific Academy


The McCormick Family * Emily Brown and John Merriman 5+* Bill and Sayuri Reed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seipp * Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tom 5* Edwin J. White and Susan Shinn 5+ Mark and Beth Wood

Class of 2015 Robert and Susan Araki The Arde Family * The Axelrod Family 5+ Ernie and Liquin Bacal 5+* John and Tam Black * Drs. Fred Brenner and Sorbella Guillermo 5+ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chuberko 5+* Keith and Mapu Dilliner 5+* The Kawatachi Ohana 5+* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Machida 5+* Peter Moss and Carolyn Percival-Moss Donna Murakami 5+ Nai and Janet Navai Rudy and Pam Pangelinan 5* Daniel and Jill Posiulai Victor and Gigi Robles 5+* Sandy Romo 5 Mr. Adrian & Dr. Cherry Schmidt Scott and Yasue Schumaker 5+ Andrew and Tonya St. John *

The Suga Family * Iris Wasa Uehisa Wayne and Karen Yamamoto 5+*

Class of 2016 Drs. Fred Brenner and Sorbella Guillermo 5+ Pete and Luain Cruz 5+ The Deiner Family * Wayne and Edith Kimura 5+* Wendell and Rae Lee 5+ Phil and Debbie Lum * Roy and Cindy Nakamura 5 The Oyama Family 5+ Merton and Nina Pang 5+ Rudy and Pam Pangelinan 5* Mitchell and Codell Tseu 5+ Wayne and Karen Yamamoto 5+*

Class of 2017 Scott and Jeanne Arakawa 5+* Steven Fanciullo and Selena Somera 5+ Michael and Darci Garcia 5 Jeffrey Gillette Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Gonzalez Melissa Handy 5+* Emily Brown and John Merriman 5+* Rick and Eileen Novak 5+* The Spotkaeff Ohana 5+* The Swayne Family * Guy and Louise Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Mark York 5

Class of 2018 Robert and Susan Araki Roy and Grace Bravo 5+ The Carbonel Family Denise Balanay and Bronson Ferrigno Charles and Pearlyn Fukuba Joaddie Gionson Tomi Harada * Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Higa * Lester and Diane Hunkele Danny and Joyce Kamiyama and Family 5+ Allen and Barbara Nakata Vince and Cami Nihipali 5+* Gary and Lori Okimoto 5+ Kyle and Pam Okimoto 5+ Kazuhiro and Karen Otaka and Katherine Nelson Rudy and Pam Pangelinan 5* Alex and Chloe Rista * Kenneth and Michelle Ruggles 5+* The Suga Family * Susan L. Weinhardt David Weisberg and Lorraine Gershun 5+ The Yamamura Family 5+

Class of 2019 Irina and Angelo Bellizzi * Roy and Grace Bravo 5+ Col. Alan P. Gehrich MD and Mrs. Barbara Gehrich 5 Symbols: * increased gift from the previous year 5 giving for five continuous years 5+ giving for over five continuous years

Stuart and Mimi Hirstein 5+ The McCormick Family * Dee Paz 5+* Daniel and Jill Posiulai The Romero Ohana 5+ Martin and Naomi Salazar Garret and Jill Shon * Andrew and Tonya St. John * The Sundberg Ohana 5+ The Swayne Family * Mr. and Mrs. Terry Welch 5+* Mark and Beth Wood

Class of 2020 Wayne and Susan Anno The Bradley Family * Caroline and David Coleman The Deiner Family * Alan and Annabel Gottlieb 5+* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ignacio Phil and Debbie Lum * Bruce and Rangsima Mount 5* Nai and Janet Navai Michael and Penny Okano Lance and Marcy Wilhelm 5* The Yamamura Family 5+

Class of 2021 The Carbonel Family Michael and Darci Garcia 5 Col. Alan P. Gehrich MD and Mrs. Barbara Gehrich 5 Jaye and Jana Hatcher 5 Ms. Denice Iwamoto Roy and Shannon Kam 5* Reyd and Sarah Kapua Ohana Mr. Kevin Kodama and Dr. Nancy Chen 5 Brad and Marlys Lee 5+ Mr. and Mrs. Eric Machida 5+* Kenneth and Samantha Robinson The Taaca Family Mitchell and Codell Tseu 5+ The Wren Family

Class of 2022 The Axelrod Family 5+ The Bradley Family * Ricardo, Remie, and Ryan Corpuz Curtis Daehler and Angela Su * Terry and Michelle Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Higa * The McGregor Family 5+ Megan and Charles Meyer 5 Curtis and Ke Nakatsu Vince and Cami Nihipali 5+* Kyle and Pam Okimoto 5+ Philippe Rolland 5+ Lisa Russell * Mr. Adrian & Dr. Cherry Schmidt Frederick and Elisabeth Smith Andrew and Tonya St. John * Chip and Wendy Yamaguchi

(With a) balanced curriculum, including a great music and arts program, school becomes a friendly and supportive community. — parent comment 2011-2012 strategic planning survey response

Student art work is displayed throughout IPA’s campus; there are several opportunities to perform, such as Ho’ike Nights twice a year at which students display studio and digital art projects, musical performances and video productions. 17

Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Fund 2011-2012 Class of 2023

Faculty and Staff

The Canali Family * Steven Fanciullo and Selena xxSomera 5+ McMann Eye Institute * Mark and Liza Meyermann * Allen and Barbara Nakata Michael and Penny Okano Erhardt and Melissa Preitauer Kenneth and Michelle Ruggles 5+* Mike and Tracie Ryan * Phavana Silva 5+ Steve and Kim Tottori

Warren Andrade Anonymous * Rose Armstrong Darci Garcia 5 Bernadette Axelrod 5+ Kelsey Barden Michelle Bradley * Colleen Carrington 5+ Tiny Chuberko 5+ Luain Cruz 5+ Melissa Handy 5+* Jaye Hatcher 5 Jennifer Higa * Mimi Hirstein 5+ Stuart Hirstein 5+ Cherie Ikei Wally Ingebritson Jessica Wong Gail Kaneshiro-Carbonel Marlys Lee 5+ Chris Luthi Tammy McCormick * Lori McGregor 5+ Megan Meyer 5 Ben Murphy 5+* Wendy Nakamura 5+* Cami Nihipali 5+* Eileen Novak 5+* Sandy Romo 5 Cassy Rooney * Lisa Russell * Kori Shlachter * Phavana Silva 5+ Fran Snell Richard Snell Ruby Taaca Ron Tsuchiya 5+* Noriko Vergel Kerri Vincent 5+* Stan Vincent 5+* Judith Wagner 5+ Aiddy Weisbecker Dan White 5+* Judy White 5+* Sabine Yamamura 5+

Class of 2024 Anonymous * Scott and Jeanne Arakawa 5+* Curtis Daehler and Angela Su * Steven Fanciullo and Selena xxSomera 5+ Jaye and Jana Hatcher 5 Mr. Kevin Kodama and Dr. Nancy xxChen 5 The McGregor Family 5+ John, Cassy and Dylan Rooney * The Taaca Family The Wren Family

Class of 2025 The Canali Family * Ryan and Sun Morikawa The Romero Ohana 5+ Paul and Tamara Toner

May Day is a campus-wide event involving all grades, many staff and faculty, the efforts of parent volunteers, and friends of the school. A May Day court is introduced with students from grades 6-12 representing the islands of Hawaii.

Island Pacific Academy


While it is important to be prepared for a career and college (which IPA does), I appreciate how IPA helps to cultivate values in an environment of overall respect.

Alumni Families Class of 2010

Grade eight students celebrated at the end of the year as they looked forward to becoming Freshmen.

Jennifer Davis Yukako Hobin * Robert and Lisa Kayser Allan and Mely Nakasone Leonardo and Charita Baclig Wendy Nakamura 5+* Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mina Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole 5+*

Scott Schumaker 5+ Dan White 5+* Nancy White 5+ Danton S. Wong

Class of 2011 Anonymous 5+* The Arde Family * The Dean Family 5 Eddie and Sharon Fox 5+* Maria and Robert Lillis * Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mina

Former Families Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Laronal Doug, Catherine and Conner Lentz (‘17) 5+ The Winkle Family 5+*

Grandparents David and Sharon Gillespie Mike and Sandy Hulser Meg Kennedy *

Friends of IPA Jefferson Burnett * Tracy and Melodee Martin Moms Club of Oahu – Leeward Grant and Linda Nakata Curtis and Wavalene Tong 5+ Pat and Jack Woods 5+

Trustees Larry Caster Mary Durrett Wendell Lee 5+* Keith Ogata Sharon Rolirad

— parent comment 2011-2012 strategic planning survey response Symbols: * increased gift from the previous year 5 giving for five continuous years 5+ giving for over five continuous years

Gifts–in–Kind Marc Acierto Phillip Acierto All Weather Surfaces Mitch Andrews The Bravo Family Colleen Carrington David Coleman Costco Kapolei Deb Cullison Dawn de Lugo Angie Delaney Robert & Ginger Detterman Terrence Fuller Lorraine Gershun Bryan Gooden Blaire Harms Hawaii Moving and Storage Hawaii Self-Storage Henry’s Equipment Rental & Sales Nathan and Jennifer Higa Sheri Higashionna Jaylene Hitzeman Honolulu Wood Treating LLC James & Abigail Campbell Family Foundation James Campbell Company, LLC Lisa Kayser Tammy Keller KISS Institute for Practical Robotics Keith Kodani Wayne Kokami Swen Lincke/Total Building Products The Manalo Family Vince May Jay Monday Sun Morikawa Peter Moss and Carolyn Percival- Moss

The holiday float is the product of many including volunteer parents, faculty, students and community organizations. Thanks especially to The James & Abigail Campbell Family Foundation for sponsoring the entry fee, Henry’s Equipment Rentals and Sales Inc. for lending the truck bed and driving the float in the parade, and Volvo Rents for generators.


Annual Report 2011-2012

Annual Fund 2011-2012 IPA celebrates the older members of the extended school community with Na Kupuna Day just before Thanksgiving break each year. Elementary students prepare a special program, and kupuna visit in classrooms during the morning. Students learn about school “way back when” and share the exciting things they are learning to do in the 21st Century.

Gifts–in–Kind continued Podium Raceway Gary Reed Jessica Swartz Darin Uesugi/Utopia Design David Uno/Aiea Copy Center Dan and Shannon Vasilash Volvo Rents Judy Wagner Jon Winter

Project Grad We thank these generous donors who contributed to Project Grad for the Class of 2012, making it possible for them to have a safe evening of celebration after the commencement ceremony.


Class of 2012

Hawaii Self-Storage in Kapolei donates the use of a large storage unit each year to the school.

Aiea Copy Center Chris Arrasmith Ana Arrasmith Sarah Batten Ricardo and Danielle Burgos Ms. Chikage Carter Michael and Lorrie Cobb Lorynia Correa Carl and Jessica Hodel Dr. Christopher and Kelly Huang Loren and Laura Johnson David and Pamela Kirk Dr. Suzi Kiss Qasim and Gelina Majied Jose and Natividad Manalo Naomi Martin Richard Nakayama Hideo Noguchi Pamela and Michael Oakland Kathy Terada and Robert Pagdilao Anna Parmley Ashok Patel Samir and Nita Patel Mr. Quiamzon Dr. Cheryl Rudy Keith and Lisa Shelly Pam and Randin Yagi

Class of 2013 James and Nancy Follwell Thomas and Cindy Jones Gregg and Theresa Longanecker Bruce and Caroline McNish Paul and Robin Miyahara Oyama Family

Island Pacific Academy


Symbols: * increased gift from the previous year 5 giving for five continuous years 5+ giving for over five continuous xxyears

Golf Tournament The annual golf tournament grows each year! One hundred thirty-two golfers joined the fun in 2011. With hole-in-one prizes possible on each par three hole, in addition to closest to pin, longest drive contests for men and women, and lots of raffle prizes, the emphasis is on fun for a good cause. We’re still waiting for someone to win the car or big cash prize, but it could be you this year! Prizes were awarded to teams coming in 4th, 9th, and 13th place as a play on the date IPA first opened its doors to students on September 13, 2004. The team with the lowest net score has their name placed on the perpetual Golf Tournament trophy shown below. The winning team in 2011 included IPA parents Emily Brown and John Merriman, who also sponsored a hole through their company. Rounding out their winning foursome were Jim Merriman and another IPA parent, Bob Kayser. Proceeds from this event benefit the building fund for construction of a critically needed gym on the campus (see page 10).

Hole-in-One Contests Sponsor Pacific Innovative Products and Tony Nissan

We are grateful to our hole sponsors,prize donors, and volunteers without whom this event would not be so successful.

Hole Sponsors Accuity LLP Central Pacific Bank Durrett, Rosehill & Ma, LLLP Friends of Kapolei Hale Gentry Homes Hawaii Military Realty Inc. – David J. Kucic, Realtor Hawaiian Golf Properties HIRG Health Information Resource Group Hopaco OfficeMax James Campbell Company LLC Kiewit Building Group State Farm Insurance – Susan Ihle, Agent Lifeline Fire and Security Matson Mid Pacific Testing and Inspection Services Morgan Stanley Smith Barney – Clint Dodson, Financial Advisor Nordic Construction PCL West Oahu Dental Center, Dr. Genny D. Alcantra


Jaylene Haraguchi, Kamaile Koprowski, and the staff at Kapolei Golf Course for helping IPA host a successful golf tournament.

Prize Donors Aloun Farms Anheuser-Busch Castle and Cooke Resorts, LLC Disposable Products Elleair Maui Golf Club Entertainment Publications Ewa Beach Golf Club Footjoy Hawaii Frito-Lay Hawaii Golf Tech Hawaii Hawaii Kai Championship Golf Course Honolulu Country Club Kaanapali Golf Course Kapalua Golf Club Kauai Lagoons Golf Club Keith Kodani Ko Olina Golf Course Mid Pacific Country Club Todd Murata Nestle Sales Hawaii Randy Nishii Ohana Custom Vending Olomana Golf Links Pineapple Guy Poipu Bay Golf Course Polynesian Cultural Center Prince Golf Course Royal Hawaiian Golf Course Skip Duplechain Srixon The Club at Hokuli’a The Islander Group Titleist Hawaii Tom’s Golf Shop Turtle Bay Golf Course Brian Uy Wailea Golf Club Wet ‘n’ Wild Hawaii


Tournament Committee Skip Duplechain Keith Kodani Todd Murata Brian Uy Wayne Yamamoto

Tournament Committee

Student Volunteers Lindsy Black Raven Cruz Nicole Harris Lauren Ladtkow Amirah Majied Jessica Merriman Julie Shelly Colt Wallace Micah Witty-Oakland

Bernie Axelrod Kerri Vincent Judy White

Volunteers Mike Axelrod Denise Becherer Colleen Carrington Lu Cruz Vanessa Duplechain Mary Durrett Frank Kwok Sun Morikawa Carolyn Moss Lillian Napuelua Jessica Swartz Leslie Veazie Noriko Vergel Stan Vincent

Annual Report 2011-2012

IPA Mardi Gras This annual gala takes a different theme each year, even though we call it Mardi Gras to reflect the good times that roll all during the evening. With cuisine paying homage to great Chicago restaurants both past and present, this year’s attendees “got jazzed ” Windy City style.

Table Sponsors

$5000 level Accuity, LLP Bank of Hawaii Kiewit Building Group Inc. Tesoro Hawaii Corporation

Whether it’s using funny money at the gaming tables, eating delicious food, or dancing to a great band, there’s something for everyone each year. Creative class art pieces are always a hit in the silent auction. This year there were a plethora of hotel stays in the silent auction as well as two stays including air fare in the exciting live auction.

$3000 level C4 Management James Campbell Company Disney Aulani Kalaeloa Partners L. P. Mid Pacific Testing and Inspection Hawaiian Pohaku Carving

With the Whenever You Can...Help! appeal, we ask guests to help with cash gifts to fund financial aid very specifically. Mahalo to donors, volunteers, and participants for making Mardi Gras 2012 another great success!

Mardi Gras Committee

Bernie Axelrod – Staff Mike Axelrod – Audio Visual Denise Becherer – Solicitations Emily Brown – Auction & Display Lu Cruz – Staff, Decorations Shannon Troutman – Auction Darin Uesugi – Invitations & Program Cover Stan Uratsuka – Cashier Nadine Uratsuka – Cashier Kerri Vincent – Staff Susan Weinhardt – Child Care Judy White – Staff

Auctioneer Eric Schiff

Class Art Projects Whenever You Can…Help! Donors Wayne and Susan Anno Scott and Jeanne Arakawa Rich and Denise Becherer Dale Dolejsi and Tracee Lee Mary Kamoe-Durrett Terry Fuller Melissa Handy Stu and Mimi Hirstein Robert Ignacio Robert and Lisa Kayser Michael and Leah McMann Emily Brown and John Merriman Sun Morikawa Pete and Carolyn Moss Ben Murphy Keith Ogata Sharon and Ross Rolirad Robert Romo Eric and Lissa Schiff Scott Schumaker Richard and Fran Snell Paul Toner Steve and Kim Tottori Ron Tsuchiya Nadine Uratsuka Dan and Judy White John Ellis and Jessica Wong Mark and Beth Wood Louis D. Yango Island Pacific Academy

LeRissa Aranaydo Colleen Carrington Jordan Dodson Melissa Handy Tammy McCormick Ruby Taaca


Volunteers Staff

LeRissa Aranaydo Rose Armstrong Ruth Ann Babas Rich Griffin Melissa Handy Jaye Hatcher Wally Ingebritson Ben Murphy Wendy Nakamura Michelle Ruggles Lisa Russell Kelly Tokuhama Shannon Vasilash Stan Vincent Doc Wilson Jessica Wong

Parents & Friends Jeanne Arakawa Rich Becherer Pam Chinn-Pangelinan Robyn Chun Susan Comes-Anno Jordan Dodson John Ellis Lorraine Gershun Iris Lin Sun Morikawa Lillian Napuelua Dee Paz Cynthia Teramae Leslie Veazie Tiana Vincent Tristin Vincent


Zarina Araki Ella Axelrod Alex Beaulac Liz Becherer John Black Jonah Bobilin Jason Brenner Madison Davis Federico Delgadillo Jay Hart Grant Johnson Keri Kawatachi Taylor Kayser Andrew Merriman Jessica Merriman Julie Shelly

Mardi Gras Donors 20th Century Fox Accuity LLP Aiea Copy Center Alan Wong–The Pineapple Room Kahala Alencastre All Pets Clinic Aloha Aquatics American Box Car Racing International Anonymous Dr. Scott and Jeanne Arakawa LeRissa Aranaydo Lester Aranaydo Patricia Arde Arsenal Soccer School Atlantis Adventures Atletika Autograph Store The Axelrod Family B.O.T. Inc. Ruth Ann Babas Ernie and Li Qin Bacal Bank of Hawaii The Banquil Family Bead It! Beautiville The Becherer Family Mr. and Mrs. Guy Benjamin Roy Bergeson Bess Press Big Island Candies Bishop Museum Steven Bobilin and Robyn Chun Jonah Bobilin (‘17) Body Glove Cruises Boyd Gaming Brick Oven Pizza Brothers Paintball Supply C4 Management California Hotel & Casino Canvas on Demand Colleen Carrington Charity Fundraising Packages Nancy Chen, MD Christina Garcia Inc. Chuck’s Steak and Seafood Chun Wah Kam Noodle Factory–Kapolei The Contemporary Museum Cookie Corner–Kapolei Crazy Shirts Cross Fit Waipio CVS / Long’s Drugs Curtis and Angela Su Daehler Dana Labels Daniel Weisbecker Chiropractic The de Lugo Family Angel DeCosta Dental Care Kapolei, Inc. Diamond Head Theatre Disneyland Resorts Jordan Dodson Art Jonathan and Mary Durrett Elam Sports Oahu Entertainment Promotions Ewa Pantry Farrell’s Hawaii Four Seasons Resort Lana’i– The Lodge at Ko’ele Fruitique Worldwide Corporation Garden Nails Germaine’s Luau Green Comb John and Francine “Kalei” Guzman Laura Guzman Halau Hula mai ka Pu’uwai a ka Mana’o Melissa Handy The Harder Family Hawaii Five-O

Hawaii Nature Center Hawaii Self Storage Hawaiian Airlines Hawaiian Kine Hawaiian Pohaku Carving Roger Hirlinger Hiroshi Eurasion Tapas Hoakalei Country Club Honolulu Country Club Honolulu Theatre for Youth Honolulu Zoo Society Hop Step Japan Hawaii Cynthia Hoskins HTH Corporation Ice Palace Karly Ide (‘17) Laurie Ide IPA Athletic Department IPA Class of 2025 JK1 & JK2 IPA Class of 2024 K1, K2 & K3 IPA Class of 2023 1A, 1B & 1C IPA Class of 2022 2A, 2B & 2C IPA Class of 2021 3A, 3B & 3C IPA Class of 2020 4A & 4B IPA Class of 2019 5A & 5B IPA Class of 2013 Project Grad IPA Golf Tournament Committee IPA Holiday Float Committee IPA Mardi Gras Auction Committee IPA Performing Arts Department The Islander Group J n J Food and Beverage JW Marriott Ihilani Resort & Spa James Campbell Company LLC Jimmy Buffet’s at the Beachcomber Deb Jones Jostens Kahala Hotel & Resort Kai Market Restaurant Kalaeloa Partners LP Kapolei Chiropractic Kapolei Eye Care Kapolei Orthodontic Center Kapono Inc. Reyd and Sarah Kapua The Kayser Family Kiewit Building Group, Inc. Ko Olina Golf Club Donna Kosow, LMT Kumu Kahua Theatre The Kwok Family L&L Hawaiian Bar-B-Que–Waianae Lanakila Pacific, Inc. Lands’ End Sven and Diana Lincke Elliott “Buzz” Loden Longhi’s M & C Professional Cleaning Maui Divers of Hawaii Maui Ocean Center Maui Myth and Magic Theatre Rick and LaDonna McDonald Tammy McCormick McMann Eye Institute Michael McMann, MD, FAAO Patrick McNichols John Merriman and Emily Brown Mexico Restaurant Mid Pacific Testing and Inspection Services The Morikawa Family Donja Morton Mountain Apple Company Nail Tek Allan and Imelda Nakasone Lillian Napuelua Nikky International of Hawaii Inc. Nisei Shiatsu, LLC North Shore Shark Adventures

Oceanarium Restaurant Oceanic International Inc. Office Max Gary and Lori Ann Okimoto Olomana Golf Links Organized Hawaii William and Brooklyn Ouk P. F. Chang’s PSAV Presentation Services Pacific Aviation Museum Pizza Bob’s Plumeria Beach House Poke Stop Pua Manu MedSpa at Kapolei Eye Care Red Lobster Reyn Spooner, Inc. David and Elaine Rice Leighton Roarke Ruby Taaca Runner’s HI Salon Bobbi & Guy at Ward Warehouse Salvation Army Kroc Center Eric Schiff Scholastic Book Fairs Sheraton Kauai Resort Sheraton Mountain Vista Resort Sheraton Waikiki Resort Sony Hawaii Company The Sorenson Family SWAM Shiroma’s Wine and More The Swartz Family The Tam Family Cynthia Teramae Tesoro Hawaii Corporation Steve Tottori, DDS, MS Travel Fun Card, LTD Coach Ron Tsuchiya Russell, Leann & Kelsey (‘11) Uehira Darin Uesugi ‘Ulalena at Maui Theatre David and Irene Uno Utopia Design & Photography Noriko Vergel Waikiki Aquarium Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa Wave Physical Training, LLC Terry and Tam Welch Thomas and Kathy Welch Westin Desert Willow Villas Westin Ka’anapali Ocean Resort Villas Westin Lagunamar Ocean Resort Villas Westin Maui Resort & Spa Westin Princeville Ocean Resort Villas Westin Riverfront Mountain Villas Wet ‘n Wild Hawaii Wheel of Fortune Dr. Dan and Judy White Marcy and Lance Wilhelm Danton Wong Steve and Sarah Wong World Wide Technology, Inc. Writings Off the Wall Russell Young, DC Nathan and Julie Yuen Zippy’s Restaurants Hawaii Every effort has been made to include all of our generous donors. We sincerely apologize for any omissions or errors.


Annual Report 2011-2012

Faculty & Staff 2011-2012 Headmaster Daniel E. White (2004) B.A. University of California, Riverside M.A. University of Washington Ph.D. University of California, Riverside

Virginia “Tiny” Chuberko (2007) Kindergarten Assistant Teacher

Elementary Division

Patricia DelaCruz (2010) Grade Two B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Sue Miller (2004) Elementary Principal B.Ed. Institute of Catholic Education, Melbourne University, Australia

P. Matthew Dillon (2010) Elementary Science B.S. Toccoa Falls College, Georgia M.A. Columbia University-Teachers College, New York

Marlys Lee (2006) Elementary Vice Principal B.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa Richard Snell (2011) IB PYP Curriculum Coordinator B.A. University of Oregon B.A. California State University, San Jose M.Ed. Oregon State University Cheryl Agcaoili (2009) World Languages: Filipino B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa LeRissa Aranaydo (2010) JK Specials Michael Armstrong (2007) Physical Education B.A. University of Hawaii, West Oahu Darci Asato-Garcia (2007) Grade Two B.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa P.D. University of Hawaii, Manoa Ruth Ann Babas (2004) Music B.M. University of Hawaii, Manoa Kelsey Barden (2009) Grade One B.Ed. University of Alberta Heather Bonner (2007) Grade Three B.A. Rhode Island College Veronique Braithwaite (2006) World Languages & Cultures Coordinator B.A. Chaminade University M.Ed. Chaminade University Chiaki Campany (2011) World Languages: Japanese

Merle Cox (2011) World Languages: Chinese

Leah Gionet (2005) Junior Kindergarten A.A.S. Honolulu Community College Mimi Hirstein (2004) Grade One B.A. California State University, Fresno M.A. University of Central Oklahoma Cherie Ikei (2008) Kindergarten B.A. University of Hawaii, West Oahu M.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa Lisa Jeffers-Fabro (2005) Grade Four B.A. University of California, Santa Cruz P.D. University of Hawaii, Manoa M.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa Celeste Jeffrey (2009) Kindergarten Assistant Teacher Debbie Jones (2009) Grade Three B.A. Education, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia Starr Kekoa (2010) Junior Kindergarten Assistant Teacher Momi Kuahiwinui (2005) Kindergarten B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa M.Ed. University of Phoenix Andrea Ladtkow (2007) Kindergarten Assistant Teacher A.A. American River College Joyce Lee (2008) Kindergarten Assistant Teacher B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa Shari McClurkin (2007) Grade Three B.S. Portland State University M.Ed. Portland State University Tammy McCormick (2006) Art B.F.A. Savannah College of Art and Design Lori McGregor (2006) Technology B.A. University of North Carolina, Wilmington M.A. California State University, Northridge Donja Morton (2006) Junior Kindergarten CDA Early Childhood Council A.A. University of Phoenix Eileen Novak (2005) Office Manager/After School Enrichment & Summer School Director A.A.S. Hudson Valley Community College Sandy Romo (2007) Grade Two B.A. Ramapo College, New Jersey

Cassandra Rooney (2008) Grade Five B.A. Macalester College P.D. University of Hawaii, Manoa M.Ed. University of Texas, Austin Michelle Ruggles (2011) Grade Four B.A. Hawaii Pacific University M.Ed. Chaminade University Malinda Sepulona (2004) Science Teacher Assistant Jessica Shiepko (2008) Grade Five B.A. St. Michael’s College, Vermont Fran Snell (2011) Grade One B.S. University of Wisconsin, Madison M.Ed. Oregon State University Rachel Suerth (2011) Grade Two Assistant Teacher Kelly Tokuhama (2009) Kindergarten B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa M.Ed. University of Phoenix Gabriel Torno (2011) World Languages: Filipino B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Secondary Division James Nelligan (2004) Secondary Principal/ Humanities B.A. University of Hawaii, West Oahu M.A. University of Illinois, Urbana Phavana Silva (2004) Secondary Curriculum/ IB Coordinator B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa Cami Nihipali (2006) Dean of Students B.S. Western Oregon University M.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa Krishna Rampersaud (2008) Dean of College Counseling/Math B.S. George Washington University M.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa Kori Shlachter (2007) Dean of College Counseling/History B.A. Stanford University M.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa April Anderson (2011) MS Humanities B.A. University of North Florida Warren Andrade (2008) MS Visual Arts/ Ceramics A.A. Leeward Community College Rose Armstrong (2006) Secondary School Office Manager; Registrar Kenneth Baldino (2006) MS Humanities B.A. Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania Roy Bergeson (2011) Humanities/ International Program B.A. Stanford University M.A. Seton Hall University Michelle Bradley (2008) MS Science Department Chair/Robotics B.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Island Pacific Academy


Michael David (2010) MS Math B.A. Sacramento State University Laura Davis (2009) US English B.A. Whitman College Dale Dolejsi (2008) US Visual Arts B.A. University of Washington M.A. Claremont Graduate University

Aurora Finucane (2009) School Nurse B.S. Curry College, Massachusetts

Lisa Russell (2010) US Math/Math Department Chair B.S. United States Military Academy M.S. U.S. Sports Academy M.S. University of Phoenix

Rich Griffin (2006) Facilities Manager S.M.T. Building Owners and Managers Association, Ashworth College

Nydia Santiago-Cordero (2006) Director of Student Activities/Spanish B.A. University of Science and Arts, Oklahoma M.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Melissa Handy (2006) Director of Technology B.S. De Sales University, Pennsylvania

Akiko Taira (2011) World Languages Japanese B.Ed. Tamagawa University, Tokyo B.A. University of Sacred Heart, Tokyo

Kristina Harbourne (2006) Human Resources Manager/Accounts Payable Manager/Payroll B.S. University of Redlands

Sheila Tomas (2011) Music B.M. University of Hawai’i, Manoa

Jaye Hatcher (2008) Facilities and Landscape

Laura Gabriel (2006) Academic Counselor Grades 6-9 B.A. California State University, Long Beach

Noriko Vergel (2007) World Languages: Japanese/International Program B.A. Western Washington University

Gail Kaneshiro-Carbonel (2009) School Nurse LPN, University of Hawaii, Hilo RN, A.S. Regents’ College

Laura Guzman (2005) MS Spanish B.S. Brigham Young University M.Ed. University of Phoenix

Stan Vincent (2005) Physics/Director of Innovation B.S. The Citadel M.A. Pepperdine University

Megan Meyer (2007) Director of Admissions B.A. and M.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Brandi Dul (2011) Humanities/Performing Arts B.F.A. University of Texas, Austin Benjamin Feinstein (2010) US Science/ Chemistry B.S. Bowling Green State University M.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa Ph.D. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Jennifer Higa (2007) MS Math/Secondary Scheduling B.A. California State University, Fullerton M.Ed. University of Hawaii, Manoa Wally Ingebritson (2009) US English B.A. University of California, Berkeley M.A. Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury College Ph.D. Institute of Education, University of London Janin Johnston (2006) MS Fiber Arts John Kedrowski (2010) MS Science B.S. St. Cloud State University Bemidji State University M.Ed. Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Chris Luthi (2009) US Math B.A. Canisius College M.S. Fordham University Wendy Nakamura (2011) MS Office Manager Laura Norman Moy (2010) MS/US Japanese B.A. Gustavus Adolphus College M.Ed. University of Minnesota Benjamin Murphy (2006) US Humanities Chair/Academic Counselor Gr. 9-12 B.A. Notre Dame M.A. University of Illinois Chris Pasqual (2010) US Visual Arts B.S. and PBCSE University of Hawaii, Manoa Joe Payongayong (2007) US Physical Education Tommy Reyes-Huynh (2008) MS Physical Eduation A.A. Heald Business College, Hawaii

Salvador Pecson (2008) Facilities and Landscape

Judith Wagner (2006) US Science Chair B.A. Valparaiso University M.A. and Ph.D. Stanford University

Ron Tsuchiya (2004) Athletic Director B.S. and M.S. Indiana University

Aiddy Weisbecker (2007) MS/US World Languages Chair/US Spanish B.A. and M.A. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Shannon Vasilash (2010) Receptionist and Staff Assistant

Wayne “Doc” Wilson (2007) MS/US Music A.A. Mt. San Antonio College, California B.S. California Polytechnic University, Pomona

Kerri Vincent (2004) Senior Administrative Assistant for Advancement A.A. Kapiolani Community College

Sabine Yamamura (2006) MS Humanities B.A. Brigham Young University – Hawaii

Judy White (2004) Director of Advancement B.A. University of California, Riverside

Administrators and Staff

Leslie Witten (2011) Technology Support Specialist M.Ed. National University B.A. University of California, Los Angeles

Stuart Hirstein (2005) Associate Headmaster; Chief Operating Officer B.S. Tusculum College M.B.A. Rider University Bernadette Axelrod (2007) Assistant Director of Development B.S. University of Illinois, Urbana Thomas Ayers (2010) Network Administrator B.S. University of Hawaii, Manoa Estrella Caddali (2011) School Nurse B.S. University of Wyoming

Jessica Wong (2009) Assistant Controller B.A. Tufts University M.B.T. University of Southern California (Date in parentheses indicates initial year at Island Pacific Academy.)

Colleen Carrington (2004) Athletic Director Luain Cruz (2006) Accounts Receivable Manager/F.A.C.T.S. Management A.A. Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, California Dawn de Lugo (2008) Admissions Assistant R.D.H. Middlesex College, New Jersey Nate Dias (2007) Security


Annual Report 2011-2012

A Helping Community in Action The Community Service graduation requirement gives students the opportunity to serve at school as well as in the wider community. That dual vision captures the range of service—helping whenever we can—performed by the whole IPA community.

in the Elementary School to acting as guides for Open House and help with other public events. There are some staples among the service activities by students, ranging from the JK Trikea-thon and the elementary students’ “Give from the Heart” effort to generate holiday gifts for homeless children, to the Blood Bank blood drives and the collection of food for the Food Bank organized by students in grades 9-12.

Parent service parallels student service. The parents’ group, IPAPA, engages adults in activities like the Fall Family Festival and the Chili Cook–off, designed to build a sense of community on campus, a connectedness of families as well as students, with each other and with the school. IPAPA also conducts campus beautification days which sometimes include tending Kapolei Library grounds as well as a contribution to creating pleasant environs. Their gifts of time and effort to days of appreciation for faculty and staff are a further example of helping to sustain a sense of community. Student service activities offcampus range from devoting hours in health care facilities, animal shelters and child care functions to maintaining natural habitats. Fourth graders tend Waimea Falls Park. Upper School students clear mountain trails. Clubs clean beaches. The contribution of sweat equity in fulfillment of the commitment to help is a vital learning experience for students, making service into something more than fund raising.

The fall 2011 food drive resulted in almost 9,000 pounds of food delivered, and brought attention to IPA from the Hawaii Food Bank which invited Student Body President Ciera Fleming to address its organizational banquet. Ciera said that she found her motivation in the responsive call of the Primary School children every Monday assembly, “Whenever you can, help.” Jade Moon, writing to the supporters of the Food Bank in their newsletter, highlighted Ciera’s message, providing an unanticipated public megaphone for a simple IPA value. Often, we have heard about the idea of “being caught doing good.” In their service to school and community, there are ample opportunities to catch the people o f I PA — s t u d e n t s , parents, faculty and staff—doing good.


On-campus student service ranges from childcare activities Island Pacific Academy


IPAPA Board 2011-2012 Emily Brown – President Shannon Troutman – Vice-President Irene Kobayashi – Treasurer Deb Cullison – Secretary Grade Level Directors Charles de Lugo – JK-2 Dee Paz – 3-5 Susan Weinhardt – 6-8 Sheri Torii – 9-10 Rich Becherer – 11-12

Ways to Support IPA

Tuition income only covers about 85% of an IPA education.

Donate Online You may use a credit card and donate to IPA by visiting our website. Click on SUPPORT IPA and then DONATE.

Your support of the school will help maintain the tradition of an excellent independent school in West Oahu. For each student, an IPA education means opening doors to possibilities. It means developing skills that will translate to success in a changing, and increasingly global 21st century world. It means learning in a community defined by cooperation, collaboration, kindness and generosity of spirit.

Donate NOW Scan this QR code with your smart phone to go immediately to the online donation page of the school website.

Monetary Gifts You may make monetary gifts by cash, check or credit card. Gifts may be made to the Annual Fund to support operating expenses, or restricted to a specific purpose such as financial aid, athletics or performing arts, or to support capital improvements.

As a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the value of all gifts is fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Matching Corporate Gifts

Save the Dates!

Many employers match employee charitable gifts, making this a way to leverage your gift into an even larger contribution to the school. Check with the human resources department of your employer.

Friday, November 9, 2012


IPA’s 6th Annual Golf Tournament

The school welcomes donations of items which would otherwise need to be purchased by the school. The school website offers a “Wish List” of specific items which have been expressly requested by faculty to support areas of the school program.

Stocks or Securities A gift of appreciated stock may offer a two-fold tax saving: providing an income tax deduction on the full market value at the time of the gift, and avoiding capital gains on the increased value of the stock.

Noon Start Kapolei Golf Course

Planned Gifts Donors may consider giving through such means as life insurance, bequests or charitable trusts as a way of benefiting the school and also reducing estate or inheritance taxes. You should consult with your financial planner when considering a gift of this kind.

Saturday April 13, 2013

If you have questions about any of our giving programs, please contact:

IPA’s 9th Annual MARDI GRAS

Judy White Director of Advancement 808/674-3525 jwhite@ipahawaii.org

JW Marriott Ihilani at Ko Olina 6-11pm 27

Annual Report 2011-2012

The IB learner profile is a set of attributes that define the type of learner we seek to develop at Island Pacific Academy. In brief, IB learners strive to be: Caring

empathy, compassion and respect toward others, commitment to service.


independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies.


initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively; make reasoned, ethical decisions.

Island Pacific Academy 909 Haumea St. Kapolei, HI 96707 (808) 674-3523 www.ipahawaii.org


thoughtful consideration of one’s own learning, strengths and limitations.


explore ideas/issues of local and global significance; develop knowledge across disciplines.


intellectual, physical and personal balance for well-being.


appreciate own culture; open to learning about others, and grow from the experience.


natural curiosity; independence in learning that lasts a lifetime.


act with integrity and honesty; sense of fairness, justice, and respect for the dignity of others; responsible for own actions.


express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and a variety of modes of communication; work collaboratively effectively and willingly.

Island Pacific Academy 909 Haumea St. Kapolei, HI 96707 (808) 674-3523


On the cover: Grade eight students take time to sketch ohia lehua growing in Kilauea Ike crater during their class trip to the Big Island.

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