Portfólio da Missão de Empresários Mineiros à China 2018

Page 31

米纳斯恩珍纽布里蒂酒厂出品,来自巴西帕帕加尤斯,源自巴西正宗传统家酿。 Engenho Buriti de Minas, located at the city of Papagaios, Minas Gerais - Brazil, was born from a traditional family’s dream of producing an authentic, high quality and artisanal cachaça. 米纳斯法默什荷甘蔗酒 布鲁塞尔世界大赛 最佳甘蔗酒奖; 多纳布兰卡白啤 旧金山世界大赛 获奖。 产品目前出口到瑞士,澳大利亚和美国等多个国家。 The quality of the products has already been recognized and rewarded by the Brussels World Contest – when “Famosinha de Minas” won the prize for the best cachaça – and by the San Francisco World Contest – “Dona Branca” was also a medalist. The company currently exports to various countries, such as Switzerland, Australia and United States. 米纳斯恩珍纽布里蒂酒厂呈献,100%巴西甘蔗,沿用巴西传统酿造工艺,在橡木、巴 西豆木和巴西红木桶中密封陈酿,甘蔗酒口感独特,风味迷人,尤其适合纯饮或调制, 芳香馥郁,沁人心脾。 Engenho Buriti de Minas products, 100% Brazilian, are made from the sugar cane juice and stored in barrels of different woods, such as Oak, Amburana and Jequitibá. The storage and aging process affords unique characteristics of flavor, color and bouquet to the cachaças. The product is perfect to be drunk either pure, in a “shot”, or mixed in delicious drinks.


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