Kingdom News March 2021

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“Receive Real Power for Real Living” Rev. Harold B. Hayes, Jr., Senior Pastor Rev. Kellie V. Hayes, Executive Pastor





“Respect the Crown”

“Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14b (NLT) “Respect and honor your position in the earth, who you were created to be and who you are. You have position, authority, power and worth.”---Dr. K

What a time we are living in. No one could have told me that America would have lost over 500K souls to a virus named COVID-19. Nor that we would have to wear a mask everywhere we go in public to try and prevent the spread of this virus. Neither could you have convinced me that it would be close to a year because of this same virus, that we haven’t gathered together physically as a church body. Not since March 8 to be exact. It was right in the middle of The Sisterhood/Women’s History Month. For the longest, our colors of teal and purple still adorned the vestibule of the church. Here we are, a year later for another Sisterhood month, and what I’m not surprised about is how black women have managed to shine in the midst of such disequilibrium. To be certain, we have suffered greatly. We have lost loved ones, jobs, income, homes and our unique normalcy. But, we have also pivoted and started businesses, gone back to school, innovated and improvised. Why? Because we are queens. How? Because God is with us. If nothing else I pray that no matter your age or status, you have taken the time to go within and realize that you are meant to be here in the earth for such a time as this. That you will realize that you have a calling, you are royalty, you are an original and your divine womanhood is a gift, and this is your opportunity to discover something new about yourself. Respect the crown. You have position, authority, power and worth. Let it overflow. Use it for the good of yourself, family and community. The Sisterhood of Real Power is a force to be reckoned with when we walk hand in hand and heart to heart. So don’t miss an opportunity this month to learn and grow as we worship and serve together. Rev. Sandy, Sis. Ann, Dr. T and the Sisterhood Council have created a month of information and inspiration just for you. Don’t miss your divine appointment queen-for who knows if perhaps you are here for just such a time as this. Living in THE OVERFLOW, Rev. Dr. Kellie V. Hayes

Let’s Pray a Hedge of Protection Around Our Pastor Father, I thank You that my pastor is always persistent and in hot pursuit of more of Your presence, to know You more and more each day. Even as the deer pants for the water, I pray that my pastor longs after You. May he have a desire to seek knowledge, and as he seeks knowledge give him not only information but also revelation of divine truth like never before. I thank You, that Pastor Hayes will never become satisfied with his present level of success and achievement but rather use it as a stepping-stone to go into his next level and next wealthy place. Your Word says, “Let not the wise glory in their wisdom, neither let the rich glory in their riches, but let them that glories glory in this; that he knows and understands Me.” Thank You Father that my pastor is always being promoted and entrusted with more because of the faithfulness he has demonstrated at the present level. I declare that he is consistently growing in new levels of faith,power and authority. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (PRAYER FROM DEBORAH L. GRANT’S “HAVE YOU PRAYED FOR YOUR PASTOR LATELY?”)


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Kingdom News - Page 1 - March 2021

Birthdays & Anniversaries for the Month of March

5th Sis. Katreena Clark 8th Sis. Carolyn Hamilton 15th Sis. LaVon Lucas 9th Sis. Patricia Ward

10th Sis. Demari Kline 14th Rev. Rosalie Hayden 17th Sis. Jeletalora Shepherd 24th Bro. Derrick Shields

If you would like your birthday and/or anniversary listed in the bulletin, please submit your name(s) and date to the office by the 2nd Sunday in the month prior to the month of your birthday or anniversary. Thank you.


INTERCESSORY PRAYER For You We Are Praying: Healing & Set Free

Bro. Robert Barbour, Jr. Sis. Sandra Brennan Bro. Wallace Hayden Sis. Patsy Wills Rev. Hayden

Sis. Helen Gibson Bro. James West Bro. Douglas Armstrong Sis. Patricia Ward

Sis. Shirley Bowman Sis. Delores Lucas Rev. Pocohontas Ashe Sis. Ramona Scott

Special Prayer

Pastor Hayes and Family Rev. George A. Manning and Dr. Virginia Mae Manning Bro. Charles Shepherd, Sis. Zenobia Shepherd, and Family “For the fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous avails much” James 5:16 If you know of a church member who is ill or hospitalized, and would like to be included on the prayer list or receive communion, please notify the church administration office to complete the appropriate forms. Thank You.

Kingdom News - Page 2 - March 2021

Church Calendar for the Month March 13

4th Quarterly Conference

March 14

Daylight Savings Time

March 21

Sisterhood Day All Services

March 28 Palm Sunday March 29 - April 1

Holy Week

April 2

Good Friday

April 3

Holy Saturday

April 4 Resurrection Sunday

Other Announcements: • Intercessory Prayer takes place every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. • Wednesdays Real Talk Bible Study 7:00 p.m. • Everyday Early Morning P.U.S.H 6:00 a.m.

Kingdom News - Page 3 - March 2021

New Partner Care & Discipleship Ministry Moment: “Still Full While Being Empty”

By Rev. Kimberly Anne Giles

Luke 4:1-13 Welcome to March Real Power family. We are well into our Lenten season, which started on Ash Wednesday. During this season many of us are being more intentional about incorporating different spiritual disciplines back into our lives like fasting, daily Bible reading, prayer, meditation, offering personal praise to the Lord, speaking in tongues, and maybe being repentant. If we have decided to fast, we are reminded to not walk around feeling hungry with empty stomachs; rather, our purpose for fasting should be to deny ourselves physical food while turning more of our attention to God. If we have decided to fast and have stopped eating or drinking certain foods during this season, we are still able to get full. Yes, invite the presence of the Holy Spirit to fill you up and find His home within you. When we allow God’s presence to fill us, we develop the strength we need to follow Him, and the wisdom and knowledge needed to pass each test the devil tries to throw at us! That’s good news! Read through Luke 4:1-13 and observe how Jesus being full of the Holy Spirit passed 3 tests within 40 days of fasting. Jesus’ stomach may have been hollow, yet He was still full, full of the Holy Spirit, which guided Him, gave Him strength, and wisdom, all on an unfilled stomach. The scripture states that, “… man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” Again, I say it is possible to be full while being empty.

Monthly Meditation: “Be Encouraged and Stay in the Flow of God’s Blessings” By Rev. Sandy Williams, Director of the Sisterhood Ministry

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:3-4 (NLT) This past year we have had our share of losing love ones and friends, along with missing out on planned experiences and celebrations. We are facing illness, separation from family, friends, co-workers, church members, and having limited personal interactions. Things have not turned out as we had imagined or expected. But we can read Matthew 5:1-12 as a pep talk from Jesus concerning all of our disappointments and hurts. Jesus sat down on the mountainside and spoke to his disciples. While this teaching is known as the “Beatitudes,” in modern-day terms we could consider this a motivational speech or words of encouragement. Jesus identifies the blessings that are promised for those who realize they need God, those who mourn, hunger and thirst for justice, are merciful, work for peace, etc. Jesus describes the blessings based on different situations. Mourners will be comforted, justice-seekers will be satisfied, those who show mercy will receive mercy, etc. Being in the Kingdom family, these blessings are also available to us. We can read the “Beatitudes” and receive the same hope Jesus gave to the disciples as God’s promises to you and me. However, we cannot ignore the latter part of Jesus’ teaching. His message also warns us about being persecuted and the evil things that will come against us as children of God. But Jesus tempers the bad with the good, by saying be happy because a great reward awaits you in heaven. As followers of Christ, we will go through trials and endure persecution. But let’s not place our focus on the difficulties that come our way. We can’t ignore or overlook adversities, but we can focus on and flow with the good. Be encouraged by staying in the flow of God’s promises and blessings!

REAL POWER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bishop James L. Davis, Chief Pastor 2nd Episcopal District Supervisor Arelis B. Davis, Episcopal Supervisor Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Braxton, Presiding Elder, Potomac District Rev. Dr. Harold B. Hayes, Jr., Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Kellie V. Hayes, Executive Pastor 10201 Old Indian Head Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Phone: 301-782-7772 | Fax: 301-782-7788



Sunday Worship: 6:00 am, 7:45 am, 9:45 am, and 6:00 pm Early Morning P.U.S.H. Call: Monday - Friday at 6:00 a.m. Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Intercessory Prayer: Every Saturday 8:00 am - 9:00 am Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Noonday Prayer: Wednesdays 12:00 pm

Bible Studies: Tues. @ 11:00 a.m. w/ Rev. Highsmith Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Women’s Bible Study: Every 1st Sat. @ 10:00 am Men’s Bible Study: Every Saturday @ 10:00 am Real Talk Bible Study: Every Wed. @ 7:00 p.m. Impact Youth Bible Study (Ages 18 & under): Woke - Every 1st Sat. @ 10:00 am

HEALTHY, WEALTHY, & WISE: March is Sleep Awareness Month During this time of the Pandemic many have lost hours of sleep worrying over things that they cannot change. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to take care of each other and our own health. Sleep is a beautiful thing so why not celebrate it? How well do you sleep? Do you feel rested after a night of sleep? We, as a society are busy. We push sleep aside to get work done, play on electronics and binge watch TV. Sleep should be considered just as important as eating to live. What are some of the wonderful things that happen during sleep? The brain is an amazing muscle. During the day it is busy making sure you know how to do everyday tasks while also learning new things. While you sleep the brain cleans and organizes itself. A fluid called cerebral spinal fluid can go into the nooks and crannies of the brain and clean off built up plaque and toxins. If you do not sleep well the plaque will build up causing aging diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Not only do your brain cells get a good scrubbing but also memories and things you learned throughout the day get organized. Your brain will get rid of things you no longer find important and sort thru the information you do. If you are not sleeping well, you may find you do not remember things and have a hard time with new information. Sleeping allows us to wake up with a clean slate the next day. If you are not sleeping well it is important to find out why. Lack of sleep can lead to other health concerns, such as: Morning headaches; Waking up through the night and High blood pressure. Here are a few habits a lot of us are following that will help improve our sleep: ‒ Read your Bible; Pray before sleeping; Keep your bedroom dark and cool; Turn off electronics 20 minutes before bed; Exercise 3040 minutes 3-4 times a week; Do not drink caffeine after 5 p.m.; Avoid alcohol and nicotine close to bedtime. Source: March is Sleep Awareness Month - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH. Submitted by: Sister Denise Brown-Fryar

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