Kingdom News - July 2021

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“Receive Real Power for Real Living” Rev. Dr. Harold B. Hayes, Jr., Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Kellie V. Hayes, Executive Pastor realpowerame




“What’s Hotter Than July?”

Hotter than July, brings up so many fond memories! First of all, it is “the nineteenth album by African American singer, songwriter and musician Stevie Wonder, originally released on Motown’s Tamla label on September 29, 1980.”(Wikipedia) I still, to this day, listen to every song on the album via Youtube! In fact it is playing in the background as I push out these pastor’s words.

The burning question for me as we all navigate through the 2021 summer season of COVID19, obliteration of police brutality, the annihilation of white supremacy/systemic racism, is What’s hotter than July? These three words, Hotter than July, creates the image of family fun in the sun, jazz festivals, outdoor concerts, vacations/staycations, amusement parks, bike riding, family reunions, local entertainment, and great food for the next 60 days; in other words, Hotter than July, represents ultimate collective enjoyment for a designated period of time! Well, what comes next, is much hotter than July, and that is our collective responsibility to stay the course on our four hundred and two years of freedom from the enslavement of Africans in America. We must be vigilant in raising awareness of the importance of voting in local and national elections. And diligent in preparing our people to become politically astute to run in every election across this nation henceforth and forevermore. We as a people must shift from a mindset and practice of consumerism to investors and producers of goods and services on a local and global scale! We must become financially literate and technologically savvy! What’s Hotter than July is the collective actualization of the words that Christ Jesus quoted from the Scroll of Isaiah, penned by Luke two thousand years ago, “He came to Nazareth where he had been reared. As he always did on the Sabbath, he went to the meeting place. When he stood up to read, he was handed the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written, God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!” He rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the assistant, and sat down. Every eye in the place was on him, intent. Then he started in, “You’ve just heard Scripture make history. It came true just now in this place” (Luke 4:16-21, MSG). Real Power for Real Living! Agape

Pastor Harold B. Hayes, Jr.

Let’s Pray a Hedge of Protection Around Our Pastor Father in the name of Jesus, I thank You that Pastor Hayes operates in an excellent spirit. I pray that excellence manifests in his character, family, relationships, ministry, assignments, and every decision. I decree that whatever he does is done heartedly as unto You and not unto men for their approval or applause. I pray it is pastor’s desire to always maintain a good name, which You said, is better to be chosen than riches. I decree that the excellence Pastor walks in causes him to be preferred and honored just as Your servant Daniel was. I decree that many doors of opportunity are opened for the Word to go forth because of the diligent efforts that he always displays as he presents the gospel to the world. As Pastor has set his heart to represent You in a first class manner, may our local church arise like a city set on a hill that cannot be hid because of the spirit of excellence that is here to meet the needs of Your people. In Jesus name, AMEN! (Prayer from Deborah L. Grant’s “Have You Prayed For Your Pastor



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Kingdom News - Page 1 -July 2021

Birthdays & Anniversaries for the Month of July 2nd Sis. Cassandra Shaw

22nd Bro. Kenneth Palmer

4th Bro. Duke Ashe

10th Sis. Selma Colbert

22nd Sis. Deborah Williams

11th Bro. Daniel Baskin

26th Sis. Dorothy Barton

17th Sis. Patricia Moore

18th Sis. Cynthia Floyd-Coleman

22nd Bro. Elwood Scott

28th Sis. Jean Brown 31st Sis. Keesha Draper

12th Bro. James & Rev. Demetrice Highsmith 52nd Wedding Anniversary 28th Pastor Harold & Rev. Dr. Kellie Hayes 37th Wedding Anniversary If you would like your birthday and/or anniversary listed in the bulletin, please submit your name(s) and date to the office by the 2nd Sunday in the month prior to the month of your birthday or anniversary. Thank you.


INTERCESSORY PRAYER For You We Are Praying: Healing & Set Free

Bro. Robert Barbour, Jr. Sis. Sandra Brennan Bro. Douglas Armstrong Sis. Patricia Ward Sis. Edna Humphrey

Sis. Helen Gibson Sis. Delores Lucas Rev. Pocohontas Ashe Sis. Ramona Scott

Sis. Shirley Bowman Bro. Wallace Hayden Sis. Patsy Wills Rev. Rosalie Hayden

(Bro. Melvin Rice’s mother)

Special Prayer

Pastor Hayes and Family Rev. George A. Manning and Dr. Virginia Mae Manning Sis. Laverne Williams and Family The West Family “For the fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous avails much” James 5:16 If you know of a church member who is ill or hospitalized, and would like to be included on the prayer list or receive communion, please notify the church administration office to complete the appropriate forms. Thank You.

Kingdom News - Page 2 - July 2021

Church Calendar July 4 Holiday July 5 Holiday-Office closed July 5-10 AMEC General Conference, Orlando, FL July 25 Young Adult Takeover July 28 Hayes 37th Wedding Anniversary

Kingdom News - Page 3 - July 2021

MONTHLY MEDITATION: “A Prayer” By Rev. Yedea H. Walker Psalm 116:12-19 A Prayer Holy God, the Psalmist asks, “How can I repay the Lord for all the good things God has done for me?” Knowing that we could never repay you, please accept this as a prayer of offering--of making vows to you, O God. Not vows made out of coercion, but vows that spring from a thankful heart. We have resisted the good things of God in our lives. We have welcomed things into our lives that were not of Your good, and yet You continue to bless us. Help us to reject the things and virtues that are not of you. Instead, help us, O God, to cultivate virtues in our lives that will be pleasing to you. Take us and our lives and cultivate the virtues that you will have for our lives. We offer ourselves to you, O God. We will sow good seeds in the gardens of our lives; seeds of gentleness, humility, and mercy. God, water these seeds with your grace so that our lives may flower to your glory. How can I repay the Lord for all the good things God has done for me? We bring the Church to You in prayer. Jesus prayed that the Church may be one, yet we have sowed seeds of division, inequity, and despair. We have sown seeds that divide us within the walls of our church. We have sown seeds of discord within the leadership of the church. We have sown seeds that would cause our foundation to be shaky. We bring our gifts, cultivated by your hands, to the life of the Church. We will be sowers of good seed in the garden of your Church; seeds of purity, unity, and love. Water these seeds with your grace so that the Church may flower to your glory. How can I repay the Lord for all the good things God has done for me? We bring the world to you in prayer. In the headlines of our Bible, we read that God created the world, and it was good. Yet, in the headlines of the daily news we read of all the ways that humanity ravages the world. We commit ourselves to doing the work of dismantling systems that would seek to disregard the welfare and flourishing of your people. We bring to you strength and resistance. Strength to the burden bearers to continue this work, and for the discernment to know when to fight. Nehemiah taught us that the burden bearers carried their loads in such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and with the other held a weapon. Help us to know when to use the hammer, when to use the weapon, and how to use them effectively. We will be sowers of good seed in the garden of the world: seeds of peace, and justice, and joy. We make these vows and offer these seeds to you, O God, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ… Amen

REAL POWER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bishop James L. Davis, Chief Pastor 2nd Episcopal District Supervisor Arelis B. Davis, Episcopal Supervisor Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Braxton, Presiding Elder, Potomac District Rev. Dr. Harold B. Hayes, Jr., Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Kellie V. Hayes, Executive Pastor 10201 Old Indian Head Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Phone: 301-782-7772 | Fax: 301-782-7788



Sunday Worship: 6:00 am, 7:45 am, 9:45 am, and 6:00 pm Early Morning P.U.S.H. Call: Monday - Friday at 6:00 a.m. Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Intercessory Prayer: Every Saturday 8:00 am - 9:00 am Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Noonday Prayer: Wednesdays 12:00 pm

Bible Studies: Tues. @ 11:00 a.m. w/ Rev. Highsmith Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Women’s Bible Study: Every 1st Sat. @ 10:00 am Men’s Bible Study: Every 1st Sat. @ 10:00 am Real Talk Bible Study: Every Wed. @ 7:00 p.m. Impact Youth Bible Study (Ages 18 & under): Woke - Date to be resumed TBD

HEALTHY, WEALTHY, & WISE: July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness – African American

What happens at the intersection of mental health and one’s experience as a member of the Black community? While the experience of being Black in America varies tremendously, there are shared cultural factors that play a role in helping define mental health and supporting well-being, resiliency and healing. Part of this shared cultural experience — family connections, values, expression through spirituality or music, reliance on community and religious networks — are enriching and can be great sources of strength and support. However, another part of this shared experience is facing racism, discrimination and inequity that can significantly affect a person’s mental health. Being treated or perceived as “less than” because of the color of your skin can be stressful and even traumatizing. Additionally, members of the Black community face structural challenges accessing the care and treatment they need. According to the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Black adults in the U.S. are more likely than white adults to report persistent symptoms of emotional distress, such as sadness, hopelessness and feeling like everything is an effort. How To Seek Culturally Competent Care: When a person is experiencing challenges with their mental health, it is essential for them to receive quality care as soon as the symptoms are recognized. It is equally important that the care they receive is provided by culturally competent health care professionals. While we recommend seeking help from a mental health professional, a primary care professional is also a great place to start. A primary care professional might be able to provide an initial mental health assessment and referral to a mental health professional if needed. Community and faith organizations may also have a list of available mental health providers in your area. Source: African Americans | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness Submitted by: Sister Denise Brown-Fryar

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