Kingdom News - June 2021

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“Receive Real Power for Real Living” Rev. Dr. Harold B. Hayes, Jr., Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Kellie V. Hayes, Executive Pastor realpowerame




“You Have It Now Use It”

“Again, heaven’s kingdom is like a wealthy man who went on a long journey and summoned all his trusted servants and assigned his financial management over to them. 15 Before he left on his journey, he entrusted a bag of five thousand gold coins to one of his servants, to another a bag of two thousand gold coins, and to the third a bag of one thousand gold coins, each according to his ability to manage. 16“The one entrusted with five thousand gold coins immediately went out and traded with the money, and he doubled his investment. 17In the same way, the one who was entrusted with two thousand gold coins traded with the sum and likewise doubled his investment. 18 But the one who had been entrusted with one thousand gold coins dug a hole in the ground and buried his master’s money. (Matt. 25:14-18, TPT) 14

You have it, now, use it! This is our Brotherhood Ministry Theme for ManKing Conference Twenty Won! This year, I am expecting perpetual revelations and life applications that will overflow into the lives of our men and their circles of influence! Also, I am looking forward to increasing my divine awareness of the kingdom of heaven, and to govern myself accordingly. The scripture passage opens up with the statement, “Again, heaven’s kingdom is like...” It’s obvious to me, (as a post resurrection follower of Christ) that Jesus wants the disciples to know how to live a faith based instead of a fear based lifestyle! A faith based lifestyle is a divine confidence in the management of one’s abilities, and a understanding that when opportunity knocks you open up the door and go into that arena like you belong there! All three were trusted servants with ability and now a golden opportunity, that will test their resolve. A test will show you privately and publicly what you are made of. You may say, what will it show? With all your talents or the lack thereof, it will reveal, what drives you, fear or confidence, seizing the moment or playing it safe... Stay tuned. This will be continued... Knowing is everything and applying what you know about yourself is Real Power for Real Living!!!! Brothers are you ready? Spread the word, the season for men, husbands, fathers, sons and brothers to know what they have and how to use it is here!!!! Registration is free and required, paying attention will cost you your undivided focus!!!! I Am, We Are, Real Power!

Pastor Harold B. Hayes, Jr.

Let’s Pray a Hedge of Protection Around Our Pastor Father in the name of Jesus, I thank You that Pastor Hayes operates in an excellent spirit. I pray that excellence manifests in his character, family, relationships, ministry, assignments, and every decision. I decree that whatever he does is done heartedly as unto You and not unto men for their approval or applause. I pray it is pastor’s desire to always maintain a good name, which You said, is better to be chosen than riches. I decree that the excellence Pastor walks in causes him to be preferred and honored just as Your servant Daniel was. I decree that many doors of opportunity are opened for the Word to go forth because of the diligent efforts that he always displays as he presents the gospel to the world. As Pastor has set his heart to represent You in a first class manner, may our local church arise like a city set on a hill that cannot be hid because of the spirit of excellence that is here to meet the needs of Your people. In Jesus name, AMEN! (Prayer from Deborah L. Grant’s “Have You Prayed For Your Pastor



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Kingdom News - Page 1 -June 2021

Birthdays & Anniversaries for the Month of June

2nd Bro. James Highsmith, Jr. 17th Sis. Gwendolyn Jones 2nd Sis. Oneita Kelton 19th Sis. Susie Singleton-Turner 2nd Bro. Vernon Turner 20th Sis. Tameka Jones 2nd Sis. Robin Chumbris 24th Sis. Hattie Tapley 5th Bro. Jalen Green 26th Bro. David Baskin 6th Bro. Ricky Jones 26th Sis. Delores Jordan 8th Sis. Lisa Handon 27th Rev. Dawn Adams 10th Sis. Candi Jackson 29th Sis. Betty Floyd 13th Bro. Jordan Mathis 9th Rev. Kenneth & Rev. Sandra Williams 37th Wedding Anniversary 27th Bro. Darin & Rev. Dawn Adams 34th Wedding Anniversary If you would like your birthday and/or anniversary listed in the bulletin, please submit your name(s) and date to the office by the 2nd Sunday in the month prior to the month of your birthday or anniversary. Thank you.


INTERCESSORY PRAYER For You We Are Praying: Healing & Set Free

Bro. Robert Barbour, Jr. Sis. Sandra Brennan Bro. Wallace Hayden Sis. Patsy Wills Rev. Hayden

Sis. Helen Gibson Bro. James West Bro. Douglas Armstrong Sis. Patricia Ward

Sis. Shirley Bowman Sis. Delores Lucas Rev. Pocohontas Ashe Sis. Ramona Scott

Special Prayer

Pastor Hayes and Family Rev. George A. Manning and Dr. Virginia Mae Manning Bro. Charles Shepherd, Sis. Zenobia Shepherd, and Family Sis. Laverne Williams and Family “For the fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous avails much” James 5:16 If you know of a church member who is ill or hospitalized, and would like to be included on the prayer list or receive communion, please notify the church administration office to complete the appropriate forms. Thank You.

Kingdom News - Page 2 - June 2021

Church Calendar June 1 June 1 June 3 June 8 June 12 June 16-19 June 20 June 25-26

Steward Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Ministerial Staff 7:30 p.m. Trustee Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Special Official Board Mtg. 7:00 p.m. 1st Quarterly Conference 8:30 a.m. The Brotherhood Season 2021 Father’s Day/Brotherhood Day - All Services Potomac District Virtual Youth Explosion

Please see email for sign in details. Kingdom News - Page 3 - June 2021

Register in advance for Wednesday - Friday sessions: Register in advance for Saturday M-Powerment: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


“We Are Equipped to Carry Out the Great Commission” By Rev. Kimberly Anne Giles

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Greeting’s Real Power Family. Now that we have celebrated Pentecost Sunday last month, let us be inspired by the Scripture passage found in Matthew 28:19-20, to answer Jesus’s call to discipleship. Christian discipleship is the process by which disciples grow in the Lord Jesus Christ and are equipped by the Holy Spirit, who resides in our hearts, to overcome the pressures and trials of this present life while becoming more and more Christ-like. The Holy Spirit plays an important role in developing us to be disciples. The call to discipleship continues to be just as important and significant now as it was when Jesus commissioned His disciples to go and make more disciples in the 28th chapter of Matthew. If you are having difficulty with where to start your discipleship process, please be encouraged to participate in our scheduled virtual Wednesday Real-Talk bible studies, virtual Wednesday Noon Day prayer service, and or one of four of our virtual Sunday worship services. We will also be hosting New Members classes this month as well. With some many opportunities to be discipled and equipped to help others become disciples, let us all move forward with carrying out Jesus’ Great Commission! is to Believe, Become, and Be in the Overflow” MONTHLY MEDITATION: “Knowing By Rev. Kenny Williams “My dear children, you come from God and belong to God. You have already won a big victory over those false teachers, for the Spirit in you is far stronger than anything in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (MSG) The Covid-19 pandemic has considerably changed our way of living. During this unfortunate time, I hope that we have taken the opportunity to analyze who we truly are in the eyesight of God. 1 John 4:4, is reminding us that we come from and belong to God, and have already won a big victory. The victory over those in the world who have planted untruths about us as people of African descent. It may not seem as though we have won the victory with the escalation of systemic racism, police killings of our black brothers and sisters, voter suppression, white supremacy, and the whitewash of our history. But, be encouraged that in order to win a victory, the enemy has to first be exposed, and I believe that’s what God is doing. God created us in his image and likeness with power from on high to believe his word, will, and way, to become victorious through the saving grace of Jesus the Christ, and to be his purpose driven disciples filled with the Holy Spirit helping to advance the kingdom of God here on earth. As we enter into this joyful month of June, let’s celebrate Graduations, Father’s Day, Real Power’s Brotherhood Season, and whatever summer events that God opens up the door for us to do safely. Let’s celebrate the blessing of knowing we come from and belong to God, and we have already won a big victory because the Spirit of God is within us. That’s what living in the overflow is, increasing beyond the limits of a world that wants to hold us down, and we accomplish that overflow through the saving grace of Jesus the Christ.

REAL POWER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bishop James L. Davis, Chief Pastor 2nd Episcopal District Supervisor Arelis B. Davis, Episcopal Supervisor Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Braxton, Presiding Elder, Potomac District Rev. Dr. Harold B. Hayes, Jr., Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Kellie V. Hayes, Executive Pastor 10201 Old Indian Head Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Phone: 301-782-7772 | Fax: 301-782-7788



Sunday Worship: 6:00 am, 7:45 am, 9:45 am, and 6:00 pm Early Morning P.U.S.H. Call: Monday - Friday at 6:00 a.m. Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Intercessory Prayer: Every Saturday 8:00 am - 9:00 am Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Noonday Prayer: Wednesdays 12:00 pm

Bible Studies: Tues. @ 11:00 a.m. w/ Rev. Highsmith Phone #: 605-313-5164; ID: 171197# Women’s Bible Study: Every 1st Sat. @ 10:00 am Men’s Bible Study: Every 1st Sat. @ 10:00 am Real Talk Bible Study: Every Wed. @ 7:00 p.m. Impact Youth Bible Study (Ages 18 & under): Woke - Date to be resumed TBD

HEALTHY, WEALTHY, & WISE: June 2021 is National Men’s Health Month

In honor of Men’s Health Month, for the month of June, we will be highlighting the importance of physical activity for men of all ages. While everyone can benefit from a healthier way of life, men, like women, have unique health needs. It is important to encourage young boys to stay active and play outside, as well as adult males to practice healthy habits that will prolong their life and increase the quality of wellbeing. A few enlightening facts about men’s health:

• Think there are not health disparities between men & women? Men die five years faster than women on average.

• 41% of men over the age of 20 are considered obese, according to the CDC.

• Testosterone is linked to elevations of LDL, the bad cholesterol, and declines in HDL, the good cholesterol.

• 30% of men experience depression, yet only 1 in 4 talk about it. Men have fewer infection fighting T-cells than women. 1 in 2 men get cancer in their lifetime.

What can we do, both as men and as the women who care about them, to be more proactive?

• Get regular exercise.

• Eat real food

• Go to the doctor

• Go to the dentist Source: June Is Men’s Health Month! — Healthtrax Submitted by: Sister Denise Brown-Fryar

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