The Sustainer - Winter 2021

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Sustainer THE

Journal of The Royal Logistic Corps R WINTER 2021

World-class • Innovative • Adaptable

We Sustain

Sustainer THE

Corps Motto: We Sustain Regimental March: On Parade by Albert Elms Regimental Slow March: Lion, Sword and Crown by Craig Bywater

formed in 1993

Volume 29 No 4 R Winter 2021




34 50




2 National Remembrance

24 RLC Trade reports

RLC Veterans march past past the Cenotaph for the first time

7 Apprenticeships Military and civilian bodies reward RLC training excellence

8 RLC Sports Awards 2021 renewal celebrates the Corps’ sporting stars

The RLC enables and sustains the largest British evacuation since WW2

Marine Engineer, Photographer, Postal & Courier, LSS

28 Military Skills 40 teams chase Mil Skills titles in Leconfield

34 Sub Aqua RLC divers excel on Ex SUBMERGED CRUSADER

38 Securing our future What are the CET and NT and what do they do?

44 Say cheese The 2021 RLC Photographic competition results

46 Unit news A round-up of reports from across The RLC

85 Jump to it RLC Equestrian has a season to remember

EDITOR’S NOTE Welcome to the winter and final edition of The Sustainer for 2021. As outlined in my Editor’s note in the autumn edition, this iteration of the magazine had no specific theme, in anticipation of the mass of activity that has kept the Corps busy since September. It was the right call and this issue went to press at 88 pages plus the covers and is packed with images and reports covering many key events in The RLC’s calendar that have thankfully returned this year. Following the changes announced in Future Soldier on 25 Nov 21, we will include details of how they affect The RLC in the spring 2022 edition. It has been great to see sport making a steady return and to that end, in the spring 22 edition we would would like to include details, from as many official RLC sports as possible, of your hopes, aims and aspirations for the next 12 months. We also look forward to publishing all your successes in the sporting arena so please ensure you tell us about them. On the subject of articles for The Sustainer, by the time you read this, an updated version of the Corps Instruction (CI) the covers Media, Communications and Publications (I-Series 13) will be live on the RHQ The RLC Sharepoint site. While I am always happy to

offer one-to-one guidance on what is required when penning articles for the magazine, the new CI has comprehensive guidance about article length, deadlines, writing style and image requirements and I recommend that you read it in the first instance. You will read on page 2 about the landmark event in the history of The RLC Association that took place on 14 Nov 21. There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes to raise the profile of the Association and next spring a project to create a much improved Corps PRI Shop will come to fruition. RLC Direct will be a new online shop which will continue many of the lines of uniform accessories and RLC branded merchandise currently available from the online RLC Museum Shop, but will also offer several new products. There will be more information about RLC Direct in the spring edition of this magazine. And finally, I would like to once again thank all the RLC’s units and all the individuals who have contributed to The Sustainer over the last 12 months and wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and successful 2022.

Charter: The Sustainer records the activities and achievements of the Corps family, its units and personalities, as well as the organisations of the Forming Corps and their Associations. It keeps soldiers of today in touch with each other and soldiers of yesteryear in touch with the Corps of today. The Journal is not only a means of cohesion and communication within the Corps but also a source of research material for posterity.

Associations. The Sustainer only uses your personal data for the purpose of sending you the magazine. The mailing data is treated in the strictest confidence, is password protected, is only shared with our printer and is deleted after each use. If any serving RLC personnel have concerns with regards to the storage and use of their personal data they should contact RHQ The RLC’s Data Protection Officer, Richard Stockman. Richard is Assistant Regimental Secretary and can be contacted at:

Editorial Staff Editor: Peter Shakespeare Communications Support Administrator: Miss Katherine Lack Email: Graphic Design: David Blake Copy deadlines for THE SUSTAINER: 14 Jan 22, 11 Apr 22, 11 Jul 22, 7 Oct 22 Change of Address: Serving members of the Corps who are due to move into or out of non-RLC appointments (eg E2) and other subscribers are requested to notify the Editor of their change of address. No information, no magazine! Publisher: The Regimental Association of The Royal Logistic Corps, RHQ The RLC, DCLPA Worthy Down, Winchester Hampshire. SO21 2RG. Email: Tel: +44 (0) 7901 676309 Typesetting, Printing, Binding and Distribution: Holbrooks Printers Ltd, Norway Road, Hilsea, PORTSMOUTH, Hampshire PO3 5HX. Data Privacy: We distribute The Sustainer using mailing data held in a secure contacts database within RHQ The RLC. Your inclusion on this database is by virtue of the fact you are serving in the military, or you are a current member of the RLC or Forming Corps

8 Peter Shakespeare Email: Contact: +44 (0) 7901 676309.

Photographs: The Editor accepts photographs for publication on the understanding that those submitting them have, where required by data protection legislation, obtained consent to publication from those depicted. Anyone who believes this is not the case or has a DPA related concern should contact the Editor. Advertising: There is normally no space for commercial advertising, please contact the Editor. Security: This Journal contains official information. It should be treated with discretion by the recipient. © Crown Copyright: All material in this Journal is Crown Copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of the Regimental Association of The Royal Logistic Corps. © Cartoons are copyright. Disclaimer: No responsibility for the quality of the goods or services advertised in this Journal can be accepted by the publishers or their agents. Advertisements are included in good faith. The contents of this Journal and views of individual authors or units does not necessarily reflect the policy and views, official or otherwise, of the Corps or Ministry of Defence. Front Cover: RLC Veterans march past the Cenotaph on 14 November 2021. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




The RLC Association - On Parade

On Sunday 14 November 2021, a contingent from The RLC Association marched past the Cenotaph, following the National Service of Remembrance, for the first time since its formation in 1993. 54 members of The RLC Association, including the Chairman Maj Gen Ian

Copeland CB, the Secretary, Lt Col (Retd) Steve Yafai and the Treasurer, Lt Col (Retd) Ian Stark, supported by The RLC Corps SM,WO1 Chris Sutherland, marched as part of the parade of veterans, before joining serving and retired members of the Corps for a traditional curry lunch kindly hosted by 20 Transport Squadron RLC.

WE SUSTAIN Pte Sophie Lamond (13 Air Assault Support Regiment) joined the Colonel RLC and Corps Sergeant Major to represent the RLC at the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey on Armistice Day. Pte Lamond deployed to Kabul on Op PITTING in August and on her return was soon found herself driving a fuel tanker on Op ESCALIN. She met the HRH The Duchess of Cornwall and spoke to the Secretary of State for Defence, the Rt Hon Ben On 19 November 2021, MGL Lt Gen Sir Mark Poffley KCB OBE, the Col RLC, Col Jon West ADC and The RLC Corps SM,WO1 Chris Sutherland welcomed 27 new RLC soldiers to the Corps. The Army Training Centre Pirbright passing out parade, was a particularly important day for the Corps. MGL took the salute and The RLC’s latest recruits were the first to be trained by and pass out from the reformed 96 (Duke of Gloucester) Squadron RLC. 2

Wallace MP, about her experience in Kabul and keeping the nation’s fuel forecourts supplied.

Since 1993, 32 members of the Corps have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving on operations, in: Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Croatia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar and Cyprus. The march past is organised by The Royal British Legion and only recognised veterans’ associations are allowed to march.The RLC’s participation represents the formal recognition of The RLC Association as opposed to the associations of its five Forming Corps. Until to relatively recently, many full career service leavers initially served in the Forming Corps, but as The RLC approaches its 29th year the vast majority of its service leavers have only ever served in the Corps. Due to COVID restrictions the size of marching contingents was limited and applications from RLC Association members to march significantly exceeded the permitted quota.We hope that in 2022, numbers permitted to march, will return to pre-pandemic levels.

WELCOME TO THE RLC • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Paying the highest respects On Remembrance Day 2021, Sgt Prem Tamang, the British Army Training Unit Kenya’s (BATUK) S&R SNCO, climbed the 5,199m Mount Kenya in under 24 hours, to raise money for a local orphanage in Kenya and to pay his respects to the fallen. Sgt Tamang is the third continuous generation of his family to serve the Crown. His grandfather and his four brothers, served in World War Two in the Far East and North Africa. His father served in Hong Kong and Brunei with 2/2 RGR, before retiring in 1994. His father in-law served in the Malaysia Indonesia conflict and his brother in-law served with the QGE in Iraq and Afghanistan. The challenge started at 0245hrs 14 November, with the first 7km being the hardest. The trail was slippery, boggy and steep. Sgt Tamang and his guide arrived at Shipton’s Camp at 0712hrs and their aim was to be on the summit for 1100hrs. Taking a break until 0800hrs they started the final ascent. Despite an overnight snow fall, they made it at 1032hrs. Sitreps sent, at 1100hrs Sgt Tamang paid his respects and observed the two minutes silence. He laid a handmade wreath and a Khada (Buddhist ceremonial scarf) and offered prayers for peace and good wishes. Having spent 45 minutes on the summit, the pair started to descend at 1115hrs, making it back to Shipton’s camp an hour later. He says:“My emotions were running high, not many people knew what I had achieved on arrival at the

finishing point. I gave and left everything to the mountain on that special day. I must give special thanks my wife Asmita Tamang for

her continuous support and to Sam, my diligent guide, and all the people that believed in me and made this challenge successful.”

RLC CHEF WINS CATERER OF THE YEAR AWARD SSgt Marc Wrangham (3 PARA) was named Armed Forces Caterer of the Year at the 2021 Public Sector Catering Awards. It is the first time The RLC and the British Army have won the award since 2010. The awards took place in September at the London Hilton Metropole and SSgt Wrangham was one of 20 RLC Chefs to be nominated for the ‘Armed Forces

Caterer of the Year’ category. The Award, which is not open to general entries, is passed to the command of each area of the Armed Forces for consideration and all nominees are judged against three criteria; Innovation, Leadership and Food Quality. SSgt Wrangham was nominated by WO2 Catling (RCWO 3 PARA), who describes the SSgt in his citation as, ‘an exceptionally talented individual’.

WO1 (Conductor) Olly Rogers RLC, Command Food Services Warrant Officer said:“SSgt Wrangham is an outstanding individual and a testament to the exceptional talent that we have in The RLC.” Congratulations to all award winners at the event and to all of the extremely talented RLC Chefs who were nominated as part of this year’s celebration. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




In November, we were proud to see the first RLC Veterans marching past the Cenotaph in Whitehall, which marked the coming of age for the RLC Association


Welcome to the final Sustainer of 2021.Throughout the year the Corps has once again been at the forefront of Army and Defence activity both in the United Kingdom and overseas. The year is ending as it started, with RLC soldiers deployed across the country providing vital support to the Regional Ambulance Services. Our drivers’ and support crews’ contribution has saved countless lives. 7 Regiment, 4 Regiment with elements of 1 Regiment, will remain on task over the Christmas period. Early in the year, our people were right at the heart of the Vaccine Delivery Task Force, planning and enabling the swift roll out of COVID vaccinations. In the autumn, our soldiers once again came to the nation’s aid during the Fuel Crisis with the Corps provided a large percentage of Defence’s effort. In April, 27 Regiment and 20 Transport Squadron played a crucial role providing support for the funeral of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. During the summer period 27 Regiment successfully completed public duties and 11 EOD & Search Regt supported the G7 summit in Cornwall and COP 26 in Glasgow. In August, the soldiers and officers of the Corps made an outstanding contribution to Op PITTING in Afghanistan which saw the evacuation of 15,000 people from Kabul. RLC personnel were involved at every stage in the process and it was a real team effort across the Corps. Our other overseas commitments have seen 6 Regiment deployed to Cyprus on Op TOSCA with Reserve contingents from 150, 159 and 158 Regiments. 3 Regiment provided enduring support to NATO’s enhanced forward presence in Estonia on Op CABRIT. For much of the year 104 Brigade units deployed to Greece on Ex DEFENDER working with our US Allies to test Theatre setting capabilities and further interoperability. 2021 has been an eventful year for the RHQ and we managed to return to a full programme of Corps events. A real highlight was the opening of our fantastic new RLC Museum in May by Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal. Our Colonel in Chief has continued to take a keen interest in the Corps with visits to 3

Regiment, 25 Regiment, DST and DCLPA. 2021 has seen the return of competitive sport and we were delighted to finally celebrate the sporting successes from the 19-20 season at the RLC Sports Awards in Bicester in October. We plan to celebrate the 2021 season in Bicester in June 2022. Congratulations to 6 Regiment for winning the Army Sports Trophy for the second successive season; an outstanding achievement. In October, 25 Regiment hosted the RLC Military Skills competition at Leconfield which was a huge success. The same weekend Chefs from across the Corps battled it out on Ex ARMY SUSTAINER hosted superbly by 167 Regiment at Grantham. Later in the autumn 154 Regiment hosted an outstanding Ex MUDMASTER in multiple locations across Scotland. In November, we were proud to see the first RLC Veterans marching past the Cenotaph in Whitehall, which marked the coming of age for the RLC Association. It is impossible to predict what 2022 will hold; what is certain is the future looks extremely bright for the Corps. Future Soldier has set out our regimental structure for the near term and there are real opportunities for our people both in the regular and reserve. Our skills as professional logisticians are in more demand than ever and the Army and Defence will continue to depend on us both in the UK and overseas. As always, we cannot achieve without the support of our loved ones and families. A huge thank you from the Corps for all the support you give us.Wherever you are over Christmas, may I wish you all a wonderful festive period and a Happy New Year. Finally, this will be my last ‘View from the Bridge’. I reflect on my tenure with enormous pride. I have been very privileged to lead the RHQ during an uncertain period for the nation, which has seen the people of the RLC rise to the challenge and reinforce our reputation as world class, professional logisticians vital to Defence and the United Kingdom. Thank you for all your support and steadfast commitment during my time as Colonel RLC and I wish my successor Colonel Pat Allen all the very best as he takes over the role. Colonel J C West ADC • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



The RLC lands four Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL golds Four teams from three RLC regiments have taken home Gold awards from this year’s Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL.The British Army’s CAMBRIAN PATROL is recognised as one of the toughest patrolling events in the world and was hosted by HQ 160th (Welsh) Bde, between 8 – 17 Oct 21. Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL has been held annually since 1959 and aims to provide a challenging patrol mission in order to enhance operational capability. Applications to enter are accepted from all three Services (Regular and Reserve) and a variety of overseas military units. This year, 11 teams from The RLC entered the mission and task orientated exercise which provides mission-focused and scenario-based situations to enhance training and prepare personnel for future operations.The military skills assessed include but are not limited to: Dismounted Close Combat Skills, Battlefield Casualty Drills (BCD), Counter – Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Drills (CCBRN) and Patrol Reporting and Radio Communications Skills. The two-day patrolling mission is both mentally and physically demanding.The 37-mile course, carrying full personal kit and equipment, not only tests all of the basic military skills of a soldier, but also enriches leadership ability and levels of endurance and determination unlike any other event. The level of award given depends on the patrol completing all aspects of the exercise, in particular the mission phase. Depending on how each team has dealt with each challenge, they are awarded points qualifying them for a gold, silver, bronze award or a certificate finish. Congratulations to the teams from 9 Regiment RLC, 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment and two teams from 4 Regiment RLC who all received a Gold award. The team from 27 Regiment RLC was the proud recipient of a Bronze award and both 3 Regiment RLC and 17 Port & Maritime Regiment RLC teams were presented with certificates for their final scores.

8 10 QOGLR team with their Gold award

Looking for a new challenge We are recruiting!


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All of you should be very proud of the things you have all achieved in 2021; be that as an individual or as a collective


Firstly greetings of the season to you all.The winter is firmly upon us and I am struggling to process where the last five months have gone. In the short time I have spent in post, I have visited many of Corps’ units, up and down the country and each one confirms to me, just how awesome our people really are. Since my last “From the Ranks” the Corps has achieved huge amounts: the highlights being, Royal visits to 3 Regiment and 25 Regiment, the RLC Military Skills competition at Leconfield, the RLC Sports awards in Bicester, Ex MUD MASTER 21 in Scotland and more recently I had the privilege of marching the very first contingent of RLC Association Veterans, past the Cenotaph, in Whitehall, following this year’s National Service of Remembrance. As I reflect over yet another challenging year, it is abundantly clear the Corps has once again delivered in the most testing of situations and environments. Whether at home supporting UK Resilience Operations in support of the NHS, keeping the country supplied with PPE and fuel or applying humanitarian skills, during the difficult evacuation of UK Nationals from Afghanistan; when called upon “you” our Soldiers have stood up when it mattered and I am extremely proud of every one of you. As I write this article there are Soldiers from 1,4 and 7 Regiment’s still heavily committed to MACA tasks supporting the Ambulance Service in both Scotland and Wales, as well as our routine deployments around the world. The recent Future Soldier announcement has brought some slight changes to the Corps. Changes to our regimental structures, trades and rebasing, are rightly being received with caution and concern. As Soldiers we are bound by routine, with change often not well received. My ask is that you embrace the positives from Future Soldier and use your Chain of Command to communicate any issues, going forward. RHQ the RLC, alongside the Head of Trades is working hard to support those of you affected by these imminent changes. In the autumn Sustainer, I talked about my drive to improve communications throughout the

Corps. Communication is a two-way process, so I want you to have the ability to speak to your Senior Soldier direct. If you have concerns that should be dealt with by your immediate chain of command, RCMO or unit welfare team, then you must direct your questions to them in the first instance. My role is to inform the Corps’ Senior Officers about what life is like for soldiers serving, at ground level, in the Corps.While not exhaustive, this includes, morale, welfare related matters, duty of care, maintaining the Corps’ identity and professionalism, as well as ensuring the standards of the Corps are maintained. If you are serving outside the Corps, my role is to also ensure you have the support of the Corps family should you need it. I am also here to represent the collective interests of our soldiers, when high-level decisions are made that may affect you. If you have a concern related to the above, just want to pass on some good news or genuinely feel your issue cannot be raised with anyone else, you can reach out to me by following me on Defence Connect and sending me a Personal Message. Alternatively you can email: Christopher.Sutherland812@ All of you should be very proud of the things you have all achieved in 2021; be that as an individual or as a collective.The Corps is in a great place at the moment.We are held in very high regard and continue to exceed all expectations. So take a moment to reflect, take credit where it is due, take a pat on the back and thank those around you because without you and your hard work, dedication and commitment, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the hard-earned reputation of the Corps that you all represent. To those of you deployed away from loved ones over the Christmas period, please be safe and I wish you a speedy return home. Those of you who are going on some well-earned Christmas leave, enjoy the rest and ensure you appreciate your time with the family, they play a very important role in making you the successful Soldiers you are. I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. WO1 C Sutherland Corps Sergeant Major RLC • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



RLC TRIUMPHS AT APPRENTICESHIP AWARDS The Royal Logistic Corps won three awards at this year’s Army Apprenticeship Awards which seek to recognise and acknowledge the best apprentices from across the whole of the British Army. As the UK’s largest employer provider of apprenticeships, the Army has more than 14,000 people on an apprenticeship programme at any one time, with over 6,000 soldiers completing an apprenticeship each year. The programme has been designed to ensure that the majority of soldiers can gain an apprenticeship that is aligned to their trade and is commonly offered at the start of their career; opening the door to many qualifications to further their career opportunities. Apprenticeships recognise and accredit military trade training and in the first year provide the Armed Forces with an industry-based civilian qualification.Working in close partnership with the service provider Pearson TQ,The RLC has created a unique, blended learning experience where all direct entry RLC Soldiers are able to complete a trade relevant apprenticeship and functional skills training. This year’s ceremony took place at the Officers’ Mess, Government House, Aldershot on 7 Sep 21. During the event,The RLC was awarded the Employer of the Year Award, presented to the Colonel RLC, Colonel Jon West ADC, who was extremely proud of the achievement. The Corps Colonel commented:“This award would not have been won without the hard work that has been put into transforming the RLC Apprentice programme into what it is today; a programme that is learner-focussed whilst meeting the Corps’ aspiration to professionalise its soldiers. I pass on my thanks to the whole team for the unwavering support.We would not have secured this recognition without it.” Major Jay Goodchild RLC was also pleased to receive the Special Recognition Award for his outstanding support to developing the RLC Apprentice Programme. Lt Col Ruth Littlejohns, SO1 Army Apprenticeships, described his contribution as ‘invaluable’.

8 The Army Apprenticeship Award recipients

A further success came from RLC Comms Spec, LCpl Graham (3 Medical Regiment) who was the runner up for the Level 3 Intermediate Apprentice of the Year Award. The RLC was also extremely proud to be announced the winner of the Employer of the Year Award in the Transport and Logistics category at the BAME Apprenticeship Awards 2021.

8 Team RLC at the BAME Apprenticeships Awards in Birmingham • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




The Royal Logistic Corps Sports Awards 2021

The RLC Cricket team

The long awaited return of The RLC Sports Awards was held on Thursday 14 October 2021 at the Bicester Garrison Officers’ Mess. The award nominations were carried forward from 2020 due to the cancellation of the event due to COVID-19 restrictions. Over 250 members of the Corps, senior officers, sponsors and guests sat down at the awards dinner, to celebrate a host of superb individual and team sporting achievements in the presence of MGL, Lt Gen Sir Mark Poffley KCB OBE. For many it was the first formal large-scale social event they had attended since March 2020 and the atmosphere in the room was electric. The awards ceremony was compared by The Colonel RLC Col Jon West ADC and the Commanding Officer 29 Regiment RLC, Lt Col Julia Symons. The Colonel RLC opened by congratulating 7 Regiment RLC Football Team for its third Army Cup triumph in five years. The guest of honour was former APTC QMSI, Olympian, media personality and motivational speaker, Kriss Akabusi MBE. Following the awards ceremony, Kriss delivered a rousing and highly amusing speech, which encouraged all sports people to aim for the very top level of their sport, never to fear the competition and never to accept second best. 8

The RLC Sports Awards 2021 – Individual & Team Nominees and Placings Category

Name / Unit


Sports Team of the Year

RLC Cricket 6 Regt RLC Winter Sports RLC Women’s Cross Country

Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up

Sports Coach/Official

SSgt Simon Gowing Winner Capt Kevin Halbert 1st Runner Up WO2 Kwabena Appiah-Bosompem 2nd Runner Up

Young Sportswoman of the Year Cpl Becky Wilson LCpl Darci Ryan LCpl Amy McCabe

Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up

Young Sportsman of the Year

Pte Thomas Foster Pte Joshua Millington Pte Alfie Sprake

Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up

Sportswoman of the Year

Cpl Kelly May WO2 Samantha Hogan-Henry Pte Mabel Halliday

Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up

Sportsman of the Year

Sgt Leon Hinds LCpl Robert Matamosi LCpl John Riddell

Winner 1st Runner Up 2nd Runner Up

Outstanding Achievement Award Cpl Keleni Drummond Hemming Belt

Cpl Megan Reid

Lifetime Achievement Award

Lt Col Fiona Gordon

Pioneer Spirit Award

6 Regt RLC

Army Sports Trophy

6 Regt RLC

Due to deployments (Cpl Keleni Drummond and Sgt Leon Hinds) and a retirement (Lt Col Fiona Gordon) these recipients were not able to collect their awards in person; but instead recorded video acceptance messages which were played to the room.



The RLC would like to thank the following sponsors of the 2021 RLC Sports Awards: Army Sports Control Board (ASCB), Agility Defence Services (UK), Briggs Defence, Pearson TQ, Motif8, Silver Lady, Veolia Ltd, Squarcle Consulting Ltd, Peli Products, Edwin Doran Sports/Gullivers Sports Travel. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



6 Regt RLC Pioneer Spirit Award and Army Sports Trophy

Kriss Akabusi with Col RLC and CO 29 Regt RLC

Sgt Hinds

Cpl Becky Wilson

Pte Thomas Foster

Cpl Kelly May

Cpl Megan Reid

SSgt Simon Gowing

The Royal Logistic Corps Association and Forming Corps Associations Membership If you are keen to enhance your network, join a group of like-minded professionals who share a common purpose, or just catch-up with lost friends and acquaintances, why not join The RLC Association or one of The RLC’s Forming Corps Associations? If interested, please contact the Veterans, Families and Civil Engagement Officer (VFCEO) - Victoria Parkes at: Email - Telephone - 01962 887785 Alternatively, you can download the Membership Registration Form from the RLC website. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




YOUR CAREER, YOUR CALL Career management team

RLC SOLDIERS SO1: Lt Col Bratcher SO2: Maj McHugh SO3: Capt Jack WO1: WO1 Neilson QOGLR: SSgt Subba I have been in post as SO1 RLC Soldiers since July 2021. It is a great honour to be here and work with the fantastic team looking after you and your careers. Recently we have seen many changes; not only in our daily lives but a generational leap in Career Management at APC, going from what was almost a completely paper-based processes to what will be almost complete digitalisation. The progress so far has already significantly advanced the capability of the APC to look after your careers, however, more is still to come. Whilst much you will not routinely see, as the high standards you expect from your Career Managers will not change. Digitisation, and some of the new applications, will give you more input and control of your careers. That said, this will require more input and engagement on your part as individuals. These are exciting times and the changes to career management will be for the benefit of all. As the changes are delivered and opportunities arise, we will keep you updated through your CoC and


RCMOs, The Sustainer, the RLC DOWREP and unit visits, which we aim to start again in Spring / Summer 2022. My intent is to visit all major RLC Units and as many minor or outlying sub-units and detachments as possible and look forward to briefing you all in person. Direct Notification The use of Defence Connect to inform our Service Personnel (SP) of boarding results has commenced. Recently the trail was conducted on the LCpl – Cpl and Pte – LCpl boards. This saw Board Candidates notified D-1 of their results, putting them firmly in control of this information prior to the results being publishing via MS Web, finally keeping the notification controlled, so that our SP are getting the correct information at the correct

time and hopefully resolving the issue of leaked promotion boards. This is a systematic change in the way in which results of boards are communicated, however, all RLC SP should now be aware of Direct Notification and ready to receive their own pertinent boarding results at the correct time. Over the next 12 months, all Boarding results Promotions, Appointments and Assignments will move to this process. So, if you have not done so, please ensure that you and your people are digitally ready to receive notifications through Defence Connect (DC) or a preferred method! To find out more about Defence Connect you can do a simple Google search: Defence Connect User Guide or link to it via MODNET: 20210317_Defence_Connect_User_ Guide.pptx (

Calendar of Events: Key Dates



18-20 Jan 22

SSgt – WO2 board sits

No action

31 Jan 22

Sgts SJARs to APC by

Sgts, has your SJAR been seen, uploaded and sent to APC

3 Feb 22

SSgt – WO2 Board results

Direct Notification D-1, MS Web at 0900 hrs

9-10 Mar 22

Sgt – SSgt board sits

No action

31 Mar 22

Sgt – SSgt board results

Direct Notification D-1, MS Web at 0900 hrs

31 Mar 22

Cpl SJARs to APC by

No action

31 Mar 22

LCpl SJAR due

LCpls, have you had your SJAR • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



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RLC Driver CEG Assignment exchange (AEx) Pilot 2020 saw a number of studies undertaken to assess the requirement for a policy on AEx. It aims to empower our people and give them the ability of enhancing their involvement in the assignment process and assist with managing their career. Now in the trial phase, if you feel that this is an initiative/ project that may interest you then please ensure you fully read 2021DIN01-119. You will need assistance/guidance from your CoC/RCMO to ensure that you meet the requirements. To ensure that any application for AEx is successful, please maintain good relations with the CoC and any exchange candidate. Appointment boards As APC moves forward in the coming months, the boarding of all appointments will become the standard. This will see the digitisation of the process which will become the future. Job Specifications, Annual Reports, Career Profile Sheets and the Posting Preference Performa (PPP) will be accessed by the Board members to select the correct candidate for the correct job at the correct time. Vital to this, will be your PPP. It is your opportunity to write your job application and influence the direction of your career. JPA Preference Fields and a correctly

structured PPP will allow the Board members to correctly align your career profile and aspirations to keep you on track and suitably employed. When writing your PPP there are some top tips to ensure that you can influence what job you are selected for: • Be very clear what is important to you: career vs locations and any family considerations • Research the post: speak with current incumbent and ensure that you have the KSE-B’s for the job • ‘Would love’, ‘wouldn’t mind’ and ‘non-volunteer’. The correct use of these phrases is vital. Appointment opportunities for OR2 – OR6. For all RLC soldiers there are a number of job opportunities outside of trade and regimental life. • Recruiting appointments: The RLC has around 70 jobs to be filled across the UK. These appointments range from Pte – WO2. All appointments are two-year assignments. This is a great opportunity to recruit the next generation and make your mark. • Physical Training Instructor (Training Establishment Basic & ITT Units): The RLC has around 33 jobs to be filled across the UK. These appointments are full Cpl only. All appointments are two-year assignments. The individuals need to hold the

AAPTI qualification. They need to have leadership skills, comradeship, enthusiasm, respect, integrity and team spirit. • Cpl Section Commander Instructor, Sgt Instructor, SSgt Senior Instructor & WO2 Validation Instructor (Basic Training & ITT Units): The RLC has around 180 instructor appointments to be filled across the UK. These appointments range from full Cpl – WO2, all appointments are two-year assignments. Individuals need to hold instructor qualifications that will allow them to conduct the role. They need to have leadership skills, comradeship, enthusiasm, respect, integrity and team spirit. • Permanent Staff Instructor & Senior Permanent Staff Instructor (PSI & SPSI): Permanent instructor appointments with Reserve Regiments, are open to all trades within The RLC. These appointments range from Sgt – WO2. All appointments are two-year assignments. The PSI appointments Sgt/SSgt are more trade skills with a small part being fieldcraft skills. The SPSI is more fieldcraft instructor with an understanding of trade skills. If you are interested in any of the appointments above or want more information, please contact your CoC or RCMO’s department. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Who sustains the United Kingdom’s Specialist Military Units? This is the second in a series of articles providing an overview of life and opportunities for RLC soldiers to serve at trade within the Specialist Military Unit (SMU) community and this time is focussed on the Logistic Specialist (Supply) trade. With over 100 LSS posts from LCpl to WO1 and opportunities within every SMU, the LSS trade is seen as a key enabler of unit activity both in training and on operations. Due to the specialist nature of the units, not only do they look after highly specialised niche equipment, but they are exposed to materiel accounting activity levels that are incomparable elsewhere and as such, return to mainstream RLC with trade skills significantly improved. At trade, there are opportunities in traditional 1st line roles running MJDI and managing accounts. Look at life – By RLC LSS JNCO When I first received my assignment order to join my unit, I was excited at the prospect of leaving a mainstream RLC unit and experiencing a new challenge at 1st line. The opportunity to work with such a specialist group of people was without doubt daunting, however I was up for the challenge. Having heard from multiple sources all the experiences they had within SMUs, it was clear to me that at some point I wanted to experience it myself. It was exciting to finally get to see first-hand what it would be like to live and work within an SMU. I’ll be honest, nothing could have prepared me for the work I’d be undertaking, the responsibilities I’d be given and the challenges I’ve faced and overcome. Adjusting to working in such a dynamic


environment has without a doubt, been a steep learning curve. More often than not I have had the responsibility of working well above that expected of my current rank and working here is a completely different ball game compared to a mainstream RLC unit. What I have faced however, seems to be business as usual for the personnel attached here and we have all had to up our game. Although some may see this as a negative, I believe this is by far the best aspect about working in this high tempo environment. It will set you up for the remainder of your career and if you take advantage of the opportunity to learn and get the ‘hands-on’ experience that is unique to these types of units, it will no doubt put you ahead of the game. Currently I work within an SQMS Dept responsible for the management and control of all stores and equipment. These items are required to facilitate the training outputs for the wider regiment deploying on operations. "For an SQ’s we do a lot." We look after more specialist kit and equipment than I’ve ever seen in an SQ’s - it’s an

Aladdin’s cave of items ranging in all the commodities you can think of. As a JNCO it is my responsibility to manage the output of specialist equipment for the Sqn. Primarily we do what all "loggies" do… Get the items they require to the right place at the right time, ensuring to make sure all the moving parts for the department are always going in the right direction. I am the lead for managing the accounting of all kit and equipment held within our sqn. Working independently to the QM’s, providing support to the various training objectives can be extremely challenging, due to the extreme tempo of activity. I am regularly called upon to make the decisions that would not be expected of a JNCO anywhere within the MOD. I believe as a result of this level of responsibility RLC personnel, of all trade groups serving within SMUs develop into better soldiers, gaining a wider spectrum of KSE. This helps develop a much higher level of maturity by all JNCO's that you wouldn’t usually find at this stage in our careers. My time here has been very different from mainstream but extremely rewarding and I would highly recommend it to anyone, however the commitment and dedication required should not be taken lightly. It is not suited for everyone, but I can guarantee that once your assignment has come to an end, you will have totally enjoyed it and become far better at trade for it. Learn more If you are a NCO wishing to apply your trade skills within an organisation that strives for the unrelenting pursuit of excellence and are interested in an assignment to a SMU, speak to your RCMO for contact details. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



BRITISH FORCES SOUTH ATLANTIC ISLANDS By Maj E S Andrews, 2IC Engineering & Logistics Wing 8 JHSS dispatching the next supply shipment to the remote locations

8 460 Port Troop with big toys, unloading the FIRS

The mission: “To deter military aggression against the South Atlantic Ocean Overseas Territories, in order to maintain UK sovereignty over the territories.” At the time of writing this article there are 78 RLC personnel deployed in British Forces South Atlantic Islands (BFSAI), ranking from Pte to Lt Col across all RLC trade groups. 2022 is the 40th anniversary of the Falklands conflict, which will see veterans visit their old battle sites. Capt (Retd) Mike Cole, who was OC Zulu Company 45 Cdo RM in 1982, recently visited Mount Pleasant Complex and provided personnel with a first-hand account of his experiences as a company commander during the campaign. The possibilities in terms of diversity of role and the chance to explore are endless. Currently, with no COVID restrictions on the island after a period of quarantine, the chance to jump in a vehicle and walk the old battle sites or explore the unique wildlife of remote beaches can’t be missed. Knowledge, skills and experience are buzz words on every annual appraisal. As the military moves towards more joint working practices, adding more layers of understanding whilst working alongside the other services can only be career enhancing. A soldier’s view – Pte Richards – Class 3 Port Operator “In Jun 21, I was assigned to 460 Port Troop in BFSAI for a six-month deployment. As an operator of the Container Handler, Large Forks Asset, JCB and Hyster, I have the task of safely and efficiently unloading and loading the the Falkland Island Resupply Ship (FIRS) and distributing 8 AT opportunities on Mount Harriet

cargo from Mare Harbour to various stakeholders around the island. In addition, I conduct weekly inspections of the Mechanical Handling Equipment. “As the only maritime resupply node in the Falkland Islands, the FIRS provides essential sustainment to both the military and civilian population. Without it, the island would not function. “In addition to Port Operator duties, I have been tasked as the COSHH NCO and unit welfare rep. Both tasks would normally be conducted by an NCO. As there are gaps in the ORBAT, I jumped at the opportunity to enhance my understanding of working 1Up and provide the Chain of Command the evidence to improve their perception of my competence. I have found the additional tasks challenging, yet having diverse responsibilities is very rewarding; especially when the Unit passed the POL audit with flying colours. I have improved the lived experience of my colleagues by securing welfare funding for a new TV and PS4 equipment. The team appreciate my efforts, morale is high. “460 Tp seize on every opportunity to get out and about on the island. From climbing on Mt Tumbledown and battle field tours, to paddle boarding in Yorke Bay or a helicopter flight to Volunteer Point to see king penguins and sealions, there is never a shortage of fun activities to get involved with. “During my tour, there have been some long days and at times it has been stressful, but I can’t explain the satisfaction I have making such a positive difference while employed in BFSAI. I know RLC soldiers in other trades feel the same way. If you are interested in deploying to BFSAI, tell your Chain of Command.” 8 The Joint Catering Team on parade • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Defence School of Logistics and Administration

Commandant’s Foreword - Gp Capt L Griffin MPhil (Cantab) MA BSc (Hons) RAF DSLA is now well established within DCLPA and we continue to press ahead with our core business of training and motivating commanders and professionals in Logistics, Administration and Education for Defence.The gradual lifting of the most restrictive COVID-19 protection measures has enabled more time and energy to be spent on re-enriching the training experience. Many areas of training activity are now reflecting this with one key example being the Command Wing Joint Logistic Officers’ Course training in Budapest – the first overseas engagement training serial for two years. These fuller experiences greatly enhance learning and, if we continue to tread cautiously, it is my hope (with cautious optimism), that we can sustain this positive training pathway and continue to deliver the very best training experience at the DSLA. A big recent highlight for the School has been the participation of Sgt Stefan Sewell, Food Services Training Wing, in the National Chef of the Year competition. Sgt Sewell competed as one of 12 finalists in the most prestigious cooking competition in the UK. Competitors had to tell their story of the pandemic through food, reflecting on the start of the pandemic when ingredients were sparse and households were turning to baking for comfort. Producing an impressive three-course menu within just two hours, Sgt Sewell produced a menu that showcased his style of cooking, personality and creativity. It was a huge accolade to have reached the finals and Sgt Sewell’s participation is just one example of the talented workforce in the DSLA. A further highlight has been the recognition of 14

8 Fd Log 3 on Exercise MAGLITE

the Village by the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) as an award category winner in 2021. The Village is a multifunctional space and was born out of the Station’s vision to reduce isolation and to improve mental health and well-being by creating an environment in which to build community and to foster connections outside of the classroom. It was important to have a social space that could bring people together and to boost camaraderie amongst the Whole Force providing a relaxed environment in which to socialize with family and friends.The Village is an outstanding example of what can be achieved when stakeholders (Worthy Down, DIO and Sodexo) work together in support of a shared vision. Command Wing – Chief Instructor Lt Col Andy Moss OBE RLC On top of a busy program of courses over the last few months, there have been some notable achievements; October saw Fd Log 3 deliver a successful Joint Logistic Operations Course (JLOC) and the welcome return to Hungary for Exercise MAGLITE, following a COVIDenforced hiatus. Here, 23 Tri-Service students, two Estonian OF4s and two LogFAS operators from 29 Regiment RLC were deployed to Budapest, where they were joined by seven Hungarian officers to consolidate their understanding of joint capabilities and the six-step estimate process over a four-day planning exercise. Cdre James Dean RN, Comd SJFLogC, was the senior visitor who received the syndicate back-briefs and added the 1* perspective. All the students’ hard work was rewarded by a cultural visit, sampling thermal baths, Budapest’s impressive architecture and perhaps a karaoke bar. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



8 The Troop Commanders’ Course took part in the RLC Military Skills Competition

8 Carrying out the RFT at the RLC Military Skills Competition

Field Log Division 2 has spent time over the summer refining the RLC Captains’ Course and ensuring it is ‘contemporary, current and relevant’ in its delivery.The September course hosted CO 13 AASR who provided feedback during the estimate planning phase, offering advice and guidance on logistic procedures at the operational and tactical level. His voice of experience focusing on Operation PITTING was insightful and gave food for thought for how we provide logistical support to an evacuation operation. Aligned to the Corps Strategy, the successful and well-received Defence Logistic Contract Management Course was able to harness contract capability for the field force whilst building relationships with our reserve elements in 2 OSG. As Field Log Division 1 enters the tactical command phase of the Troop Commanders’ Course, improved training on a wider array of contemporary threats is now taking place; updated Operational Staff Work now reflects new global conflict developments, and the Tactics,Techniques and Procedures required to counter these threats is trained and

emphasised ahead of testing on Exercise TIMBER TRUSS. Also by way of continual improvement, Orders delivery training now includes a demonstration lesson of generic RLC orders – this follows feedback from previous courses. 85 Sqn successfully executed the first of several RLC Instructor Development Cadres this year and now run all courses, less the Basic Close Combat Skills phase of the Cpl Advanced Leadership Development Programme (ALDP) at Worthy Down.Two Puma helicopters from 230 (Tiger) Sqn RAF were successfully integrated to add realism and focus to a recent Cpl ALDP. Please note - 85 Sqn stand by to assist units in facilitating their own organic ALDP packages or other training (PoC Capt Rory Falls). The Wing has also been in the limelight for a variety of sporting, charity and professional reasons - Field Log 1 entered two teams into the RLC Military Skills Competition and all members of them acquitted themselves superbly (one team even outpacing the CLR team in the gruelling march element). 85 Sqn have raised over £2,000 for the

One Troop Commanders’ teams at the RLC Military Skills Competition • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




8 Delivering orders - Ex TIMBER TRUSS

8 Tactics, Techniques and Procedures put into practice

Project Oyam charity as well as running a successful seven-a-side football tournament in aid of the charity ‘Mind’, and professional acclaim goes to Cpl Rabin Limbu who achieved a 96% overall pass mark in his Defence Land Navigation SME Course and Cpl Anderson and Sgt Tamang achieving silver medals on Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL.

dress.The event was a great success and a fantastic experience for all involved.

Logistic Specialist Training Wing CO Wg Cdr Samantha Alexander RAF During National Inclusion Week, the Defence Petroleum and Specialist Training Sqn (DPSTS) organised and hosted a Unit Fiji Day which was a celebration of the Fiji National Day combined with an excellent programme of education for wider DSLA and DCLPA personnel.The event was led and kicked off by Sgt Niumataiwalu who displayed his expert Conch playing skills to welcome the guests.This was then followed by a comprehensive brief detailing Fijian culture, geography and traditions, before a formal ceremony where Comdt DCLPA was invited to be the honoured guest and presented with the traditional Fijian drink of Kava. After the ceremony, a superb lunch, prepared by Food Services Trg Wing and families of Fijian personnel on unit, was provided to allow everyone to taste some Fijian cuisine.The day also involved superb displays of artefacts and Fijian National

Supply Training Wing - Chief Instructor Lt Col Devendra Ale MVO MBE QOGLR The autumn period for Supply Training Wing (STW) has been very eventful; training continued with some Divisions on almost back-to-back course delivery. Concurrently, the Wing has been working with the Training Regulatory Authorities (TRAs) modernising courses; primary themes being investigated are advancement in remote delivery and non-residential training utilising workbooks and lessons via the virtual learning environment (VLE) and Defence Learning environment (DLE). The Royal Navy Division (RN Div) has taken the Defence’s lead to run the Cargo Transport Unit (CTU) Supervisor course which has been transferred from DMTS, Brize Norton to STW,Worthy Down.The RN Div conducted a ‘train the trainer’ course for STW, now each Div has a CTU supervisor trainer within. Moving forward, in a true Joint fashion, future CTU supervisor courses will have attendance from all four services (including the Civil Service) and, similarly, with trainers coming from one of the four services.

8 STW on AT, Meon Valley

16 • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



The Wing managed to find space for a low-level Adventurous Training organised by Sgt Mclellan of Engr Log Div. The package consisted of two-day activity of hill walking in the Meon Valley, South Downs and mountain biking at Swinley Forest.Those who attended had an excellent time refreshing and refining their navigational and mountain biking skills whilst getting to know the newer members of the Wing. Comdt DCLPA, Brig M E G Caldicott CBE, paid a visit to the Wing on 21 Oct 21.The Wing seized the opportunity to carry out the presentation of a 1* Commendation to AWO2 Atkins for his outstanding work on modernising training material using the VLE whilst Sgts Frost RE and Mclellan RE received their Long Service and Good Conduct medals from the distinguished guest. Food Services Training Wing – CO Commander Gary Manning RN Interest Piece by Sgt Daniel Levey, FSTW Chef Instructor In November 2020, I was excited to learn that I had been assigned to the Food Services Training Wing (FSTW) to take up a role as a Chef Instructor. FSTW, now located at Worthy Down, is the “Home of the Chef” and is the School of Excellence for all catering personnel from across the Navy (including the Royal Fleet Auxiliary), Army, Air Force and the Civil Service. Together with military instructors like myself and civil servants, FSTW offers 26 different courses to over 800 students annually. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the instructors at FSTW have worked hard to keep up with the demand for qualified chefs to join the ranks and even with strict adherence to social distancing measures, halving the number of students per course to facilitate this, FSTW has successfully maintained its annual output. As you can imagine, with so many subject matter experts in one building the opportunities to enrol in education and career development courses are vast and varied for permanent staff as well as our many students. Since arriving at FSTW eight months ago, I have already completed many education and career courses and had the privilege to instruct my first intake of students working toward their Defence Chef Basic Course. Student arriving at FSTW will complete a 12-week course which is broken down into three Phases: Induction Week, Kitchen Phase and Field Phase. The newly restructured DCB Course, compared to the previous 18-week course, is demanding to say the least and offers students the opportunity to show that they possess the ‘can do attitude’, skill and flexibility required to be a successful RLC Chef. Induction Week consists of classroom work where they will cover Food Hygiene, Health and Safety and Nutrition. On

8 Teaching on the newly restructured DCB Course

successful completion of this week, students will be awarded with a civilian accredited Certificate of Qualification, the first of many qualifications they will achieve whilst at FSTW. Kitchen Phase, as the name suggests, is when the students are first introduced to the kitchen where they will spend the next eight weeks preparing, cooking and serving over a hundred different dishes.This will include baking, meat and poultry, fish, potatoes, vegetables and salads as well as vegetarian and ethnic dishes from many different regions and religions from around the world. On completion of the Kitchen Phase, and having successfully passed their summative assessment which qualifies them to be a chef, they will then move to the Field Phase. Field Phase consists of four weeks where they will learn how to construct their own kitchens using the Operational Field Catering System (OFCS), identical to the ones they with be required to feed troops from on operations. Once the kitchen has been built, it is time for the students to showcase their newly acquired cooking skills and cater for up to 50 troops in a simulated exercise environment.This is a culmination of everything they have learnt up to now and on completion of this phase, the students are ready for graduation and leave Worthy Down as a fully qualified RLC Chef ready for any field unit.

The Royal Logistic Corps Association and Forming Corps Associations Membership If you are keen to enhance your network, join a group of like-minded professionals who share a common purpose, or just catch-up with lost friends and acquaintances, why not join The RLC Association or one of The RLC’s Forming Corps Associations? If interested, please contact the Veterans, Families and Civil Engagement Officer (VFCEO) - Victoria Parkes at: Email - Telephone - 01962 887785 Alternatively, you can download the Membership Registration Form from the RLC website. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics





Operation PITTING (13 to 28 August 2021) was the British military operation to evacuate British nationals and eligible Afghans from Kabul following the 2021 Taliban offensive. The operation saw more than 1,000 military Service Personnel (SP) deploy, including units from 16 Air Assault Brigade and 104 Logistics Brigade. It ran concurrently with the evacuation efforts of numerous other countries, but principally the USA. British Forces airlifted 15,000 people to safety on more than 100 flights in the largest British evacuation since the Second World War and the largest airlift since the Berlin Blockade of 1948–9. Of those evacuated, 5,000 were British nationals and 8,000 were Afghans who were vulnerable to persecution by the Taliban due to their role in assisting British Forces during Operation HERRICK (2002–2014). Around 2,200 evacuees were also children, with the youngest just one day old. Command and control for the operation was based at Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) in Northwood and it was led by Commander of Joint Operations, Admiral Sir Ben Key KCB CBE ADC. Brigadier Tim Crossland, Assistant Chief of Staff (Personnel and Logistics) led the team at PJHQ, responsible for the J1/J4 planning cycle combining the requirements, activities and resources necessary to generate, project, sustain and recuperate the joint force that deployed on the operation. The RLC was involved at every stage in the process, from the forward elements in Kabul, to those at the processing nodes in UAE, Cyprus, Brize Norton and at the JAMC, to the J1/J4 teams at PJHQ, Field Army, 16 Bde, DSCOM and UKStratCom and those in the Rear Ops Groups. Elements of several RLC units were involved in the 18

8 13 AASR Forward Mounting Group Minhad

operation, including: 13 Air Assault Support Regiment RLC, 11 EOD & Search Regiment, 29 Regiment RLC and 9 Regiment RLC. The RLC-led 821 EOD & Search Squadron (part of 33 Engineer Regiment) deployed one full Task Line to Kabul. In addition to units’ involvement, RLC SP attached across 16 Bde at 1st Line also found themselves very much at the sharp end of the operation. The 13 Air Assault Support Regiment perspective Normally in the Army, August is a month that is focused on summer leave, school holidays and BBQs; however, life in 13 AASR never fails to disappoint. August 2021 saw over 200 soldiers and officers from across the Regt recalled to Merville Barracks at immediate notice in support of Op PITTING for the recovery of British Nationals and entitled persons (EPs) from Afghanistan. What followed demanded the very best from across 16 Air Assault Brigade, to deliver for the country in the most challenging and dynamic of conditions. The world was watching. As part of 16 Air Assault Brigade, 13 AASR is committed to very high readiness and providing logistic and equipment support wherever and whenever it is required. However, Op PITTING presented a scenario which saw a divergence from conventional operations and the more traditional theatre logistic laydown. During Op PITTING, 13 AASR provided 4th to 1st line logistic support to 16 Air Assault Brigade. From the activation of force elements held at readiness to the deployment of logisticians to Afghanistan and the sustainment of British forces in theatre, through to the recovery of all personnel and essential materiel at the conclusion of operations, 13 AASR supported it all. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



8 29 Regt Mov Cons and FCO staff process returning civilians at Kabul airport

Kabul Immediately, 13 AASR deployed personnel from 63 Air Assault Support Squadron (supported by other sub-units) to the Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul alongside 2 PARA. This initial tranche landed in the most horrific scenes of human tragedy and saw 13 AASR personnel contribute the baseline alongside 2 PARA while the situation was brought under control. Thereafter, they provided first line logistic support to the F Echelons of 2 and 3 PARA as well as 2 YORKS and the deployed brigade troops. A further rapid deployment saw soldiers and officers provide the second line logistic node for the force in HKIA through a 13 AASR CSS Group based in Camp FORTUNE. These first and second line elements were then reinforced through the deployment of elements of RHQ 13 AASR, including the CO, who took command of 16 Air Assault Brigade’s CSS Group for Op PITTING. Minhad Concurrent to the initial deployment of 2 PARA and the first line support elements, 13 AASR deployed its Forward Mounting Group (FMG) and third line logistic support node, commanded by OC 47 Air Despatch

8 Breaking down pallets of humanitarian supplies

Squadron, to Al Minhad Airbase in the UAE, alongside a further logistic support team at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. This FMG then provided crucial support for all subsequently deployed elements in support of 16 Air Assault Brigade (HQ 16 Brigade, 3 PARA and 2 YORKS) holding and sustaining the Theatre reserve which was twice called forward in rapid succession. The third line logistic node provided essential LogIS and C2 for visibility across the globe of the support chain required to sustain the mission and enable the withdrawal of people and materiel in good order. UK A large proportion of the remainder of the Regiment (82 Air Assault Support Squadron and 8 (PARA) Field Company) were deployed within the UK to support 4th line tasks. Although not usually a responsibility for RLC regiments, the immediate activation of the operation saw 13 AASR provide logistic support nodes in support of Op PITTING within the UK, for the movement of freight, materiel, and essential goods required from

8 63 Air Assault Support Squadron in HKIA • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




8 Load check

Colchester through the JAMC to RAF Brize Norton for onward flights to theatre. This included the procurement of items from industry and through local purchase within the UK and then moved and tracked through a 13 AASR controlled support chain to theatre. Upon initial activation, 13 AASR deployed a close support troop and a C2 node to enable the mounting and projection of 2 PARA and then subsequently the remainder of 16 Air Assault Brigade. This involved the outload of the brigade PEP and movement and tracking of personnel and freight to the JAMC and APOE. Furthermore, the Brigade Fulfilment Centre, staffed by a general support troop, played a key role in activating Extremely High Readiness contingent operational stocks for lead elements along with receipt and issue of all freight moving into theatre. This effect extended from Merville Barracks through the JAMC to RAF Brize Norton and onto Al Minhad Airbase before arrival in Afghanistan. The foresight shown by soldiers and officers in 13 AASR facilitated the deployment of force elements and their mission essential freight from Merville Barracks through to theatre at immediate notice and well within our already tight, R1 and R2 timelines. Once in theatre, the sustainment of force elements and EPs required an agile and flexible approach. The

8 On the return flight

rapid deployment did not allow for the establishment of civilian contracts or traditional support in all areas. The network of Log IS nodes deployed at RAF Brize Norton, in Cyprus, Minhad and Kabul by 13 AASR enabled immediate visibility through the entire support chain for the CSS Gp and Bde HQ. Consequently, RLC drivers became essential assets to support key enabling activity as contracts were unable to support at immediate notice. The transport of freight for force elements on deployment and the collection of POL around the UK for onward movement to theatre became an additional key enabling activity that 13 AASR provided. Furthermore, a large number of the EPs being evacuated from Afghanistan were very young children, as a result essential commodities such

8 Kabul night Ops

20 • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



as baby formula, nappies and blankets were donated by local companies or purchased by 13 AASR personnel in the UK for hasty movement through the military supply chain by 13 AASR. This key logistic activity took place thousands of miles away from Afghanistan but played a vital role in the successful evacuation of civilians during Op PITTING. Return The non-enduring nature of the operation quickly saw the Regt switch from the deployment and sustainment of force elements to the recovery and close-down of the operation. The timelines at play did not permit a lengthy recovery plan to be implemented, instead the same soldiers who returned from leave at short notice were again called upon to recover freight and materiel from theatre. 13 AASR once again assumed responsibility for the support chain from 1st to 4th line for the Bde. During the recovery of force elements from theatre, the Regt assumed the responsibility for the return of freight from HKIA back to Bde units. This saw logisticians support the backload of equipment from Afghanistan to Minhad, as well as the reception and clearance of all freight through RAF Brize Norton and the onward transportation to Colchester for equipment to once again be at held Extremely High Readiness. Throughout the operation, a team from 13 AASR was also attached to PJHQ providing logistic planning and communications support required to ensure tactical success of 13 AASR sections during the recovery phase. All of this activity was further complicated by the challenges of COVID protocols, where once again, 13 AASR personnel played a key role in facilitating the establishment of quarantine and post-operational stress management facilities for those returning from theatre. 29 Regiment The Joint Air Movements Centre at South Cerney was in the forefront for Op PITTING, running hot 24/7 on the home bank, to process and mount the UK Joint Forces Headquarters (UKJFHQ) and 16 Air Assault Brigade through South Cerney en-route to Hamid Karzai International Airport. 14 Movement Controllers (MCs) also deployed to Kabul and Minad to fulfil the far bank MC obligations. A SNCO Postal & Courier operator was also deployed in direct support to UKSF and the diplomatic service, to retrieve all protectively-marked material and comms equipment from theatre, totalling 3.1 tonnes. 821 EOD&S Squadron One full Task Line deployed on Op PITTING and following a recce and deconfliction with US Counterparts, EOD was pushed forward to the Baron Hotel. From there, the EOD Operators conducted routine patrols to identify potential suspicious items and conducted the initial response and clearance of the post explosion scene following the devastating suicide IED. Meanwhile the Search Team built up sangars at the Secondary Evacuation Handling Centre. The remainder of the team was then utilised by the Pathfinders during several tasks and had the thankless duty of removing those civilians not eligible for

8 SP from 104 Log Bde arrive in Kabul

extraction. On the whole, the Sqn provided a crucial capability to 16 Bde that truly delivered in the aftermath of the suicide IED while also utilising its core military engineering skills. In conclusion Whilst 13 AASR and all of the other deployed RLC unit elements and SP found themselves in unusual territory, providing support over thousands of miles in multiple locations from the UK, Europe, the Middle East to Afghanistan; the principles of logistics endured throughout. Mission command was the order of the day across the operation with most nodes and troops operating to the simplest of intents. All demonstrated excellent leadership and were crucial to operational success. The effect delivered by force elements in Afghanistan was exceptional, on a global stage with the world watching in the most testing conditions. There is no doubt that when the logistic support for Op PITTING demanded an agile, adaptable and dependable response, the soldiers and officers of 13 AASR and the other involved RLC units and SP delivered.

8 Teamwork delivering water • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




The Defence School of Transport It’s been a busy period since the last edition of The Sustainer. DST has been at the centre of supporting the MoD response to fuel distribution nationally, with urgent issues of PPE to units during silent hours in addition to our normal Op ESCALIN training. DST has been recertifying Defence Driving Examiners in addition to training new ones in support of the DVSA and is now planning to run resettlement training providing HGV licences for service leavers. Simultaneously, it is now working hard to catch up on training shortfalls which built up due to COVID restrictions over the last year. In addition, DST has also been hosting a number of visits and of course the annual RLC Military Skills Competition. The Army’s first solar farm The work to deliver the Army’s first solar farm at DST Leconfield as part of Project PROMETHEUS has completed with it now generating energy. The solar farm was unveiled by the Minister for Defence Procurement, Jeremy Quin MP on 29 Oct 21. Defence Minister said: ''There are always challenges, but there are things we can do. Using our estate better, whether that's planting extra trees, there are things that we can do to sequester carbon. There are also things we can do to reduce the carbon we use.'' 8 Solar farm opening day


Commandant: Colonel Chris Henson QGM COS: Lt Col Ben Aumônier RLC GSM: WO1 J Girvan Maj Gen David Southall, Army Director of Infrastructure, who was also at the opening said:“Our first operational solar farm marks a key milestone in the Army's go-green agenda. It showcases our firm commitment to tackle the effects of climate change, harnessing renewable energy to power our estate. "Leconfield is the first of four pilot sites to open this year. Each builds on our knowledge and expertise, enabling us to upscale and deliver a total of 80 solar farms across the Army estate within the decade.We continue to think big, start small, scale fast." Commandant DCLPA During a visit to DST on 12 Aug 21, Commandant DCLPA, Brig Mike Caldicott CBE demonstrated his driving skills in a Land Rover TUM HS. Conducting re-familiarisation training under the expert tuition of Cpl Linskill, Brig Caldicott conducted a first parade of the vehicle, before heading onto the public roads around Beverley. On his return he tackled obstacles on the impressive DST cross-country area. Cpl Linskill said: “Brig Caldicott was a seasoned driver, using techniques such as double declutch methods for gear changing.” Having now refreshed his FMT 600, Comdt DCLPA is all set for competing in October’s Ex MUDMASTER.

8 Brig Caldicott conducts a first parade

Director Land Warfare Centre On 7 Sep 21, DST had the pleasure of hosting Maj Gen Illingworth OBE, Director Land Warfare (DLW). During the action-packed visit, and like Comdt DCLPA, the General also had the opportunity to showcase his driving skills on our unique skidpan, an area where drivers are trained how to control a vehicle in hazardous weather conditions. DLW also saw at first hand the capabilities of the BV206, a tracked, all terrain and amphibious vehicle used by the Royal Marines. Later, DLW presented Coins to Cpl Adam Wood, Cpl Dean Middleton and Mr Tony Barrett. The DLW Coin is presented in recognition of excellence, a tradition that dates back to the Roman Empire, where soldiers were presented with coins in respect of their achievements. 8 DLW Visit • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


8 HRH is briefed on Op ESCALIN training

Royal Visit On 6 Oct 21, as part of DST’s 25th Anniversary celebrations, the Colonel-in-Chief of The RLC, HRH The Princess Royal, visited 25 Training Regiment RLC and the wider DST sub-units. During her visit, HRH chatted with civilian and military Instructors about the scale of training they deliver and DST’s support of national resilience. Students shared their experiences of the recent Military Skills Competition and their community engagement involvement with HRH. The RLC Military Skills Competition For the first time, the Royal Logistic Corps Military Skills Competition was this year held at DST.The annual competition, which was organised by 25 Regt RLC, saw regular and reserve units from across the Corps, test their military prowess and physical fitness. The weather added an extra challenge to the competition with competitors giving 100% throughout.

8 DST hosted the RLC Mil Skills competition

TRAINING MATTERS | THE SUSTAINER Conservation A new Leaf Trail provides a magnificent opportunity for staff to get out of the office and boost their mental well-being. The trail encompasses the natural beauty of the training estate and leads to a nature lake, orchard and our beehives. An alternative route guides walkers through a woodland and around a fishing lake to a recently constructed decked seating area. The team recently assisted the British Trust of Ornithology in a survey to establish the status of Turtle Doves at DST; part of a nationwide survey for this red-listed species, the population of Turtle Doves has declined by 93% since 1994. As a former Turtle Dove site, this survey involved three visits in quiet hours from May to July. The first visit logged almost 60 bird varieties, around 1/10th of the total number of species found in Great Britain - not bad for a 3km² site. R38 Memorial Service On 22 Aug 21, Col Henson QGM, Mrs Henson, Lt Col Amor and Flt Lt Taylor attended a service in Hull Minster to commemorate the centenary of the R38 airship disaster. The airship was, at the time the largest airship in the world, built in Britain and sold to America. On the 24th of August 1921 the aircraft exploded and crashed into the River Humber killing 44 of its 49 crew, 16 of which were American. Dignitaries from Britain and America attended the service, followed by wreath laying at the R38 Memorial and a fly-past from the BBMF.

8 R38 Memorial Service

SSAFA Big Brew DST’s annual Big Brew raised a staggering £1,172 for SSAFA. As part of the event, LCpl Reece Devaney and LCpl Nathan Edmond also completed a 100km run/cycle challenge, raising £507, making a grand total of £1,679.02. Sandra Staples, SSAFA local Branch Secretary said:“I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the event. I’m blown away by the amount of support and money raised which will help us to continue to support local families.”

8 The SSAFA Big Brew Bake Off

Sports DST has had many successes since the last edition, but it cannot close without congratulating DST’s Triathlon team and LCpl Reece Devaney on their achievements. The newly formed triathlon team competed this year for the first time in the discipline and have ended the season as Minor Unit Sprint Champions and Minor Unit Distance Runners-up. LCpl Reece Devaney competed in the Great Glen Ultra Marathon 2021. The 71-mile route which follows the Great Glen Way between Fort William and Inverness and includes a challenging 8,500ft climb. LCpl Devaney completed the course in an admirable 13 hours and 5 minutes, finishing in an impressive sixth place. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Marine Engineer By WO1 (Cdr) Karl Arnott The Marine Engineers (MEs) of The RLC play a key role in the provision of Defence maritime outputs. Responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the Army Work Boat, Combat Support Boat, Mexeflote, Vahana and a host of other specialist equipment, you can always find a ME at the heart of any Army maritime activity. Over the last 12 months, despite the impact of the global pandemic, our talented engineers have remained busy and have been proving their worth on somewhat larger vessels than we are used to. During a deployment aboard the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Ship (RFA) Lyme Bay, the vessel experienced some particularly challenging breakdowns and busy maintenance periods, but the RLC Marine Engineers stepped up to assist Lyme Bay’s small, heavily burdened engineering department. Cpls Phillips and Gurung and LCpl Roberts assisted during

8 LCpl Williams doing what he does best

maintenance periods working on high voltage and propulsion systems enabling the ship’s crew to complete more maintenance in the time allotted. In addition, following a major defect, the vessel lost all control and remote monitoring of its equipment and systems. The MEs joined watch keeping teams to enhance the vessel’s ability to monitor spaces and equipment, maintaining levels of safety on board until repairs were conducted. A great example of the adaptability and technical ability of the Marine Engineers.

Working alongside the RFA brings me nicely onto training. Class 3 and 1 training will now be shared with the RFA and Royal Navy at the Defence School of Marine Engineering (DSMarE), HMS Sultan. This welcome return to DSMarE for Class 3 students will prepare Marine Engineers fully for the challenging roles they will fulfil on assignment to 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC and beyond. We look forward to maintaining our strong bond with DSMarE and confusing the Navy with our mix of blue and green uniform! The list of achievements by Marine Engineers over recent months has been staggering. Aside from the routine business of keeping the vessels and equipment in working order (which is no mean feat!), we have celebrated academic achievements. In addition to the ever-increasing number of our Engineers registered with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, LCpl Kyle Williams was voted the RLC Foundation Apprentice of the Year and was subsequently asked to represent the Army and question RAdm Marshall CBE, Defence Head of Profession (Engineering) for a Defence Engineering Champion Team event. A stellar performance and a great example for our other apprentices to follow. Finally, after spending nearly four years as the Marine Engineer Head of Trade, the time has come for me to move on so this will be my final article prior to handing over the reins. I’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has helped move our trade forward during my tenure, but most of all, I’d like to thank the Marine Engineers who have worked tirelessly to maintain not only the equipment we are responsible for, but also the reputation that Marine Engineers are magic! I look forward to hearing of your continued achievements in the future. SAIL ARMY. 8 LCpl Williams interviewing RAdm Marshall CBE

24 • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Army Photographer, RLC Video Production Team By Sgt Nick Johns The Video Production Team is the driving force behind the Corps’ digital and social media presence. The team is made up of a small but highly skilled and dedicated group of RLC Photographers who work out of the Corps Headquarters in Worthy Down. Through their work, the team aims to capture the very best of what the Corps does to aid recruiting and retention, alongside delivering the key messages from RHQ to the wider Corps family and documenting the Corps for future generations to look back on. The team comprises of Sgt Nick Johns and Cpl Anil Gurung who are both professional photographers with almost 20 years of combined Army experience. The team are trained to the highest level in photography and video; they have travelled the globe covering the Army at work, be that deployed on operations or on a ski slope covering Adventure Training. The main focus of the Production Team is to document all trade groups, Corps activities, deployments and sports for use on social media and internal and external publications. Recently, the 8 Filming 165 Regt RLC on Browndown Beach

team worked on producing a series of videos for the Corps Sports Awards, showcasing what the nominees had been selected for in their respective sports. Following this, the RLC Military Skills Competition 2021 in Leconfield was covered. The team also planned an Armistice Day project, relying on help from all RLC Regiments, so thank you to all those who contributed. The Corps Colonel’s Christmas message, Exercise Mudmaster, STEM events and elements of reservist training were also covered in the latter half of the year. The team, while only consisting of only two professional photographers, punches well above its weight. Photographers have to

8 Filming with 1 Army Air Corps during Exercise IRON WOLF

be proficient in the use of lighting, camera operation, audio capture, editing, pre-production and confident when directing talent, and this is just a handful of roles they are expected to be good at. As a Corps, we are so vast in size and due to geographical location, it is almost impossible to see everyone within a year, however, the team do try their best. If units could feed into RHQ that would help massively and would give the option to cover some of the less common activities. No matter how big or small the event is, please let the team know about it. Moving forward, the team has recently shrunk slightly as WO2 Blake retired after giving 23 years to the British Army. The team wishes him well as he moves into his new career. As a trade, we continue to develop (pun intended) and are regularly recruiting and training to fulfil the requirements of the Corps and the Army. With such varied types of jobs covered, it’s an exciting time to join the trade! For more information and for all Video Production Team enquiries, please contact the team via MODNet email. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Postal & Courier Operators

By WO1 (Cdr) Denise Hutchinson Fellow Postal and Courier Operators, I am delighted to write my first article as the Head of Trade, a position I had hoped to achieve for many years and one that I am extremely privileged to hold. Having taken over as the Head of Trade in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and professionalism through these very challenging and unprecedented times. I have had the pleasure to conduct a number of unit visits over recent months and talk to some of you, which is the most important part of my role. I understand there are currently a multitude of challenges and frustrations which I will do my upmost to address, as such I will always put you, the soldier, and our trade first. On a positive note, I have taken away that there is a lot of fantastic work being carried out, both individually, collectively and globally across the trade. I have had the pleasure of physically presenting Conductor’s Coins to individuals for their outstanding work and their ability to seek innovate solutions, that yield tangible efficiencies and support our critical outputs as soldiers and Postal Courier Operators. It has been another busy year for the trade; demand is greater than ever for our skills, knowledge and experience, yet you still manage to deliver above and beyond and for that, I thank you all. With COVID-19 restrictions in place, all overseas Firm Base trade training was paused which meant 29 Regiment RLC was required to produce a training package to 26

incorporate remote working. The creation of the KAHOOT package and quiz has been a great success, allowing the Regt to enhance trade knowledge and continue to remain ‘connected’ during COVID-19. Moving forward, the Logistics Specialist Training Wing Postal and Courier Department will assist in carrying out a Training Needs Analysis on the Class 2 Record of Achievement to ensure we are in the best position to support and evolve our future capabilities. 29 Regiment RLC continues to ably provide personnel to support worldwide operations, exercises and BFPO London. This essential capability enables us to deliver mails from the UK to members of all three Services and dependants overseas. An attachment to Firm Base locations provides excellent trade training opportunities and is retention positive, allowing the

8 LCpl Holberry sorting mail at BFPO London

8 Conductor’s Coin presentation at 29 Regiment RLC

soldiers leadership opportunities, empowerment and responsibility at every level. Northern Ireland Postal and Courier Troop have continued to support the Firm Base with the Central Distribution Office (CDO) receiving its long overdue X-Ray machine in May 21, complementing its existing capabilities. Albeit having endured a lengthy delay to Northern Ireland as the container vessel was stranded and blocking the Suez Canal! The Troop was tasked to deploy Ptes Cockburn and Hatley on Project BAIRD, where they transported the Combat Medical Technicians from Aldergrove Flying Station to their assigned hospitals in support of the COVID-19 vaccine programme around the Province. This was quite an historic moment given this was the first time that British Forces had been on the ground in Northern Ireland since the end of Operation BANNER in 2007. Looking forward, we will be offering continued real-life support to operations and exercises conducting Field Army taskings including to Operations CABRIT, KIPION and SHADER and Exercises CETUS, WINTER WARRIOR and DEFENDER and numerous short engagement taskings. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Please do continue to invite the Trade Proponent (Col Munce MBE) and I to visit your units as we are always keen to meet you and discuss the latest hot topics. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Logistic Specialist Supply (LSS)

By WO1 (SSM) Gina Simpson Please allow me to introduce myself as the newly appointed Logistic Specialist Supply (LSS) Head of Trade. I take over this role with immense pride as the first female LSS to have ever attained this appointment. Due to prominent operational and domestic challenges, LSS has once again risen to the forefront of military planning. It has developed into a highly competent professional trade, that is regarded as the strategic edge and a key force multiplier across Defence. Through the use of enhanced Logistic Information Systems, the trade has significantly evolved, becoming ever more technical through its management processes and information services, allowing the joint supply chain to be replaced by a multi-functional Support Network, supporting formations and dispersed units simultaneously. Although traditionally known for conducting basic accounting processes, the trade now has to do so much more. It operates Inventory Control Towers at the strategic level supported by Inventory management cells at the tactical level, who together successfully compete in the logistic information space, a task in which the trade has excelled in. LSS have become proficient in data mining, visualisation and exploitation in order to influence logistic readiness planning, identify financial impacts, incentives and benefits - all of which are used to brief senior staff up to 2* level. LSS played a key role during the pandemic with the distribution of

essential PPE, assisting Defence in ensuring that oxygen cylinders were made available and providing support to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout; all of which demonstrated the wide employability of our CEG. The recent deployment to Operation CATALLO saw the bulk of the redeployment activity passed through the Fly/Sail Node that was set up in Duqm Oman by the Theatre Drawdown Unit (TDU). This was made possible by LSS personnel from 9 Regiment RLC who made up the lion’s share of the TDU. This effort continues to see personnel employed at the Close Stores Accounts Team in order to finalise the reconciliation of all transactions relating to Operation TORAL and the final closure of the materiel account in good order. The Small Scale Operations Team (SSOT) within 6 Regiment RLC were tasked to take on the logistic support to a small enduring footprint that was to remain in Afghanistan under Operation BATONNE. However, once Operation PITTING was activated, the SSOT had to switch their G4 supporting role to one that supported the hasty withdrawal of VaME and materiel under Op BATONNE. A huge well done for all involved, you should be immensely proud. I have recently visited various Army Cadet Force sites to gain a

8 Cpl Moloney, LCpl Bench, SSgt Milnes from 159 Regt RLC on exercise in the Supply Training Facility Inset: WO2 (John) Tatenda Mavhera

better understanding of their Logistic Information Systems and the difficulties they are facing. I also had the pleasure of visiting 156 Regiment RLC who were conducting Trade Training in Kineton followed by a visit to 159 Regiment RLC on Exercise HALBERD DAWN 21. Shortly after taking up this appointment, the trade was hit with the devastating news of the death of WO2 Tatenda Mavhera, John as we all knew him. John was inspirational. His infectious smile and laughter raised morale regardless of the situation. He could not do enough for anyone and had such a positive impact on everyone he dealt with, he was just an awesome bloke. We have lost a highly valued colleague, exceptional Warrant Officer and a true friend who is missed very much by all that knew him. The trade welcomes Col Rhodes, DACOS Log Ops, HQ Fd Army as the newly appointed Trade Proponent and I look forward to working with him as we take the trade forward over the next few years. As I settle into this role, I thank everyone for the support that I have received so far and I look forward to meeting many of you whether on unit visits or on courses. In the meantime, stay safe, live life and keep up the outstanding work you are doing. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



By 2Lt Hannah Martin The RLC Military Skills Competition came back with a bang this year as over 40 teams arrived to show their military prowess and take on a range of challenges at the Defence School of Transport. DST Leconfield transformed from the largest residential driver training school in the world into the competition hosts, as teams came from as far away as Cyprus with both Regular and Reserve units in attendance, making it the most competitive event yet. After months of planning, it took over a week to set up two sites by a combination of permanent staff and trainees from 25 Regiment RLC. The team filled 2,800 sandbags with 4.5 tonnes of sand to build the stands, alongside moving all the kit and equipment around the sites and erecting tents. Co-ordinated by SSM Walker of 110 Squadron, hundreds of trainees were also involved in marshalling, supporting and participating in the challenges and Section Commanders were put in charge of each stand. Cpl Bolton commented: “It was brilliant to set challenges and bring it back to basics. The day was really enjoyable, running a stand was a great experience and the teams were great.” Starting in the early hours, teams went through kit check where they had to show they had all the correct items, as well as the correct weight



DST hosts first RLC Military Skills Competition in Leconfield

to undertake the tab. They progressed to the skills stands where all members were randomly assigned a different skill to be assessed on, covering: Military Knowledge, Corps Knowledge, CBRN, CIS and BCDT. Teams then moved to the 10km loaded march which started with a crawl through thick mud followed by some arduous

hills across the driver training area. Upon arrival at the finish line, they then undertook the RFT stand which tested all elements of fitness. Once this was complete, they moved to the second site at Driffield Camp where they completed the final DCCT phase of the competition. It was well received by competitors, with one commenting: “It was a fantastic experience, to not only remind and revise our key military skills but to test our physical endurance and have fun at the same time. We can’t wait to come back next year and try and bring back the Gore Trophy,” 2Lt Shaw, 6 Regiment Male Team. The event brought together the Corps, with fantastic attendance and engagement by all. As well as participation by the Regiments across The RLC, it was catered by RLC Chefs and entertainment was provided. The RLC Corps of Drums gave a great performance, as did the Gurkha trainees who displayed their skills with a kukri. Lt Col Rob Amor RLC, CO 25 Regiment RLC commented: “It’s been brilliant hosting the • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Military Skills Competition up here at DST. Military skills are critical. No matter what trade or role, we are all soldiers first so this is a really important event. 25 Regiment is now settled after its move up north and is pleased to have hosted what has been a really great event.” The final results were: Mil Skills Stands Winner 1. 13 AA Regt RLC (Male) 2. 4 Regt RLC (Male A) 3. 1 Regt RLC (Mixed) Fastest Team March 1. 10 QOGLR (Male) 2. 4 Regt RLC (Male B) 3. 4 Regt RLC (Male A) Best Shooting Team 1. 13 AA Regt RLC (Male) 2. *TIED* 29 Regt RLC (Male) and HQ RLC 3. *TIED* 4 Regt (Male A) and 10 QOGLR Mixed Team Winner (Res) 1. 154 Regt RLC Mixed Team Winner (Reg) 1. 1 Regt RLC 2. HQ RLC 3. 13 AA Regt RLC Veterans Team Winner 1. 27 Regt RLC 2. 3 Regt RLC 3. 6 Regt RLC Commanders Cup Reserve 1. 154 Regt RLC 2. 157 Regt RLC 3. 152 Regt RLC Female Team Winner (Reg) 1. 13 AA Regt RLC 2. 4 Regt RLC Minor Unit Winner (Reg) 1. CLR (Male) 2. HQ RLC (Mixed) 3. COSU-JLS (Male) Major Unit Winner (Reg) 1. 13 AA Regt RLC (Male) 2. 4 Regt RLC (Male A) 3. 10 QOGLR (Male) Gore Trophy 1. 13 AA Regt RLC (Male) 2. 4 Regt RLC Male (A) 3. iswa10 QOGLR (Male) • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


THE SUSTAINER | EX ARMY SUSTAINER At the beginning of October, 167 Catering Support Regiment RLC hosted Exercise ARMY SUSTAINER 2021 at its base in Grantham. The exercise was the seventh iteration of the event following a pause in 2020 due to COVID-19. It remains the only Army-level field catering and culinary arts competition, providing the perfect platform to showcase and recognise the catering talent across the Regular and Reserve Chef Trade. The competition this year saw some of the Trades’ industry partners and personnel from the Royal Air Force take part. Ex ARMY SUSTAINER 2021 sought to challenge and test the competitors on their leadership, innovation, technical ability and teamwork. Participants Cooking on improvised stoves

8 An eggcellent main course



Food glorious food showcased and developed their ability to deliver the very best catering support to Defence’s deployed forces going forward. The exercise serves as a fantastic platform to develop new talent, train field skills and highlight potential new British Army Culinary Arts Team competitors, opening up opportunities to represent the Army team at Ex JOINT CATERER and the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Show. In turn, this can result in potential selection for the prestigious Combined Services Culinary Arts team which competes in catering competitions worldwide.

Throughout the event there were live-demonstrations of winning recipes from the 'Army EATS Cooking Challenge' in which soldiers of all cap badges and trades have been competing to design healthy, economical recipes to be cooked in the single-living accommodation or at home. This challenge is part of the work undertaken to 'Explore the Appetites of Today's Soldier' (Army EATS); vital work being carried out across the Army to ensure that our people are empowered to seek good value, nutritional choices in ways which suit and reflect modern life, tastes and cultures.

Judging the field kitchens

8 Eating with your eyes

8 The plate is your canvass • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


8 A culinary colour fest


8 It's tough judging a cooking competition

8 A fabulous fish dish

Ex ARMY SUSTAINER results Open Skills Field Challenge 1st


Cpl Pun, LCpl Limbu, Pte Sherma

Open skills Field Challenge 2nd

Welsh Guards

Sgt Rai, LSgt Pun, Pte Gurley

Open skills Field Challenge 3rd

16 Air Assault Bde

Cpl Pun, LCpl Limbu, Pte Purja

Open skills Improvised Challenge 1st

29 EOD

Sgt Thakali, Cpl Ellis, LCpl Peart

Open skills Improvised Challenge 2nd

Kendrew Station

Sgt Kumzinda, Cpl Daud, Pte Singh

Open skills Improvised Challenge 3rd

4th Regt RA

Sgt Springett, LCpl Jones, Pte Katalau

Open Junior Skills

1 Royal Irish

Pte Clarke

Open Junior Skills Runner Up

1 Lancs

Pte Lalramzailawma

Open Skills Poultry

1 Royal Irish

Pte Donnelly

Open Skills Poultry Runner Up

RAF Lossiemouth

SAC Brown

Open Skills Pasta

RAF Marham

SAC Gurung

Open Skills Pasta Runner Up

167 Regt RLC

Sgt Bloor

Open Skills Hot Dessert

1 Lancs

Cpl Boyd

Open Skills Hot Dessert Runner Up

154 Regt RLC

Pte O'Neill

Open Skills Fish Dish

167 Regt RLC

Cpl Bennion

Open Skills Fish Dish Runner Up

1 Lancs

Cpl Mostert

Junior Chef of The Year


Mr Pardy

Senior Chef of The Year


Sgt Ben-Moussa

Senior Chef of The Year Runner Up


Mr Clarkson

Open Skills Plated Vegan Dish

167 Regt RLC

LCpl Stewart

Open Skills Plated Vegan Dish Runner Up

154 Regt RLC

LCpl McKeown

Open Innovative Street Food Challenge

2 Royal Anglian

LCpl Gurung

Open Innovative Street Food Challenge Runner Up Sodexo

Mr Umesh Ghale

Open Centre Piece


Sgt Limbu

Open Celebration Cake


Cpl Edwards

Open Novelty Cake


Mrs Rogers • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


THE SUSTAINER | ARTICLE WO2 (SSM) T Jones reflects on a three-week deployment as part of the 16 Air Assault Brigade Female Engagement Team (FET) Short Term Training Team in Jordan. A team of six female instructors deployed to Jordan to deliver a two-week bespoke training package to male and female soldiers from the Jordanian Quick Reaction Force Brigade (QRF Bde). The aim was to encourage gender integration within the QRF Bde and reinforce 16 Bde as their integrated training partner of choice. Cultural Background – Jordan Jordan is situated in the Middle East and is nestled between Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Israel. It has a land mass of circa 35,475 square miles and its only seaport is Aqaba, on the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea) bordering Israel. Jordan is mainly desert, with many fertile valleys and colourful rock and sand mountains such as Wadi Rum, made famous in many movie blockbusters. Predominantly a Muslim country, men and women are often segregated at most social opportunities unless married. An extremely generous culture, with many traditions such as Turkish and Arabic Coffees and sweet or savoury snacks given as a welcome at most locations. Week 1 – Acclimatisation and reconnaissance The FET deployed on the 26 Jun 21 and arrived in the very hot city of Amman. After a very short night’s sleep, we were up and out conducting a series of recces and meetings with the key personalities within the Embassy and the QRF Bde HQ. WO2 Rob Walker R IRISH (loan Service to the Jordanian Royal Military Academy) was our guide for the initial phase and he was on hand throughout to ensure we were well prepared, showing us the cleared routes to the QRF camp in Zarqa and ensuring we were set for the training. He was the key enabler to our training package and set us up for success. The next couple of days consisted of meetings within the QRF base location and some relationship building with the Canadian Reservist Mentor Team, who were on a six-month 32


Changing attitudes through experience and engagement

attachment working with the female platoon within the QRF Bde. This was a great opportunity to integrate and learn from them, prior to starting our training. The Bde G7 Major and the 91st Bn S7 Commander assisted us with our planning and told us what they expected during our two-week programme. The key fall out of these initial exchanges was about building relations and trust amongst the Nations’ forces, particularly the Jordanian Chain of Command and it was going to be a tough task so we needed them to know that they would receive the best training possible. The training package they designed included lessons on C-IED, Ground Sign Awareness, CPERS handling, VCPs, Casualty Drills and Urban Ops. Alongside the training, the team encouraged the empowerment of the female Platoon Commander Lt Eman, her Warrant Officers and NCO’s. This proved successful when Lt Eman had the confidence to deliver a set of orders to a mixed platoon for the first time. Week 2-3 – Training package The training began with uncertainty about the standard of training our Jordanian counterparts

were at. At that time, we had been given very little information on their knowledge or experience. WO2 Jones, (SSM 24 HQ Sqn) stepped up and delivered the first lesson on C-IED to a platoon that understood very little English. All lessons were taught through interpreters which made things slightly more interesting and took a lot longer than they were used to. The environment was certainly challenging and something she was not accustomed to, but her experience shone through and the lesson was well received with maximum participation from the training audience. The Jordanians appreciated the patience shown by the SSM and they warmed to her quickly and extracted as much knowledge as they could from her previous experiences on operations. The interaction was outstanding, and the team were engaged in the lessons, especially on a practical front, this was highlighted by placing a female into a role of Commander with a male as her 2IC. It was an impressive achievement to watch them working and communicating together without any gender issues. This behaviour continued throughout, and Cpl Bradford (47 AD SQN) noticed a positivity surrounding everyone whilst • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics

#BritishArmyLogistics teaching Casualty Drills. WO2 Aysha Al-Khawaldeh (QRF Female Platoon) taught VCPs, something that the Jordanians are used to conducting. We linked this in nicely to CPERS handling training delivered by Cpl Warburton (150 PRO Coy RMP) and the QRF soldiers developed their understanding of actions on and what can be expected during an incident. Urban Operations was delivered as an integrated lesson by Warrant Officer Maaly Obeidat (QRF Female Platoon) and WO2 Viant (SSM 82 Sqn). They worked well together demonstrating what can be achieved when working in an integrated environment passing on different experiences and ways of operating. It was apparent their skills and drills were very different to the British Army’s during this lesson. Upon completion of each week, a confirmation Battle Exercise was conducted incorporating what they had learned. Success all round, they demonstrated leadership, teamwork and that gender issues could be put aside to ensure they achieve their aim. The interaction between both sexes was not an issue and they conducted themselves as soldiers. It was an overwhelming result. Physical Training (PT) was conducted every morning and despite not being as intense as the FET were used to, it was still challenging especially due to the heat. PT in the Jordanian Army is not integrated, females and males


conduct separate sessions. However, the whole training audience conducted a weighted march together for the first time, which was a huge breakthrough and something for the FET to be proud of. PT lessons were conducted by Cfn Liu, who had recently passed her PTI course and was teaching for the first time. A challenging but enjoyable start to Cfn Liu’s career as a PTI. Overcoming the language barrier was difficult with an interpreter as they cannot replicate the same energy and command needed to enthuse everyone within a PT session. As the weeks progressed there was a noticeable increase in excitement and attitude towards conducting PT.

8 The 16 Air Assault Bde Female Engagement Team

In between the training delivery, the FET took part in some cultural visits including visiting Wadi Al Mujib, The Dead Sea, Wadi Rum and Petra. This gave them the opportunity to experience the rich culture of Jordan. Ex OLIVE GROVE During the training, the FET and five members of the QRF Female Platoon travelled south to visit B Coy, 3 PARA on Ex OLIVE GROVE. The Chairman of Jordanian Armed Forces and the British Chief of the Defence Staff, General Sir Nick Carter GCB CBE DSO ADC Gen, were visiting the exercise and this was an opportunity for the females to see what standard was required of them if they wanted to be operating within an integrated platoon in the future. They had the opportunity to talk to the Defence Advisor of the British Embassy Amman and this was also the first time the new QRF Bde Commander had met the female platoon members. The FET OC, Capt Smith, had the opportunity to explain why we were in Jordan and the progression of the female soldiers within the QRF. She emphasised integration, leadership and trust were key to success and that her team would love to return in the future to assist with the training. 8 The Jordanian mixed platoon • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


THE SUSTAINER | EXERCISE It is a little known fact, outside the Corps’ ‘wet trades’ that The RLC has a team of Army Divers. Part of 17 Port & Maritime Regiment, the dive team’s principle role is port clearance and vessel maintenance. Ex SUBMURGED CRUSADER (Ex SC) is the annual Army dive concentration exercise. This year it involved over 100 army divers from across the Royal Engineers and 17 P&M Regt RLC. The exercise included a plethora of dive activities including deep diving in the Isle of Skye, fast water searches in Kinloss, port operations in Ullapool & Lossiemouth, buoyancy lift bag training in Loch Ness and various underwater engineering tasks. The divers collectively logged around 13,000 minutes of dive time over the course of the exercise. Fast water - this phase was run by 26 Engr Regt. Fast water diving is a capability unique to the Army and tests divers to their physical limits as they fight against the current. Fast water diving is inherently dangerous. Training packages like Ex SC are essential to ensure that all Army Divers have the chances to refresh these skills in a safe and controlled environment; with 17 P&M Regt’s dive team held at Very High Readiness, the next time they do this could be on operations. Diving in Lossiemouth Harbour this phase was run by 32 Engr Regt. The training conducting in this location focused on familiarisation when diving from boats, underwater searches and lift bag training to remove obstructions from the seabed. Ullapool Harbour - this phase was run by 21 Engr Regt. The training conducted in this location consisted of refresher training on victim (body) recovery, search and recovery tasks along with harbour surveys. Loch Ness Tasks - this phase was run by 39 Engr Regt. This phase consisted of search & recovery tasks, buoyancy lift bag training and endurance swims helping improve divers’ underwater endurance. Deep Diving Phase Isle of Skye 17 P&M Regt’s dive team is the Army’s most highly trained and competent deep diving team, 34



having recently conducted Ex SEAHORSE DEEP at the National Diving & Activity Centre, Chepstow. They were the natural choice to lead the deep diving phase of Ex SC. This provided an excellent opportunity for the RLC team to impart their knowledge, skills and experience with their Royal Engineer brethren. A recompression chamber, crewed by the Royal Navy was also on-site to assist in the event of any decompression illnesses, known as “the bends”. Depth progression training incorporated simulated and live decompression down to depths of 42m and this took place alongside

8 17 RLC divers gear up for a deep dive during a storm

8 17 RLC divers on Skye practice in-water decompression. Inset: Divers practice fast water searches

conducting underwater engineering training. The team also went through casualty evacuation drills, which involved recovering an unconscious diver from the seabed. These were conducted on the first day of the deep diving phase to ensure all SP built trust in each other and all members understood what to do in the event of an emergency. This training progressed to incorporate the three-man decompression chamber crew from the Defence Diving School. A vital skill for all deployed SP on the deep phase, these lessons culminated in a full handover of a casualty from the dive team to the chamber team as fast and safely as possible. Overall the exercise was a huge success with all SP building up to a max depth of 42m, using underwater hydraulic tools, ultra-thermic cutting equipment to remove underwater obstructions. Simulated and live in water decompression was also exercised ensuring all SP are fully current and competent in deep diving. Following the exercise WO1 (SMI) Al Hodgson RE of 12 Force Support Engineer Group passed on his thanks for the 17 P&M Regt Dive Team’s contribution to the CO • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


The 39 Engr team diving from a safety boat


The deep diving phase decompression chamber

Victim recovery exercise, Ullapool harbour

17 P&M Regt, Lt Col Verity Crompton. He said: “All divers from your Regt worked exceptionally hard to make the exercise a great success, but I would personally like to thank and highlight, WO2 Austin, SSgt Drummond

and LCpl Cole for their outstanding work effort and diligence throughout the exercise and in the previous months during planning. “The team from your Regt led with the deep diving element of the exercise and provided some

Underwater lift task Loch Ness

outstanding training from the SD Moorhen diving tender. I have received some fantastic feedback from those exercise attendees on the deep diving serials and this is solely down to your soldiers who ran this phase.”

Inside the decompression chamber

The dive team pose for a group photo during the deep phase • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


THE SUSTAINER | EXERCISE Ex MUDMASTER is a cross country driving competition, which is now in its 31st year. It is open to all three services as well as civilians and this year saw crew taking part from Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The 2021 event saw 61 Land Rover crews, 29 MAN SV crews and 13 motorcycles. The competition is organised by 154 (Scottish) Regiment RLC and is open to all ranks. In 2021, there were entries from Private all the way up to Brigadier. The event is held across various locations in the central belt of Scotland, with the aim of improving driving and navigation skills. This is achieved by having the course progress in difficulty over the weekend, including a night driving serial for Land Rovers and motorcycles. Day two was made significantly more difficult thanks to help from the local Scottish weather; the rain resulted in a lot more competitors requiring assistance. Land Rovers and motorcycles compete on one circuit, with the trucks competing on a separate course. 29 sites in total are used thanks to the generous support of local landowners including Lord Elgin (a former Honorary Colonel of the Regiment) and his son Charles Bruce, who was particularly generous in letting us use Broomhall House as the start point for Land Rovers and Motorcycles and also to host the prizegiving. The competition challenges navigation as well as driving skills, as competitors have to accurately mark up their maps in order to find the correct route on the roads as well as the next driving or navigational test location - many of the sites include orienteering elements. With safe driving and vehicle preparation foremost in the aims of the exercise, there was also a scrutineering check, with points being lost for missing or defective items at the point of checking and also a highway code test. Some crews accrued penalty points before they had turned a wheel, reinforcing the need for prior preparation and planning! Both the CO and RSM of 154 Regt took their turn at some of the driving tests and found out just 36


Exercise MUDMASTER 21

how challenging the tests were. Brig Reehal Comd 101 Log Bde and Col West, Colonel RLC, visited the event met competitors, took part in some of the stands and saw for themselves this unique driver training opportunity. 154 Regt would like to thank all competitors and visitors who made the long journey to Scotland in order to take part. Special thanks also go to the civilians from the Scottish Land Rover Owners Club and the retired members of the British Army Motorsports Association who give up their

8 OCdt Swanson and LCpl Smith took the honours for 154 Regt

weekend to assist in the running and marshalling of the event. This event would not be possible without all the hard work and organisation of Maj Donald Urquhart MBE TD – thank you. Next year’s MUDMASTER is happening on 29-30 Oct 2022. More information can be found on the 154 Regt RLC Sharepoint site and Disciplines/4x4-Navigation closer to the time.

Heavy rain made the off-road course very challenging

The winners 1st Overall 1st Army 1st 154 Regt RLC 1st RLC 1st Motorcycle Waddington 1st LGV

Gordon McCheyne & Kyle Duncan Cpl Spence & Maj Matuska LCpl Smith & OCdt Swanson WO1 Wright & Brig Caldicott Capt Lowe & Capt Grant


SAC Wheeler & SAC Green

501 Sqn RAF • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on detached RLC units

By Cpl Salia (RLC S/S PC&A IC) Focus: 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment RLC Stores Section The military has supported the NHS COVID-19 endeavour in various forms. This has included roles within the building of test centres, assisting the public at test centres, distributing PPE to hospitals and other numerous tasks to fortify the Government's efforts to combat COVID-19. But the effect of the restrictions required to win the COVID-19 battle have had a dramatic impact on the small RLC LSS sections, particularly those held at high readiness. The military must remain vigilant with regular exercises to sharpen troops and units in their operational roles and skills. If our experience is anything to go by, the demands on attached arms serving within major units have been overwhelming during this pandemic: supporting Regimental and Brigade exercises and operations to help reach full readiness, despite an over-stretched workforce. Running an ever-busy distribution outlet with a small team (the RLC Store Section) in 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment, Suffolk, has been challenging to say the least. The challenge of balancing the workforce, especially with the restrictions of a pandemic environment, is where human resources had to be re-organised into a shift system to reduce the risk of infection transmission following MoD and government guidelines, all whilst maintaining output. It posed an enormous workload on each shift with a reduced workforce, requiring true professionalism to execute daily tasks. The distribution outlet usually

handles circa 50,000 packages in a typical year and is normally operated by a four-man team. The same workforce supports the REME Workshops ES Mat requirements for over 220 vehicles held within the Regiment at various readiness levels, including unsupported bespoke pieces of plant and Air Droppable Equipment. This requires a robust and adaptable spare demands process and an increased reliance on local procurement from contractors. The quest to remain vibrant and reliable has ensured our Stores Section supported exercises like EAGLE SAPPER (Unit Field Ex Salisbury Plain), WESSEX STORM (BG FTX Salisbury Plain), SAILFISH (ES and plant tasks in Belize) and PINESTICK (Construction tasks in Cyprus). The Section has also supported Operations such as FORTIS (BG Field Op in Cyprus) and PITTING (Field Army Op in Afghanistan), which transitioned smoothly to satisfy the Regimental HQ and 16 Air Assault Brigade.

8 The section was required to work two-man shifts throughout the pandemic

8 The 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment RLC Store Section

It is, and has been, a challenging year at all levels of operations from the logistics perspective through sourcing spares from depot, cross-servicing from other units and local purchases from local contractors, many of which with reduced operating outputs or completely closed during lockdowns. Trade certification, competencies and currency are absolute prerequisites to flawlessly execute and support the Regiment in fulfilling its FOE and Brigade engagement. Indeed, a slight dip in currency would jeopardise the operational effectiveness of the Section. Thus, the Section had to draft suitable planning to avoid any further gaps in manning, to eliminate hiccups in achieving the overall contribution of the Section to the broader regiment. Nevertheless, drawing out positives from strenuous situations have been the order of the day, to deliver on our mission statement: "To ensure that the REME Workshop gains access to all vehicle and weapon spares (level 2) that they require to fix the regimental fleet and weapons to keep them operationally ready." A massive credit is due to all other small attached RLC units whose contribution has been making an enormous difference in the overall success of their units. Let us keep hoisting The RLC flag in celebration of our professional effort and output. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Nurturing the future of The RLC By SSgt Vansittart, Sgt Ford, Cpl Pimm, LCpls Clack and Qiolevu Did you know The RLC has Corps Engagement and Nurture Teams? Would you be interested in travelling the length and breadth of the UK promoting the Corps and helping to recruit and nurture the next generation of RLC soldiers? If you are a Pte, LCpl or Cpl, we have opportunities for you. Who are we? The RLC Corps Engagement Team (CET) and Nurture Team (NT) consists of enthusiastic, proactive and professional individuals from across the Corps. Working within RHQ The RLC based at Worthy Down, our main effort is to support Recruitment Group in the recruitment of the next generation of soldiers. Events for both teams take them across the UK, for up to five days at a time, where they organise and attend visits to engage with both members of the public and those in the training pipeline at the beginning their career in The RLC. What do we do? The CET - The CET visits town centres, colleges, schools and apprenticeship shows, where we engage with members of the public to increase awareness of what the Army and RLC has to offer. We achieve this by utilising equipment from across the Corps to showcase our 12 Direct Entry Trades, whilst

also promoting all the qualifications and apprenticeships potential candidates could gain whilst pursuing a career within The RLC. We are all expected to plan and administrate our own stand and to build on the positive reputation of the Corps whilst showing what The RLC does on a daily basis. Being a JNCO in the CET can be challenging, as you are in the public eye. However it is also a fantastic opportunity to showcase yourself in many ways. Sharing experiences and things we have done within our careers is something we enjoy and ensures the job is rewarding. Alongside this work, we have the privilege to take part in other

8 The NT presents at Military Prep Colleges, Army Careers Centres and Army Selection Centres

activities and team members represent both the Corps and the Army across various sports. The team is also encouraged to attend various military instructor courses and other trade related opportunities to continue developing you as a logistician and building our professional competency. Being part of the CET you play a big role promoting the Corps. By sharing our different individual experiences and career journeys we can give the public a real insight into life in The RLC and Army. The NT - Whilst the CET are selling the Corps and the Army to the next generation of RLC soldiers, as with every product we buy, the must be follow up customer service. This keeps us on track, deals with any teething problems and helps us get the best out of a new product… This is exactly what the Nurture Team does! Working with outreach, recruiting and engagement, the NT ensures all potential RLC recruits receive the most up to date information when 8 The CET utilises equipment from across the Corps

38 • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics

#BritishArmyLogistics it comes to our trades, training and the exciting opportunities available to them. From the moment they walk into their local Army Careers Centre, we are there to guide and help them realise their future potential as a tradesperson within The RLC. Our specialist knowledge of individual jobs and having the confidence and trust in our fellow team members is vital as we travel across the country visiting Military Prep Colleges, Army Careers Centres and Army Selection Centres to engage with potential RLC recruits and those just starting their career in Phase 1 training establishments. Being a member of the NT not only enables individuals embarking on a career in The RLC to receive the best ‘customer service’, it also gives our JNCOs a platform from which they can flourish individually, gain confidence in speaking with outside agencies and improve their ability to singlehandedly plan and present nationwide events. We are proud to see the development of our team members and witness their growth, whilst safe in the knowledge that we are returning a more rounded, logistically minded individual back to the Field Army. The newest member of our team said: “Although at unit I am placed in a leadership role, working with the NT has allowed me to think on my feet and follow through with tasks from start to finish. Being able to plan events like Army Awareness Activities (a three day event, inviting candidates to a ‘look at life) has allowed me to see all the


moving parts involved when planning an exercise. . .I’m glad I took the opportunity to work in the Nurture Team.” In summary Working for the CET or NT is an experience that gives team members a greater knowledge of how every individual cog within the Corps comes together and why every component is important. It installs a greater understanding of why we do the things we do and therefore a better teamwork ethos. Having such knowledgeable Ptes and JNCOs within the team is not only great for engagement but also has a lasting effect when they return to unit. It enables them to remind others of all the benefits available in the Corps such as apprenticeships, standard and

8 Team members plan and see through tasks from start to finish

enhanced learning credits and much more. In short, it provides the platform for enormous personal and professional growth. Team members are given the opportunity to seize initiative and showcase what we have to offer. Because of this, the roles are suited to individuals ready to take on a challenge and work within one of the most diverse and rewarding environments the Army has to offer. A job within the Engagement or Nurture Team is certainly one that no soldier will forget. We have opportunities for Ptes and JNCOs (regulars) from all RLC trades. If you are interested, please contact SSgt Vansittart: • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




RLC personnel in Ukraine Operation ORBITAL is the enduring UK Armed Forces mission to deliver training to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in order to build the capacity of our partner’s military. The headquarters based in Kyiv, Ukraine is the centre of planning for all military capacity training missions for Ukraine’s Armed Forces. A Tri-Service and multi-national headquarters, there are currently two roles fulfilled by RLC personnel: the RLC tied SO3 Land, previously known as SO3 Log and SO3 Media - an E2 tied job. SO3 Land The post has evolved from one that was log centric, into one conducting planning for the whole range of land-based training activity delivered by Op ORBITAL. This ranges from planning brigade level training right to bespoke


courses for strategic level planning for the Ukrainian forces. The planning element is key in ensuring that the training delivered is of the highest standard and fit for purpose. In addition; SO3 Land also supports the delivery of the multi-national J4 committee for which Op ORBITAL are co-chair. Time spent on Op ORBITAL offers deployed personnel the opportunity to experience working with the wider multi-national environment, as well as experiencing life in one of Europe’s historic cities. SO3 Media A newly established post within the

Headquarters, this role is an E2 (Army-wide) post available to Captains; with the key responsibility of developing and maintaining a digital footprint for Op ORBITAL, whilst providing SME advice to the Headquarters and deploying short term training teams. It is an excellent opportunity for RLC officers to expand on their professional horizons into the media ops environment, often liaising with both 77 Brigade and Army Media and Communications. RLC units delivering training to the Armed Forces of Ukraine The Land Logistics course is a staple of the Op ORBTIAL training rhythm, where regiments from the RLC have routinely deployed instructors to deliver logistic training, to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The next iteration of this deployment saw two instructors from 3 Regiment RLC deploy. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Where does my uniform come from? By - Major (Ret’d) Simon Walmsley Director, The Royal Logistic Corps Museum

Every soldier knows that the uniform they wear today is obtained from the Clothing Store; normally located within the Quartermaster’s Department. Apart from a few important regimental anomalies and customs, Army uniform issued today is virtually all of the same type, made of the same material and designed to the same pattern. It invariably has a NATO Stock Number on its label and a similar garment can be obtained whether issued from a store in Worthy Down or Dhekelia in Cyprus and regardless of the regiment you are in. This was not always the case. In the 16th Century, Colonels of regiments, to a great extent, could decide what uniform their soldiers wore, resulting in a great variety of colours, facings, accoutrements and designs. Various 17th Century Royal Warrants attempted to bring in some order and resulted in the creation of a Board of General Officers, to regulate clothing for the British Army. King Charles I introduced “Sealed Patterns” for uniforms. A Sealed Pattern uniform was used to set the standard to which other uniforms were to be made. This process of Sealed Patterns broadened, to encompass all warlike stores, including camp kettles, weapons, bayonets, tents and blankets. Prior to the Crimean War, uniforms were purchased and supplied by the Colonel of each regiment using contracts he established with one of the many civilian uniform suppliers. A government grant for the purchase of this uniform was provided using a system known as “off reckoning”, which provided the Colonel an allowance for each soldier on his regimental

8 A Conductor's tunic

8 A Military Train jacket

establishment. This allowance was dependent upon his rank. Clothing items had a life expectancy. Items such as coats, waistcoats, trousers and boots were issued annually; a Guards bearskin cap was issued every six years and a line regiment shako, every two years. However, soldiers would receive a stoppage of pay for “necessaries” such as shirts, forage caps, white linen trousers, braces as well as for other charges, such as for food and contributions to the Royal Hospital Chelsea. A Royal Warrant in 1855 ended Regimental Colonels’ responsibility to provide uniform, with the Governments Army Clothing Department paying the agents directly. Army Clothing Depots were established, at Weedon, Woolwich and the Tower of London. In 1856, the government began to manufacture its own uniform at Woolwich for the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers and in 1863 a much larger, purpose-built Army clothing factory was erected in Pimlico. The Pimlico factory closed

in 1932 and the Army again began setting external contracts with civilian companies for the supply of military uniform, a process which continues today. In the last 100 years or so several different government departments have been responsible for overseeing the supply of military uniforms to the Army, including from 1895, the War Office, Royal Army Clothing Department and from 1933 the Central Ordnance Depot, Didcot. During WW2 responsibility was moved to Ministry of Supply followed by the Ministry of Defence, the Defence Clothing and Textiles Agency, the Defence Logistics Organisation and finally, the Defence Equipment & Support Agency, based in Abbey Wood. Most military museums hold sealed pattern uniforms and since they have never been worn, they are often in exceptional condition. These sealed pattern uniforms are a reminder of how standards were maintained before computerisation and the spreadsheet took over. 8 The wax seal close up • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




The Waggon Club Celebrates 50 years After 18 months of lockdown and several cancelled events, The Waggon Club was finally able to celebrate its 50th Anniversary with members at the Annual General Meeting and dinner on 11 Sep 21. The event was held at the spiritual home of the Club, Prince William of Gloucester Barracks, Grantham and a great number of members were happy to attend. Friendships were rekindled after such a long time apart and, with everyone fully jabbed, there was a great spirit of camaraderie and catching up to be done. Members were also presented with a commemorative coin bearing the GS Waggon and the Club dates 1971 - 2021 to mark the occasion. Sadly, the intended principal guest ACM Sir Stuart Peach was unable to join us, because he was self-isolating in Germany as a result of a positive COVID-19 test of one of his NATO support staff. However, he has promised to join the event next year. The AGM was well attended in the McMurdo Theatre and Lt Col Len Clifford reported to the membership on the Committee activities during the past year and brought all the members up to date on the Club's activities for the coming year. The Chairman reflected on the extremely difficult time that had passed since the last actual gathering of members, and that in that time it had been the main aim of the Committee to keep the Club functioning and ready to resume more normal activities once COVID-19 related restrictions were eased. During the intervening period two very good MS Teams presentations were made, by Col Patrick Crowley and Lt Col Debs Taylor, which were well attended online and will 42

become a feature in the annual programme of events in the future. The Club also produced a 50th Anniversary video, which is available online. Col Patrick also expressed his thanks to Lt Col Bob Pow for his tremendous efforts and dedication in keeping everyone informed through his regular production of the Waggoners' Times and the Committee as a whole for their constant support at all times. The Chairman reminded the meeting that early in 2020 the Club lost the valuable services, through increasingly severe health problems, of our very good friend and Hon Treasurer, Major John Lilley, who is now residing permanently and comfortably in a care home in Ipswich. He sent his best wishes to all his old friends and colleagues. The Club were most fortunate that Major Jo Fitton had agreed to take over from John as Hon Treasurer. A moment of silence was observed to mark the passing of:

8 The RLC Horse-Drawn Heritage Team provided a mid 1800’s Braque de Chasse/Shooting Break for the event

8 The Waggon Club AGM and dinner was held at Prince William of Gloucester Barracks, Grantham

Major Ian Taggart TD, Major John Turnbull TD, Major Robert Gardener TD. The Waggon Club now resumes its calendar of events for members and is actively encouraging serving and former serving officers to join and discover the benefits and friendships the Club has to offer. The next event is the ever-popular Christmas Luncheon on 11 Dec 21 at the Cavalry & Guards Club, Piccadilly. The full list of events for 2022 can be found on the website: The RLC Horse-Drawn Heritage Team was delighted to provide a mid 1800’s Braque de Chasse/Shooting Break from its fleet of heritage vehicles held at the RLC Museum at Worthy Down. The trusted horses, Willy and Wiggy, along with three grooms were on hand as usual to ensure the members were safely driven round the camp. A thoroughly enjoyable dinner and evening followed, with the Newark Town Band providing an excellent musical background of regimental marches. All members agreed it was a great opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues again and that The Waggon Club will continue to go from strength to strength for the next 50 years at least. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics

#BritishArmyLogistics The RLC Foundation exists to foster the relationship between the RLC, industry and academia, sharing best practice and mutual understanding amongst logistics professionals. 2021 has been a challenging year for the RLC Foundation, but the team has met that challenge head on, with a mix of virtual reality and live events, and this worked well. 2022 will see the same approach to the events programme, which will be promulgated once confirmed. A couple of recent events are below. On Thu 14 Oct, the Logistic Leaders Network hosted its Annual Gala Awards Dinner at Leicestershire Country Cricket Club. Over 120 leaders from Industry attended this prestigious event. Brig Lee Daley, the Head of Logistics Transformation, headed up a contingent of nine Corps representatives. Against very strong competition, Maj Jon Warren was adjudged by the Network’s awards panel to be the winner of this year’s Military Logistician of the Year. Many congratulations to Maj Warren on this marvelous achievement. Looking forward to 2022, Thu 27 Jan 22 is a key diary date. The RLC Foundation Winter Lecture “The Brave New World” will be aired via zoom from 11.00 -12.30. The lecture will explore the challenging international environment and develop insights into the risks and potential mitigation strategies that may help Defence deliver some of its tasks outlined in the recent Integrated Review. We are


The RLC Foundation

delighted to have secured Professor Beatrice Heuser, the Chair of International Relations at the University of Glasgow, as our principal speaker. A guest speaker from Leidos will provide an industry perspective and the event will be hosted by the new MGL, Maj Gen Simon Hutchings OBE. Zoom dial in details are: Meeting ID: 659 098 9535 Passcode: 250356 On 30 Mar 22, RLC Foundation corporate members will be hosted by Commandant RMAS, Maj Gen Duncan Capps CBE. The visit will encompass presentations from the Centre for Army Leadership and the Centre for Historical Analysis

8 Maj Warren with his award with Brig Daley and Conflict Leadership. This is a unique opportunity for corporate partners to see first-hand how this aspect of officer training is delivered to future leaders of the Army. In true military fashion members will enjoy a curry and tour of the Indian Army Museum, before they depart. MGL’s Professional Reading List and the RLC Foundation Book Club MGL’s Professional Reading List was published nearly two years ago. Since that time, circa 40 books, countless journal articles and internet links have been appraised and publicised to support MGL’s aspirations for the Corps to create and retain a repository of historic, contemporary and personal/ professional development information. The list is planned to be updated in 2022 and all Corps and ex-Corps members are asked to submit their recommendations to the RLC Foundation Chairman, Maj Gen Angus Fay CB, for consideration. In support of the list’s update, the 2022 RLC Foundation Review will contain several appraisals of a range of publications with the drawdown from Afghanistan as a central feature. 8 The RLC contingent at the Logistics Leadership Awards • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




The 2021 RLC Photographic Competition The 2021 RLC Photographic Competition attracted over 100 entries across its seven categories. Following an initial review of entries, a shortlist of 47 images was selected by the Corps Editor and the SNCO RLC Video Production Team to progress to final judging, based on technical merit and adherence to the original brief. The final judging panel was made up of the Colonel RLC, Chief of Staff RHQ The RLC, SO1 Communications RHQ The RLC, The RLC Corps Adjutant, Sgt Jamie Hart RLC (77 Brigade photographer) and Specialist Ant Upton (77 Brigade). Specialist Upton’s civilian occupation is a professional press photographer for The Times. Given that the competition is aimed at amateur photographers from within the Corps, the judging panel was impressed by the quality and creativity of the shortlisted entries. With fewer categories than the 2020 competition, it was decided to include one winning entry per photographer and one runner up in the 2022 RLC Calendar, with the remainder of the calendar images selected by the Colonel RLC from the best images taken of the RLC units or personnel to reflect some key moments from 2021. RHQ The RLC thanks everyone who entered the competition and we look forward to seeing some great images submitted for the 2022 iteration.

Lt Stuart Allister, 9 Regt RLC

WINNERS Interoperability Winner: Lt Stuart Allister, 9 Regt RLC Runner up: Lt Stuart Allister, 9 Regt RLC Soldiering Winner: Cpl Jodie Farr, 162 Regt RLC Runner up: Cpl Amir Chamling, 10 QOGLR Cpl Jodie Farr, 162 Regt RLC

Sports & AT Winner: Cpl Nikesh Limbu, 3 Regt RLC Runner up: Capt Hugh Shields, 27 Regt RLC The New Normal Winner: WO2 Glenn Hartwell, 159 Regt RLC Person or people Winner: Cpl Jodie Farr, 162 Regt RLC Runner up: LCpl Aaron Steel, 17 P&M Regt RLC RLC Equipment/Trades in Action Winner: LCpl Keiran Longhurst, 19 Tank Transporter Squadron Runner up: Maj Andy Thackway, 1 Regt RLC Professional RLC Army Photographer Winner: Cpl Cameron Eden, Army Communications


Lt Stuart Allister, 9 Regt RLC • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



LCpl Keiran Longhurst, 19 Tank Transporter Squadron

WO2 Glenn Hartwell, 159 Regt RLC

Cpl Cameron Eden, Army Communications

Cpl Amir Chamling, QOGLR best runner up

Cpl Jodie Farr, 162 Regt RLC • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




1 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps BICESTER CO: Lt Col H Cook • Adjt: Capt C Graham • RSM: WO1 J Halliday A busy term for 1 Regiment RLC full of meaningful and rewarding opportunities. It has seen the strength of the #TeamRHINO grow through initiatives such as the Field Army health pilot, providing Military Aid to the Civil Authorities and solidifying the Regt’s core soldiering skills on exercise. An excellent term, building confident, resilient, authentic, strong and happy people. 2 Squadron 2 (CS) Sqn has focussed on developing and assuring trade skills in preparation for Ex IRON VIPER. Ex JERBOA RISING was a mounted basic skills week designed to cover the training objectives necessary for Driver Class upgrades, including changing wheels under fire and anti-ambush drills. With a large influx of soldiers from Phase 2 training, this was an excellent opportunity to integrate them into their troops and build their trade knowledge in the field. Cpl Bradley, helped by Pte Carruthers, organised LGBT and Toast for National Inclusion Week, charting the history of the gay rights movement from the Stonewall Riots in 1969 through to the current day. Sgt McCarthy and the Faith Committee held a faith awareness day to build unit cohesion. 12 Squadron After a week of battle prep, post summer leave, 12 (CS) Sqn deployed to Cape Wrath in Scotland to conduct a Force-on-Force, dismounted exercise; Ex TARTAN MEERKAT. The conditions were brutal but taught the soldiers some valuable lessons; using the Tactical Engagement System (TES) equipment to reward good soldiering skills was particularly valuable. Following Ex TARTAN MEERKAT, Zulu Troop was detached to the Royal Lancers BG for Ex SOMME LANCER in Germany. The Tp sustained the BG in the field, conducted Live Fire Tactical Training 46

and made the most of being in continental Europe for a month. Meanwhile, X-Ray and Yankee Troops executed EXs MARKSMAN MEERKAT and MUD MEERKAT; a package covering SA80, pistol and GPMG with a cross-country driving package. Ex MUD MEERKAT was cut short to deploy 15 drivers at short notice to support the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust (WAST). 12 (CS) Sqn finish off the year poised to deliver RLS to Ex IRON VIPER, continued to support WAST, whilst also being ready to respond to other MACA tasks. 23 Squadron 23 (GS) Sqn welcomed back the Op CABRIT 8 contingent. Those deployed performed to a very high standard, with a number receiving

8 Lt Gavin Campbell on parade having returned from Op CABRIT 8

8 Pte Baker jacking up a vehicle while under pressure during Ex JERBOA RISING operational awards from Comd CABRIT. The Sqn’s UK element prepared for a short deployment to Italy as part of Ex ROMAN STAR as well as routine business which saw the movement of the Custodial Account to a new location. A highlight of the past quarter was the successful planning and execution of a Doko race. Put together by Cpls Sunwar and Thapa, it forms part of the CO’s Shield competition. The OC, Maj Ryan Byrne was trawled in support of Op RESCRIPT; project managing the rollout of the vaccination for 12-15 year olds across the UK. 74 Squadron 74 Sqn deployed 40 personnel to Italy on Ex ROMAN STAR. A fantastic opportunity to train overseas with a NATO ally, they spent two weeks training alongside the 9th Alpini Regiment in the mountains of central Italy. The Italians took the soldiers through their specialist skills; rock climbing, mountain climbing and urban operations. They then planned and executed a series of combined tactical manoeuvres in some demanding terrain. The team also had the chance to spend a weekend in Rome. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



3 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps ABINGDON CO: Lt Col G Wincott • Adjt: Capt A Baldwin • RSM: WO1 R Conway As the world returned to some normality, 3 Regiment RLC followed suit and hit the ground running. The Regt had little time to catch its breath, having been rotating through readiness commitments; supporting UK contingency operations and deployments, both in the UK and abroad. In July, it was all tread on the tracks for a regimental deployment on Ex RED TRINITY. The exercise saw all squadrons deploy boasting a multitude of trades, in an impressive display of capability. The deployment did however bring some challenges. With rapidly changing weather, ranging from showers to 30˚C heat, all those deployed showed determination and professionalism ensuring the Regimental Headquarters could validate its two Close Support Squadrons in their core role. 31 and 32 Close Support Sqns saw consecutive distribution points conducted in order to resupply 5 Rifles and QRH dependencies. 21 General Support Squadron continued to develop its TTPs on how to receipt, store and move stores. 35 Headquarters Squadron re-established the BSG three times and was repeatedly tested on maintaining comms throughout the battlespace. The Regt’s Chefs were out providing hot meals through the field kitchen and it’s safe to say that deployed personnel were extremely grateful for the amazing food they were able to provide. In August, 21 Sqn took pre-tour leave, to rest and recover in preparation for its deployment on Op CABRIT 9. In the PDT phase, courses were delivered on 18.9-tonne Hysters and side loading Hyster platforms and the Sqn participated in a TLFTT range package leading up to a Section in Defence shoot. The Sqn has now successfully deployed to Estonia on Op CABRIT 9. Training didn’t stop there. The RHQ has also been conducting its own, with a focus on planning and

co-ordinating logistic operations within a battle group (BG) environment. The mini CAST exercise provided a useful ‘check pace’ ahead of validation on Ex IRON HYDRA (CAST) 18 – 31 Oct 21. Outside of training, the Regt had the honour of hosting the Colonel-in-Chief, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal. The visit focussed on meeting soldiers, including some of those SP deployed on Op CABRIT via a live link. The Regt displayed its community engagement efforts, sporting successes, the strength of its welfare team and its cultural diversity. Her Royal Highness


8 HRH speaks to deployed troops on Op CABRIT addressed the Regt at the end of the visit, paying particular thanks to the relentless commitment of all SP being at high-readiness for such an extensive period of time and thanked the unit for the opportunity to meet with so many of its soldiers and officers. The Regt’s Fijian Community Day was hosted on the 15 Sep 21 in C-Hangar. This event gave the Fijian community an insight and opportunity to discuss solutions to discipline and family issues as well as helping individuals better understand the MS and career management process. This is another example of 3 Regt’s efforts to support its international cohort. In summary, despite the challenges this year has thrown at the Regt, the summer to autumn transitional period has seen the Regt regain momentum after the challenges presented by the pandemic. It has maintained its ability to react to high readiness demands, resulting in the Regt being ready to succeed in its aligned operations. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




4 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps ABINGDON CO: Lt Col A Gartside • Adjt: Capt J Critien • RSM: WO1 G Johnson Following summer leave, 4 Regiment RLC said farewell to the CO and 2IC, Lt Col Chris Yates and Maj Paul Eaton and welcomed their successors, Lt Col Andrew Gartside and Maj Ed Rosevink. Since returning the Regt has been extensively committed to exercises with external units…a welcome opportunity to test personnel after an uncertain 18 months. 75 HQ Squadron 75 HQ Sqn has been committed to trawls in support of MACA taskings and providing catering support to exercises across 101 Log Bde. Most recently, it deployed Logistics Liaison Officers to 1 Artillery Bde as part of Ex ARIES STORM, allowing them to develop their own concepts for artillery logistic support. Meanwhile the OC, Maj Green, has deployed to Qatar to provide G4 expertise to the set-up of the 2022 World Cup. 75 Sqn is heavily represented on the Regt’s British Army Warrior Fitness (BAWF) team. Ptes Hillier and Flitcroft and Sgts Murray and Moonesamy, led by Cpl Winfield and LCpl Polson, represented the Regt in a Station BAWF competition with 3 Regt RLC. 4 Squadron 4 Sqn deployed A and C Tps to Salisbury Plain on Ex TIMBER TRUSS in support of the RLC Troop Commanders’ Course. The Sqn then rolled onto support the 1 Artillery Bde exercise, Ex ARIES STORM. These exercises were not just great opportunities for new soldiers to develop their trade skills, but also a chance to experiment within the Divisional Troops role and supply methods at the Brigade level. C Troop hosted the 101 Log Bde Military Skills competition at Dalton Barracks on 14 Jul 21. Unlike many military skills events, this competition was entirely planned by Private soldiers and JNCOs. The genesis of the event followed the INSPIRE programme, which has equipped and empowered soldiers 48

with the tools to design and deliver an event. The event was executed by the members of the Tp using these principles. 3 Bn REME was declared the winner and will host the event next year. 33 Squadron 33 Sqn has had a successful period since returning from summer leave. Ptes Claughan and Pitman represented the Sqn on the 4 Regt female team at Ex NORTHERN STRIKE, the RLC Military Skills competition held at DST Leconfield. Meanwhile, the OC, Maj Tester, and the Ops Officer, Capt Inderwick, led the Sqn’s commitment to the 4 RLC Dragonboat Team, racing in support of ABF The Soldiers’ Charity. LCpl Gorman, LCpl Samuel and Pte Likwemba all took part in trials for the Corps’ Football Team. 33 Sqn has also been delighted to promote eight Ptes to LCpl in this

8 60 Sqn Promotions Parade period and was able to hold its first proper promotions parade in eighteen months on 30 Sep 22. 60 Squadron 60 Sqn led the Regt’s Cambrian Patrol teams. The teams embarked on a vigorous training programme for the competition. The teams deployed to Folkestone and Sennybridge to take part in an intense two-week preparatory course to teach and refine military skills whilst building cohesion. OC 60 Sqn’s aim was to achieve gold at the next event. Both teams excelled and came away from the competition as gold medal winners. Ex TRAILWALKER has been a highlight of the Sqn’s efforts in recent months. Personnel have dedicated themselves to increasing their stamina and mental resilience for the event. The team achieved a time of 14 hours 32 minutes, covering 100km by a combination of walking and running. The team was enormously happy with this result, given that proper training could only begin after summer leave. 8 The 4 Regt Female Mil Skills Team on Ex NORTHERN STRIKE • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



6 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps DISHFORTH CO: Lt Col A Richardson • Adjt: Capt H Suff • RSM: WO1 M Hickey The end of September marked the end of Op TOSCA 34 for 6 Regiment RLC and saw a handover to 1 RIFLES. Op TOSCA 34 had an unusually diverse workforce. There was a combination of ten cap badges drawn from across 23 different units and the accomplishments of this diverse team are endless. Throughout the tour, a total of 2,292 patrols were completed over 10,080 hours and 203 violations and incidents were recorded. A further 56 personnel completed DTTT, 24 Team Medics were newly qualified, 23 completed ECDL, 40 attended leadership development courses, 233 attended an Adventurous Training course and 60 used SLC for courses including: Rosetta Stone, kitesurfing, gambling counselling and football coaching. On return to Dishforth and the completion of normalisation training and post operational tour leave, the soldiers returned to their sub-units and began collective training for the following year. Closer to home, the Regimental Training Wing ran a hugely successful Pte to LCpl Army Leadership Development Programme (ALDP) from Beckingham Camp and Training Area from 12 to 24 Sep 21. Due to a busy calendar some members of the team had to switch in and out of the exercise. However, thanks to

the strength in depth of the Training Wing, this did not distract from an excellent fortnight in North Lincolnshire. Following an in-camp phase with several lessons, the course had a brief stand down phase before receiving orders to deploy into a tactical harbour and begin operations on the Beckingham area. The culmination of the tactical phase was a dawn platoon deliberate attack, finishing with a bonus flight in two RAF Puma helicopters. The Regt has been fortunate enough to be successful in a lot of sporting endeavours throughout the year. This was recognised at the RLC Sports Awards with 6 Regt coming away with both the Major Unit Trophy and the Pioneer Spirit Award. Several soldiers were nominated in various individual awards, which is praise for all the hard work and dedication they have shown over the last year.

8 Outstanding sportspeople win the Regt The RLC Pioneer Spirit Award 23 soldiers from the Regt were held on very high readiness for Op VENTUS from 1 Jun 21 to 30 Nov 21. Op VENTUS is the Caribbean hurricane support relief operation, which is an FCO directed operation, commanded by 7 Bde with logistical support provided by 102 Log Bde. 6 Regt held personnel on readiness for the Theatre Log RV Group, RSOI team, VM Support and Catering Support. The Theatre Log RV Group is split between those held as the IRF (Immediate Response Force) and the TRF (Tailored Response Force). Those held at readiness continuously ensured they were fit to deploy at a moment’s notice for this humanitarian operation. The Regt has undergone a collective reintegration package. This three-week package is designed to train and prepare the Regt for its commitments next year, but also to bring everyone back together after a long period of dislocation. Included in it were centralised briefings from key personalities in the Regt, some of which our newly posted in personnel may not have met. With various other commitments to balance the Regt continues to operate at full tilt, however the Regt is looking forward to the festivities in the run up to Christmas! 8 Op TOSCA personnel with the Force Commander • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




7 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps COTTESMORE CO: Lt Col D Groce MBE • Adjt: Capt D Smith • RSM: WO1 D Todd Although COVID-19 has impacted daily life for most in ways definitive of affecting professional output, 7 Regiment RLC has managed to pursue professionalism through a variety of tasks whilst maintaining various commitments in 2021 including Operation RESCRIPT and WINTER PACKAGE 20 (WP20), both of which had successful outcomes to not only the Regt but those whom it supported. Reflecting on the past six months, the Regt has supported various exercises on top of maintaining its commitments, some of which were in direct support. 68 Squadron deployed on Exercise WESSEX STORM (WS) earlier this year as part of the Light Brigade Support Group (LBSG), headed up by CO 7 Regt RLC. The LBSG consisted of Med, REME and Veterinary/K9 support directly provisioning for the battle groups within the Light Brigade (LB). Not only this, they also trained their international interoperability by supporting the French forces attached to the 1 Royal Irish BG. During this time, the Unit enacted the idea of utilising a third to second line supply and logistic concept to enable the realistic and effective training of its people. As a thought, this is rarely seen in large scale exercises and so was essential to the operational output, integration and training, further increasing the relationships with the other parties in the LB. It was also analysed that the LBSG required an integral Force Protection when working alongside the battle groups, a concept which has been carried forward into daily routine due to its effectiveness on task as supported by all other units of ex. Throughout, 68 Sqn was supported by an element of the sister Sqn – 9, who acted as the third line and liaised directly with FTU, a task not too be overshadowed. The support they provided through interoperability to 50

not only with UK forces but also FTU and the French was recognised by all. 9 Sqn also saw themselves deployed earlier in the year supporting elements of Kings Div out in Kenya on Exercise ASKARI STORM (AS). This fell in line with the Unit pioneering its idea to push CSS Units out of the third line as exercising troops, testing the capabilities in the field rather than a benign environment. Not only did the Sqn see itself exercising alongside the battle groups, it also participated in various downtime activities such as white-water rafting, bushcraft and taking in the magnificent views of the Safari. Following the deployment on EX WS and AS, the Unit almost immediately found itself committed to MACA. This time the support was provided to ambulance services across the East and North East of England in patient transfer with 68 Sqn taking the lead. The Regt was further requested to support the Scottish Ambulance Service. This was widely seen

8 68 Sqn provided support to ambulance services across the East and North East of England and Scotland throughout the national media and was a proud moment for the Regt. The task was not to be underestimated with many of the service personnel supporting the Ambulance service in a highly stressful environment. During the ongoing output from sqn and regt, the Units have seen various charity and sports events take place. Cpl Munro from 68 Sqn hosted the Tommy 10K challenge in support of RBLI, various members of 68 Sqn’s Caribbean community headed up an effort to procure food, clothing and other daily essentials for the victims of the St Vincent disaster, SSgt Rai raised money alongside the Nepalese community for The Gurkha Welfare Trust and 9 Sqn, led by SSgt Hargreaves, sent a team to participate in the Dragon boat race, raising funds for ABF, The Soldiers’ Charity whilst securing a silver medal. With a busy year preceding, the Regt continues to look forward to the ongoing commitments of MACA and LBSG whilst maintaining its readiness for various taskings with the new CO, Lt Col Dave Groce MBE, looking to maintain the Regt’s high momentum and positive trajectory. 8 The Regt welcomes CO Lt Col Dave Groce MBE • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



9 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps HULLAVINGTON CO: Lt Col A Bhundia • Adjt: Capt L Brooks • RSM: WO1 P Douglass Since Summer leave, 9 Regiment RLC has remained committed to both worldwide deployments and the eagerly anticipated return of competitive sporting and military events, whilst reconstituting in preparation for a busy winter period with the new Commanding Officer at the helm. 66 Fuel and General Transport Squadron 66 F&GT Sqn has maintained a consistent battle rhythm across the summer months. Post a well-earned period of summer leave, a number of SP, at very short notice, deployed in support of 7 Regt RLC, directly assisting the Scottish Ambulance Service. Additionally, key sqn personalities also deployed in support of Op ESCALIN (at even shorter notice)! Despite the stresses and strains of operating at very high readiness being put to the test, 66 F&GT Sqn continued to prepare for the upcoming deployments of Ex AUSTERE CRUSADER and Ex IRON VIPER. Overall, despite this having been a very busy period for everyone in the Sqn, collective resilience was again not found wanting when the nation called. 84 Medical Supply Squadron An exciting yet challenging first half of the year saw soldiers of 84 MSS, and attached personnel, involved in one of the largest theatre drawdowns most will have experienced in their careers thus far. Continuing from the great work done by those establishing the theatre in late 2020, this year saw troops continue the Op TORAL drawdown and see off two Roll On, Roll Off’s bound for the UK, stacked high with vital VaME and freight. Whilst the operation can be measured as a success, it was not achieved without its difficulties, namely the requirement for Medical Supply Specialists to work outside of their niche trade area (so heavily invested upon in recent times) in addition to operating in an environment of political uncertainty.

The great work achieved and the success of the mission can be solely attributed to the hard work, determination and adaptability of all those involved. 90 Headquarters Squadron This period has seen 90 Sqn deploy personnel (including the OC) on Ops CATTALO, PITTING and CABRIT and deliver training, innovation and experimentation activities. Of particular note was Comms Tp which planned and delivered Ex WIRELESS WOLF, a 104 Bde Dvr Comms Spec (DCS) concentration and experimentation exercise. It successfully educated DCS on current comms equipment and experimented with new equipment, such as Slingshot, which can deliver long-range satellite comms whilst on the move. A total distance of 438km between nodes was achieved using just VHF radio and the Slingshot set up! This could help the Theatre Enabling Group to communicate across the JSA without relying on multiple rebroadcast stations. Not previously tested, the exercise also successfully experimented with Slingshot over the water (FFR on a Mexi-float). 94 Squadron QOGLR 94 Sqn has been training hard for multiple arduous events including Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL and TRAILWALKER. The CAMBRIAN PATROL team conducted a gruelling

8 The Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL gold medal winning team elimination selection process prior to conducting the Brigade of Gurkhas’ training package in preparation for the competition. “Train hard fight easy” was the most repeated proverb by the instructors and so the Sqn did. The training paid off with the Sqn coming away with a coveted gold medal. Ex TRAILWALKER 21 was held on 25 Sep 21. It consisted a 100km trek across the South Downs, which a team of four had 30 hours to complete. The annual event is organised by Oxfam, Gurkha Welfare Trust (GWT) and Queen’s Gurkha Signals and aims to raise funds to help vulnerable people around the globe particularly those people of Nepal in dire need. The 94 Sqn team did exceptionally well and demonstrated physical stamina, grit and determination and completed the whole course in 12 hrs 30 mins, securing sixth position overall.

8 Trailwalker team • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




10 The Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment ALDERSHOT COMMANDER: Lt Col G R Sugdon • Adjt: Capt R Melhuish • RSM: WO1 M Rana It’s been a busy summer for 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment. The Regt has been held at 24 hours’ notice to move as the UK Standby Battalion, yet this didn’t stop the Regt from keeping busy. The Regt bid farewell to Gurkha Major, Maj Indra Tamang after over 30 years of service and welcomed Gurkha Major, Maj Basantadhoj Shahi. Over the summer, the Regt deployed to rehearse and demonstrate its capabilities, to deploy for UKSB and in preparation for Op TOSCA in 2022. The Regt also had the pleasure of hosting both the GOC 3(UK) Div and the CFA during visits the Regt. Following these high-profile visits, 10 QOGLR also welcomed a visit from Comd 101 Log Bde, Brig Reehal MBE and Lt Gen Wardlaw, the Colonel Commandant of the Brigade of Gurkhas. The GSPS have recently celebrated their 10th birthday. In order to celebrate this milestone, the 10 QOGLR RAO Det, led by Cpl Taraman, participated in a virtual 100km challenge ‘10km for 10 consecutive days’ through June, raising funds for ‘The Gurkha Museum’ and ‘The AGC Museum’ who both play a vital role in supporting and maintaining the history, heritage and culture of the Gurkha SPS. The LAD was involved in several overseas deployments, including sending its SNCO Metalsmith to Kenya and one of its

PTIs to Jordan, to encourage gender integration within Jordan’s Quick Reaction Force. Sport continues to play a major role in the Regt and teams have competed successfully at several events. Capt Rodgers reinvigorated the spirit of the rugby team and it competed in the annual RLC Williamson Trophy at Cirencester RFC. The athletics team came second in the Inter-Unit Athletics competition, with several team members being selected to represent The RLC. The trail walker team successfully completed its 100km run in this year’s event, finishing behind the Queen’s Gurkha Signals. 28 Sqn has been

8 CFA inspects the Regt busy winning sporting events including basketball, volleyball and football in the Colonel of the Regiment’s Khukri Challenge. 28 Sqn also took the lead for Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL and the team won a gold medal at the Army’s most challenging military patrols competition. Additionally, Cpl Taraman from GSPS won the Inter-Service Army Tennis Championship in June and the Nepal Cup team came second after a great effort from everyone involved. Due to the Regiment’s standby commitments over the summer period, summer leave was postponed to the end of September. This break was welcomed by the Regt, which is now back into work in full swing. Being part of the Brigade of Gurkhas involves the unique cultural experiences seen nowhere else in the Army and the Regt enjoyed the festival season, celebrating Dashain and Tihar with both temple services and family events. 8 A QOGLR Team achieved a gold medal on Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL

52 • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



11 Explosive Ordnance Disposal & Search Regiment RLC DIDCOT CO: Lt Col M Miller • Adjt: Capt R Dunbar • RSM: WO1 S Soper The enduring requirement to provide Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Search and Ammunition Technical support operations within the UK and overseas has continued over the summer; but there have also been some notable highlights, not all of them planned! This article will focus on some of the key activities from the 11 EOD&S Regt’s 13 locations across the UK and then give an insight into the perspective of a newly trained Ammunition Technician (AT). Op TAPESTRY Op TAPESTRY provides specialist EOD and Search capability to the UK Home Office, through Military Aid to Civil Authority (MACA) support. The number of MACA tasks, circa 2,500 per year, have continued undiminished throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. However, recently there have been a number that have received some attention in the media. The recent discovery of an Air Dropped Weapon (ADW) that was unearthed on a development site in Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, saw personnel from Shorncliffe Troop, 621 Sqn being dispatched to deal with the 500lb WW2 bomb. Typically, these ADW tasks deal with German ordnance dropped over the UK during the war. However, this was identified as a British bomb that was likely ejected during an emergency landing. The task lasted approximately 36 hours and required residents to be evacuated from within the safety zone and the M62 to be closed in both directions to ensure its safe disposal in situ.

8 Safely disposed!

8 The British 500lb (227kg) bomb found near Goole

ensure the venues for these high-profile events were secure and free from any Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or Explosives (CBRNE) devices. Elements from Edinburgh Troop, 521 EOD&S Sqn also supported an inter-agency CBRNE event with the Police, Fire and Ambulance Services to demonstrate their capabilities in readiness for the big event in Glasgow.

By LCpl Shian Chen – Aldergrove Troop, 321 EOD&S Sqn Since completing my Class 2 AT course at the end of June this year, I have been eager to start work at my first unit and get stuck into the job. When I arrived at 321 EOD&S Sqn, everyone was incredibly helpful and very welcoming, which made the process of getting settled into my role a lot easier. Throughout my short time in the Sqn, I have assisted in carrying out numerous Ammunition Inspectorate tasks, some that I had learned about in Kineton on my course, such as certifying ammunition as Safe to Move, re-marking ammunition containers and others that were completely new to me, like certifying an item Free From Explosives. Outside of my role as an AT, I have learnt how to fire the Glock 17 Pistol and completed my first ACMT on the weapon system as part of preparation to represent the Sqn in the Northern Ireland Operational Shooting Competition. Additionally, I am preparing to deploy on Ex FELIX MIST, which sees teams from across the Regt validate as EOD Operators for operational deployment in Northern Ireland. On this exercise, I will learn to conduct the Number 2 Operator role and understand how an EOD team works together to provide the capability. Overall, it has been a great learning experience and provided some valuable insight into how an operationally-focused unit works.

8 Ex FELIX MIST pre NI deployment validation

Op PROTECTOR/Op URRAM Providing High Assurance Search (HAS) and EOD support to the both the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester (Op PROTECTOR) and in the preparation for the Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow (Op URRAM), search teams from Charlie Troop, 421 EOD&S Sqn assisted police to • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




13 Air Assault Support Regiment RLC COLCHESTER CO: Lt Col J Beere • Adjt: Capt O Todd • RSM: WO1 G Patterson The past term has been another incredibly busy period for 13 Air Assault Support Regiment. Most of the Regt was heavily involved in Operation PITTING, providing support from 4th line to 1st line in various locations from the UK to the Middle East. Exercise NORTHERN STRIKE Members of the Regt took part in Ex NORTHERN STRIKE; the RLC’s Military Skills Competition. Entering three teams covering the male, female and mixed categories, 13 AASR was rewarded with significant success at the competition. Following build up training provided by the regimental training wing bolstered by regimental SME’s, the teams dominated the competition winning the highly sought-after Gore Trophy and the following awards: Male Team – overall winners, Major Units – overall winners, overall Military Skills stands and overall Best Shot; Female Team – overall female winners; Mixed Team – overall third. RLC Seaview Regatta In mid-September, a mixed team from across the Regt took part in the RLC Seaview Regatta on the Isle of White. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved, including four novice sailors. Under the tutelage of the two skippers, Lt Hadcock and Sgt Cox, the novice team was converted into a smooth and co-ordinated sailing unit with all personnel conducting themselves to the highest of standards - recognised by the RLC Sailing Association. Sgt Brown was awarded the Best Novice Trophy for his enthusiasm and when thrown in at the deep end, skippering a boat on the last day, very ably supported by Cpl Upton and LCpl Hill. UKAF Festival of Sport Two members of the Regt represented the Army U25 Hockey team at the UKAF Festival of Sport 54

held at HMS Temeraire, the first instance of Inter-Service hockey following the pandemic. Following a successful Army training camp, Pte Rees of 24 Sqn Comms Troop and Lt Hadcock were selected for representation. This training package enabled the team to be crowned the UKAF U25 Hockey Champions. Pte Rees excelled himself as the team’s keeper throughout the tournament with minimal goals conceded. Army Sustainer Catering Competition Chefs from the Regt entered the Army Sustainer Catering

8 Sgt Johnson with his CGS Commendation

8 13 AASR at the Seaview Regatta

Competition. Following an incredible display of technical culinary skills and innovation against some brilliant competition, Sgt Ben Moussa was crowned the Senior Chef of the Year – a fantastic achievement. The 13 AASR team was also rewarded with third place overall proving their ability to work under pressure and present results in any circumstance. CGS Commendation Sgt Steven Johnson was recognised in the New Year’s Honours list for his contribution to the UK Scout Association. He was presented his award in July this year following an array of fundraising including 42 marathons in 42 days during lockdown 2020. Not one to shy away from a challenge, or rest on his laurels, on Sunday 3 Oct 21, Sgt ‘Johno’ Johnson took on the virtual London Marathon 2021 with a difference, completing the 26.2 miles carrying 26kg – another heroic effort. He did this to raise further funds for the Scout Association, with whom he is a Scout Leader, helping the next generation learn skills for life. Sgt Johnson was rightly proud of his achievement and is now setting his sights on his next event which he intends to begin early in 2022. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



17 Port & Marine Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps SOUTHAMPTON CO: Lt Col V Crompton MBE • Adjt: Capt N Brown • RSM: WO1 B Sweeney 17 Port & Maritime Regiment RLC continues to support a plethora of activity across Defence, supporting Exercise WIRELESS WOLF, deploying soldiers on Operation CATTALO, unloading MV ANVIL POINT as it delivered the vehicles of the 4 SCOTS BG on COSSACK MACE and hosting the Commander of the 21st Theatre Sustainment Command. The Unit also had the pleasure of welcoming its new Regimental Sergeant Major WO1 Brian Sweeney. The Regt is now looking forward to a busy 2022 as it turns it attention to the large scale global exercise series. 2Lt Kat Burton deploys on Op CATTALO On 17 Jul 21, 2Lt Burton deployed overseas for the first time as a Detachment Commander with a Port Task Group (PTG) of 11 personnel to Duqm, Oman on Op CATTALO. Their role in the closedown of Afghanistan was to ensure that kit and equipment was safely loaded to be shipped back to the UK. Usually a straight-forward operation, strong winds and a broken-down vessel forced a last-minute decision for the ship, MV HURST POINT, to dock at an alternate berth, which was not capable of Roll On, Roll Off (RoRo) operations. This took valuable time; MV HURST POINT was only cleared to be in Duqm for a short period and had to make her transit timing for the Suez Canal (transits cost c£250,000 each way). The high-jacking of a nearby ship, causing the death of a British national, and the need for an escort, further restricted the transit timings. The delay and restrictions in the method meant there was a very real risk of a failure to load all vehicles and equipment. The PTG began loading MV HURST POINT on 4 Aug 21 at 0630hrs, the minute MV HURST POINT moored. Unable to use either ramp, 234 pieces of equipment and

vehicles had to be craned onboard the vessel. This is an extremely complex and physically demanding operation in 40˚C heat, which required precise calculations moving large and heavy equipment on to a moving platform. After working 24-hour ops for 50 hours, the PTG successfully loaded MV HURST POINT at 0830, just in time for her to sail. 2Lt Burton commented: “Op CATTALO was a good example very early on my career that everything that can go wrong, will go wrong and your solution was required yesterday. It may be a cliché, but no plan survives first contact… or high winds, high-jackings, and an unmoveable ship. Flexibility and adaptability were key lessons, and it showed me how important the collective effort of the team is to achieve success.” Comms Troop deploys on Ex WIRELESS WOLF Despite the struggles with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Communications Troop, 53 Sqn, has managed to deploy in numbers to Barton Stacey and many other training areas throughout the UK. Ex WIRELESS WOLF (Ex WW), a Brigade Communications Specialist concentration exercise, focused on training and mentoring Junior Communication Specialists (Comms Specs), while developing the leadership of JNCOs within the trade.

8 Comms Troop personnel on Ex WIRELESS WOLF

Comms Specs from 29 Regt RLC, 9 Regt RLC, 17 P&M RLC and 165 P&M RLC came together on this two-week exercise to learn and share their knowledge within the DCS trade. They were divided into two teams and were allocated DS to mentor and support them. Utilising a range of vehicle platforms and communications equipment, the DS were able to set a number of challenges for the teams, enhance their trade knowledge and set a benchmark skillset for Comms Specs across the Bde. Comms Tp returned to McMullen Barracks reinvigorated and full of excellent ideas to drive the trade forward within 17 P&M RLC. Commander 21st Theatre Sustainment Brigade visits the SMC The Regt was honoured to host Maj Gen Smith, Comd 21st TSC as 104 Theatre Sustainment Brigade ramps up its preparations to support the large scale global exercise series in 2022. Units from across the Bde assembled quayside at the SMC and briefed the capabilities held within 104 Theatre Sustainment Brigade, covering everything from the Divers at 17 P&M RLC to the Medical Supply Squadron from 9 Regt RLC. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




25 Training Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps LECONFIELD CO: Lt Col R Amor • Adjt: Capt C Woods • RSM: WO1 T Rennie 109 Squadron has been heavily involved with the planning, preparation and delivery of a successful visit by Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal to the Defence School of Transport and 25 Regiment RLC. The visit took place on 6 Oct 21 and included a regimental photograph as well as stands displaying a vast range of regimental activity including community engagement, military training, driver training, cultural diversity and training pipeline management. Peninsular Tp had a busy period celebrating the Nepali festivals of both Dashain (symbolising the victory of good over evil) and Tihar (celebration of light, singing and dancing). These events were organised by Capt Bikram and Sgt Gopal, attended by members across the Defence School of Transport and food was provided by Sgt Gurung and her team of Gurkha Chefs and partners of serving Gurkha soldiers. Lastly, 109 Sqn’s own Cpl May was awarded the title of RLC Sportswoman of the Year at the RLC Sports Awards. This achievement was down to her commitment and hard work supporting and representing RLC Swimming and competing in an array of other Army and RLC

8 Beverly Remembrance Parade 2021


Sports. Cpl May and her dog Mr Marley were also involved in raising money for the Battersea Dogs Home completing the 5K Muddy Dog Challenge. Congratulations to Cpl May on winning this well-deserved award and well done to all other nominees and winners at the RLC Sports Awards. 110 Squadron 110 Sqn has had the colossal task of organising and delivering the RLC Military Skills Competition; the first time the event has been hosted at the Defence School of Transport, Leconfield. WO2 (SSM) Walker was the lead for the event that took place on 4 Oct 21 with the whole of 110 Sqn in support. Impressively, the Regt managed to complete this task whilst continuing its primary output providing duty of care and a comprehensive continuation training programme for its 400 Private soldiers. Capt Blackwood, with support from Sgt Orrell, planned and delivered a three-week level two Adventurous Training package that was delivered from the Corps lodge at the Lower Gillerthwaite Field Centre in the Lake District. The package delivered AT to Private soldiers currently conducting their Initial Trade Training and focused on the foundation skills of multiple disciplines. All participants were involved in mountain biking, hill

8 The Colonel-in-Chief of The RLC visits 25 Regiment RLC and DST

walking (including multiple summits of Scafell Pike, the tallest mountain in England) and kayaking on Ennerdale Water. As well as these outputs, the Regt has also taken part in multiple Remembrance Day services and under 2Lt Hannah Martin, helped raise over £8,000 for the Poppy Appeal with the Royal British Legion in the weeks leading up to the event. The Regt finalised the period of Remembrance with a parade which involved over 100 soldiers marching through Beverley to a memorial service held at the iconic 12th century St Mary’s Church.

8 Teams competiting in the RLC Military Skills Competition • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



27 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps ALDERSHOT CO: Lt Col D J Fisher MBE • Adjt: Capt A Heathwaite • RSM: WO1 R Simpson As the autumn months rapidly descended upon the Regiment, attention swiftly moved to the final stages in preparing personnel, equipment and vehicles to be ready for the three-week validation exercise in the latter stages of 2021, Exercise IRON VIPER 21. With the COVID-19 pandemic as well as Military Assistance to Civilian Authority (MACA) tasks occasionally putting brakes on key training activity, it has been a significant challenge to overcome. September saw the HQ elements deploying on Exercise COMMAND WOLF which aimed to focus on how Command Posts were built, adapted and operated in accordance with their role and the enemy threat. Time was also spent on staff training to refine standard operation procedures in preparation for the testing Combined Arms Staff Training (CAST) exercise forecast for October. It was a useful exercise that saw soldiers and officers return to their core employment after a period that had seen them deployed in roles ranging from Vaccine Task Force Planners working with the NHS to UN Peacekeepers in Cyprus. Immediately following Ex COMMAND WOLF, the Regt’s Training Wing orchestrated a superb CBRN training week, Exercise CHEMICAL WOLF. Soldiers were reminded and revised on the core MATT 4 components as well as having all their PPE correctly fitted, adjusted and maintained before deploying into the field for practical testing. The exercise was superbly run by the Regt’s professional instructors with special thanks go to SSgt Waring, who has endless enthusiasm and expertise when operating in a CBRN environment. Not only was the week informative but, for many personnel, it would be the first time they learned how to operate CBRN sentry equipment. They were also afforded the opportunity to properly develop

how they would operate within their deployed trade role whilst in a potentially hazardous CBRN atmosphere resulting in squadrons developing and honing their Techniques, Tactics and Procedures (TTPs) ahead of deploying on Ex IRON VIPER. Whilst the Regt’s HQ deployed on Exercise IRON HYDRA 21, the CAST exercise that validates the HQ ahead of Ex IRON VIPER, the remainder of the Unit has been performing a myriad of activity. An Army Leadership Development Programme (ALDP) course which replaced the former Command Leadership and Management (CLM) package was conducted by the Unit with 24 students from 27 Regiment RLC, 10 QOGLR and 9 Regiment RLC successfully completing the course to become Lance Corporals. The ten-day package of military training encompassed public speaking, command tasks, receiving lessons

8 Cpl Soan delivered a lesson on the equipment used to effectively carry out the duty of a CBRN sentry

8 The Wolfpack ‘spinathon’ raised over £2,500 for The ABF

and completing an exercise acting in the role of a Section Commander and a Section 2IC. Lance Corporal Boateng organised and executed a successful charity fundraiser for The Army Benevolent Fund where he effectively liaised with Tesco Aldershot to host a ‘Spinathon’ raising an impressive £2,500. The LAD celebrated Diwali with a blessing, food and drinks. The OC described the event as an ‘immense privilege to be both blessed with health and wealth’ as well as ‘having the opportunity to bless the LAD and it’s soldiers an honour’. It is these moments that form the cohesion and belonging that embody The Wolfpack spirit that the Regt is known for and will inevitably pay dividends in the coming months when the LAD deploys on numerous exercises and in challenging conditions. In October, the Unit competed in the RLC Military Skills competition with an impressive effort from all those who participated and it was the Veterans’ team that stole the show with a superb win. Meanwhile, The Wolfpack’s CAMBRIAN PATROL team showed grit and tenacity with their performance and, despite having limited time to form as a team and train for the arduous event, managed to obtain a bronze medal for their efforts. Well done! • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




29 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps SOUTH CERNEY CO: Lt Col J Symons • Adjt: Capt G Garner • RSM: WO1 A Burrell Another very demanding period for 29 Regiment RLC started with a 3* Commander Field Army Commendation awarded to the team in the Joint Air Mounting Centre (JAMC) for its commitment to strategic base outload throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the Regt’s troops deployed in support of various tours and long-term enduring tasks around the world. The JAMC was in the forefront for Operation PITTING, running 24/7 on the home bank to process and mount Standing Joint Forces Headquarters (SJFHQ) and 16 Air Assault Brigade through South Cerney en-route to Hamid Karzai International Airport. 14 Movement Controllers (Mov Con) also deployed to Kabul and Minad to fulfil the far bank Movement Control obligations and a Postal Courier (PC) Operator SNCO was also deployed in direct support to UKSF (SBS) and the diplomatic service to retrieve all protectively-marked material and comms equipment from theatre totalling 3.1 tonnes! Gibraltar Business as usual is seldom usual for 29 Regt RLC and many of the Regt’s soldiers are seconded outside of the Regt to provide Mov Con and PC support to other formations. Pte Machin and Pte Davies (50 Sqn) were recently seconded to Naval Command HQ in Portsmouth and deployed to Gibraltar to conduct two Movement Control Checkpoints (MCCPs). As well as getting a rare opportunity to visit one of the UK’s overseas territories, they were lucky enough to be invited to complete the four-day homeward leg onboard the second of the Royal Navy’s flagship Queen Elizabeth-class Aircraft Carriers, HMS Prince of Wales. After respecting the tradition of saluting before boarding the ship, the Navy’s two Army guests were shown to their cabins. The trip combined a unique professional development opportunity with the 58

windsurfing, allowing them to take full advantage of the local facilities.

8 Ptes Davies and Machin on board HMS Prince of Wales

chance to learn of the rich history of Gibraltar; sun-soaked and Spanish-speaking, but with M&S and Morrisons on the high street! Sport and Adventurous Training LCpl Hoggarth 29 Regt’s proximity to the Cotswolds Water Park and Lakes make it a fantastic location for water sports. With the demands that have been placed on the Regt over the past year - from ensuring that the rigorous aviation authority standards were maintained throughout the pandemic, to the incredible effort during Op PITTING - it’s high time that members of the Regt really start utilising what’s on their doorstep. Soldiers have completed a week of training at the Army Inshore Sail Training Centre (AISTC), gaining qualifications in either sailing or

8 Windsurfing at the AISTC

Nepal - SSgt Heathcote Having transferred into the PC trade from the Pioneers in late 2019, SSgt Jon-Paul Heathcote’s main effort was to get up to speed with trade qualifications and to deploy at the earliest opportunity. His opportunity came in Jan 21 and as a newly qualified Class 1 PC Operator, he arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal, as the SNCO in command of BFPO 4. SSgt Heathcote conducted HOTO and was left to run the office, maintaining the counter service as well as receiving and despatching all military mail between Nepal and the UK. Enduro - SSM Hicks 29 Regt RLC is fortunate to have its own Motorcycle off-road Enduro team, with a mix of riding ability from complete novice to Army-level.

8 The Regt is fortunate to have its own Enduro team

In 2020, the team was granted authority to build a full Motocross (MX) training facility at Duke of Gloucester Barracks. This means the team can train and enhance their skills at no extra cost to the riders - a fantastic facility that puts the Regt at a distinct advantage when compared to most units across the Services. The team competes at the Inter-Corps Cross Country Enduro Championship, as a lead-in to the annual Army Motorcycle championship. If you are interested, then do not hesitate to contact anyone on the team and they will be happy to help! • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



The Defence EOD, Munitions and Search Training Regt BICESTER CO: Lt Col M Long QGM • Adjt: Capt C Parsons • RSM: WO1 Tom Kowalewski RE At DEMS Training Regiment the instructors are the vital ground. With over 2,000 trainees coming through on an annual basis, attending over 50 courses, the instructors need to be confident, knowledgeable and able to think on their feet. A number of initiatives are currently underway at DEMS to ensure the Unit gets the very best from its people. The Regt held its second trainer development day organised by IEDD Squadron. Trainers from across the Regt received briefs from key figures on training design and development, quality control, mind power solutions and training techniques. These days will become a regular occurrence with a number of small teams feeding in information to help develop the training staff and ensure the best training is delivered. Throughout the year, key members of the Regt have been taking part in sessions focusing on high performance coaching. This has provided the opportunity for our staff to develop how they work and how they run their departments. Key areas such as time management, focused reflection time and problem solving were all covered. The lessons identified will be built into training packages for all our instructors, to ensure the whole team benefits and as a consequence, more emphasis on understanding will be translated to trainees. These initiatives have already yielded results. 2021 has been the most successful training year for the AT Troop for many years, with an average pass rate of 91%. This is the first time there has been an average yearly pass rate of above 90%. This is due to the adoption of the Present, Apply, Review (PAR) model of coaching and mentoring and involves the instructors meeting with their syndicate once a week and discussing where they believe they are succeeding and where they need more support. With this information the

instructors can organise constructive revision sessions and extra mentoring, enabling the students to develop as potential ATs. This scheme led to the 2003 AT Class 2 Course graduating at the beginning of September with an overall course average of 94%. Maj Handy, the Regimental 2IC, presented the course with their certificates and AT flashes. Major Handy also presented LCpl Noall with The McArthur Cup for Best Overall Student. WO1 (SSM) Hall, the SAT of Muns Trg Sqn, recently arranged for some of the JNCO AT’s at DEMS Trg Regt, to attend guided weapons firing at

8 WO1 (SSM) Hall MBE receives his MSM from DLW

8 ATO students Capt Sam Dalton, Capt Holly Kirkham and Capt Conrad Vann preparing their demolition

Otterburn Training Area. Cpl Heakin and LCpl Hodges got the opportunity to see 12 Javelin and 18 NLAW be fired by 3 Rifles. This was an amazing opportunity for the JNCOs and helps them to stay current with in-service weapon systems, whilst broadening their technical knowledge to become more prepared for their Class 1 course in the future. On 29 Sep 21, the Regt enjoyed a visit from Director Land Warfare (DLW), Maj Gen Illingworth OBE. The General was briefed on how the Regt continues to develop its training output to meet Defence demands around the globe. Innovative training techniques, gathering up to date J2 and lessons learnt from operations both at home and overseas, plus how the Regt plans to tackle emerging threats were all covered. DLW also presented awards to members of the Regt including: two Accumulated Service Medals, for the RSM and WO2 Neville CMD Sqn, LS&GC’s for Cpl Briggs from Search Sqn and Sgt Day of IEDD Sqn and a MSM for WO1 (SSM) Hall MBE. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




150 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps HULL CO: Lt Col D Aspin • Adjt: Capt B Walters • RSM: WO1 B Stephenson 150 Regiment RLC continues to train and offer opportunities to its Reserve and Regular members whilst still adhering to the COVID-19 restrictions. Whilst limitations remain on the number of overseas and large-scale deployments, the Regt has continued to make the most of what is available, including Ex NORTHERN APPROACH and Ex HALBERD DAWN 21. The Regt has also said farewell to the Quartermaster, Maj Chris Long, who has served at 150 Regt for almost three years and welcomes his successor, Maj Al Holmes, who has joined us from the Defence School of Transport, Leconfield. The Commanding Officer and all members of the Regt thank Maj Long for everything that he has done. Ex NORTHERN APPROACH Personnel from across the Regt deployed on Ex NORTHERN APPROACH, which was part of a series of field training exercises (FTX) leading up to the Regt’s deployment on the 102 Log Bde exercise, Ex HALBERD DAWN 21 in October. The aim of the exercise was to prepare the NRDC in its preparation for future deployments under the command of the newly arrived OC 219 Sqn. Over 75 soldiers deployed onto Catterick Training Area as a Composite Task Squadron to establish a tactical harbour area and conduct Exchange Point operations alongside elements from 159 Regiment RLC. They were deployed as the Divisional Supply element; establishing a Log RV at Dishforth Airfield. This collaborative approach allowed both units to practice some key SOPs as well as provide a degree of realistic operations in the simulation of rearward transport and supply operations. The exercise was a great success, with many useful learning points for both units being identified and fed back into the 60

planning and refinement of future FTXs. It also saw the first ever FTX for many of the Regt’s soldiers under training. This provided them with some much-needed experience and motivation as they continue on the long road to becoming a trained reservist. Ex HALBERD DAWN 21 Ex HALBERD DAWN 21 was a 102 Log Bde exercise that saw 38 Army Reserve soldiers with eight Regular and FTRS directing staff


8 Some hard-earnt R&R in Whitby deploy from 150 Regt from 2-17 Oct 21. The exercise began with a shake-out week in Catterick, with the members of the Regt working with soldiers and officers from 6 Regiment RLC and 159 Regiment RLC. Following this, the deployed members of 150 Regt created a Composite Transport Squadron with members of 158 Regiment RLC and 6 Regiment RLC. This squadron then exercised as part of the FTX phase under the control of 159 Regiment RLC and comprised, Drivers, Driver Communication Specialists and Chefs. The exercise ended with a day of navigation training on the Yorkshire coast, before finishing in Whitby for some well-earned fish and chips. Ex HALBERD DAWN 21 proved to be a successful exercise, during which a large number of the 150 Regiment RLC family were able to deploy in their role and practice their trade. Whilst the weather was not always favourable, every soldier and officer performed to a very high standard. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



151 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps CROYDON CO: Lt Col D Taylor • Adjt: Capt T Joyce • RSM: WO1 W Bromyard With Exercise IRON VIPER looming at the back end of autumn, 151 Regiment RLC has seen its reservists put through some challenging but enjoyable training. This period initially started with disappointment on the cancellation of Exercise LION STAR, thus Exercise TRIDENT STAR was born. This two-week Annual Continuous Training Camp demonstrated the flexibility and determination of the Regt’s reservists as well as showing interoperability with the Regt’s paired unit, 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment (QOGLR). ALDP The course formed up on 10 Jul 21 at St Omer Barracks with 20 Students looking to complete the course to substantiate into their first command appointment within their units. Through its existing partnership, 151 Regt RLC and 10 QOGLR delivered the first phase of the course with support from the 10 QOGLR Training Wing. The students were introduced to the theory and practical aspects of leadership within the British Army. Once the foundations had been achieved, the students deployed onto Longmoor Training Area to conduct a very hot and sweaty fiveday BCS exercise to be assessed on these skills. The partnership was demonstrated further where the Troop Commander (Lt Hancock), SNCO (Sgt Jones) and Section Commanders (Cpl Nitan, 1 Sqn and Cpl Luman, Trg Wng) lead an advance to contact to enable the students to solidify their skills further. Top Student was awarded to LCpl Henderson from 154 Regiment RLC for her tenacious and professional performance throughout. Annual Continuous Training As part of the Annual Continuous Training commitment, reservists partnered up with the Regt’s paired unit at Barton Stacey Training Area. 1 Squadron provided a Cambrian Patrol styled exercise

which enabled reservists and regulars alike to be put through rigorous but fair training. The patrol matrix genuinely ensured that soldiers (within the 12 sections competing) were conducting the navigation and empowered Junior Non-Commissioned Officers to take lead in Captured Persons (CPERS), stalking, CBRN, reconnaissance, section attack and BCD serials. 1 Squadron DS, under the watchful eye of Sgt Tamang, reinforced any lessons learned. LCpl Sherchan’s section came first. Whilst the exercising troops were moving around the training area, both 10 QOGLR and 151 Regt RLC Chefs were in action providing catering support in field conditions. The newly appointed Regimental Catering Warrant Officer (RCWO) WO2 Fowler, having already secured an Operational Field Catering System, directed 151 Regt RLC Chefs to produce hot meals throughout the exercise. This has also reinvigorated the Chef trade within the Unit. The second phase of the exercise was conducted at the Barossa

8 Troops were put through their paces with the ACMT Range One and Two. Exercising troops were put through their paces with pistol and rifle firing with the Annual Combat Marksmanship Test (ACMT) for both weapon systems. The Regt received a visit from Deputy Commander 101 Logistic Brigade, Colonel M Simpson TD VR. This phase was concluded by a regimental falling plate competition. After an intensive week of military training, the Regt relocated to Southampton for the Adventure Training phase of the exercise. Hillwalking, mountain biking, kitesurfing and powerboating were just a few of the courses on offer during the one-week period. Members of 1 Sqn were also invited to partake during this phase. The ACT culminated in an outdoor social with a hog roast and a farewell to SSgt Smith, who has completed 42 years of service. Looking forward 151 Regt RLC remains an exciting place to work with an abundance of opportunity. On the 2 Nov 21, the Regt hosted partnered livery companies and local dignitaries for an engagement evening. The Croydon Remembrance Sunday Parade was also co-ordinated by WO1 (RSM) Bromyard. Looking forward, Exercise IRON VIPER will see the Unit tested under 101 Logistic Brigade in a trade orientated capacity. 8 ACT at Barton Stacey Training Area • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




152 (North Irish) Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps BELFAST CO: Lt Col C Sykes • Adjt: Capt A Gordon • RSM: WO1 G Furlong 152 Regiment’s focus has been a return to trade training over the last three months, developing capability in its soldiers and instructors. The work completed by the Reserve and Regular cohorts within the Regiment has shown a real dedication to ensuring the continued success of 152 Regiment RLC as the British Army’s only bespoke bulk fuel regiment. Trade training 152 Regt RLC has been part of a pilot training pipeline for Petroleum Operator training for upgrading from Class 3 to Class 2. Over a series of consecutive weekends in the months of August and September, the instructors of 400 (Petroleum) Squadron delivered theory lessons from the regular course. This was to prepare the students to join the regular course for the two-week practical phase. Despite the pilot having its teething issues, it can be judged a success as all students who attended the practical phase passed the course and are now Class 2 Petroleum Operators. In the month of September, the ACT was conducted in Crowborough and Dishforth. Continuing the Regt’s focus on regaining trade capability, 68 qualifications were earned by Reserve personnel including: qualifying as a CST driver or operator, Hazardous Material qualifications, Cat D (coach) driving licences and upgrading drivers from Class 3 to Class 2.

8 Driver training on ACT


Military and trade skills in action 2-3 Oct saw the Regt compete in three separate competitions across the UK, as well as the culmination of a modular ALDP LCpl promotion course. Entering a reservist team into the RLC Military Skills Competition, 152’s team were the oldest competitors in their group. Despite the unfavourable weather throughout the day, the team placed third of eight teams. Facing similarly unpleasant weather, the Chefs from the Regt were putting their culinary skills to the test as part of Exercise ARMY SUSTAINER 21. Taking part in four events, they produced some fantastic dishes but were unfortunate not to place due to the stiff competition from across the Army. Closer to home, the Regt placed third overall in the Northern Ireland Operational Shooting Competition (NIOSC). 152 has a proud history of competitive shooting and the Best Overall Shot went to one of the Regt’s soldiers. The Regt also completed the first modular iteration of the LCpl ALDP. It was a successful event with ten Privates finishing the event. A combination of green skills and command tasks put the prospective JNCOs through their paces and they

8 Prospective JNCOs being put through their paces on ALDP showed themselves to be worthy of promoting to Lance Corporal. Charity spirit A final congratulations goes to the Regimental Catering Warrant Officer. She placed second in the 104 Log Sp Bde Unified Wolf Charity and Contribution Awards for her support to families in Londonderry during the COVID-19 pandemic. She helped to distribute meals to over 200 elderly people and 25 families during this time, all carried out behind the scenes with no publicity due to her position as a reserve soldier. Additionally, she completed the London Marathon this year – a fantastic success for an individual who is an integral part of 152 Regiment RLC.

8 The well-deserved NIOSC medals • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



154 (Scottish) Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps DUNFERMLINE CO: Lt Col S Johnson MBE • Adjt: Capt F Blair • RSM: WO1 W Marquis Ex IRON VIPER has been 154 (Scottish) Regiment’s key focus this autumn. The ability to deploy soldiers integrated with a regular unit is crucial to the Regt’s readiness and role as a reserve unit. Training weekends have continued to support this main effort. Concurrently with Ex IRON VIPER the Regt is running a separate ATC for those not on the exercise. The camp will focus on driver training and ranges. The Regt continues to support Op RESCRIPT with MACA tasks. Chefs from the Regt have provided real life support and a number of personnel have mobilised to work at COVID testing sites. In addition to this, the Regt has provided watchkeepers to 51 Bde in support of the COP 26 climate change conference. Ex MUDMASTER took place in October. It is the annual cross-country driving competition that takes place at various locations across the central belt of Scotland. The exercise is jointly organised by 154 Regt with the British Army Motorsports Association (BAMA) and the Scottish Land Rover Owners Club (SLROC), with the aim of promoting safe, skilled driving and navigation in a challenging and unfamiliar operating environment, both on and off road. The Regt has continued to deliver distributed EPLS training over the course of weekends. On the most recent course, 4 Regiment RLC provided instructors to work alongside the 154 Regt team, to train both RLC Drivers and also some from 2 Bn REME. The Regt also organised the CSS Reserves pre-employment cadre on behalf of 101 Log Brigade. The training package aims to prepare regular SP who are assigned to reserve units, as many regulars will have never worked with reservists before and the training explains the nuances and issues they may encounter. Competition time Congratulations to the Unit’s RLC Military Skills competition team for

winning the Commander’s Cup at the recent event at Leconfield. In addition, LCpl Mckewan (239 Sqn) and LCpl O'Neil (221 Sqn) are congratulated for representing the Regt in the Army Sustainer competition, held at 167 Catering Support Regiment. Honours and awards The Regt is very pleased to announce that several of its members have been recognised for their hard work by Lord Lieutenants Certificates for Meritorious Service.

8 The 154 Regt Bari Cup hockey team Congratulations to SSgt Bleakley, Sgt Smith and Cpl Gillespie from 221 Sqn who were presented with the awards at Glasgow City Chambers. Sports Congratulations to the Regimental golf team which won the RLC Summer Champions’ scratch team event and well done to SSgt Clipston and the Bari Cup hockey team. This is the first year in many that the Regt has been able to field a team. The team played in the final of the Kirby Bowl, but unfortunately lost to 17 P&M Regiment. They were however awarded the Veterans Stick – the award for fair play. Promotions Congratulations to SSgt Scott, Cpl Davie, Cpl Livingston and Cpl Wilson on your recent promotions.

8 154 Regt were winners of the Veteran’s Stick for fair play at the Bari Cup

Farewells The Commanding Officer has handed over and The Regt now welcomes Lt Col Sarah Johnson MBE from DST Leconfield. Thank you and farewell to Lt Col Justin Yates, the Regt wishes you well on your language course and future role. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




156 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps LIVERPOOL CO: Lt Col K Haigh • Adjt: Capt A Maclaverty • RSM: WO1 R Thomas 156 Regiment RLC has enjoyed a period of increased activity following the Government unlock and the regimental plan to return to real-time training. The FOE continues to drive towards the Non-Regular Deployable Component (NRDC) augmentation of 27 Regiment RLC on Ex IRON VIPER 21. In the last three months, the Regt has had a well needed summer stand down period and has seen a myriad of activity ranging from: QM and XO hand over, a variety of AT expeditions, LCpl – Cpl promotions, ALDP courses, Lord Lieutenant’s award ceremonies, the Regt football team’s first game of the 2021 season and command visits. ACT 2021 Ex RESERVIST RESOLVE was 156 Regt RLC’s Annual Collective Training Exercise (ACT) conducted at Okehampton Battle Camp. The training framework used was: deploy, establish, operate, recuperate and recover. Throughout week one, personnel conducted a multi-activity programme including tech training and BCS FTX, a GS driver conversion package, live firing packages and a visit to the Logistic Support Squadron CLR RM. Unfortunately, due to COVID impacts, plans for week two were amended and a virtual package covering multiple events including a battlefield study and a task and initiative exercise were successfully delivered. Adventurous Training Over the past three months, 156 Regt has conducted AT exercises. These included: Ex NORTHERN MASTERS RIDE, a Mountain biking expedition in Scotland and Ex NORTHERN LAKELAND MASTERS, a hill walking expedition to the Lake District where the SP practiced map reading, leadership and endurance. Moreover, 381 Sqn conducted an AT weekend in early September which included hill 64

walking, kayaking, mountain biking and clay pigeon shooting.

8 Hill walking during the build-up to Ex NORTHERN MASTERS

Command visits The Regt has hosted a number of command visits. 101 Log Bde Comd, Brig Reehal MBE and Bde SM, WO1 Newham visited during a squadron drill night and again during the 156 Regt annual military skills competition. The Regt hosted 101 Log Bde Deputy Commander Reserves, Col Simpson and SO1 Reserves, Lt Col Cattermull, during the Regt’s ACT. Col Simpson presented WO1 Bellamy with his Lord Lieutenant’s Award for dedication to the Army Reserves and his continued work towards his local remembrance parades and poppy appeal. Lastly, the Regt

hosted the Colonel RLC Reserves, Col Wilkinson QVRM VR, the Corps SM RLC Reserves, WO1 Ward and Field Army COWO, WO1 Simpson, during a tech training weekend conducted at MOD Kineton.

8 The 235 Sqn team scales the Chalker Cup obstacle course

The Chalker Cup 2021 The Chalker Cup is an annual event held by 156 Regt which aims to deliver a professional, challenging and all-inclusive competition that develops teamwork and tests the leadership of officers and soldiers, whilst promoting regimental ethos. In 2021, the competition comprised of a variety of stands, which had both a military and leadership element and included: section attacks, an observation stand, an obstacle course, scorpion air rifles, casualty extraction, vehicle handling and clay pigeon shooting. The event was hard fought but 381 Sqn retain the cup for another year. Looking forward The Regt is now preparing for its main effort which is the NRDC augmentation to 27 Regiment RLC on Ex IRON VIPER 21 in the latter half of 2021. This will require further trade and soldier-first training including: tech trg, BCS, ACMT, AFT and a myriad of other activities. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



157 (Welsh) Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps CARDIFF CO: Lt Col B D N Beaumont • Adjt: Capt J Restell • RSM: WO1 R J Bould 157 Regiment RLC has conducted some truly excellent and worthwhile training over the last few months, ensuring it maintains its readiness levels. Equally importantly, the Regt has continued to renew the cohesion across all ranks with adventurous and sporting activities. There has been a tremendous effort put in from both those who plan the activities and from those who attended, and the Regt is now stronger for it. Exercise CLUDIANT DRAGON The Regt undertook its Annual Training Camp (Ex CLUDIANT DRAGON) between 11-25 Sep 21 which took personnel the length and breadth of England, from Cumbria to Hampshire completing transport taskings along the way. The Regt was exposed to many challenging situations including both mounted and dismounted combat serials, CBRN situations and high pressure moves in a transport-focused training environment. The camp enabled a fantastic opportunity to gain some real in role experience as drivers, the soldiers were given the opportunity to refresh their off-road driving abilities on DST Leconfield’s cross-country course, a skill which many of the troops have not been able to practise since completing their B2 course. Each Driver racked up a total of 1,300 miles which equates to a grand total of 36,400 miles (one and a half laps around the planet!). Further to this, the Regt

got some hands-on experience on GPMGs and LUCIE for night sights. The exercise also provided an opportunity to work with other reserve units across the Corps and the stand out event was with 165 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC. The Unit conducted a beach landing drill from both the Sea Mounting Centre Marchwood and RORO positioned just off the coast of Southampton onto Browndown beach, a unique experience that offered a great opportunity to integrate with other fellow reservists. To round off the camp, the Regt was treated to a demonstration from FTX Logistics cumulating in some hands-on experience driving their HETs. OC’s disposal weekend To maximise every opportunity and promote retention, the OC’s

8 157 Regt RLC conducting MEXE Operations at Browndown Beach disposal weekends presented a great opportunity to reconnect with sqn members through the means of sport and AT. Across all five squadrons, reserve personnel conducted go-karting, water sports, mountain biking, foot golf, hiking and other social events. It was fantastic to see such encouraging numbers and hear the individual stories of how these activities add value to life in the Reserves. Congratulations and farewells The Regt is privileged to say there have been many promotions over this last period, most notably with WO1 Lock promoted into the Regt’s WO1 Trg role, the pinnacle of a soldier’s career in the Unit. Also, the Regt would like to congratulate Second Lieutenant Johnston who commissioned on 17 Jul 21 into 580 Sqn in Cardiff. Finally, farewells to Capt Chris Evans MBE (ex PSAO 223 Sqn) and Sgt Susie Finucane (224 Sqn) who depart the Service on completion of 40 and 36 years’ Regular and Reserve service. The Unit wishes them all the best for whatever comes next. 8 398 Sqn mountain biking on the OC’s disposal weekend • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




158 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps PETERBOROUGH CO: Lt Col R Futter • Adjt: Capt R Cooke • RSM: WO1 L Hutchinson 158 Regiment RLC continues to work at pace still focusing on Special to Arm training but with the occasional Adventurous Training package thrown in. As the world starts to return to the norm post COVID, the Regt has been busy re-engaging with the public supporting Armed Forces Day and many recruiting events across the seven counties the Regt spans. The Commanding Officer and several members of the Regt deployed on Exercise WESSEX STORM on Salisbury Plain joining some 3,000 Regular and Reserve soldiers in the biggest exercise of its kind for a decade. Capt Lowis organised a highly successful Adventurous Training package in Anglesey which saw over 100 troops take part in mountain biking, hill walking, rock climbing, caving and kayaking over two weekends and for those that could, time in the week as well.

Open Water Swimming – WO2 Bailey MBE 158 Regt RLC came runners up in the Major Unit 1,500m Open Water Swimming (OWS) competition in the Army Inter-Unit (Maj & Min) OWS Championships on 25 Aug 21. The first four fastest swimmers of a team completing the race qualified as the unit team for the final results. 158 Regt RLC were the only RLC unit to win team medals. The medal winners: WO2 Bailey MBE, SSgt Robins, LCpl Grant-Jones, Pte Crust.

8 LCpl Attewell receiving a Force Commander’s Commendation Operation TOSCA 34 The Regt’s members of Op TOSCA 34 have returned safely and are now enjoying some well earnt POTL. A special mention should go to LCpl Attewell who received a Force Commander’s Commendation on completion of his United Nations Tour. Pte Bailey also received a Deputy Chief of the General Staff Coin and Pte Rogers a Commanding Officer’s Coin as well winning the Op TOSCA Photography Competition. 66

8 Post caving on AT in Anglesey

8 The 158 Open Water Swim Team Pte Robinson also swam as part of the 158 Regt RLC Team. In the final Army OWS Series on 1 Sep 21, which incorporated the Festival of Swimming, 158 had two medal winners, WO2 Bailey MBE and SSgt Robins. Overall, a great open water swimming season for the Regt, well done to team 158 RLC! Finally, it is with great sadness that the Regt saw the passing of Capt David Williams. David completed a full Regular Service as Master Driver before commissioning into 203 (Loughborough) Sqn, 158 Regt RLC. He left the Sqn to work for a short period abroad before returning to 7th Infantry Brigade as part of the Army Cadet Training Team. In August 2020, he returned to the Regt as the 2IC of 160 (Lincoln) Sqn and deployed on Exercise HALBERD SPIRIT in May this year. David was a keen rugby man, both as a player in his younger years and more recently as a member of the Army Rugby Union Referees Society. David will be greatly missed by the entire 158 family. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



159 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps COVENTRY CO: Lt Col S Dines • Adjt: Capt K Cahill • RSM: WO1 S Muir As restrictions eased 159 Regiment RLC has been doing what it does best – training and developing its personnel to improve their skills ready for the next exercise or operation. A more flexible hybrid approach has been taken and while the priority remains face-to-face training, online delivery has continued for those unable to attend in order to maintain contact with their squadrons. Farewell and welcome The Regt said bon voyage to Maj Steve Williams (123 Sup Sqn) as he moved on to new pastures in the summer and welcomed two new Squadron Commanders, Maj Keith Taylor (123 Sup Sqn) and Maj Richie Bell MBE (125 Sup Sqn). The CO also congratulated 2Lt Simon Bates on his commissioning and assuming command of Burton Troop, proving age really is not a barrier! Op TOSCA 34 As the deployment of the 159 Regt Troop attached to 6 Regt RLC on Op TOSCA ended, Pte Walker (125 Sup Sqn) organised a welfare trip to Paphos, a safari quad bike session and a boat trip. It was a suitable reward for all their hard work and a chance to let off steam before returning to the UK. Following some well-earned leave, the Regt looks forward to welcoming everyone back to their squadrons after 10-months mobilised with the Regt's regular sister regiment. ALDP After only two years in the Army Reserves, Pte Whittle (243 HQ Sqn) attended her LCpl ALDP course in Garelochead. The experience improved her insight into Army leadership and provided opportunities to develop her command and control, leadership style and communication skills. She received a massive virtual round of applause from the CO and RSM, after being selected as the top

student: a fantastic achievement and the Regt looks forward to seeing her career in the Army Reserve develop further. Adventurous training Ex BARBARIAN LAKES started with a gentle, relatively flat, walk around one of the Lake District’s many lakes, while the mountain bike team explored the local area and planned their future routes. Spectacular views and sunshine set the scene for what was a great week of Adventurous Training. Day two became more challenging with four peaks achieved, starting with Red Pike and then High Stile at 806m. The weather held and the

8 Lt Col Dines congratulating 2Lt Simon Bates on his commissioning day

8 123 Sqn experience some culture while studying the history of York views were unbelievable, which helped with navigation. After five days and 80 kilometres of increasingly difficult terrain, the weather broke and the heavens opened. Despite the host of navigational challenges, floods and slippery conditions for the mountain bikers, everyone who attended expressed an interest in further progression and achievement of either their Mountain Leaders or MTB Leaders qualifications. Cultural visit 123 Sqn conducted a cultural visit to the City of York and the Leeds Armouries. This offered the opportunity to take a historical look at logistics through the ages, with a focus on ammunition supply, protected mobility and how logisticians have had to overcome challenges to ensure the front-line troops received the requisite support. Exercises With the restrictions relaxed there has been a significant uplift in training opportunities, including a military skills competition, communications training, range days and cross-country driving. All has been invaluable as preparation for the Annual Continuous Training exercise which will see the culmination of the Unit’s training over the last year. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




162 Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps NOTTINGHAM CO: Lt Col W Steel MBE • Adjt: Capt N Covington • RSM: WO1 J Parker This quarter has been a particularly busy period for 280 MC, executing two training weekends; one BCS and one AT. The BCS weekend was held on Salisbury Plain and saw troops enjoy section level fire and manoeuvre. The Sqn’s Chefs were also utilised to provide excellent meals in the field which, along with good weather, helped to keep the moral high. Unfortunately, the weather was not so favourable for the AT weekend in Snowdonia National Park. The horizontal rain and fierce winds did nothing to faze the soldiers of 280 who managed to summit Snowdon on the Saturday and enjoyed a taxing route on Moel Eilio and Devil’s Kitchen on the Sunday. On a sporting front, Pte Davies competed at the Army Tennis Championships winning the mixed doubles championships with her partner, Capt Williams. She then went on to compete in the Inter-Services at Wimbledon where the Army Ladies’ Team won all 24 matches that they played and were crowned Inter-Services Champions. Pte Hines has continued to be the RLC Female Cricket Manager and over the summer months has established a strong ladies’ section. The team will start their winter training program in December and hope to have a successful year in 2022. Pte Hines continues to be an outstanding advocate for the sport and was rightly recognised for her efforts at the 104X Awards Dinner Night winning the Sporting Excellence category. 871 Sqn Life continues at pace in 871 Sqn with personnel having returned recently from the Regt’s ACT centred on Okehampton Training Camp, a thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all, even the weather was kind! As a precursor to the ACT, members of the Sqn took the opportunity to engage in an enjoyable and challenging mountain 68

8 Pte Hines won the Sporting Excellence category at the 104X Awards Dinner Night biking package at Swinley Forest. Upon completion, the Sqn also took the opportunity to say the first of a number of farewells for the PSAO, Capt Stu Blair-Monger after almost seven years in appointment and 45 years of service. Outside of Sqn life, LCpl Singh continues to be involved with the Defence Sikh Network having recently attended the unveiling of a statue to the “Defenders of Saraghari” in Coventry. Two members of the Sqn ran the London Marathon for charity; WO2 June Lenachan and Pte Nichol Look both delivered impressive results and raised a combined total of £3,000 for Leukaemia UK. The Sqn also recently celebrated WO2 King receiving his Lord Lieutenant’s Award for Meritorious Service. 883 Sqn In May of this year, 883 Sqn planned and conducted Soldier First Syllabus training on Catterick Training Area. The event was a success with attendees enjoying a weekend of training consisting of First Aid training, map reading and section battle drills. The occasion also gave the Commanding Officer an opportunity to address elements of the Regt in the field and present some awards and promotions.

281 Sqn: My first Army exercise by Pte Ganesh Bhandari When I was selected to participate in Exercise LYCEUM WOLF, I was keen to put the theoretical knowledge I had learnt on my Class 3 Movement Operator course into practice. The exercise saw me undertaking convoy marshalling and manifesting tasks to allow movement of Army vehicles, equipment and personnel from one place to another via sea. Participating in the exercise has definitely enhanced my understanding of the wider Army capabilities and the role of a Movement Operator. I was encouraged to see that everyone valued and respected each other’s job role and I would highly recommend to all reservist soldiers to attend these training opportunities when they arise. I for one will be volunteering to do more of them in the future.

8 MovCon supporting 165 Regt RLC operations on the ACT • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



165 Port & Maritime Regiment RLC PLYMOUTH CO: Lt Col R Williams • Adjt: Capt N Hand • RSM: WO1 S Ware 165 Port and Maritime Regiment’s focus for this period has been to plan and conduct their Annual Deployment Exercise (ADE) which occurred on 11-25 Sep. Annual deployment Exercise (ADE) – Exercise LYCEUM WOLF The aim of Ex LYCEUM WOLF was to exercise and validate the Composite Port Squadron. This is the formation which the Regiment would deploy on operations which includes Mariners, Marine Engineers, Port Operators, Vehicle Specialists and Operational Hygiene Specialists. This was the first time that the Regt had exercised as a formed unit since the start of the pandemic. The exercise saw reserve soldiers and officers from across the Regt’s six squadrons and numerous trade groups exercise to a higher level than they have previously achieved and under difficult circumstances. The exercise started with a week of BCS and ranges at Brunswick Camp, before moving to the SMC at Marchwood and Browndown Beach for the trade and Special to Arm section of the exercise. The Regt conducted training with various other units including 162, 157 and 167 Regiments and 26 Royal Artillery, increasing realism and interoperability across the Brigade. 165 Regt RLC is hugely grateful to these units for their contribution and looks forward to working with them again in the future. The exercise was a resounding success, with the aim of exercising the Composite Squadron being achieved. The Regt was hugely privileged to welcome visits from GOC 1 (UK) Division, Commander 104 Brigade and the Commanding General of the US 21st Theatre Sustainment Command. During their visit, they presented Honours and Awards to personnel from 165 and 17 Port and Maritime Regiments whilst also being given a capability demonstration. This coincided with the culmination of the trade training

and validation phase of the exercise where the Regt moved vehicles from a ship anchored in the Solent onto an austere beach and then onwards to a deployed force. This provided key insights of the Regt’s ability to carry out its operational role and what the UK can contribute to US forces on the upcoming Large Global Exercise in 2022. Sport and AT At the recent 104 Brigade Festival of Sport, the Regt performed exceptionally well and managed to clinch victory. This was after an arduous two-week exercise, making the victory all the more impressive. It saw Regts from around the Brigade compete across several disciplines including a

8 The Regt at the Brigade Festival of Sport

8 A fully loaded MEXE on its way to Browndown Beach duathlon, e-sports and tug-of-war. Well done to the mighty 165 team! Honours and Awards This has been another strong period for 165 Port & Maritime Regiment RLC with Honours and Awards. A huge congratulations to OCdt Champion for being awarded the RLC Foundation Junior Initiative Award for his work with the MOD on additive materials and 3D printing and Cpl Compton for being awarded a GOC’s Commendation for producing a Commander’s Guide app for the Operational Hygiene trade. Both have made a huge contribution in their individual fields and have rightly been recognised for their efforts. Looking forward The Regt will now look to implement the lessons learned from the recent ADE. There are also several MATTs and Special to Arm (StA) weekends planned for the remainder of the training year 21/22. Planning is already underway for next year’s training activity and ADE, with a focus on also supporting large Brigade exercises. This has been an excellent year so far for the Regt and there is much more to come. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




167 Catering Support Regiment RLC GRANTHAM CO: Lt Col J Young • Adjt: Capt S W D Parry • RSM: WO1 P Jordan 167 Catering Support Regiment RLC had a strong end to the summer period with its Annual Continuous Training Exercise COCARAIL CAULDRON taking the Regiment to Garelochhead to conduct BCS, trade skills and AT. The Regt hit the autumn period running with support to Brigade level exercises and Exercise ARMY SUSTAINER 21. The Army EATS Initiative continues to gain support and the Army Reserve School of Catering is continuing to run courses at capacity. Exercise ARMY SUSTAINER 21 Ex ARMY SUSTAINER 2021 is now in its seventh year following a pause in 2020 due to COVID-19. It remains the only Army-level field catering and culinary arts competition providing the perfect platform to showcase and recognise catering talent across the Regular and Reserve Chef trade. The competition this year saw Industry Partners and personnel from the Royal Air Force also take part. The exercise sought to challenge and test the competitors on their leadership, innovation, technical ability and teamwork. Participants showcased and developed their abilities to deliver

8 LCpl Stewart celebrating his win at Ex ARMY SUSTAINER 21


good value, nutritional choices in ways which suit and reflect modern life, tastes and cultures.

8 LCpl Archer getting stuck in on AT the very best catering support to deployed forces going forward. It also serves as a fantastic platform to develop new talent, train field skills and highlight potential new British Army Culinary Arts Team competitors, opening up opportunities to represent the Army team at Exercise JOINT CATERER and the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Show. In turn this can result in potential selection for the prestigious Combined Services Culinary Arts team who compete in catering competitions worldwide. Throughout the event, there were live demonstrations of winning recipes from the ‘Army EATS Cooking Challenge’ in which soldiers of all cap badges and trades competed to design healthy, economical recipes to be cooked in the single-living accommodation or at home. This challenge is part of the work undertaken to ‘Explore the Appetites of Today’s Soldier’ (Army EATS); vital work being carried out across the Army to ensure that its people are empowered to seek

Exercises WIRELESS WOLF and LYCEUM WOLF Thanks go to Capt Claire Richards and the ream for not only supporting these exercises but in also making a difference in challenging circumstances. With only limited resources deployed for cold and freezer capability, Capt Richards and Sgt Walker carried out provisioning and ration planning to allow the catering team to create nutritious and diverse menu plans. Cpl Speid covered as Head Chef and fantastic management of the kitchen helped the less experienced caterers in their individual learning journeys. The menu on the evening was a global banquet taking inspiration from Asia, Europe and Jamaica. The team worked tirelessly throughout the day with the exercising troops unsurprisingly very happy with the results on the hotplate. Looking forward Exercise ARMY SUSTAINER 22 will be held around June 2022 in Prince William of Gloucester Barracks in Grantham. There are spaces for team and individual entries so if you have Chefs you would like to showcase in a high-profile catering competition, let the Regt know.

8 The team on Exercise WIRELESS WOLF • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



44 Support Squadron Royal Military Academy SANDHURST OC: Maj C Swift • TCWO: WO1 M Regan 44 Support Squadron is part of the Station Support Unit responsible for providing efficient transport, ES and tactical communication support to British Army Officer training at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. The Sqn is a busy and active unit with huge opportunities to develop career attributes in a fun and happy working environment. The Sqn’s fleet ranges from FFR’s to SV’s, from civilian HILUXs to coaches providing ample opportunities to build experience across a variation of platforms. The RLC, Gurkha and REME soldiers deploy on over 80 exercises per year including Europe in a training support role. The exciting FOE provides a vast array of opportunities for the Driver trade to develop at a far greater pace than normal and for soldiers to gain new licences, qualifications and experience. However, it is not all work; with extended and structured leave periods and AT packages, life at the Sqn is fun and very well balanced. The Sqn deployed on a week-long AT package at the beginning of the winter term. The package was expertly put together by Cpl Anil and saw soldiers taking part in rock climbing on the indoor wall at Worthy Down, the home of The RLC, kayaking, mountain biking and coastal walking along the Jurassic Coast. The perfect weather provided a great backdrop to a

8 Kayaking at Horseshoe Lake

8 Lt Col Hull (CO), Maj Gurung (R2IC), Maj Swift (44 Sp Sqn OC) and SSgt Gaha cut the QGS birthday cake superb weeks’ worth of team bonding and personal development. The Queen’s Gurkha Signals Troop celebrated their 72nd Birthday in September. The occasion was marked by a celebratory lunch in fine Gurkha

style with a parade, readings from the CO, Regt 2IC and Sqn OC, a ceremonial cutting of a cake with a Kukri and of course, a fantastic curry. The Queen’s Gurkha Signals Troop provide a critical communications link for the many exercises throughout the officer training year and are a very proud pillar of the Sqn orbat. The Sqn is now looking ahead to the rest of the winter term which runs up to Christmas. Later in the term, soldiers will deploy across the UK culminating in a deployment to South Germany. During the exercises, soldiers will provide the critical transport node ensuring the maximum efficiency in Transport and ES whilst enjoying some German winter hospitality. This term has also seen the arrival of five new sqn members who have all settled extremely quickly into the team ethos and have already deployed in support of officer training. The Sqn is always looking for enthusiastic soldiers to join the team and reap the benefits of working in a historical setting with a full spectrum of benefits; this is one of the few places where a soldier can confidently plan their leave up to three years in advance. If this looks attractive to you, feel free to come for a visit and see what’s on offer. 8 Walking on the Jurassic Coast • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Logistic Support Squadron CLR BARNSTAPLE OC: Maj M Murphy • SSM: WO2 T Ormiston It has been another frenetic term for Logistic Support Squadron. At the time of writing in early October, Seaton Tp was deployed on Ex GREEN DAGGER, a Littoral Response Group exercise in the US; Dieppe Tp was deployed on a month-long fuels exercise and Ajax Tp was running the second-line support to 3 Cdo Bde; as well as providing teams for the RLC Mil Skills competition and personnel for Op ESCALIN. Ex FUELS REGAIN Masterminded by SSgt Wootton and Sgt Hayes, Dieppe Tp deployed to Longmoor Training area on Ex FUELS REGAIN. The exercise was designed to develop junior Petroleum Operators from across trade and was supported by 383 Cdo Petroleum Tp and 27 Regt RLC. It succeeded in familiarising personnel with the Primary Bulk Fuel Installation and Enhanced Storage Modules. The students developed their knowledge through theory and practical lessons before building a full site, ready to receive up to 1.2 million litres of fuel. This exercise gave students the ability to master the skills required to

8 LCpl Rai during the Clarendon Marathon


upgrade from B3 to B2 Petroleum Operators, provided essential pre-class 1 training, ensuring the Tp is prepared for a deployment in support of the Lead Commando Group. It was encouraging to see all personnel getting stuck in and within a couple of days, regulars and reservists alike, from different units were working together as effective teams. RLC Mil Skills competition Despite the demanding work rhythm LS Sqn, led by Cpl Limbu, managed to pull together a team to enter the RLC Mil Skills competition. In true ‘sqn’ style, with very little preparation, they competed well, in particularly demanding conditions, and once again won the Minor Units’ Trophy. Charity events LS Sqn has been raising money for good causes. LCpl Furley showed his outstanding determination when as part of a team of four, he speed-marched and yomped an impressive 624 miles from CTC Lympstone to the Commando Memorial at Spean Bridge. This journey raised over £15,000 for the NHS and Royal Marines Association. Cpl Limbu managed to run 125 miles in a month, over the hilly terrain of the North Devon countryside, raising £600 for the

8 RLC Mil Skills Minor Units’ Trophy winners

Help for Heroes. Finally, LCpl Rai completed the Clarendon Marathon in a very respectable time of 4 hours 37 minutes, raising over £300 for SSAFA. The Dave Martin Trophy Every year, LS Sqn commemorates the life of one of its members. Lt Dave Martin sadly passed away in 2013. This year, the Sqn pushed its physical boundaries and navigation skills by conducting a half marathon along the North Devon coastline. Starting at Ilfracombe, teams left at intervals and climbed over 2,500ft of elevation along the route. This year, the Pet Ops proved their physical and mental grit; with LCpl Furley and Pte Manley from Dieppe Tp finishing in the fastest time of 2 hours 34 minutes to raise the trophy. Once complete, the Sqn came together to devour a traditional Gurkha curry and a few drinks and reflected on the struggles of the day and how they were overcome. Additionally, it provided an opportunity to bid farewell to WO2 (SSM) Tel Ormiston, who now leaves the Royal Marines after 23 years. The mantle, for the next few months, has been taken on by LS Sqn SQMS, CSgt (Now WO2) Stevie Kingston. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



821 Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Search Squadron WIMBISH OC: Maj M Lowry • 2IC: Capt M West • SSM: WO1 P Stewart

UWEX 21 was the new Ranger Battalion validation exercise conducted by 4 Rifles A Coy (4 Battalion Rangers). One reduced Task Line (1x DASA, 1x EOD Op, 1x EOD No2, 2x Searcher) deployed, operating out of Whitesands Missile Base. The team operated in a light role, close support EOD&S role, with raids, ambushes and KLE’s most of which were conducted at night, often splitting up dependant on the threat. Searchers were utilised in the Sight Sensitive Exploitation (SSE) phase as well as for gunners and drivers. The EOD Op was utilised within the assaulting team stack during raids to enable safe entry into buildings and the clearance of any IED’s within a limited time, this was achieved by a thorough threat picture from assets on the ground and vital time saving pre-planning of certain render safe procedures. This higher level of risk acceptability allowed for a rapid building entry to allow the Ranger Battalion freedom of movement in the battle space, EOD&S living up to its name as a door opening capability. Operation PITTING One full Task Line deployed on Operation PITTING and following a recce and deconfliction with US Counterparts, EOD was pushed forward to the baron hotel. From

there, the EOD Operators conducted routine patrols to identify potential suspicious items and conducted the initial response and clearance of the post-explosion scene following the suicide IED. Meanwhile, the Search Team built up sangars at the Secondary Evacuation Handling Centre and, to celebrate, two sappers sampled Kabul’s finest tap water which had the expected consequences of a full body detox. The remainder of the team were then utilised by the Pathfinders during several tasks and had the thankless duty of removing those civilians not eligible for extraction. On the whole, the Sqn provided a crucial capability to the Bde that truly delivered in the aftermath of the suicide IED while also utilising their core military engineering skills. Project AXEWEED Project AXEWEED is the name assigned to the Pinz vehicle refit to allow the STARTER heavy RCV to fit into it. All EOD units took possession of the STARTER in 2019 to replace both WHEELBARROW (WB) and CUTLASS. Across the spectrum this was an easy replacement; STARTER could easily fit into both the EOD Wedgewood vehicle used by 11 EOD&S Regiment RLC and the MASTIFFs used by the majority of 33 and 35 Engr Regts. However, the vehicle platforms currently used by

8 The 821 Sqn Task Line on Op PITTING 821 EOD&S Sqn are the Pinz and STARTER could not replace WB in the vehicle that was already a tight squeeze. The ramps would not support the weight or width of the STARTER tracks and so a completely new ramp system was required. This has led to the rather strange position with the Sqn unable to backload its WBs as they remain the readiness RCV capability. Running the WB out of a Pinz requires the use of a generator to run the screens and controller. Obviously, the set-up of this severely adds to the deployment time taken to get the RCV to target, which in many scenarios would be unacceptable. At the same time, all other units still holding WB had backloaded them and the G4/spares chain was shut down, leaving the Sqn in a precarious position where it holds WB at readiness to continue support to 16X and 3X but without any serious G4 or REME chain to maintain it. Hence Project AXEWEED being of critical importance to the Sqn’s ability to hold Medium Tasklines at readiness. To date, the Sqn has now received one of the two Pinz fitted as per Project AXEWEED and will be backloading the WHEELBARROWs imminently. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




105 Logistic Support Squadron (BATUS) CANADA OC: Maj M Elton • 2IC: Capt V Styles Ammunition Troop By SSgt Fitzsimon Even with no exercises happening in Suffield, Ammo Tp has had another busy year, operating with a very small Permanent Staff (PS) presence. The end of 2020 saw the biggest ever export of Class 1 ammunition from BATUS to support exercises in both the UK and Germany. Over £8.5m of serviceable ammunition, with an NEQ of nearly 50,000kg was shipped on PRAIRIE TRANSPORTER. In spring 2021, this record was then smashed again, as BATUS supplied over £13m (55,000kg NEQ) of ammunition required for both training in the UK and operations elsewhere. During summer 2021, space on the vessel was at a premium but a further £1.5m of serviceable ammunition was prepared and is now making its way across the Atlantic for use in the UK. With training happening at BATUS in 2022, Ammo Tp has taken receipt of over £1m of new ammunition into Suffield. This will ensure that the units arriving at BATUS can still have the world-class training that BATUS has become known for over the last 50 years. Supply Troop (PC&A, Shopfloor) SSgt Denholm Despite the lack of exercises in BATUS, 105 Sqn has continued to operate at pace. With most depots closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 105 Sqn became a focal point for distribution of supplies to the wider Fd Army. Achieving outstanding results with a very small PS presence. At the start of the pandemic the Sqn held close to 21,000 line items on the CA. This number is now well below 17,000 and getting lower. This has reduced the total account cost from £55m to just over £40m. Since January 2021, 105 Sqn’s LSS have receipted on over 6,000 items and issued over 11,000 items; this included over 1,000 cross services to various units on 74

critical tasks. Although the Sqn is not supporting exercises in BATUS at present, the management of the CA is a still a critical function as the Sqn continues in its mission to deliver supplies to Fd Army Formations. This included over 6,000 items issued to DE&S and Team LEIDOS for redistribution throughout Fd Army in addition to supplying 77,000 24hr ration packs to BATUK and Germany to enable training to continue. A small team of Temporary Staff

8 A regenerated LATF fleet has been returned to Germany

8 There have still been opportunities for AT while serving in BATUS

(TS) joined throughout the summer of 2021 for Ex PRAIRIE REDEPLOYMENT to ensure that the LATF fleet returning to Germany able to depart BATUS at the required readiness levels. These TS came from across 101 Log Bde and as always, they were warmly received into the Sqn and added value instantly. Without their help the Sqns support to the Fd Army’s and BATUS’ efforts in regenerating this fleet would not have been possible. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 105 Sqn team has maintained a very active calendar with members of the Sqn enjoying everything the Rocky Mountains have to offer whether this be skiing, climbing, kayaking or hiking and the Sqn is looking forward to getting the Sqn Ice Hockey team up and running for the 2021/22 season. The trade roles within 105 Sqn include: Postal and Courier, Petroleum Operator, Logistic Supply Specialist and Ammunition Technician. Speak with your RCMO for more information. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



132 Aviation Supply Squadron Royal Logistic Corps IPSWICH OC: Maj K Desai • SSM: WO2 G Fisher With the world and country beginning to return to normal, it has been another busy and eventful period for the members of 132 Squadron RLC. The Sqn has continued to support the flying requirements of the 1 Aviation Brigade Combat Team providing first class logistics support to deployments and exercises both at home and abroad while still conducting and carrying out its own training. Ex PINION OMAN Ex PINION OMAN is a large-scale exercise taking place in Oman, involving soldiers from across the Bde. Despite the difficulties caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all those deploying on the exercise from the Sqn have now all arrived safely in Oman. The soldiers have settled in and are now beginning to prepare for the start of the exercise. 29 Flight - BATUS At the beginning of July, a three man team from 132 Sqn deployed to BATUS, Canada, to commence the recovery of all remaining aviation Equipment Support assets held under the control of 29 Flight, which has continuously provided medivac assistance to all exercising

8 SSM Fisher Race to the Stones Ultra marathon

troops within the BATUS training area for the past 50 years. At the beginning of 2021, all existing airframes in BATUS (Gazelle) were removed for redeployment to Northern Ireland. Some 1,300 items remained in station awaiting confirmation whether 29 Flight would be placed into hibernation due to the limitations of training brought on by the ongoing COVID pandemic. It was the 132 Sqn’s responsibility to provide professional logistic support assistance ensuring all MOD held assets were accounted for, while also consulting with the delivery team to assist with their relocation. A thankless job but nevertheless the team worked incredibly hard to complete the task and are a true credit to the Sqn. Leadership day Soldiers from the Sqn designed and ran a two-day leadership package. The Sqn was lucky to have external speakers from DHL, Mauldon’s Brewery and Plant Futures to discuss the leadership challenges and requirements in their civilian workplaces. This allowed the soldiers from the Sqn to compare, contrast and discuss the differences and similarities between Army and civilian sector leadership. Day two saw a completely different set of challenges, culminating in three

8 Pte Koroibanuve finished his coastline walk for SSAFA

hours of high rope activities, a great package enjoyed by all. Ex CLOCKWORK Ex CLOCKWORK is a large-scale aviation exercise taking place in Norway at the start 2022. Although the exercise is still several months away, work has already begun to make sure the Sqn is prepared well in advance, with soldiers due to deploy being booked onto cold weather survival courses. No doubt it will be a challenging, but rewarding exercise. Its not all work though An unseasonably hot day at the end of September saw the inaugural Battalion Officers & Seniors versus Juniors cricket match. A hard-fought battle, with the match finishing on 92 runs each after 100 balls. A ‘Super Over’ was required to determine the true victors of the match, which eventually saw the Juniors winning the afternoon by bowling out the RSM. Some other great achievements that personnel from the Sqn have completed, are: the London Marathon, the ‘Race to the Stones’ 100km ultra marathon and a walk around the Norfolk and Suffolk coastline some 200 miles, raising money for SSAFA. Some great achievements, well done all. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Joint Helicopter Support Squadron (JHSS) BENSON, OXFORDSHIRE OC: Maj J Wells • SSM: WO2 P Devine The Joint Helicopter Support Squadron has had an extremely busy summer period supporting the Joint Helicopter Command. The Sqn has been deployed in several countries concurrently; ranging from operations in Mali, to exercises in USA and Kenya as well as the Falkland Islands. The Sqn’s involvement in other tasks, such as HMS Prince of Wales’ resident rotary squadron relief in place (Ex CHINTHE RISE) and assistance to the G7 Summit, has proved that JHSS is a highly capable and adaptable asset to Defence. Ex NOMAD HOOKER by Cpl Slade - JHSS Communications Specialist In July, the RLC members of JHSS deployed to Driffield Training Area to conduct Ex NOMAD HOOKER. This gave the deploying Comms Specs an opportunity to complete CT Alpha training and the RLC drivers to complete their driver B2 to B3 upgrade books. The exercise was broken down into three phases. The first phase consisted of various lessons, such as antenna sighting, vehicle camouflage and reporting formats. Some of the newer sqn members were given the opportunity to give lessons to other exercising personnel. This allowed them to develop their confidence in presenting to their peer group. The confirmation phase saw the soldiers participate in various stands consisting of different challenges at each point. This included discovering casualties and sending a timely but accurate nine liner and MISTAT, as well as setting up different antenna systems and comms configurations to maintain vital communications back to HQ. The final phase saw the introduction of a battle picture and various scenarios within a fully tactical environment, to test the deployed personnel. There was also a tactical driver training package; with everyone given the 76

opportunity to drive vehicles off road by night using either convoy lights or night vision aids. A first for many of the younger personnel. A successful week of training where all personnel had developed not only confidence in their own abilities but the confidence to work as a team in a challenging environment. Ex NORTHERN STRIKE by Sgt Regan – JHSS BSM JHSS entered a unique mixed Army/RAF team to compete in The RLC’s annual Military Skills Competition, Ex NORTHERN STRIKE. A challenging event both mentally and physically for all participants which demonstrated a high level of robustness and teamwork. A very intense day of different stands was not helped by the afternoon’s biblical weather, turning the training area into a swamp! Communications Specialist and team captain, Cpl Slade said: “Despite limited training opportunities and the dreadful weather at DST Leconfield, the team performed brilliantly coming 24th in a competitive field of 50 managing to beat several major units in the process. I am very proud of the full team’s efforts.” RAF SAC Gemma Bloomfield added: “It was nice to experience the whole ethos and Corps values of The RLC together in a military

8 The Col RLC visited the Sqn

skills competition. From an RAF perspective, the whole team did amazing and we finished strong.” Visit by the Colonel RLC and RLC Corps Sergeant Major It was a great pleasure to host the Colonel RLC and the Corps Sgt Major along with the Communications Specialist Head of Trade. As the Sqn is predominantly RLC, ensuring RHQ The RLC fully understands the unique structure and specialist capability is crucial. It gave the new Ops Officer, Capt Ben Smith, who has only been with the Sqn two weeks, his first opportunity to brief on the Sqn. Importantly though it gave the RLC personnel, along with the RAF and small AAC contingent, a chance to give the visitors firsthand accounts of their experiences. Looking ahead The final part of 2021 as well as 2022 looks to be just as busy and full of great opportunities for the Sqn. The Sqn will continue to support Op NEWCOMBE and BFSAI, whilst training with the full range of JHC platforms on exercises both in the UK and overseas in a variety of climates. Planning is already underway to provide support to more UK operations as well as celebrations for the Squadrons 40th anniversary next summer. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Defence Munitions (DM) Kineton Station TEMPLE HERDEWYKE CO: Lt Col D Pickersgill • RSM: WO1 M Banks The third quarter of this year has been another busy period with nearly every member of ATSG providing support to training packages and munitions sustainment activity to the wider MOD. With COVID-19 restrictions being relaxed by the government, the CO’s main effort switched to the running of a Unit Health Fair/Safety Day. In Aug 21, WO2 (RCWO) Gillan and his team planned and conducted the Health Fair/Safety Day; a well-co-ordinated event which involved external civilian and military organisations. The main aim was to educate and reassure personnel on the support available in terms of their personal health, wellbeing and mindfulness. The Royal British Legion, BLESMA, Citizens Advice, Kaleidoscope, Veterans Contact/Advice Group, NHS group, DPMH, Unit Welfare, Station Padre and the RLC Catering Dept all provided stands on the day. The CO participated in the ‘Press Up Challenge’ and reigned supreme by defeating the WOME Ops manager, WO1 S Eckles. Cpl Francis, LCpl Cottrell and LCpl Pickford delivered a “What’s in the box?” demonstration showcasing a variety of small arms ammunition, grenades (smoke and practice) and trip flares. The was done to showcase the ammunition to civilian staff that handle ammunition containers daily but never get to see what’s inside. 10 Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment (QOGLR) were present to demonstrate the effective use of these ammunition natures using likely military scenarios. To finish off, a traditional Kukri dance was performed giving everyone an insight into the culture and history of the Gurkha Regiments. With the re-opening of the window for the RLC Military Skills Competition 2021 (Exercise NORTHERN STRIKE), SSgt Odamtten (RFP) was again back in his element, taking the troops through their paces during the

specific training sessions. A series of build-up physical training lessons were introduced as part of the ongoing RFT training programme to help prepare the troops for the challenge ahead. Additionally, a range package and a Station Military Skills Competition were conducted at Kineton to aid in the team selection process. The aim was to foster a friendly competition between the Sqns and provide a platform for the troops to engage in competitive military activities. The troops were thankful for the weather conditions throughout the day and were pleased with their efforts. The competition ended with a big ‘well done’ from the CO to those who took part and those who made it possible. The team captains’ Cpl Brown, Cpl Ghale, Cpl

8 Cpl Singh leading his section to the finishing line during the RLC Military Skills Competition 2021

8 DM Kineton RLC Military Skills Competition 2021 team: LCpl Harris, Cpl Marfell, Cpl Brown, Cpl Singh, LCpl Allison and Cpl Rigamoto

Singh and Cpl Hill, and individual team members, put in a sterling effort and should be proud of what they have accomplished. Following the event, a BBQ was prepared and served by the RAF cohort at the JNOC’s Club, Chadwicks. As the winners of the competition, Cpl Singh and his team were selected to represent DM Kineton Station at the RLC Military Skills Competition 2021. ATSG managed to squeeze in a training package for the RLC Troop Commanders’ Course in Aug 21. This activity replaced their planned UK-based battlefield study week which had been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. The training package was led by OC 122 Sqn, Maj D Cayless with SSgt Ron Cameron delivering a very informative presentation on the Supply trade while linking it to activity which took place in WW2. The training was gratefully received by the Officers and DS alike. The training was followed by an explosives power demonstration at the DM Kineton demolition ground and a visit to DEMS IEDD Trg Sqn for an IEDD equipment demonstration delivered by SSgt Moore. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




Joint Logistic Squadron CYPRUS OC: Maj T Lovell • Sqn WO: WO M Patterson RAF Joint Logistic Squadron (JLS), based within RAF Akrotiri, remains intimately involved in supporting operations across the Middle East on a daily basis whilst also enabling the largest British overseas garrison as both a Forward Operating Base and military community. With the MilAT hub for the region still re-located to RAF Akrotiri, support to Operations SHADER, KIPION, FORTIS, PITTING and CARRIAGEWAY ensures the pace of life in the Sqn remains high. Support to operations The recent months saw JLS providing a wide range of logistic support to Op FORTIS as the UK led Carrier Strike Group 21 (CSG21) and 16 Air Assault Brigade moved through the region. Acting as the regional logistic node for the operation, Naval logisticians from CSG21 and 13 Air Assault Support Regiment RLC were embedded within the SHQ and Material Management and Distribution Flight so as to allow them to meet their own needs via existing capabilities. Whilst the CSG were alongside in Limassol New Port, stores from JLS Central Distribution Point were released as and when required at short notice via helicopter re-supply to ships. The completion of JLS support to Op FORTIS was immediately followed by support to Op PITTING; facilitating the urgent establishment of a temporary safe location at RAF Akrotiri for the transition of entitled personnel back to the UK from Afghanistan. Not long after the completion of Op PITTING, JLS found itself tasked with providing similar support to the establishment of a Regional Handling Hub for entitled personnel from countries surrounding Afghanistan. The already high-tempo of airfield activity at RAF Akrotiri has spiked a number of times over recent months due to additional flights in support of Op SHADER and these new operations 78

in the region which have seen Fuels and Stockholding Flight delivering between 250-300m³ of aviation fuel on a daily basis via JLS’ four BFIs and cross-pipeline. Complex, reactive provisioning has been required in order to ensure that the monthly ocean tanker receipts maintain sufficient bulk stock within our Petroleum Supply Depot. Support to British Forces Cyprus JLS has now had its long awaited and newly established Marine Engineer post for a Port Manager filled, adding to the Port & Maritime capability and personnel being re-established in the Sqn. The Combat Support Boat and Army Work Boat crews attached to the Sqn from 17 P&M Regt RLC continue to rotate via the island on

8 A successful JLS team at the RLC Military Skills Competition 2021

a four-monthly basis. Whilst maintaining constant Very High Readiness EOD response across the SBAs, Ammunition Troop has built upon Defence Engagement activity with the Republic of Cyprus National Guard in preparation for future training together (Ex HADES BIDENT). At the same time, the Troop has been working towards improving the IED training suite and pitching for coding courses to enhance Ammunition Technician technical knowledge. Training and force development The Sqn came third in the Minor Unit category at the RLC Military Skills Competition and twentieth overall, beating a number of RLC regiments and major units. The journey to Leconfield from Cyprus earned the Sqn a respectable result for a team forged together at short notice with little opportunity to prepare. With the Akrotiri Sevens (football) and the culmination of the CO’s Cup approaching, JLS will hopefully have more competitive success in the near future. 8 Ammunition Troop routine demolitions in Akrotiri • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



2 Operational Support Group RLC GRANTHAM CO: Lt Col A Chambers • RSM: WO1 M Hobson 2 Operational Support Group has certainly had busy few months, with much of the focus on the Group Annual Continuous Training (ACT) and deployment on Ex WIRELESS WOLF with some AT thrown in for good measure. The Unit is continuing to provide support on Op RESCRIPT with five members of the Group mobilised and also has personnel deployed on Ex STEADFAST LEDA providing support to ARRC G8 and the Logistic Analysis Cell. Ex BEAVER DAM In September, 2 OSG conducted its ACT, Ex BEAVER DAM. This was a great opportunity for the Unit to continue face-to-face training following on from the previous MATTS camps. The exercise began with the Battlecraft Syllabus (BCS) phase, with Major Emms ensuring that the sun was shining, proving that it didn’t need rain to train. It was then onto to the ranges to conduct MATT 1 assessment, which saw some great shooting with 100% pass rate and WO2 McReady getting best shot for the pistol shoot. The second week was a mixed bag with leadership training, various trade training and the CO’s military skills competition, which saw teams competing at various military skills stands with Maj Monk, Sgt Barnes and Cpl Simpson forming the victorious team. The exercise was rounded off with a BBQ and ended with morale at a high. A special mention must go to WO2 McCallum (complete with sequined jacket) whose ability to pull not one, but two game-show quizzes out of nowhere, is to be commended. Brigade Commander’s visit During the ACT, 2 OSG welcomed the newly appointed Commander 104 Logistic Brigade, Brig C King. It was a great opportunity for the Bde Comd to meet the members of the Group and see them getting back to basics in the field. During

8 Brigadier King presenting Team Commendation Certificate to the 2 OSG Op RESCRIPT Team

real value to those exercises; placing both 500 Troop and 2 OSG in a good light.

his visit the Bde Comd received a unit brief from the XO, followed by a presentation by personnel mobilised on Op RESCRIPT; after which he presented a 104 Brigade Team Commendation. The Bde Comd also saw 2 OSG troops on the ranges and on the Unit Based Virtual Trainer (UBVT) package.

Charity 2 OSG HR Admin, Mrs Geraldine Beasor, recently took part in ‘Brave the Shave’ campaign to raise money and awareness for Macmillan Cancer Support, a charity close to her heart. With the CO taking his hand to the clippers first, followed eagerly by other members of 2OSG, it wasn’t long before all of Geri’s hair was on the floor! Geri’s efforts and sacrifice has seen her raise £1,020 for Macmillan. An outstanding effort and well-done!

Ex WIRELESS WOLF Whilst the ACT was happening up north, down south elements of 500 Communications Troop deployed on Ex WIRELESS WOLF alongside the regular and reserve RLC Comms Specs from across 104 Bde. It was an opportunity to consolidate and develop trade skills in a field environment with not only their BOWMAN equipment, but also with newer and innovative systems such as the longer ranged Slingshot and the internet providing Satcube. In the second week, some 2 OSG elements were released to provide real-life support to 205 Field Hospital and 165 P&M Regt to provide tactical CIS support to their respective exercises. This support which included individual communications training added

Welcomes The Group welcome the following personnel into the sub-units: Maj Naismith and Sgt Gill to 498 (Labour Support Unit); Ptes Beaudoin and Short to 500 (Comms Tp). About 2 OSG 2 OSG RLC is a nationally recruited unit based in Grantham, which offers real time roles supporting 104 Log Bde, HQ ARRC, plus labour support and contract management across the Field Army and communications support to the Army Field Hospitals. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




British Army Training Unit KENYA SO2 CSS: Major RJ Crane MBE • SO3 CSS: Capt M Lewis-Taylor • BOWO: WO1 Z Khan As BATUK starts to return back to normal with ASKARI STORM exercises back in full flow and with the reduction in COVID-19 restrictions, the logistics team have certainly been put through their paces and tested as they work to bring their departments output back up to 100%. Catering team Upon arrival, it was a busy couple of months for the BATUK Catering Team. Running a complete MEI for the whole of BATUK’s OFCS to being bombarded with catering support as restrictions start to relax. With a team of five being run by WO2 Winslade, after all targets were achieved, focus then moved on to the finer things in the job; improvements of the Catering Retail Leisure Facility, AT, driving courses and personal development with two of the JNCO’s continuing their apprenticeships, two of the team completing their ALDP and one doing his Food Services Warrant Officer course. All of that as well as the daily catering within Nyati Barracks and at FOB Twiga (Archers Post), in total feeding in excess of 500 personnel. A great relationship was soon built with BATUK’s locally employed civilian counterparts, making the daily routine a lot more pleasurable. As always within the trade, every day is a school day, as the Kenyans taught personnel some of their traditional dishes and the menu cycles were upgraded. Whilst not in the kitchen, the whole team have been able to enjoy what Kenya has to offer going on Safari and participating in Community Engagement projects in the local area. BATUK MT With a busy period of building up the vehicle fleet for Ex ASKARI STORM 21/3, it has not been without its fair share of hardships, where multi-faceted manoeuvres from across all BATUK departments have had to grind extra hard to ensure 80

that the start line is achieved without any further hindrances than already experienced – the reoccurring flight delays, increased demand of output due to concurrent exercise activities, late and pending arrival of vehicle spares, JHF(K) and build up to the upcoming Logistic Support Assurance & Inspection (LSA&I), to name but a few. These impediments did not deter the MT department from doing what they do best – getting vehicles on the road, not only for exercise, but also for firm-base and real life support tasks, and all of this whilst the MTO post has been gapped for the last three months. The MTWO is currently fulfilling the role of the MTO whilst a replacement is pending arrival. Driver training has been ongoing with GS Mod 1 courses, HAZMAT courses and EPLS courses as the primary requirements for BATUK. A frantic yet enjoyable period for all staff in the MT department. Community engagement BATUK RLC staff from across multiple have departments have continued to support local schools and orphanages around the local area. Outside of the storehouse,

8 LCpl Milan’s charity momo sale

CSS 2nd Line, lead by LCpl Wright, have engaged with One More Day Girls Safe House in Laikipia county. This safe house was started with the aim of rescuing and assisting girls who are forced into horrendous cultural practices. Alongside Cpl Stevens shoe-box drive, the department is helping to build and procure playground equipment, personal storage boxes, schoolbooks and a new fence to stop wild elephants coming in. SSgt Plummer from the CIS Det in BATUK has certainly taken on the role of charity sporting ambassador; he has assisted in organising and taking part in many charitable sporting events, from running a 12k mountain challenge, an indoor cricket competition and working closely with a football charity. Supporting the Sunderland AFC Keroche Football Club in Naivasha is a matter of the heart for SSgt Plummer. Their focus lies on programmes in the sectors of sport, health, community and education with the mission to involve, educate and inspire through the shared passion for football. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



Transport & Movement Troop BATUS CANADA OC: Capt K Rickerby • MD: WO2 Hobbs • MCWO: WO2 Kamara Contrary to popular belief, BATUS is not about to close. With the effect of COVID on the training programme, there has been a huge shift from collective training to very much a Combat Service Support driven schedule of restructuring within BATUS, to support the Collective Training Group (CTG) efforts to continue to deliver training a little closer to home. With the collective training programme shifting from BATUS to the UK and Germany, the flow of personnel and equipment has changed direction to head back to Europe. This has kept Transport and Movements Troop busy throughout the pandemic. Ex PRAIRIE TRANSPORTER 21-01 was the planned multi-modal outload of over 200 vehicle platforms, 30 ISOs and various powerpacks, equipment and ammunition headed for the UK and Germany. The move involves the use of road and rail to initially move the kit over 2,000 miles from BATUS to the Port of Becancour in Quebec. That’s the same as moving kit from London to Istanbul. From there the kit is loaded onto the MV Hurst Point. Procured under an MOD private finance initiative and operated by Foreland Shipping, the ship covers the trip across the Atlantic to Marchwood and Emden. Sgt Kirkpatrick, Ptes Odero, and Edmond, as well as one of the Tp’s civilian MT drivers were deployed in advance with the Tp’s Freightliner HGV’s. Nowhere else in the British Army will Pte Soldiers get the opportunity to drive a 4,000 mile round trip without support. A five-day trip, through five Canadian provinces with all the scenery that goes with it, is most people’s dream road trip and these guys were doing it for their day job! With a follow on force of 22 RLC and REME soldiers from the Chef, Ammo Tech, Mov Con, Driver, VSS and Recce Mech trades, there was representation from all corners of the globe to complete the outload. Soldiers hailing from as far afield as

Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Nepal, Fiji, Canada and from across the UK, show cased our truly global Corps. Deployed into a “COVID bubble”, in make shift accommodation on the port, all precautions were taken to ensure the success of the exercise. Working on a busy and congested civilian commercial port is not for the faint hearted! Throughout the three weeks spent in Quebec, there was a constant stream of commercial vessels coming in and out of the port, so much so, that the track plan would change almost daily. Luckily the experience of the VSS and Movers, who had all spent time with 17 Port and Maritime Regt came to the fore and all the vehicles and equipment was unloaded and

8 Armour is moved 2,000 miles by rail

8 The Troop's Freightliner rigs

pre-positioned for the arrival of the Hurst Point without any issues. A novelty of this particular exercise was the opportunity to work alongside the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). With the Canadians utilising the British vessel to recover vehicles and equipment from their deployment in Latvia, the Troop was able to display some NATO interoperability to the Canadian Chief of Joint Operations, who paid a visit to the port. This became an excellent opportunity for the British Army to demonstrate its logistics excellence. Having deployed less than half the workforce of the CAF contingent and moving almost three times as many vehicles and equipment, our new CAF friends were impressed with what they saw. Despite the shrinking footprint of BATUS, there will remain the opportunity to serve in Canada as both permanent and temporary staff. A reduced training programme has been issued for 2022, which sees British Troops return to BATUS to exercise on the prairie for the first time in two years. With opportunities to fill the temporary staff roles on the horizon, RLC soldiers will continue to have the chance to see Canada and be involved in the next Ex PRAIRIE TRANSPORTER. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




British Forces Brunei - RLC Logistic Support BRUNEI SO3 Log Sp: Capt N Kelsey • GSM: WO1 Khem Ollivierre By Sgt Aaron McWilliams, MOV SNCO, Movement Control Centre (MCC), HQ Brunei Garrison There are approximately 1,700 Service Personnel and dependants working and living in the western Brunei town of Seria. British Forces Brunei (BFB) comprise an Infantry Battalion (1 RGR and 2 RGR rotate on a three yearly basis), 667 Sqn AAC, the Jungle Warfare Division (JWD) and other trades and cap badges who provide logistical and administrative support. Within Garrison Support Troop sits the Movement Control Centre (MCC). Currently headed up by a RLC WO2, supported by a SNCO and a JNCO, the team also has a JNCO form the Gurkha SPS who provides invaluable guidance and two locally employed civilians. The department is extremely busy, more so now due to the current global pandemic, as nothing or nobody comes into or out of Brunei Garrison without first coming through the department. Jungle warfare training Freight generally arrives aboard a Globemaster C17, which the MCC will have customed cleared prior to arrival. Units’ weapons and ammunition then go through a police check from the Bruneian Police Force. As with most countries, there are stringent rules in force regarding the importation and movement of such items in the country. Police escorts arranged by the MCC are required when either of these are moved on the public roads.


clearances, the necessary precautions for the movement of ammunition, the transportation of all containers and vehicles and their delivery across three camps in the BFB Garrison.

8 Loading a container for delivery

These aircraft are also used to bring in routine materiel and will also be used for backloading of BFB stores to the UK. Recently 667 Sqn received an additional helicopter which provides air lift capability and support to the exercising troops when deep in the jungle - this is the quickest way in and out should any type of emergency occur. Roll On Roll Off (RORO) maintenance sailings Depending on requirement, Brunei normally receives one or two ROROs per year. Departing from the Sea Mounting Centre in Marchwood it takes approximately six weeks to dock into Muara Port in the northeast of Brunei. The MCC controls the Cargo Load List into the port and organises the import and export licences, port

Overseas Training Exercises (OTXs) Recently the MCC has deployed 40 members of 2 RGR to Louisiana on Ex RATTLE SNAKE, to provide support to the Irish Guards battle group. With over 9,000 miles between the two destinations and restricted routes due to the COVID situation, what would normally be a routine booking became very tricky. Nepalese passport holders face issues not normally encountered by British citizens when transiting through or to some foreign countries. This in turn means the MCC must constantly monitor the Civil Aviation Authority websites of each country to ensure a smooth passage through each territory or scope a different route if necessary. Exercise PACIFIC KHUKRI (PK) Ex PK is an annual company level exercise that takes place in either Australia or New Zealand and allows soldiers to take part in LFTT serials which cannot normally be conducted in Brunei. In order to deploy, it involves many stakeholders, both military and civilian, to move freight by surface (sea) via Singapore and passengers, baggage, freight and weapons via commercial airliners and ammunition by either STRAT AT or with host nation support. From a movement’s perspective, the MCC is pivotal in the co-ordination of such deployments, with either the SNCO or the JNCO deploying alongside the exercising troops. Working within BFB, specifically in the MCC, presents a steep learning curve from a movement’s perspective, being such a small team charged with a wide range of tasks across various modes of transport is exciting, challenging and extremely rewarding. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics

#BritishArmyLogistics The Bari Cup Hockey Festival took place over three days in September 2021. This year’s event was the first instance of Inter-Unit hockey to be held following the pandemic - a period away from competitive sport. It was well attended with 12 teams – numbering up to 10 in each – amassing at the Army Hockey Centre from all over the country. The tournament itself continues to be one of the largest RLC inter-unit sports competitions and one of the few that allows and actively promotes mixed-gendered sport. This year saw teams from both Regular and Reserve units compete in all aspects of the competition, navigating two pool leagues before progressing through to multiple semi-finals and finals on the last day. The tournament saw players who are not attached to regular RLC units but who have a love of hockey compete, with them being split amongst the teams. It also allowed The RLC to scout players for the Corps development squads. There were several awards up for grabs including the fiercely sought-after Bari Cup. Awards All winning teams were presented their awards by the Chairman of RLC Hockey, Lt Col J Symonds, who also participated in the competition. At the awards ceremony, there was also the opportunity to present long-awaited Corps Colours to two stalwarts of the Corps Team - LCpl Sam Reed and Maj Alex Nicholas. The Bari Cup This year’s winners were 4 Regiment RLC who were crowned victorious after a hard-fought campaign. Coming top in their pool, winning all games, and then narrowly defeating 13 AAS Regiment in the semi-final, they then defeated the challenging 29 Regiment RLC in the final. 29 Regt RLC had progressed through to the final after winning their game against 10 QOGLR in the semi-final - a spectacular event with the final score forcing players to undertake penalty shuffles (an 8 second 1-1 with the keeper). This went all the way to sudden death and was a fight until the end.


Bari Cup Hockey Festival By Lt Albert Hadcock, RLC Men’s Manager

8 Pte Albutt receiving the Best New Player award

8 4 Regt RLC won this year’s Bari Cup

8 154 Regt RLC collecting the well-deserved Veterans’ Stick

8 29 Regt RLC Team Captain receiving the Kirby Bowl

The Kirby Bowl 17 Port & Maritime Regiment RLC were crowned winners in the Kirby Bowl defeating 154 Regiment RLC who had travelled from Scotland to compete. Both fought hard in the group stages and came through semi-finals to play each other for the bowl, a match enjoyed by all and one that proved that teams can still do well even with novice players and significant travelling distance.

that they brought with them and the enthusiasm that they delivered both on and off the pitch. We look forward to having them again next year.

The Festival Shield 6 Regiment RLC defeated 1 Regiment RLC to secure the Festival Shield, providing an entertaining game between the two sides which emphasised the feel of the festival – that it is about the enjoyment of sport that matters. Veterans’ Stick Following votes by the RLC Committee and Corps players, 154 Regiment RLC was awarded the Veterans’ Stick for their participation in the competition, the atmosphere

Best New Player Pte Matthew Albutt of 1 Regiment RLC was awarded the Best New Player award and subsequently recruited into the RLC Corps squad. He received a selection of hockey equipment presented by Maj Krykunivsky in conjecture with Omega Hockey. The future Next year’s festival promises to be bigger and better; it will be a celebration of 75 Years of the Bari Cup. The aim is to replicate the feel and atmosphere of a large-scale sporting event, involving investment from the Corps. The event will provide music, a hockey shop, a food stall and multiple expressions of evening entertainment. It is going to be an event that no regiment will want to miss. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics




RLC Motorbike Safety Initiative 8 The Ride to the Wall event

By Maj Chris Scott Motorcyclists make up only two percent of UK road users, yet account for 20% of fatalities and serious injuries on the road. As a motorcyclist myself, I have witnessed many accidents and near-misses; and every time it provokes me to think can these statistics be improved? Within the military, road traffic deaths are around 12 per annum, with bikers making up 26% of these1. As an advanced rider and ‘Blood Bike’ volunteer, I have always wondered if there was anything I could do to reduce this number within the military. So, over the last few years I have organised Police Bike Safe courses and group ride outs, in order to familiarise riders with different styles of riding and the simple techniques that could save their lives. For this reason, I wrote to the Colonel RLC, who gave permission to form an RLC motorbike safety initiative to pass on knowledge, skills and tips to both Regular and Reserve RLC motorcyclists. The initiative will have three main aims:

Police) teaches riders how to be more vigilant when riding. Another scheme is run by the Institute of Advanced Motorists, which will qualify riders in safer riding, in turn reducing their insurance costs. Battle-Field Tours would enable further military education of Corps members in conjunction with practising group and long-distance riding. 8 Promote the Corps. The initiative would promote the Corps by inviting members to attend charitable military and civilian events. For instance, “Ride to the Wall” is a day where thousands of bikers travel to the National Arboretum to show their support for the fallen, with entrance fees helping charities such as the Royal British Legion. The initiative would

8 Rider Safety. To teach and practise safer riding among our bikers, using nationwide schemes who give favourable discounts to MOD personnel. For instance, Bike Safe (a scheme run by the 1

Reference – MOD Annual Death Summary Document published 26 Mar 20


8 Member track days are planned

introduce members to charitable biking organisations such as Blood Bikes - an organisation which works with the NHS assisting the delivery of blood, medical samples and emergency breast milk around the country - in a bid to increase volunteers. 8 Relationships. The final aim is to build up a network of suppliers who will give discount to members, be it off-roading training, further rider-training, insurance or safety equipment. Plus, the increase of the RLC rider social network and friendship within the Corps. Members of the initiative would have the option of joining the ‘closed’ Facebook page. This would be the main social media platform used to push safety information and upcoming events that are occurring across the UK. Any military planned trips would be sent via members’ MOD emails. The first proposed event is a subsidised track day at Llandow Circuit in Wales (numbers dependant) for April 2022. It is stressed this is not a ‘race’ day, there will be instructors present from the military and the Institute of Advanced Motorists to teach riders cornering techniques and bike handling. If you are interested in the track day or becoming a member of this safety initiative, please email Maj Chris Scott: for more details. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



8 The team at UKAF Dressage Championships. From left to right: Maj Rose Lambert, Pte Brian Leung, Maj Hannah Hewins, Maj Becky Darke

The RLC Equestrian Club 8 Maj Hannah Hewins as class champion at the RN Championships The RLC Equestrian team was immensely pleased to finally be out with its horses representing the Corps at UK Armed Forces’ events this summer. August saw the team compete in the Royal Navy Show Jumping Championships with great success and of note, Maj Hannah Hewins won champion of her classes with LCpl Lauren Douglas-Clarke the reserve champion. The team then went on to compete at the RAF Championships in early

September. This was a three day event including all three disciplines: dressage, show jumping and cross-country. The competition season sadly finished in October, followed by a very successful two-day UK Armed Forces Dressage competition in late September. Maj Becky Darke stole the show with various winning scores in competitions contested by both military competitors and the wider civilian community. Maj Rose Lambert also won her series over the highly successful weekend. Top marks go to new Corps rider, Pte Brian Leung, who after sadly losing his young horse earlier this year, remained determined to participate gaining great results. He represented the Corps at four military events, the final one being

8 Pte Brian Leung on his ride at ARAHT Larkhill the Army and Royal Artillery Hunter Trails (ARAHT) at Larkhill in mid-October. The club has various training events in the calendar for the winter period, enabling the team to be prepared to again deliver great results again in the 2022 season. In additional to this, the club will also hold training sessions for novice riders. Whether you are a capable rider, a horse owner, or you simply fancy starting riding as a new sport, then ensure that you follow the club on social media or contact the club secretary, Maj Rose Lambert (OC 84 Med Sup Sqn, 9 Regt RLC) for details of future opportunities. The club is inclusive to all RLC Service Personnel that wish to ride, regardless of talent and experience. 8 LCpl Douglas-Clarke show jumping at the RAF Championships • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


THE SUSTAINER | SPORT The British Army is known for providing its personnel with boundless opportunities. For soldier Cpl Channon Heaney, this support has given her the chance to become a qualified netball umpire whilst serving with The Royal Logistic Corps. The Sustainer spoke to Channon about her journey into umpiring and what she hopes to achieve next. 26-year-old Cpl Heaney is an Air Despatcher by trade. From rigging loads for weekly flying tasks to airdrops in the Falklands, her nine-year British Army career thus far has been nothing short of exciting. Her current posting as a Section Commander at the Army Foundation College, Harrogate, sees her lead junior soldiers through their year-long basic training. She was first introduced into the umpiring world as a Private soldier at RAF Brize Norton. A station netball team had recently formed, but it lacked the essential umpires needed to play any games. With a keen desire to take up a new sport, Cpl Heaney volunteered to assist and soon found herself completing her umpiring courses through England Netball. She comments: “I was under the impression at first that you just got a whistle and went on your way. It didn’t take long to realise that wasn’t the case, but it was totally worth it!” After finishing her basic qualifications, she began umpiring junior leagues at the weekend to build up her confidence. She explains: “You have to start small



Calling the shots: One Air Despatcher’s journey into netball umpiring

and work your way up to the big leagues in order to gain qualifications and experience along the way.” The conversation turns to how Channon balances her commitment in the Army with her busy umpiring schedule. She says that it hasn’t been easy, but being committed and dedicated makes it possible. “I was very determined to keep going with umpiring so even though I was based down south, I used to stay on camp just so I could get the hours in on the court. Once I was able to move on to the lower adult leagues, I was able to get game time on a week night whilst also balancing my Army role. I’m pretty good at planning so it’s been possible to manage both commitments.” She also mentions the key people who have assisted her on her journey. Her assessor, Deborah Horne, helped her to achieve her ‘C

Award’ and mentored her throughout the early stages of learning to umpire. South Region’s Jo Kelly and Kim Burns (North Yorkshire Region) also played a significant role in supporting her. Moreover, the Army has provided financial support to help Channon gain further qualifications and in particular, Col Andrea Zanchi, head of Army Netball, secured funding for Channon’s ‘B Award’ and provided specific Army umpire uniform. “I told Col Zanchi, about how keen I was to continue my training. I think she recognised how committed I was and so she helped to secure further funding. This was amazing because from there I even got the opportunity to go to Disneyland and umpire!” Channon also mentions that the values outlined by the Army have reinforced her chances of success. She explains that both the Army and umpiring are about discipline and following the rules and she thinks that her Army training and experience have helped her to become a confident team-player and fair umpire. Our conversation concludes with a look into Channon’s future. When it comes to her military career, Cpl Heaney enthusiastically talks about her hopes to become a B1 Air Despatcher and the first female Air Despatcher Instructor. As for umpiring, she plans to complete further qualifications that will allow her to umpire for The RLC and wider military, in particular at the Army Nationals tournament. She adds: “I am inspired by International Netball Umpire Gary Burgess, so I would like to work alongside someone like him at the top level and it would also be a dream to umpire at a World Cup. Umpiring gives me a real ‘buzz’ and I look forward to building on my qualifications and continuing to develop my skills.” • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


8 Col Phil Thorpe

OBITUARIES | THE SUSTAINER It is with deep sorrow that we report the death of Colonel Phil Thorpe. Phil served for over 40 years and in that time he served worldwide and never put himself first. His regular service culminated in his undertaking 1-star duties at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, retiring in Dec 2016. In May 2019, after a period of very fulfilling retirement, he returned to duty as a Full Time Reserve Service Lieutenant Colonel and worked in both Army Headquarters and then more recently in Headquarters Field Army. Phil was late of both The Royal Logistic Corps and The Royal Corps of Transport. In 1981, at the age of 24, Phil joined the Army and then underwent officer training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. In early 1982 Phil was commissioned into The Royal Corps of Transport. After limited regimental service in Germany, Phil was then deployed to Northern Ireland and this operational tour was followed by further service both in Germany and the United Kingdom. In 1991, at Catterick, he began his Squadron Command appointment commanding 60 Squadron Royal Corps of Transport of the Second Infantry Division Transport Regiment. In 1994 and to his everlasting happiness, Phil married Jane and thereafter they made an outstanding team, superbly representing the Army and the country wherever they served. In 1995 Phil was appointed Regimental Second in Command of 24th Transport and Movements Regiment based in Bielefeld. In the subsequent two years he doubled the size of ‘Team Thorpe’ with the birth of his daughter, Meghan and son, Tom. In 1998 Phil was selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. Shortly after, he was appointed Head of the Combat Service Branch in Northern Ireland; a command earning role in which, unsurprisingly, he excelled. After Command and in early 2004,

Phil was operationally deployed to Iraq – for his service there he was awarded the Bronze Star for operations while embedded with US forces in the Tikrit region. Thereafter, he took up an exchange appointment at the United States Army Combined Arms Support Command based in Fort Lee,Virginia. In 2005 Phil was selected for promotion to Colonel and he took up post in Washington, leading on Logistic Interoperability, in what was a very critical time in US-UK relations, and working between the British Embassy, the Pentagon and back to the MOD in London. In 2007 Phil and Jane returned to Northern Ireland where Phil was posted to Headquarters Northern Ireland as the Deputy Chief of Staff. In 2011 Phil was posted as the Defence Attaché to the British Embassy in Indonesia which with language training was 3-year assignment. His final regular assignment was to Headquarters Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, a period in which he was required to cover a demanding and mission critical 1-star post as the NATO Branch Head of Training Plans, Policy and Lessons Learned. Phil finally retired from the Regular Army in Dec 2016. After two and a half years of retirement with Jane and the children living in their house in Salisbury, Phil again got the itch for military service. In May 2019 he took up a Full Time Reserve Service appointment as the de facto Chief of Staff to the Head of Logistics (Army). His time in this last post perfectly characterises the rest of his service. His tragic loss has been such a massive shock to all his many colleagues of so many years standing. To lose so unexpectedly such a decent, honourable, supremely talented, family man and in such tragic circumstances, has left all who knew and served with him totally devastated. Few of us can comprehend the family’s loss of a man whose deep love and evident pride of his wife Jane and children Meghan and Tom was ever-present. Our thoughts are with them. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



8 LCpl Derry Oliver, 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC


Derry Oliver, known as Ollie to most, was a member of 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC. Ollie joined the Army in 2001, after completing basic training at ATR Pirbright. Following his his initial phase 1 training, he was assigned to 23 Pioneer Regt RLC and served as a pioneer for four years. In 2005 Ollie was posted to Marchwood to first re-trade as a Mariner, then a Port Operator. He became a highly valued member of 17 Port and Maritime Regiment. Deploying on exercises both in the UK and overseas, as well as deploying on operations to Iraq. Extremely capable and experienced, Ollie was a font of knowledge on so many professional disciplines. More importantly, he was exceptionally wilco and kind hearted. One of hardest working, most selfless individuals in the Squadron and Regiment, Ollie was the type of soldier that would always lend a hand to those in need, offering sage advice, regardless of how busy he was. Mature and approachable, he was often the first port of call for his subordinates, peers and CoC alike. Ollie was infectiously positive.When things got tough, he could always be seen with a smile on his face and a laugh and a joke never far away; this immediately put those around him at ease. A unique quality that never faltered right up until the very end. As his time in the Squadron and Regiment continued, Ollie became a rock to be relied upon when it came to any sort of tough work, and an absolute asset to his Chain of Command. Ollie had a compelling passion for motorcycles; he was a true free spirit.

#BritishArmyLogistics Regularly commuting between Marchwood and North Wales on his motorbike, his positive personality shining even more brightly when his adventurous commute had just occurred or was just about to. He was at his happiest when he was helping people but in his element when talking about cars and bikes. He loved to tinker with anything mechanical that needed fixing, often going out of his way to help on other peoples projects and vehicles. His outstanding work ethic and professionalism as a soldier is only a part of what defined his time in 17 Port and Maritime Regiment. Due to the nature of military training and tasks conducted in the military, there exists unique opportunities for soldiers to become the best of friends in a way that differs from friendships that exist in the civilian world. The Regiment was his family and Ollie’s closest friends in his squadron are the ones who knew him best. His infectious enthusiasm and outgoing nature never failed to lift spirits, he was a joy to be around; equally his caring and lighthearted soul, brightened up the lives and assisted so many of those he lived and worked with. The loss of Ollie leaves a gaping hole in the lives of his dear wife Kerry and daughter, Amelia, and also the wider regimental family. To lose such a genuine person who had so far defied the odds over and over, is so hard to comprehend; his closest friends are simply devasted. His memory will be honored in the Squadron and wider Regiment as a kind and caring individual; an inspiration to all, he will be sadly missed, but incredibly well remembered. • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics



LAST POST Brophy - On 26 July 2021, Mr J Brophy RAOC Ball - On 5 January 2021, Mr PF Ball RASC/RCT Barnett - On 1 April 2021, Mr S Barnett RASC/RCT Beecham - On 1 May 2021, Mr KS Beecham RASC Biggs - On 14 August 2021, Brig B R Biggs late RAOC Bollers - On 7 September 2021, Maj J J Bollers RAOC Booth - On 15 September 2021, Mr W Booth RA/RCT Browne - On 8 August 2021, LCpl ASV Browne RLC Bunn - In May 2021, Mr R Bunn RCT Cannons - 22 November 2021, Lt Col R M Cannons MBE RAOC Carcary - On 20 August 2021, Mr J Carcary RASC Collyer - On 7 October 2021, Mr P Collyer RAOC Cowdry - On 9 August 2021, Brig D F A Cowdry late RAOC Cuerden - On 22 August 2021, Mr D Cuerden RCT/RLC Davies - On 22 July 2021, Mr K H Davies RAOC Dawson - On 22 October 2021, Mr V S W Dason RAOC de Wolf - On 15 September 2021, Lt Col S G de Wolf RAOC Dennett - On 5 September 2021, Mr M Dennett RAOC Duffy - On 17 August 2021, Mr T Duffy RCT/REME Giblett - On 12 September 2021, Mr F G Giblett GM RAOC Groves - On 29 September 2021, Mr M J Groves Hawtree - In October 2021, IP Jim Hawtree, late RCT Hitchman - On 9 October 2021, Mr CF Hitchman RASC Hobbs - On 28 August 2021, IP B J Hobbs RAOC Hope - On 4 October 2021, Mr T Hope RASC Johnstone - On 22 July 2021, Mr J I Johnstone RAOC Lenihan - On 1 October 2021, Mr P Lenihan RAOC Lennox - On 4 September 2021, Brig R N Lennox CBE late RAOC Lofts - On 11 October 2021, Brig JD Lofts MBE late RASC/RCT Lowe - On 26 October 2021, Maj M Lowe RAOC Marshall - On 20 July 2021, Mr K Marshall RAOC Marshall - On 27 October 2021, Mr C Marshall RAOC May - On 24 February 2021, Mr M J May RAOC

McBurnie - 2 November 2021, Mr S McBurnie RAOC McKeown - On 25 October 2021, Mr J McKeown RAOC Meeks - On 17 September 2021, Mr A Meeks RASC/RCT Moore - On 26 September 2021, Mr R Moore RASC/RCT Murray - On 31 August 2021, Mr R H Murray RAOC Musson - On 25 October 2021, Mr R Musson RAOC Nordmann - On 10 September 2021, Capt MJ Nordmann RASC/RCT Oliver - On 12 September 2021, LCpl DJ Oliver RLC Oxley - On 29 August 2021, Mr D L Oxley RAOC Parkes - On 18 July 2021, Mr R Parkes RAOC Patton - On 5 May 2021, Maj MA Patton RASC/RCT Payne - On 24 September 2021, Mr G Payne RAOC Powell - On 20 November 2021, Mr A Powell RAOC Poynter - On 3 August 2021, Mr L G Poynter RAOC Riddoch - On 15 September 2021, Mr R Riddoch RASC Riggall - On 29 September 2021, Col JS Riggall OBE late RASC/RCT Ross - On 29 October 2021, Lt Col G J Ross RAOC Scott - On 17 November 2021, Mr W Scott RCT Smith - On 13 October 2021, Mr G W Smith RAOC Stanton - On 17 October 2021, Maj RC Stanton TD RCT/RLC/RAF Thorpe - On 3 October 2021, Col PJ Thorpe late RCT/RLC Trott - On 18 September 2021, Mr B Trott RASC/RCT True - On 10 September 2021, Mr AA True RASC Tunstall - On 29 October 2021, Mr P Tunstall RCT/RLC Vose - On 10 July 2021, Mr J R Vose RAOC Wassell - On 29 September 2021, Mr W Wassell RAOC Watson - On 12 July 2021, Mr A H G Watson RAOC Watts - On 16 September 2021, Mr J Watts RASC/RCT Wellington - On 4 April 2020, Mr J Wellington RASC/RCT Weston - On 30 May 2021, Mr A Weston RAOC Wickes - On 10 November 2021, Lt Col D J C Wickes LVO RAOC Wickes - On 10 November 2021, Lt Col DJC Wickes LVO RASC/RAOC Wybrow - On 13 April 2021, Mr R T Wybrow RAOC • Facebook: The Royal Logistic Corps • Twitter: @UKArmyLogistics


Want to work within one of the most diverse and rewarding environments the Army has to offer?

The RLC Corps Engagement and Nurture Teams are looking for enthusiastic, proactive and professional individuals to support in the recruitment and engagement of the next generation of soldiers. Opportunities available for Ptes and JNCOs (Regulars) from all RLC trades who are looking to take on a new challenge. Interested? Contact SSgt Vansittart:

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