Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021

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Property Focus Summer 2021 IN THIS ISSUE


Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 1

Welcome F

ry & Kent is a name I believe engenders trust and transparency. From our careful recruitment policies to our marketing and premises. It is our desire to ensure and deliver a customer service, which is second to none and not just crumpled words on a tatty card pushed through letter boxes, which is why we hope you will enjoy reading our magazine as much as we enjoy publishing it. After the wild ride of the housing market over the last eighteen months, with stamp duty tax breaks fuelling an unprecedented number of transactions and as the smoke clears, the current market is an interesting and delicate one.

Has there been a better time to sell your home in the last twenty years? I do not think so, with recent WDONV RI D KRXVLQJ FUDVK GLˣFXOW to fathom given the shortage of property to sell and the necessity of interest rates being raised seem D IDU Rˠ SURVSHFW Lately, the rental market has also seen an increase in the number of prospective tenants searching for larger family homes mainly because they have been unable to ˡQG D VXLWDEOH KRPH WR SXUFKDVH

Delicate because there are fewer houses reaching the market at the moment and looking back historically, the last time we saw this dearth of properties, was when the ‘HIPS’ Home Information Packs were introduced in 2007 leading to a housing crisis until their subsequent abolition in 2010.

2 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 |

and have therefore decided to wait in rental accommodation until the right property becomes available. If you are thinking of moving, our valuation and marketing strategies are designed to help you achieve the best possible price for your home, so whether you are Letting or Selling, please do not hesitate to call. - Neil Maxwell & Gary Bird - Directors

Featured Property


ithin the historic cobbled street and rail tracks outside, this stunning Grade II listed fourbedroom terraced property is one not to miss. Located on the popular Spice Island area of Old Portsmouth the property has accommodation over IRXU ˢRRUV FRPSULVLQJ D OLYLQJ URRP GLQLQJ URRP DQG XWLOLW\ URRP OHDGLQJ WKURXJK WR D PRGHUQ ˡWWHG kitchen with a door to a small courtyard area. The ˡUVW ˢRRU KDV WKH PDVWHU EHGURRP D ODUJH VLQJOH bedroom and the main bathroom. Characterful VWDLUV OHDG XS WR WKH VHFRQG ˢRRU ZKLFK FRPSULVH WZR double bedrooms, one of which has a stone capped 3DUDSHW ZKLFK DˠRUGV JUHDW YLHZV WRZDUGV *XQZKDUI Quays along Broad Street. In addition, the stairs from the third bedroom leads to a landing with a study area. This Mid-19th Century property has beautiful sash ZLQGRZV WR WKH IURQW H[SRVHG ZRRG ˢRRU DQG EULFN walls as well as some wooden beams to various rooms.

Broad Street, Old Portsmouth - £625,000 EPC – Exempt

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 3

Sales Captains Row, Old Portsmouth £970,000 |

Outstanding family home located in the heart of Old Portsmouth on the edge of the historic Camber Dock with beautiful views across the dock pontoons and the iconic Spinnaker Tower. The four bedroom accommodation features a luxurious open plan kitchen/dining room with a large island breakfast bar and access via French doors onto the garden. EPC - D

Bathing Lane, Old Potsmouth £799,995 |

Delightful ‘Mews Style’ former boathouse tucked away in a quiet lane in Old Portsmouth. This unique and stunning UHWUHDW IHDWXUHV D JRUJHRXV ˡUVW ˢRRU RSHQ SODQ OLYLQJ URRP 7KHUH DUH WKUHH EHGURRPV RQ WKH JURXQG ˢRRU DOO with en-suites and an impressive master bedroom with a full height glass wall overlooking an internal courtyard. EPC - D

Malvern Road, Southsea £623,000 |

Beautiful Victorian residence situated in one of Southsea’s desirable conservation areas. At just under 2,200sq ft, this ˡQH IDPLO\ KRPH IHDWXUHV ˡYH EHGURRPV D ODUJH EDVHPHQW FRQˡJXUHG LQWR WZR DUHDV SHUIHFW IRU VWRUDJH OLYLQJ URRP study, dining room, modern kitchen with doors leading out to a south westerly facing rear garden with parking. EPC - D

Merthyr Avenue, Drayton £535,000 |

Semi-detached family home located in the renowned Ʈ:HOVK $YHQXHVƯ RˠHULQJ HDVH RI DFFHVV WR DOO ORFDO amenities. This spacious and versatile house has DFFRPPRGDWLRQ VHW RYHU WKUHH ˢRRUV LQFOXGLQJ D EHDXWLIXO VXQ URRP WKDW ZUDSV DURXQG WKH EDFN RI KRXVH DQG RˠHUV access to the rear garden and patio area. EPC - E

Baileys Road, Southsea £300,000 |

Charming Victorian former blacksmith workshop converted into a unique residence located north of $OEHUW 5RDG 8SRQ HQWHULQJ WKH SURSHUW\ \RX ZLOO ˡQG DQ HQWUDQFH KDOO ZLWK VWDLUV OHDGLQJ WR WKH ˡUVW ˢRRU ZKLFK features a cleverly designed bookcase with ladder, open plan living/dining room and a secluded courtyard. EPC - D 4 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

Sales Auckland Road East, Southsea £455,000 |

This unique former coach house is situated in central Southsea within the conservation area and a stroll of the seafront. Well presented throughout the bright and spacious interior features a 25ft living room and three spacious bedrooms. The property also has a garage which doubles-up as an unusual internal courtyard which leads to a small courtyard to the rear. EPC - E

Broad Street, Old Portsmouth £775,000 |

Superbly presented Grade II listed end of terrace residence situated in the sought-after Old Portsmouth conservation area. At over 1,600sq ft this unique home boasts a stunning rooftop terrace with 360 degree views across Portsmouth Harbour and the Camber dock as well DV RˠHULQJ WKUHH GRXEOH EHGURRPV DOO ZLWK HQ VXLWH EDWK shower rooms. EPC Exempt

The Vulcan, Gunwharf Quays £435,000 |

An impressive duplex apartment located in a highly requested Grade II listed building within Gunwharf Quays. At around 1,200sq ft there is plenty of space in the unique open plan layout, featuring a family room with high vaulted ceiling and impressive galleried mezzanine living room. Externally there is a single parking bay on the former naval parade ground. EPC Exempt

Marine Parade West, Lee-On-The-Solent £229,995 | /RFDWHG LQ D SULPH VHDIURQW ORFDWLRQ EHQHˡWLQJ IURP IDU reaching panoramic views of The Solent and the Isle of Wight, this spacious two-bedroom apartment has been renovated by the current vendor to bring back some original character and charm. Features of the property include a wood burning stove as well as a private terrace area. EPC - D

Royal Gate, Southsea £1,270,000 | $ *UDQG *UDGH ,, OLVWHG ˡYH VWRUH\ WRZQKRXVH ORFDWHG in the popular Marine Gate development. Dating back to 1866, this was originally the residence of the Colonel, Second Commandant of the Royal Marines Artillery. The house has over 3,400 sq ft of useable accommodation ZLWK KLJK FHLOLQJV ODUJH URRPV DQG PDJQLˡFHQW YLHZV EPC Exempt. Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 5

Featured Property

Periscope House Periscope House is a uniquely fascinating home located on the cobbled streets of Spice Island in the conservation city of Old Portsmouth, a small peninsular steeped in history on the edge of Portsmouth Harbour. Occupying a bold corner plot, this German, steel and timber residence features eclectic styling throughout, ranging from the 500-year-old imported 2DN ˢRRUV DQG FDUYHG WK &HQWXU\ LQWHUQDO GRRU frames to the Pininfarina Italian designed Snaidero Acropolis concentric kitchen which featured in the 7KXQGHUELUGV ˡOP $W RYHU VT IW VT P VSDQQLQJ IRXU ˢRRUV the contemporary open plan layout features an LPSRVLQJ IW UHFHSWLRQ KDOO ZLWK OLIW WR DOO ˢRRUV D VWHHO VSLUDO VWDLUFDVH DQG D JODVV ˢRRU RYHUORRNLQJ WKH DTXDWLF ˡWQHVV DQG K\GURWKHUDS\ SRRO RQ WKH ORZHU JURXQG ˢRRU (LWKHU VLGH RI WKH UHFHSWLRQ DUHD WKHUH is a dividing glass screen and doorway to the double garage, doorway to the utility room and door to the annex which features a double bedroom with a ensuite shower and an external door from Bath Square. The garage also has an additional roller door to the rear courtyard enabling further storage for a dinghy or water sports equipment. :LWK VWRUH\ KLJK ˢRRU WR FHLOLQJ ZLQGRZV IURP 6 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

the main living area which also features a periscope salvaged from a Royal Navy X-Craft Submarine, the ˡUVW ˢRRU HQMR\V ˡQH VRXWKHUO\ YLHZV RYHU WKH KDUERXU entrance and The Solent while the futuristic kitchen complete with integrated appliances features one of the two balconies. There is also another double EHGURRP ZLWK HQ VXLWH VKRZHU RQ WKLV ˢRRU 7KH LPSUHVVLYH PDVWHU EHGURRP DOVR SURYLGHV ˡQH VHD YLHZV DQG EHQHˡWV IURP VOLGLQJ SDWLR GRRUV WR WKH PDLQ URRI WHUUDFH ZLWK &KHOVHD ƮHDV\ JUDLQƯ DUWLˡFLDO lawn. The hint of Eastern styling through double doors leads to a stunning 18ft x 17ft en-suite bathroom complete with free standing copper bath and separate shower cubicle while access onto the second balcony will be found via the fourth bedroom which also has its own en-suite bathroom. Periscope House is a truly lifestyle home with the EHQHˡWV RI ZDWHUVLGH OLYLQJ LQ D YHU\ IDVKLRQDEOH location within a stroll of several hostelries, cafes and restaurants as well as only a short walk to the marina complex of Gunwharf Quays hosting many designer shops, top quality restaurants and leisure facilities including a casino and multi-screen cinema. Boat moorings and dry stack will also be found within a few hundred yards. Without doubt, this is an extremely rare opportunity to purchase a very individual home in a fabulous coastal location.

West Street, Old Portsmouth £2.5m EPC - B

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 7

Why now is the perfect time to

Invest in


After a tough year, large corporations are turning to the UK rental market to boost their dwindling returns and shore up their ORQJ WHUP ˡQDQFLDO RXWORRN +HUHƯV ZK\ you should look to do the same.

Essex Road, Southsea £299,995 | Rental value £1,100pcm


hilst the articles may have been hidden amongst the avalanche of opinion pieces on whether football is or is not ‘coming home’ this summer (we are two nervous days away from the ˡQDO DW WKH WLPH RI ZULWLQJ LW FDQQRW EH LJQRUHG WKDW buy-to-let investment is a hot topic right now. With interest rates on savings recently hitting an all-time low, might it be time to look elsewhere to secure greater returns? If corporate behemoths such as the John Lewis 3DUWQHUVKLS DUH UHFRJQLVLQJ WKH SURˡWDELOLW\ RI investing in an astutely planned rental portfolio it is a VXUH ˡUH VLJQ WKDW WKRVH RI XV ZLWK WKH ZKHUHZLWKDO WR do so should begin, or continue, to do the same. 7KH ODVW PRQWKV KDYH VKRZQ XV DOO WKH EHQHˡW RI green open spaces and fresh clean air on our mental and physical wellbeing. With that in mind, it has been no surprise to see demand for rental homes in Portsmouth outstrip supply. At Fry & Kent we are beginning to see a sharp increase in the number of clients looking to expand their property portfolio in the area, alongside an XSWXUQ LQ ˡUVW WLPH ODQGORUGV HQWHULQJ WKH PDUNHW too. $ FRPPRQ FRQFHUQ DPRQJVW ˡUVW WLPH LQYHVWRUV DQG experienced landlords alike is that the increasing amount of legislation and ‘red-tape’ will impede WKHLU SURˡW PDUJLQV ,W LV RXU ˡUPO\ KHOG EHOLHI WKLV should not provide a barrier to entry at all; it is an encouraging sign that the more unscrupulous landlords are being deterred. This gives increased opportunity to invest safely in one of the strongest growth sectors available and secure yourself an asset which will provide strong capital appreciation for the years to come. If you wish to discuss the possibility of investing in buy-to-let property in Portsmouth, please stop by or FDOO RQH RI RXU RˣFHV DQG DVN WR VSHDN ZLWK D PHPEHU of our experienced and friendly team.

8 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 |

Southsea Terrace, Southsea £185,000 | Rental value £750pcm

Palmerstone Road, Southsea £180,000 | Rental value £675pcm

Mansion Court, Southsea £117,500 | Rental value £675pcm



hat an interesting year it stock in London is up by nearly 19% has been. In the mists of compared to 2019 while outside of the Covid-19 Pandemic and with London available rental housing many people furloughed and an stock is down by 54%, pushing uncertain path ahead who would the demand for rental property to have thought the housing market unprecedented levels. FRXOG WDNH Rˠ LQ WKH ZD\ WKDW LW KDV ,Q WKH PRQWKV IURP WKH ˡUVW 7KH ˡQDO SLHFH RI WKH KRXVLQJ market growth was of course the lockdown we saw house prices rise by 9.9% across the UK compared to Stamp Duty Holiday that ran its course from July 2020 until the 2.5% the preceding year! This may end of June 2021 (following the have been driven by many people wanting to move away from London extension from March 2021) This saving meant that many, who had or our inner cities when the need otherwise put a to be close to PRYH Rˠ WRRN WKH WKH RˣFH ZDV QR “In the 12 months from the leap to capitalise longer a necessity ˡUVW ORFNGRZQ ZH VDZ KRXVH RQ WKLV VLJQLˡFDQW as businesses prices rise by 9.9% across reduction in changed working the UK compared to 2.5% cost. Mortgage practices. The the preceding year” lenders saw home was not unprecedented simply a place to levels of new business as they relax but a place to work from, with all took their market share. This a trend towards home and garden RˣFHV ,W ZDV WKLV DV ZHOO DV RXWGRRU increased competition between spaces to enjoy the amazing weather Lenders and we even saw the reintroduction of 95% mortgages, in, that appeared to be driving the albeit Government backed this time market in many cases. around. This not only drove the residential housing market but rippled through The BTL market also saw increased activity as many landlords saw their to the Buy-to-Let (BTL) rental property values and rentals incomes market. We saw asking rents in rise, enabling them to capital raise two thirds of London areas fall to to use for deposits on additional EHORZ OHYHOV RI WKDW ˡYH \HDUV DJR properties. This echoed part of the conversely many areas outside activity we saw in the residential of London have seen the biggest re-mortgage/capital raise sector rental price rises since 2015. The HQDEOLQJ PDQ\ WR JDLQ WKHLU ˡUVW HˠHFW RI WKHVH WUHQGV LV WKDW UHQWDO

BTL property using equity from within their current homes. Many have predicted the housing market and mortgage activity to slow as we emerge from lock down and the end of the Stamp Duty holiday, but there are no real signs of this happening anytime soon as it appears the demand is still outstripping supply. We continue to see mortgage lenders competing for their market share and that should encourage new and innovative mortgage products in both the residential and BTL sector. This can only be good news for the consumer. Mobile: 07930 601177 2ˣFH /DQGOLQH

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 9

Lettings Jupiter Court, Gunwharf Quays £975pcm | • Stunning One Bedroom Apartment • Highly Requested Gunwharf Quays • Dual Aspect Living Room with Private Terrace • 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG • EPC - C


St Thomas Street, Old Portsmouth £1,300pcm | • • • • •

Modern Four Bedroom Townhouse )LUVW ˢRRU .LWFKHQ 'LQHU Enclosed Rear Garden 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG EPC - D

Winter Road, Southsea £950pcm | • • • • •

Beautiful Three Bedroom House Excellent location close to Albert Rd /RZ 0DLQWHQDQFH *DUGHQ?$UWLˡFLDO /DZQ 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG EPC - D


East Cosham Road, Cosham £1,150pcm | • • • • •

Semi-Detached House Popular Location, Close to QA Hospital 2ˠ 5RDG 3DUNLQJ DQG *DUDJH 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG EPC - E

Kassassin Street, Southsea £850pcm | • • • • •

Three Storey Terraced House Close to Southsea Seafront Two Bedrooms, Two Reception Rooms 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG EPC - D

10 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |


*RWKLF /RGJH +D\OLQJ ,VODQG £1,300pcm | • Spacious Three Bedroom Apartment • Requested Location, Close to Hayling Seafront • Garage, Car Port & Additional parking • 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG • EPC - D

Talbot Road, Portsmouth £850pcm | • • • • •

Two Double Bedroom Terraced House Enclosed Rear Garden Modern Bathroom and Kitchen 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG EPC - D

Peacock Lane, Old Portsmouth £1,200pcm | • • • • •

Period Three Bedroom Townhouse Sought After Old Portsmouth Location Fitted Kitchen with Integral Appliances 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG EPC - D


Richmond Terrace, Southsea £1,750pcm | • • • • •

Four Double Bedroom Family Home Over 2,000sq ft Over Four Floors 2ˠ 5RDG 3DUNLQJ IRU 7ZR &DUV 2ˠHUHG 8QIXUQLVKHG EPC - E

+DOIPRRQ +RXVH 3RUWVPRXWK £775pcm | • • • • •

One Bedroom Ground Floor Apartment Open Plan Living Room and Kitchen Landscaped Communal Gardens 2ˠHUHG )XUQLVKHG EPC - C Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 11

Stunning Drayton Located on the mainland just north of Portsea Island on the slopes of Portsdown Hill lays \PM ZM[QLMV\QIT IZMI WN ,ZIa\WV W‫ٺ‬MZQVO I UQ` of established 1930’s character homes, small modern family estates and a handful of quality ZM\QZMUMV\ KWUXTM`¼[ R][\ I [\WVM¼[ \PZW_ W‫ ٺ‬ the main south coast M27 motorway.


ith a branch established in the heart of the local shopping facilities for 20 years, Fry & Kent covers a unique range of locations selling homes in the nearby suburbs of Cosham and Farlington, the lovely marina development at Port Solent, together with WKH PRUH FRXQWULˡHG DUHDV RI 3XUEURRN :LGOH\ DQG Waterlooville to the north. *HRJUDSKLFDOO\ 'UD\WRQ RˠHUV WKH SHUIHFW ORFDWLRQ for those wishing to commute to the city or further DˡHOG WR RXU FRDVWDO QHLJKERXUV DQG /RQGRQ JLYHQ the motorway links and a main-line rail service close by. Excellent schools are well catered for attracting many families searching for homes with gardens and JDUDJLQJ ZKLFK FDQ EH GLˣFXOW WR ˡQG LQ 3RUWVPRXWK city. The views from the upper hillslopes are quite spectacular with many homes enjoying an impressive vista across Langstone Harbour towards Hayling Island and the cityscape. Those with nautical interest and wishing to moor their boat have several options but most choose the convenience of Port Solent located at the northern end of Portsmouth Harbour and well sheltered from the elements as well as providing an excellent choice of luxury apartments, waterside houses (some with moorings), shops and restaurants. The countryside just north of Drayton will be found

along the old A3 London Road and the villages of Widley and Purbrook adjoining miles of open farmland and country walks with the small town of Waterlooville (named after the IDPRXV EDWWOH RI :DWHUORR D VWRS Rˠ point for the weary infantry returning on route to the north) a couple of miles further. +HUH \RX ZLOO ˡQG D SRSXODU PRGHUQ WRZQ ZLWK a wide choice of homes from 1 & 2 Bedroom starter homes, family semi’s and bungalows to 3 & 4 bedroom detached executive houses suiting all requirements and price ranges. With such a diverse range of properties, it is important homeowners seek professional advice regarding the potential value of their homes. Having local knowledge is vital and with our experience in selling homes in the many areas we cover; Fry & Kent is well placed to provide not only the best price your home could achieve on the open market but a comprehensive marketing package which includes the very latest 360-degree virtual tours and professional photography. Call us on 02392 210101 today for a free market appraisal.

12 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

An Interview with

Edward Gilmore

Branch Manager, Drayton What is the market looking Q: Q: +RZ ORQJ KDYH \RX EHHQ like at the moment? LQ WKH SURSHUW\ LQGXVWU\"bb

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb “Demand is certainly higher than “I started my estate agency the supply at the moment which career about 16 years ago and seen is great when selling a house and many changes throughout this trying to achieve an optimum period.” SULFH 7KH GLˣFXOW\ FDQ EH ˡQGLQJ What makes you passionate a suitable property and we are about buying and selling in ˡQGLQJ PRUH SRWHQWLDO EX\HUV making contact either in person or this area? on the phone as opposed emails and “I love the fact that we have a diverse range of properties messages via the property portals.” LQ GLˠHUHQW ORFDWLRQV What do your clients like and I love the challenge of most about working with helping you at Fry & Kent? people have Ʊ'LˣFXOW WR DQVZHU ZLWKRXW their own TXHVWLRQLQJ RXU FOLHQWV GLUHFWO\ b:H home.” act with integrity at all times and


have a good rapport with the majority of our clients who often come back to say hello which is WHUULˡF , KDYH EHHQ WROG WKDW , DP D FDOPLQJ LQˢXHQFH ZKLFK LV FHUWDLQO\ important as buying and selling can be a stressful life event.”

cover a big geographic Q: You SDWFK KRZ GR \RX ˡQG WKH


contrast between town and the rural areas?

“Although we cover a reasonable size area, the principles of estate agency remain the same. The key to success is knowledge of all the ORFDWLRQV DQG ZKDW WKH\ RˠHU :H are fortunate to have a team of H[SHULHQFHG LQGLYLGXDOV LQ WKH RˣFH to deal with this challenge.”

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 13

Joint Auctioneers of Upper Quay Marina


ry & Kent are Joint Auctioneers with Clive Emson on this 65-berth Marina on Fareham creek generating an income of £60,000 per annum from the currently occupied 42 moorings. The berths at this long-established boating facility are held under the terms of a long lease from Crown Estate. 7KLV ZHOO HVWDEOLVKHG PDULQD DOVR EHQHˡWV IURP D two-storey former sail loft which is a present vacant and is considered ideal as a base for the ongoing management of the marina. Alternatively, the building has scope and potential for commercial letting or residential conversion. To the side of the sail loft is additional land which is at present used for parking and storage but may have scope for potential re-development. To the rear of the sail loft, two open railway arches provide additional space and are held under the terms of leases. Further details can be available on request.

Upper Quay Marina, Fareham Auction Guide - £800-900,000 *Plus fees

14 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

Agreed Sales 8QGHU 2ˠHU

Clarence Road, Southsea £870,000 | Elegant double fronted Victorian style villa previously listed with another agent and now sale agreed 8QGHU 2ˠHU

Brecon Avenue, Drayton £550,000 | Four-bedroom semi-detached house sale agreed ZLWKLQ WKH ˡUVW GD\ RI YLHZLQJV


+LJK 6WUHHW 2OG 3RUWVPRXWK £850,000 | Stunning Grade II listed townhouse previously listed with another agent and now sale agreed


Kent Road, Southsea £999,995 | Thomas Ellis Owen designed residence marketed by other agents and now sale agreed through Fry & Kent 8QGHU 2ˠHU

Siskin Road, Southsea £599,995 | Beautiful four bedroom detached house sale agreed before going live to the market


The Vulcan, Gunwharf £475,000 | Outstanding duplex apartment sale agreed within a week

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Summer 2021 | 15

16 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

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