Fry and Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021

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Property Focus Spring 2021

Property Highlights Top Tips for Landlords & Tenants Land & Property Auction Update

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 1

Welcome W

hat’s next for the housing market is a common question asked by many customers. At the moment, demand is outstripping supply in every price bracket and despite common belief, the housing market remains completely open for viewings and valuations with successful sales and lettings agreed throughout lockdown. With a shortage of property coming to the market for both residential sales and lettings, the only way is up for current prices and it’s hard to forecast what is going to change given the recent Budget news on Stamp Duty and Capital Gains Tax. Our 360 degree virtual tours and 3D imaging technology has proved an invaluable initiative to our marketing


Win an

and the feedback from clients has been really positive, increasing results and providing the ultimate Covid safe way to view properties. When it comes to selling or letting your home to achieve the best price, there is no better place than Fry & Kent to help you navigate the pitfalls of property improvement. For example, replacing kitchens, bathrooms or other necessary improvements will naturally provide a return but it is of course, a FRVW Y EHQHˡW MXGJHPHQW ZH KDYH WR make. Fry & Kent has managed many SURMHFWV IRU FXVWRPHUV OHDYLQJ FOLHQWV purchasers and tenants delighted with the improved results as well as DFKLHYLQJ KLJKHU ˡQDO VDOH SULFHV RU monthly rental incomes.

Easter Bundle

For Landlords, additional costs are not always welcome but the PDMRULW\ UHFRJQLVH WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI LQYHVWPHQW SURMHFWV ZKLFK PDLQWDLQV the capital value in their properties and minimises voids in tenancies. So, despite the lockdowns, Fry & Kent continue to deliver all our services ZLWK RXU RˣFHV IXOO\ RSHQ RQ D ƮE\ appointment’ system. Finally, we are very mindful of the debt of gratitude RZHG WR DOO 1+6 VWDˠ WHDFKHUV emergency service personnel, military and the many others who have FRQWLQXHG WR SXW RWKHUV ˡUVW EHIRUH themselves. A big thank you from all of us.

- Neil Maxwell & Gary Bird - Directors


The Pastry Corner!

How to Enter: • Count how many bunnies are hiding amongst our pages! • Like and Follow us on our Facebook or Instagram @Fryandkent • DM us on Facebook or Instagram with how many bunnies you counted. Alternatively email us at with your answer. 2 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 |

Entries close on Thursday 1st April 2021 at 12pm with the winner announced that evening. Winners can collect their prize, which includes 4 cheesecake eggs, 4 patisseries and 2 chocolate scotch eggs from The Pastry Corner in Southsea, 12 Grove Road South, PO5 3QT Terms & Conditions Apply. For all terms and conditions please see our IDFHERRN SDJH RU HPDLO XV DW VDOHV#IU\DQGNHQW FRP WR ˡQG RXW PRUH

Featured Property


eatured in an issue of 25 Beautiful Homes Magazine, this stunning former boathouse was creatively renovated to an extremely high standard and transformed into a unique and very individual UHWUHDW MXVW D IHZ \DUGV IURP WKH IRUHVKRUH LQ 2OG Portsmouth. Situated in a quiet cobbled lane within the conservation area of Spice Island, a small SHQLQVXODU VWHHSHG LQ KLVWRU\ DGMRLQLQJ WKH PRXWK RI Portsmouth Harbour and literally a stroll to the many hostelries, cafes and restaurants in this fashionable location which includes the Marina complex of Gunwharf Quays. From the fabulous open plan ƮYDXOWHGƯ OLYLQJ URRP ZLWK UDLVHG GLQLQJ DUHD DQG bespoke kitchen which opens onto a small courtyard WR WKH WKUHH JURXQG ˢRRU EHGURRPV DOO ZLWK HQ VXLWH and featuring an impressive master bedroom and OX[XULRXV HQ VXLWH EDWKURRP ZLWK IXOO KHLJKW JODVV wall overlooking an internal courtyard. If you are looking for your next dream home, look no further than this delightful Georgian gem.

Bathing Lane, Old Portsmouth £850,000 | EPC - D

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 3

are some of the An Interview Q: What changes you’ve witnessed

with Albert

6RXWKVHD 2OG 3RUWVPRXWK 2IƓFH long have you been in Q: How the property industry? “I started as a trainee way back in 1975 so over 45 years now”

makes you passionate Q: What about buying and selling in this area?

“In my view, Southsea is a hidden treasure chest of wonderful coastal homes appealing to every taste and I have had the pleasure of seeing some stunning properties beautifully restored by some very imaginative clients.”

over the years?

“Perhaps the biggest change is the way potential buyers are alerted to the latest homes coming to the market. The numerous websites enable us to open our shop windows to a much wider audience with potential buyers even able to take 360 degree virtual tours in the comfort of their own homes.”

you have any worries Q: Do for the Portsmouth property market?

“Far from it. Portsmouth & Southsea has prospered in recent years through huge investment attracting many new buyers and investors from other parts of the UK. It is now a favoured destination and a hotspot in the property market.”

An Interview with Nick Churton /C[HCKT 1HƂEG


+RZ KDV &RYLG DˠHFWHG WKH London Market?

is it important for Q: Why Fry & Kent to have a /RQGRQ 2ˣFH"

“There are several important reasons why Fry & Kent should “The London property market has KDYH D /RQGRQ RˣFH :LWK EX\HUV seen a fundamental shift over the from the capital and the south east past twelve months. Covid had had attracted to the south coast and D UHPDUNDEOH HˠHFW :LWKRXW EX\HUV to the extraordinary revitalisation from overseas being able to travel, of Portsmouth, Southsea and its the Central London luxury market surrounding area, we choose to go has seen some stagnation. But in to our buyers rather than wait for high density outer areas there has them to come to us. There is also no been an extraordinary exodus with substitute for part of our marketing people seeking more space and team being based in central perceived healthier surroundings. /RQGRQ +DYLQJ ZHOO GHYHORSHG This movement has also been contacts in the national press means driven by the change in working we are able to supply a steady SUDFWLFHV )RU RˣFH ZRUNHUV PRUH stream of property and comment. days working from home means This is why the name Fry & Kent is they are prepared to swap travelling known far beyond our wonderful shorter distances every day for corner of Hampshire. But that is travelling farther less often. Having QRW DOO 2XU /RQGRQ RˣFH JLYHV XV the chance to buy a larger property a shop window to the West End and away from highly priced London a network of over 300 associated areas is for many an opportunity RˣFHV WKURXJKRXW WKH 8. DQG not to be missed.” many more in Europe and beyond.”

4 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

our forecast for the Q: What’s year to come? “All eyes will now be on how the property market behaves coming out of the pandemic and the stamp duty holiday. Consideration must also be given to unemployment ˡJXUHV DV WKH IXUORXJK VDIHW\ QHW is removed. But despite these concerns, we are undoubtedly experiencing the strongest pent up demand for decades. This demand is fuelled by national vaccinations, a strong desire for lifestyle changes and historically low mortgage interest rates. Even factoring in further minor local lockdowns and a third Covid wave, we foresee this very active market continuing throughout 2021.”

Clive Emson Land & Property Auctioneers have over the last 30 years established themselves as the UK’s largest independent regional land and property auctioneers. A large part of that success has been achieved through strong working relationships with a great many Independent Estate Agencies, such as Fry & Kent, who recognise the value to their clients of a public auction facility and who have welcomed our ability to provide that specialism and expertise, when looking at the best option for any property.


his has enabled us to work together as Joint Auctioneers, in providing the widest possible, national, regional and of course local coverage to create interest and competitive bidding, to the ultimate EHQHˡW RI WKH VHOOHU Selling by public auction is an open and transparent method of sale and for the correct type of property, usually one where supply and demand are out of kilter, a sale by auction will lead to a better price being achieved through competitive bidding and with the very real EHQHˡW RI DQ H[FKDQJH RI FRQWUDFWV on the fall of the auctioneers gavel. 7KHVH DUH MXVW VRPH RI WKH UHDVRQV why sale by public auction, the oldest established and still used method of sale, remains relevant in today’s increasingly digital age. There have been attempts to reinvent the wheel with some estate DJHQWV RˠHULQJ WKHLU FOLHQWV WKH “modern or alternative method of auction”. In reality it is a big stretch of the imagination to attach the word auction to this method of selling, though sadly some are lured in by the prospect of something ƱQHZƲ RU SHUKDSV WKH RˠHU RI ƱQR selling fees”.

Land & Property Auction Update Robert Marchant FNAVA Auctioneer, Clive Emson Auctioneers

On the face of it, no selling fees sounds an attractive proposition, but as we all know, rarely in life is there any such thing as a free lunch or in this case a free service as someone always ends up paying! Any potential seller considering such a proposition should consider that if they’re not paying who is and why does it matter to me? The reality is that buyers and sometimes HYHQ MXVW LQWHUHVWHG SDUWLHV DUH charged often eye watering sums to the agent progress an interest in a property, which can in itself EH Rˠ SXWWLQJ :KR SD\V GRHV matter, because ultimately these extra upfront costs and charges are coming out of a home buying pot and in most cases from a deposit rather a mortgage or RWKHU ˡQDQFH ,I 0U 0UV 6PLWK have £300,000 to spend on their purchase and £15,000 is swallowed up in additional fees to the agents, it stands to reason that there is only £285,000 left to pay for the new home. So, having potentially achieved £15,000 less for their property, has the seller really had their “free” lunch?

This also raises the question of who the agent is working for? While there is of course a duty of care to treat all clients fairly and courteously, ultimately it is the seller who is the client and in who’s best interests should be represented and protected by any agent or auctioneer. However, if the buyer or even an interested party is being DVNHG WR SD\ WKH DJHQW VLJQLˡFDQW sums of money, that obviously changes the dynamic and surely means the buyer is also entitled to consider themselves to be the agents client and so entitled to expect the agent to be working in their best interest? Can any agent really represent the best interests of two clients on opposite sides of the same transaction? )RU GHWDLOV RQ WKH EHQHˡWV RI D traditional public auction, geared to achieve the best price for your property, please speak to your ORFDO )U\ .HQW 2ˣFH IRU IUHH FRQˡGHQWLDO DQG QR REOLJDWLRQ advice.

One should also consider that with the “modern method” that exchange of contracts does not take place on the fall of a gavel, with the buyer having plenty of opportunity to drop out, with none of the VLJQLˡFDQW IHHV WKH\ KDYH SDLG JRLQJ to the seller as compensation, who is left with a legal bill and back at square one.

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 5

Sales Broad Street, Old Portsmouth £780,000 |


Teapot Row, Southsea £615,000 |

Stunning Grade II listed landmark building forming part of the former Royal Marines Barracks once occupied by WKH JHQHUDO DQG KLV VHQLRU RˣFHUV &RPPDQGLQJ D ˡQH seafront setting overlooking beautifully tended communal JURXQGV DQG 7KH 6ROHQW ,QVLGH \RX ZLOO ˡQG EULJKW spacious rooms featuring tall Georgian style arched ZLQGRZV DQG KLJK FHLOLQJV WKURXJKRXW (3& ([HPSW

Malvern Road, Southsea £645,000 |

Substantial Victorian residence situated in a highly requested conservation area in central Southsea. At MXVW XQGHU VT IW WKLV ˡQH IDPLO\ KRPH LV RYHU WKUHH ˢRRUV LQFOXGLQJ WZR XVHIXO EDVHPHQW DUHDV ZLWK UHVWULFWHG height. Externally the enclosed garden is mainly paved DQG EHQHˡWV IURP GRXEOH JDWHV DQG Rˠ URDG SDUNLQJ (3& '

St. Johns Road, Cosham £630,000 |

Spacious detached house on an elevated position EHQHˡWLQJ IURP IDU UHDFKLQJ YLHZV DFURVV 3RUWVPRXWK DQG Langstone Harbour. This 1920’s family home has been extended over time but still retains character features. On the front is a block paved driveway, car port and garage. The garden features green houses and an established YHJHWDEOH JDUGHQ (3& '

Brading Avenue, Southsea £950,000 |

(OHJDQW (GZDUGLDQ VHPL GHWDFKHG UHVLGHQFH LQ WKH KLJKO\ requested Craneswater and Eastern parade conservation DUHD $W RYHU VT IW DQG RYHU IRXU ˢRRUV WKLV IDPLO\ home must be seen to appreciate the very appealing layout. Externally the long driveway is suitable for two cars leading to a detached single garage and westerly facing JDUGHQ (3& ' 6 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

Sales Armory Lane, Old Portsmouth £535,000 |

Beautiful townhouse located in the requested Gunwharf *DWH GHYHORSPHQW DGMDFHQW WR WKH PDULQD FRPSOH[ RI *XQZKDUI 4XD\V $W MXVW XQGHU VT IW WKH SURSHUW\ features a garage and a courtyard rear garden with side pedestrian gate access. Internally the house has been maintained and improved by the current owners to a KLJK VWDQGDUG (3& '

Sea View, Drayton £600,000 |

Detached bungalow located on the popular hillslopes of Drayton and set within a generous plot. This spacious accommodation includes a sunroom with views towards Langstone Harbour. On the outside is an enclosed garden that wraps around the property, with an external workshop that includes radiator and internet connection. (3& '

Kingsley Road, Southsea £425,000 |

,PPDFXODWHO\ SUHVHQWHG VHPL GHWDFKHG KRXVH LQ WKH 0LOWRQ DUHD RI 6RXWKVHD MXVW D VWUROO RI %UDQVEXU\ 3DUN At over 1,300sq. ft and featuring a full width extension WR WKH JURXQG ˢRRU FRPSULVLQJ D IDEXORXV RSHQ SODQ kitchen/breakfast room. Externally, there is a enclosed garden with patio and to the front a driveway leading to a IW FDUSRUW (3& '


Exeter Road, Southsea £479,995 |

Spacious double bay and forecourt family home situated in one of Southsea’s favoured locations within stroll of Canoe Lake and seafront. At over 1,500sq ft this W\SLFDO (GZDUGLDQ SURSHUW\ LV ODLG RXW RYHU WKUHH ˢRRUV Externally there is an easterly facing garden with brick VWRUH DQG UHDU SHGHVWULDQ JDWH DFFHVV (3& (

Highbury Grove, Cosham £310,000 |

Family home situated within the sought after Highbury Estate, Cosham. The current vendor has updated the property throughout and created a wonderful sociable VSDFH ZLWK D QHZ ˡWWHG &RRSHUEULGJH NLWFKHQ 7R WKH front is a recently laid block paved driveaway and to the EDFN LV DQ HQFORVHG ZHVWHUO\ IDFLQJ JDUGHQ (3& ' Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 7

Lettings St Davids Road, Southsea £1,200pcm | • • • • •

Large three bedroom maisonette Central Southsea Families or sharers welcome 2ˠHUHG XQIXUQLVKHG (3& '

Ringwood Road, Southsea £1,100pcm | • • • • •

Spacious three bedroom family home Low maintenance westerly garden Open plan living/dining room 2ˠHUHG XQIXUQLVKHG (3& '

Coming Soon

Paulsgrove Road, North End £1,000pcm | • • • • •

Three bedroom terraced house Close to local amenities & schools Enclosed low maintenance rear garden 2ˠHUHG XQIXUQLVKHG (3& '

Heather Close, Waterlooville £1,400pcm | • Detached four bedroom family home • New carpets & redecorated throughout • Enclosed garden & double garage • 2ˠHUHG XQIXUQLVKHG (3& '


Cottage Grove, Southsea £675pcm | • • • • •

Spacious one bedroom apartment Newly refurbished Central Southsea 2ˠHUHG XQIXUQLVKHG (3& &

8 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

Coming Soon

Carlton House, Southsea £1,000pcm | • • • • •

Well presented two bedroom apartment Views over Southsea common 0RGHUQ ˡWWHG EDWKURRP VXLWH 2ˠHUHG IXUQLVKHG (3& (

Coming Soon

Broad Street, Old Portsmouth £1,500pcm | • Immaculate 3 bedroom family home • Old Portsmouth location • Paved rear garden overlooking the Camber • 2ˠHUHG XQIXUQLVKHG (3& '

Coming Coming Soon soon

Balmoral Court, Southsea £1,000pcm | • 7ZR EHGURRP JURXQG ˢRRU DSDUWPHQW • Seafront location • Access to communal garden and bike store • 2ˠHUHG IXUQLVKHG (3& %

Coming Soon

Regency Court, Old Portsmouth £1,600pcm | • • • • •

Chelsea Road, Southsea

Purpose build two bedroom apartment Allocated parking Lawn area and pond 2ˠHUHG XQIXUQLVKHG (3& &

Coming Soon

£1,100pcm | • • • • •

Mid terraced four storey home Spacious living room with log burner Open plan kitchen/diner 2ˠHUHG 3DUW )XUQLVK (3& ' Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 9

Sales Ashburton Road, Southsea £515,000 |

(\H FDWFKLQJ *HRUJLDQ VW\OH WRZQ KRXVH VLWXDWHG LQ D YHU\ convenient central Southsea location within a short walk of the main shopping precinct. This property spans over WKUHH ˢRRUV ZLWK EULJKW VSDFLRXV LQWHULRU ([WHUQDOO\ WKHUH is a driveway parking with an integral garage and a side DFFHVV JDWH OHDGLQJ WR D ZHVWHUO\ IDFLQJ JDUGHQ (3& '


Detached house situated on the popular hillslopes of )DUOLQJWRQ 7KLV ZHOO SUHVHQWHG KRXVH LV RYHU WZR ˢRRUV ZLWK WKH PDVWHU EHGURRP EHQHˡWLQJ IURP D EDOFRQ\ overlooking the rear southerly garden. To the front is a SDYHG GULYHZD\ RˠHULQJ SDUNLQJ DQG DFFHVV WR WKH JDUDJH ZLWK SRZHU DQG OLJKWLQJ (3& 7%&

High Street, Old Portsmouth £525,000 |

8QLTXH *UDGH ,, OLVWHG WRZQKRXVH VLWXDWHG LQ D KLJKO\ VRXJKW DIWHU ORFDWLRQ RQ WKH KLVWRULF +LJK 6WUHHW %XLOW LQ the early 19th century this charming Georgian home still has many of the original features and spanning over 1,900 sq. ft. This property even contains its own basement bar, SULYDWH FRXUW\DUG JDUGHQ DQG D VHSDUDWH JDUDJH (3& '

Farthing Lane, Old Portsmouth £359,995 |

Duplex maisonette located in the heart of Old Portsmouth. Converted from the vaults of a local bank WKDW ZDV VLWXDWHG LQ WKH DGMRLQLQJ +LJK 6WUHHW LW PDNHV WKLV a special property. Not only does this property boast an integral carport but also a private roof terrace giving the SURSHUW\ XVHIXO RXWVLGH VSDFH (3& (

Regency Court, Old Portsmouth £399,995 |

Outstanding penthouse apartment situated in Old 3RUWVPRXWK 7KLV DWWUDFWLYH PRGHUQ GHYHORSPHQW EHQHˡWV from a security gated environment with a covered parking space. Internally the property has lots of light and views across the Old Portsmouth skyline and the Spinnaker 7RZHU (3& & 10 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

Sales The Vulcan, Gunwharf Quays £450,000 |

'HOLJKWIXO VHFRQG ˢRRU DSDUWPHQW LQ WKH LFRQLF *UDGH II listed former armory building within the highly requested Gunwharf Quays Marina development, beautifully restored by Berkeley Homes in 2005. At over 1,000 sq. ft the apartment provides a spacious layout with exposed walls and beams, as well as an allocated parking space. EPC Exempt

Solent Apartments, Southsea £350,000 |

Beautifully presented apartment fabulous setting within the Southsea Seafront Conservation Area overlooking 7KH 5RFN *DUGHQV DQG MXVW D IHZ KXQGUHG \DUGV IURP WKH EHDFK /RFDWHG RQ WKH WKLUG ˢRRU ZLWK OLIW DFFHVV \RX ZLOO be pleasantly surprised with the bright spacious layout DQG RXWVWDQGLQJ SDQRUDPLF YLHZV (3& &

Palmerston Road, Southsea £180,000 |


Osborne Road, Southsea £156,995 |

One bedroom apartment located in a converted Victorian house opposite Southsea Common and within a short ZDON WR VKRSSLQJ SUHFLQFW 7KH VHFRQG ˢRRU DSDUWPHQW LV SUHVHQWHG LQ D JRRG RUGHU WKURXJKRXW DQG RˠHUV a spacious living room, separate kitchen, and double bedroom. Externally there is an outside storage shed. (3& &


Grenville Road, Southsea £225,000 |

Outstanding terraced house situated in popular location MXVW Rˠ )DZFHWW 5RDG 7KLV KRXVH LV SHUIHFW IRU ˡUVW time buyers or investors. Internally the accommodation comprises of an open plan dining room with a separate OLYLQJ URRP DQG WZR EHGURRPV RQ WKH ˡUVW ˢRRU $W WKH rear of the property there is a westerly facing garden. (3& ( Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 11

Top Tips from our Property Management Team

For Landlords 1 2 3 4 5 Treat your rental property as a business

Ensure your contents & buildings insurance cover you for all eventualities

Remove all personal items & prepare your property for photos & viewings Invest in a professional clean at the start of every tenancy

Put aside some of the monthly rent for unexpected maintenance

With a shortage of properties available to rent at the moment and interest rates not providing a huge return for savings, this is a great time to consider investing in property RˠHULQJ FDSLWDO JURZWK DQG PRQWKO\ UHWXUQ It’s fair to say we have more enquiries than property at the moment so if you would like any advice please get in touch!

For Tenants 1 2 3 4 5 Thoroughly check your inventory

Report issues promptly & take photos wherever possible

8QGHUVWDQG ODQGORUG WHQDQWV responsibilities with the How to rent guide Regularly check your smoke & carbon monoxide alarms

Leave the property as you found it to get your deposit back

12 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

The Lettings

Journey Vacate and checkout process

Tenancy renewals

Lettings valuation

Professional photos, 360 virtual WRXU DQG ˢRRUSODQ

Marketing preparation

Live on market

Sourcing and qualifying applicants Regular property inspections

9LHZLQJV 2ˠHUV Repairs and maintenance Let agreed! Key collection and move in day Robust referenc referencing process

Prepare tenanc tenancy documents

Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 13

Fry & Kent

Property Services After

Managing refurbishment works is a growing and exciting part of our business.


ith Maintenance contractors and general builders helping us on a daily basis within our Managed Property portfolio it was a natural progression to help Clients navigate their way WKURXJK ZKDW FDQ EH D GLˣFXOW SURFHVV 8OWLPDWHO\ DOO DQ\ RI XV ZDQW ZLWK DQ\ NLQG RI UHQRYDWLRQ RU EXLOGLQJ ZRUNV LV D JRRG MRE for a fair price, accountability, swift and fair resolution of any unexpected issues that always FURS XS ZLWK D EXLOGLQJ SURMHFW In recent years we’ve dealt with full refurbishments, extensions, chimney removals, kitchen & bathroom modernisations and helped our clients make wise investments in their SURSHUWLHV WR PD[LPLVH UHWXUQ DQG HQMR\PHQW of their homes.


:LWK RYHU ˡIW\ \HDUV RI WUDGLQJ EHKLQG XV DQG access to the best craftsmen, architects and surveyors we are a brand that you can trust.



14 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 |


Fry & Kent have managed the letting services of my property for the past 12 years. The current management for lettings and property services in their Southsea RˣFHV KDYH WUDQVIRUPHG WKH EXVLQHVV LQWR RQH WKDW JLYHV PH FRQˡGHQFH LQ WKHLU professionalism and knowledge of the services required to keep up with current legislation and modern trends. Their contractors are good and fair and well managed.

After working in property services for 20 years prior to retirement I am very happy to continue with their service and advice to keep my property in good order and enhance its value.”

When recently we needed to move properties they went above and beyond our H[SHFWDWLRQV WR TXLFNO\ ˡQG XV another property.”

We have been with Fry & Kent for a number of years and can't praise them enough. Whenever we have needed to contact them they have responded quickly and HˣFLHQWO\ We have previously been with our other agencies where the standard of service had fallen short compared to Fry & Kent.

D. Fletcher, Fry & Kent Landlord

Terry and Tina, Fry & Kent Tenant

they went above and beyond our expectations

2XU SURSHUW\ KDV EHHQ ZLWK D IHZ GLˠHUHQW DJHQFLHV GXULQJ RXU \HDUV RI renting, and I can say without doubt that Fry & Kent has met and exceeded all of my expectations I had for them. It is a pleasure to rent with such a prestigious estate agent. They have been a pleasure to deal with and no issue is to big or small for them. You really do feel you are a valued tenant which is a welcome relief from our past experiences with other agencies. I wouldn't hesitate to rent or buy from Fry & Kent.”

Mel, Fry & Kent Tenant

The best managing agents in Portsmouth by far.

Fry & Kent have managed our rental portfolio now for the past 5 years. Having previously worked with national chains, as well as those ZKR FODLP WR VSHFLDOLVH LQ ˢDWV , FDQ KRQHVWO\ VD\ WKDW , ZRXOG QRW KDYH anyone else looking after us. Having previously been very hands on with our properties, a move up to Hertfordshire means that we've completed handed over the maintenance side too. They have a solid network of trade contacts and the works have always been carried out to a high standard and at a reasonable SULFH 7KHLU PDUNHWLQJ LV VSRW RQ DV LV WKHLU WHQDQW ˡQGLQJ :H YH KDG QR FRQFHUQV about any of our tenants whatsoever and some are now on their 3rd or 4th renewal. Above all, their service is highly professional, yet also their friendly. I know that I ZRQ W HYHU KDYH WR ZRUU\ DERXW P\ WHQDQWV RU DQ\WKLQJ JRLQJ ZURQJ , DP FRQˡGHQW to say that my rental portfolio is left in very safe hands. My only wish is that they were DEOH WR PDQDJH RXU ˢDW LQ /RQGRQ WRR Ʋ

Mrs Bentley, Fry & Kent Landlord Fry & Kent Property Focus - Spring 2021 | 15

16 | Fry & Kent| Tel: 02392 815221 | |

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