One Eyed Willy

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Eyed Willy

30 something years ago , This group of kids were on an adventure to find One Eyed Willy. I heard them other kids found his ship and treasure. My father has the treasure map. Trey, Shawn, Zada, Kiara, Tay, and I talked about stealing the map from him. If we stole the map and find the treasure, we could be rich! That is not the only reason we are going. We all go back home when summer ends, because school starts back in September. Our parents brought all of us to Cannon Beach. Trey ended up stealing the map, while me and pop was out searching for seashells by the shore. That night we all pack a little bag and headed out for an adventure we will never forget. Shawn acted like a baby and tried to chicken out, but we made him come. The treasure map was very confusing, but we made do with what we had. We haven't even made it down the road yet, and zada and kiara were saying they had to use the bedroom. Women, but i have no room to talk when I am a woman too. Tay didn't speak almost the whole time, until he saw the house. I remembered my father saying, the people who lived in the house was pretty much dead by now. Kiara had the idea to play ding dong ditch. A light came on, but no one answered the door. Zada went to see if the door was unlocked. The key was in the door. We walked in, I stayed looking at the map, because i knew One Eyed Willy's treasure wasn't in this house. The whole time we were looking for a clue, until trey moved the fire pit from the fireplace. There was a hole, so we jumped. My dad said there was a man with a deformed face down here. This man he said won't hurt us but to make sure I told him chunk said hey. BOOM! at that moment something or someone yelled, ̈hey you guys!¨ A tall scary man with a deformed face come out of the dark hallway in the hole. We were so scared to move, but I spoke up and said,̈ hey man ̈. I can ́t understand what he was saying a ter that, but he thought I was my father. He kept calling me chunk. After we gave him chocolate and tried to talk to him, I asked him about the treasure of One Eyed Willy. He said he knew right where it was, inside his ship. He started to show us the way, but he warned us there were booby traps everywhere to watch where we step. We cheated our way to the treasure. We broke every booby trap there was. The last bobby trap was hard, because it was about playing the piano. Kiara was the only one who knew how to play that hard instrument. If we got a note wrong the floor fell from under our feet. The floor fell, all of us almost fell to our death , but hurried and jumped as the door opened. We crawled through the hole with spider webs and dead bats. We seen light and crawled as fast as we could. I seen an old wooden pirate ship. I thought to myself, this has to be One Eyed Willie's ship. We jumped on the ship, walked around. Trey walked into the dining room and screamed at the top of his lungs, ̈jackpot!̈ I remember like it was yesterday, One Eyed Willy was dead , a skeleton sitting at the end of the table with some of his crew members. The gold was all over the table, it looked like they had a heart attack looking at the gold. One Eyed Willy died with a smile on his face. We took handfuls, jackets pacted down, and pantfulls of gold. We all thought we were going to be the richest people in the world, but after this happened none of us turned the gold in. 30 years later, We still see each other, and we try to mess around and show the gold off to each other. We could of been rich, but we decided to wait and hand down the gold to our grandkids. How the world is turning out, they need it more than we do. A couple of years ago, that big scary man was found on the beach, he passed away. The gang and I of course went the funeral. I put a picture of my father in

the casket with him. My father was his favorite person. The gold and treasure map is in my basement waiting on my kids to find it, But I wish they could meet sloth. Picture: O ​ ne Eyed Willy The Goonies GIF - Find ...

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