To End It All?

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To end it all?

English 4 4th Block 10-16-19 by James Snipes

Once upon a time, there was a teen trying to make a good amount of money as simple but yet not so simple as it appears as there is not much good paying jobs since the teen has not had a quite good childhood since his mother chose not to take care of him, not only that but also doesn't want to pay his child support leaving him to his father to take care of and raise. “Dad I already cleaned the Bathroom” says the teen that sounds very bothered. “Do I need to look Arthur?” says the father that snaps at him from those words “you can if you want since i just said i cleaned a moment ago” as they walk through the long hallway to make their way to the bathroom that is presumed clean by the bothersome boy, they both stumble upon Eugene, Arthur’s step-brother that moved in two years ago from new england. “What’s all this about?” “It's nothing of your concern so move out of the way” and so he did that right away including giving a sneering look at Arthur and Arthur returns a questioning look. So when Arthur and his father reached the bathroom that turned out to be spotless or filth of any kind, “oh wow so you did clean the bathroom good job bud” said the impressed father. “Yeah don't really need to-” Arthur noticed a spot that looked rubbish and started to get a bit nervous so he decided to quickly improvise, “uhhh hey dad didn't you say something about food you made?” “Hm?..Oh yeah i did, i made some pasta with sauce that should be on top of the stove right now so go help yourself with some of it. As young Arthur makes his way to the stove that his Father told

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