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EMP1 Five years later… After the EMP blast. Which wiped out everyone's electricity on earth. The world as we knew it was in shambles. Streets dead, bodies everywhere, empty stores, animals in the cities. It had been a few months since I had seen any source of life form. Until the day I met James Johson, an MLB pro baseball player. I didn't know what to do with him; he was hopeless. I've never met such a useless person in my whole life. How the heck he survived all this time in the world of violence! I looked at him and he looked at me. He gave me a happy, joyful look, and he started walking towards me. Lucas thought to himself. ̈Hey man, how are you? Do you want to buddy up in this hell hole?̈ ̈, said James. As I looked at him with an odd look on my face. He was smiling and I thought that was weird. So I said to him, “How did you survive out in the world all this time having that kind of look on your face?” James said, “I swing a bat for a living.̈ What does that even supposed to mean anyway?”What do you mean?! What do you mean by that James?”, said Lucas, in Lucas’s mind he thought to himself “is the guy crazy in the head?” I laughed a little bit to myself. James said, “I'm a pro baseball player outside of Texas.”


Electromagnetic Pulse- A blast energy burst into the atmosphere making all electronic go into system failure.

“For my story I'm ex-military I always carry guns on me. Like you see on my back my M4. Well since it's just the two of us might as well team up, right? Uhhhhh Right?̈”, said Lucas. At that moment we made a fire pit right there. We traded stories of our time before this hell hole happened. Lucas said, ̈Have you heard of the place named Saint Louis’s Paradise? Well, it's a place where you don’t have to worry about anything like resources! If they have it they can provide it. Such as Guns, ammo, food, water, and even shelter.¨ ¨We don't have to worry about it anymore,̈ James said. I looked at him for a moment of silence, telling myself “is there really a place out there for me to go to and not worry about living day by day, night by night?” So then I asked “James, where is this place located?” At that very moment people were shooting bullets towards us. “It looked like they haven't eaten for days”. Thought Lucas. “Skins and bones, that's what they looked like” Lucas. “Having dry skin and tattoos all over their bodies”. So then we ran and ran towards the woods with our hearts racing for its life like never before. As we kept running, I fired 15 rounds at them left and right. Didn't know what direction to shoot at all. I knew was that they were behind me, and I had to return fire back at them. If I didnt I knew my life was on the line. Lucas thought to himself. Theirs or mines, and I knew dang well I'm going to survive this and make it through. I had an idea who that was or what could have been shooting at us. Must have been the vaders. We must go to Saint Louis's

paradise now! As we kept running as far as possible from the gunshots. Little did we know we were getting tracked by the Vaders. ¨We have to get on the trail that leads to Saint Louis paradise, but it will be hard for you to survive, James. I'm going to have to make some rules on what to do and what not to do. We will only have 3 major rules. Rule number one: no matter where you go, we have to stick together. Rule number two: always carry a weapon everywhere you go. Rule number three: always be aware of your surroundings. Rules are meant to be followed should you not follow my rules, I am going to leave you behind right here and right now. “No, it's fine since you're the one leading Lucas, I'm willing to follow you anywhere with any rules.” “Alrighty then since we got the rules straight between us, let's talk about where this safe haven is at. Let's move, James, before the vaders catch up with us.” James said, “It’s going to take a day and a half to get to the trail.” “While I was on the way to the trail, I saw the Vaders blocking the pathway to Saint Louis's paradise,” said Lucas. “We had to find another way to get there one way or another,” James said to Lucas. With a scared face worried, “are we going to make it out alive to see the next day”? “Wait so we’re going to have to attack? What are you crazy!” said James with a worried face. “Remember what I said we have to stick together. Don't you want to live”? “Yes! Of course Lucas I am willing to follow you!”

“Okay, James, you're taking on the guy to the right and I'll take the one the left. Remember aim for the head okay. We just have to knock them out and nothing more. 1..2..3!!!” Bang! James got shot but both of the Vaders are dead. The next day we start heading off. “Though the time we spend together we became friends looking after one another. There were some ups and downs going through the trail like direction wise, obstacles wise, and even animal wise blocking our paths while getting there. After the tough hiking through 40 days of walking. Through Rain, sleet, snow we finally made it to our Safe Haven. Even though there were times I doubted myself about this safe haven I still went for it. Cause why not. If there's still hope in living then I am always willing to go the extra mile for it.”

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