The Crawling Man

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It was a beautiful cloudy day in October, and Clementine was trying to make her way through the bustling crowd of people. You see, where Clementine lived became really busy during the fall time here in the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina. It was a beautiful place with friendly people, but sometimes those same friendly people might not be so friendly. The sky was darkening, slowly shadowing the once ocean blue sky. However late it was, people still gathered around like flies on food. Clementine fought,(even though she was a short woman with lovely brown hair and eyes), her way through the crowded streets to her home. When she got to her door, she slammed it shut and locked it. Clementine headed straight to her bedroom. After a long tiring day at work she felt as if she was going to pass out from exhaustion. Clementine made it to her room and fell on the bed. She sighed, and her eyes felt so heavy, and they slowly fell shut. Clementine thought “I must have dozed off because when I woke up, the sky was pitch black and full of glittery glowing stars.” That's when she heard a rustling noise outside her house, but Clementine thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. That was a horrible idea. Clementine was once again awoken by the sound of tapping, as if someone was at the window. Then she realized that someone was indeed tapping and banging on her bedroom window! Clementine was scared and called the police. “Hello, someone is banging on my window, please send someone over quickly!” said Clementine.

“We are sending a deputy over right now ma’am,” the operator said, ``Please remain on the phone with me until the deputy arrives.” When the kind operator told Clementine the Police were on the way, she had already made her way to the living room and hid in the closet. The person kept banging harder and harder on the window as the minutes went by. Then it stopped and she heard the police sirens and ran to the door to tell the police officer at the door where the noise was coming from. The officer went to go check and came back to tell her that no one was there, and there was no trace that any person was there. After that the policeman left and Clementine walked back to her room and went to sleep, or at least she tried too. The alarm rang loudly and called out “It's five in the morning get up!” the sky was a warm blue, Clementine sat up from her bed and yawned. That was when she heard a loud bang! In fear she jumped up out of her bed and looked at the window and then she saw it...a man crawling towards her on all four limbs. She screamed in fear. His dirty body twitched, violently as he crawled along the floor towards Clementine! She grabbed her phone and dialed 911, but before she could even do anything, the man just stopped and glared at her. The man with a deep and raspy voice said “Don't worry I was just leaving.” Then he left, but there was one thing that felt a bit odd...He had not only stolen Clementine’s car keys but the house keys too…

Once Clementine found that out, she changed the locks on the front and back door. Installed a few security cameras, mostly near her window and other places too. Weeks turned into months and then into years and the man never came back to Clementine's house. No one knows where he went, but one thing for sure, Clementine will be ready for him.

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