The Troublesome Friends

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The Troublesome Friends By Brazen Dew and Harley Luther October 14,2019 English 4

Image credits: Pgiam

One foggy day in Tampa Bay, Florida, the three friends Maddi, Tyler, and Zach were walking down the sidewalk going to Zach’s house. Everything was quiet until Tyler saw a suspicious figure slithering around the trashcan. The figure was on the only street that leads to Zach’s house for the next five miles . The friends stood there waiting for someone to make a decision, but nobody said anything, other than a deep breath Tyler took as he saw the monster eating out of the garbage like a savage. “I think we should just go around it guys . It can’t be that scary can it?” said Maddi. “ I don't know about all that, Bro. It seems sketchy don't you think? I’ll leave it up to Zach since it’s his house we’re going to” said Tyler. “You boys have no courage when it comes to anything at all. I’m going the short way, with or without you.” Maddie boldly said. “That’s up to you if you want to let that thing get you, but as of me and Tyler, we’re taking the safest route,” said Zach. The boys continued on while Maddi took the main way to Zach’s house. About five minutes later they heard a screeching sound in the distance, but they weren't sure if it was Maddi, so they kept walking. Then they heard it again, but this time it was extremely loud. They saw Maddi being picked up by the monster and being taken away. That’s when Zach tried helping, but he wasn't fast enough to make it to the monster before it leaped into the sewer. “Did you see that Tyler? The monster took her into that drain.” screamed Zach. All of a sudden they heard another screeching noise, but a little bit louder than the last

and this time the noise was awfully weird. It seemed he was the one in pain instead of Maddi. Maddi had somehow escaped and was sprinting towards Zach and Tyler full speed. Zach Screamed, “run Maddi, he’s right behind you.” The three friends continued running from the monster until they saw a long, nerve racking tunnel. They were hesitant at first but as soon as they heard the monster coming they knew they didn't have much time to think, so they went inside. Running hesitantly Maddi became tired and wanted to stop. The boys, Zach and Tyler forced her to continue, but instead she stopped. Still hearing noses, they were frightened. Tyler and Zach stopped to help Maddi but by the time they turned around, she was gone. They freaked out and started to go out the way they came in, but they knew that it wasn’t safe. The boys repetitively screamed her name, but still no answer. They tried calling the police but there was no service in the tunnel. They walked out of the tunnel and happened to find her lying on the ground beside the monster. Maddi had killed it. She was covered in purple blood and was very exhausted. It’s now the next morning and the three friends are just now walking up the door steps and see Zach’s mother sitting in her rocking chair. She concernedly asks “what in the world are you covered in Maddi?” Maddi replied “if I told you what happened last night, you wouldn't even believe me.” Maddi tried explaining what happened to the three friends last night but it wasn't worth trying to do. They all three just decided to go in and clean up from the horrifying tragedy. The day went by and all three friends grew more tired by every minute that passed. That night they were all in the room and began to hear the strange noise again. “ Let's just forget this ever happened.” Zach said “ Oh we will” exclaimed Tyler “ Let's admit it was a little fun, but scary at the same time.” Maddi said while laughing.

The night finally came to an end and the three friends were all sound asleep.

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