Newborn Baby

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Newborn Baby Sidney K. Pike 10-16-19 English IV

On April 27th, 2002, there was this beautiful brown eyed, black curly haired, and pale skinned baby girl named Shyann. She was wrapped in a little cozy, blanket, and her parents could not quit smiling at her. There I was, lying there confused, looking at a bunch of people that I didn’t know who continued to shower me with love and comfort for being a new-born baby. The next thing I knew I was in a tall, brown eyed, hairy man’s arm. I saw tears drop out of his eyes. “Daddy will always love you no matter what,” cried daddy. On April 30th, 2002, I was on my way home from the hospital, and I slept the whole ride their. Right when I got home, this short, dark skinned, brown eyed women picked me up out of my carriage and gave me hugs and kisses. “I will always be your momma,” she said. After that I always wanted my momma. Later on that day I saw two little girls walk in the house and come up to me excited. “You want to hold your baby sister girls?” asked Momma. They were jumping up and down saying “yes!” in happiness. When they were holding me, I knew I was safe because I knew they were never going to leave my side. In fourth grade after my 9th birthday, my momma and grandma went to go take a trip to Mexico to get a lipo-surgery. They didn’t feel comfortable about their weight, so they wanted to remove some of their fats. On May 1st, 2012. I was on the phone with my momma. “I miss you!” I said.

“I miss you more! I will be home soon,” said Momma. The next day my daddy got a phone call from the hospital. I couldn’t hear what my dad was saying over the phone, but I saw him standing in the kitchen shocked. After a while my daddy walked in the living room, slowly staring at me and my sisters. “I have bad news,” said dad acting nervous. “What…” my sisters replied in a quiet voice. “Your mom has passed away” cried daddy I started crying very loudly. “Why? Why is it my momma? Why did she go to soon?” My daddy came up to me and hugged me very tight like he wasn’t going to let go. He didn’t know what to say except, “It is going to be okay.” I ran to my room and cried myself to sleep hoping it was a dream! Later on in my life, I became older my dad and I had a falling out. We always had fought over nonsense. He picked to be with his girlfriends more than his little daughters. I realized that if I stayed with him it wouldn’t get any better. “I can’t live with you no more dad, you have put me through so much pain,” I cried “Then leave! I don’t care what you do. You are the least of my worries” yelled Daddy.

I packed my bags up and left him. So much stress got off my chest that I was so happy and relieved. I picked to move far away to be with my grandpa, so I could get back on track with school and my future in life. “I am happy to be here!” I said happily. “I am proud of you baby! You have good things coming your way,” replied Grandpa. Ever since then I have been making good decisions and I am ready to see what I have in my future. Nothing will ever stop ​me​ from making ​me​ happy. Always stay positive and never let others bring you down.

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