The Stolen Dirtbike

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The Stolen Dirt Bike English 4 10/16/19 By Kevin Hunt

James is sitting is his room on his bed, looking through his phone until he saw something that caught his eye. James always wanted a dirt bike, but when he saw that bike on his phone, he knew he had to get it. James grew up with not a lot of money, his family didn't have much to give him. He always had to get stuff on his own. James lives in Atlanta Georgia, with his mom and brother. James is the oldest, his little brother Terry will try to be just like his big brother james. One day James walked into his little brother’s room, and James asked if he wanted a dirt bike? “Why?” said Terry in the bed. “ Are you going to get me one? You know I always wanted one, so don’t be playing” “I'm not playing! Im foreal” said James. Then Terry walked out his room mad. So James walked into his room to get dressed to go out to the store. He told his brother to get dressed to go with him. James didn't tell him where they were going so little brother was lost and nervous . They walked into a dirt bike store and Terry got happy and had a big smile on his face. He liked red dirt bikes they are called Hondas. James walked up to the seller and said, “Hey, can I test drive that red bike over there in the corner?” The seller said, “ sure, why not.” So they walked up to the red bike to take it outside. You can look at Jame’s eyes and tell he was up to something.

When they got it outside the seller said, “Just get on it and ride it around the building.” James replied, “ OK”. So James and Terry got on the dirt bike and soon as they got on James took off as fast as a race car. Terry said, “ Where are we going? he said Just to take it around the building and back!” James couldn't say a word because he was too scared.

They got home with the bike and hid it, but they told their mom that its their friend’s. So while the police were looking for them, they were hiding in their house, scared to death. It's been seven days since they have stolen the dirt bike, James didn't want to take the bike out until a month go by. So while they were waiting on that month to go by, he decided to go to the store and buy some black spray paint to paint the bike black. So James and terry got back home to spray the bike, he was just sitting there thinking why they haven't been did that. On a monday morning James woke up and it has been a month. James and Terry are scared to take the bike out of the building, but they took it out anyways. So Terry wanted to be the first to ride it, so he rode it around the blocked on a dirt road and as soon as he turned the corner there was a police car driving on the road next to him, Terry didn't panic he just kept going straight and the police car never turned around. So terry got back to the house and told his brother James everything. So James now

knows that the cops were not looking for them, but when his mom ask why haven't your friend came over to get his bike yet james gonna tell her that he bought the bike with the money he saved over the past five months. It's been a month and a half since they have stolen the bike, the police have not notice them. So James is thinking that the police gave up on trying to find them. So the next morning Terry takes the bike out and drives it to his friends his to get a rope, and on the way back to the house the cops seen him so they decided to follow Terry and not chase him, Terry didn't know that the cops were following him so when Terry got home the cops waited about five minutes before they start to rush and ask questions. Five minutes past, they knocked on the door and James open up with his face red as a raspberry he couldn't say anything he was lost with words. “What's your name” said the policeman “James, what can I help you with” James replied “Can I take a look at the bike yall have?” asked the policeman “well sure“ james said. So the policeman walked around the building to take a look at the bike. He has seen that it has been sprayed blacked but one thing that has not been sprayed and it was the serial number. They noticed that it matched the one from the shop. So they took James to jail and James took the blame for his little brother Terry. They Gave James Five years in jail. Terry was feeling bad every night because James was the only one that got in trouble.

Six years later James is out and got a job, got his house and taking care of his little brother terry. Terry is going to school and making good grades.

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